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brandonwilliams pushed a commit to branch cassandra-5.0
in repository

commit ef2903f20f1eee4dc4a419342703ee20d5b545e0
Merge: efad24e997 a2af87de8a
Author: Brandon Williams <>
AuthorDate: Fri Aug 18 13:58:09 2023 -0500

    Merge branch 'cassandra-4.1' into cassandra-5.0

 pylib/cqlshlib/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --cc pylib/cqlshlib/
index b5536084a9,0000000000..a9d726cadd
mode 100755,000000..100755
--- a/pylib/cqlshlib/
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
@@@ -1,2404 -1,0 +1,2404 @@@
 +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 +# distributed with this work for additional information
 +# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 +# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 +# limitations under the License.
 +import cmd
 +import codecs
 +import configparser
 +import csv
 +import getpass
 +import argparse
 +import os
 +import re
 +import subprocess
 +import sys
 +import traceback
 +import warnings
 +import webbrowser
 +from contextlib import contextmanager
 +from io import StringIO
 +from uuid import UUID
 +UTF8 = 'utf-8'
 +description = "CQL Shell for Apache Cassandra"
 +version = "6.2.0"
 +readline = None
 +    # check if tty first, cause readline doesn't check, and only cares
 +    # about $TERM. we don't want the funky escape code stuff to be
 +    # output if not a tty.
 +    if sys.stdin.isatty():
 +        import readline
 +except ImportError:
 +    pass
 +# On Linux, the Python webbrowser module uses the 'xdg-open' executable
 +# to open a file/URL. But that only works, if the current session has been
 +# opened from _within_ a desktop environment. I.e. 'xdg-open' will fail,
 +# if the session's been opened via ssh to a remote box.
 +    webbrowser.register_standard_browsers()  # registration is otherwise lazy 
in Python3
 +except AttributeError:
 +    pass
 +if webbrowser._tryorder and webbrowser._tryorder[0] == 'xdg-open' and 
os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_DIRS', '') == '':
 +    # only on Linux (some OS with xdg-open)
 +    webbrowser._tryorder.remove('xdg-open')
 +    webbrowser._tryorder.append('xdg-open')
 +warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r".*blist.*")
 +import cassandra
 +from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider
 +from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
 +from cassandra.cqltypes import cql_typename
 +from cassandra.marshal import int64_unpack
 +from cassandra.metadata import (ColumnMetadata, KeyspaceMetadata, 
 +from cassandra.policies import WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy
 +from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement, ordered_dict_factory, 
 +from cassandra.util import datetime_from_timestamp
 +from cqlshlib import cql3handling, pylexotron, sslhandling, cqlshhandling, 
 +from cqlshlib.copyutil import ExportTask, ImportTask
 +from cqlshlib.displaying import (ANSI_RESET, BLUE, COLUMN_NAME_COLORS, CYAN,
 +                                 RED, WHITE, FormattedValue, colorme)
 +from cqlshlib.formatting import (DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_NANOTIME_FORMAT,
 +                                 DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, CqlType, 
 +                                 format_by_type)
 +from cqlshlib.tracing import print_trace, print_trace_session
 +from cqlshlib.util import get_file_encoding_bomsize, is_file_secure
 +from cqlshlib.serverversion import version as build_version
 +if readline is not None and readline.__doc__ is not None and 'libedit' in 
 +cqldocs = None
 +cqlruleset = None
 +epilog = """Connects to %(DEFAULT_HOST)s:%(DEFAULT_PORT)d by default. These
 +defaults can be changed by setting $CQLSH_HOST and/or $CQLSH_PORT. When a
 +host (and optional port number) are given on the command line, they take
 +precedence over any defaults.""" % globals()
 +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog,
 +                                 usage="Usage: %(prog)s [options] [host 
 +                                 prog='cqlsh')
 +parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='cqlsh ' + 
 +parser.add_argument("-C", "--color", action='store_true', dest='color',
 +                                            help='Always use color output')
 +parser.add_argument("--no-color", action='store_false', dest='color', 
help='Never use color output')
 +parser.add_argument("--browser", dest='browser', help="""The browser to use 
to display CQL help, where BROWSER can be:
 +                                                    - one of the supported 
browsers in
 +                                                    - browser path followed 
by %%s, example: /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %%s""")
 +parser.add_argument('--ssl', action='store_true', help='Use SSL', 
 +parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", help="Authenticate as user.")
 +parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="Authenticate using password.")
 +parser.add_argument('-k', '--keyspace', help='Authenticate to the given 
 +parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="Execute commands from FILE, then 
 +parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
 +                    help='Show additional debugging information')
 +parser.add_argument('--coverage', action='store_true',
 +                    help='Collect coverage data')
 +parser.add_argument("--encoding", help="Specify a non-default encoding for 
 +                    + " (Default: %s)" % (UTF8,))
 +parser.add_argument("--cqlshrc", help="Specify an alternative cqlshrc file 
 +parser.add_argument("--credentials", help="Specify an alternative credentials 
file location.")
 +parser.add_argument('--cqlversion', default=None,
 +                    help='Specify a particular CQL version, '
 +                    'by default the highest version supported by the server 
will be used.'
 +                    ' Examples: "3.0.3", "3.1.0"')
 +parser.add_argument("--protocol-version", type=int, default=None,
 +                    help='Specify a specific protcol version otherwise the 
client will default and downgrade as necessary')
 +parser.add_argument("-e", "--execute", help='Execute the statement and quit.')
default=DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, dest='connect_timeout',
 +                    help='Specify the connection timeout in seconds (default: 
%(default)s seconds).')
default=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, dest='request_timeout',
 +                    help='Specify the default request timeout in seconds 
(default: %(default)s seconds).')
 +parser.add_argument("-t", "--tty", action='store_true', dest='tty',
 +                    help='Force tty mode (command prompt).')
 +# This is a hidden option to suppress the warning when the -p/--password 
command line option is used.
 +# Power users may use this option if they know no other people has access to 
the system where cqlsh is run or don't care about security.
 +# Use of this option in scripting is discouraged. Please use a (temporary) 
credentials file where possible.
 +# The Cassandra distributed tests (dtests) also use this option in some tests 
when a well-known password is supplied via the command line.
action='store_true', dest='insecure_password_without_warning',
 +                    help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
 +# use cfarguments for config file
 +cfarguments, args = parser.parse_known_args()
 +# BEGIN history config
 +def mkdirp(path):
 +    """Creates all parent directories up to path parameter or fails when path 
exists, but it is not a directory."""
 +    try:
 +        os.makedirs(path)
 +    except OSError:
 +        if not os.path.isdir(path):
 +            raise
 +def resolve_cql_history_file():
 +    default_cql_history = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.cassandra', 
 +    if 'CQL_HISTORY' in os.environ:
 +        return os.environ['CQL_HISTORY']
 +    else:
 +        return default_cql_history
 +HISTORY = resolve_cql_history_file()
 +HISTORY_DIR = os.path.dirname(HISTORY)
 +    mkdirp(HISTORY_DIR)
 +except OSError:
 +    print('\nWarning: Cannot create directory at `%s`. Command history will 
not be saved. Please check what was the environment property CQL_HISTORY set 
to.\n' % HISTORY_DIR)
 +# END history config
 +DEFAULT_CQLSHRC = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.cassandra', 
 +if cfarguments.cqlshrc is not None:
 +    CONFIG_FILE = os.path.expanduser(cfarguments.cqlshrc)
 +    if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE):
 +        print('\nWarning: Specified cqlshrc location `%s` does not exist.  
Using `%s` instead.\n' % (CONFIG_FILE, DEFAULT_CQLSHRC))
 +CQL_DIR = os.path.dirname(CONFIG_FILE)
 +    cassandra.AlreadyExists, cassandra.AuthenticationFailed, 
 +    cassandra.InvalidRequest, cassandra.Timeout, cassandra.Unauthorized, 
 +    cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable,
 +    cassandra.connection.ConnectionBusy, cassandra.connection.ProtocolError, 
 +    cassandra.protocol.ErrorMessage, cassandra.protocol.InternalError, 
 +debug_completion = bool(os.environ.get('CQLSH_DEBUG_COMPLETION', '') == 'YES')
 +class NoKeyspaceError(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class KeyspaceNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class ColumnFamilyNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class IndexNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class MaterializedViewNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class ObjectNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class VersionNotSupported(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class UserTypeNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class FunctionNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class AggregateNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class DecodeError(Exception):
 +    verb = 'decode'
 +    def __init__(self, thebytes, err, colname=None):
 +        self.thebytes = thebytes
 +        self.err = err
 +        self.colname = colname
 +    def __str__(self):
 +        return str(self.thebytes)
 +    def message(self):
 +        what = 'value %r' % (self.thebytes,)
 +        if self.colname is not None:
 +            what = 'value %r (for column %r)' % (self.thebytes, self.colname)
 +        return 'Failed to %s %s : %s' \
 +               % (self.verb, what, self.err)
 +    def __repr__(self):
 +        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.message())
 +def maybe_ensure_text(val):
 +    return str(val) if val else val
 +class FormatError(DecodeError):
 +    verb = 'format'
 +def full_cql_version(ver):
 +    while ver.count('.') < 2:
 +        ver += '.0'
 +    ver_parts = ver.split('-', 1) + ['']
 +    vertuple = tuple(list(map(int, ver_parts[0].split('.'))) + [ver_parts[1]])
 +    return ver, vertuple
 +def format_value(val, cqltype, encoding, addcolor=False, 
 +                 float_precision=None, colormap=None, nullval=None):
 +    if isinstance(val, DecodeError):
 +        if addcolor:
 +            return colorme(repr(val.thebytes), colormap, 'error')
 +        else:
 +            return FormattedValue(repr(val.thebytes))
 +    return format_by_type(val, cqltype=cqltype, encoding=encoding, 
 +                          addcolor=addcolor, nullval=nullval, 
 +                          float_precision=float_precision)
 +def show_warning_without_quoting_line(message, category, filename, lineno, 
file=None, line=None):
 +    if file is None:
 +        file = sys.stderr
 +    try:
 +        file.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, 
lineno, line=''))
 +    except IOError:
 +        pass
 +warnings.showwarning = show_warning_without_quoting_line
 +class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
 +    custom_prompt = os.getenv('CQLSH_PROMPT', '')
 +    if custom_prompt != '':
 +        custom_prompt += "\n"
 +    default_prompt = custom_prompt + "cqlsh> "
 +    continue_prompt = "   ... "
 +    keyspace_prompt = custom_prompt + "cqlsh:{}> "
 +    keyspace_continue_prompt = "{}    ... "
 +    show_line_nums = False
 +    debug = False
 +    coverage = False
 +    coveragerc_path = None
 +    stop = False
 +    last_hist = None
 +    shunted_query_out = None
 +    use_paging = True
 +    default_page_size = 100
 +    def __init__(self, hostname, port, color=False,
 +                 username=None, encoding=None, stdin=None, tty=True,
 +                 completekey=DEFAULT_COMPLETEKEY, browser=None, use_conn=None,
 +                 cqlver=None, keyspace=None,
 +                 tracing_enabled=False, expand_enabled=False,
 +                 display_nanotime_format=DEFAULT_NANOTIME_FORMAT,
 +                 display_timestamp_format=DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT,
 +                 display_date_format=DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT,
 +                 display_float_precision=DEFAULT_FLOAT_PRECISION,
 +                 display_double_precision=DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
 +                 display_timezone=None,
 +                 max_trace_wait=DEFAULT_MAX_TRACE_WAIT,
 +                 ssl=False,
 +                 single_statement=None,
 +                 request_timeout=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
 +                 protocol_version=None,
 +                 connect_timeout=DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
 +                 is_subshell=False,
 +                 auth_provider=None):
 +        cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, completekey=completekey)
 +        self.hostname = hostname
 +        self.port = port
 +        self.auth_provider = auth_provider
 +        self.username = username
 +        if isinstance(auth_provider, PlainTextAuthProvider):
 +            self.username = auth_provider.username
 +            if not auth_provider.password:
 +                # if no password is provided, we need to query the user to 
get one.
