stevengill closed pull request #811: CB-13955 No mention of 'Make' command 
running in 'developing-the-website' section

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a2fa90d..000000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-# Function Reference:
-# Variable Reference:
-# Makefile's own config
-ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
-ifdef WINDOWS
-SHELL  = cmd
-JEKYLL = bundle.bat exec jekyll
-CAT    = type
-LS     = ls
-SHELL  = sh
-JEKYLL = bundle exec jekyll
-CAT    = cat
-LS     = ls
-# macros
-slugify       = $(subst /,_,$(subst .,-,$(1)))
-slug2language = $(subst /,,$(dir $(subst _,/,$(1))))
-slug2version  = $(subst -,.,$(notdir $(subst _,/,$(1))))
-ifdef WINDOWS
-copydir = xcopy "$(subst /,\,$(1))" "$(subst /,\,$(2))" /E /I
-copydir = cp -r $(1) $(2)
-ifdef WINDOWS
-copyfile = copy "$(subst /,\,$(1))" "$(subst /,\,$(2))"
-copyfile = cp $(1) $(2)
-ifdef WINDOWS
-makedir = mkdir $(subst /,\,$(1))
-makedir = mkdir -p $(1)
-ifdef WINDOWS
-printfile = type $(subst /,\,$(1))
-printfile = cat $(1)
-ifdef WINDOWS
-RM = cmd /C del /Q /F $(subst /,\,$(1))
-RMDIR  = cmd /C rmdir /S /Q $(subst /,\,$(1))
-RM = rm -f $(1)
-RMDIR = rm -rf $(1)
-# constants
-COMMA = ,
-VERSION_VAR_NAME = latest_docs_version
-# paths and files
-BIN_DIR      = tools/bin
-NODE_BIN_DIR = ./node_modules/.bin
-SRC_DIR    = www
-DEV_DIR    = build-dev
-PROD_DIR   = build-prod
-CONFIG_DIR = conf
-DOCS_DIR         = $(SRC_DIR)/docs
-DATA_DIR         = $(SRC_DIR)/_data
-TOC_DIR          = $(DATA_DIR)/toc
-STATIC_DIR       = $(SRC_DIR)/static
-CSS_SRC_DIR      = $(STATIC_DIR)/css-src
-# executables
-NODE       = node
-GULP       = $(NODE_BIN_DIR)/gulp
-LESSC      = $(NODE_BIN_DIR)/lessc
-SASSC      = $(NODE_BIN_DIR)/node-sass
-BROWSERIFY = $(NODE_BIN_DIR)/browserify
-UGLIFY     = $(NODE_BIN_DIR)/uglifyjs
-# replace slashes in executables on Windows
-ifdef WINDOWS
-GULP       := $(subst /,\,$(GULP))
-LESSC      := $(subst /,\,$(LESSC))
-SASSC      := $(subst /,\,$(SASSC))
-BROWSERIFY := $(subst /,\,$(BROWSERIFY))
-UGLIFY     := $(subst /,\,$(UGLIFY))
-# existing files
-MAIN_CONFIG         = $(CONFIG_DIR)/_config.yml
-DEV_CONFIG          = $(CONFIG_DIR)/_dev.yml
-PROD_CONFIG         = $(CONFIG_DIR)/_prod.yml
-FETCH_CONFIG        = $(DATA_DIR)/fetched-files.yml
-REDIRECTS_FILE      = $(DATA_DIR)/redirects.yml
-PLUGINS_SRC         = $(PLUGINS_SRC_DIR)/app.js
-FETCH_SCRIPT        = $(BIN_DIR)/fetch_docs.js
-# NOTE:
-#      the .scss files are separate because they combine into MAIN_STYLE_FILE,
-#      which includes them on its own, and the SCSS compiler takes care of 
-#      because of this, there is also no .scss -> .css pattern rule
-ifdef WINDOWS
-PWD = $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
-SCSS_SRC   = $(subst $(PWD),,$(subst \,/,$(shell cd $(CSS_SRC_DIR) && dir 
*.scss /S /B)))
-STYLES_SRC = $(subst $(PWD),,$(subst \,/,$(shell cd $(CSS_SRC_DIR) && dir 
*.less *.css /S /B)))
-SCSS_SRC   = $(shell find $(CSS_SRC_DIR) -name "*.scss")
-STYLES_SRC = $(shell find $(CSS_SRC_DIR) -name "*.less" -or -name "*.css")
-LANGUAGES = $(shell $(LS) $(DOCS_DIR))
-LATEST_DOCS_VERSION = $(strip $(shell $(CAT) $(VERSION_FILE)))
-NEXT_DOCS_VERSION   = $(shell $(NODE) $(BIN_DIR)/nextversion.js 
-DEV_DOCS      = $(addprefix $(DOCS_DIR)/,$(addsuffix /dev,$(LANGUAGES)))
-DEV_DOCS_TOCS = $(addprefix $(TOC_DIR)/,$(addsuffix _dev-src.yml, 
-# generated files
-VERSION_CONFIG    = $(CONFIG_DIR)/_version.yml
-DEFAULTS_CONFIG   = $(CONFIG_DIR)/_defaults.yml
-DOCS_VERSION_DATA = $(DATA_DIR)/docs-versions.yml
-DOCS_PAGE_LIST    = $(DATA_DIR)/all-pages.yml
