Author: slebresne
Date: Mon Aug  4 08:20:38 2014
New Revision: 1615498

Update website for 2.1.0-rc5 release


Modified: cassandra/site/publish/doc/cql/CQL.html
--- cassandra/site/publish/doc/cql/CQL.html (original)
+++ cassandra/site/publish/doc/cql/CQL.html Mon Aug  4 08:20:38 2014
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD 
XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
xmlns="";><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" 
content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/><title>CQL</title></head><body><p><!-- This 
is only a suggestion, to demonstrate that the pre.syntax and pre.sample classes 
should probably be rendered differently. Render as you like. --><link 
rel="StyleSheet" href="CQL.css" type="text/css" media="screen"></p><h1 
id="CassandraQueryLanguageCQLv2.0">Cassandra Query Language (CQL) 
v2.0</h1><p><b><span style="color:red">NOTICE</span></b>: CQL 2 has been 
deprecated since Cassandra 2.0, and will be removed in Cassandra 3.0.  It is 
recommended that you upgrade to CQL 3, which has much better driver support and 
many new features.  For further reading, see the <a 
href="";>CQL 3 documentation</a> 
and the <a href="http://wiki.a">CQL 3 drivers</a>.</p><h2 
id="TableofContents">Table of Contents</h2><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#CassandraQueryLanguageCQLv2.0">Cassandra Query Language (CQL) 
v2.0</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#TableofContents">Table of Contents</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Syntaxconventions">Syntax conventions</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Overallsyntax">Overall syntax</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#storageTypes">Data Storage Types</a><ol style="list-style: 
none;"><li><a href="CQL.html#usingdates">Working with 
dates</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#USE">USE</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#SELECT">SELECT</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#SpecifyingColumns">Specifying Columns</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ColumnFamily">Column Family</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ConsistencyLevel">Consistency Level</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Filteringrows">Filtering rows</a></li><li><a 
 ">Limits</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#INSERT">INSERT</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#update">UPDATE</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ColumnFamily2">Column Family</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ConsistencyLevel2">Consistency Level</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#SpecifyingColumnsandRow">Specifying Columns and 
Row</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#UpdatingCounterColumns">Updating Counter 
Columns</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#DELETE">DELETE</a><ol 
style="list-style: none;"><li><a href="CQL.html#SpecifyingColumns2">Specifying 
Columns</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#ColumnFamily3">Column 
Family</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#ConsistencyLevel3">Consistency 
Level</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#deleterows">Specifying 
Rows</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#TRUNCATE">TRUNCATE</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#BATCH">BATCH</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#CREATEKEYSPACE">CREAT
COLUMNFAMILY</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#keytypes">Specifying Key Type</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#SpecifyingColumnTypesoptional">Specifying Column Types 
(optional)</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#cfopts">Column Family Options 
(optional)</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#CREATEINDEX">CREATE 
INDEX</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#DROPKEYSPACE">DROP KEYSPACE</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#DROPINDEX">DROP INDEX</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ALTERCOLUMNFAMILY">ALTER COLUMNFAMILY</a><ol style="list-style: 
none;"><li><a href="CQL.html#Changingthetypeofatypedcolumn">Changing the type 
of a typed column</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#Addingatypedcolumn">Adding a 
typed column</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#Droppingatypedcolumn">Dropping a 
typed column</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Modifyingcolumnfamilyproperties">Modifying column fami
 ly properties</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#CommonIdioms">Common 
Idioms</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Changes">Changes</a></li></ol><h2 id="Syntaxconventions">Syntax 
conventions</h2><p>To aid in specifying the CQL syntax, we will use the 
following conventions in this document:</p><ul><li>Language rules will be given 
in a <acronym title="Backus-Naur Form">BNF</acronym>-like notation, looking 
like this:</li></ul><pre class="syntax"><pre>&lt;Start> ::= &lt;CQL_Statement>*
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD 
XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
xmlns="";><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" 
content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/><title>CQL</title></head><body><p><!-- This 
