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The page "Replication_and_conflicts" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

A much better introduction to this topic is already in the documentaiton.

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- = Replication and conflict model =
- Let's take the following example to illustrate replication and conflict
- handling.
-  * Alice has a document containing Bob's business card
-  * She synchronizes it between her desktop PC and her laptop
-  * On the desktop PC, she updates Bob's E-mail address. Without
-  syncing again, she updates Bob's mobile number on the laptop.
-  * Then she replicates the two to each other again
- So on the desktop the document has Bob's new E-mail address and his old 
mobile number, and on the laptop it has his old E-mail address and his new 
mobile number.
- The question is, what happens to these conflicting updated documents?
- == CouchDB replication ==
- CouchDB works with JSON documents inside databases.  Replication of
- databases takes place over HTTP, and can be either a "pull" or a "push", but
- is unidirectional.  So the easiest way to perform a full sync is to do a
- "push" followed by a "pull" (or vice versa).
- So, Alice creates v1 and sync it. She updates to v2a on one side and v2b on
- the other, and then replicates. What happens?
- The answer is simple: ''both'' versions exist on both sides!
- {{{
-      DESKTOP                          LAPTOP
-    +---------+
-    | /db/bob |                                     INITIAL
-    |   v1    |                                     CREATION
-    +---------+
-    +---------+                      +---------+
-    | /db/bob |  ----------------->  | /db/bob |     PUSH
-    |   v1    |                      |   v1    |
-    +---------+                      +---------+
-    +---------+                      +---------+  INDEPENDENT
-    | /db/bob |                      | /db/bob |     LOCAL
-    |   v2a   |                      |   v2b   |     EDITS
-    +---------+                      +---------+
-    +---------+                      +---------+
-    | /db/bob |  ----------------->  | /db/bob |     PUSH
-    |   v2a   |                      |   v2a   |
-    +---------+                      |   v2b   |
-                                     +---------+
-    +---------+                      +---------+
-    | /db/bob |  <-----------------  | /db/bob |     PULL
-    |   v2a   |                      |   v2a   |
-    |   v2b   |                      |   v2b   |
-    +---------+                      +---------+
- }}}
- After all, this is not a filesystem, so there's no restriction that only one
- document can exist with the name /db/bob. These are just "conflicting"
- revisions under the same name.
- Because the changes are always replicated, the data is safe. Both machines
- have identical copies of both documents, so failure of a hard drive on
- either side won't lose any of the changes.
- Another thing to notice is that peers do not have to be configured or
- tracked.  You can do regular replications to peers, or you can do one-off,
- ad-hoc pushes or pulls.  After the replication has taken place, there is no
- record kept of which peer any particular document or revision came from.
- So the question now is: what happens when you try to read /db/bob? By
- default, CouchDB picks one arbitrary revision as the "winner", using a
- deterministic algorithm so that the same choice will be made on all peers.
- The same happens with views: the deterministically-chosen winner is the only
- revision fed into your map function.
- Let's say that the winner is v2a. On the desktop, if Alice reads the
- document she'll see v2a, which is what she saved there. But on the laptop,
- after replication, she'll also see only v2a. It could look as if the changes
- she made there have been lost - but of course they have not, they have just
- been hidden away as a conflicting revision. But eventually she'll need these
- changes merged into Bob's business card, otherwise they ''will'' effectively
- have been lost.
- Any sensible business-card application will, at minimum, have to present the
- conflicting versions to Alice and allow her to create a new version
- incorporating information from them all. Ideally it would merge the updates
- itself.
- == Conflict avoidance ==
- When working on a single node, CouchDB will avoid creating conflicting
- revisions by returning a 409 HTTP error.  This is because, when you PUT a
- new version of a document, you must give the _rev of the previous version. 
- If that _rev has already been superceded, the update is rejected with a 409.