 +                password = getpass.getpass()
 +                self.auth_provider = 
PlainTextAuthProvider(username=auth_provider.username, password=password)
 +        self.keyspace = keyspace
 +        self.ssl = ssl
 +        self.tracing_enabled = tracing_enabled
 +        self.page_size = self.default_page_size
 +        self.expand_enabled = expand_enabled
 +        if use_conn:
 +            self.conn = use_conn
 +        else:
 +            kwargs = {}
 +            if protocol_version is not None:
 +                kwargs['protocol_version'] = protocol_version
 +            self.conn = Cluster(contact_points=(self.hostname,), 
port=self.port, cql_version=cqlver,
 +                                auth_provider=self.auth_provider,
ssl_options=sslhandling.ssl_settings(hostname, CONFIG_FILE) if ssl else None,
 +                                control_connection_timeout=connect_timeout,
 +                                connect_timeout=connect_timeout,
 +                                **kwargs)
 +        self.owns_connection = not use_conn
 +        if keyspace:
 +            self.session = self.conn.connect(keyspace)
 +        else:
 +            self.session = self.conn.connect()
 +        if browser == "":
 +            browser = None
 +        self.browser = browser
 +        self.color = color
 +        self.display_nanotime_format = display_nanotime_format
 +        self.display_timestamp_format = display_timestamp_format
 +        self.display_date_format = display_date_format
 +        self.display_float_precision = display_float_precision
 +        self.display_double_precision = display_double_precision
 +        self.display_timezone = display_timezone
 +        self.session.default_timeout = request_timeout
 +        self.session.row_factory = ordered_dict_factory
 +        self.session.default_consistency_level = 
 +        self.get_connection_versions()
 +        self.set_expanded_cql_version(self.connection_versions['cql'])
 +        self.current_keyspace = keyspace
 +        self.max_trace_wait = max_trace_wait
 +        self.session.max_trace_wait = max_trace_wait
 +        self.tty = tty
 +        self.encoding = encoding
 +        self.output_codec = codecs.lookup(encoding)
 +        self.statement = StringIO()
 +        self.lineno = 1
 +        self.in_comment = False
 +        self.prompt = ''
 +        if stdin is None:
 +            stdin = sys.stdin
 +        self.check_build_versions()
 +        if tty:
 +            self.reset_prompt()
 +            self.report_connection()
 +            print('Use HELP for help.')
 +        else:
 +            self.show_line_nums = True
 +        self.stdin = stdin
 +        self.query_out = sys.stdout
 +        self.consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.ONE
 +        self.serial_consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL
 +        self.empty_lines = 0
 +        self.statement_error = False
 +        self.single_statement = single_statement
 +        self.is_subshell = is_subshell
 +    def check_build_versions(self):
 +        baseversion = self.connection_versions['build']
 +        extra = baseversion.rfind('-')
 +        if extra:
 +            baseversion = baseversion[0:extra]
 +        if baseversion != build_version:
-             print("WARNING: cqlsh was built against {}, but this server is 
{}.  All features may not work!".format(baseversion, build_version))
++            print("WARNING: cqlsh was built against {}, but this server is 
{}.  All features may not work!".format(build_version, baseversion))
 +    @property
 +    def batch_mode(self):
 +        return not self.tty
 +    def set_expanded_cql_version(self, ver):
 +        ver, vertuple = full_cql_version(ver)
 +        self.cql_version = ver
 +        self.cql_ver_tuple = vertuple
 +    def cqlver_atleast(self, major, minor=0, patch=0):
 +        return self.cql_ver_tuple[:3] >= (major, minor, patch)
 +    def myformat_value(self, val, cqltype=None, **kwargs):
 +        if isinstance(val, DecodeError):
 +            self.decoding_errors.append(val)
 +        try:
 +            dtformats = 
 +                                       date_format=self.display_date_format, 
 +                                       timezone=self.display_timezone)
 +            precision = self.display_double_precision if cqltype is not None 
and cqltype.type_name == 'double' \
 +                else self.display_float_precision
 +            return format_value(val, cqltype=cqltype,,
 +                                addcolor=self.color, 
 +                                float_precision=precision, **kwargs)
 +        except Exception as e:
 +            err = FormatError(val, e)
 +            self.decoding_errors.append(err)
 +            return format_value(err, cqltype=cqltype,, addcolor=self.color)
 +    def myformat_colname(self, name, table_meta=None):
 +        column_colors = COLUMN_NAME_COLORS.copy()
 +        # check column role and color appropriately
 +        if table_meta:
 +            if name in [ for col in table_meta.partition_key]:
 +                column_colors.default_factory = lambda: RED
 +            elif name in [ for col in table_meta.clustering_key]:
 +                column_colors.default_factory = lambda: CYAN
 +            elif name in table_meta.columns and 
 +                column_colors.default_factory = lambda: WHITE
 +        return self.myformat_value(name, colormap=column_colors)
 +    def report_connection(self):
 +        self.show_host()
 +        self.show_version()
 +    def show_host(self):
 +        print("Connected to {0} at {1}:{2}"
 +              .format(self.applycolor(self.get_cluster_name(), BLUE),
 +                      self.hostname,
 +                      self.port))
 +    def show_version(self):
 +        vers = self.connection_versions.copy()
 +        vers['shver'] = version
 +        # system.Versions['cql'] apparently does not reflect changes with
 +        # set_cql_version.
 +        vers['cql'] = self.cql_version
 +        print("[cqlsh %(shver)s | Cassandra %(build)s | CQL spec %(cql)s | 
Native protocol v%(protocol)s]" % vers)
 +    def show_session(self, sessionid, partial_session=False):
 +        print_trace_session(self, self.session, sessionid, partial_session)
 +    def show_replicas(self, token_value, keyspace=None):
 +        ks = self.current_keyspace if keyspace is None else keyspace
 +        token_map = self.conn.metadata.token_map
 +        nodes = token_map.get_replicas(ks, token_map.token_class(token_value))
 +        addresses = [x.address for x in nodes]
 +        print(f"{addresses}")
 +    def get_connection_versions(self):
 +        result, = self.session.execute("select * from system.local where key 
= 'local'")
 +        vers = {
 +            'build': result['release_version'],
 +            'protocol': self.conn.protocol_version,
 +            'cql': result['cql_version'],
 +        }
 +        self.connection_versions = vers
 +    def get_keyspace_names(self):
 +        return list(self.conn.metadata.keyspaces)
 +    def get_columnfamily_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return list(self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).tables)
 +    def get_materialized_view_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return list(self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).views)
 +    def get_index_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return list(self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).indexes)
 +    def get_column_names(self, ksname, cfname):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        layout = self.get_table_meta(ksname, cfname)
 +        return list(layout.columns)
 +    def get_usertype_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return list(self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).user_types)
 +    def get_usertype_layout(self, ksname, typename):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        ks_meta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        try:
 +            user_type = ks_meta.user_types[typename]
 +        except KeyError:
 +            raise UserTypeNotFound("User type {!r} not 
 +        return list(zip(user_type.field_names, user_type.field_types))
 +    def get_userfunction_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return [ for f in 
 +    def get_useraggregate_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return [ for f in 
 +    def get_cluster_name(self):
 +        return self.conn.metadata.cluster_name
 +    def get_partitioner(self):
 +        return self.conn.metadata.partitioner
 +    def get_keyspace_meta(self, ksname):
 +        if ksname in self.conn.metadata.keyspaces:
 +            return self.conn.metadata.keyspaces[ksname]
 +        raise KeyspaceNotFound('Keyspace %r not found.' % ksname)
 +    def get_keyspaces(self):
 +        return list(self.conn.metadata.keyspaces.values())
 +    def get_ring(self, ks):
 +        self.conn.metadata.token_map.rebuild_keyspace(ks, 
 +        return self.conn.metadata.token_map.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks[ks]
 +    def get_table_meta(self, ksname, tablename):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        if tablename not in ksmeta.tables:
 +            if ksname == 'system_auth' and tablename in ['roles', 
 +                self.get_fake_auth_table_meta(ksname, tablename)
 +            else:
 +                raise ColumnFamilyNotFound("Column family {} not 
 +        else:
 +            return ksmeta.tables[tablename]
 +    def get_fake_auth_table_meta(self, ksname, tablename):
 +        # may be using external auth implementation so internal tables
 +        # aren't actually defined in schema. In this case, we'll fake
 +        # them up
 +        if tablename == 'roles':
 +            ks_meta = KeyspaceMetadata(ksname, True, None, None)
 +            table_meta = TableMetadata(ks_meta, 'roles')
 +            table_meta.columns['role'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 'role', 
 +            table_meta.columns['is_superuser'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 
'is_superuser', cassandra.cqltypes.BooleanType)
 +            table_meta.columns['can_login'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 
'can_login', cassandra.cqltypes.BooleanType)
 +        elif tablename == 'role_permissions':
 +            ks_meta = KeyspaceMetadata(ksname, True, None, None)
 +            table_meta = TableMetadata(ks_meta, 'role_permissions')
 +            table_meta.columns['role'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 'role', 
 +            table_meta.columns['resource'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 
'resource', cassandra.cqltypes.UTF8Type)
 +            table_meta.columns['permission'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 
'permission', cassandra.cqltypes.UTF8Type)
 +        else:
 +            raise ColumnFamilyNotFound("Column family {} not 
 +    def get_index_meta(self, ksname, idxname):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        if idxname not in ksmeta.indexes:
 +            raise IndexNotFound("Index {} not found".format(idxname))
 +        return ksmeta.indexes[idxname]
 +    def get_view_meta(self, ksname, viewname):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        if viewname not in ksmeta.views:
 +            raise MaterializedViewNotFound("Materialized view '{}' not 
 +        return ksmeta.views[viewname]
 +    def get_object_meta(self, ks, name):
 +        if name is None:
 +            if ks and ks in self.conn.metadata.keyspaces:
 +                return self.conn.metadata.keyspaces[ks]
 +            elif self.current_keyspace is None:
 +                raise ObjectNotFound("'{}' not found in keyspaces".format(ks))
 +            else:
 +                name = ks
 +                ks = self.current_keyspace
 +        if ks is None:
 +            ks = self.current_keyspace
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ks)
 +        if name in ksmeta.tables:
 +            return ksmeta.tables[name]
 +        elif name in ksmeta.indexes:
 +            return ksmeta.indexes[name]
 +        elif name in ksmeta.views:
 +            return ksmeta.views[name]
 +        raise ObjectNotFound("'{}' not found in keyspace '{}'".format(name, 
 +    def get_trigger_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return [
 +                for table in 
 +                for trigger in list(table.triggers.values())]
 +    def reset_statement(self):
 +        self.reset_prompt()
 +        self.statement.truncate(0)
 +        self.empty_lines = 0
 +    def reset_prompt(self):
 +        if self.current_keyspace is None:
 +            self.set_prompt(self.default_prompt, True)
 +        else:
self.set_prompt(self.keyspace_prompt.format(self.current_keyspace), True)
 +    def set_continue_prompt(self):
 +        if self.empty_lines >= 3:
 +            self.set_prompt("Statements are terminated with a ';'.  You can 
press CTRL-C to cancel an incomplete statement.")