is only a suggestion, to demonstrate that the pre.syntax and pre.sample classes 
should probably be rendered differently. Render as you like. --><link 
rel="StyleSheet" href="CQL.css" type="text/css" media="screen"></p><h1 
id="CassandraQueryLanguageCQLv2.0">Cassandra Query Language (CQL) v2.0</h1><h2 
id="TableofContents">Table of Contents</h2><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#CassandraQueryLanguageCQLv2.0">Cassandra Query Language (CQL) 
v2.0</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#TableofContents">Table of Contents</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Syntaxconventions">Syntax conventions</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Overallsyntax">Overall syn
 tax</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#storageTypes">Data Storage Types</a><ol 
style="list-style: none;"><li><a href="CQL.html#usingdates">Working with 
dates</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#USE">USE</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#SELECT">SELECT</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#SpecifyingColumns">Specifying Columns</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ColumnFamily">Column Family</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ConsistencyLevel">Consistency Level</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Filteringrows">Filtering rows</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#update">UPDATE</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ColumnFamily2">Column Family</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ConsistencyLevel2">Consistency Level</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#SpecifyingColumnsandRow">Specifying Columns and Row</a></
 li><li><a href="CQL.html#UpdatingCounterColumns">Updating Counter 
Columns</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#DELETE">DELETE</a><ol 
style="list-style: none;"><li><a href="CQL.html#SpecifyingColumns2">Specifying 
Columns</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#ColumnFamily3">Column 
Family</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#ConsistencyLevel3">Consistency 
Level</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#deleterows">Specifying 
Rows</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#TRUNCATE">TRUNCATE</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#CREATEKEYSPACE">CREATE KEYSPACE</a></li><li><a 
style="list-style: none;"><li><a href="CQL.html#keytypes">Specifying Key 
Type</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#SpecifyingColumnTypesoptional">Specifying 
Column Types (optional)</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ColumnFamilyOptionsoptional">Column Family Options 
(optional)</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#CREATEINDEX">CREATE 
INDEX</a></li><li><a hr
 ef="CQL.html#DROPKEYSPACE">DROP KEYSPACE</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#DROPINDEX">DROP INDEX</a></li><li><a 
href="CQL.html#ALTERCOLUMNFAMILY">ALTER COLUMNFAMILY</a><ol style="list-style: 
none;"><li><a href="CQL.html#Changingthetypeofatypedcolumn">Changing the type 
of a typed column</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#Addingatypedcolumn">Adding a 
typed column</a></li><li><a href="CQL.html#Droppingatypedcolumn">Dropping a 
typed column</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="CQL.html#CommonIdioms">Common 
Idioms</a><ol style="list-style: none;"><li><a 
href="CQL.html#Changes">Changes</a></li></ol><h2 id="Syntaxconventions">Syntax 
conventions</h2><p>To aid in specifying the CQL syntax, we will use the 
following conventions in this document:</p><ul><li>Language rules will be given 
in a <acronym title="B
 ackus-Naur Form">BNF</acronym>-like notation, looking like this:</li></ul><pre 
class="syntax"><pre>&lt;Start> ::= &lt;CQL_Statement>*
 </pre></pre><ul><li>Nonterminal symbols in syntax rules will have 
<code>&lt;angle brackets></code>.</li><li>Terminal symbols will be shown in 
<code>"single quotes"</code>.</li><li>As an additional shortcut notation to 
BNF, optional symbols (that can occur zero or one times) will be followed by a 
<code>?</code> marker. Optional symbols that can occur zero or any number of 
times will be followed by a <code>*</code> marker. Multiple symbols may be 
grouped together in <code>(parentheses)</code> to signify that they are all 
optional or repeatable together.</li><li>In a few cases where meaning is more 
easily conveyed through prose, we explain a symbol and its expansion without 
BNF.</li><li>Sample code will also be shown in a code block:</li></ul><pre 
class="sample"><pre>SELECT sample_usage FROM cql;
 </pre></pre><ul><li>References to keywords or pieces of CQL code in running 
text will be shown in a <code>fixed-width font</code>.</li></ul><h2 
id="Overallsyntax">Overall syntax</h2><p>CQL consists of statements. As in SQL, 
some statements directly make changes to data, some look up data, and some 
change the way data is stored.</p><p>All statements end with a 
semicolon.</p><pre class="syntax"><pre>&lt;CQL_Statement> ::= 
&lt;statementBody> ";"
@@ -175,14 +175,16 @@ CREATE KEYSPACE Excalibur WITH strategy_
 </pre></pre><p>The <code>CREATE KEYSPACE</code> statement creates a new 
top-level namespace (aka &#8220;keyspace&#8221;). Valid names are any string 
constructed of alphanumeric characters and underscores. Names which do not work 
as valid identifiers or integers should be quoted as string literals. 