- So imagine two users on the same node are fetching Bob's business card,
- updating it concurrently, and writing it back:
- {{{
- USER1    ----------->  GET /db/bob
-          <-----------  {"_rev":"1-aaa", ...}
- USER2    ----------->  GET /db/bob
-          <-----------  {"_rev":"1-aaa", ...}
- USER1    ----------->  PUT /db/bob?rev=1-aaa
-          <-----------  {"_rev":"2-bbb", ...}
- USER2    ----------->  PUT /db/bob?rev=1-aaa
-          <-----------  409 Conflict  (not saved)
- }}}
- User2's changes are rejected, so it's up to the app to fetch /db/bob again,
- and either:
-  * apply the same changes as were applied to the earlier revision, and
-  submit a new PUT
-  * redisplay the document so the user has to edit it again
-  * just overwrite it with the document being saved before (which is not
-  advisable, as user1's changes will be silently lost)
- So when working in this mode, your application still has to be able to
- handle these conflicts and have a suitable retry strategy, but these
- conflicts never end up inside the database itself.
- == Conflicts in batches ==
- There are two different ways that conflicts can end up in the database:
-  1. Conflicting changes made on different databases, which are replicated
-  to each other, as shown earlier.
-  2. Changes are written to the database using _bulk_docs and all_or_nothing,
-  which bypasses the 409 mechanism.
- The _bulk_docs API lets you submit multiple updates (and/or deletes) in a
- single HTTP POST.  Normally, these are treated as independent updates; some
- in the batch may fail because the _rev is stale (just like a 409 from a PUT)
- whilst others are written successfully.  The response from _bulk_docs lists
- the success/fail separately for each document in the batch.
- However there is another mode of working, whereby you specify
- `{"all_or_nothing":true}` as part of the request.  This is CouchDB's nearest
- equivalent of a "transaction", but it's not the same as a database
- transaction which can fail and roll back.  Rather, it means that ''all'' of
- the changes in the request will be forcibly applied to the database, even if
- that introduces conflicts.  The only guarantee you are given is that they
- will either all be applied to the database, or none of them (e.g.  if the
- power is pulled out before the update is finished writing to disk).
- So this gives you a way to introduce conflicts within a single database
- instance.  If you choose to do this instead of PUT, it means you don't have
- to write any code for the possibility of getting a 409 response, because you
- will never get one.  Rather, you have to deal with conflicts appearing later
- in the database, which is what you'd have to do in a multi-master
- application anyway.
- {{{
- POST /db/_bulk_docs
- {
-   "all_or_nothing": true,
-   "docs": [
-     {"_id":"x", "_rev":"1-xxx", ...},
-     {"_id":"y", "_rev":"1-yyy", ...},
-     ...
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- == Revision tree ==
- When you update a document in couchdb, it keeps a list of the previous 
- In the case where conflicting updates are introduced, this history branches 
into a
- tree, where the current conflicting revisions for this document form the tips
- (leaf nodes) of this tree.
- {{{
-       ,--> r2a
-     r1 --> r2b
-       `--> r2c
- }}}
- Each branch can then extend its history - for example if you read
- revision r2b and then PUT with `?rev=r2b` then you will make a new revision
- along that particular branch.
- {{{
-       ,--> r2a -> r3a -> r4a
-     r1 --> r2b -> r3b
-       `--> r2c -> r3c
- }}}
- Here, (r4a, r3b, r3c) are the set of conflicting revisions. The way you
- resolve a conflict is to delete the leaf nodes along the other branches.
- So when you combine (r4a+r3b+r3c) into a single merged document, you
- would replace r4a and delete r3b and r3c.
- {{{
-       ,--> r2a -> r3a -> r4a -> r5a
-     r1 --> r2b -> r3b -> (r4b deleted)
-       `--> r2c -> r3c -> (r4c deleted)
- }}}
- Note that r4b and r4c still exist as leaf nodes in the history tree, but as
- deleted docs. You can retrieve them but they will be marked `"_deleted":true`.
- When you compact a database, the bodies of all the non-leaf documents are
- discarded. However, the list of historical _revs is retained, for the benefit 
- later conflict resolution in case you meet any old replicas of the database at
- some time in future. There is "revision pruning" to stop this getting 
arbitrarily large.