 +            self.empty_lines = 0
 +            return
 +        if self.current_keyspace is None:
 +            self.set_prompt(self.continue_prompt)
 +        else:
 +            spaces = ' ' * len(str(self.current_keyspace))
 +            self.set_prompt(self.keyspace_continue_prompt.format(spaces))
 +        self.empty_lines = self.empty_lines + 1 if not self.lastcmd else 0
 +    @contextmanager
 +    def prepare_loop(self):
 +        readline = None
 +        if self.tty and self.completekey:
 +            try:
 +                import readline
 +            except ImportError:
 +                pass
 +            else:
 +                old_completer = readline.get_completer()
 +                readline.set_completer(self.complete)
 +                if readline.__doc__ is not None and 'libedit' in 
 +                    readline.parse_and_bind("bind -e")
 +                    readline.parse_and_bind("bind '" + self.completekey + "' 
 +                    readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^R em-inc-search-prev")
 +                else:
 +                    readline.parse_and_bind(self.completekey + ": complete")
 +        # start coverage collection if requested, unless in subshell
 +        if self.coverage and not self.is_subshell:
 +            # check for coveragerc file, write it if missing
 +            if os.path.exists(CQL_DIR):
 +                self.coveragerc_path = os.path.join(CQL_DIR, '.coveragerc')
 +                covdata_path = os.path.join(CQL_DIR, '.coverage')
 +                if not os.path.isfile(self.coveragerc_path):
 +                    with open(self.coveragerc_path, 'w') as f:
 +                        f.writelines(["[run]\n",
 +                                      "concurrency = multiprocessing\n",
 +                                      "data_file = {}\n".format(covdata_path),
 +                                      "parallel = true\n"]
 +                                     )
 +                # start coverage
 +                import coverage
 +                self.cov = coverage.Coverage(config_file=self.coveragerc_path)
 +                self.cov.start()
 +        try:
 +            yield
 +        finally:
 +            if readline is not None:
 +                readline.set_completer(old_completer)
 +            if self.coverage and not self.is_subshell:
 +                self.stop_coverage()
 +    def get_input_line(self, prompt=''):
 +        if self.tty:
 +            self.lastcmd = input(str(prompt))
 +            line = self.lastcmd + '\n'
 +        else:
 +            self.lastcmd = self.stdin.readline()
 +            line = self.lastcmd
 +            if not len(line):
 +                raise EOFError
 +        self.lineno += 1
 +        return line
 +    def use_stdin_reader(self, until='', prompt=''):
 +        until += '\n'
 +        while True:
 +            try:
 +                newline = self.get_input_line(prompt=prompt)
 +            except EOFError:
 +                return
 +            if newline == until:
 +                return
 +            yield newline
 +    def cmdloop(self, intro=None):
 +        """
 +        Adapted from cmd.Cmd's version, because there is literally no way with
 +        cmd.Cmd.cmdloop() to tell the difference between "EOF" showing up in
 +        input and an actual EOF.
 +        """
 +        with self.prepare_loop():
 +            while not self.stop:
 +                try:
 +                    if self.single_statement:
 +                        line = self.single_statement
 +                        self.stop = True
 +                    else:
 +                        line = self.get_input_line(self.prompt)
 +                    self.statement.write(line)
 +                    if self.onecmd(self.statement.getvalue()):
 +                        self.reset_statement()
 +                except EOFError:
 +                    self.handle_eof()
 +                except CQL_ERRORS as cqlerr:
 +                    self.printerr(cqlerr.message)
 +                except KeyboardInterrupt:
 +                    self.reset_statement()
 +                    print('')
 +    def strip_comment_blocks(self, statementtext):
 +        comment_block_in_literal_string ='["].*[/][*].*[*][/].*["]', statementtext)
 +        if not comment_block_in_literal_string:
 +            result = re.sub('[/][*].*[*][/]', "", statementtext)
 +            if '*/' in result and '/*' not in result and not self.in_comment:
 +                raise SyntaxError("Encountered comment block terminator 
without being in comment block")
 +            if '/*' in result:
 +                result = re.sub('[/][*].*', "", result)
 +                self.in_comment = True
 +            if '*/' in result:
 +                result = re.sub('.*[*][/]', "", result)
 +                self.in_comment = False
 +            if self.in_comment and not re.findall('[/][*]|[*][/]', 
 +                result = ''
 +            return result
 +        return statementtext
 +    def onecmd(self, statementtext):
 +        """
 +        Returns true if the statement is complete and was handled (meaning it
 +        can be reset).
 +        """
 +        statementtext = self.strip_comment_blocks(statementtext)
 +        try:
 +            statements, endtoken_escaped = 
 +        except pylexotron.LexingError as e:
 +            if self.show_line_nums:
 +                self.printerr('Invalid syntax at line {0}, char {1}'
 +                              .format(e.linenum, e.charnum))
 +            else:
 +                self.printerr('Invalid syntax at char {0}'.format(e.charnum))
 +            statementline = statementtext.split('\n')[e.linenum - 1]
 +            self.printerr('  {0}'.format(statementline))
 +            self.printerr(' {0}^'.format(' ' * e.charnum))
 +            return True
 +        while statements and not statements[-1]:
 +            statements = statements[:-1]
 +        if not statements:
 +            return True
 +        if endtoken_escaped or statements[-1][-1][0] != 'endtoken':
 +            self.set_continue_prompt()
 +            return
 +        for st in statements:
 +            try:
 +                self.handle_statement(st, statementtext)
 +            except Exception as e:
 +                if self.debug:
 +                    traceback.print_exc()
 +                else:
 +                    self.printerr(e)
 +        return True
 +    def handle_eof(self):
 +        if self.tty:
 +            print('')
 +        statement = self.statement.getvalue()
 +        if statement.strip():
 +            if not self.onecmd(statement):
 +                self.printerr('Incomplete statement at end of file')
 +        self.do_exit()
 +    def handle_statement(self, tokens, srcstr):
 +        # Concat multi-line statements and insert into history
 +        if readline is not None:
 +            nl_count = srcstr.count("\n")
 +            new_hist = srcstr.replace("\n", " ").rstrip()
 +            if nl_count > 1 and self.last_hist != new_hist:
 +                readline.add_history(new_hist)
 +            self.last_hist = new_hist
 +        cmdword = tokens[0][1]
 +        if cmdword == '?':
 +            cmdword = 'help'
 +        custom_handler = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmdword.lower(), None)
 +        if custom_handler:
 +            parsed = cqlruleset.cql_whole_parse_tokens(tokens, srcstr=srcstr,
 +            if parsed and not parsed.remainder:
 +                # successful complete parse
 +                return custom_handler(parsed)
 +            else:
 +                return self.handle_parse_error(cmdword, tokens, parsed, 
 +        return self.perform_statement(cqlruleset.cql_extract_orig(tokens, 
 +    def handle_parse_error(self, cmdword, tokens, parsed, srcstr):
 +        if cmdword.lower() in ('select', 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 
 +                               'create', 'drop', 'alter', 'grant', 'revoke',
 +                               'batch', 'list'):
 +            # hey, maybe they know about some new syntax we don't. type
 +            # assumptions won't work, but maybe the query will.
 +            return self.perform_statement(cqlruleset.cql_extract_orig(tokens, 
 +        if parsed:
 +            self.printerr('Improper %s command (problem at %r).' % (cmdword, 
 +        else:
 +            self.printerr(f'Improper {cmdword} command.')
