Repository: camel
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 8e42a7bd3 -> cc4ccd4d6

Polished the docs a bit


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: cc4ccd4d6d1648b073d96d4da66111906f0ff1b4
Parents: 8e42a7b
Author: Claus Ibsen <>
Authored: Thu Apr 13 16:25:53 2017 +0200
Committer: Claus Ibsen <>
Committed: Thu Apr 13 16:25:53 2017 +0200

 .../src/main/docs/eips/aggregate-eip.adoc       |  2 +-
 camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/choice-eip.adoc   | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++
 camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/     | 79 -----------------
 .../apache/camel/model/ | 16 +++-
 4 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diff --git a/camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/aggregate-eip.adoc 
index 9d87dde..19c5d9d 100644
--- a/camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/aggregate-eip.adoc
+++ b/camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/aggregate-eip.adoc
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ The Aggregate EIP supports 25 options which are listed below:
 | Name | Java Type | Description
 | correlationExpression | NamespaceAwareExpression | *Required* The expression 
used to calculate the correlation key to use for aggregation. The Exchange 
which has the same correlation key is aggregated together. If the correlation 
key could not be evaluated an Exception is thrown. You can disable this by 
using the ignoreBadCorrelationKeys option.
-| completionPredicate | NamespaceAwareExpression | Sets the predicate used to 
determine if the aggregation is completed with a fluent builder
+| completionPredicate | NamespaceAwareExpression | A Predicate to indicate 
when an aggregated exchange is complete. If this is not specified and the 
AggregationStrategy object implements Predicate the aggregationStrategy object 
will be used as the completionPredicate.
 | completionTimeout | NamespaceAwareExpression | Time in millis that an 
aggregated exchange should be inactive before its complete (timeout). This 
option can be set as either a fixed value or using an Expression which allows 
you to evaluate a timeout dynamically - will use Long as result. If both are 
set Camel will fallback to use the fixed value if the Expression result was 
null or 0. You cannot use this option together with completionInterval only one 
of the two can be used.
 | completionSize | NamespaceAwareExpression | Number of messages aggregated 
before the aggregation is complete. This option can be set as either a fixed 
value or using an Expression which allows you to evaluate a size dynamically - 
will use Integer as result. If both are set Camel will fallback to use the 
fixed value if the Expression result was null or 0.
 | optimisticLockRetryPolicy | OptimisticLockRetryPolicyDefinition | Allows to 
configure retry settings when using optimistic locking.
diff --git a/camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/choice-eip.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7df33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/choice-eip.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+## Choice EIP
+Based Router] from the link:enterprise-integration-patterns.html[EIP
+patterns] allows you to route messages to the correct destination based
+on the contents of the message exchanges.
+### Choice options
+// eip options: START
+The Choice EIP supports 2 options which are listed below:
+| Name | Java Type | Description
+| whenClauses | List | Sets the when clauses
+| otherwise | OtherwiseDefinition | Sets the otherwise node
+// eip options: END
+### Examples
+The following example shows how to route a request from an input
+*seda:a* endpoint to either *seda:b*, *seda:c* or *seda:d* depending on
+the evaluation of various link:predicate.html[Predicate] expressions
+*Using the link:fluent-builders.html[Fluent Builders]*
+RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
+    public void configure() {
+        errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("mock:error"));
+        from("direct:a")
+            .choice()
+                .when(header("foo").isEqualTo("bar"))
+                    .to("direct:b")
+                .when(header("foo").isEqualTo("cheese"))
+                    .to("direct:c")
+                .otherwise()
+                    .to("direct:d");
+    }
+TIP: See 
+can I not use when or otherwise in a Java Camel route] if you have
+problems with the Java DSL, accepting using `when` or `otherwise`.
+*Using the link:spring-xml-extensions.html[Spring XML Extensions]*
+<camelContext errorHandlerRef="errorHandler" 
+    <route>
+        <from uri="direct:a"/>
+        <choice>
+            <when>
+                <xpath>$foo = 'bar'</xpath>
+                <to uri="direct:b"/>
+            </when>
+            <when>
+                <xpath>$foo = 'cheese'</xpath>
+                <to uri="direct:c"/>
+            </when>
+            <otherwise>
