jiaqizho commented on code in PR #722:
URL: https://github.com/apache/cloudberry/pull/722#discussion_r1861773478

@@ -70,16 +70,23 @@ using namespace gpopt;
 // eliminate self comparisons in the given expression
 CExpression *
 CExpressionPreprocessor::PexprEliminateSelfComparison(CMemoryPool *mp,
                          CExpression *pexpr)
                          CExpression *pexpr,
                          CColRefSet *pcrsNotNull)
        // protect against stack overflow during recursion
        GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != mp);
        GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexpr);
+       COperator *pop = pexpr->Pop();
        if (CUtils::FScalarCmp(pexpr))
-               return CPredicateUtils::PexprEliminateSelfComparison(mp, pexpr);
+               return CPredicateUtils::PexprEliminateSelfComparison(mp, pexpr,
+       }
+       if (pop->FLogical())

Review Comment:
   The `Derive*` is not related to the CExpression type(logic/scalar/phy, also 
no phy CExpression will occar in the CExpressionPreprocessor) . 
   So i guess the `CDrvdProp` always return true. when it check the 

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