Properties such as replication strategy and count are specified during creation 
using the following accepted keyword 
 name of the replication strategy class which should be used for the new 
keyspace. Some often-used classes are <code>SimpleStrategy</code> and 
 strategies require additional arguments which can be supplied by appending the 
option name to the <code>strategy_options</code> keyword, separated by a colon 
(<code>:</code>).  For example, a strategy option of &#
 8220;DC1&#8221; with a value of &#8220;1&#8221; would be specified as 
<code>strategy_options:DC1 = 1</code>; replication_factor for SimpleStrategy 
could be 
id="CREATECOLUMNFAMILY">CREATE COLUMNFAMILY</h2><p><i>Syntax:</i></p><pre 
class="syntax"><pre>&lt;createColumnFamilyStatement> ::= "CREATE" 
"COLUMNFAMILY" &lt;name>
                                     "(" &lt;term> &lt;storageType> "PRIMARY" 
                                         ( "," &lt;term> &lt;storageType> )* ")"
-                                   ( "WITH" &lt;optionName> "=" 
-                                     ( "AND" &lt;optionName> "=" 
&lt;cfOptionVal> )* )?
+                                   ( "WITH" &lt;identifier> "=" 
+                                     ( "AND" &lt;identifier> "=" 
&lt;cfOptionVal> )* )?
-&lt;optionName> ::= &lt;identifier>
-               | &lt;optionName> ":" &lt;identifier>
-               | &lt;optionName> ":" &lt;integer>
-               ;
-</pre></pre><p><cfOptionVal> ::= <storageType><br/>                | 
<identifier><br/>                | <stringLiteral><br/>                | 
<integer><br/>                | <float><br/>                
;</p><p><i>Sample:</i></p><pre class="sample"><pre>CREATE COLUMNFAMILY Fish 
+&lt;cfOptionVal> ::= &lt;storageType>
+                | &lt;identifier>
+                | &lt;stringLiteral>
+                | &lt;integer>
+                | &lt;float>
+                ;
+</pre></pre><p><i>Sample:</i></p><pre class="sample"><pre>CREATE COLUMNFAMILY 
Fish (KEY blob PRIMARY KEY);
     WITH comparator=timestamp AND default_validation=int;
@@ -194,8 +196,8 @@ CREATE COLUMNFAMILY MonkeyTypes (
    AND read_repair_chance = 1.0;
 </pre></pre><p><code>CREATE COLUMNFAMILY</code> statements create new column 
family namespaces under the current keyspace. Valid column family names are 
strings of alphanumeric characters and underscores, which begin with a 
letter.</p><h3 id="keytypes">Specifying Key Type</h3><pre 
class="sample"><pre>CREATE ... (KEY ascii PRIMARY KEY, ... ) ...
 </pre></pre><p>When creating a new column family, you must specify the key 
type. The list of possible types is identical to column comparators/validators 
(see <a href="#storageTypes">Data Storage Types</a>), except it probably does 
not make sense to use <code>counter</code> for a key. It&#8217;s important to 
note that the key type you use must be compatible with the partitioner in use. 
