Revision: 54987ca7733d
Author:   Christoph Tavan <>
Date:     Mon Jan 30 13:54:09 2012
Log:      Always call the ConnectionPool.shutdown()-callback.

- If shutting down, the callback is being passed an error.


--- /lib/driver.js      Mon Jan 30 14:58:56 2012
+++ /lib/driver.js      Mon Jan 30 13:54:09 2012
@@ -742,14 +742,15 @@
 PooledConnection.prototype.shutdown = function(callback) {
   var self = this;

+  callback = callback || function() {};
   // Start shutdown mode, causes no new execute()'s to be accepted
   if (self.shuttingDown) {
-    return;
+    var err = new Error('Already shutting down.');
+    return callback(err);
   self.shuttingDown = true;

-  callback = callback || function() {};
   // Close all open connections as soon as the pool has drained
   self.once('drain', function() {
     self._closeConnections(function() {
--- /test/test_driver.js        Mon Jan 30 14:58:56 2012
+++ /test/test_driver.js        Mon Jan 30 13:54:09 2012
@@ -1083,3 +1083,37 @@
+exports.testPooledConnectionShutdownTwice = function(test, assert) {
+  var hosts = [''];
+ var conn = new PooledConnection({'hosts': hosts, 'keyspace': 'Keyspace1'});
+  var expected = 100;
+  var cbcount = 0;
+  var spy = function(err, res) {
+    assert.ifError(err);
+    cbcount++;
+  };
+  for (var i = 0; i < expected; i++) {
+    (function(index) {
+ conn.execute('UPDATE CfUtf8 SET ? = ? WHERE KEY = ?', ['col', 'val', 'key'+index], spy);
+    })(i);
+  }
+  assert.ok(!conn.shuttingDown);
+  conn.shutdown(function(err) {
+    assert.ifError(err);
+    assert.equal(cbcount, expected);
+    assert.ok(secondCbCalledImmediatelyWithError);
+    test.finish();
+  });
+  // Make sure second callback gets called immediately with an error
+  var secondCbCalledImmediatelyWithError = false;
+  assert.ok(conn.shuttingDown);
+  conn.shutdown(function(err) {
+    assert.ok(err);
+    secondCbCalledImmediatelyWithError = true;
+  });

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