Author: steven
Date: Wed Jul 18 10:51:22 2018
New Revision: 1836156

Updated docs

    cordova/site/public/static/img/tools/instabug.png   (with props)

Modified: cordova/site/public/docs/en/dev/guide/next/index.html
--- cordova/site/public/docs/en/dev/guide/next/index.html (original)
+++ cordova/site/public/docs/en/dev/guide/next/index.html Wed Jul 18 10:51:22 
@@ -2468,42 +2468,29 @@
             <div id="page-toc-source">
                 <h1>Next Steps</h1>
-<p>For developers who have an understanding of how to use the Cordova CLI and 
make use of plugins, there are a few things you may want to consider 
researching next to build better, more performant Cordova applications. The 
following document offers advice on various topics relating to best practices, 
testing, upgrades, and other topics, but is not meant to be prescriptive. 
Consider this your launching point for your growth as a Cordova developer. 
Also, if you see something that can be improved, please <a 
+<p>For developers who have an understanding of how to use the Cordova CLI and 
make use of plugins, there are a few things you may want to consider 
researching next to build better, more performant Cordova applications. The 
following document offers advice on various topics relating to best practices, 
testing, upgrades, and other topics, but is not meant to be prescriptive. 
Consider this your launching point for your growth as a Cordova developer. 
Also, if you see something that can be improved, please <a 
-<p>This guide contains the following topics:</p>
-<li>Best Practices</li>
-<li>Handling Upgrades</li>
-<li>Testing Cordova apps</li>
-<li>Debugging Cordova apps</li>
-<li>User Interface</li>
-<li>Special Considerations</li>
-<li>Keeping Up</li>
-<li>Getting Help</li>
-<h1>Best Practices Cordova app development</h1>
+<h1>Best Practices for Cordova Apps</h1>
 <h2>1) SPA Is Your Friend</h2>
-<p>First and foremost - your Cordova applications should adopt the SPA (Single 
Page Application) design. Loosely defined, a SPA is a client-side application 
that is run from one request of a web page. The user loads an initial set of 
resources (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and further updates (showing a new view, 
loading data) is done via AJAX. SPAs are commonly used for more complex 
client-side applications. GMail is a great example of this. After you load 
GMail, mail views, editing, and organization are all done by updating the DOM 
instead of actually leaving the current page to load a completely new one.</p>
+<p>First and foremost - your Cordova applications should adopt the SPA (Single 
Page Application) design. Loosely defined, a SPA is a client-side application 
that is run from one request of a web page. The user loads an initial set of 
resources (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and further updates (showing a new view, 
loading data) is done via XHR requests. SPAs are commonly used for more complex 
client-side applications. Gmail is a great example of this. After you load 
Gmail, mail views, editing, and organization are all done by updating the DOM 
instead of actually leaving the current page to load a completely new one.</p>
-<p>Using a SPA can help you organize your application in a more efficient 
manner, but it also has specific benefits for Cordova applications. A Cordova 
application must wait for the <a 
href="../../cordova/events/events.html#deviceready">deviceready</a> event to 
fire before any plugins may be used. If you do not use a SPA, and your user 
clicks to go from one page to another, you will have to wait for <a 
href="../../cordova/events/events.html#deviceready">deviceready</a> to fire 
again before you make use of a plugin. This is easy to forget as your 
application gets larger.</p>
+<p>Using a SPA can help you organize your application in a more efficient 
manner, but it also has specific benefits for Cordova applications. A Cordova 
application must wait for the <a 
href="../../cordova/events/events.html#deviceready">deviceready event</a> to 
fire before any plugins may be used. If you do not use a SPA, and your user 
clicks to go from one page to another, you will have to wait for <a 
href="../../cordova/events/events.html#deviceready">deviceready</a> to fire 
again before you make use of a plugin. This is easy to forget as your 
application gets larger.</p>
 <p>Even if you choose not to use Cordova, creating a mobile application 
without using a single page architecture will have serious performance 
implications. This is because navigating between pages will require scripts, 
assets, etc., to be reloaded. Even if these assets are cached, there will still 
be performance issues.</p>
 <p>Examples of SPA libraries you can use in your Cordova applications are:</p>
-<li><a href="";>AngularJS</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>EmberJS</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>Backbone</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>Kendo UI</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>Monaca</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>ReactJS</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>Sencha Touch</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>jQuery Mobile</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>ReactJS</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>Vue</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>Angular</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>EmberJS</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>Backbone</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>Kendo UI</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>Onsen UI</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>Sencha Ext JS</a></li>
 <p>And many, many, more.</p>
@@ -2512,16 +2499,17 @@
 <p>Consider the following issues to improve the performance in your mobile 
-<p><strong>Click versus Touch</strong> - The biggest and simplest mistake you 
can make is to use click events. While these &quot;work&quot; just fine on 
mobile, most devices impose a 300ms delay on them in order to distinguish 
between a touch and a touch &quot;hold&quot; event. Using 
<code>touchstart</code>, or <code>touchend</code>, will result in a dramatic 
improvement - 300ms doesn&#39;t sound like much, but it can result in jerky UI 
updates and behavior. You should also consider the fact that “touch” events 
are not supported on non-webkit browsers, see <a 
href="";>CanIUse</a>. In order to deal with 
these limitations, you can checkout various libraries like HandJS and 
+<p><strong>Click versus Touch</strong> - Many devices impose a 300ms delay on 
click events in order to distinguish between a tap and tap-to-zoom gesture. 
