Author: buildbot
Date: Tue Aug 14 11:17:38 2012
New Revision: 828890

Production update by buildbot for camel


Modified: websites/production/camel/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/camel/content/camel-2110-release.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/camel-2110-release.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/camel-2110-release.html Tue Aug 14 
11:17:38 2012
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 <h3><a shape="rect" name="Camel2.11.0Release-Fixedissues"></a>Fixed issues</h3>
-<ul><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" href="routepolicy.html" 
title="RoutePolicy">RoutePolicy</a> used from Spring XML with 
<tt>routePolicyRef</tt> may not invoke all callbacks on the 
policy.</li><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" href="mina.html" title="MINA">MINA</a> 
consumer to force disconnect upon timeout when doing request/reply, as late 
replies may cause side effects otherwise.</li><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" 
href="simple.html" title="Simple">Simple</a> language with empty quoted 
literals in predicates, so you can compare against empty strings.</li><li>Fixed 
<a shape="rect" href="soap.html" title="SOAP">SOAP</a> data format to set SOAP 
1.1 namespace when marhsalling faults.</li><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" 
href="seda.html" title="SEDA">SEDA</a> producer to send to the right 
BlockingQueue being attached on the <a shape="rect" href="seda.html" 
title="SEDA">SEDA</a> endpoint so that the sent messages don't get 
lost.</li><li>Fixed using <tt>sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle=true</tt> on a batch 
 r such as <a shape="rect" href="file2.html" title="File2">File</a> now working 
with <a shape="rect" href="aggregator2.html" title="Aggregator2">Aggregate</a> 
EIP when using <tt>completionFromBatchConsumer</tt></li><li>Fixed 
<tt>MockEndpoint.expectedBodiesReceivedInAnyOrder</tt> to allow asserting on 
multiple arrival of the same/equal bodies.</li><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" 
href="mybatis.html" title="MyBatis">MyBatis</a> to demarcate the running 
transactions properly while reading/writing from/to database.</li></ul>
+<ul><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" href="routepolicy.html" 
title="RoutePolicy">RoutePolicy</a> used from Spring XML with 
<tt>routePolicyRef</tt> may not invoke all callbacks on the 
policy.</li><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" href="mina.html" title="MINA">MINA</a> 
consumer to force disconnect upon timeout when doing request/reply, as late 
replies may cause side effects otherwise.</li><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" 
href="simple.html" title="Simple">Simple</a> language with empty quoted 
literals in predicates, so you can compare against empty strings.</li><li>Fixed 
<a shape="rect" href="soap.html" title="SOAP">SOAP</a> data format to set SOAP 
1.1 namespace when marhsalling faults.</li><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" 
href="seda.html" title="SEDA">SEDA</a> producer to send to the right 
BlockingQueue being attached on the <a shape="rect" href="seda.html" 
title="SEDA">SEDA</a> endpoint so that the sent messages don't get 
lost.</li><li>Fixed using <tt>sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle=true</tt> on a batch 
 r such as <a shape="rect" href="file2.html" title="File2">File</a> now working 
with <a shape="rect" href="aggregator2.html" title="Aggregator2">Aggregate</a> 
EIP when using <tt>completionFromBatchConsumer</tt></li><li>Fixed 
<tt>MockEndpoint.expectedBodiesReceivedInAnyOrder</tt> to allow asserting on 
multiple arrival of the same/equal bodies.</li><li>Fixed <a shape="rect" 
href="mybatis.html" title="MyBatis">MyBatis</a> to demarcate the running 
transactions properly while reading/writing from/to database.</li><li>Fixed <a 
shape="rect" href="jetty.html" title="Jetty">Jetty</a>, <a shape="rect" 
href="http.html" title="HTTP">HTTP</a>, <a shape="rect" href="http4.html" 
title="HTTP4">HTTP4</a>, and <a shape="rect" href="ahc.html" 
title="AHC">AHC</a> http components not working in bridge mode if content path 
have spaces</li></ul>
 <h3><a shape="rect" 
name="Camel2.11.0Release-NewEnterpriseIntegrationPatterns"></a>New <a 
shape="rect" href="enterprise-integration-patterns.html" title="Enterprise 
Integration Patterns">Enterprise Integration Patterns</a></h3>

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