 +    def do_use(self, parsed):
 +        ksname = parsed.get_binding('ksname')
 +        success, _ = 
 +        if success:
 +            if ksname[0] == '"' and ksname[-1] == '"':
 +                self.current_keyspace = self.cql_unprotect_name(ksname)
 +            else:
 +                self.current_keyspace = ksname.lower()
 +    def do_select(self, parsed):
 +        tracing_was_enabled = self.tracing_enabled
 +        ksname = parsed.get_binding('ksname')
 +        stop_tracing = ksname == 'system_traces' or (ksname is None and 
self.current_keyspace == 'system_traces')
 +        self.tracing_enabled = self.tracing_enabled and not stop_tracing
 +        statement = parsed.extract_orig()
 +        self.perform_statement(statement)
 +        self.tracing_enabled = tracing_was_enabled
 +    def perform_statement(self, statement):
 +        stmt = SimpleStatement(statement, 
fetch_size=self.page_size if self.use_paging else None)
 +        success, future = self.perform_simple_statement(stmt)
 +        if future:
 +            if future.warnings:
 +                self.print_warnings(future.warnings)
 +            if self.tracing_enabled:
 +                try:
 +                    for trace in 
 +                        print_trace(self, trace)
 +                except TraceUnavailable:
 +                    msg = "Statement trace did not complete within %d 
seconds; trace data may be incomplete." % (self.session.max_trace_wait,)
 +                    self.writeresult(msg, color=RED)
 +                    for trace_id in future.get_query_trace_ids():
 +                        self.show_session(trace_id, partial_session=True)
 +                except Exception as err:
 +                    self.printerr("Unable to fetch query trace: %s" % 
 +        return success
 +    def parse_for_select_meta(self, query_string):
 +        try:
 +            parsed = cqlruleset.cql_parse(query_string)[1]
 +        except IndexError:
 +            return None
 +        ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +        name = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('cfname', None))
 +        try:
 +            return self.get_table_meta(ks, name)
 +        except ColumnFamilyNotFound:
 +            try:
 +                return self.get_view_meta(ks, name)
 +            except MaterializedViewNotFound:
 +                raise ObjectNotFound("'{}' not found in keyspace 
'{}'".format(name, ks))
 +    def parse_for_update_meta(self, query_string):
 +        try:
 +            parsed = cqlruleset.cql_parse(query_string)[1]
 +        except IndexError:
 +            return None
 +        ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +        cf = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('cfname'))
 +        return self.get_table_meta(ks, cf)
 +    def perform_simple_statement(self, statement):
 +        if not statement:
 +            return False, None
 +        future = self.session.execute_async(statement, 
 +        result = None
 +        try:
 +            result = future.result()
 +        except CQL_ERRORS as err:
 +            err_msg = err.message if hasattr(err, 'message') else str(err)
 +            self.printerr(str(err.__class__.__name__) + ": " + err_msg)
 +        except Exception:
 +            import traceback
 +            self.printerr(traceback.format_exc())
 +        # Even if statement failed we try to refresh schema if not agreed 
(see CASSANDRA-9689)
 +        if not future.is_schema_agreed:
 +            try:
 +                self.conn.refresh_schema_metadata(5)  # will throw exception 
if there is a schema mismatch
 +            except Exception:
 +                self.printerr("Warning: schema version mismatch detected; 
check the schema versions of your "
 +                              "nodes in system.local and system.peers.")
 +                self.conn.refresh_schema_metadata(-1)
 +        if result is None:
 +            return False, None
 +        if statement.query_string[:6].lower() == 'select':
 +            self.print_result(result, 
 +        elif statement.query_string.lower().startswith("list users") or 
statement.query_string.lower().startswith("list roles"):
 +            self.print_result(result, self.get_table_meta('system_auth', 
 +        elif statement.query_string.lower().startswith("list"):
 +            self.print_result(result, self.get_table_meta('system_auth', 
 +        elif result:
 +            # CAS INSERT/UPDATE
 +            self.writeresult("")
 +            self.print_static_result(result, 
self.parse_for_update_meta(statement.query_string), with_header=True, 
 +        self.flush_output()
 +        return True, future
 +    def print_result(self, result, table_meta):
 +        self.decoding_errors = []
 +        self.writeresult("")
 +        def print_all(result, table_meta, tty):
 +            # Return the number of rows in total
 +            num_rows = 0
 +            is_first = True
 +            while True:
 +                # Always print for the first page even it is empty
 +                if result.current_rows or is_first:
 +                    with_header = is_first or tty
 +                    self.print_static_result(result, table_meta, with_header, 
tty, num_rows)
 +                    num_rows += len(result.current_rows)
 +                if result.has_more_pages:
 +                    if self.shunted_query_out is None and tty:
 +                        # Only pause when not capturing.
 +                        input("---MORE---")
 +                    result.fetch_next_page()
 +                else:
 +                    if not tty:
 +                        self.writeresult("")
 +                    break
 +                is_first = False
 +            return num_rows
 +        num_rows = print_all(result, table_meta, self.tty)
 +        self.writeresult("(%d rows)" % num_rows)
 +        if self.decoding_errors:
 +            for err in self.decoding_errors[:2]:
 +                self.writeresult(err.message(), color=RED)
 +            if len(self.decoding_errors) > 2:
 +                self.writeresult('%d more decoding errors suppressed.'
 +                                 % (len(self.decoding_errors) - 2), color=RED)
 +    def print_static_result(self, result, table_meta, with_header, tty, 
 +        if not result.column_names and not table_meta:
 +            return
 +        column_names = result.column_names or list(table_meta.columns.keys())
 +        formatted_names = [self.myformat_colname(name, table_meta) for name 
in column_names]
 +        if not result.current_rows:
 +            # print header only
 +            self.print_formatted_result(formatted_names, None, 
with_header=True, tty=tty)
 +            return
 +        cql_types = []
 +        if result.column_types:
 +            ks_name = table_meta.keyspace_name if table_meta else 
 +            ks_meta = self.conn.metadata.keyspaces.get(ks_name, None)
 +            cql_types = [CqlType(cql_typename(t), ks_meta) for t in 
 +        formatted_values = [list(map(self.myformat_value, [row[c] for c in 
column_names], cql_types)) for row in result.current_rows]
 +        if self.expand_enabled:
 +            self.print_formatted_result_vertically(formatted_names, 
formatted_values, row_count_offset)
 +        else:
 +            self.print_formatted_result(formatted_names, formatted_values, 
with_header, tty)
 +    def print_formatted_result(self, formatted_names, formatted_values, 
with_header, tty):
 +        # determine column widths
 +        widths = [n.displaywidth for n in formatted_names]
 +        if formatted_values is not None:
 +            for fmtrow in formatted_values:
 +                for num, col in enumerate(fmtrow):
 +                    widths[num] = max(widths[num], col.displaywidth)
 +        # print header
 +        if with_header:
 +            header = ' | '.join(hdr.ljust(w, color=self.color) for (hdr, w) 
in zip(formatted_names, widths))
 +            self.writeresult(' ' + header.rstrip())
 +            self.writeresult('-%s-' % '-+-'.join('-' * w for w in widths))
 +        # stop if there are no rows
 +        if formatted_values is None:
 +            self.writeresult("")
 +            return
 +        # print row data
 +        for row in formatted_values:
 +            line = ' | '.join(col.rjust(w, color=self.color) for (col, w) in 
zip(row, widths))
 +            self.writeresult(' ' + line)
 +        if tty:
 +            self.writeresult("")
 +    def print_formatted_result_vertically(self, formatted_names, 
formatted_values, row_count_offset):
 +        max_col_width = max([n.displaywidth for n in formatted_names])
 +        max_val_width = max([n.displaywidth for row in formatted_values for n 
in row])
 +        # for each row returned, list all the column-value pairs
 +        for i, row in enumerate(formatted_values):
 +            self.writeresult("@ Row %d" % (row_count_offset + i + 1))
 +            self.writeresult('-%s-' % '-+-'.join(['-' * max_col_width, '-' * 
 +            for field_id, field in enumerate(row):
 +                column = formatted_names[field_id].ljust(max_col_width, 
 +                value = field.ljust(field.displaywidth, color=self.color)
 +                self.writeresult(' ' + " | ".join([column, value]))
 +            self.writeresult('')
 +    def print_warnings(self, warnings):
 +        if warnings is None or len(warnings) == 0:
 +            return
 +        self.writeresult('')
 +        self.writeresult('Warnings :')
 +        for warning in warnings:
 +            self.writeresult(warning)
 +            self.writeresult('')
 +    def emptyline(self):
 +        pass
 +    def parseline(self, line):
 +        # this shouldn't be needed
 +        raise NotImplementedError
 +    def complete(self, text, state):
 +        if readline is None:
 +            return
 +        if state == 0:
 +            try:
 +                self.completion_matches = self.find_completions(text)
 +            except Exception:
 +                if debug_completion:
 +                    import traceback
 +                    traceback.print_exc()
 +                else:
 +                    raise
 +        try:
 +            return self.completion_matches[state]
 +        except IndexError:
 +            return None
 +    def find_completions(self, text):
 +        curline = readline.get_line_buffer()
 +        prevlines = self.statement.getvalue()
 +        wholestmt = prevlines + curline
 +        begidx = readline.get_begidx() + len(prevlines)
 +        stuff_to_complete = wholestmt[:begidx]
 +        return cqlruleset.cql_complete(stuff_to_complete, text, 
 +                                       debug=debug_completion, 
 +    def set_prompt(self, prompt, prepend_user=False):
 +        if prepend_user and self.username:
 +            self.prompt = "{0}@{1}".format(self.username, prompt)
 +            return
 +        self.prompt = prompt
 +    def cql_unprotect_name(self, namestr):
 +        if namestr is None:
 +            return
 +        return cqlruleset.dequote_name(namestr)
 +    def cql_unprotect_value(self, valstr):
 +        if valstr is not None:
 +            return cqlruleset.dequote_value(valstr)
 +    def _columnize_unicode(self, name_list):
 +        """
 +        Used when columnizing identifiers that may contain unicode
 +        """
 +        names = [n for n in name_list]
 +        cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, names)
 +        print('')
 +    def do_describe(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        DESCRIBE [cqlsh only]
 +        (DESC may be used as a shorthand.)
 +          Outputs information about the connected Cassandra cluster, or about
 +          the data objects stored in the cluster. Use in one of the following 
 +          Output the names of all keyspaces.
 +        DESCRIBE KEYSPACE [<keyspacename>]
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the given 
 +          and the objects in it (such as tables, types, functions, etc.).
 +          In some cases, as the CQL interface matures, there will be some 
 +          about a keyspace that is not representable with CQL. That metadata 
will not be shown.
 +          The '<keyspacename>' argument may be omitted, in which case the 
 +          keyspace will be described.
 +          Output the names of all tables in the current keyspace, or in all
 +          keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
 +        DESCRIBE TABLE [<keyspace>.]<tablename>
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the given table.
 +          In some cases, as above, there may be table metadata which is not
 +          representable and which will not be shown.
 +        DESCRIBE INDEX <indexname>
 +          Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given 
 +          In some cases, there may be index metadata which is not 
 +          and which will not be shown.
 +          Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given 
materialized view.
 +          In some cases, there may be materialized view metadata which is not 
 +          and which will not be shown.
 +          Output information about the connected Cassandra cluster, such as 
 +          cluster name, and the partitioner and snitch in use. When you are
 +          connected to a non-system keyspace, also shows endpoint-range
 +          ownership information for the Cassandra ring.
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the entire 
(non-system) schema.
