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The "Introduction_to_CouchDB_views" page has been changed by JoanTouzet:

Remove old content, redirect to official docs

- = Introduction to CouchDB Views =
+ This content has been migrated to our 
[[|official documentation]].
- See also the 
documentation]] for this topic.
- <<TableOfContents(3)>>
- A simple introduction to CouchDB views.
- == Concept ==
- Views are the primary tool used for querying and reporting on CouchDB 
documents. There are two different kinds of views: permanent and temporary 
- '''Permanent views''' are stored inside special documents called design 
documents, and can be accessed via an HTTP ''GET'' request to the URI 
''/{dbname}/{docid}/{viewname}'', where ''{docid}'' has the prefix ''_design/'' 
so that CouchDB recognizes the document as a design document, and 
''{viewname}'' has the prefix ''_view/'' so that CouchDB recognizes it as a 
- '''Temporary views''' are not stored in the database, but rather executed on 
demand. To execute a temporary view, you make an HTTP ''POST'' request to the 
URI ''/{dbname}/_temp_view'', where the body of the request contains the code 
of the view function and the ''Content-Type'' header is set to 
- '''NOTE''': '''Temporary views are only good during development'''. Final 
code should not rely on them as they are very expensive to compute each time 
they get called and they get increasingly slower the more data you have in a 
database. If you think you can't solve something in a permanent view that you 
can solve in an ad-hoc view, you might want to reconsider. (TODO: add typical 
examples and solutions).
- For both kinds of views, the view is defined by a !JavaScript function that 
maps view keys to values (although it is possible to use other languages than 
!JavaScript by plugging in third-party view servers).
- Note that by default views are not created and updated when a document is 
saved, but rather, when they are accessed. As a result, the first access might 
take some time depending on the size of your data while CouchDB creates the 
view. If preferable the views can also be updated when a document is saved 
using an external script that calls the views when updates have been made. An 
example can be found here: RegeneratingViewsOnUpdate
- Note that all views in a single design document get updated when one of the 
views in that design document gets queried.
- Note on !JavaScript API change: Prior to Tue, 20 May 2008 (Subversion 
revision r658405) the function to emit a row to the map index, was named "map". 
It has now been changed to "emit".
- == Basics ==
- === Map Functions ===
- Here is the simplest example of a map function:
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- function(doc) {
-   emit(doc._id, doc);
- }
- }}}
- This function defines a table that contains all the documents in a CouchDB 
database, with the _id as the key.
- A view function should accept a single argument: the document object. To 
produce results, it should call the implicitly available ''emit(key, value)'' 
function. For every invocation of that function, a result row is added to the 
view (if neither the ''key'' nor the ''value'' are undefined). The rows in the 
computed table are updated automatically with any changes that have been made 
(additions, edits, or deletions) since the view was created.
- Here is a slightly more complex example of a function that defines a view on 
values computed from customer documents:
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.Type == "customer") {
-     emit(doc._id, {LastName: doc.LastName, FirstName: doc.FirstName, Address: 
-   }
- }
- }}}
- For each document in the database that has a Type field with the value 
''customer'', a row is created in the view. The ''value'' column of the view 
contains the ''!LastName'', ''!FirstName'', and ''Address'' fields for each 
document. The key for all the documents is still being set to the _id in this 
- To be able to filter or sort the view by some document property, you would 
use that property for the key. For example, the following view would allow you 
to lookup customer documents by the ''!LastName'' or ''!FirstName'' fields:
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.Type == "customer") {
-     emit(doc.LastName, {FirstName: doc.FirstName, Address: doc.Address});
-     emit(doc.FirstName, {LastName: doc.LastName, Address: doc.Address});
-   }
- }
- }}}
- Here is an example of the results of such a view:
- {{{
- {
-    "total_rows":4,
-    "offset":0,
-    "rows":
-    [
-      {
-        "id":"64ACF01B05F53ACFEC48C062A5D01D89",
-        "key":"Katz",
-        "value":{"FirstName":"Damien", "Address":"2407 Sawyer drive, Charlotte 
-      },
-      {
-        "id":"64ACF01B05F53ACFEC48C062A5D01D89",
-        "key":"Damien",
-        "value":{"LastName":"Katz", "Address":"2407 Sawyer drive, Charlotte 
-      },
-      {
-        "id":"5D01D8964ACF01B05F53ACFEC48C062A",
-        "key":"Kerr",
-        "value":{"FirstName":"Wayne", "Address":"123 Fake st., such and such"}
-      },
-      {
-        "id":"5D01D8964ACF01B05F53ACFEC48C062A",
-        "key":"Wayne",
-        "value":{"LastName":"Kerr", "Address":"123 Fake st., such and such"}
-      },
-    ]
- }
- }}}
- ''This example output was reformatted for readability.''
