Merge branch cassandra-2.2 into cassandra-3.0


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 723a143c9d71ba8b3450cad8a0ad178f133a3869
Parents: b657223 5a09627
Author: Benjamin Lerer <>
Authored: Tue Jun 21 16:28:25 2016 +0200
Committer: Benjamin Lerer <>
Committed: Tue Jun 21 16:30:06 2016 +0200

 .../operations/ | 290 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 290 insertions(+)
diff --cc 
index 2d59a11,fc6cc2e..a1ee4f8
@@@ -23,10 -23,8 +23,11 @@@ import org.junit.Test
  import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLTester;
  import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
  import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.SyntaxException;
 +import org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace;
 +import static java.lang.String.format;
  import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
++import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
  import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
  public class InsertUpdateIfConditionTest extends CQLTester
@@@ -1018,10 -979,295 +1019,299 @@@
          // drop and confirm
          execute("DROP TYPE IF EXISTS mytype");
 -        assertEmpty(execute("SELECT type_name from system.schema_usertypes 
where keyspace_name = ? and type_name = ?", KEYSPACE, "mytype"));
 +        assertEmpty(execute(format("SELECT type_name from %s.%s where 
keyspace_name = ? and type_name = ?",
 +                                   SchemaKeyspace.NAME,
 +                                   SchemaKeyspace.TYPES),
 +                            KEYSPACE,
 +                            "mytype"));
+     @Test
+     public void testConditionalUpdatesOnStaticColumns() throws Throwable
+     {
+         createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, s int static, d text, 
PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
+         // pre-existing row
+         execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, s, d) values (6, 6, 100, 'a')");
+         assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 6 WHERE a = 6 IF s = 100"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 6"),
+                    row(6, 6, 6, "a"));
+         // pre-existing row with null in the static column
+         execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, d) values (7, 7, 'a')");
+         assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 7 WHERE a = 7 IF s = NULL"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 7"),
+                    row(7, 7, 7, "a"));
+         // deleting row before CAS
+         execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE a = 8;");
+         assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 8 WHERE a = 8 IF s = NULL"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 8"),
+                    row(8, null, 8, null));
+     }
+     @Test
+     public void testConditionalUpdatesWithNullValues() throws Throwable
+     {
+         createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, s int static, d text, 
PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
+         // pre-populate, leave out static column
+         for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
+             execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", i, i);
+         conditionalUpdatesWithNonExistingOrNullValues();
+         // rejected: IN doesn't contain null
+         assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 30 WHERE a = 3 IF s IN 
+                    row(false));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 3"),
+                    row(3, 3, null, null));
+         // rejected: comparing number with NULL always returns false
+         for (String operator: new String[] { ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="})
+         {
+             assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 50 WHERE a = 5 IF s " + 
operator + " 3"),
+                        row(false));
+             assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 5"),
+                        row(5, 5, null, null));
+         }
+     }
+     @Test
+     public void testConditionalUpdatesWithNonExistingValues() throws Throwable
+     {
+         createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, s int static, d text, 
PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
+         conditionalUpdatesWithNonExistingOrNullValues();
+         // rejected: IN doesn't contain null
+         assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 3 WHERE a = 3 IF s IN 
+                    row(false));
+         assertEmpty(execute("SELECT a, s, d FROM %s WHERE a = 3"));
+         // rejected: comparing number with NULL always returns false
+         for (String operator : new String[]{ ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "=" })
+         {
+             assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 50 WHERE a = 5 IF s " + 
operator + " 3"),
+                        row(false));
+             assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 5"));
+         }
+     }
+     private void conditionalUpdatesWithNonExistingOrNullValues() throws 
+     {
+         assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 1 WHERE a = 1 IF s = NULL"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT a, s, d FROM %s WHERE a = 1"),
+                    row(1, 1, null));
+         assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 2 WHERE a = 2 IF s IN 
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT a, s, d FROM %s WHERE a = 2"),
+                    row(2, 2, null));
+         assertRows(execute("UPDATE %s SET s = 4 WHERE a = 4 IF s != 4"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT a, s, d FROM %s WHERE a = 4"),
+                    row(4, 4, null));
+     }
+     @Test
+     public void testConditionalUpdatesWithNullValuesWithBatch() throws 
+     {
+         createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, s int static, d text, 
PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
+         // pre-populate, leave out static column
+         for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
+             execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", i, i);
+         testConditionalUpdatesWithNonExistingOrNullValuesWithBatch();
+         // rejected: comparing number with null value always returns false
+         for (String operator: new String[] { ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="})
+         {
+             assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                                + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s, d) values (3, 3, 
40, 'a');\n"
+                                + "UPDATE %1$s SET s = 30 WHERE a = 3 IF s " + 
operator + " 5;\n"
+                                + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                        row(false));
+             assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 3"),
+                        row(3, 3, null, null));
+         }
+         // rejected: IN doesn't contain null
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s, d) values (6, 6, 70, 
+                            + "UPDATE %1$s SET s = 60 WHERE a = 6 IF s IN 
