[CARBONDATA-3074] Change default sort temp compressor to snappy

sort temp compressor used to be set as empty, which means that Carbondata will 
not compress the sort temp files. This PR changes the default value to snappy.
Some experiments in local cluster shows that setting the compressor 
‘snappy’ will slightly enhance the loading performance and reduce lots of 
disk IO during data loading.

This closes #2894

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/carbondata/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/carbondata/commit/6c9b3959
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/carbondata/tree/6c9b3959
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/carbondata/diff/6c9b3959

Branch: refs/heads/branch-1.5
Commit: 6c9b39595b769ba4bb4c1a759d32a7c9e4faf3f5
Parents: e0963c1
Author: Manhua <kevin...@qq.com>
Authored: Mon Nov 5 17:28:07 2018 +0800
Committer: ravipesala <ravi.pes...@gmail.com>
Committed: Wed Nov 21 22:39:53 2018 +0530

 .../core/constants/CarbonCommonConstants.java       |  6 +++---
 docs/configuration-parameters.md                    |  3 +--
 docs/performance-tuning.md                          |  2 +-
 .../dataload/TestLoadWithSortTempCompressed.scala   | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git 
index bf4f7e5..9484bb4 100644
@@ -873,10 +873,10 @@ public final class CarbonCommonConstants {
   public static final String CARBON_SORT_TEMP_COMPRESSOR = 
-   * The optional values are 'SNAPPY','GZIP','BZIP2','LZ4','ZSTD'.
-   * By default, empty means that Carbondata will not compress the sort temp 
+   * The optional values are 'SNAPPY','GZIP','BZIP2','LZ4','ZSTD' and empty.
+   * Specially, empty means that Carbondata will not compress the sort temp 
-  public static final String CARBON_SORT_TEMP_COMPRESSOR_DEFAULT = "";
+  public static final String CARBON_SORT_TEMP_COMPRESSOR_DEFAULT = "SNAPPY";
    * Which storage level to persist rdd when sort_scope=global_sort

