diff --git a/components/camel-netty4/src/main/docs/netty4-component.adoc 
index 8ff2fce..fed269d 100644
--- a/components/camel-netty4/src/main/docs/netty4-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-netty4/src/main/docs/netty4-component.adoc
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Options
 // component options: START
-The Netty4 component supports 69 options which are listed below.
+The Netty4 component supports 3 options which are listed below.
@@ -68,74 +68,8 @@ The Netty4 component supports 69 options which are listed 
 | Name | Java Type | Description
 | maximumPoolSize | int | The thread pool size for the EventExecutorGroup if 
its in use. The default value is 16.
-| configuration | NettyConfiguration | To use the NettyConfiguration as 
configuration when creating endpoints. Properties of the shared configuration 
can also be set individually.
+| configuration | NettyConfiguration | To use the NettyConfiguration as 
configuration when creating endpoints.
 | executorService | EventExecutorGroup | To use the given EventExecutorGroup
-| protocol | String | The protocol to use which can be tcp or udp.
-| host | String | The hostname. For the consumer the hostname is localhost or For the producer the hostname is the remote host to connect to
-| port | int | The host port number
-| broadcast | boolean | Setting to choose Multicast over UDP
-| sendBufferSize | int | The TCP/UDP buffer sizes to be used during outbound 
communication. Size is bytes.
-| receiveBufferSize | int | The TCP/UDP buffer sizes to be used during inbound 
communication. Size is bytes.
-| receiveBufferSizePredictor | int | Configures the buffer size predictor. See 
details at Jetty documentation and this mail thread.
-| workerCount | int | When netty works on nio mode it uses default workerCount 
parameter from Netty which is cpu_core_threads2. User can use this operation to 
override the default workerCount from Netty
-| bossCount | int | When netty works on nio mode it uses default bossCount 
parameter from Netty which is 1. User can use this operation to override the 
default bossCount from Netty
-| keepAlive | boolean | Setting to ensure socket is not closed due to 
-| tcpNoDelay | boolean | Setting to improve TCP protocol performance
-| reuseAddress | boolean | Setting to facilitate socket multiplexing
-| connectTimeout | int | Time to wait for a socket connection to be available. 
Value is in millis.
-| backlog | int | Allows to configure a backlog for netty consumer (server). 
Note the backlog is just a best effort depending on the OS. Setting this option 
to a value such as 200 500 or 1000 tells the TCP stack how long the accept 
queue can be If this option is not configured then the backlog depends on OS 
-| ssl | boolean | Setting to specify whether SSL encryption is applied to this 
-| sslClientCertHeaders | boolean | When enabled and in SSL mode then the Netty 
consumer will enrich the Camel Message with headers having information about 
the client certificate such as subject name issuer name serial number and the 
valid date range.
-| sslHandler | SslHandler | Reference to a class that could be used to return 
an SSL Handler
-| sslContextParameters | SSLContextParameters | To configure security using 
-| needClientAuth | boolean | Configures whether the server needs client 
authentication when using SSL.
-| keyStoreResource | String | Client side certificate keystore to be used for 
encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath but you can prefix with 
classpath: file: or http: to load the resource from different systems.
-| trustStoreResource | String | Server side certificate keystore to be used 
for encryption. Is loaded by default from classpath but you can prefix with 
classpath: file: or http: to load the resource from different systems.
-| keyStoreFormat | String | Keystore format to be used for payload encryption. 
Defaults to JKS if not set
-| securityProvider | String | Security provider to be used for payload 
encryption. Defaults to SunX509 if not set.
-| passphrase | String | Password setting to use in order to encrypt/decrypt 
payloads sent using SSH
-| serverInitializerFactory | ServerInitializerFactory | To use a custom 
-| nettyServerBootstrapFactory | NettyServerBootstrapFactory | To use a custom 
-| requestTimeout | long | Allows to use a timeout for the Netty producer when 
calling a remote server. By default no timeout is in use. The value is in milli 
seconds so eg 30000 is 30 seconds. The requestTimeout is using Netty's 
ReadTimeoutHandler to trigger the timeout.
-| sync | boolean | Setting to set endpoint as one-way or request-response
-| options | Map | Allows to configure additional netty options using option. 
as prefix. For example option.child.keepAlive=false to set the netty option 
child.keepAlive=false. See the Netty documentation for possible options that 
can be used.
-| textline | boolean | Only used for TCP. If no codec is specified you can use 
this flag to indicate a text line based codec; if not specified or the value is 
false then Object Serialization is assumed over TCP.
-| nativeTransport | boolean | Whether to use native transport instead of NIO. 
Native transport takes advantage of the host operating system and is only 
supported on some platforms. You need to add the netty JAR for the host 
operating system you are using. See more details at:
-| decoderMaxLineLength | int | The max line length to use for the textline 
-| bossGroup | EventLoopGroup | Set the BossGroup which could be used for 
handling the new connection of the server side across the NettyEndpoint
-| delimiter | TextLineDelimiter | The delimiter to use for the textline codec. 
