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- ## page was renamed from Release_procedure
- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- = Release Procedure =
- Any Apache CouchDB committer is free to make a source release, but they are 
usually made by the release team.
- If you'd like to help out with making a release, lets us know on the 
[[|couchdb-dev]] mailing 
- <<TableOfContents(2)>>
- == Admin Resources ==
- Grab a copy of the admin resources:
- {{{
- git clone
- }}}
- Any path in this document that references the "couchdb-admin" directory 
should be modified to point to this Git clone. 
- Some of these scripts take actions on your behalf, such accessing 
`` or checking files into Subversion.
- Because of this, you must to read and understand the source code for every 
script that you use.
- It would be prudent to examine the recent 
 history]] before you start the release.
- ''You are responsible for the actions these scripts take.''
- == Timetable ==
- We operate on a release timetable.
- These are the actions to take each month:
-  * First Tuesday of every month
-    * Identify what type of release window this is, per the 
[[Roadmap_Process|roadmap process]]
-    * If this is a bugfix release window, identify the branches with 
unreleased changes
-    * Send out a notice email about the next release window
-    * Update the [[Release_Calendar|release calendar]]
-  * Second Tuesday of every month
-    * Send out a merge request for the appropriate release branch(s)
-    * Update the [[Release_Calendar|release calendar]]
-  * Third Tuesday of every month
-    * Send out a reminder merge request for the appropriate release branch(s)
-    * Update the [[Release_Calendar|release calendar]]
-  * Fourth Tuesday of every month
-    * Start VOTE thread for the release(s)
-    * Update the [[Release_Calendar|release calendar]]
-  * Fifth Tuesday of every month
-    * Relax!
- The notice email can be found here:
- {{{
- couchdb-admin/email/notice_release.txt
- }}}
- The merge request email can be found here:
- {{{
- couchdb-admin/email/request_merge.txt
- }}}
- The VOTE and DISCUSS threads are covered by the rest of these instructions.
- Once all this has been done, you must identify the type of release:
-  * If there are breaking changes, you must bump the major version number
-  * If there are new features, you must bump the minor version number
-  * Otherwise, bump the patch number
- If this is a patch release, master should be merged into the appropriate 
release branch.
- Otherwise, you should create a brand new release branch.
- == Preparing the Docs ==
- Run through the following items by hand:
-  * Update the `README` file with important information.
-  * Update the `DEVELOPERS` file with important information.
-  * Update the `CHANGES` file with important information.
-  * Update the `NEWS` file with important information.
-    * Add note about breaking changes to the `NEWS` file if necessary.
-  * Update the `` file with version information.
-    * LOCAL_VERSION_MAJOR should be the X in X.Y.Y
-    * LOCAL_VERSION_MINOR should be the X in Y.X.Y
-    * LOCAL_VERSION_REVISION should be the X in Y.Y.X
-    * LOCAL_VERSION_STAGE must always be empty (i.e. "[]") on a release branch.
-    * LOCAL_VERSION_RELEASE  must always be empty (i.e. "[]") on a release 
-  * Update `share/doc/src/` with current year and current version.
-  * Update the [[Breaking_changes]] document.
- Build a list of CVE numbers:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ 
- }}}
- This will produce output that ends with something like this:
- {{{
- Writing CVE numbers...
- /tmp/
- }}}
- Check the documentation:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ CVE_LIST_FILE
- }}}
- Replace ''CVE_LIST_FILE'' with the file generated by the `` 
- So, in this instance, you would run:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ 
- }}}
- This is going to check several things for you.
- There will be a bit that look like:
- {{{
- Checking CVEs in changelog.rst...
- }}}
- It should be empty.
- If you see any output here, it means a CVE is missing from the 
`changelog.rst` file.
- You should expect to see output here for an undisclosed CVE.
- There will be several sections that look like:
- {{{
- Comparing changelog.rst, 0.8.x to 0.9.x...
- }}}
- These sections should be empty.
- If you see any output here, it means some entries in `changelog.rst` are 
missing in a later version.
- Information in the `changelog.rst` should always be merged forward between 
- There will be several sections that look like:
- {{{
- Scanning 0.8.x...
- }}}
- These sections should be empty.
- Occasionally, you will see output that looks like:
- {{{
- # This version has not been released yet.
- }}}
- This is fine, and indicates that there are unreleased changes on the branch.