This can have the effect of making your app feel slow and unresponsive. 
Avoiding this delay is one of the most important ways of improving your 
app&#39;s perceived performance. For more information on the tap delay, see <a 
 tap delay, gone away</a> on the Google Developer site.</p>
+<p>Most Android versions no longer impose this delay, but iOS by default still 
does. For iOS, using <a 
instead of the default UIWebView gets rid of this delay. For both Android and 
iOS, you must ensure that your viewport meta tag has at least 
<code>width=device-width</code>, or you will still have the tap delay. If you 
need to support older devices (Android 4.4 or iOS 8), consider a polyfill such 
as <a href="";>FastClick</a>, or using 
<code>touchstart</code> and <code>touchend</code> instead of 
 <p><strong>CSS Transitions versus DOM Manipulation</strong> - Using hardware 
accelerated CSS transitions will be dramatically better than using JavaScript 
to create animations. See the list of resources at the end of this section for 
-<p><strong>Networks Suck</strong> - Ok, networks don&#39;t always suck, but 
the latency of mobile networks, even good mobile networks, is far worse than 
you probably think. A desktop app that slurps down 500 rows of JSON data, every 
30 seconds, will be both slower on a mobile device as well as a battery hog. 
Keep in mind that Cordova apps have multiple ways to persist data in the app 
(LocalStorage and the file system for example). Cache that data locally and be 
cognizant of the amount of data you are sending back and forth. This is an 
especially important consideration when your application is connected over a 
cellular network.</p>
+<p><strong>Networks Suck</strong> - Ok, networks don&#39;t always suck, but 
the latency of mobile networks, even good mobile networks, is far worse than 
you probably think. A desktop app that slurps down 500 rows of JSON data, every 
30 seconds, will be both slower on a mobile device as well as a battery hog. 
Keep in mind that Cordova apps have multiple ways to persist data in the app 
(LocalStorage and the file system for example). Cache that data locally and be 
aware of the amount of data you are sending back and forth. This is an 
especially important consideration when your application is connected over a 
cellular network.</p>
 <p><strong>Additional Performance Articles and Resources</strong></p>
-<li><a href="";>&quot;You half assed 
 Ten Performance Tips for PhoneGap and Hybrid Apps&quot;</a></li>
 <li><a href="";>&quot;Fast 
Apps and Sites with JavaScript&quot;</a></li>
@@ -2530,40 +2518,30 @@
 <p>See the previous tip about networks. Not only can you be on a slow network, 
it is entirely possible for your application to be completely offline. Your 
application should handle this in an intelligent manner. If your application 
does not, people will think your application is broken. Given how easy it is to 
handle (Cordova supports listening for both an offline and online event), there 
is absolutely no reason for your application to not respond well when run 
offline. Be sure to test (see the Testing section below) your application and 
be sure to test how your application handles when you start in one state and 
then switch to another.</p>
-<p>Note that the online and offline events, as well as the Network Connection 
API is not perfect. You may need to rely on using an XHR request to see if the 
device is truly offline or online. At the end of the day, be sure add some form 
of support for network issues - in fact, the Apple store (and probably other 
stores) will reject apps that don’t properly handle offline/online states. 
