CELIX-236: Update README

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/celix/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/celix/commit/e5297485
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/celix/tree/e5297485
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/celix/diff/e5297485

Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: e5297485d2a2f825a60eb5581ea6e751091d4e52
Parents: 2981447
Author: Bjoern Petri <bpe...@apache.org>
Authored: Mon Jan 18 19:37:23 2016 +0100
Committer: Bjoern Petri <bpe...@apache.org>
Committed: Mon Jan 18 19:37:23 2016 +0100

 celix-bootstrap/README.md | 13 +++++++++----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/celix-bootstrap/README.md b/celix-bootstrap/README.md
index ef63c8a..cbd1f58 100644
--- a/celix-bootstrap/README.md
+++ b/celix-bootstrap/README.md
@@ -38,19 +38,24 @@ Is good to known that you should not edit anything between 
the following comment
 You can setup a new Apache Celix project by executing following steps:
 * Choose a project directory and cd to it
 * Run `celix-bootstrap create_project .`
-* Edit the project.json file and ensure that the celix_install_dir points to 
the directory where Apache Celix is installed
+* Edit the project.yaml file and ensure that the celix_install_dir points to 
the directory where Apache Celix is installed
 * Run `celix-bootstrap update .` to generate the needed files
-* (Optional) Update the project.json file and run `celix-bootstrap update .` 
again to update the generated files
+* (Optional) Update the project.yaml file and run `celix-bootstrap update .` 
again to update the generated files
 * (Optional) Run `celix-bootstrap update . -e` to update the project source 
files one more time and remove the code generation parts
 You can create a new bundle by executing the following steps:
 * cd to the project directory
 * Run `celix-bootstrap create_bundle mybundle`
-* Edit the `mybundle/bundle.json` file to declare which components you like to 
create and what services those components depends on and/or provide
+* Edit the `mybundle/bundle.yaml` file to declare which components you like to 
create and what services those components depends on and/or provide
 * Run `celix-bootstrap update mybundle` to generate the neccesary files
-* Add the bundle to the project CMakeLists.txt file by adding the 
`add_subdirectory(mybundle)` line
+* Run `celix-bootstrap update .` to include the new bundle into the 
 * Add code to the component and when providing service also add the necesarry 
code to the bundle activator
 * (Optional) Run `celix-bootstrap update . -e` to update the bundle source 
files one more time and remove the code generation parts
+You can build your whole project with the following step:
+* cd to the project directory
+* Run `celix-bootstrap build buildDirectory` to build and the deploy the code 
within the buildDirectory
+* In case the build was successful, you'll find several deployed configuration 
at buildDirectory/deploy
 Additional Info
 * You can use the -t argument to use a different set of template (project & 
bundle) files. The original template files can be found at 

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