- It must not appear on the branch you are about to release.
- If this script generates any errors, you should fix them.
- While working on the fix, you may find that you need to run the script 
- When it first runs, you will see something like this:
- {{{
- Creating temporary directory...
- /tmp/
- }}}
- You can copy that directory name and append it the command to re-use the 
cached data:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ CVE_LIST_FILE CACHE_DIR
- }}}
- Replace ''CVE_LIST_FILE'' with the file generated by the `` 
- Replace ''TMP_DIR'' with the directory created by the previous invocation of 
the `` script.
- So, in this instance, you would run:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ 
/tmp/ /tmp/
- }}}
- This will be significantly faster than running the script from scratch again.
- == Preparing the Community ==
- ''This section has been superseded by the Timetable section above.''
- ''This section will eventually include a step that requires you to check 
- ''Unfortunately, our continuous integration system needs some work before we 
can add this to the release procedure.''
- Generate a release proposal:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/email/ CACHE_DIR BRANCH VERSION
- }}}
- Replace `CACHE_DIR` with the temporary directory name from the 
`` script.
- Replace `BRANCH` with the branch you are releasing from.
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- So, in this instance, you might run:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/email/ /tmp/ 1.3.x 1.3.0
- }}}
- This will output something like:
- {{{
- Email text written to: /tmp/
- Send the email to:
- Files in: /tmp/
- }}}
- Copy the text from that file and send an email to the 
`` mailing list.
- == Preparing the Candidate ==
- If the proposal meets no objection, you can continue.
- Build a release candidate:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ BRANCH VERSION
- }}}
- Replace `BRANCH` with the branch you are releasing from.
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- So, in this instance, you might run:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ 1.3.x 1.3.0
- }}}
- This will do everything that is required to prepare the release candidate for 
- When the script is finished, you should see something like:
- {{{
- Check complete...
- Files in: /tmp/
- }}}
- The release candidate and the corresponding `ish` file can be found in this 
- The `ish` file contains the tree-ish of the branch the release was taken from.
- == Using a Build Host ==
- You may use a build host to prepare the release candidate.
- Software like [[|VirtualBox]] will allow you to 
provision virtual machines locally.
- An infrastructure provider like [[|Amazon Web 
Services]] will allow you to provision virtual machines remotely.
- Both sorts of build host fine, as long as you're only running the 
`` script on them.
- All other parts of this process must be done on your local machine. 
- == Checking the Candidate ==
- All of the standard checks are performed for you by the scripts.
- However, assume that you cannot trust:
-  * The source code the archive was built from.
-  * The host operating system the archive was built on.
- An attacker may have compromised either.
- Accordingly, you should subject the release candidate to a number of your own 
- Some ideas:
-  * Verify the contents of the generated files.
-    * Spot check a few of the "Only in apache-couchdb-VERSION" files.
-    * Prepare your own reference candidate and compare the files.
-  * Audit the types of file contained within the archive.
-  * Run a virus scanner on the archive.
- This part of the process is left to your discretion.
- == Release Signing ==
- You will need a GPG key pair to sign the release.
- If you do not have one already, see the Useful Resources section for more 
- It is generally better if your key is also signed by other people.
- Your public key must be added to:
-  *
- You should also upload your key to a public key server for good measure.
- The build system will invoke GnuPG in a way that defaults to your first 
secret key.
- If this is not the key you wish to sign the release with, run this command:
- {{{
- export GPG_ARGS="--default-key=DEADBEAF"
- }}}
- Replace `DEADBEAF` with your key ID, which you can find by running:
- {{{
- gpg --list-keys
- }}}
- You may need to set the GPG_TTY first:
- {{{
- export GPG_TTY=`tty`
- }}}
- == Publishing the Candidate ==
- Once you are satisfied with the release candidate, you can sign it, publish 
it, and call a vote.
- You can do all of these things at once by running:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ CACHE_DIR BRANCH VERSION 
- }}}
- Replace `CACHE_DIR` with the output from the `` script.
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Replace `CANDIDATE` with the candidate number.
- So, in this instance, you might run:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ /tmp/ 
1.3.x 1.3.0 1
- }}}
- The candidate number should start at 1 and increase with each successive vote.
- If the vote fails, and you're doing a second, you might run:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ /tmp/ 
1.3.x 1.3.0 2
- }}}
- If you attempt to publish a duplicate candidate number, you will get a 
cryptic Subversion error.