-PLUGINS_APP       = $(PLUGINS_DEST_DIR)/plugins.js
-STYLES = $(MAIN_STYLE_FILE) $(addsuffix .css,$(basename $(subst 
-DOCS_VERSION_DIRS  = $(filter-out,$(wildcard $(DOCS_DIR)/**/*))
-DOCS_VERSION_SLUGS = $(call slugify,$(subst 
-TOC_FILES          = $(addprefix $(TOC_DIR)/,$(addsuffix 
-FETCH_FLAGS   = --config $(FETCH_CONFIG) --docsRoot $(DOCS_DIR)
-NEXT_DOCS      = $(addprefix $(DOCS_DIR)/,$(addsuffix 
-NEXT_DOCS_TOCS = $(addprefix $(TOC_DIR)/,$(addsuffix 
-# other variables
-# NOTE:
-#      the order of config files matters to Jekyll
-# convenience targets
-help usage default:
-       @echo ""
-       @echo "Usage:"
-       @echo ""
-       @echo "    make build:      build site with dev config"
-       @echo "    make install:    install dependencies"
-       @echo ""
-       @echo "    make data:       generate data files (Generated ToCs, 
-       @echo "    make configs:    generate Jekyll configs 
-       @echo "    make styles:     generate CSS"
-       @echo "    make plugins:    generate plugins app ($(PLUGINS_APP))"
-       @echo ""
-       @echo "    make snapshot:   copy dev docs to $(LATEST_DOCS_VERSION) 
-       @echo "    make newversion: create $(NEXT_DOCS_VERSION) docs from dev 
-       @echo ""
-       @echo "    make clean:      remove all generated output"
-       @echo "    make nuke:       run 'make clean' and remove all 
-       @echo ""
-       @echo "Arguments:"
-       @echo ""
-       @echo "    NODOCS: (defined or undefined) - excludes docs from build"
-       @echo "    PROD:   (defined or undefined) - uses production config 
instead of dev config"
-       @echo ""
-fetch: $(FETCHED_FILES)
-data: $(BUILD_DATA)
-styles: $(STYLES)
-plugins: $(PLUGINS_APP)
-toc: $(TOC_FILES)
-ifdef PROD
-ifdef NODOCS
-$(error Cannot ignore docs during a production build)
-JEKYLL_FLAGS += --trace
-ifdef NODOCS
-build: JEKYLL_FLAGS += --config $(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip 
-       $(JEKYLL) build $(JEKYLL_FLAGS)
-       bundle install
-       npm install
-       cd $(DEV_DIR) && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
-# doing this in Make in a cross-platform way is pretty ugly
-snapshot: $(FETCHED_FILES)
-       $(GULP) snapshot
-newversion: $(NEXT_DOCS) $(NEXT_DOCS_TOCS)
-# real targets
-# NOTE:
-#      the ">>" operator appends to a file in both CMD and SH
-       echo ---> $@
-       echo --->> $@
-       $(BROWSERIFY) -t [ babelify --presets [ react ] --plugins [ 
transform-h-jsx ] ] -t envify $< | $(UGLIFY) >> $@
-$(DOCS_VERSION_DATA): $(BIN_DIR)/gen_versions.js $(DOCS_DIR)
-       $(NODE) $(BIN_DIR)/gen_versions.js $(DOCS_DIR) > $@
-$(DOCS_PAGE_LIST): $(BIN_DIR)/gen_pages_dict.js $(FETCHED_FILES) 
-       $(NODE) $(BIN_DIR)/gen_pages_dict.js \
-               --siteRoot $(SRC_DIR) \
-               --redirectsFile $(REDIRECTS_FILE) \
-               --latestVersion $(LATEST_DOCS_VERSION) \
-               --languages $(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(LANGUAGES)) \
-               > $@
-       $(NODE) $(BIN_DIR)/gen_defaults.js $(DOCS_DIR) "$(LATEST_DOCS_VERSION)" 
> $@
-       sed -e "s/^/$(VERSION_VAR_NAME): /" < $< > $@
-# pattern rules
-       $(call copydir,$^,$@)
-ifndef WINDOWS
-       touch $(DOCS_DIR)
-$(TOC_DIR)/%_$(NEXT_DOCS_VERSION_SLUG)-src.yml: $(TOC_DIR)/%_dev-src.yml 
-       $(call copyfile,$<,$@)
-$(TOC_DIR)/%_dev-gen.yml: $(FETCHED_FILES)
-$(TOC_DIR)/%-gen.yml: $(TOC_DIR)/%-src.yml $(BIN_DIR)/augment_toc.js 
-       $(NODE) $(BIN_DIR)/augment_toc.js --srcToc $< --srcRoot 
$(DOCS_DIR)/$(call slug2language,$*)/$(call slug2version,$*) > $@