diff --git a/docs/configuration-parameters.md b/docs/configuration-parameters.md
index 2a3748c..5a4dea6 100644
--- a/docs/configuration-parameters.md
+++ b/docs/configuration-parameters.md
@@ -79,12 +79,11 @@ This section provides the details of all the configurations 
required for the Car
 | enable.inmemory.merge.sort | false | CarbonData sorts and writes data to 
intermediate files to limit the memory usage. These intermediate files needs to 
be sorted again using merge sort before writing to the final carbondata 
file.Performing merge sort in memory would increase the sorting performance at 
the cost of increased memory footprint. This Configuration specifies to do 
in-memory merge sort or to do file based merge sort. |
 | carbon.sort.storage.inmemory.size.inmb | 512 | CarbonData writes every 
***carbon.sort.size*** number of records to intermediate temp files during data 
loading to ensure memory footprint is within limits. When 
***enable.unsafe.sort*** configuration is enabled, instead of using 
***carbon.sort.size*** which is based on rows count, size occupied in memory is 
used to determine when to flush data pages to intermediate temp files. This 
configuration determines the memory to be used for storing data pages in 
memory. **NOTE:** Configuring a higher value ensures more data is maintained in 
memory and hence increases data loading performance due to reduced or no 
IO.Based on the memory availability in the nodes of the cluster, configure the 
values accordingly. |
 | carbon.load.sortmemory.spill.percentage | 0 | During data loading, some data 
pages are kept in memory upto memory configured in 
***carbon.sort.storage.inmemory.size.inmb*** beyond which they are spilled to 
disk as intermediate temporary sort files. This configuration determines after 
what percentage data needs to be spilled to disk. **NOTE:** Without this 
configuration, when the data pages occupy upto configured memory, new data 
pages would be dumped to disk and old pages are still maintained in disk. |
-| carbon.sort.temp.compressor | (none) | CarbonData writes every 
***carbon.sort.size*** number of records to intermediate temp files during data 
loading to ensure memory footprint is within limits. These temporary files can 
be compressed and written in order to save the storage space. This 
configuration specifies the name of compressor to be used to compress the 
intermediate sort temp files during sort procedure in data loading. The valid 
values are 'SNAPPY','GZIP','BZIP2','LZ4','ZSTD' and empty. By default, empty 
means that Carbondata will not compress the sort temp files. **NOTE:** 
Compressor will be useful if you encounter disk bottleneck.Since the data needs 
to be compressed and decompressed,it involves additional CPU cycles,but is 
compensated by the high IO throughput due to less data to be written or read 
from the disks. |
 | carbon.enable.calculate.size | true | **For Load Operation**: Enabling this 
property will let carbondata calculate the size of the carbon data file 
(.carbondata) and the carbon index file (.carbonindex) for each load and update 
the table status file. **For Describe Formatted**: Enabling this property will 
let carbondata calculate the total size of the carbon data files and the carbon 
index files for the each table and display it in describe formatted command. 
**NOTE:** This is useful to determine the overall size of the carbondata table 
and also get an idea of how the table is growing in order to take up other 
backup strategy decisions. |
 | carbon.cutOffTimestamp | (none) | CarbonData has capability to generate the 
Dictionary values for the timestamp columns from the data itself without the 
need to store the computed dictionary values. This configuration sets the start 
date for calculating the timestamp. Java counts the number of milliseconds from 
start of "1970-01-01 00:00:00". This property is used to customize the start of 
position. For example "2000-01-01 00:00:00". **NOTE:** The date must be in the 
form ***carbon.timestamp.format***. CarbonData supports storing data for upto 
68 years.For example, if the cut-off time is 1970-01-01 05:30:00, then data 
upto 2038-01-01 05:30:00 will be supported by CarbonData. |
 | carbon.timegranularity | SECOND | The configuration is used to specify the 
data granularity level such as DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND. This helps to 
store more than 68 years of data into CarbonData. |
 | carbon.use.local.dir | true | CarbonData,during data loading, writes files 
to local temp directories before copying the files to HDFS. This configuration 
is used to specify whether CarbonData can write locally to tmp directory of the 
container or to the YARN application directory. |
-| carbon.sort.temp.compressor | (none) | CarbonData writes every 
***carbon.sort.size*** number of records to intermediate temp files during data 
loading to ensure memory footprint is within limits. These temporary files can 
be compressed and written in order to save the storage space. This 
configuration specifies the name of compressor to be used to compress the 
intermediate sort temp files during sort procedure in data loading. The valid 
values are 'SNAPPY','GZIP','BZIP2','LZ4','ZSTD' and empty. By default, empty 
means that Carbondata will not compress the sort temp files. **NOTE:** 
Compressor will be useful if you encounter disk bottleneck.Since the data needs 
to be compressed and decompressed,it involves additional CPU cycles,but is 
compensated by the high IO throughput due to less data to be written or read 
from the disks. |
+| carbon.sort.temp.compressor | SNAPPY | CarbonData writes every 
***carbon.sort.size*** number of records to intermediate temp files during data 
loading to ensure memory footprint is within limits. These temporary files can 
be compressed and written in order to save the storage space. This 
configuration specifies the name of compressor to be used to compress the 
intermediate sort temp files during sort procedure in data loading. The valid 
values are 'SNAPPY','GZIP','BZIP2','LZ4','ZSTD' and empty. Specially, empty 
means that Carbondata will not compress the sort temp files. **NOTE:** 
Compressor will be useful if you encounter disk bottleneck.Since the data needs 
to be compressed and decompressed,it involves additional CPU cycles,but is 
compensated by the high IO throughput due to less data to be written or read 
from the disks. |
 | carbon.load.skewedDataOptimization.enabled | false | During data 
loading,CarbonData would divide the number of blocks equally so as to ensure 
all executors process same number of blocks. This mechanism satisfies most of 
the scenarios and ensures maximum parallel processing for optimal data loading 
performance.In some business scenarios, there might be scenarios where the size 
of blocks vary significantly and hence some executors would have to do more 
work if they get blocks containing more data. This configuration enables size 
based block allocation strategy for data loading. When loading, carbondata will 
use file size based block allocation strategy for task distribution. It will 
make sure that all the executors process the same size of data.**NOTE:** This 
configuration is useful if the size of your input data files varies widely, say 
1MB to 1GB.For this configuration to work effectively,knowing the data pattern 
and size is important and necessary. |
 | enable.data.loading.statistics | false | CarbonData has extensive logging 
which would be useful for debugging issues related to performance or hard to 
locate issues. This configuration when made ***true*** would log additional 
data loading statistics information to more accurately locate the issues being 
debugged. **NOTE:** Enabling this would log more debug information to log 
files, there by increasing the log files size significantly in short span of 
time.It is advised to configure the log files size, retention of log files 
parameters in log4j properties appropriately. Also extensive logging is an 
increased IO operation and hence over all data loading performance might get 
reduced. Therefore it is recommended to enable this configuration only for the 
duration of debugging. |
 | carbon.dictionary.chunk.size | 10000 | CarbonData generates dictionary keys 
and writes them to separate dictionary file during data loading. To optimize 
the IO, this configuration determines the number of dictionary keys to be 
persisted to dictionary file at a time. **NOTE:** Writing to file also serves 
as a commit point to the dictionary generated.Increasing more values in memory 
causes more data loss during system or application failure.It is advised to 
alter this configuration judiciously. |