- = Working with conflicting documents =
- == Single document API ==
- The basic `GET /db/bob` operation will not show you any information about
- conflicts. You see only the deterministically-chosen winner, and get no
- indication as to whether other conflicting revisions exist or not.
- {{{
- {"_id":"test","_rev":"2-b91bb807b4685080c6a651115ff558f5","hello":"bar"}
- }}}
- If you do `GET /db/bob?conflicts=true`, and the document is in a conflict
- state, then you will get the winner plus a _conflicts member containing an
- array of the revs of the other, conflicting revision(s). You can then fetch
- them individually using subsequent `GET /db/bob?rev=xxxx` operations.
- {{{
- {"_id":"test","_rev":"2-b91bb807b4685080c6a651115ff558f5","hello":"bar",
- }}}
- If you do `GET /db/bob?open_revs=all` then you will get all the leaf nodes
- of the revision tree. This ''will'' give you all the current conflicts, but 
- also give you leaf nodes which have been deleted (i.e. parts of the conflict
- history which have since been resolved). You can remove these by filtering
- out documents with `"_deleted":true`.
- {{{
- }}}
- The "ok" tag is an artefact of open_revs, which also lets you list explicit
- revisions as a JSON array, e.g. `open_revs=[rev1,rev2,rev3]`. In this form,
- it would be possible to request a revision which is now missing, because the
- database has been compacted.
- NOTE: the order of revisions returned by open_revs=all is NOT related to the
- deterministic "winning" algorithm. In the above example, the winning revision 
is 2-b91b...
- and happens to be returned last, but in other cases it can be returned in a
- different position.
- Once you have retrieved all the conflicting revisions, your application can 
- choose to display them all to the user. Or it could attempt to merge them, 
- back the merged version, and delete the conflicting versions - that is, to 
- the conflict permanently.
- As described above, you need to update one revision and delete all the 
- revisions explicitly. This can be done using a single POST to _bulk_docs, 
- `"_deleted":true` on those revisions you wish to delete.
- == Multiple document API ==
- You can fetch multiple documents at once using `include_docs=true` on a view. 
- a `conflicts=true` request is ignored; the "doc" part of the value never 
includes a
- `_conflicts` member. Hence you would need to do another query to determine 
for each
- document whether it is in a conflicting state.
- {{{
- $ curl 
- {"total_rows":1,"offset":0,"rows":[
- ]}
- $ curl ''
- {"_id":"test","_rev":"2-b91bb807b4685080c6a651115ff558f5","hello":"bar",
- }}}
- == View map functions ==
- Views only get the winning revision of a document. However they do also
- get a _conflicts member if there are any conflicting revisions.  This means
- you can write a view whose job is specifically to locate documents with
- conflicts. Here is a simple map function which achieves this:
- {{{
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc._conflicts) {
-     emit(null, [doc._rev].concat(doc._conflicts));
-   }
- }
- }}}
- which gives the following output:
- {{{
- {"total_rows":1,"offset":0,"rows":[
- {"id":"test","key":null,"value":["2-b91bb807b4685080c6a651115ff558f5",
- "2-65db2a11b5172bf928e3bcf59f728970","2-5bc3c6319edf62d4c624277fdd0ae191"]}
- ]}
- }}}
- If you do this, you can have a separate "sweep" process which periodically
- scans your database, looks for documents which have conflicts, fetches
- the conflicting revisions, and resolves them.
- Whilst this keeps the main application simple, the problem with this
- approach is that there will be a window between a conflict being introduced
- and it being resolved. From a user's viewpoint, this may appear that
- the document they just saved successfully may suddenly lose their changes,
- only to be resurrected some time later. This may or may not be acceptable.
- Also, it's easy to forget to start the sweeper, or not to implement it
- properly, and this will introduce odd behaviour which will be hard to track
- down.