Possible values are LINE and NULL.
-| autoAppendDelimiter | boolean | Whether or not to auto append missing end 
delimiter when sending using the textline codec.
-| workerGroup | EventLoopGroup | To use a explicit EventLoopGroup as the boss 
thread pool. For example to share a thread pool with multiple consumers. By 
default each consumer has their own boss pool with 1 core thread.
-| channelGroup | ChannelGroup | To use a explicit ChannelGroup.
-| encoding | String | The encoding (a charset name) to use for the textline 
codec. If not provided Camel will use the JVM default Charset.
-| networkInterface | String | When using UDP then this option can be used to 
specify a network interface by its name such as eth0 to join a multicast group.
-| decoders | List | A list of decoders to be used. You can use a String which 
have values separated by comma and have the values be looked up in the 
Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with so Camel knows it should 
-| enabledProtocols | String | Which protocols to enable when using SSL
-| encoders | List | A list of encoders to be used. You can use a String which 
have values separated by comma and have the values be looked up in the 
Registry. Just remember to prefix the value with so Camel knows it should 
-| reconnect | boolean | Used only in clientMode in consumer the consumer will 
attempt to reconnect on disconnection if this is enabled
-| encoder | ChannelHandler | A custom ChannelHandler class that can be used to 
perform special marshalling of outbound payloads.
-| reconnectInterval | int | Used if reconnect and clientMode is enabled. The 
interval in milli seconds to attempt reconnection
-| decoder | ChannelHandler | A custom ChannelHandler class that can be used to 
perform special marshalling of inbound payloads.
-| disconnect | boolean | Whether or not to disconnect(close) from Netty 
Channel right after use. Can be used for both consumer and producer.
-| lazyChannelCreation | boolean | Channels can be lazily created to avoid 
exceptions if the remote server is not up and running when the Camel producer 
is started.
-| transferExchange | boolean | Only used for TCP. You can transfer the 
exchange over the wire instead of just the body. The following fields are 
transferred: In body Out body fault body In headers Out headers fault headers 
exchange properties exchange exception. This requires that the objects are 
serializable. Camel will exclude any non-serializable objects and log it at 
WARN level.
-| disconnectOnNoReply | boolean | If sync is enabled then this option dictates 
NettyConsumer if it should disconnect where there is no reply to send back.
-| noReplyLogLevel | LoggingLevel | If sync is enabled this option dictates 
NettyConsumer which logging level to use when logging a there is no reply to 
send back.
-| serverExceptionCaughtLogLevel | LoggingLevel | If the server (NettyConsumer) 
catches an exception then its logged using this logging level.
-| serverClosedChannelExceptionCaughtLogLevel | LoggingLevel | If the server 
(NettyConsumer) catches an java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException then its 
logged using this logging level. This is used to avoid logging the closed 
channel exceptions as clients can disconnect abruptly and then cause a flood of 
closed exceptions in the Netty server.
-| allowDefaultCodec | boolean | The netty component installs a default codec 
if both encoder/deocder is null and textline is false. Setting 
allowDefaultCodec to false prevents the netty component from installing a 
default codec as the first element in the filter chain.
-| clientInitializerFactory | ClientInitializerFactory | To use a custom 
-| usingExecutorService | boolean | Whether to use ordered thread pool to 
ensure events are processed orderly on the same channel.
-| producerPoolMaxActive | int | Sets the cap on the number of objects that can 
be allocated by the pool (checked out to clients or idle awaiting checkout) at 
a given time. Use a negative value for no limit.
-| producerPoolMinIdle | int | Sets the minimum number of instances allowed in 
the producer pool before the evictor thread (if active) spawns new objects.
-| producerPoolMaxIdle | int | Sets the cap on the number of idle instances in 
the pool.
-| producerPoolMinEvictableIdle | long | Sets the minimum amount of time (value 
in millis) an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for 
eviction by the idle object evictor.
-| producerPoolEnabled | boolean | Whether producer pool is enabled or not. 
Important: Do not turn this off as the pooling is needed for handling 
concurrency and reliable request/reply.
-| udpConnectionlessSending | boolean | This option supports connection less 
udp sending which is a real fire and forget. A connected udp send receive the 
PortUnreachableException if no one is listen on the receiving port.
-| clientMode | boolean | If the clientMode is true netty consumer will connect 
the address as a TCP client.
-| useByteBuf | boolean | If the useByteBuf is true netty producer will turn 
the message body into ByteBuf before sending it out.
-| udpByteArrayCodec | boolean | For UDP only. If enabled the using byte array 
codec instead of Java serialization protocol.