- Keep in mind that emit works by just storing the key/value pairs in an array 
and then, when all views in the same _design document have been calculated, 
returns all results at once. So if you use an object to make calculations and 
do multiple emits on the same document, you must create a copy and not emit the 
same object multiple times. For example:
- {{{
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.Type == "measurement") {
-     var timestamp = new Date(doc.timestamp)
-     emit(eval(uneval(timestamp)), doc.lastTemp);
-     timestamp.setSeconds(timestamp.getSeconds - 30);
-     emit(eval(uneval(timestamp)), doc.temp30secsAgo);
-     timestamp.setSeconds(timestamp.getSeconds - 30);
-     emit(eval(uneval(timestamp)), doc.temp1minAgo);
-   }
- }
- }}}
- ''Note: For those unfamiliar with the convention eval(uneval(_obj_)), this 
simply clones _obj_. It is cleaner than traversing each element of _obj_ and it 
will always be true that uneval(eval(uneval(x))) == uneval(x) and 
eval(uneval(x)) == deep_copy_of_x . The actual method uneval(_obj_) is a 
Spidermonkey specific (as of 1.7) extension that is not part of ECMAScript.'' 
- <<Anchor(reduce_functions)>>
- === Reduce Functions ===
- Reduce is a powerful feature of CouchDB but is often misused which leads to 
performance problems. From 0.10 onwards, CouchDB uses a heuristic to detect 
reduce functions that won't scale to give the developer an early warning. A 
reduce function must reduce the input values to a smaller output value. If you 
are building a composite return structure in your reduce, or only transforming 
the values field, rather than summarizing it, you might be misusing this 
feature. See [[#reduced_value_sizes|Reduced Value Sizes]] for more details.
- If a view has a reduce function, it is used to produce aggregate results for 
that view. A reduce function is passed a set of intermediate values and 
combines them to a single value. Reduce functions must accept, as input, 
results emitted by its corresponding map function '''as well as results 
returned by the reduce function itself'''. The latter case is referred to as a 
- Here is an example of a reduce function:
- {{{
- function (key, values, rereduce) {
-     return sum(values);
- }
- }}}
- Reduce functions are passed three arguments in the order ''key'', ''values'' 
and ''rereduce''
- Reduce functions must handle two cases:
- 1. When ''rereduce'' is ''false'':
-  * ''key'' will be an array whose elements are arrays of the form 
''[key,id]'', where ''key'' is a key emitted by the map function and ''id'' is 
that of the document from which the key was generated.
-  * ''values'' will be an array of the values emitted for the respective 
elements in ''keys''
-  * i.e. {{{reduce([ [key1,id1], [key2,id2], [key3,id3] ], 
[value1,value2,value3], false)}}}
- 2. When ''rereduce'' is ''true'':
-  * ''key'' will be ''null''
-  * ''values'' will be an array of values returned by previous calls to the 
reduce function
-  * i.e. {{{reduce(null, [intermediate1,intermediate2,intermediate3], true)}}}
- Reduce functions should return a single value, suitable for both the 
''value'' field of the final view and as a member of the ''values'' array 
passed to the reduce function.
- Often, reduce functions can be written to handle rereduce calls without any 
extra code, like the summation function above. In that case, the ''rereduce'' 
argument can be ignored and in JavaScript, it can be omitted from the function 
definition entirely.
- === Reduce vs rereduce ===
- On a large database objects to be reduced will be sent to your reduce 
function in batches. These batches will be broken up on B-tree boundaries, 
which may occur in arbitrary places.
 example]], suppose you have a view which emits key->value pairs like this:
- {{{
- [X, Y, 1]  -> Object_A
- [X, Y, 1]  -> Object_B1
- [X, Y, 1]  -> Object_B1
- [X, Y, 1]  -> Object_B1
- [Z, Q, 0] ....
- }}}
- Your reduce function may receive
- {{{
-    [Object_A, Object_B1]
- }}}
- and then in a separate invocation
- {{{
-    [Object_B1, Object_B1]
- }}}
- The outputs of these two reduce functions will then be passed to your reduce 
function again with rereduce=true to make the final answer. You cannot rely on 
all four rows being passed to the initial reduce function.