For more discussion on this topic, see
 This Thing On?&quot;</a></p>
+<p>Note that the online and offline events, as well as the Network Connection 
API, is not perfect. You may need to rely on using an XHR request to see if the 
device is truly offline or online. At the end of the day, be sure add some form 
of support for network issues - in fact, the Apple store (and probably other 
stores) will reject apps that don&#39;t properly handle offline/online states. 
For more discussion on this topic, see
 This Thing On?&quot;</a></p>
 <h1>Handling Upgrades</h1>
 <h2>Upgrading Cordova Projects</h2>
-<p>If your existing project was created using Cordova 3.x, you can upgrade the 
project by issuing the following:</p>
-<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-" data-lang="">cordova 
platform update platform-name ios, android, etc.
+<p>There is no upgrade command for Cordova projects. Instead, remove the 
platform from your project, and re-add it to get the latest version:</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-" data-lang="">cordova 
platform rm android
+cordova platform add android
-<p>If your existing project was created under a version prior to Cordova 3.x, 
it would probably be best to create a new Cordova 3.x project, and then copy 
your existing project’s code and assets to the new project. Typical steps:</p>
-<li>Create a new Cordova 3.x project (cordova create ...)</li>
-<li>Copy the www folder from your old project to the new project</li>
-<li>Copy any configuration settings from the old project to the new 
-<li>Add any plugins used in the old project to the new project</li>
-<li>Build your project</li>
-<li>Test, test, test!</li>
-<p>Regardless of the project&#39;s prior version, it is absolutely critical 
that you read up on what was changed in the updated version, as the update may 
break your code. The best place to find this information will be in the release 
notes published both in the repositories and on the Cordova blog. You will want 
to test your app thoroughly in order to verify that it is working correctly 
after you perform the update.</p>
+<p>It is absolutely critical that you read up on what was changed in the 
updated version, as the update may break your code. The best place to find this 
information will be in the release notes published both in the repositories and 
on the Cordova blog. You will want to test your app thoroughly in order to 
verify that it is working correctly after you perform the update.</p>
 <p>Note: some plugins may not be compatible with the new version of Cordova. 
If a plugin is not compatible, you may be able to find a replacement plugin 
that does what you need, or you may need to delay upgrading your project. 
Alternatively, alter the plugin so that it does work under the new version and 
contribute back to the community.</p>
 <h2>Plugin Upgrades</h2>
-<p>Currently there is no mechanism for upgrading changed plugins using a 
single command. Instead, remove the plugin and add it back to your project, and 
the new version will be installed:</p>
-<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-" data-lang="">cordova 
plugin rm "some-plugin"
-cordova plugin add "some-plugin"
+<p>Upgrading plugins involves the same process as platforms - remove it, then 
re-add it.</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-" data-lang="">cordova 
plugin rm some-plugin
+cordova plugin add some-plugin
 <p>Refer to <a href="../../platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html">Manage 
versions and platforms</a> for more details.</p>
-<p>Be sure to check the updated plugin&#39;s documentation, as you may need to 
adjust your code to work with the new version. Also, double check that the new 
version of the plugin works with your project’s version of Cordova.</p>
+<p>Be sure to check the updated plugin&#39;s documentation, as you may need to 
adjust your code to work with the new version. Also, double check that the new 
version of the plugin works with your project&#39;s version of Cordova.</p>
 <p>Always test your apps to ensure that installing the new plugin has not 
broken something that you did not anticipate.</p>
@@ -2571,54 +2549,52 @@ cordova plugin add "some-plugin"
 <h1>Testing Cordova apps</h1>
-<p>Testing your applications is super important. The Cordova team uses Jasmine 
but any web friendly unit testing solution will do.</p>
+<p>Testing your applications is super important. The Cordova team uses <a 
href="";>Jasmine</a>, but any web-friendly unit 
testing solution will do.</p>
 <h2>Testing on a simulator vs. on a real device</h2>
-<p>It’s not uncommon to use desktop browsers and device simulators/emulators 
when developing a Cordova application. However, it is incredibly important that 