For example, <code>OrderPreservingPartitioner</code> and 
<code>CollatingOrderPreservingPartitioner</code> both require UTF-8 keys. If 
you use an identifier for the primary key name, instead of the <code>KEY</code> 
keyword, a key alias will be set automatically.</p><h3 
id="SpecifyingColumnTypesoptional">Specifying Column Types (optional)</h3><pre 
class="sample"><pre>CREATE ... ( ... , name1 type1, name2 type2, ... ) ...
-</pre></pre><p>It is possible to assign columns a type during column family 
creation. Columns configured with a type are validated accordingly when a write 
occurs, and intelligent CQL drivers and interfaces will be able to decode the 
column values correctly when receiving them. Column types are specified as a 
parenthesized, comma-separated list of column term and type pairs. See <a 
href="#storageTypes">Data Storage Types</a> for the list of recognized 
types.</p><h3 id="cfopts">Column Family Options (optional)</h3><pre 
class="sample"><pre>CREATE COLUMNFAMILY ... WITH keyword1 = arg1 AND keyword2 = 
-</pre></pre><p>A number of optional keyword arguments can be supplied to 
control the configuration of a new column 
 the storage type of column names (which itself determines the sorting and 
validation of column names). Valid values are listed in the <a 
href="#storageTypes">Data Storage Types</a> table 
above.</td></tr><tr><td>comment</td><td>none</td><td>A free-form, 
probability with which read repairs should be invoked on non-quorum 
reads.</td></tr><tr><td>gc_grace_seconds</td><td>864000</td><td>Time to wait 
before garbage collecting tombstones (deletion 
the default storage type of column values (which itself determines the 
validation for column values). This option does not affect the types of co
 lumns which were defined in a <code>CREATE COLUMNFAMILY</code> 
statement&#8212; only new columns. Valid values are listed in the <a 
href="#storageTypes">Data Storage Types</a> table 
number of SSTables needed to start a minor 
 number of SSTables allowed before a minor compaction is 
 specific options such as &#8220;sstable_size_in_mb&#8221; for 
LeveledCompactionStrategy and &#8220;min_sstable_size&#8221; for 
 parameters such as &#8220;sstable_compressor&#8221; and 
"chunk_length_kb"</td></tr></table><h2 id="CREATEINDEX">CREATE 
INDEX</h2><p><i>Syntax:</i></p><pre class="syntax"><pre>&lt;
 createIndexStatement> ::= "CREATE" "INDEX" &lt;identifier>? "ON"
+</pre></pre><p>It is possible to assign columns a type during column family 
creation. Columns configured with a type are validated accordingly when a write 
occurs, and intelligent CQL drivers and interfaces will be able to decode the 
column values correctly when receiving them. Column types are specified as a 
parenthesized, comma-separated list of column term and type pairs. See <a 
href="#storageTypes">Data Storage Types</a> for the list of recognized 
types.</p><h3 id="ColumnFamilyOptionsoptional">Column Family Options 
(optional)</h3><pre class="sample"><pre>CREATE COLUMNFAMILY ... WITH keyword1 = 
arg1 AND keyword2 = arg2;
+</pre></pre><p>A number of optional keyword arguments can be supplied to 
control the configuration of a new column 
 the storage type of column names (which itself determines the sorting and 
validation of column names). Valid values are listed in the <a 
href="#storageTypes">Data Storage Types</a> table 
above.</td></tr><tr><td>comment</td><td>none</td><td>A free-form, 
if JNA is present, otherwise ConcurrentHashMapCacheProvider</td><td>A factory 
for the cache with which to back the row 
cache.</td></tr><tr><td>row_cache_size</td><td>0</td><td>Number of rows whose 
entire contents to cache in 
memory.</td></tr><tr><td>key_cache_size</td><td>200000</td><td>Number of keys 
per SSTable whose locations are kept in memory in &#8220;mostly LRU&#8221; 
 _repair_chance</td><td>1.0</td><td>The probability with which read repairs 
should be invoked on non-quorum 
reads.</td></tr><tr><td>gc_grace_seconds</td><td>864000</td><td>Time to wait 
before garbage collecting tombstones (deletion 