- Furthermore: due to reduce optimisations, you may only receive some of the 
blocks to be reduced. Example: take these three Btree nodes:
- {{{
-      [a b c d e f g] [h i j k l m n] [o p q r s t u]
-             R1              R2              R3
- }}}
- The reduce value of all the items in each Btree node is stored within each 
node, e.g. {{{[a b c d e f g]}}} reduces to {{{R1}}}. Now suppose someone asks 
for a reduce value across a key range:
- {{{
-                       key range
-               <----------------------------->
-      [a b c d e f g] [h i j k l m n] [o p q r s t u]
- }}}
- CouchDB will call your reduce function to calculate a value for {{{[e f g]}}} 
and for {{{[o p q r]}}}, but will use the existing stored/calculated value of 
R2 across the middle block.
- Therefore, it is wrong to attempt to maintain any sort of state in your 
reduce function between invocations. And because the Btree node boundaries can 
appear in any place, it is wrong to attempt to cross-reference adjacent 
documents too. Any cross-referencing needs to take place in the client, not in 
a reduce function.
- === Access Strategy ===
- For queries which are not meant to actually condense the amount of 
information you often can live without a reduce function. A common strategy is 
to get the data you are interested in into the ''key'' part and then use 
''startkey'' and ''endkey'' on the result.
- == Keys and values ==
- === Equal keys ===
- CouchDB actually stores the [key,docid] pair as the key in the btree. This 
means that:
-  * you always know which document the key and value came from (it's exposed 
as the 'id' field in the view result)
-  * view rows with equal keys sort by increasing docid.
- If you assign your docids in a time-based way then you can get documents with 
equal keys in a natural oldest-to-newest order. Couchdb has a feature to do 
this, which you can enable in local.ini:
- {{{
- [uuids]
- algorithm = utc_random
- }}}
- === Lookup Views ===
- The second parameter of the ''emit()'' function can be ''null''. CouchDB then 
only stores the [key,docid] in the view. You can use the view as a compact 
lookup mechanism and fetch the document's details, if needed, in subsequent 
requests or by adding parameter ''include_docs=true''
- === Linked documents ===
- ''This is a new feature in couchdb 0.11''
- If you emit an object value which has '''{'_id': XXX}''' then 
{{{include_docs=true}}} will fetch the document with id XXX rather than the 
document which was processed to emit the key/value pair.
- This means that if one document contains the ids of other documents, it can 
cause those documents to be fetched in the view too, adjacent to the same key 
if required.
- For example, if you have the following hierarchically-linked documents:
- {{{
- [
- { "_id": "11111" },
- { "_id": "22222", "ancestors": ["11111"], "value": "hello" },
- { "_id": "33333", "ancestors": ["22222","11111"], "value": "world" }
- ]
- }}}
- you can emit the values with the ancestor documents adjacent to them in the 
view like this:
- {{{
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.value) {
-     emit([doc.value, 0], null);
-     if (doc.ancestors) {
-       for (var i in doc.ancestors) {
-         emit([doc.value, Number(i)+1], {_id: doc.ancestors[i]});
-       }
-     }
-   }
- }
- }}}
- The result you get is:
- {{{
- {"total_rows":5,"offset":0,"rows":[
- {"id":"22222","key":["hello",0],"value":null,
- {"id":"22222","key":["hello",1],"value":{"_id":"11111"},
-   "doc":{"_id":"11111","_rev":"1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"}},
- {"id":"33333","key":["world",0],"value":null,
- {"id":"33333","key":["world",1],"value":{"_id":"22222"},
- {"id":"33333","key":["world",2],"value":{"_id":"11111"},
-   "doc":{"_id":"11111","_rev":"1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"}}
- ]}
- }}}
- which makes it very cheap to fetch a document plus all its ancestors in one 
- Note that the "id" in the row is still that of the originating document. The 
only difference is that include_docs fetches a different doc.
- The current revision of the document is resolved at query time, not at the 
time the view is generated. This means that if a new revision of the linked 
document is added later, it will appear in view queries even though the view 
itself hasn't changed. To force a specific revision of a linked document to be 
used, emit a "_rev" property as well as "_id".
- === Complex Keys ===
- Keys are not limited to simple values. You can use arbitrary JSON values to 
influence sorting. See ViewCollation for the rules.
- When the key is an array, view results can be grouped by a sub-section of the 
key. For example, if keys have the form [''year'', ''month'', ''day''] then 
results can be reduced to a single value or by year, month, or day. See 
HttpViewApi for more information.