+                <to uri="direct:d"/>
+            </otherwise>
+        </choice>
+    </route>
+For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at the
+test case]
+#### Using This Pattern
+If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the
+link:getting-started.html[Getting Started], you may also find the
+link:architecture.html[Architecture] useful particularly the description
+of link:endpoint.html[Endpoint] and link:uris.html[URIs]. Then you could
+try out some of the link:examples.html[Examples] first before trying
+this pattern out.
diff --git a/camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 809b332..0000000
--- a/camel-core/src/main/docs/eips/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-Content Based Router
-Based Router] from the link:enterprise-integration-patterns.html[EIP
-patterns] allows you to route messages to the correct destination based
-on the contents of the message exchanges.
-The following example shows how to route a request from an input
-*seda:a* endpoint to either *seda:b*, *seda:c* or *seda:d* depending on
-the evaluation of various link:predicate.html[Predicate] expressions
-*Using the link:fluent-builders.html[Fluent Builders]*
-RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
-    public void configure() {
-        errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("mock:error"));
-        from("direct:a")
-            .choice()
-                .when(header("foo").isEqualTo("bar"))
-                    .to("direct:b")
-                .when(header("foo").isEqualTo("cheese"))
-                    .to("direct:c")
-                .otherwise()
-                    .to("direct:d");
-    }
-TIP: See 
-can I not use when or otherwise in a Java Camel route] if you have
-problems with the Java DSL, accepting using `when` or `otherwise`.
-*Using the link:spring-xml-extensions.html[Spring XML Extensions]*
-<camelContext errorHandlerRef="errorHandler" 
-    <route>
-        <from uri="direct:a"/>
-        <choice>
-            <when>
-                <xpath>$foo = 'bar'</xpath>
-                <to uri="direct:b"/>
-            </when>
-            <when>
-                <xpath>$foo = 'cheese'</xpath>
-                <to uri="direct:c"/>
-            </when>
-            <otherwise>
-                <to uri="direct:d"/>
-            </otherwise>
-        </choice>
-    </route>
-For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at the
-test case]
-Using This Pattern
-If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the
-link:getting-started.html[Getting Started], you may also find the
-link:architecture.html[Architecture] useful particularly the description
-of link:endpoint.html[Endpoint] and link:uris.html[URIs]. Then you could
-try out some of the link:examples.html[Examples] first before trying
-this pattern out.
diff --git 
index 96517df..1766289 100644
--- a/camel-core/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/model/
+++ b/camel-core/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/model/
@@ -901,7 +901,9 @@ public class AggregateDefinition extends 
-     * Sets the predicate used to determine if the aggregation is completed
+     * A Predicate to indicate when an aggregated exchange is complete.
+     * If this is not specified and the AggregationStrategy object implements 
+     * the aggregationStrategy object will be used as the completionPredicate.
     public AggregateDefinition completionPredicate(@AsPredicate Predicate 
predicate) {
@@ -910,7 +912,9 @@ public class AggregateDefinition extends 
-     * Sets the predicate used to determine if the aggregation is completed 
with a fluent builder
+     * A Predicate to indicate when an aggregated exchange is complete.
+     * If this is not specified and the AggregationStrategy object implements 
+     * the aggregationStrategy object will be used as the completionPredicate.
     public PredicateClause<AggregateDefinition> completionPredicate() {
@@ -920,7 +924,9 @@ public class AggregateDefinition extends 
-     * Sets the predicate used to determine if the aggregation is completed 
with a fluent builder
+     * A Predicate to indicate when an aggregated exchange is complete.
+     * If this is not specified and the AggregationStrategy object implements 
+     * the aggregationStrategy object will be used as the completionPredicate.
     public PredicateClause<AggregateDefinition> completion() {
@@ -928,7 +934,9 @@ public class AggregateDefinition extends 
-     * Sets the predicate used to determine if the aggregation is completed
+     * A Predicate to indicate when an aggregated exchange is complete.
+     * If this is not specified and the AggregationStrategy object implements 
+     * the aggregationStrategy object will be used as the completionPredicate.
     public AggregateDefinition completion(@AsPredicate Predicate predicate) {
         return completionPredicate(predicate);

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