-| reuseChannel | boolean | This option allows producers to reuse the same 
Netty Channel for the lifecycle of processing the Exchange. This is useable if 
you need to call a server multiple times in a Camel route and want to use the 
same network connection. When using this the channel is not returned to the 
connection pool until the Exchange is done; or disconnected if the disconnect 
option is set to true. The reused Channel is stored on the Exchange as an 
exchange property with the key link NettyConstantsNETTY_CHANNEL which allows 
you to obtain the channel during routing and use it as well.
 {% endraw %}
 // component options: END
diff --git 
index 601be3f..2bb0839 100644
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Olingo2 Options
 // component options: START
-The Olingo2 component supports 11 options which are listed below.
+The Olingo2 component supports 1 options which are listed below.
@@ -57,17 +57,7 @@ The Olingo2 component supports 11 options which are listed 
 | Name | Java Type | Description
-| configuration | Olingo2Configuration | To use the shared configuration. 
Properties of the shared configuration can also be set individually.
-| apiName | Olingo2ApiName | What kind of operation to perform
-| methodName | String | What sub operation to use for the selected operation
-| serviceUri | String | Target OData service base URI e.g.
-| contentType | String | Content-Type header value can be used to specify JSON 
or XML message format defaults to application/json;charset=utf-8
-| httpHeaders | Map | Custom HTTP headers to inject into every request this 
could include OAuth tokens etc.
-| connectTimeout | int | HTTP connection creation timeout in milliseconds 
defaults to 30000 (30 seconds)
-| socketTimeout | int | HTTP request timeout in milliseconds defaults to 30000 
(30 seconds)
-| proxy | HttpHost | HTTP proxy server configuration
-| sslContextParameters | SSLContextParameters | To configure security using 
-| httpAsyncClientBuilder | HttpAsyncClientBuilder | Custom HTTP async client 
builder for more complex HTTP client configuration overrides connectionTimeout 
socketTimeout proxy and sslContext. Note that a socketTimeout MUST be specified 
in the builder otherwise OData requests could block indefinitely
+| configuration | Olingo2Configuration | To use the shared configuration
 {% endraw %}
 // component options: END
diff --git 
index d7412a5..01e8f3e 100644
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Options
 // component options: START
-The Salesforce component supports 57 options which are listed below.
+The Salesforce component supports 16 options which are listed below.
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ The Salesforce component supports 57 options which are 
listed below.
 | Name | Java Type | Description
-| loginConfig | SalesforceLoginConfig | To use the shared 
SalesforceLoginConfig as login configuration. Properties of the shared 
configuration can also be set individually.
-| config | SalesforceEndpointConfig | To use the shared 
SalesforceEndpointConfig as configuration. Properties of the shared 
configuration can also be set individually.
+| loginConfig | SalesforceLoginConfig | To use the shared 
SalesforceLoginConfig as login configuration
+| config | SalesforceEndpointConfig | To use the shared SalesforceLoginConfig 
as configuration
 | httpClientProperties | Map | Used for configuring HTTP client properties as 
key/value pairs
 | sslContextParameters | SSLContextParameters | To configure security using 
 | httpProxyHost | String | To configure HTTP proxy host
@@ -229,47 +229,6 @@ The Salesforce component supports 57 options which are 
listed below.
 | httpProxyRealm | String | HTTP proxy authentication realm
 | httpProxyUseDigestAuth | boolean | Use HTTP proxy Digest authentication 
false by default
 | packages | String[] | Package names to scan for DTO classes (multiple 
packages can be separated by comma).
-| loginUrl | String | Salesforce login URL defaults to
-| clientId | String | Salesforce connected application Consumer Key
-| clientSecret | String | Salesforce connected application Consumer Secret
-| userName | String | Salesforce account user name
-| password | String | Salesforce account password
-| lazyLogin | boolean | Flag to enable/disable lazy OAuth default is false. 
When enabled OAuth token retrieval or generation is not done until the first 
API call
-| format | PayloadFormat | Payload format to use for Salesforce API calls 
either JSON or XML defaults to JSON
-| apiVersion | String | Salesforce API version defaults to 
-| sObjectName | String | SObject name if required or supported by API
-| sObjectId | String | SObject ID if required by API
-| sObjectFields | String | SObject fields to retrieve
-| sObjectIdName | String | SObject external ID field name
-| sObjectIdValue | String | SObject external ID field value
-| sObjectBlobFieldName | String | SObject blob field name
-| sObjectClass | String | Fully qualified SObject class name usually generated 
using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin
-| sObjectQuery | String | Salesforce SOQL query string
-| sObjectSearch | String | Salesforce SOSL search string
-| apexMethod | String | APEX method name
-| apexUrl | String | APEX method URL
-| apexQueryParams | Map | Query params for APEX method
-| contentType | ContentType | Bulk API content type one of XML CSV ZIP_XML 
-| jobId | String | Bulk API Job ID
-| batchId | String | Bulk API Batch ID
-| resultId | String | Bulk API Result ID
-| updateTopic | boolean | Whether to update an existing Push Topic when using 
the Streaming API defaults to false
-| notifyForFields | NotifyForFieldsEnum | Notify for fields options are ALL 
-| notifyForOperations | NotifyForOperationsEnum | Notify for operations 
options are ALL CREATE EXTENDED UPDATE (API version 29.0)
-| notifyForOperationCreate | Boolean | Notify for create operation defaults to 
false (API version = 29.0)
-| notifyForOperationUpdate | Boolean | Notify for update operation defaults to 
false (API version = 29.0)
-| notifyForOperationDelete | Boolean | Notify for delete operation defaults to 
false (API version = 29.0)
-| notifyForOperationUndelete | Boolean | Notify for un-delete operation 
defaults to false (API version = 29.0)
-| reportId | String | Salesforce1 Analytics report Id
-| includeDetails | Boolean | Include details in Salesforce1 Analytics report 
defaults to false.
