Repository: couchdb-documentation
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master f36a82a67 -> 68a87981c

Remove row-spanning in _find documentation

Man pages do not support table row spanning, so don't do it.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: ff409d78ea302b16d9d96f71240d1752ec77cfc2
Parents: f36a82a
Author: Will Holley <>
Authored: Fri Sep 9 15:57:53 2016 +0100
Committer: Will Holley <>
Committed: Fri Sep 9 15:59:55 2016 +0100

 src/api/database/find.rst | 18 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/api/database/find.rst b/src/api/database/find.rst
index 90b796a..428c5b7 100644
--- a/src/api/database/find.rst
+++ b/src/api/database/find.rst
@@ -488,24 +488,24 @@ Other condition operators require the argument to be in a 
specific JSON format.
 | (In)equality  | ``$lt``     | Any JSON   | The field is less than the        
 |               |             |            | argument                          
 |               | ``$lte``    | Any JSON   | The field is less than or equal 
 |               |             |            | the argument.                     
 |               | ``$eq``     | Any JSON   | The field is equal to the 
 |               | ``$ne``     | Any JSON   | The field is not equal to the     
 |               |             |            | argument.                         
 |               | ``$gte``    | Any JSON   | The field is greater than or 
 |               |             |            | to the argument.                  
 |               | ``$gt``     | Any JSON   | The field is greater than the     
 |               |             |            | to the argument.                  
 | Object        | ``$exists`` | Boolean    | Check whether the field exists or 
 |               |             |            | not, regardless of its value.     
 |               | ``$type``   | String     | Check the document field's type.  
 |               |             |            | Valid values are ``"null"``,      
 |               |             |            | ``"boolean"``, ``"number"``,      
@@ -514,10 +514,10 @@ Other condition operators require the argument to be in a 
specific JSON format.
 | Array         | ``$in``     | Array of   | The document field must exist in  
 |               |             | JSON values| the list provided.                
 |               | ``$nin``    | Array of   | The document field not must exist 
 |               |             | JSON values| in the list provided.             
 |               | ``$size``   | Integer    | Special condition to match the    
 |               |             |            | length of an array field in a     
 |               |             |            | document. Non-array fields cannot 
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ Other condition operators require the argument to be in a 
specific JSON format.
 |               |             |            | ``field % Divisor == Remainder``  
 |               |             |            | is true, and only when the        
 |               |             |            | document field is an integer.     
 |               | ``$regex``  | String     | A regular expression pattern to   
 |               |             |            | match against the document field. 
 |               |             |            | Only matches when the field is a  

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