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The page "TagsInsideDocuments" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

- #redirect Tags_inside_documents
- Tags are stored as a list of strings inside the document:
- {{{
- {
-  "_id":"123BAC",
-  "_rev":"946B7D1C",
-  "type":"post",
-  "subject":"I like Planktion",
-  "author":"Rusty",
-  "created":"2006-08-15T17:30:12Z-04:00",
-  "body":"I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like plankton.",
-  "tags":["plankton", "baseball", "decisions"]
- }
- }}}
- == CouchDB Views ==
- '''Retrieve all tags with their counts:'''
- ''map''
- {{{
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.type == 'post' && doc.tags) {
-     doc.tags.forEach(function(tag) {
-       emit(tag, 1);
-     });
-   }
- }
- }}}
- ''reduce''
- {{{
- function(keys, values) {
-   return sum(values);
- }
- }}}
- Note: when retrieving data from this view, if the results are reduced to a 
single row, you may need to use the ?group=true option to get counts reduced by 
tag.  This may be a feature in version 0.8.0 and forward? see HttpViewApi.
- '''Retrieve documents by a specific tag:'''
- ''map''
- {{{
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.type == 'post' && doc.tags) {
-     doc.tags.forEach(function(tag) {
-       emit(tag, doc);
-     });
-   }
- }
- }}}

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