- Couchdb's "winning" revision algorithm may mean that information drops out
- of a view until a conflict has been resolved. Consider Bob's business card
- again; suppose Alice has a view which emits mobile numbers, so that her
- telephony application can display the caller's name based on caller ID. If 
- are conflicting documents with Bob's old and new mobile numbers, and they
- happen to be resolved in favour of Bob's old number, then the view won't
- be able to recognise his new one. In this particular case, the application
- might have preferred to put information from ''both'' the conflicting
- documents into the view, but this currently isn't possible.
- == Suggested code to fetch a document with conflict resolution ==
- Pseudocode:
- {{{
-   1. GET docid?conflicts=true
-   2. For each member in the _conflicts array:
-        GET docid?rev=xxx
-      If any errors occur at this stage, restart from step 1.
-      (There could be a race where someone else has already resolved this
-      conflict and deleted that rev)
-   3. Perform application-specific merging
-   4. Write _bulk_docs with an update to the first rev and deletes of
-      the other revs.
- }}}
- This could either be done on every read (in which case you could replace all
- calls to GET in your application with calls to a library which does the
- above), or as part of your sweeper code.
- And here is an example of this in Ruby using the low-level RestClient.
- {{{
- require 'rubygems'
- require 'restclient'
- require 'json'
- DB="";
- # Write multiple documents as all_or_nothing, can introduce conflicts
- def writem(docs)
-   JSON.parse("#{DB}/_bulk_docs", {
-     "all_or_nothing" => true,
-     "docs" => docs,
-   }.to_json))
- end
- # Write one document, return the rev
- def write1(doc, id=nil, rev=nil)
-   doc['_id'] = id if id
-   doc['_rev'] = rev if rev
-   writem([doc]).first['rev']
- end
- # Read a document, return *all* revs
- def read1(id)
-   retries = 0
-   loop do
-     # FIXME: escape id
-     res = [JSON.parse(RestClient.get("#{DB}/#{id}?conflicts=true"))]
-     if revs = res.first.delete('_conflicts')
-       begin
-         revs.each do |rev|
-           res << JSON.parse(RestClient.get("#{DB}/#{id}?rev=#{rev}"))
-         end
-       rescue
-         retries += 1
-         raise if retries >= 5
-         next
-       end
-     end
-     return res
-   end
- end
- # Create DB
- RestClient.delete DB rescue nil
- RestClient.put DB, {}.to_json
- # Write a document
- rev1 = write1({"hello"=>"xxx"},"test")
- p read1("test")
- # Make three conflicting versions
- write1({"hello"=>"foo"},"test",rev1)
- write1({"hello"=>"bar"},"test",rev1)
- write1({"hello"=>"baz"},"test",rev1)
- res = read1("test")
- p res
- # Now let's replace these three with one
- res.first['hello'] = "foo+bar+baz"
- res.each_with_index do |r,i|
-   unless i == 0
-     r.replace({'_id'=>r['_id'], '_rev'=>r['_rev'], '_deleted'=>true})
-   end
- end
- writem(res)
- p read1("test")
- }}}
- An application written this way never has to deal with a PUT 409, and is
- automatically multi-master capable.
- You can see that it's straightforward enough when you know what you're
- doing.  It's just that CouchDB doesn't currently provide a convenient HTTP
- API for "fetch all conflicting revisions", nor "PUT to supercede these N
- revisions", so you need to wrap these yourself.  I also don't know of any
- client-side libraries which provide support for this.
- == Merging and revision history ==
- Actually performing the merge is an application-specific function. It
- depends on the structure of your data. Sometimes it will be easy: e.g. if a
- document contains a list which is only ever appended to, then you can
- perform a union of the two list versions.
- Some merge strategies look at the changes made to an object, compared to its
- previous version.  This is how git's merge function works.  For example, to
- merge Bob's business card versions v2a and v2b, you could look at the
- differences between v1 and v2b, and then apply these changes to v2a as well.
- With CouchDB, you can sometimes get hold of old revisions of a document. 
