
Dmitry Konstantinov edited comment on CASSANDRA-20167 at 1/12/25 1:02 PM:

 Hi, I have decomposed the whole change set to the following logical parts:
||N||Change scope|| Alloc benefit as % of the full change set||API 
|1|Avoid unnecessary iterators for the write hot path, do not recreate 
immutable objects with the same content, avoid objects allocations used only in 
rarely invoked logic branches,  memorize things which can be computed 
once|60%|single primitive one: to add an override method  
VIewManager.updatesAffectView with a single element to avoid collection 
creation to invoke it|TBD|to merge to 5.0 in this ticket|
|2|Reduce memory allocation in CQL transport logic:
 * Parse header and query options flags as int, without EnumSet overheads
 * avoid ByteBuffer slicing in 2 places
 * avoid a capturing lambda allocation by using an explicit 
interface|5.5%|Small API changes limited to interaction between few classes: * 
expose Header flags as int instead of EnumSet - it impacts only 2 classes 
within the same package
 * add an explicit functional interface for OnFlushCleanup instead of 
Consumer<FlushItem<Envelope>>|[^20167_network-5.0.patch]|to merge to 5.0 in 
this ticket if possible or to extract to a separate ticket to evaluate 
|3|Reduce memory allocation Mutation logic:
 * avoid an unnecessary byte buffer slicing (DataOutputBuffer.toByteArray()) 
during a Mutation serialization 
 * Replace AtomicLong  viewLockAcquireStart field in Mutation with volatile 
long and AtomicLongFieldUpdater usage|5%|Add new method to 
DataOutputBuffer.unsafeToByteArray() (similar to a recently added 
unsafeGetBufferAndFlip())|[^20167_mutation-5.0.patch]|to merge to 5.0 in this 
ticket if possible or to extract to a separate ticket to evaluate separately|
|4|Use simplified iterator logic for PartitionUpdate to avoid 
LeafBTreeSearchIterator within inclusionTester() logic which checks if we need 
to iterate over particular column for each cell. It is not really needed here: 
we've just added these cells during PartitionUpdate creation|7.6%|Add new 
builder method in ColumnFilter: all(RegularAndStaticColumns 
columns)|[^20167_partition_update_iterator-5.0.patch]|to merge to 5.0 in this 
ticket if possible or to extract to a separate ticket to evaluate separately|
|5|Cache BtreeRow.builder in a thread-local tiny pool to reuse in 
UpdateParameters|4.6%|BTreeRow.pooledUnsortedBuilder method is 
added|[^20167_BTreeRow_Builder_reuse-5.0.patch]|to merge to 5.0 in this ticket 
if possible or to extract to a separate ticket to evaluate separately|
|6|Add optimized version of UpdatesCollector for a single partition update 
within a single table (a very typical case when we just modify a row)|10%|No 
existing API changes.
We introduce a new implementation for UpdatesCollector, theoretically we have 
now 3 implementations of UpdatesCollector interface and 
addUpdates() call can be megamorphic but it is not an issue, because: 
1) multi-table batch is no a frequent case (so, in majority of cases the call 
will be bimorphic)
2) addUpdates is big enough by itself and invoked once per partition, so the 
overheads of a megamorphic call for this callsite (even if we have it) are 
3) benefits to not create and fill HashMultiset + 2 HashMap instances are much 
higher |[^20167_SingleTableSinglePartitionUpdatesCollector-5.0.patch]|to merge 
to 5.0 in this ticket if possible or to extract to a separate ticket to 
evaluate separately|
|7|Optimize a typical case: a single clustering key in an update|3%|Add new 
method to 
MultiCBuilder.buildSingle()|[^20167_single_clustering_key-5.0.patch]|Can be 
moved to 5.1 if needed|
|8|Avoid ImmutableList.copyOf(columnSpecs) within 
OptionsWithColumnSpecifications constructor, we have to copy columnSpecs for 
every request because in one place plain List is used and in another - 
ImmutableList|2.3%|Change collection type from List to ImmutableList for a set 
of methods in CQLStatement/QueryOptionsAdd a new method to 
VariableSpecifications. A simple change but affects many 
classes.|[^20167_bind_vars_immutable_list-5.0.patch]|Move to 5.1|
|9|iterate over restriction set as an array to avoid iterator usage|0.1%|Add 
method|[^20167_restriction_set_as_array-5.0.patch]|Move to 5.1 or drop due to a 
too small win|

note: I rounded % so the sum is slightly less than 100%

So, the suggestion:
 # To merge to 5.0 in the context of the current story, options:
 ## minimal (1) row from the table; 60% of benefits, basic changes
 ## medium:  (1)  + (4) + (6); 77.6% of benefits
 ## bigger:  (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7)?; 95.7% of benefits 
 # (9) change I suggest to just drop due to a too small win by itself for the 
amount of changes
 # (8) or (7) + (8) - move to 5.1
 # if something from (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) is too big in 
combination with others for this story - we can evaluate them more precisely 
part by part in separate stories (each change by itself is quite simple and 