-# NOTE:
-#      $(@D) means "directory part of target"
-$(CSS_DEST_DIR)/%.css: $(CSS_SRC_DIR)/%.less
-       -$(call makedir,$(@D))
-       echo ---> $@
-       echo --->> $@
-       $(LESSC) $< >> $@
-$(CSS_DEST_DIR)/%.css: $(CSS_SRC_DIR)/%.scss
-       -$(call makedir,$(@D))
-       echo ---> $@
-       echo --->> $@
-       $(SASSC) $< >> $@
-$(CSS_DEST_DIR)/%.css: $(CSS_SRC_DIR)/%.css
-       -$(call makedir,$(@D))
-       echo ---> $@
-       echo --->> $@
-       $(call printfile,$<) >> $@
-# maintenance
-       $(call RM, $(VERSION_CONFIG))
-       $(call RM, $(DEFAULTS_CONFIG))
-       $(call RM, $(DOCS_PAGE_LIST))
-       $(call RM, $(DOCS_VERSION_DATA))
-       $(call RM, $(TOC_FILES))
-       $(call RM, $(PLUGINS_APP))
-       $(call RM, $(FETCHED_FILES))
-       -$(call RMDIR, $(CSS_DEST_DIR))
-       -$(call RMDIR, $(PROD_DIR))
-       -$(call RMDIR, $(DEV_DIR))
-nuke: clean
-       $(call RMDIR, node_modules)
-       $(call RM, Gemfile.lock)
-.PHONY: clean usage help default build fetch $(DEV_DOCS)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/ 
index 56f6faebe..d4b7da340 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ The development environment setup requires installation of the 
following softwar
 1. Ruby - Needed by Jekyll. Jekyll is the static site generator that generates 
the website and docs.
 1. Node.js - Needs to be installed in order to install all the required 
development and JavaScript dependencies.
-1. Make - Can be installed in order to build Cordova website using Make. This 
installation is optional.
-1. Python - Can be installed in order to invoke simple HTTP server from Make. 
This installation is optional.
+1. Python - Neeeded by Jekyll dependencies like Pygments.
 ### Mac OS X
@@ -19,13 +18,7 @@ Install Homebrew from [this site][homebrew], and then run:
 Go to [this site][nodejs], and click the "Install" button. Then run the 
downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure that the 
option to **install NPM** is enabled, if you see one.
-#### Make (optional)
-Make comes with the Xcode Command Line Tools. To install them, run:
-    xcode-select --install
-#### Python (optional)
+#### Python
 Mac OS X comes with Python 2.7 pre-installed. Else, follow these steps:
@@ -59,11 +52,7 @@ Follow these steps:
 Go to [this site][nodejs], and click the "Install" button. Then run the 
downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure that the 
option to **install NPM** is enabled, if you see one.
-#### Make (optional)
-Make can be installed on Windows from [this page][make_page] by downloading 
the [setup tool][make_setup] and running it.
-#### Python (optional)
+#### Python
 Follow these steps:
@@ -82,11 +71,7 @@ Run the commands from [this site][ruby_linux] that apply to 
your Linux distribut
 Follow the instructions on [this site][linux_node].
-#### Make
-Make is installed by default on Linux.
-#### Python (optional)
+#### Python
 The latest version of CentOS, Fedora, Redhat Enterprise (RHEL) and Ubuntu come 
with Python 2.7 pre-installed. Else, follow the steps from [this 
@@ -107,12 +92,6 @@ Verify your Node.js installation by running:
     node --version
     npm --version
-#### Verify make
-Verify your make installation by running:
-    make --version
 #### Verify Python
 Python 2.7 is also required to build the docs. NOTE: *The docs will not build 
with Python 3.0 or greater.*
@@ -179,7 +158,5 @@ You could try a different method to install Ruby. Checkout 
\ No newline at end of file


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