-| reportMetadata | ReportMetadata | Salesforce1 Analytics report metadata for 
-| instanceId | String | Salesforce1 Analytics report execution instance ID
-| httpClient | SalesforceHttpClient | Custom Jetty Http Client to use to 
connect to Salesforce.
-| objectMapper | ObjectMapper | Custom Jackson ObjectMapper to use when 
serializing/deserializing Salesforce objects.
-| defaultReplayId | Integer | Default replayId setting if no value is found in 
link initialReplayIdMap
-| initialReplayIdMap | Map | Replay IDs to start from per channel name.
-| backoffIncrement | long | Backoff interval increment for Streaming 
connection restart attempts for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect.
-| maxBackoff | long | Maximum backoff interval for Streaming connection 
restart attempts for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect.
 {% endraw %}
 // component options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-smpp/src/main/docs/smpp-component.adoc 
index 5f0ca71..8dbe995 100644
--- a/components/camel-smpp/src/main/docs/smpp-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-smpp/src/main/docs/smpp-component.adoc
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ URI Options
 // component options: START
-The SMPP component supports 36 options which are listed below.
+The SMPP component supports 1 options which are listed below.
@@ -187,42 +187,7 @@ The SMPP component supports 36 options which are listed 
 | Name | Java Type | Description
-| configuration | SmppConfiguration | To use the shared SmppConfiguration as 
configuration. Properties of the shared configuration can also be set 
-| host | String | Hostname for the SMSC server to use.
-| port | Integer | Port number for the SMSC server to use.
-| systemId | String | The system id (username) for connecting to SMSC server.
-| dataCoding | byte | Defines the data coding according the SMPP 3.4 
specification section 5.2.19. Example data encodings are: 0: SMSC Default 
Alphabet 3: Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1) 4: Octet unspecified (8-bit binary) 8: UCS2 
(ISO/IEC-10646) 13: Extended Kanji JIS(X 0212-1990)
-| alphabet | byte | Defines encoding of data according the SMPP 3.4 
specification section 5.2.19. 0: SMSC Default Alphabet 4: 8 bit Alphabet 8: 
UCS2 Alphabet
-| encoding | String | Defines the encoding scheme of the short message user 
data. Only for SubmitSm ReplaceSm and SubmitMulti.
-| password | String | The password for connecting to SMSC server.
-| enquireLinkTimer | Integer | Defines the interval in milliseconds between 
the confidence checks. The confidence check is used to test the communication 
path between an ESME and an SMSC.
-| transactionTimer | Integer | Defines the maximum period of inactivity 
allowed after a transaction after which an SMPP entity may assume that the 
session is no longer active. This timer may be active on either communicating 
SMPP entity (i.e. SMSC or ESME).
-| systemType | String | This parameter is used to categorize the type of ESME 
(External Short Message Entity) that is binding to the SMSC (max. 13 
-| registeredDelivery | byte | Is used to request an SMSC delivery receipt 
and/or SME originated acknowledgements. The following values are defined: 0: No 
SMSC delivery receipt requested. 1: SMSC delivery receipt requested where final 
delivery outcome is success or failure. 2: SMSC delivery receipt requested 
where the final delivery outcome is delivery failure.
