This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

reshke pushed a change to branch at_set_am2
in repository

    omit 3e0d4db5b5 Fix cherry-pick issues
    omit c47b5cd9fe Fix ENABLE/DISABLE TRIGGER to handle recursion correctly
    omit 6dc63bc572 Support specification of reloptions when switching storage 
    omit 6351b7ef1a Add comment explaining AT SET ACCESS METHOD flow
    omit 8d6ee3bd55 Support setting table-level reloptions for AO/AOCO tables
     add c48753031a Bump minimum requirement of zstd to 1.4.0
     add 32d33bf966 Move a FIXME from postgresql.conf.sample to guc.c
     add b1aebd3afe Remove deadcode cdbpullup_isExprCoveredByTargetlist.
     add 745b89a8e8 Refactor cdbpullup_missingVarWalker.
     add f0fd4bd229 CI fix: don't log too much interconnect events (#15761)
     add eba05de737 Resolve FIXMEs in datetime.c
     add 5eb5061024 Add missing nodes for function raw_expression_tree_walker().
     add f917aa3446 Remove FIXME in relation_open() (#15786)
     add 2de0e285f5 Revert "Refactor cdbpullup_missingVarWalker."
     add 2f11cacb74 Only super user can set the GUC gp_resource_group_bypass.
     add 81d4dd8656 Enable `wal_compression` by default
     add 37c0b696a6 Update comment of createMotionLayerState() (#15800)
     add 6a2c96da05 Replace 'egrep' with 'grep -E'. (#15804)
     add 21404af330 Post fix: replace 'egrep' with 'grep -E' in gpMgmt (#15810)
     add e02db30aa4 Clean up comments.
     add d3c84a9a81 Remove MemoryContext s_tupSerMemCtxt (#15779)
     add 2d61bf5266 starting segments in execute mode post recovery (#15599)
     add 7f68241e2c Yet further fixes for multi-row VALUES lists for updatable 
     add cdad9dc391 Fix multi-row DEFAULT handling for INSERT ... SELECT rules.
     add 79b8ace965 resource_queue.sql: Add pg_locks sanity check
     add 4551673b2b Don't store plain types in short varlena format
     add e6f956b863 Replace -1 with InvalidAORowNum
     add 4e3230978a Fix url_curl.c headers handling (#14976)
     add 9a9908688f Remove fixme in prepunion.c:848 (#15595)
     add fd4abf4f7e Disable -Wdeprecated-non-prototype in the back branches.
     add 5851f9876b Remove fixme from cdbpathlocus_for_insert (#15574)
     add 22410a7a5b Refactor AO macro RelationIsAppendOptimized (#15546)
     add 6909ec814b Fix cherry-pick.
     add 77a6161a0e Fix code indent.
     add d83f34bd86 Remove dead function in src/backend/cdb (7X) (#15553)
     add 20754373f4 Remove GPDB_96_MERGE_FIXME in relnode.c:724 (#15557)
     add 61fd385886 solve GPDB_96_MERGE_FIXME in planner.c
     add eecff11584 Remove unused Progress class from gpload
     add 7a8c7a67e9 rename totalRowsScannned to totalRowsScanned
     add a319e06596 Fix a comment in pg_dump
     add c337b3df46 Remove FIXME: cast the unknown typed literal to text (7X) 
     add 7a37b527d7 Add tests for partial wal file generation (#15469)
     add 4ad58005f7 Fix flaky archiving tap test (#15544)
     add 0d6ac3a13e Fix flacky case
     add 476969de1e Fixing ONLY keyword for multiple tables in GRANT/REVOKE
     add 9e54b320e1 Allow role names started with 'gp_'
     add b7711a8406 Remove FIXME in partition_pruning that was already addressed
     add 23d9f59b6e Fix pg_aocsseg to work with attnum-filenum mapping
     add 467281d916 Fix ao_filehandler for new attnum-filenum changes
     add 688bff0280 resqueue: Fix statement leak for holdable cursors
     add ee18097594 ignore tag.sql tag.out
     add 62d33aa0f6 Fix flaky test AOCO_Compression
     add fd247d855b Fix an issue with vacuum in TAP test
     add a084c9fc21 remove upsert fixme from isolation_schedule (#15636)
     add 7dfd904d1f Post fix: Change resgroup name.
     add 1eea879f72 Assert AO/CO exclusion for anti-wraparound vacuums
     add 41e8e99e49 Update distribution policy for dropping distribution key 
     add 0015f03222 Adjust sepgsql expected output for 681d9e462 et al.
     add cfed4db998 resqueue test: Close holdable cursor instead
     add 16ff096c3e Fix gp_stat_bgwriter which shows incomplete/incorrect 
     add 5ccfc38409 fix compiler warning for gcc-12. (#15813)
     add b6c7dbd5ca Fix another flaky aggregates ICW test (#15895)
     add 6d20299b62 Handle RLS dependencies in inlined set-returning functions 
     add a245727a4a function_extensions: Fix tmpdir ls flake
     add a3f17fe8ab Fix a flaky test die_commit_pending_replication
     add 81673445c5 Remove dead function FinalizeDirectDispatchDataForSlice() 
     add 1107fbd0ac Remove the deprecated 'universal newline' mode from open(). 
     add 065e449aa7 Fix: BaseException.message deprecated since Python 2.6 
     add 8072a95211 Open parallel cursors on behalf of the current user (#15820)
     add 3420d9bf83 Clean up the use of the deprecated 
unittest.TestCase.assertEquals() (#15947)
     add 2b31b258ef Add Cases for Issue 15794, 15767 and 15793.
     add 53cf333482 Create Block Directory for Materialized Views of AO storage.
     add f51358b8e2 Correct faulty comment about relstats aggregation
     add 6cec348656 Correct comment on relallivisible for AO/CO tables
     add 1cb0a67205 Support setting table-level reloptions for AO/AOCO tables
     add bd2f0c29d5 Add comment explaining AT SET ACCESS METHOD flow
     add 3535631561 Support specification of reloptions when switching storage 
     add 0a0f7f65bd Fix ENABLE/DISABLE TRIGGER to handle recursion correctly
     add 1cbd57e2ab Fix cherry-pick issues