- When the script has finished, it will output something like:
- {{{
- Email text written to: /tmp/
- Send the email to:
- Files in: /tmp/
- }}}
- Copy the text from that file and send an email to the 
`` mailing list.
- (You should replace values, or remove sections, as necessary.)
- The vote is now underway.
- Preparing the candidate is not the same as voting on it.
- You should now follow the test procedure and vote on the candidate yourself.
- After you've done that, open this file:
- {{{
- couchdb-admin/email/request_binaries.txt
- }}}
- Copy the text from that file and send an email to the 
`` mailing list.
- (You should replace values as necessary.)
- After this, you should send a tweet to publicize the RC (and get @CouchDB to 
retweet it):
- Help wanted: CouchDB 1.6.0-rc.1 is ready for testing, please give it a whirl! 
<link to mailing list message>
- == Preparing the Binary Packages ==
- Everyone is welcome to prepare binary packages for the release.
- All binaries must be prepared from the release artefacts.
- After voting on the release, you should prepare your binaries from the 
release artefacts you just voted on.
- Create the directory in Subversion:
- {{{
- svn mkdir --parents \
- }}}
- Replace `PLATFORM` with the platform you built the binaries on.
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are building from.
- Replace `CANDIDATE` with the candidate you are building from.
- Check out this directory:
- {{{
- svn co
- }}}
- Replace the variables in the URL as before.
- Prepare the binary files and then move them into this directory.
- Change into this directory, and add your files.
- Then check in your files:
- {{{
- svn ci -m 'Add VERSION-rc.CANDIDATE PLATFORM files'
- }}}
- Go to [[]] and check 
that your changes are visible.
- If you are not a committer, please submit your binaries to the list and 
request a review.
- If a committer feels comfortable with your submission, they will move your 
binaries into Subversion.
- It is the committer's individual responsibility to review your submission and 
determine that your binaries are suitable for distribution.
- Once the binaries are available in Subversion, the committer who checked them 
in should post a note to the list.
- The community should be invited to download and test the binaries before 
- ''Please note that binaries are never voted on. They are provided by 
individuals for the convenience of the community.''
- == Preparing the Release Notes ==
- Prepare the basic release notes now, and then request that people annotate as 
- Create a temporary directory:
- {{{
- mkdir -p /tmp/couchdb
- }}}
- Create the release notes directory in Subversion:
- {{{
- svn mkdir --parents \
- \
- -m 'Add VERSION-rc.CANDIDATE release notes dir'
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Replace `CANDIDATE` with the candidate number.
- Check out the release notes directory:
- {{{
- svn co 
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Replace `CANDIDATE` with the candidate number.
- Copy the template file:
- {{{ 
- cp ./couchdb-admin/notes/template.html 
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- In this file, replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- In this file, replace `RELEASE` with the [[Roadmap_Process|type of release]] 
you are doing.
- Go through the `CHANGES` file and copy each section and summary.
- For each ticket referenced, add a link to the JIRA URL.
- Change into the temporary directory:
- {{{
- cd /tmp/couchdb/notes
- }}}
- Add the release notes to Subversion.
- Update the `svn:mime-type` property:
- {{{
- svn propset svn:mime-type text/html apache-couchdb-VERSION.html
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- And commit your changes:
- {{{
- svn ci -m 'Add VERSION-rc.CANDIDATE release notes'
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Replace `CANDIDATE` with the candidate number.
- Open this file:
- {{{
- couchdb-admin/email/request_notes.txt
- }}}
- Copy the text from that file and send an email to the 
`` mailing list.
- (You should replace values as necessary.)
- ''Stop here. Come back to this point of the release notes instructions on 
release day.''
- In this file, replace `ISH` with the tree-ish of the tag you created.
- In this file, replace `DATE` with the date of the release. This should take 
the form of YYYY-MM-DD.
- Check Windows or OS X packages are not available, modify the line that say 
they are.
- Check that this HTML looks good when used for a draft blog post.
- Change in to the temporary directory:
- {{{
- cd /tmp/couchdb/notes
- }}}
- Then generate a text only version by running:
- {{{
- elinks -dump -no-numbering -no-references apache-couchdb-Y.Y.Y.html > 
- }}}
- Check the text only version to make sure that any important links are not 
- For example, a JIRA ticket that is not referenced by number.