 +          Works as though "DESCRIBE KEYSPACE k" was invoked for each 
non-system keyspace
 +          k. Use DESCRIBE FULL SCHEMA to include the system keyspaces.
 +          Output the names of all user-defined-types in the current keyspace, 
or in all
 +          keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
 +        DESCRIBE TYPE [<keyspace>.]<type>
 +          Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given 
 +          Output the names of all user-defined-functions in the current 
keyspace, or in all
 +          keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
 +        DESCRIBE FUNCTION [<keyspace>.]<function>
 +          Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given 
 +          Output the names of all user-defined-aggregates in the current 
keyspace, or in all
 +          keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
 +        DESCRIBE AGGREGATE [<keyspace>.]<aggregate>
 +          Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given 
 +        DESCRIBE <objname>
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the entire 
object schema,
 +          where object can be either a keyspace or a table or an index or a 
 +          view (in this order).
 +        """
 +        stmt = SimpleStatement(parsed.extract_orig(), 
fetch_size=self.page_size if self.use_paging else None)
 +        future = self.session.execute_async(stmt)
 +        if self.connection_versions['build'][0] < '4':
 +            print('\nWARN: DESCRIBE|DESC was moved to server side in 
Cassandra 4.0. As a consequence DESRIBE|DESC '
 +                  'will not work in cqlsh %r connected to Cassandra %r, the 
version that you are connected to. '
 +                  'DESCRIBE does not exist server side prior Cassandra 4.0.'
 +                  % (version, self.connection_versions['build']))
 +        else:
 +            try:
 +                result = future.result()
 +                what = parsed.matched[1][1].lower()
 +                if what in ('columnfamilies', 'tables', 'types', 'functions', 
 +                    self.describe_list(result)
 +                elif what == 'keyspaces':
 +                    self.describe_keyspaces(result)
 +                elif what == 'cluster':
 +                    self.describe_cluster(result)
 +                elif what:
 +                    self.describe_element(result)
 +            except CQL_ERRORS as err:
 +                err_msg = err.message if hasattr(err, 'message') else str(err)
 +                self.printerr(err_msg.partition("message=")[2].strip('"'))
 +            except Exception:
 +                import traceback
 +                self.printerr(traceback.format_exc())
 +            if future:
 +                if future.warnings:
 +                    self.print_warnings(future.warnings)
 +    do_desc = do_describe
 +    def describe_keyspaces(self, rows):
 +        """
 +        Print the output for a DESCRIBE KEYSPACES query
 +        """
 +        names = [r['name'] for r in rows]
 +        print('')
 +        cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, names)
 +        print('')
 +    def describe_list(self, rows):
 +        """
 +        Print the output for all the DESCRIBE queries for element names (e.g 
 +        """
 +        keyspace = None
 +        names = list()
 +        for row in rows:
 +            if row['keyspace_name'] != keyspace:
 +                if keyspace is not None:
 +                    self.print_keyspace_element_names(keyspace, names)
 +                keyspace = row['keyspace_name']
 +                names = list()
 +            names.append(str(row['name']))
 +        if keyspace is not None:
 +            self.print_keyspace_element_names(keyspace, names)
 +            print('')
 +    def print_keyspace_element_names(self, keyspace, names):
 +        print('')
 +        if self.current_keyspace is None:
 +            print('Keyspace %s' % (keyspace))
 +            print('---------%s' % ('-' * len(keyspace)))
 +        cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, names)
 +    def describe_element(self, rows):
 +        """
 +        Print the output for all the DESCRIBE queries where an element name 
as been specified (e.g DESCRIBE TABLE, DESCRIBE INDEX ...)
 +        """
 +        for row in rows:
 +            print('')
 +            self.query_out.write(row['create_statement'])
 +            print('')
 +    def describe_cluster(self, rows):
 +        """
 +        Print the output for a DESCRIBE CLUSTER query.
 +        If a specified keyspace was in use the returned ResultSet will 
contains a 'range_ownership' column,
 +        otherwise not.
 +        """
 +        for row in rows:
 +            print('\nCluster: %s' % row['cluster'])
 +            print('Partitioner: %s' % row['partitioner'])
 +            print('Snitch: %s\n' % row['snitch'])
 +            if 'range_ownership' in row:
 +                print("Range ownership:")
 +                for entry in list(row['range_ownership'].items()):
 +                    print(' %39s  [%s]' % (entry[0], ', '.join([host for host 
in entry[1]])))
 +                print('')
 +    def do_copy(self, parsed):
 +        r"""
 +        COPY [cqlsh only]
 +          COPY x FROM: Imports CSV data into a Cassandra table
 +          COPY x TO: Exports data from a Cassandra table in CSV format.
 +        COPY <table_name> [ ( column [, ...] ) ]
 +             FROM ( '<file_pattern_1, file_pattern_2, ... file_pattern_n>' | 
 +             [ WITH <option>='value' [AND ...] ];
 +        File patterns are either file names or valid python glob expressions, 
e.g. *.csv or folder/*.csv.
 +        COPY <table_name> [ ( column [, ...] ) ]
 +             TO ( '<filename>' | STDOUT )
 +             [ WITH <option>='value' [AND ...] ];
 +        Available common COPY options and defaults:
 +          DELIMITER=','           - character that appears between records
 +          QUOTE='"'               - quoting character to be used to quote 
 +          ESCAPE='\'              - character to appear before the QUOTE char 
when quoted
 +          HEADER=false            - whether to ignore the first line
 +          NULL=''                 - string that represents a null value
 +          DATETIMEFORMAT=         - timestamp strftime format
 +            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'   defaults to time_format value in cqlshrc
 +          MAXATTEMPTS=5           - the maximum number of attempts per batch 
or range
 +          REPORTFREQUENCY=0.25    - the frequency with which we display 
status updates in seconds
 +          DECIMALSEP='.'          - the separator for decimal values
 +          THOUSANDSSEP=''         - the separator for thousands digit groups
 +          BOOLSTYLE='True,False'  - the representation for booleans, case 
insensitive, specify true followed by false,
 +                                    for example yes,no or 1,0
 +          NUMPROCESSES=n          - the number of worker processes, by 
default the number of cores minus one
 +                                    capped at 16
 +          CONFIGFILE=''           - a configuration file with the same format 
as .cqlshrc (see the Python ConfigParser
 +                                    documentation) where you can specify WITH 
options under the following optional
 +                                    sections: [copy], [copy-to], [copy-from], 
[copy:ks.table], [copy-to:ks.table],
 +                                    [copy-from:ks.table], where <ks> is your 
keyspace name and <table> is your table
 +                                    name. Options are read from these 
sections, in the order specified
 +                                    above, and command line options always 
override options in configuration files.
 +                                    Depending on the COPY direction, only the 
relevant copy-from or copy-to sections
 +                                    are used. If no configfile is specified 
then .cqlshrc is searched instead.
 +          RATEFILE=''             - an optional file where to print the 
output statistics
 +        Available COPY FROM options and defaults:
 +          CHUNKSIZE=5000          - the size of chunks passed to worker 
 +          INGESTRATE=100000       - an approximate ingest rate in rows per 
 +          MINBATCHSIZE=10         - the minimum size of an import batch
 +          MAXBATCHSIZE=20         - the maximum size of an import batch
 +          MAXROWS=-1              - the maximum number of rows, -1 means no 
 +          SKIPROWS=0              - the number of rows to skip
 +          SKIPCOLS=''             - a comma separated list of column names to 
 +          MAXPARSEERRORS=-1       - the maximum global number of parsing 
errors, -1 means no maximum
 +          MAXINSERTERRORS=1000    - the maximum global number of insert 
errors, -1 means no maximum
 +          ERRFILE=''              - a file where to store all rows that could 
not be imported, by default this is
 +                                    import_ks_table.err where <ks> is your 
keyspace and <table> is your table name.
 +          PREPAREDSTATEMENTS=True - whether to use prepared statements when 
importing, by default True. Set this to
 +                                    False if you don't mind shifting data 
parsing to the cluster. The cluster will also
 +                                    have to compile every batch statement. 
For large and oversized clusters
 +                                    this will result in a faster import but 
for smaller clusters it may generate
 +                                    timeouts.
 +          TTL=3600                - the time to live in seconds, by default 
data will not expire
 +        Available COPY TO options and defaults:
 +          ENCODING='utf8'          - encoding for CSV output
 +          PAGESIZE='1000'          - the page size for fetching results
 +          PAGETIMEOUT=10           - the page timeout in seconds for fetching 
 +          BEGINTOKEN=''            - the minimum token string to consider 
when exporting data
 +          ENDTOKEN=''              - the maximum token string to consider 
when exporting data
 +          MAXREQUESTS=6            - the maximum number of requests each 
worker process can work on in parallel
 +          MAXOUTPUTSIZE='-1'       - the maximum size of the output file 
measured in number of lines,
 +                                     beyond this maximum the output file will 
be split into segments,
 +                                     -1 means unlimited.
 +          FLOATPRECISION=5         - the number of digits displayed after the 
decimal point for cql float values
 +          DOUBLEPRECISION=12       - the number of digits displayed after the 
decimal point for cql double values
 +        When entering CSV data on STDIN, you can use the sequence "\."
 +        on a line by itself to end the data input.
 +        """
 +        ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +        if ks is None:
 +            ks = self.current_keyspace
 +            if ks is None:
 +                raise NoKeyspaceError("Not in any keyspace.")
 +        table = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('cfname'))
 +        columns = parsed.get_binding('colnames', None)
 +        if columns is not None:
 +            columns = list(map(self.cql_unprotect_name, columns))
 +        else:
 +            # default to all known columns
 +            columns = self.get_column_names(ks, table)
 +        fname = parsed.get_binding('fname', None)
 +        if fname is not None:
 +            fname = self.cql_unprotect_value(fname)
 +        copyoptnames = list(map(str.lower, parsed.get_binding('optnames', 
 +        copyoptvals = list(map(self.cql_unprotect_value, 
parsed.get_binding('optvals', ())))
 +        opts = dict(list(zip(copyoptnames, copyoptvals)))
 +        direction = parsed.get_binding('dir').upper()
 +        if direction == 'FROM':
 +            task = ImportTask(self, ks, table, columns, fname, opts, 
self.conn.protocol_version, CONFIG_FILE)
 +        elif direction == 'TO':
 +            task = ExportTask(self, ks, table, columns, fname, opts, 
self.conn.protocol_version, CONFIG_FILE)
 +        else:
 +            raise SyntaxError("Unknown direction %s" % direction)
 +    def do_show(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        SHOW [cqlsh only]
 +          Displays information about the current cqlsh session. Can be called 
 +          the following ways:
 +        SHOW VERSION
 +          Shows the version and build of the connected Cassandra instance, as
 +          well as the version of the CQL spec that the connected Cassandra
 +          instance understands.