you test your app on as many physical devices as you possibly can:</p>
+<p>It&#39;s not uncommon to use desktop browsers and device 
simulators/emulators when developing a Cordova application. However, it is 
incredibly important that you test your app on as many physical devices as you 
possibly can:</p>
 <li>Simulators are just that: simulators. For example, your app may work in 
the iOS simulator without a problem, but it may fail on a real device 
(especially in certain circumstances, such as a low memory state). Or, your app 
may actually fail on the simulator while it works just fine on a real 
 <li>Emulators are just that: emulators. They do not represent how well your 
app will run on a physical device. For example, some emulators may render your 
app with a garbled display, while a real device has no problem. (If you do 
encounter this problem, disable the host GPU in the emulator.)</li>
 <li>Simulators are generally faster than your physical device. Emulators, on 
the other hand, are generally slower. Do not judge the performance of your app 
by how it performs in a simulator or an emulator. Do judge the performance of 
your app by how it runs on a spectrum of real devices.</li>
 <li>It&#39;s impossible to get a good feel for how your app responds to your 
touch by using a simulator or an emulator. Instead, running the app on a real 
device can point out problems with the sizes of user interface elements, 
responsiveness, etc.</li>
-<li>Although it would be nice to be able to test only on one device per 
platform, it is best to test on many devices sporting many different OS 
versions. For example, what works on your particular Android smartphone may 
fail on another Android device. What works on an iOS 7 device may fail on an 
iOS 6 device.</li>
+<li>Although it would be nice to be able to test only on one device per 
platform, it is best to test on many devices sporting many different OS 
versions. For example, what works on your particular Android smartphone may 
fail on another Android device. What works on the latest iOS device may fail on 
an older one.</li>
-<p>It is, of course, impossible to test on every possible device on the 
market. For this reason, it’s wise to recruit many testers who have different 
devices. Although they won’t catch every problem, chances are good that they 
will discover quirks and issues that you would never find alone.</p>
-<p>Tip: It is possible on Android Nexus devices to easily flash different 
versions of Android onto the device. This simple process will allow you to 
easily test your application on different levels of Android with a single 
device, without voiding your warranty or requiring you to “jailbreak” or 
“root” your device. Refer to the <a 
Android factory images and instructions</a>.</p>
+<p>It is, of course, impossible to test on every possible device on the 
market. For this reason, it&#39;s wise to recruit many testers who have 
different devices. Although they won&#39;t catch every problem, chances are 
good that they will discover quirks and issues that you would never find 
 <h1>Debugging Cordova apps</h1>
-<p>Debugging Cordova requires some setup. Unlike a desktop application, you 
can&#39;t simply open dev tools on your mobile device and start debugging, 
luckily there are some great alternatives.</p>
+<p>In most cases, debugging Cordova apps is quite straightforward.</p>
 <h2>iOS Debugging</h2>
-<p>With Xcode you can debug the iOS native side of your Cordova application. 
Make sure the Debug Area is showing (View -&gt; Debug Area). Once your app is 
running on the device (or simulator), you can view log output in the debug 
area. This is where any errors or warnings will print. You can also set 
breakpoints within the source files. This will allow you to step through the 
code one line at a time and view the state of the variables at that time. The 
state of the variables is shown in the debug area when a breakpoint is hit. 
Once your app is up and running on the device, you can bring up Safari&#39;s 
web inspector (as described below) to debug the webview and js side of your 
application. For more details refer to the <a 
href="";>Apple Support</a> 
+<p>With Xcode you can debug the iOS native side of your Cordova application. 
Make sure the Debug Area is showing (View -&gt; Debug Area). Once your app is 
running on the device (or simulator), you can view log output in the debug 
area. This is where any errors or warnings will print. You can also set 
breakpoints within the source files. This will allow you to step through the 
code one line at a time and view the state of the variables at that time. The 
state of the variables is shown in the debug area when a breakpoint is hit. 