- Add the text file to Subversion.
- Commit both files:
- {{{
- svn ci -m "Update VERSION release notes"
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Now, publish the release notes:
- {{{
- svn cp \
- \
- \
- -m "Copy VERSION release notes dir"
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Replace `CANDIDATE` with the candidate number.
- == Wrapping Up the Vote ==
- You need to wait a minimum of 72 hours.
- A successful vote needs a majority approval and at least three +1 binding 
- A binding vote is a vote cast by a member of the PMC.
- Release may not be vetoed, but any -1 votes should be taken seriously.
- The release manager has the power to abort a vote at any point and for any 
- Please try to make it a good one though!
- If the vote fails, go back to the ''Preparing the Candidate'' section, and 
increment the candidate number.
- When the vote passes, open this file:
- {{{
- couchdb-admin/email/result_release.txt
- }}}
- Copy the text from that file and send an email to the 
`` mailing list.
- (You should replace values as necessary.)
- == Making the Release ==
- Tag the candidate:
- {{{
- ./couchdb-admin/release/ VERSION CANDIDATE GPG_KEY
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Replace `CANDIDATE` with the candidate number that passed the vote.
- Replace `GPG_KEY` with your GPG key.
- The script will do some basic checks to make sure the values look sane.
- When the script has finished, it will output something like:
- {{{
- Release dist directory:
- Files in: /tmp/
- }}}
- If there are binary packages to publish, do so like this:
- {{{
- svn cp \
- \
- -m "Copy VERSION PLATFORM binary dir"
- }}}
- Replace `PLATFORM` with the platform you built the binaries on.
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Replace `CANDIDATE` with the candidate you are building from.
- Choose a date for the release. Tuesdays mornings PST are better, because they 
get more press coverage.
- Your date should take into consideration the 24 hour delay while you wait for 
the mirrors to update themselves after you have uploaded the release files.
- Open this file:
- {{{
- couchdb-admin/email/schedule_release.txt
- }}}
- Copy the text from that file and send an email to the 
`` mailing list.
- (You should replace values as necessary.)
- ''Come back to these instructions on release day.''
- On release day, go back to the release notes section and complete the rest of 
the process.
- Copy the HTML version of the release notes, and 
[[|draft a blog post]].
- Specifically, you should:
-  * Remove the `<h1>` title from the HTML for the blog
-  * Replace the `<h2>` elements with `<h4>` elements for the blog
-  * Set the blog title to "Apache CouchDB VERSION Released"
-  * Set the post category to "Release"
-  * You should not need to change any other settings
- Save this post as a draft. Then click the "Full Preview" button and make sure 
it looks okay.
- You must now wait until all the release files have been synced to the public 
mirrors. The mirrors can take up to 24 hours to update, so it's usually best to 
wait a day. You should be sure that both the source download and the binary 
downloads are all working.
- == Announcing the Release ==
- Wait for the scheduled release time before announcing the release. If there 
is no scheduled release time, you can simply wait until the mirrors are 
- Update to point to the new files (checkout the 
repository from
- Update [[|the wiki]] with the 
new release information.
- Wait for all changes to be synced to the public site.
- Publish the blog post.
- Copy the text version of the release notes into an email.
- Remove the title from the text, and replace it with:
- {{{
- Dear Community,
- }}}
- Remove any hard line wraps, including in the list of changes.
- Sign the email with:
- {{{
- On behalf of the CouchDB PMC,
- }}}
- The subject should be:
- {{{
- [ANNOUNCE] Apache CouchDB VERSION released
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are releasing.
- Then send to the following lists:
-  *
-  *
-  *
-  *
- ''@@ Move most of this into a template email.''
- == Promoting the Release ==
- === Twitter ===
- Log in to the CouchDB Twitter account, and send a tweet using this template:
- {{{
- Apache CouchDB VERSION has been released. This is a RELEASE release. 
Download: Release notes: BLOG_URL
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you just released.
- Replace `RELEASE` with the [[Roadmap_Process|type of release]] you just made.
- Replace `BLOG_URL` with the URL to the blog post you just published.
- === Hacker News ===
- Post a new item to [[|Hacker News]].
- Use the following title template:
- {{{
- Apache CouchDB VERSION Released
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you just released.
- Submit the URL of the blog post you just published.
- Leave the description blank.