-| serviceType | String | The service type parameter can be used to indicate 
the SMS Application service associated with the message. The following generic 
service_types are defined: CMT: Cellular Messaging CPT: Cellular Paging VMN: 
Voice Mail Notification VMA: Voice Mail Alerting WAP: Wireless Application 
Protocol USSD: Unstructured Supplementary Services Data
-| sourceAddrTon | byte | Defines the type of number (TON) to be used in the 
SME originator address parameters. The following TON values are defined: 0: 
Unknown 1: International 2: National 3: Network Specific 4: Subscriber Number 
5: Alphanumeric 6: Abbreviated
-| destAddrTon | byte | Defines the type of number (TON) to be used in the SME 
destination address parameters. Only for SubmitSm SubmitMulti CancelSm and 
DataSm. The following TON values are defined: 0: Unknown 1: International 2: 
National 3: Network Specific 4: Subscriber Number 5: Alphanumeric 6: Abbreviated
-| sourceAddrNpi | byte | Defines the numeric plan indicator (NPI) to be used 
in the SME originator address parameters. The following NPI values are defined: 
0: Unknown 1: ISDN (E163/E164) 2: Data (X.121) 3: Telex (F.69) 6: Land Mobile 
(E.212) 8: National 9: Private 10: ERMES 13: Internet (IP) 18: WAP Client Id 
(to be defined by WAP Forum)
-| destAddrNpi | byte | Defines the type of number (TON) to be used in the SME 
destination address parameters. Only for SubmitSm SubmitMulti CancelSm and 
DataSm. The following NPI values are defined: 0: Unknown 1: ISDN (E163/E164) 2: 
Data (X.121) 3: Telex (F.69) 6: Land Mobile (E.212) 8: National 9: Private 10: 
ERMES 13: Internet (IP) 18: WAP Client Id (to be defined by WAP Forum)
-| protocolId | byte | The protocol id
-| priorityFlag | byte | Allows the originating SME to assign a priority level 
to the short message. Only for SubmitSm and SubmitMulti. Four Priority Levels 
are supported: 0: Level 0 (lowest) priority 1: Level 1 priority 2: Level 2 
priority 3: Level 3 (highest) priority
-| replaceIfPresentFlag | byte | Used to request the SMSC to replace a 
previously submitted message that is still pending delivery. The SMSC will 
replace an existing message provided that the source address destination 
address and service type match the same fields in the new message. The 
following replace if present flag values are defined: 0: Don't replace 1: 
-| sourceAddr | String | Defines the address of SME (Short Message Entity) 
which originated this message.
-| destAddr | String | Defines the destination SME address. For mobile 
terminated messages this is the directory number of the recipient MS. Only for 
SubmitSm SubmitMulti CancelSm and DataSm.
-| typeOfNumber | byte | Defines the type of number (TON) to be used in the 
SME. The following TON values are defined: 0: Unknown 1: International 2: 
National 3: Network Specific 4: Subscriber Number 5: Alphanumeric 6: Abbreviated
-| numberingPlanIndicator | byte | Defines the numeric plan indicator (NPI) to 
be used in the SME. The following NPI values are defined: 0: Unknown 1: ISDN 
(E163/E164) 2: Data (X.121) 3: Telex (F.69) 6: Land Mobile (E.212) 8: National 
9: Private 10: ERMES 13: Internet (IP) 18: WAP Client Id (to be defined by WAP 
-| usingSSL | boolean | Whether using SSL with the smpps protocol
-| initialReconnectDelay | long | Defines the initial delay in milliseconds 
after the consumer/producer tries to reconnect to the SMSC after the connection 
was lost.
-| reconnectDelay | long | Defines the interval in milliseconds between the 
reconnect attempts if the connection to the SMSC was lost and the previous was 
not succeed.
-| lazySessionCreation | boolean | Sessions can be lazily created to avoid 
exceptions if the SMSC is not available when the Camel producer is started. 
Camel will check the in message headers 'CamelSmppSystemId' and 
'CamelSmppPassword' of the first exchange. If they are present Camel will use 
these data to connect to the SMSC.
-| httpProxyHost | String | If you need to tunnel SMPP through a HTTP proxy set 
this attribute to the hostname or ip address of your HTTP proxy.
-| httpProxyPort | Integer | If you need to tunnel SMPP through a HTTP proxy 
set this attribute to the port of your HTTP proxy.
-| httpProxyUsername | String | If your HTTP proxy requires basic 
authentication set this attribute to the username required for your HTTP proxy.
-| httpProxyPassword | String | If your HTTP proxy requires basic 
authentication set this attribute to the password required for your HTTP proxy.
-| sessionStateListener | SessionStateListener | You can refer to a 
org.jsmpp.session.SessionStateListener in the Registry to receive callbacks 
when the session state changed.
-| addressRange | String | You can specify the address range for the 
SmppConsumer as defined in section 5.2.7 of the SMPP 3.4 specification. The 
SmppConsumer will receive messages only from SMSC's which target an address 
(MSISDN or IP address) within this range.
-| splittingPolicy | SmppSplittingPolicy | You can specify a policy for 
handling long messages: ALLOW - the default long messages are split to 140 
bytes per message TRUNCATE - long messages are split and only the first 
fragment will be sent to the SMSC. Some carriers drop subsequent fragments so 
this reduces load on the SMPP connection sending parts of a message that will 
never be delivered. REJECT - if a message would need to be split it is rejected 
with an SMPP NegativeResponseException and the reason code signifying the 
message is too long.