 +        SHOW HOST
 +          Shows where cqlsh is currently connected.
 +        SHOW SESSION <sessionid>
 +          Pretty-prints the requested tracing session.
 +        SHOW REPLICAS <token> (<keyspace>)
 +          Lists the replica nodes by IP address for the given token. The 
 +          keyspace is used if one is not specified.
 +        """
 +        showwhat = parsed.get_binding('what').lower()
 +        if showwhat == 'version':
 +            self.get_connection_versions()
 +            self.show_version()
 +        elif showwhat == 'host':
 +            self.show_host()
 +        elif showwhat.startswith('session'):
 +            session_id = parsed.get_binding('sessionid').lower()
 +            self.show_session(UUID(session_id))
 +        elif showwhat.startswith('replicas'):
 +            token_id = parsed.get_binding('token')
 +            keyspace = parsed.get_binding('keyspace')
 +            self.show_replicas(token_id, keyspace)
 +        else:
 +            self.printerr('Wait, how do I show %r?' % (showwhat,))
 +    def do_source(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        SOURCE [cqlsh only]
 +        Executes a file containing CQL statements. Gives the output for each
 +        statement in turn, if any, or any errors that occur along the way.
 +        Errors do NOT abort execution of the CQL source file.
 +        Usage:
 +          SOURCE '<file>';
 +        That is, the path to the file to be executed must be given inside a
 +        string literal. The path is interpreted relative to the current 
 +        directory. The tilde shorthand notation ('~/mydir') is supported for
 +        referring to $HOME.
 +        See also the --file option to cqlsh.
 +        """
 +        fname = parsed.get_binding('fname')
 +        fname = os.path.expanduser(self.cql_unprotect_value(fname))
 +        try:
 +            encoding, bom_size = get_file_encoding_bomsize(fname)
 +            f =, 'r', encoding)
 +        except IOError as e:
 +            self.printerr('Could not open %r: %s' % (fname, e))
 +            return
 +        subshell = Shell(self.hostname, self.port, color=self.color,
 +                         username=self.username,
 +                         encoding=self.encoding, stdin=f, tty=False, 
 +                         cqlver=self.cql_version, 
 +                         tracing_enabled=self.tracing_enabled,
 +                         display_nanotime_format=self.display_nanotime_format,
 +                         display_date_format=self.display_date_format,
 +                         display_float_precision=self.display_float_precision,
 +                         display_timezone=self.display_timezone,
 +                         max_trace_wait=self.max_trace_wait, ssl=self.ssl,
 +                         request_timeout=self.session.default_timeout,
 +                         connect_timeout=self.conn.connect_timeout,
 +                         is_subshell=True,
 +                         auth_provider=self.auth_provider)
 +        # duplicate coverage related settings in subshell
 +        if self.coverage:
 +            subshell.coverage = True
 +            subshell.coveragerc_path = self.coveragerc_path
 +        subshell.cmdloop()
 +        f.close()
 +    def do_capture(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        CAPTURE [cqlsh only]
 +        Begins capturing command output and appending it to a specified file.
 +        Output will not be shown at the console while it is captured.
 +        Usage:
 +          CAPTURE '<file>';
 +          CAPTURE OFF;
 +          CAPTURE;
 +        That is, the path to the file to be appended to must be given inside a
 +        string literal. The path is interpreted relative to the current 
 +        directory. The tilde shorthand notation ('~/mydir') is supported for
 +        referring to $HOME.
 +        Only query result output is captured. Errors and output from 
 +        commands will still be shown in the cqlsh session.
 +        To stop capturing output and show it in the cqlsh session again, use
 +        CAPTURE OFF.
 +        To inspect the current capture configuration, use CAPTURE with no
 +        arguments.
 +        """
 +        fname = parsed.get_binding('fname')
 +        if fname is None:
 +            if self.shunted_query_out is not None:
 +                print("Currently capturing query output to %r." % 
 +            else:
 +                print("Currently not capturing query output.")
 +            return
 +        if fname.upper() == 'OFF':
 +            if self.shunted_query_out is None:
 +                self.printerr('Not currently capturing output.')
 +                return
 +            self.query_out.close()
 +            self.query_out = self.shunted_query_out
 +            self.color = self.shunted_color
 +            self.shunted_query_out = None
 +            del self.shunted_color
 +            return
 +        if self.shunted_query_out is not None:
 +            self.printerr('Already capturing output to %s. Use CAPTURE OFF'
 +                          ' to disable.' % (,))
 +            return
 +        fname = os.path.expanduser(self.cql_unprotect_value(fname))
 +        try:
 +            f = open(fname, 'a')
 +        except IOError as e:
 +            self.printerr('Could not open %r for append: %s' % (fname, e))
 +            return
 +        self.shunted_query_out = self.query_out
 +        self.shunted_color = self.color
 +        self.query_out = f
 +        self.color = False
 +        print('Now capturing query output to %r.' % (fname,))
 +    def do_tracing(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        TRACING [cqlsh]
 +          Enables or disables request tracing.
 +        TRACING ON
 +          Enables tracing for all further requests.
 +        TRACING OFF
 +          Disables tracing.
 +        TRACING
 +          TRACING with no arguments shows the current tracing status.
 +        """
 +        self.tracing_enabled = SwitchCommand("TRACING", 
"Tracing").execute(self.tracing_enabled, parsed, self.printerr)
 +    def do_expand(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        EXPAND [cqlsh]
 +          Enables or disables expanded (vertical) output.
 +        EXPAND ON
 +          Enables expanded (vertical) output.
 +        EXPAND OFF
 +          Disables expanded (vertical) output.
 +        EXPAND
 +          EXPAND with no arguments shows the current value of expand setting.
 +        """
 +        self.expand_enabled = SwitchCommand("EXPAND", "Expanded 
output").execute(self.expand_enabled, parsed, self.printerr)
 +    def do_consistency(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        CONSISTENCY [cqlsh only]
 +           Overrides default consistency level (default level is ONE).
 +        CONSISTENCY <level>
 +           Sets consistency level for future requests.
 +           Valid consistency levels:
 +           SERIAL and LOCAL_SERIAL may be used only for SELECTs; will be 
rejected with updates.
 +           CONSISTENCY with no arguments shows the current consistency level.
 +        """
 +        level = parsed.get_binding('level')
 +        if level is None:
 +            print('Current consistency level is %s.' % 
 +            return
 +        self.consistency_level = 
 +        print('Consistency level set to %s.' % (level.upper(),))
 +    def do_serial(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        SERIAL CONSISTENCY [cqlsh only]
 +           Overrides serial consistency level (default level is SERIAL).
 +        SERIAL CONSISTENCY <level>
 +           Sets consistency level for future conditional updates.
 +           Valid consistency levels:
 +           SERIAL, LOCAL_SERIAL.
 +           SERIAL CONSISTENCY with no arguments shows the current consistency 
 +        """
 +        level = parsed.get_binding('level')
 +        if level is None:
 +            print('Current serial consistency level is %s.' % 
 +            return
 +        self.serial_consistency_level = 
 +        print('Serial consistency level set to %s.' % (level.upper(),))
 +    def do_login(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        LOGIN [cqlsh only]
 +           Changes login information without requiring restart.
 +        LOGIN <username> (<password>)
 +           Login using the specified username. If password is specified, it 
will be used
 +           otherwise, you will be prompted to enter.
 +        """
 +        username = parsed.get_binding('username')
 +        password = parsed.get_binding('password')
 +        if password is None:
 +            password = getpass.getpass()
 +        else:
 +            password = password[1:-1]
 +        auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username=username, 
 +        conn = Cluster(contact_points=(self.hostname,), port=self.port, 
 +                       protocol_version=self.conn.protocol_version,
 +                       auth_provider=auth_provider,
 +                       ssl_options=self.conn.ssl_options,
 +                       control_connection_timeout=self.conn.connect_timeout,
 +                       connect_timeout=self.conn.connect_timeout)
 +        if self.current_keyspace:
 +            session = conn.connect(self.current_keyspace)
 +        else:
 +            session = conn.connect()
 +        # Copy session properties
 +        session.default_timeout = self.session.default_timeout
 +        session.row_factory = self.session.row_factory
 +        session.default_consistency_level = 
 +        session.max_trace_wait = self.session.max_trace_wait
 +        # Update after we've connected in case we fail to authenticate
 +        self.conn = conn
 +        self.auth_provider = auth_provider
 +        self.username = username
 +        self.session = session
 +    def do_exit(self, parsed=None):
 +        """
 +        EXIT/QUIT [cqlsh only]
 +        Exits cqlsh.
 +        """
 +        self.stop = True
 +        if self.owns_connection:
 +            self.conn.shutdown()
 +    do_quit = do_exit
 +    def do_clear(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        CLEAR/CLS [cqlsh only]
 +        Clears the console.
 +        """
 +'clear', shell=True)
 +    do_cls = do_clear
 +    def do_debug(self, parsed):
 +        import pdb
 +        pdb.set_trace()
 +    def get_help_topics(self):
 +        topics = [t[3:] for t in dir(self) if t.startswith('do_') and 
getattr(self, t, None).__doc__]
 +        for hide_from_help in ('quit',):
 +            topics.remove(hide_from_help)
 +        return topics
 +    def columnize(self, slist, *a, **kw):
 +        return cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, sorted([u.upper() for u in slist]), 
*a, **kw)
 +    def do_help(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        HELP [cqlsh only]
 +        Gives information about cqlsh commands. To see available topics,
 +        enter "HELP" without any arguments. To see help on a topic,
 +        use "HELP <topic>".
 +        """
 +        topics = parsed.get_binding('topic', ())
 +        if not topics:
 +            shell_topics = [t.upper() for t in self.get_help_topics()]
 +            self.print_topics("\nDocumented shell commands:", shell_topics, 
15, 80)
 +            cql_topics = [t.upper() for t in cqldocs.get_help_topics()]
 +            self.print_topics("CQL help topics:", cql_topics, 15, 80)
 +            return
 +        for t in topics:
 +            if t.lower() in self.get_help_topics():
 +                doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + t.lower()).__doc__
 +                self.stdout.write(doc + "\n")
 +            elif t.lower() in cqldocs.get_help_topics():
 +                urlpart = cqldocs.get_help_topic(t)
 +                if urlpart is not None:
 +                    url = "%s#%s" % (CASSANDRA_CQL_HTML, urlpart)
 +                    if self.browser is not None:
 +                        opened = 
 +                    else:
 +                        opened = webbrowser.open_new_tab(url)
 +                    if not opened:
 +                        self.printerr("*** No browser to display CQL help. 