the default storage type of column values (which itself determines the 
validation for column values). This option does not affect the types of columns 
which were defined in a <code>CREATE COLUMNFAMILY</code> statement&#8212; only 
new columns. Valid values are listed in the <a href="#storageTypes">Data 
Storage Types</a> table 
number of SSTables needed to start a minor 
 number of SSTables allowed before a minor compaction is 
 of seconds between savi
 ng row 
 of seconds between saving key 
 id="CREATEINDEX">CREATE INDEX</h2><p><i>Syntax:</i></p><pre 
class="syntax"><pre>&lt;createIndexStatement> ::= "CREATE" "INDEX" 
&lt;identifier>? "ON"
                                &lt;name> "(" &lt;term> ")"
 </pre></pre><p><i>Sample:</i></p><pre class="sample"><pre>CREATE INDEX 
userIndex ON NerdMovies (user);
@@ -214,14 +216,11 @@ CREATE INDEX ON Mutants (abilityId);
 &lt;alterInstructions> ::= "ALTER" &lt;name> "TYPE" &lt;storageType>
                       | "ADD" &lt;name> &lt;storageType>
                       | "DROP" &lt;name>
-                      | "WITH" &lt;optionName> "=" &lt;cfOptionVal>
-                               ( "AND" &lt;optionName> "=" &lt;cfOptionVal> )*
-</pre></pre><p>An <code>ALTER</code> statement is used to manipulate column 
family column metadata. It allows you to add new columns, drop existing 
columns, data storage type of existing columns, or change the column family 
properties. No results are returned.</p><p>Specify the name of the column 
family to be changed after the <code>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY</code> keywords, 
followed by the type of change desired (<code>ALTER</code>, <code>ADD</code>, 
<code>DROP</code>, or <code>WITH</code>), and provide the rest of the needed 
information, as explained below.</p><h3 
id="Changingthetypeofatypedcolumn">Changing the type of a typed column</h3><pre 
class="sample"><pre>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY addamsFamily ALTER lastKnownLocation 
TYPE uuid;
-</pre></pre><p><code>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY ... ALTER</code> changes the expected 
storage type for a column. The column must either be the key alias or already 
have a type in the column family metadata. The column may or may not already 
exist in current rows&#8212; but be aware that no validation of existing data 
is done. The bytes stored in values for that column will remain unchanged, and 
if existing data is not deserializable according to the new type, this may 
cause your CQL driver or interface to report errors.</p><h3 
id="Addingatypedcolumn">Adding a typed column</h3><pre 
class="sample"><pre>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY addamsFamily ADD gravesite varchar;
+</pre></pre><p>An <code>ALTER</code> statement is used to manipulate column 
family column metadata. It allows you to add new columns, drop existing 
columns, or change the data storage type of existing columns. No results are 
returned.</p><p>Specify the name of the column family to be changed after the 
<code>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY</code> keywords, and the name of the column to be 
changed, added, or dropped after the keyword corresponding to the type of 
change desired (<code>ALTER</code>, <code>ADD</code>, 
<code>DROP</code>).</p><h3 id="Changingthetypeofatypedcolumn">Changing the type 
of a typed column</h3><pre class="sample"><pre>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY addamsFamily 
ALTER lastKnownLocation TYPE uuid;
+</pre></pre><p><code>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY ... ALTER</code> changes the expected 
storage type for a column. The column must already have a type in the column 
family metadata. The column may or may not already exist in current rows&#8212; 
but be aware that no validation of existing data is done. The bytes stored in 
values for that column will remain unchanged, and if existing data is not 
deserializable according to the new type, this may cause your CQL driver or 