-| proxyHeaders | Map | These headers will be passed to the proxy server while 
establishing the connection.
+| configuration | SmppConfiguration | To use the shared SmppConfiguration as 
 {% endraw %}
 // component options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-solr/src/main/docs/solr-component.adoc 
index 0be1bb4..c2a6916 100644
--- a/components/camel-solr/src/main/docs/solr-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-solr/src/main/docs/solr-component.adoc
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ The Solr component has no options.
 // endpoint options: START
-The Solr component supports 14 endpoint options which are listed below:
+The Solr component supports 15 endpoint options which are listed below:
 {% raw %}
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ The Solr component supports 14 endpoint options which are 
listed below:
 | soTimeout | producer |  | Integer | Read timeout on the underlying 
HttpConnectionManager. This is desirable for queries but probably not for 
 | streamingQueueSize | producer | 10 | int | Set the queue size for the 
 | streamingThreadCount | producer | 2 | int | Set the number of threads for 
the StreamingUpdateSolrServer
+| exchangePattern | advanced | InOnly | ExchangePattern | Sets the default 
exchange pattern when creating an exchange
 | synchronous | advanced | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous 
processing should be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous 
processing (if supported).
 | collection | solrCloud |  | String | Set the collection name which the 
solrCloud server could use
 | zkHost | solrCloud |  | String | Set the ZooKeeper host information which 
the solrCloud could use such as zkhost=localhost:8123.
diff --git 
index e92cace..f462738 100644
--- a/components/camel-xmlsecurity/src/main/docs/xmlsecurity-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-xmlsecurity/src/main/docs/xmlsecurity-component.adoc
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Component Options
 // component options: START
-The XML Security component supports 43 options which are listed below.
+The XML Security component supports 2 options which are listed below.
@@ -243,49 +243,8 @@ The XML Security component supports 43 options which are 
listed below.
 | Name | Java Type | Description
-| signerConfiguration | XmlSignerConfiguration | To use a shared 
XmlSignerConfiguration configuration to use as base for configuring endpoints. 
Properties of the shared configuration can also be set individually.
-| verifierConfiguration | XmlVerifierConfiguration | To use a shared 
XmlVerifierConfiguration configuration to use as base for configuring 
endpoints. Properties of the shared configuration can also be set individually.
-| signerUriDereferencer | URIDereferencer | If you want to restrict the remote 
access via reference URIs you can setSigner an own dereferencer. Optional 
parameter. If not setSigner the provider default dereferencer is used which can 
resolve URI fragments HTTP file and XPpointer URIs. Attention: The 
implementation is provider dependent!
-| signerBaseUri | String | You can setSigner a base URI which is used in the 
URI dereferencing. Relative URIs are then concatenated with the base URI.
-| signerDisallowDoctypeDecl | Boolean | Disallows that the incoming XML 
document contains DTD DOCTYPE declaration. The default value is link 
-| signerKeyAccessor | KeyAccessor | For the signing process a private key is 
necessary. You specify a key accessor bean which provides this private key. The 
key accessor bean must implement the KeyAccessor interface. The package 
org.apache.camel.component.xmlsecurity.api contains the default implementation 
class DefaultKeyAccessor which reads the private key from a Java keystore.
-| signerOmitXmlDeclaration | Boolean | Indicator whether the XML declaration 
in the outgoing message body should be omitted. Default value is false. Can be 
overwritten by the header link XmlSignatureConstantsHEADER_OMIT_XML_DECLARATION.
-| signerClearHeaders | Boolean | Determines if the XML signature specific 
headers be cleared after signing and verification. Defaults to true.
-| signerCanonicalizationMethod | AlgorithmMethod | Canonicalization method 
used to canonicalize the SignedInfo element before the digest is calculated. 
You can use the helper methods 
XmlSignatureHelper.getCanonicalizationMethod(String algorithm) or 
getSignerCanonicalizationMethod(String algorithm List 
inclusiveNamespacePrefixes) to create a canonicalization method.
-| signerSchemaResourceUri | String | Classpath to the XML Schema. Must be 
specified in the detached XML Signature case for determining the ID attributes 
might be setSigner in the enveloped and enveloping case. If setSigner then the 
XML document is validated with the specified XML schema. The schema resource 
URI can be overwritten by the header link 
-| signerOutputXmlEncoding | String | The character encoding of the resulting 
signed XML document. If null then the encoding of the original XML document is 
-| signerTransformMethods | List | Transforms which are executed on the message 
body before the digest is calculated. By default C14n is added and in the case 
of enveloped signature (see option parentLocalName) also is added at position 0 of 
the list. Use methods in XmlSignatureHelper to create the transform methods.
-| signerSignatureAlgorithm | String | Signature algorithm. Default value is
-| signerDigestAlgorithm | String | Digest algorithm URI. Optional parameter. 
This digest algorithm is used for calculating the digest of the input message. 