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.
That is to say, some revisions that were in the old version of the
branch are not in the new version.  This situation occurs
when a user --force pushes a change and generates a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O   (3e0d4db5b5)
             N -- N -- N   refs/heads/at_set_am2 (1cbd57e2ab)

You should already have received notification emails for all of the O
revisions, and so the following emails describe only the N revisions
from the common base, B.

Any revisions marked "omit" are not gone; other references still
refer to them.  Any revisions marked "discard" are gone forever.

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 configure                                          | 109 +++-                                       |  16 +-
 contrib/Makefile                                   |   2 +-
 contrib/interconnect/proxy/ic_proxy_addr.c         |  19 -
 contrib/interconnect/proxy/ic_proxy_addr.h         |   1 -
 contrib/interconnect/proxy/ic_proxy_iobuf.c        |  21 -
 contrib/interconnect/proxy/ic_proxy_iobuf.h        |   1 -
 contrib/interconnect/proxy/ic_proxy_main.c         |   3 +-
 contrib/interconnect/proxy/ic_proxy_packet.c       |  24 -
 contrib/interconnect/proxy/ic_proxy_packet.h       |   2 -
 contrib/interconnect/udp/ic_udpifc.c               |   4 +-
 contrib/sepgsql/expected/ddl.out                   |   1 -
 gpMgmt/bin/analyzedb                               |   4 +-
 gpMgmt/bin/gpinitsystem                            |   4 +-
 gpMgmt/bin/                               |  87 +--
 .../bin/gppylib/test/unit/ |  14 +-
 .../bin/gppylib/test/unit/   |  14 +-
 gpMgmt/bin/lib/                |   1 -
 gpMgmt/sbin/                       |   2 +-
 gpMgmt/test/behave/mgmt_utils/gpinitsystem.feature |   2 +-
 gpMgmt/test/behave/mgmt_utils/gprecoverseg.feature |   9 +
 gpMgmt/test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/  |  12 +-
 .../mgmt_utils/steps/      |   1 -
 src/backend/access/aocs/aocsam.c                   |   2 +-
 src/backend/access/aocs/aocssegfiles.c             |  25 +-
 src/backend/access/appendonly/aomd.c               |   2 +-
 src/backend/access/appendonly/aomd_filehandler.c   |  99 ++--
 src/backend/access/appendonly/aosegfiles.c         |   2 +-
 .../access/appendonly/appendonly_blkdir_udf.c      |   2 +-
 .../access/appendonly/appendonly_compaction.c      |   6 +-
 .../access/appendonly/appendonly_visimap_udf.c     |   6 +-
 src/backend/access/appendonly/appendonlyam.c       |   8 +-
 .../access/appendonly/test/aomd_filehandler_test.c |  34 +-
 src/backend/access/brin/brin.c                     |   8 +-
 src/backend/access/common/memtuple.c               |   6 +-
 src/backend/access/common/relation.c               |   1 -
 src/backend/access/external/url_curl.c             |  12 +-
 src/backend/catalog/aoblkdir.c                     |   2 +-
 src/backend/catalog/aocatalog.c                    |   2 +-
 src/backend/catalog/aovisimap.c                    |   2 +-
 src/backend/catalog/catalog.c                      |  21 +-
 src/backend/catalog/heap.c                         |  41 +-
 src/backend/catalog/index.c                        |   7 +-
 src/backend/catalog/pg_appendonly.c                |   4 +-
 src/backend/catalog/system_views.sql               |  46 +-
 src/backend/cdb/cdbgroupingpaths.c                 |   2 +-
 src/backend/cdb/cdbpathlocus.c                     |   3 +-
 src/backend/cdb/cdbpullup.c                        |  47 --
 src/backend/cdb/cdbsetop.c                         |   8 +-
 src/backend/cdb/cdbtargeteddispatch.c              |  50 --
 src/backend/cdb/endpoint/README                    |  15 +-
 src/backend/cdb/endpoint/cdbendpoint.c             |   6 +-
 src/backend/cdb/endpoint/cdbendpointutils.c        |   4 +-
 src/backend/cdb/motion/cdbmotion.c                 |   8 +-
 src/backend/cdb/motion/tupser.c                    |  35 +-