interface to report errors.</p><h3 id="Addingatypedcolumn">Adding a typed 
column</h3><pre class="sample"><pre>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY addamsFamily ADD 
gravesite varchar;
 </pre></pre><p>The <code>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY ... ADD</code> variant adds a 
typed column to a column family. The column must not already have a type in the 
column family metadata. The same warnings from the above <code>ALTER</code> 
section, about there being no validation of existing data, apply here as 
well.</p><h3 id="Droppingatypedcolumn">Dropping a typed column</h3><pre 
class="sample"><pre>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY addamsFamily DROP gender;
-</pre></pre><p>An <code>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY ... DROP</code> statement removes 
the type of a column from the column family metadata. Note that this does 
<em>not</em> remove the column from current rows; it just removes the metadata 
saying that the bytes stored under that column are expected to be 
deserializable according to a certain type.</p><h3 
id="Modifyingcolumnfamilyproperties">Modifying column family 
properties</h3><pre class="sample"><pre>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY addamsFamily WITH 
comment = 'A most excellent and useful column family' AND read_repair_chance = 
-</pre></pre><p>An <code>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY ... WITH</code> statement makes 
adjustments to the column family properties, as defined when the column family 
was created (see <a href="#cfopts">CREATE COLUMNFAMILY options</a> for 
information about the supported options and values).</p><p>Note that setting 
any <code>compaction_strategy_options:*</code> parameters has the effect of 
erasing all previous <code>compaction_strategy_options:*</code> parameters, so 
you will need to re-specify any such parameters which have already been set, if 
you want to keep them. The same note applies to the set of 
<code>compression_parameters:*</code> parameters.</p><h2 
id="CommonIdioms">Common Idioms</h2><h3 id="consistency">Specifying 
Consistency</h3><pre class="syntax"><pre>&lt;consistency> ::= "ANY"
+</pre></pre><p>An <code>ALTER COLUMNFAMILY ... DROP</code> statement removes 
the type of a column from the column family metadata. Note that this does 
<em>not</em> remove the column from current rows; it just removes the metadata 
saying that the bytes stored under that column are expected to be 
deserializable according to a certain type.</p><h2 id="CommonIdioms">Common 
Idioms</h2><h3 id="consistency">Specifying Consistency</h3><pre 
class="syntax"><pre>&lt;consistency> ::= "ANY"
                 | "ONE"
                 | "QUORUM"
                 | "ALL"

Modified: cassandra/site/publish/download/index.html
--- cassandra/site/publish/download/index.html (original)
+++ cassandra/site/publish/download/index.html Mon Aug  4 08:20:38 2014
@@ -98,16 +98,16 @@
   <h2 class="hdr">Development Cassandra Server Releases (not production 
-  The latest development release is 2.1.0-rc4 (released on
-  2014-07-19).
+  The latest development release is 2.1.0-rc5 (released on
+  2014-08-04).
-    <a class="filename" 
-    [<a 
-    [<a 
-    [<a 
+    <a class="filename" 
+    [<a 
+    [<a 
+    [<a 
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@
-    <a class="filename" 
-    [<a 
-    [<a 
-    [<a 
+    <a class="filename" 
+    [<a 
+    [<a 
+    [<a 

Modified: cassandra/site/src/
--- cassandra/site/src/ (original)
+++ cassandra/site/src/ Mon Aug  4 08:20:38 2014
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ class CassandraDef(object):
     veryoldstable_exists = True
     stable_version = '2.0.9'
     stable_release_date = '2014-06-30'
-    devel_version = '2.1.0-rc4'
-    devel_release_date = '2014-07-19'
+    devel_version = '2.1.0-rc5'
+    devel_release_date = '2014-08-04'
     devel_exists = True
     _apache_base_url = ''
     _svn_base_url = ''

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