- For example, if you fetch `/db/bob?rev=v2b&revs_info=true` you'll get a list
- of the previous revision ids which ended up with revision v2b.  Doing the
- same for v2a you can find their common ancestor revision.  However if the
- database has been compacted, the content of that document revision will have
- been lost.  revs_info will still show that v1 was an ancestor, but report it
- as "missing".
- {{{
-      ,-> v2a                     v2a
-    v1
-      `-> v2b                     v2b
- }}}
- So if you want to work with diffs, the recommended way is to store those
- diffs within the new revision itself.  That is: when you replace v1 with
- v2a, include an extra field or attachment in v2a which says which fields
- were changed from v1 to v2a.  This unfortunately does mean additional
- book-keeping for your application.
- = Comparison with other replicating data stores =
- The same issues arise with other replicating systems, so it can be
- instructive to look at these and see how they compare with CouchDB. Please
- feel free to add other examples.
- == Unison ==
- [[|Unison]] is a bi-directional file
- synchronisation tool. In this case, the business card would be a file,
- say bob.vcf.
- When you run unison, changes propagate both ways. If a file has changed on
- one side but not the other, the new replaces the old. (Unison maintains a
- local state file so that it knows whether a file has changed since the last
- successful replication).
- In our example it has changed on both sides. Only one file called "bob.vcf"
- can exist within the filesystem.  Unison solves the problem by simply
- ducking out: the user can choose to replace the remote version with the
- local version, or vice versa (both of which would lose data), but the
- default action is to leave both sides unchanged.
- From Alice's point of view, at least this is a simple solution. Whenever
- she's on the desktop she'll see the version she last edited on the desktop,
- and whenever she's on the laptop she'll see the version she last edited
- there.
- But because no replication has actually taken place, the data is not
- protected. If her laptop hard drive dies, she'll lose all her changes made
- on the laptop; ditto if her desktop hard drive dies.
- It's up to her to copy across one of the versions manually (under a
- different filename), merge the two, and then finally push the merged version
- to the other side.
- Note also that the original file (version v1) has been lost by this point.
- So it's not going to be known from inspection alone which of v2a and v2b has
- the most up-to-date E-mail address for Bob, and which has the most
- up-to-date mobile number.  Alice has to remember which she entered last.
- == Git ==
- [[|Git]] is a well-known distributed source control system.
- Like unison, git deals with files. However, git considers the state of a
- whole set of files as a single object, the "tree". Whenever you save an
- update, you create a "commit" which points to both the updated tree and the
- previous commit(s), which in turn point to the previous tree(s). You
- therefore have a full history of all the states of the files. This forms a
- branch, and a pointer is kept to the tip of the branch, from which you can
- work backwards to any previous state. The "pointer" is actually an SHA1 hash
- of the tip commit.
- If you are replicating with one or more peers, a separate branch is made for
- each of the peers. For example, you might have
- {{{
-     master               -- my local branch
-     remotes/foo/master   -- branch on peer 'foo'
-     remotes/bar/master   -- branch on peer 'bar'
- }}}
- In the normal way of working, replication is a "pull", importing changes
- from a remote peer into the local repository.  A "pull" does two things:
- first "fetch" the state of the peer into the remote tracking branch for that
- peer; and then attempt to "merge" those changes into the local branch.
- Now let's consider the business card. Alice has created a git repo
- containing bob.vcf, and cloned it across to the other machine. The
- branches look like this, where AAAAAAAA is the SHA1 of the commit.
- {{{{
-   ---------- desktop ----------           ---------- laptop ----------
-   master: AAAAAAAA                        master: AAAAAAAA
-   remotes/laptop/master: AAAAAAAA         remotes/desktop/master: AAAAAAAA
- }}}}
- Now she makes a change on the desktop, and commits it into the desktop repo;
- then she makes a different change on the laptop, and commits it into the
- laptop repo.