If this digest algorithm is not specified then the digest algorithm is 
calculated from the signature algorithm. Example:
-| signerAddKeyInfoReference | Boolean | In order to protect the KeyInfo 
element from tampering you can add a reference to the signed info element so 
that it is protected via the signature value. The default value is true. Only 
relevant when a KeyInfo is returned by KeyAccessor. and link KeyInfogetId() is 
not null.
-| signerPrefixForXmlSignatureNamespace | String | Namespace prefix for the XML 
signature namespace Default value is ds. If 
null or an empty value is setSigner then no prefix is used for the XML 
signature namespace. See best practice without-namespaces
-| signerParentLocalName | String | Local name of the parent element to which 
the XML signature element will be added. Only relevant for enveloped XML 
signature. Alternatively you can also use link 
setParentXpath(XPathFilterParameterSpec). Default value is null. The value must 
be null for enveloping and detached XML signature. This parameter or the 
parameter link setParentXpath(XPathFilterParameterSpec) for enveloped signature 
and the parameter link setXpathsToIdAttributes(List) for detached signature 
must not be setSigner in the same configuration. If the parameters parentXpath 
and parentLocalName are specified in the same configuration then an exception 
is thrown.
-| signerParentNamespace | String | Namespace of the parent element to which 
the XML signature element will be added.
-| signerContentObjectId | String | setSigners the content object Id attribute 
value. By default a UUID is generated. If you setSigner the null value then a 
new UUID will be generated. Only used in the enveloping case.
-| signerSignatureId | String | setSigners the signature Id. If this parameter 
is not setSigner (null value) then a unique ID is generated for the signature 
ID (default). If this parameter is setSigner to (empty string) then no Id 
attribute is created in the signature element.
-| signerContentReferenceUri | String | Reference URI for the content to be 
signed. Only used in the enveloped case. If the reference URI contains an ID 
attribute value then the resource schema URI ( link 
setSchemaResourceUri(String)) must also be setSigner because the schema 
validator will then find out which attributes are ID attributes. Will be 
ignored in the enveloping or detached case.
-| signerContentReferenceType | String | Type of the content reference. The 
default value is null. This value can be overwritten by the header link 
-| signerPlainText | Boolean | Indicator whether the message body contains 
plain text. The default value is false indicating that the message body 
contains XML. The value can be overwritten by the header link 
-| signerPlainTextEncoding | String | Encoding of the plain text. Only relevant 
if the message body is plain text (see parameter link plainText. Default value 
is UTF-8.
-| signerProperties | XmlSignatureProperties | For adding additional References 
and Objects to the XML signature which contain additional properties you can 
provide a bean which implements the XmlSignatureProperties interface.
-| signerXpathsToIdAttributes | List | Define the elements which are signed in 
the detached case via XPATH expressions to ID attributes (attributes of type 
ID). For each element found via the XPATH expression a detached signature is 
created whose reference URI contains the corresponding attribute value 
(preceded by ''). The signature becomes the last sibling of the signed element. 
Elements with deeper hierarchy level are signed first. You can also setSigner 
the XPATH list dynamically via the header link 
XmlSignatureConstantsHEADER_XPATHS_TO_ID_ATTRIBUTES. The parameter link 
setParentLocalName(String) or link setParentXpath(XPathFilterParameterSpec) for 
enveloped signature and this parameter for detached signature must not be 
setSigner in the same configuration.
-| signerParentXpath | XPathFilterParameterSpec | setSigners the XPath to find 
the parent node in the enveloped case. Either you specify the parent node via 
this method or the local name and namespace of the parent with the methods link 
setParentLocalName(String) and link setParentNamespace(String). Default value 
is null. The value must be null for enveloping and detached XML signature. If 
the parameters parentXpath and parentLocalName are specified in the same 
configuration then an exception is thrown.
-| verifierUriDereferencer | URIDereferencer | If you want to restrict the 
remote access via reference URIs you can setVerifier an own dereferencer. 
Optional parameter. If not setVerifier the provider default dereferencer is 
used which can resolve URI fragments HTTP file and XPpointer URIs. Attention: 
The implementation is provider dependent!
-| verifierBaseUri | String | You can setVerifier a base URI which is used in 
the URI dereferencing. Relative URIs are then concatenated with the base URI.
-| verifierKeySelector | KeySelector | Provides the key for validating the XML 
-| verifierXmlSignatureChecker | XmlSignatureChecker | This interface allows 
the application to check the XML signature before the validation is executed. 
This step is recommended in
-| verifierDisallowDoctypeDecl | Boolean | Disallows that the incoming XML 
document contains DTD DOCTYPE declaration. The default value is link 
-| verifierOmitXmlDeclaration | Boolean | Indicator whether the XML declaration 
in the outgoing message body should be omitted. Default value is false. Can be 
overwritten by the header link XmlSignatureConstantsHEADER_OMIT_XML_DECLARATION.