- == Views in Practice ==
- See HttpViewApi to learn how to work with views. [[View_Snippets]] contain a 
few examples.
- == Grouping ==
- The basic reduce operation with group=false (the default over HTTP) is to 
reduce to a single value. But by using startkey and endkey, you can get the 
summary value for any key interval.
- Using group=true (which is Futon's default), you get a separate reduce value 
for each unique key in the map - that is, all values which share the same key 
are grouped together and reduced to a single value.
- group_level=N queries are essentially a macro, which run one normal 
(group=false) reduce query automatically for each interval on a set of 
intervals as defined by the level.
- So with group_level=1, and keys like
- {{{
- ["a",1,1]
- ["a",3,4]
- ["a",3,8]
- ["b",2,6]
- ["b",2,6]
- ["c",1,5]
- ["c",4,2]
- }}}
- CouchDB will internally run 3 reduce queries for you. One that reduces all 
rows where the first element of the key = "a", one for "b", and one for "c".
- If you were to query with group_level=2, you'd get a reduce query run for 
each unique set of keys (according to their first two elements), eg
- {{{
- ["a",1], ["a",3], ["b",2"], ["c",1], ["c",4]
- }}}
- group=true is the conceptual equivalent of group_level=exact, so CouchDB runs 
a reduce per unique key in the map row set.
- Note: map and reduce results are precomputed and stored in a btree. However, 
the intermediate reduction values are cached according to the btree structure, 
instead of according to the query params. So unless your range happens to match 
exactly the keys underneath a given inner node, you'll end up running at least 
one javascript reduction per reduce query. A group=true query effectively runs 
multiple reduce queries, so you may find it to be slower than you expect.
- There is more detail in 
[[|this blog 
posting]] under the heading "Query Processing"
- == Restrictions on map and reduce functions ==
- The restriction on map functions is that they must be referentially 
transparent. That is, given the same input document, they will always emit the 
same key/value pairs. This allows CouchDB views to be updated incrementally, 
only reindexing the documents that have changed since the last index update.
- To make incremental Map/Reduce possible, the Reduce function has the 
requirement that not only must it be referentially transparent, but it must 
also be commutative and associative for the array value input, to be able 
reduce on its own output and get the same answer, like this:
- {{{
- f(Key, Values) == f(Key, [ f(Key, Values) ] )
- }}}
- This requirement of reduce functions allows CouchDB to store off 
intermediated reductions directly into inner nodes of btree indexes, and the 
view index updates and retrievals will have logarithmic cost. It also allows 
the indexes to be spread across machines and reduced at query time with 
logarithmic cost.
- For more details see 
[[|this blog post]]
- Furthermore: you have no control over how documents are partitioned in reduce 
and re-reduce phases. You cannot rely on "adjacent" documents all being 
presented at the same time to the reduce function; it's quite possible that one 
subset will be reduced to R1, another subset will be reduced to R2, and then R1 
and R2 will be re-reduced together to make the final reduce value. In the 
extreme case, consider that each of your documents might be reduced 
individually and that the reduce outputs will be re-reduced together (which 
also may happen as a single stage or in multiple stages)
- So you should also design your reduce/re-reduce function so that
- {{{
- f(Key, Values) == f(Key, [ f(Key, Value0), f(Key, Value1), f(Key, Value2), 
... ] )
- }}}
- <<Anchor(reduced_value_sizes)>>
- === Reduced Value Sizes ===
- As CouchDB computes view indexes it also calculates the corresponding reduce 
values and caches this value inside each of the btree node pointers. This 
scheme allows CouchDB to reuse reduced values when updating the btree. This 
scheme requires some care to be taken with the amount of data returned from 
reduce functions.
- As a rule of thumb, the data returned by reduce functions should remain 
"smallish" and not grow faster than log(num_rows_processed). Although violating 
this requirement will not cause an error, btree performance will degrade 
drastically. If you have a view that appears to work well on small data sets 
but grinds to a halt as more data is added you're probably violating the growth 
rate characteristics.
- == Interactive CouchDB Tutorial ==
- See [[|this blog 
posting]] for an interactive tutorial (emulator in JavaScript) that explains 
map/reduce, view collation and how to query CouchDB RESTfully.
- == Implementation ==
- These blog posts include information about how map/reduce works, including 
how reduce values are kept in btree nodes.
-  *
-  *
-  *

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