- {{{{
-   ---------- desktop ----------           ---------- laptop ----------
-   master: BBBBBBBB                        master: CCCCCCCC
-   remotes/laptop/master: AAAAAAAA         remotes/desktop/master: AAAAAAAA
- }}}}
- Now on the desktop she does "git pull laptop". Firstly, the remote objects
- are copied across into the local repo and the remote tracking branch is
- updated:
- {{{{
-   ---------- desktop ----------           ---------- laptop ----------
-   master: BBBBBBBB                        master: CCCCCCCC
-   remotes/laptop/master: CCCCCCCC         remotes/desktop/master: AAAAAAAA
-   (note: repo still contains AAAAAAAA
-   because commits BBBBBBBB and
-   CCCCCCCC point to it)
- }}}}
- Then git will attempt to merge the changes in. It can do this because it
- knows the parent commit to CCCCCCCC is AAAAAAAA, so it takes a diff between
- AAAAAAAA and CCCCCCCC and tries to apply it to BBBBBBBB. If this is
- successful, then you'll get a new version with a merge commit.
- {{{{
-   ---------- desktop ----------           ---------- laptop ----------
-   master: DDDDDDDD                        master: CCCCCCCC
-   remotes/laptop/master: CCCCCCCC         remotes/desktop/master: AAAAAAAA
- }}}}
- Then Alice has to logon to the laptop and run "git pull desktop". A similar
- process occurs. The remote tracking branch is updated:
- {{{{
-   ---------- desktop ----------           ---------- laptop ----------
-   master: DDDDDDDD                        master: CCCCCCCC
-   remotes/laptop/master: CCCCCCCC         remotes/desktop/master: DDDDDDDD
- }}}}
- then a merge takes place. This is a special-case: CCCCCCCC one of the parent
- commits of DDDDDDDD, so the laptop can "fast forward" update from CCCCCCCC
- to DDDDDDDD directly without having to do any complex merging. This leaves
- the final state as:
- {{{{
-   ---------- desktop ----------           ---------- laptop ----------
-   master: DDDDDDDD                        master: DDDDDDDD
-   remotes/laptop/master: CCCCCCCC         remotes/desktop/master: DDDDDDDD
- }}}}
- Now this is all and good, but you may wonder how this is relevant when
- thinking about couchdb.
- Firstly, note what happens in the case when the merge algorithm fails. The
- changes ''are'' still propagated from the remote repo into the local one,
- and are available in the remote tracking branch; so unlike unison, you know
- the data is protected. It's just that the local working copy may fail to
- update, or may diverge from the remote version. It's up to you to create and
- commit the combined version yourself, but you are guaranteed to have all the
- history you might need to do this.
- Note that whilst it's possible to build new merge algorithms into Git, the
- standard ones are focussed on line-based changes to source code.  They don't
- work well for XML or JSON if it's presented without any line breaks.
- The other interesting consideration is multiple peers. In this case you have
- multiple remote tracking branches, some of which may match your local
- branch, some of which may be behind you, and some of which may be ahead of
- you (i.e. contain changes that you haven't yet merged).
- {{{
-   master: AAAAAAAA
-   remotes/foo/master: BBBBBBBB
-   remotes/bar/master: CCCCCCCC
-   remotes/baz/master: AAAAAAAA
- }}}
- Note that each peer is explicitly tracked, and therefore has to be
- explicitly created.  If a peer becomes stale or is no longer needed, it's up
- to you to remove it from your configuration and delete the remote tracking
- branch.  This is different to couchdb, which doesn't keep any peer state in
- the database.
- Another difference with git is that it maintains all history back to time 
zero -
- git compaction keeps diffs between all those versions in order to reduce size,
- but couchdb discards them. If you are constantly updating a document, the size
- of a git repo would grow forever. It is possible (with some effort) to use
- "history rewriting" to make git forget commits earlier than a particular one.
- == Amazon Dynamo ==
- [[|Dynamo]]
- is designed as an "always writeable" key-value store, so it has no equivalent 
to the
- 409 conflict avoidance. It encourages users to perform conflict resolution
- on read: a read operation provides all the conflicting versions plus a
- "context". The write operation supplies the same context and this
- supercedes all the previous revisions in one go.

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