-| verifierClearHeaders | Boolean | Determines if the XML signature specific 
headers be cleared after signing and verification. Defaults to true.
-| verifierSchemaResourceUri | String | Classpath to the XML Schema. Must be 
specified in the detached XML Signature case for determining the ID attributes 
might be setVerifier in the enveloped and enveloping case. If setVerifier then 
the XML document is validated with the specified XML schema. The schema 
resource URI can be overwritten by the header link 
-| verifierOutputXmlEncoding | String | The character encoding of the resulting 
signed XML document. If null then the encoding of the original XML document is 
-| verifierXmlSignature2Message | XmlSignature2Message | Bean which maps the 
XML signature to the output-message after the validation. How this mapping 
should be done can be configured by the options outputNodeSearchType 
outputNodeSearch and removeSignatureElements. The default implementation offers 
three possibilities which are related to the three output node search types 
Default ElementName and XPath. The default implementation determines a node 
which is then serialized and setVerifier to the body of the output message If 
the search type is ElementName then the output node (which must be in this case 
an element) is determined by the local name and namespace defined in the search 
value (see option outputNodeSearch). If the search type is XPath then the 
output node is determined by the XPath specified in the search value (in this 
case the output node can be of type Element TextNode or Document). If the 
output node search type is Default then the following rules apply: In the 
 ed XML signature case (there is a reference with URI= and transform the incoming XML document 
without the Signature element is setVerifier to the output message body. In the 
non-enveloped XML signature case the message body is determined from a 
referenced Object; this is explained in more detail in chapter Output Node 
Determination in Enveloping XML Signature Case.
-| verifierValidationFailedHandler | ValidationFailedHandler | Handles the 
different validation failed situations. The default implementation throws 
specific exceptions for the different situations (All exceptions have the 
package name org.apache.camel.component.xmlsecurity.api and are a sub-class of 
XmlSignatureInvalidException. If the signature value validation fails a 
XmlSignatureInvalidValueException is thrown. If a reference validation fails a 
XmlSignatureInvalidContentHashException is thrown. For more detailed 
information see the JavaDoc.
-| verifierOutputNodeSearch | Object | setVerifiers the output node search 
value for determining the node from the XML signature document which shall be 
setVerifier to the output message body. The class of the value depends on the 
type of the output node search. The output node search is forwarded to 
-| verifierOutputNodeSearchType | String | Determines the search type for 
determining the output node which is serialized into the output message bodyF. 
See link setOutputNodeSearch(Object). The supported default search types you 
can find in DefaultXmlSignature2Message.
-| verifierRemoveSignatureElements | Boolean | Indicator whether the XML 
signature elements (elements with local name Signature and namesapce shall be removed from the document 
setVerifier to the output message. Normally this is only necessary if the XML 
signature is enveloped. The default value is link BooleanFALSE. This parameter 
is forwarded to XmlSignature2Message. This indicator has no effect if the 
output node search is of type link 
-| verifierSecureValidation | Boolean | Enables secure validation. If true then 
secure validation is enabled.
-| verifierValidationFailedHandlerName | String | Name of handler to
+| signerConfiguration | XmlSignerConfiguration | To use a shared 
XmlSignerConfiguration configuration to use as base for configuring endpoints.
+| verifierConfiguration | XmlVerifierConfiguration | To use a shared 
XmlVerifierConfiguration configuration to use as base for configuring endpoints.
 {% endraw %}
 // component options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-zookeeper/src/main/docs/zookeeper-component.adoc 
index 540f17b..f0ac2b0 100644
--- a/components/camel-zookeeper/src/main/docs/zookeeper-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-zookeeper/src/main/docs/zookeeper-component.adoc
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Options
 // component options: START
-The ZooKeeper component supports 10 options which are listed below.
+The ZooKeeper component supports 1 options which are listed below.
@@ -63,16 +63,7 @@ The ZooKeeper component supports 10 options which are listed 
 | Name | Java Type | Description
-| configuration | ZooKeeperConfiguration | To use a shared 
ZooKeeperConfiguration. Properties of the shared configuration can also be set 
-| servers | List | The zookeeper server hosts
-| timeout | int | The time interval to wait on connection before timing out.
-| listChildren | boolean | Whether the children of the node should be listed
-| path | String | The node in the ZooKeeper server (aka znode)
-| repeat | boolean | Should changes to the znode be 'watched' and repeatedly 
-| backoff | long | The time interval to backoff for after an error before 
-| create | boolean | Should the endpoint create the node if it does not 
currently exist.
-| createMode | String | The create mode that should be used for the newly 
created node
-| sendEmptyMessageOnDelete | boolean | Upon the delete of a znode should an 
empty message be send to the consumer
+| configuration | ZooKeeperConfiguration | To use a shared 
 {% endraw %}
 // component options: END

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