Once your app is up and running on the device, you can bring up Safari&#39;s 
web inspector (as described below) to debug the webview and JS side of your 
application. For more details refer to the <a 
href="";>Apple Debugging 
Support</a> docs.</p>
 <h3>Safari Remote Debugging with Web Inspector</h3>
-<p>With Safari&#39;s web inspector you can debug the webview and js code in 
your Cordova application. This works only on OSX and only with iOS 6 (and 
higher). It uses Safari to connect to your device (or the simulator) and will 
connect the browser&#39;s dev tools to the Cordova application. You get what 
you expect from dev tools - DOM inspection/manipulation, a JavaScript debugger, 
network inspection, the console, and more. Like Xcode, with Safari&#39;s web 
inspector you can set breakpoints in the JavaScript code and view the state of 
the variables at that time. You can view any errors, warnings or messages that 
are printed to the console. You can also run JavaScript commands directly from 
the console as your app is running. For more details on how to set it up and 
what you can do, see the blog post about <a 
Remote Web Inspector in iOS 6</a> and <a 
 Web Inspector Guide</a>.</p>
+<p>With Safari&#39;s web inspector you can debug the webview and js code in 
your Cordova application. This works only on macOS. It uses Safari to connect 
to your device (or the simulator) and will connect the browser&#39;s dev tools 
to the Cordova application. You get what you expect from dev tools - DOM 
inspection/manipulation, a JavaScript debugger, network inspection, the 
console, and more. Like Xcode, with Safari&#39;s web inspector you can set 
breakpoints in the JavaScript code and view the state of the variables at that 
time. You can view any errors, warnings or messages that are printed to the 
console. You can also run JavaScript commands directly from the console as your 
app is running.</p>
-<h2>Chrome Remote Debugging</h2>
+<p>To start inspecting, first enable it on device at <code>Settings &gt; 
Safari &gt; Advanced &gt; Web Inspector</code>. On your desktop, enable the 
developer tools from <code>Safari &gt; Preferences &gt; Advanced &gt; Show 
Develop menu in menu bar</code>. In the <code>Develop</code> menu, you will now 
be able to select the connected device, and the app you want to inspect.</p>
-<p>Virtually the same as the Safari version, this works with Android only but 
can be used from any desktop operating system. It requires a minimum of Android 
4.4 (KitKat), minimum API level of 19, and Chrome 30+ (on the desktop). Once 
connected, you get the same Chrome Dev Tools experience for your mobile 
applications as you do with your desktop applications. Even better, the Chrome 
Dev Tools have a mirror option that shows your app running on the mobile 
device. This is more than just a view - you can scroll and click from dev tools 
and it updates on the mobile device. More details on Chrome Remote Debugging 
may be found here: <a 
+<h2>Chrome Remote Debugging</h2>
-<p>If you can see your device in the inspect devices section, but you 
can&#39;t see the Cordova webview you may need to add 
<code>android:debuggable=&quot;true&quot;</code> in the 
<code>&lt;application&gt;</code> node of your 
+<p>Virtually the same as the Safari version, this works with Android only but 
can be used from any desktop operating system. Once connected, you get the same 
Chrome Dev Tools experience for your mobile applications as you do with your 
desktop applications. Even better, the Chrome Dev Tools have a mirror option 
that shows your app running on the mobile device. This is more than just a view 
- you can scroll and click from dev tools and it updates on the mobile 
-<p>It is possible to use Chrome Dev Tools to inspect iOS apps, through a 
WebKit proxy: <a 
+<p>To inspect, simply open up the URL <code>chrome://inspect</code> in Chrome 
on your desktop. Here you will see a list of connected devices and inspectable 
apps. Your device must be set up for USB debugging for this to work. Full 
instructions on getting set up can be found at <a 
+<p>If you can see your device in the inspect devices section, but you 
can&#39;t see the Cordova webview you may need to add 
<code>android:debuggable=&quot;true&quot;</code> in the 
<code>&lt;application&gt;</code> node of your 
-<p>Ripple is a desktop based emulator for Cordova projects. Essentially it 
lets you run a Cordova application in your desktop application and fake various 
Cordova features. For example, it lets you simulate the accelerometer to test 
shake events. It fakes the camera API by letting you select a picture from your 
hard drive. Ripple lets you focus more on your custom code rather than worrying 
about Cordova plugins. You can find out more about Ripple here: <a 
+<p>It is also possible to use Chrome Dev Tools to inspect iOS apps, through a 
WebKit proxy: <a 
 <h2>Other Options</h2>
-<li>For more examples and explanation of the above debugging tips, see: <a 
+<li>For more examples and explanation of the above debugging tips, see: <a 
 <h1>User Interface</h1>
