Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Aug 18 04:24:26 2012
New Revision: 829270

Production update by buildbot for camel


Modified: websites/production/camel/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/camel/content/zookeeper.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/zookeeper.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/zookeeper.html Sat Aug 18 04:24:26 2012
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ template.sendBodyAndHeader(<span class="
 <p>ZooKeeper allows for very simple and effective leader election out of the 
box; This component exploits this election capability in a <a shape="rect" 
href="routepolicy.html" title="RoutePolicy">RoutePolicy</a> to control when and 
how routes are enabled. This policy would typically be used in fail-over 
scenarios, to control identical instances of a route across a cluster of Camel 
based servers. A very common scenario is a simple 'Master-Slave' setup where 
there are multiple instances of a route distributed across a cluster but only 
one of them, that of the master, should be running at a time. If the master 
fails, a new master should be elected from the available slaves and the route 
in this new master should be started.</p>
-<p>The policy uses a common znode path across all instances of the RoutePolicy 
that will be involved in the election. Each policy writes its id into this node 
and zookeeper will order the writes in the order it received them. The policy 
then reads the listing of the node to see what postion of its id; this postion 
is used to determine if the route should be started or not. The policy is 
configured at startup with the number of route instances that should be started 
across the cluster and if its position in the list is less than this value then 
its route will be started. For a Master-slave scenario, the route is configured 
with 1 route instance and only the first entry in the listing will start its 
route. All policies watch for updates to the listing and if the listing changes 
they recalculate if their route should be started. For more info on Zookeeper's 
Leader election capability <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 sc_leaderElection">see</a> </p>
+<p>The policy uses a common znode path across all instances of the RoutePolicy 
that will be involved in the election. Each policy writes its id into this node 
and zookeeper will order the writes in the order it received them. The policy 
then reads the listing of the node to see what postion of its id; this postion 
is used to determine if the route should be started or not. The policy is 
configured at startup with the number of route instances that should be started 
across the cluster and if its position in the list is less than this value then 
its route will be started. For a Master-slave scenario, the route is configured 
with 1 route instance and only the first entry in the listing will start its 
route. All policies watch for updates to the listing and if the listing changes 
they recalculate if their route should be started. For more info on Zookeeper's 
Leader election capability see <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 tml#sc_leaderElection">this page</a>. </p>
 <p>The following example uses the node '/someapplication/somepolicy' for the 
election and is set up to start only the top '1' entries in the node listing 
i.e. elect a master</p>
 <div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 

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