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(false));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 6"),
+                    row(6, 6, null, null));
+     }
+     @Test
+     public void testConditionalUpdatesWithNonExistingValuesWithBatch() throws 
+     {
+         createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, s int static, d text, 
PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
+         testConditionalUpdatesWithNonExistingOrNullValuesWithBatch();
+         // rejected: comparing number with non-existing value always returns 
+         for (String operator: new String[] { ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="})
+         {
+             assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                                + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s, d) values (3, 3, 
3, 'a');\n"
+                                + "UPDATE %1$s SET s = 3 WHERE a = 3 IF s " + 
operator + " 5;\n"
+                                + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                        row(false));
+             assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 3"));
+         }
+         // rejected: IN doesn't contain null
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s, d) values (6, 6, 6, 
+                            + "UPDATE %1$s SET s = 7 WHERE a = 6 IF s IN 
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(false));
+         assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 6"));
+     }
+     private void testConditionalUpdatesWithNonExistingOrNullValuesWithBatch() 
throws Throwable
+     {
+         // applied: null is indistiguishable from empty value, lwt condition 
is executed before INSERT
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, d) values (2, 2, 
+                            + "UPDATE %1$s SET s = 2 WHERE a = 2 IF s = 
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 2"),
+                    row(2, 2, 2, "a"));
+         // applied: lwt condition is executed before INSERT, update is 
applied after it
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s, d) values (4, 4, 4, 
+                            + "UPDATE %1$s SET s = 5 WHERE a = 4 IF s = 
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 4"),
+                    row(4, 4, 5, "a"));
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s, d) values (5, 5, 5, 
+                            + "UPDATE %1$s SET s = 6 WHERE a = 5 IF s IN 
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 5"),
+                    row(5, 5, 6, "a"));
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s, d) values (7, 7, 7, 
+                            + "UPDATE %1$s SET s = 8 WHERE a = 7 IF s != 7;\n"
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 7"),
+                    row(7, 7, 8, "a"));
+     }
+     @Test
+     public void testConditionalDeleteWithNullValues() throws Throwable
+     {
+         createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, s1 int static, s2 int 
static, v int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
+         for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
+             execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, s1, s2, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 
?)", i, i, i, null, i);
+         assertRows(execute("DELETE s1 FROM %s WHERE a = 1 IF s2 = NULL"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 1"),
+                    row(1, 1, null, null, 1));
+         // rejected: IN doesn't contain null
+         assertRows(execute("DELETE s1 FROM %s WHERE a = 2 IF s2 IN 
 -                   row(false, null));
++                   row(false));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 2"),
+                    row(2, 2, 2, null, 2));
+         assertRows(execute("DELETE s1 FROM %s WHERE a = 3 IF s2 IN 
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 3"),
+                    row(3, 3, null, null, 3));
+         assertRows(execute("DELETE s1 FROM %s WHERE a = 4 IF s2 != 4"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 4"),
+                    row(4, 4, null, null, 4));
+         // rejected: comparing number with NULL always returns false
+         for (String operator : new String[]{ ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "=" })
+         {
+             assertRows(execute("DELETE s1 FROM %s WHERE a = 5 IF s2 " + 
operator + " 3"),
 -                       row(false, null));
++                       row(false));
+             assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 5"),
+                        row(5, 5, 5, null, 5));
+         }
+     }
+     @Test
+     public void testConditionalDeletesWithNonExistingValuesWithBatch() throws 
+     {
+         createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b int, s1 int static, s2 int 
static, v int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))");
+         // applied: null is indistiguishable from empty value, lwt condition 
is executed before INSERT
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s1, v) values (2, 2, 2, 
+                            + "DELETE s1 FROM %1$s WHERE a = 2 IF s2 = null;\n"
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 2"),
+                    row(2, 2, null, null, 2));
+         // rejected: comparing number with non-existing value always returns 
+         for (String operator: new String[] { ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="})
+         {
+             assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                                + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s1, v) values (3, 
3, 3, 3);\n"
+                                + "DELETE s1 FROM %1$s WHERE a = 3 IF s2 " + 
operator + " 5;\n"
+                                + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                        row(false));
+             assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 3"));
+         }
+         // rejected: IN doesn't contain null
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s1, v) values (6, 6, 6, 
+                            + "DELETE s1 FROM %1$s WHERE a = 6 IF s2 IN 
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(false));
+         assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 6"));
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s1, v) values (4, 4, 4, 
+                            + "DELETE s1 FROM %1$s WHERE a = 4 IF s2 = null;\n"
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 4"),
+                    row(4, 4, null, null, 4));
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s1, v) VALUES (5, 5, 5, 
+                            + "DELETE s1 FROM %1$s WHERE a = 5 IF s1 IN 
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 5"),
+                    row(5, 5, null, null, 5));
+         assertRows(execute("BEGIN BATCH\n"
+                            + "INSERT INTO %1$s (a, b, s1, v) values (7, 7, 7, 
+                            + "DELETE s1 FROM %1$s WHERE a = 7 IF s2 != 7;\n"
+                            + "APPLY BATCH"),
+                    row(true));
+         assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a = 7"),
+                    row(7, 7, null, null, 7));
+     }

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