@@ -2626,29 +2602,25 @@ cordova plugin add "some-plugin"
 <p>Building a Cordova application that looks nice on mobile can be a 
challenge, especially for developers. Many people chose to use a UI framework 
to make this easier. Here is a short list of options you may want to 
-<li><a href="";>jQuery Mobile</a> - jQuery Mobile 
automatically enhances your layout for mobile optimization. It also handles 
creating a SPA for you automatically.</li>
-<li><a href="";>ionic</a> - This powerful UI 
framework actually has its own CLI to handle project creation.</li>
+<li><a href="";>Ionic</a> - This powerful UI 
framework actually has its own CLI to handle project creation.</li>
 <li><a href="";>Ratchet</a> - Brought to you by the people 
who created Bootstrap.</li>
-<li><a href="";>Kendo UI</a> - Open source UI 
and application framework from Telerik.</li>
+<li><a href="";>Kendo UI</a> - Open source UI 
and application framework from Telerik.</li>
+<li><a href="";>Onsen UI</a> - Open source UI framework for 
both websites and Cordova apps</li>
 <li><a href="";>Topcoat</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>ReactJS</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>ReactJS</a></li>
-<p>When building your user interface, it is important to think about all 
platforms that you are targeting and the differences between the user’s 
expectations. For example, an Android application that has an iOS-style UI will 
probably not go over well with users. This sometimes is even enforced by the 
various application stores. Because of this, it is important that you respect 
the conventions of each platform and therefore are familiar with the various 
Human Interface Guidelines:</p>
+<p>When building your user interface, it is important to think about all 
platforms that you are targeting and the differences between the user&#39;s 
expectations. For example, an Android application that has an iOS-style UI will 
probably not go over well with users. This sometimes is even enforced by the 
various application stores. Because of this, it is important that you respect 
the conventions of each platform and therefore are familiar with the various 
Human Interface Guidelines:</p>
-<li><a href="";>Android</a></li>
-<li><a href="";>Windows Phone</a></li>
+<li><a href="";>Android</a></li>
-<h2>Additional UI Articles and Resources</h2>
-<p>Although browser engines become more and more standards complaint, we still 
live in a prefixed world (-webkit and -ms.) The following article is valuable 
when developing UI’s in for cross browser apps: <a 
 <h1>Special Considerations</h1>
-<p>Although Cordova makes cross-platform development easier, it&#39;s just not 
possible to provide 100% isolation from the underlying native platform. So do 
be aware of restrictions.</p>
+<p>Although Cordova makes cross-platform development easier, it&#39;s just not 
possible to provide 100% isolation from the underlying native platform, so do 
be aware of restrictions.</p>
 <h2>Platform Quirks</h2>
@@ -2665,8 +2637,8 @@ cordova plugin add "some-plugin"
 <p>Here are a few ways to keep up to date with Cordova.</p>
-<li>Subscribe to the <a href="";>Cordova 
-<li>Subscribe to the <a 
href="";>developer list</a>. Note - this 
is not a support group! Rather this is a place where development of Cordova is 
+<li>Subscribe to the <a href="";>Cordova 
+<li>Subscribe to the <a href="";>developer 
list</a>. Note - this is not a support group, but a place where development of 
Cordova is discussed.</li>
 <h1>Getting Help</h1>
@@ -2674,11 +2646,12 @@ cordova plugin add "some-plugin"
 <p>The following links are the best places to get help for Cordova:</p>
-<li>StackOverflow: <a 
+<li>Slack: <a href="";></a> The 
official Cordova Slack channel is a great way to get help from the community, 
and the place you are most likely to get answers to your questions</li>
+<li>StackOverflow: <a 
 By using the Cordova tag, you can view and browse all Cordova questions. Note 
that StackOverflow automatically converts the &quot;Phonegap&quot; tag to 
&quot;Cordova&quot;, so this way you will be able to access historical 
questions as well</li>
 <li>PhoneGap Google Group: <a 
 This Google Group was the old support forum when Cordova was still called 
PhoneGap. While there are still a lot of Cordova users that frequently visit 
this group, the Cordova community has expressed an interest in focusing less on 
this group and instead using StackOverflow for support</li>
-<li>Meetup: <a 
href="";></a> -
+<li>Meetup: <a 
href="";></a> -
 Consider finding a local Cordova/PhoneGap meetup group</li>

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--- cordova/site/public/docs/en/dev/guide/platforms/android/index.html 
+++ cordova/site/public/docs/en/dev/guide/platforms/android/index.html Wed Jul 
18 10:51:22 2018
@@ -2472,8 +2472,8 @@ the CLI, see <a href="../../../reference
 <p>Cordova for Android requires the Android SDK which can be installed
 on OS X, Linux or Windows. See the Android SDK&#39;s
 <a href="";>System 
-Cordova&#39;s latest Android package supports up to Android <a 
 Level</a> 25.