 src/backend/commands/analyze.c                     |   2 +-
 src/backend/commands/indexcmds.c                   |   2 +-
 src/backend/commands/matview.c                     |  15 +-
 src/backend/commands/schemacmds.c                  |   8 +-
 src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c                   |   8 +-
 src/backend/commands/tablespace.c                  |   7 +-
 src/backend/commands/vacuum.c                      |   9 +-
 src/backend/commands/vacuum_ao.c                   |   4 +-
 src/backend/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.c          |   2 +-
 src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c                      |   1 -
 src/backend/nodes/nodeFuncs.c                      |   2 +
 src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c                       |   1 -
 src/backend/nodes/readfuncs.c                      |   1 -
 src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c               |  19 -
 src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepunion.c             |  33 --
 src/backend/optimizer/util/clauses.c               |   7 +
 src/backend/optimizer/util/relnode.c               |   7 -
 src/backend/parser/gram.y                          |   4 +-
 src/backend/parser/parse_utilcmd.c                 |   2 +-
 src/backend/postmaster/autovacuum.c                |   9 +
 src/backend/replication/logical/origin.c           |   6 +-
 src/backend/rewrite/rewriteHandler.c               | 125 +++--
 src/backend/rewrite/rewriteManip.c                 |  11 +-
 src/backend/storage/lmgr/lock.c                    |  16 +-
 src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c                   |  68 +--
 src/backend/utils/adt/dbsize.c                     |   2 +-
 src/backend/utils/cache/relcache.c                 |   4 +-
 src/backend/utils/datumstream/datumstream.c        |   1 +
 src/backend/utils/datumstream/datumstreamblock.c   |   6 +-
 .../utils/datumstream/test/datumstreamblock_test.c |   1 +
 src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c                       |   3 +-
 src/backend/utils/misc/guc_gp.c                    |   2 +-
 src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample      |   4 +-
 src/backend/utils/resscheduler/resqueue.c          |   9 +-
 src/bin/gpfdist/regress/input/exttab1.source       |   4 +-
 src/bin/gpfdist/regress/output/exttab1.source      |   4 +
 src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c                          |   4 +-
 src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dumpall.c                       |  12 +-
 src/bin/pg_rewind/t/              |  15 +-
 src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c                          |   3 +
 src/include/access/tupmacs.h                       |  17 -
 src/include/catalog/catalog.h                      |   1 +
 src/include/catalog/pg_am.h                        |   4 +
 src/include/cdb/cdbappendonlyam.h                  |   2 +-
 src/include/cdb/cdbmotion.h                        |   5 -
 src/include/cdb/cdbpullup.h                        |  20 -
 src/include/cdb/cdbtargeteddispatch.h              |   1 -
 src/include/commands/tablecmds.h                   |   4 -
 src/include/nodes/plannodes.h                      |   1 -
 src/include/storage/lock.h                         |   7 +
 src/include/utils/datumstreamblock.h               |   1 +
 src/include/utils/rel.h                            |   6 +-
 src/test/isolation/isolation_schedule              |  16 +-
 src/test/isolation2/expected/lockmodes.out         | 105 ++++
 .../expected/resgroup/resgroup_bypass.out          |   6 +
 src/test/isolation2/expected/resource_queue.out    |  37 +-
 .../expected/segwalrep/select_throttle.out         |  10 +-
 .../parallel_retrieve_cursor/privilege.source      |   7 +-
 src/test/isolation2/isolation2_schedule            |   7 +-
 .../parallel_retrieve_cursor/privilege.source      |  36 +-