URL for help topic %s : %s" % (t, url))
 +            else:
 +                self.printerr("*** No help on %s" % (t,))
 +    def do_history(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        HISTORY [cqlsh only]
 +           Displays the most recent commands executed in cqlsh
 +        HISTORY (<n>)
 +           If n is specified, the history display length is set to n for this 
 +        """
 +        history_length = readline.get_current_history_length()
 +        n = parsed.get_binding('n')
 +        if (n is not None):
 +            self.max_history_length_shown = int(n)
 +        for index in range(max(1, history_length - 
self.max_history_length_shown), history_length):
 +            print(readline.get_history_item(index))
 +    def do_unicode(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        Textual input/output
 +        When control characters, or other characters which can't be encoded
 +        in your current locale, are found in values of 'text' or 'ascii'
 +        types, it will be shown as a backslash escape. If color is enabled,
 +        any such backslash escapes will be shown in a different color from
 +        the surrounding text.
 +        Unicode code points in your data will be output intact, if the
 +        encoding for your locale is capable of decoding them. If you prefer
 +        that non-ascii characters be shown with Python-style "\\uABCD"
 +        escape sequences, invoke cqlsh with an ASCII locale (for example,
 +        by setting the $LANG environment variable to "C").
 +        """
 +    def do_paging(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        PAGING [cqlsh]
 +          Enables or disables query paging.
 +        PAGING ON
 +          Enables query paging for all further queries.
 +        PAGING OFF
 +          Disables paging.
 +        PAGING
 +          PAGING with no arguments shows the current query paging status.
 +        """
 +        (self.use_paging, requested_page_size) = SwitchCommandWithValue(
 +            "PAGING", "Query paging", 
value_type=int).execute(self.use_paging, parsed, self.printerr)
 +        if self.use_paging and requested_page_size is not None:
 +            self.page_size = requested_page_size
 +        if self.use_paging:
 +            print(("Page size: {}".format(self.page_size)))
 +        else:
 +            self.page_size = self.default_page_size
 +    def applycolor(self, text, color=None):
 +        if not color or not self.color:
 +            return text
 +        return color + text + ANSI_RESET
 +    def writeresult(self, text, color=None, newline=True, out=None):
 +        if out is None:
 +            out = self.query_out
 +        # convert Exceptions, etc to text
 +        if not isinstance(text, str):
 +            text = str(text)
 +        to_write = self.applycolor(text, color) + ('\n' if newline else '')
 +        out.write(to_write)
 +    def flush_output(self):
 +        self.query_out.flush()
 +    def printerr(self, text, color=RED, newline=True, shownum=None):
 +        self.statement_error = True
 +        if shownum is None:
 +            shownum = self.show_line_nums
 +        if shownum:
 +            text = '%s:%d:%s' % (, self.lineno, text)
 +        self.writeresult(text, color, newline=newline, out=sys.stderr)
 +    def stop_coverage(self):
 +        if self.coverage and self.cov is not None:
 +            self.cov.stop()
 +            self.cov = None
 +    def init_history(self):
 +        if readline is not None:
 +            try:
 +                readline.read_history_file(HISTORY)
 +            except IOError:
 +                pass
 +            delims = readline.get_completer_delims()
 +            delims.replace("'", "")
 +            delims += '.'
 +            readline.set_completer_delims(delims)
 +            # configure length of history shown
 +            self.max_history_length_shown = 50
 +    def save_history(self):
 +        if readline is not None:
 +            try:
 +                readline.write_history_file(HISTORY)
 +            except IOError:
 +                pass
 +class SwitchCommand(object):
 +    command = None
 +    description = None
 +    def __init__(self, command, desc):
 +        self.command = command
 +        self.description = desc
 +    def execute(self, state, parsed, printerr):
 +        switch = parsed.get_binding('switch')
 +        if switch is None:
 +            if state:
 +                print("%s is currently enabled. Use %s OFF to disable"
 +                      % (self.description, self.command))
 +            else:
 +                print("%s is currently disabled. Use %s ON to enable."
 +                      % (self.description, self.command))
 +            return state
 +        if switch.upper() == 'ON':
 +            if state:
 +                printerr('%s is already enabled. Use %s OFF to disable.'
 +                         % (self.description, self.command))
 +                return state
 +            print('Now %s is enabled' % (self.description,))
 +            return True
 +        if switch.upper() == 'OFF':
 +            if not state:
 +                printerr('%s is not enabled.' % (self.description,))
 +                return state
 +            print('Disabled %s.' % (self.description,))
 +            return False
 +class SwitchCommandWithValue(SwitchCommand):
 +    """The same as SwitchCommand except it also accepts a value in place of 
 +    This returns a tuple of the form: (SWITCH_VALUE, PASSED_VALUE)
 +    eg: PAGING 50 returns (True, 50)
 +        PAGING OFF returns (False, None)
 +        PAGING ON returns (True, None)
 +    The value_type must match for the PASSED_VALUE, otherwise it will return 
 +    """
 +    def __init__(self, command, desc, value_type=int):
 +        SwitchCommand.__init__(self, command, desc)
 +        self.value_type = value_type
 +    def execute(self, state, parsed, printerr):
 +        binary_switch_value = SwitchCommand.execute(self, state, parsed, 
 +        switch = parsed.get_binding('switch')
 +        try:
 +            value = self.value_type(switch)
 +            binary_switch_value = True
 +        except (ValueError, TypeError):
 +            value = None
 +        return binary_switch_value, value
 +def option_with_default(cparser_getter, section, option, default=None):
 +    try:
 +        return cparser_getter(section, option)
 +    except configparser.Error:
 +        return default
 +def raw_option_with_default(configs, section, option, default=None):
 +    """
 +    Same (almost) as option_with_default() but won't do any string 
 +    Useful for config values that include '%' symbol, e.g. time format string.
 +    """
 +    try:
 +        return configs.get(section, option, raw=True)
 +    except configparser.Error:
 +        return default
 +def should_use_color():
 +    if not sys.stdout.isatty():
 +        return False
 +    if os.environ.get('TERM', '') in ('dumb', ''):
 +        return False
 +    try:
 +        p = subprocess.Popen(['tput', 'colors'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
 +        stdout, _ = p.communicate()
 +        if int(stdout.strip()) < 8:
 +            return False
 +    except (OSError, ImportError, ValueError):
 +        # oh well, we tried. at least we know there's a $TERM and it's
 +        # not "dumb".
 +        pass
 +    return True
 +def read_options(cmdlineargs, environment=os.environ):
 +    configs = configparser.ConfigParser()
 +    rawconfigs = configparser.RawConfigParser()
 +    username_from_cqlshrc = option_with_default(configs.get, 
'authentication', 'username')
 +    password_from_cqlshrc = option_with_default(rawconfigs.get, 
'authentication', 'password')
 +    if username_from_cqlshrc or password_from_cqlshrc:
 +        if password_from_cqlshrc and not 
 +            print("\nWarning: Password is found in an insecure cqlshrc file. 
The file is owned or readable by other users on the system.",
 +                  end='', file=sys.stderr)
 +        print("\nNotice: Credentials in the cqlshrc file is deprecated and 
will be ignored in the future."
 +              "\nPlease use a credentials file to specify the username and 
password.\n", file=sys.stderr)
 +    argvalues = argparse.Namespace()
 +    argvalues.username = None
 +    argvalues.password = None
 +    argvalues.credentials = 
os.path.expanduser(option_with_default(configs.get, 'authentication', 
os.path.join(CQL_DIR, 'credentials')))
 +    argvalues.keyspace = option_with_default(configs.get, 'authentication', 
 +    argvalues.browser = option_with_default(configs.get, 'ui', 'browser', 
 +    argvalues.completekey = option_with_default(configs.get, 'ui', 
 +                                                DEFAULT_COMPLETEKEY)
 +    argvalues.color = option_with_default(configs.getboolean, 'ui', 'color')
 +    argvalues.time_format = raw_option_with_default(configs, 'ui', 
 +                                                    DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
 +    argvalues.nanotime_format = raw_option_with_default(configs, 'ui', 
 +    argvalues.date_format = raw_option_with_default(configs, 'ui', 
 +                                                    DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)
 +    argvalues.float_precision = option_with_default(configs.getint, 'ui', 
 +                                                    DEFAULT_FLOAT_PRECISION)
 +    argvalues.double_precision = option_with_default(configs.getint, 'ui', 
 +                                                     DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PRECISION)
 +    argvalues.field_size_limit = option_with_default(configs.getint, 'csv', 
'field_size_limit', csv.field_size_limit())
 +    argvalues.max_trace_wait = option_with_default(configs.getfloat, 
'tracing', 'max_trace_wait',
 +                                                   DEFAULT_MAX_TRACE_WAIT)
 +    argvalues.timezone = option_with_default(configs.get, 'ui', 'timezone', 
 +    argvalues.debug = False
 +    argvalues.coverage = False
 +    if 'CQLSH_COVERAGE' in environment.keys():
 +        argvalues.coverage = True
 +    argvalues.file = None
 +    argvalues.ssl = option_with_default(configs.getboolean, 'connection', 
 +    argvalues.encoding = option_with_default(configs.get, 'ui', 'encoding', 
 +    argvalues.tty = option_with_default(configs.getboolean, 'ui', 'tty', 
 +    argvalues.protocol_version = option_with_default(configs.getint, 
'protocol', 'version', None)
 +    argvalues.cqlversion = option_with_default(configs.get, 'cql', 'version', 
 +    argvalues.connect_timeout = option_with_default(configs.getint, 
'connection', 'timeout', DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
 +    argvalues.request_timeout = option_with_default(configs.getint, 
'connection', 'request_timeout', DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
 +    argvalues.execute = None
 +    argvalues.insecure_password_without_warning = False
 +    options, arguments = parser.parse_known_args(cmdlineargs, argvalues)
 +    # Credentials from cqlshrc will be expanded,
 +    # credentials from the command line are also expanded if there is a 
 +    # we need the following so that these two scenarios will work
 +    #   cqlsh --credentials=~/.cassandra/creds
 +    #   cqlsh --credentials ~/.cassandra/creds
 +    if options.credentials is not None:
 +        options.credentials = os.path.expanduser(options.credentials)
 +    if options.credentials is not None:
 +        if not is_file_secure(options.credentials):
 +            print("\nWarning: Credentials file '{0}' exists but is not used, 
 +                  "\n  a. the file owner is not the current user; or"
 +                  "\n  b. the file is readable by group or other."
