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Older than dirt

- ## page was renamed from FrontPage
- ## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more
- ## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup.
- ##master-page:FrontPage
- #format wiki
- #language en
- #pragma section-numbers off
- Welcome to [[|Apache CouchDB Project]] 
- Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free 
document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other 
features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional 
conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a 
table-oriented view engine with !JavaScript acting as the default view 
definition language.
- For more information see:
-   * [[|Introduction]]
-   * [[|Technical 
-   * [[|README]]
-   * [[|NEWS]]
-   * [[Presentations]]
- == Basics ==
-   * BasicsAll
-   * GettingStartedWithFuton - The CouchDB Web Administration Frontend
-   * GettingStartedWithAmazonEc2
-   * GettingStartedWithExtJS
-   * GettingStartedWithCee
-   * GettingStartedWithCeeSharp
-   * GettingStartedWithErlang
-   * GettingStartedWithHaskell
-   * GettingStartedWithJava
-   * GettingStartedWithJavaScript
-   * GettingStartedWithLisp
-   * GettingStartedWithLotusScript
-   * GettingStartedWithObjectiveCee
-   * GettingStartedWithPerl
-   * GettingStartedWithPhp
-   * GettingStartedWithPython
-   * GettingStartedWithRuby
-   * GettingStartedWithSmalltalk
-   * GettingStartedWithVmware
- == How-To Guides ==
-   * HowToImplementTagging
-   * HowToPageThroughResults
-   * HowToCreateTests
- == Reference ==
-   * FrequentlyAskedQuestions
-   * TalkingPoints
-   * ErrorMessages
-   * [[Troubleshooting]]
-   * ConfigurationFileCouchIni
-   * ConfiguringDistributedSystems
-   * FilesystemBackups
-   * [[Views]]
-   * DocumentRevisions
-   * ViewCollation
-   * ViewServer
-   * UriTemplates
-   * ApiCheatSheet
-   * HttpDatabaseApi
-   * HttpDocumentApi
-   * HttpRestApi
-   * HttpStatusList
-   * HttpViewApi
-   * BreakingChanges
-   * [[Compaction]]
-   * ReservedWords
-   * ServingApplications
-   * RegeneratingViewsOnUpdate
-   * HierarchicalData
- == Installation ==
- CouchDB is nearing an 0.9.x release, so there are some features documented on 
the wiki that are not available in the 0.8.1 release. Things are moving fast 
around here -- we recommend following svn trunk for users who'd like to keep up 
with the latest.
-   * InstallingSpiderMonkey
-   * InstallingOnRhel4
-   * InstallingOnRhel5
-   * InstallingOnFedora7
-   * InstallingOnGentoo
-   * InstallingOnUbuntu
-   * InstallingOnOpenSolarisAndJoynetAccellerator
-   * [[InstallingOnOSX]]
-   * InstallingOnWindows
- == Development ==
-   * [[Contributing]]
-   * BranchManagement
-   * ReleaseProcedure
-   * InTheWild
-   * RelatedProjects
-   * OpenItems
-   * OneLaptopPerChild
-   * FullTextSearch
-   * ActionServerProposal
-   * FullTextIndexWithView
- == Libraries ==
-   * StoringGeoData (PHP, Google Geocoding Service)
- == Community ==
-   * PeopleOnTheCouch
- == Help ==
- A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share.
- See HelpForBeginners to get you going or HelpContents for all help pages.
- This is a work in progress, so feel free to help out and edit anything which 
you feel needs improvement.
- If there is something missing, feel free to edit RequestedDocumentation.
- Be aggressive with your edits! It's easier to ask forgiveness than 
permission, so have at it.

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