diff --git a/docs/performance-tuning.md b/docs/performance-tuning.md
index 64f80c4..7059605 100644
--- a/docs/performance-tuning.md
+++ b/docs/performance-tuning.md
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 | spark.executor.instances/spark.executor.cores/spark.executor.memory | 
spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf | Querying | The number of executors, CPU cores, 
and memory used for CarbonData query. | In the bank scenario, we provide the 4 
CPUs cores and 15 GB for each executor which can get good performance. This 2 
value does not mean more the better. It needs to be configured properly in case 
of limited resources. For example, In the bank scenario, it has enough CPU 32 
cores each node but less memory 64 GB each node. So we cannot give more CPU but 
less memory. For example, when 4 cores and 12GB for each executor. It sometimes 
happens GC during the query which impact the query performance very much from 
the 3 second to more than 15 seconds. In this scenario need to increase the 
memory or decrease the CPU cores. |
 | carbon.detail.batch.size | spark/carbonlib/carbon.properties | Querying | 
The buffer size to store records, returned from the block scan. | In limit 
scenario this parameter is very important. For example your query limit is 
1000. But if we set this value to 3000 that means we get 3000 records from scan 
but spark will only take 1000 rows. So the 2000 remaining are useless. In one 
Finance test case after we set it to 100, in the limit 1000 scenario the 
performance increase about 2 times in comparison to if we set this value to 
12000. |
 | carbon.use.local.dir | spark/carbonlib/carbon.properties | Data loading | 
Whether use YARN local directories for multi-table load disk load balance | If 
this is set it to true CarbonData will use YARN local directories for 
multi-table load disk load balance, that will improve the data load 
performance. |
-| carbon.sort.temp.compressor | spark/carbonlib/carbon.properties | Data 
loading | Specify the name of compressor to compress the intermediate sort 
temporary files during sort procedure in data loading. | The optional values 
are 'SNAPPY','GZIP','BZIP2','LZ4','ZSTD', and empty. By default, empty means 
that Carbondata will not compress the sort temp files. This parameter will be 
useful if you encounter disk bottleneck. |
+| carbon.sort.temp.compressor | spark/carbonlib/carbon.properties | Data 
loading | Specify the name of compressor to compress the intermediate sort 
temporary files during sort procedure in data loading. | The optional values 
are 'SNAPPY','GZIP','BZIP2','LZ4','ZSTD', and empty. Specially, empty means 
that Carbondata will not compress the sort temp files. This parameter will be 
useful if you encounter disk bottleneck. |
 | carbon.load.skewedDataOptimization.enabled | 
spark/carbonlib/carbon.properties | Data loading | Whether to enable size based 
block allocation strategy for data loading. | When loading, carbondata will use 
file size based block allocation strategy for task distribution. It will make 
sure that all the executors process the same size of data -- It's useful if the 
size of your input data files varies widely, say 1MB to 1GB. |
 | carbon.load.min.size.enabled | spark/carbonlib/carbon.properties | Data 
loading | Whether to enable node minumun input data size allocation strategy 
for data loading.| When loading, carbondata will use node minumun input data 
size allocation strategy for task distribution. It will make sure the nodes 
load the minimum amount of data -- It's useful if the size of your input data 
files very small, say 1MB to 256MB,Avoid generating a large number of small 
files. |

diff --git 
index 5fbdd14..21affee 100644
@@ -81,6 +81,22 @@ class TestLoadWithSortTempCompressed extends QueryTest
     checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $simpleTable where c5 > 5001"), 
+  test("test data load for simple table without sort temp compressed and 
off-heap sort enabled") {
+    testSimpleTable()
+      originOffHeapStatus)
+  }
+  test("test data load for simple table without sort temp compressed and 
off-heap sort disabled") {
+    testSimpleTable()
+      originOffHeapStatus)
+  }
   test("test data load for simple table with sort temp compressed with snappy" 
        " and off-heap sort enabled") {

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