- === Reddit ===
- Post a several new items to [[|Reddit]].
- Use the following title template:
- {{{
- Apache CouchDB VERSION Released
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you just released.
- Submit the URL of the blog post you just published.
- Submit a new item for each of the following subreddits:
-  * [[|/r/programming]]
-  * [[|/r/Database]]
-  * [[|/r/nosql]]
-  * [[|/r/CouchDB]]
- === ===
- If this is an important release, you might want to post it to 
[[|]]. Follow the same procedure as Hacker News.
- === Google+ ===
- Log in as the CouchDB page.
- Post a new link to the blog post you just published to the CouchDB page and 
make it public.
- Post a new link to the blog post you just published in the CouchDB Google+ 
community news category.
- In both instances, try to summarise the important information, such as the 
type of release, and the most prominent changes in this release.
- Be sure to +1 each post from your own account.
- You should also consider sharing the post made by the CouchDB page publicly 
via your own account.
- === Facebook ===
- Similar to Google+, post a link to the CouchDB page. Try to provide a useful 
summary of the release.
- Be sure to like the post from your own account.
- === Mailing List ===
- Open this file:
- {{{
- couchdb-admin/email/request_promotion.txt
- }}}
- Copy the text from that file into an email.
- (You should replace values as necessary.)
- Then send to the following lists:
-  *
-  *
- == Doing Housekeeping ==
-  * ''@@ Updated NEWS, CHANGES, docs/ in the Y.Y.x and master branches to 
include release date''
-  * Add a new release section to `NEWS` and `CHANGES` on master if not already 
-  * Add a new release section to `NEWS` and `CHANGES` on Y.Y.x the branch if 
not already present.
-  * Add "version has not been released" warnings to these release sections if 
not already present.
-  * 
 versions]] in JIRA.
-    * If the currently released version is 0.1.0, JIRA should have options for 
0.1.1, 0.2.0, and 1.0.0.
-    * The released version should be marked as released in JIRA.
-    * Archived releases should be marked as archived.
-    * Every current release should have one unreleased maintenance release 
-  * Update branches, master, and site with security changes not documented in 
the released.
- Look at the list of [[CurrentReleases|current releases]] and update it.
- Archive:
-  * Duplicate older bugfix releases on the most recent minor feature line
-    * i.e. If there is a 1.0.1 and you just released 1.0.2, archive 1.0.1
-  * Any past minor versions
-    * i.e. If there is a 1.1 and you just released 1.2, archive 1.1
-  * Any release that is over a year old
- Archive these releases by calling a vote on the dev@ list, with your 
- @@ This bit is in the wrong section. Sort this out. This email is for 
notifying people about the release. We need an email that notifies people of 
the pending archive action.
- Open this file:
- {{{
- couchdb-admin/email/schedule_release.txt
- }}}
- Copy the text from that file and send an email to the 
`` mailing list.
- (You should replace values as necessary.)
- Assuming this discussion reaches consensus, you should proceed to archive the 
- Remove the entry from [[|the 
- @@ Do not run these commands, yet. Need to figure out a way to set up 
mod_rewrite redirects so that the old links still work for things like 
Homebrew. There was a JIRA set up for cleaning up our dist dir like this. Find 
details. For now, just remove the links from the wiki.
- Run these commands:
- {{{
- svn rm \
- \
- -m 'Remove Apache CouchDB VERSION'
- svn rm \
- \
- -m 'Remove Apache CouchDB VERSION release notes'
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are archiving.
- Then, for each platform, run:
- {{{
- svn rm \
- \
- -m 'Remove Apache CouchDB VERSION PLATFORM binaries'
- }}}
- Replace `VERSION` with the version you are archiving.
- Replace `PLATFORM` with the platform of the binaries you are archiving.
- Do not worry about deleting these files. They will live on in the 
- == Troubleshooting ==
- If you get an error about not being able to find `pdflatex` and you're 
running on OS X, first make sure that you have MacTeX installed. If you do, and 
you're still experiencing an error, it might be the case that MacTeX has failed 
to set up your `PATH` properly.
- One workaround is to set your `PATH` manually:
- {{{
- PATH=$PATH":/usr/texbin" ./ 1.3.x 1.3.0
- }}}
- Obviously, replace the arguments to `` as appropriate.
- == Useful Resources ==
-  *
-  *
-  *
-  *
-  *
-  *

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