 .../isolation2/sql/resgroup/resgroup_bypass.sql    |   5 +
 src/test/isolation2/sql/resource_queue.sql         |  20 +-
 .../isolation2/sql/segwalrep/select_throttle.sql   |   2 +-
 src/test/perl/                      |   2 +-
 src/test/recovery/t/               | 259 +++++++--
 src/test/regress/.gitignore                        |   2 +
 src/test/regress/expected/AOCO_Compression.out     |  64 +--
 src/test/regress/expected/aggregates.out           |   1 +
 src/test/regress/expected/aggregates_optimizer.out |   1 +
 .../regress/expected/alter_distribution_policy.out | 179 ++++++-
 src/test/regress/expected/alter_table.out          |  26 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/bfv_partition.out        |  28 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/bfv_subquery.out         |  54 ++
 .../regress/expected/bfv_subquery_optimizer.out    |  54 ++
 src/test/regress/expected/column_compression.out   |  12 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/function_extensions.out  |  28 +-
 .../expected/function_extensions_optimizer.out     |  28 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/generated.out            |   2 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/generated_optimizer.out  |   2 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/gporca.out               |   2 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/gporca_optimizer.out     |   2 +-
 .../expected/index_including_gist_optimizer.out    |   2 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/matview.out              |  47 ++
 src/test/regress/expected/matview_optimizer.out    |  47 ++
 src/test/regress/expected/partition_pruning.out    |  17 +-
 .../expected/partition_pruning_optimizer.out       |  17 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/qp_dropped_cols.out      | 586 ++++++++++++---------
 .../regress/expected/qp_dropped_cols_optimizer.out | 586 ++++++++++++---------
 src/test/regress/expected/qp_misc_jiras.out        |   8 +-
 .../regress/expected/qp_misc_jiras_optimizer.out   |   8 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/qp_misc_rio.out          |   6 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/role.out                 |  39 ++
 src/test/regress/expected/rowsecurity.out          |  27 +
 src/test/regress/expected/rpt.out                  |   2 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/rpt_optimizer.out        |   2 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/updatable_views.out      |  41 ++
 .../regress/expected/updatable_views_optimizer.out |  41 ++
 src/test/regress/expected/vacuum_gp.out            |   2 +-
 src/test/regress/input/aocs.source                 |  14 +
 src/test/regress/output/aocs.source                |  22 +
 src/test/regress/output/table_functions.source     |   2 +-
 .../output/table_functions_optimizer.source        |   2 +-
 .../output/uao_ddl/alter_drop_allcol.source        |   2 +-
 src/test/regress/sql/AOCO_Compression.sql          |  64 +--
 src/test/regress/sql/aggregates.sql                |   1 +
 src/test/regress/sql/alter_distribution_policy.sql |  61 +++
 src/test/regress/sql/bfv_subquery.sql              |  39 ++
 src/test/regress/sql/function_extensions.sql       |  18 +-
 src/test/regress/sql/matview.sql                   |  52 ++
 src/test/regress/sql/partition_pruning.sql         |   5 -
 src/test/regress/sql/qp_dropped_cols.sql           |  28 +
 src/test/regress/sql/qp_misc_jiras.sql             |   8 +-
 src/test/regress/sql/qp_misc_rio.sql               |   6 +-
 src/test/regress/sql/role.sql                      |  34 ++
 src/test/regress/sql/rowsecurity.sql               |  20 +
 src/test/regress/sql/updatable_views.sql           |  27 +
 src/test/singlenode_regress/expected/.gitignore    |   1 +
 src/test/singlenode_regress/sql/.gitignore         |   3 +-
 173 files changed, 2721 insertions(+), 1544 deletions(-)

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