 +                  "\nPlease ensure the file is owned by the current user and 
is not readable by group or other."
 +                  "\nOn a Linux or UNIX-like system, you often can do this by 
using the `chown` and `chmod` commands:"
 +                  "\n  chown YOUR_USERNAME credentials"
 +                  "\n  chmod 600 credentials\n".format(options.credentials),
 +                  file=sys.stderr)
 +            options.credentials = ''  # will ignore 
unreadable files
 +    if not options.username:
 +        credentials = configparser.ConfigParser()
 +        if options.credentials is not None:
 +        # use the username from credentials file but fallback to cqlshrc if 
username is absent from the command line parameters
 +        options.username = username_from_cqlshrc
 +    if not options.password:
 +        rawcredentials = configparser.RawConfigParser()
 +        if options.credentials is not None:
 +        # handling password in the same way as username, priority cli > 
credentials > cqlshrc
 +        options.password = option_with_default(rawcredentials.get, 
'plain_text_auth', 'password', password_from_cqlshrc)
 +        options.password = password_from_cqlshrc
 +    elif not options.insecure_password_without_warning:
 +        print("\nWarning: Using a password on the command line interface can 
be insecure."
 +              "\nRecommendation: use the credentials file to securely provide 
the password.\n", file=sys.stderr)
 +    # Make sure some user values read from the command line are in unicode
 +    options.execute = maybe_ensure_text(options.execute)
 +    options.username = maybe_ensure_text(options.username)
 +    options.password = maybe_ensure_text(options.password)
 +    options.keyspace = maybe_ensure_text(options.keyspace)
 +    hostname = option_with_default(configs.get, 'connection', 'hostname', 
 +    port = option_with_default(configs.get, 'connection', 'port', 
 +    try:
 +        options.connect_timeout = int(options.connect_timeout)
 +    except ValueError:
 +        parser.error('"%s" is not a valid connect timeout.' % 
 +        options.connect_timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
 +    try:
 +        options.request_timeout = int(options.request_timeout)
 +    except ValueError:
 +        parser.error('"%s" is not a valid request timeout.' % 
 +        options.request_timeout = DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
 +    hostname = environment.get('CQLSH_HOST', hostname)
 +    port = environment.get('CQLSH_PORT', port)
 +    if len(arguments) > 0:
 +        hostname = arguments[0]
 +    if len(arguments) > 1:
 +        port = arguments[1]
 +    if options.file or options.execute:
 +        options.tty = False
 +    if options.execute and not options.execute.endswith(';'):
 +        options.execute += ';'
 +    if argvalues.color in (True, False):
 +        options.color = argvalues.color
 +    else:
 +        if options.file is not None:
 +            options.color = False
 +        else:
 +            options.color = should_use_color()
 +    if options.cqlversion is not None:
 +        options.cqlversion, cqlvertup = full_cql_version(options.cqlversion)
 +        if cqlvertup[0] < 3:
 +            parser.error('%r is not a supported CQL version.' % 
 +    options.cqlmodule = cql3handling
 +    try:
 +        port = int(port)
 +    except ValueError:
 +        parser.error('%r is not a valid port number.' % port)
 +    return options, hostname, port
 +def setup_cqlruleset(cqlmodule):
 +    global cqlruleset
 +    cqlruleset = cqlmodule.CqlRuleSet
 +    cqlruleset.append_rules(cqlshhandling.cqlsh_extra_syntax_rules)
 +    for rulename, termname, func in cqlshhandling.cqlsh_syntax_completers:
 +        cqlruleset.completer_for(rulename, termname)(func)
 +def setup_cqldocs(cqlmodule):
 +    global cqldocs
 +    cqldocs = cqlmodule.cqldocs
 +def setup_docspath(path):
 +    #
 +    # default location of local CQL.html
 +    if os.path.exists(path + '/doc/cql3/CQL.html'):
 +        # default location of local CQL.html
 +        CASSANDRA_CQL_HTML = 'file://' + path + '/doc/cql3/CQL.html'
 +    elif os.path.exists('/usr/share/doc/cassandra/CQL.html'):
 +        # fallback to package file
 +        CASSANDRA_CQL_HTML = 'file:///usr/share/doc/cassandra/CQL.html'
 +    else:
 +        # fallback to online version
 +def insert_driver_hooks():
 +    class DateOverFlowWarning(RuntimeWarning):
 +        pass
 +    # Display milliseconds when datetime overflows (CASSANDRA-10625), E.g., 
the year 10000.
 +    # Native datetime types blow up outside of datetime.[MIN|MAX]_YEAR. We 
will fall back to an int timestamp
 +    def deserialize_date_fallback_int(byts, protocol_version):
 +        timestamp_ms = int64_unpack(byts)
 +        try:
 +            return datetime_from_timestamp(timestamp_ms / 1000.0)
 +        except OverflowError:
 +            warnings.warn(DateOverFlowWarning("Some timestamps are larger 
than Python datetime can represent. "
 +                                              "Timestamps are displayed in 
milliseconds from epoch."))
 +            return timestamp_ms
 +    cassandra.cqltypes.DateType.deserialize = 
 +    if hasattr(cassandra, 'deserializers'):
 +        del cassandra.deserializers.DesDateType
 +    # Return cassandra.cqltypes.EMPTY instead of None for empty values
 +    cassandra.cqltypes.CassandraType.support_empty_values = True
 +def main(cmdline, pkgpath):
 +    insert_driver_hooks()
 +    (options, hostname, port) = read_options(cmdline)
 +    setup_docspath(pkgpath)
 +    setup_cqlruleset(options.cqlmodule)
 +    setup_cqldocs(options.cqlmodule)
 +    csv.field_size_limit(options.field_size_limit)
 +    if options.file is None:
 +        stdin = None
 +    else:
 +        try:
 +            encoding, bom_size = get_file_encoding_bomsize(options.file)
 +            stdin =, 'r', encoding)
 +        except IOError as e:
 +            sys.exit("Can't open %r: %s" % (options.file, e))
 +    if options.debug:
 +        sys.stderr.write("Using CQL driver: %s\n" % (cassandra,))
 +        sys.stderr.write("Using connect timeout: %s seconds\n" % 
 +        sys.stderr.write("Using '%s' encoding\n" % (options.encoding,))
 +        sys.stderr.write("Using ssl: %s\n" % (options.ssl,))
 +    # create timezone based on settings, environment or auto-detection
 +    timezone = None
 +    if options.timezone or 'TZ' in os.environ:
 +        if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
 +            try:
 +                import zoneinfo
 +                if options.timezone:
 +                    try:
 +                        timezone = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(options.timezone)
 +                    except Exception:
 +                        sys.stderr.write("Warning: could not recognize 
timezone '%s' specified in cqlshrc\n\n" % (options.timezone))
 +                if 'TZ' in os.environ:
 +                    try:
 +                        timezone = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(os.environ['TZ'])
 +                    except Exception:
 +                        sys.stderr.write("Warning: could not recognize 
timezone '%s' from environment value TZ\n\n" % (os.environ['TZ']))
 +            except ImportError:
 +                sys.stderr.write("Warning: Timezone defined but unable to 
perform timezone conversion using 'zoneinfo' "
 +                                 "module. Timestamps will be displayed in UTC 
 +        else:
 +            try:
 +                import pytz
 +                if options.timezone:
 +                    try:
 +                        timezone = pytz.timezone(options.timezone)
 +                    except Exception:
 +                        sys.stderr.write("Warning: could not recognize 
timezone '%s' specified in cqlshrc\n\n" % (options.timezone))
 +                if 'TZ' in os.environ:
 +                    try:
 +                        timezone = pytz.timezone(os.environ['TZ'])
 +                    except Exception:
 +                        sys.stderr.write("Warning: could not recognize 
timezone '%s' from environment value TZ\n\n" % (os.environ['TZ']))
 +            except ImportError:
 +                sys.stderr.write("Warning: Timezone defined and 'pytz' module 
for timezone conversion not installed. Timestamps will be displayed in UTC 
 +    # try auto-detect timezone if tzlocal is installed
 +    if not timezone:
 +        try:
 +            from tzlocal import get_localzone
 +            timezone = get_localzone()
 +        except ImportError:
 +            # we silently ignore and fallback to UTC unless a custom 
timestamp format (which likely
 +            # does contain a TZ part) was specified
 +            if options.time_format != DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT:
 +                sys.stderr.write("Warning: custom timestamp format specified 
in cqlshrc, "
 +                                 + "but local timezone could not be 
 +                                 + "Either install Python 'tzlocal' module 
for auto-detection "
 +                                 + "or specify client timezone in your 
 +    try:
 +        shell = Shell(hostname,
 +                      port,
 +                      color=options.color,
 +                      username=options.username,
 +                      stdin=stdin,
 +                      tty=options.tty,
 +                      completekey=options.completekey,
 +                      browser=options.browser,
 +                      protocol_version=options.protocol_version,
 +                      cqlver=options.cqlversion,
 +                      keyspace=options.keyspace,
 +                      display_timestamp_format=options.time_format,
 +                      display_nanotime_format=options.nanotime_format,
 +                      display_date_format=options.date_format,
 +                      display_float_precision=options.float_precision,
 +                      display_double_precision=options.double_precision,
 +                      display_timezone=timezone,
 +                      max_trace_wait=options.max_trace_wait,
 +                      ssl=options.ssl,
 +                      single_statement=options.execute,
 +                      request_timeout=options.request_timeout,
 +                      connect_timeout=options.connect_timeout,
 +                      encoding=options.encoding,
 +                      auth_provider=authproviderhandling.load_auth_provider(
 +                          config_file=CONFIG_FILE,
 +                          cred_file=options.credentials,
 +                          username=options.username,
 +                          password=options.password))
 +    except KeyboardInterrupt:
 +        sys.exit('Connection aborted.')
 +    except CQL_ERRORS as e:
 +        sys.exit('Connection error: %s' % (e,))
 +    except VersionNotSupported as e:
 +        sys.exit('Unsupported CQL version: %s' % (e,))
 +    if options.debug:
 +        shell.debug = True
 +    if options.coverage:
 +        shell.coverage = True
 +        import signal
 +        def handle_sighup():
 +            shell.stop_coverage()
 +            shell.do_exit()
 +        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, handle_sighup)
 +    shell.init_history()
 +    shell.cmdloop()
 +    shell.save_history()
 +    if shell.batch_mode and shell.statement_error:
 +        sys.exit(2)
 +# vim: set ft=python et ts=4 sw=4 :

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