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brandonwilliams pushed a commit to branch cassandra-5.0
in repository

commit 15d3deb2692987d19d147cc22a86b1183d633ef8
Merge: 332341b9b6 eff82685e2
Author: Brandon Williams <>
AuthorDate: Tue Jan 14 06:08:54 2025 -0600

    Merge branch 'cassandra-4.1' into cassandra-5.0

 CHANGES.txt                                                   | 1 +
 src/java/org/apache/cassandra/hints/ | 7 +------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --cc CHANGES.txt
index 46ab465be2,48ba5a2bae..af417d3fee
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@@ -1,18 -1,11 +1,19 @@@
 + * Remove v30 and v3X from 5.x in-JVM upgrade tests (CASSANDRA-20103)
 + * Avoid memory allocation in offheap_object's NativeCell.valueSize() and 
NativeClustering.dataSize() (CASSANDRA-20162)
 + * Add flag to avoid invalidating key cache on sstable deletions 
 + * Interpret inet, bigint, varint, and decimal as non-reversed types for 
query construction and post-filtering (CASSANDRA-20100)
 + * Fix delayed gossip shutdown messages clobbering startup states that leave 
restarted nodes appearing down (CASSANDRA-20033)
 + * Streamline the serialized format for index status gossip messages 
 + * Batch clusterings into single SAI partition post-filtering reads 
 + * Ban the usage of "var" instead of full types in the production code 
 + * Suppress CVE-2024-45772 from lucene-core-9.7.0.jar (CASSANDRA-20024)
 +Merged from 4.1:
   * Enforce CQL message size limit on multiframe messages (CASSANDRA-20052)
   * Add nodetool checktokenmetadata command that checks TokenMetadata is 
insync with Gossip endpointState (CASSANDRA-18758)
 - * Backport Java 11 support for Simulator (CASSANDRA-17178/CASSANDRA-19935)
   * Equality check for Paxos.Electorate should not depend on collection types 
 - * Fix race condition in DecayingEstimatedHistogramReservoir during rescale 
  Merged from 4.0:
+  * Allow hint delivery during schema mismatch (CASSANDRA-20188)
   * IndexOutOfBoundsException when accessing partition where the column was 
deleted (CASSANDRA-20108)
   * Enhance CQLSSTableWriter to notify clients on sstable production 
   * Fix gossip issue with gossip-only and bootstrapping nodes missing 
DC/Rack/Host ID endpoint state (CASSANDRA-19983)

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