-The supported Android API Levels and Android Versions for the past 
+Cordova&#39;s latest Android package supports up to Android <a 
 Level</a> 27.
+The supported Android API Levels and Android Versions for the past
 few cordova-android releases can be found in this table:</p>
@@ -2540,10 +2540,10 @@ according to your JDK installation path
 <p>When installing on Windows, you need to add Gradle to your path, (see <a 
href="#setting-environment-variables">Setting Environment Variables</a>)</p>
-<h4>Android SDK</h4>
+<h3>Android SDK</h3>
-<p>Install <a href="";>Android 
-Detailed installation instructions are on Android&#39;s developer site.</p>
+<p>Install <a href="";>Android 
Studio</a>. Follow the instructions at the linked Android Developer site to get 
+Opening Android Studio for the first time will guide you through the process 
of installing the Android SDK.</p>
 <h4>Adding SDK Packages</h4>
@@ -2552,16 +2552,16 @@ whatever <a href="http://developer.andro
 you wish to target. It is recommended that you install the highest SDK version
 that your version of cordova-android supports (see <a 
href="#requirements-and-support">Requirements and Support</a>).</p>
-<p>Open the Android SDK Manager (run <code>sdkmanager</code> from the terminal)
+<p>Open the Android SDK Manager (<code>Tools &gt; SDK Manager</code> in 
Android Studio, or <code>sdkmanager</code> on the command line),
 and make sure the following are installed:</p>
 <li>Android Platform SDK for your targeted version of Android</li>
 <li>Android SDK build-tools version 19.1.0 or higher</li>
-<li>Android Support Repository (found under &quot;Extras&quot;)</li>
+<li>Android Support Repository (found under the &quot;SDK Tools&quot; tab)</li>
-<p>See Android&#39;s documentation on <a 
href="";>Installing SDK 
+<p>See Android&#39;s documentation on <a 
href="";>Installing SDK 
 for more details.</p>
 <h3>Setting environment variables</h3>

Modified: cordova/site/public/feed.xml
--- cordova/site/public/feed.xml (original)
+++ cordova/site/public/feed.xml Wed Jul 18 10:51:22 2018
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
     <atom:link href=""; rel="self" 
-    <pubDate>Wed, 18 Jul 2018 09:47:41 +0000</pubDate>
-    <lastBuildDate>Wed, 18 Jul 2018 09:47:41 +0000</lastBuildDate>
+    <pubDate>Wed, 18 Jul 2018 10:30:15 +0000</pubDate>
+    <lastBuildDate>Wed, 18 Jul 2018 10:30:15 +0000</lastBuildDate>
     <generator>Jekyll v2.5.3</generator>

Modified: cordova/site/public/index.html
--- cordova/site/public/index.html (original)
+++ cordova/site/public/index.html Wed Jul 18 10:51:22 2018
@@ -523,6 +523,27 @@
+        <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 card">
+            <div class="tool card_inner">
+                <div class="img_container">
+                    <img src="/static/img/tools/instabug.png" 
+                </div>
+                <p class="card_title">
+                        <a href="";>
+                            Instabug
+                        </a>
+                </p>
+                <p class="text">
+                    Instabug provides Cordova developers with a bug reporting 
and in-app feedback solution. With a one minute install guide,
+ it enables users to seamlessly report bugs while automatically attaching
+details such as network logs, repro-steps, etc.
+                </p>
+            </div>
+        </div>

Added: cordova/site/public/static/img/tools/instabug.png
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: cordova/site/public/static/img/tools/instabug.png
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

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