was (Author: dnk):
 Hi, I have decomposed the whole change set to the following logical parts:
||N||Change scope|| Alloc benefit as % of the full change set||API 
|1|Avoid unnecessary iterators for the write hot path, do not recreate 
immutable objects with the same content, avoid objects allocations used only in 
rarely invoked logic branches,  memorize things which can be computed 
once|60%|single primitive one: to add an override method  
VIewManager.updatesAffectView with a single element to avoid collection 
creation to invoke it|TBD|to merge to 5.0 in this ticket|
|2|Reduce memory allocation in CQL transport logic:
 * Parse header and query options flags as int, without EnumSet overheads
 * avoid ByteBuffer slicing in 2 places
 * avoid a capturing lambda allocation by using an explicit 
interface|5.5%|Small API changes limited to interaction between few classes: * 
expose Header flags as int instead of EnumSet - it impacts only 2 classes 
within the same package
 * add an explicit functional interface for OnFlushCleanup instead of 
Consumer<FlushItem<Envelope>>|TBD|to merge to 5.0 in this ticket if possible or 
to extract to a separate ticket to evaluate separately|
|3|Reduce memory allocation Mutation/PartitionUpdate logic:
 * avoid an unnecessary byte buffer slicing (DataOutputBuffer.toByteArray()) 
during a Mutation serialization 
 * Replace AtomicLong  viewLockAcquireStart field in Mutation with volatile 
long and AtomicLongFieldUpdater usage|5%|Add new method to 
DataOutputBuffer.unsafeToByteArray() (similar to a recently added 
unsafeGetBufferAndFlip())|TBD|to merge to 5.0 in this ticket if possible or to 
extract to a separate ticket to evaluate separately|
|4|Use simplified iterator logic for PartitionUpdate to avoid 
LeafBTreeSearchIterator within inclusionTester() logic which checks if we need 
to iterate over particular column for each cell. It is not really needed here: 
we've just added these cells during PartitionUpdate creation|7.6%|Add new 
builder method in ColumnFilter: all(RegularAndStaticColumns columns)|TBD|to 
merge to 5.0 in this ticket if possible or to extract to a separate ticket to 
evaluate separately|
|5|Cache BtreeRow.builder in a thread-local tiny pool to reuse in 
UpdateParameters|4.6%|BTreeRow.pooledUnsortedBuilder method is added|TBD|to 
merge to 5.0 in this ticket if possible or to extract to a separate ticket to 
evaluate separately|
|6|Add optimized version of UpdatesCollector for a single partition update 
within a single table (a very typical case when we just modify a row)|10%|No 
existing API changes.
We introduce a new implementation for UpdatesCollector, theoretically we have 
now 3 implementations of UpdatesCollector interface and 
addUpdates() call can be megamorphic but it is not an issue, because: 
1) multi-table batch is no a frequent case (so, in majority of cases the call 
will be bimorphic)
2) addUpdates is big enough by itself and invoked once per partition, so the 
overheads of a megamorphic call for this callsite (even if we have it) are 
3) benefits to not create and fill HashMultiset + 2 HashMap instances are much 
higher |TBD|to merge to 5.0 in this ticket if possible or to extract to a 
separate ticket to evaluate separately|
|7|Optimize a typical case: a single clustering key in an update|3%|Add new 
method to MultiCBuilder.buildSingle()|TBD|Can be moved to 5.1 if needed|
|8|Avoid ImmutableList.copyOf(columnSpecs) within 
OptionsWithColumnSpecifications constructor, we have to copy columnSpecs for 
every request because in one place plain List is used and in another - 
ImmutableList|2.3%|Change collection type from List to ImmutableList for a set 
of methods in CQLStatement/QueryOptionsAdd a new method to 
VariableSpecifications. A simple change but affects many classes.|TBD|Move to 
|9|iterate over restriction set as an array to avoid iterator usage|0.1%|Add 
RestrictionSet.toArray() method|TBD|Move to 5.1 or drop due to a too small win|

note: I rounded % so the sum is slightly less than 100%

So, the suggestion:
 # To merge to 5.0 in the context of the current story, options:
 ## minimal (1) row from the table; 60% of benefits, basic changes
 ## medium:  (1)  + (4) + (6); 77.6% of benefits
 ## bigger:  (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7)?; 95.7% of benefits 
 # (9) change I suggest to just drop due to a too small win by itself for the 
amount of changes
 # (8) or (7) + (8) - move to 5.1
 # if something from (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) is too big in 
combination with others for this story - we can evaluate them more precisely 
part by part in separate stories (each change by itself is quite simple and 

> Reduce memory allocations in miscellaneous places along write path
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CASSANDRA-20167
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-20167
>             Project: Apache Cassandra
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Consistency/Coordination, Local/Other
>            Reporter: Dmitry Konstantinov
>            Assignee: Dmitry Konstantinov
>            Priority: Normal
>             Fix For: 5.0.x
>         Attachments: 20167_BTreeRow_Builder_reuse-5.0.patch, 
> 20167_SingleTableSinglePartitionUpdatesCollector-5.0.patch, 
> 20167_bind_vars_immutable_list-5.0.patch, 20167_mutation-5.0.patch, 
> 20167_network-5.0.patch, 20167_partition_update_iterator-5.0.patch, 
> 20167_restriction_set_as_array-5.0.patch, 
> 20167_single_clustering_key-5.0.patch, 
> ci_summary_netudima_20167-5.0_147.html, image-2024-12-26-22-01-32-592.png, 
> image-2024-12-26-22-01-55-614.png, image-2024-12-26-22-02-44-040.png, 
> image-2024-12-26-22-03-49-018.png, 
> results_details_netudima_20167-5.0_147.tar.xz
>          Time Spent: 2h 10m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> Avoid unnecessary allocations in different places along write path:
> * avoid iterator allocations if possible
> * handle typical cases (such as a single row, single table writes) more 
> efficiently
> * add fast paths for typical scenarios (like pending ranges is empty)
> * memorize things which can be computed once

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