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The page "Additional_Instances" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

very outdated

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- = Setting up Additional CouchDB Instances =
- While most of the time, it's sufficient to have different applications stored 
in separate design docs, or in separate DBs, sometimes you just need a separate 
instance. For example, SSL certificates and port/ip addresses are bound to the 
erlang instance, not the individual database.
- This is the file structure you'll need to create:
-  * {{{lib/couchdb}}} for the couchdb data files
-  * {{{{log,run}/couchdb/}}} are self explanatory
-  * and a single {{{etc/couchdb/local.ini}}} which will over-ride the 
system-installed CouchDB {{{default.ini}}} at runtime
- {{{
-     couchdb
-     ├── etc
-     │   └── couchdb
-     │       └── local.ini
-     └── var
-         ├── lib
-         │   └── couchdb
-         ├── log
-         │   └── couchdb
-         └── run
-             └── couchdb
- }}}
-  * Assuming you adapt OLD & NEW as appropriate, here's how to set it up:
- {{{
- % OLD=/usr/local
- % NEW=/tmp/couchdb
- % mkdir -p $NEW/etc/couchdb/
- % mkdir -p $NEW/var/{lib,log,run}/couchdb/
- % cp $OLD/etc/couchdb/local.ini $NEW/etc/couchdb/
- % tree -l $NEW
- [...tedious output omitted...]
- }}}
-  * Don't forget to {{{chown/chmod}}} all these dirs and files so that the 
future CouchDB user has r/w permissions.
-  * Finally, you then need to adapt {{{local.ini}}} for these new locations, 
and obviously include a different port/bind_address combo
- {{{
- [couchdb]
- database_dir = /tmp/couchdb/var/lib/couchdb
- view_index_dir = /tmp/couchdb/var/lib/couchdb
- uri_file = /tmp/couchdb/var/run/couchdb/couch.uri
- [httpd]
- port = 5985
- bind_address =
- [log]
- file = /tmp/couchdb/var/log/couchdb/couch.log
- }}}
- You can test this by running couchdb (in my case interactively using -i):
- {{{
- % couchdb -i -a /tmp/couchdb/etc/couchdb/local.ini
- }}}
- And Relax.
- == Caveats ==
- The original {{{local.ini}}} is still included in the configuration chain. 
You can see this by running:
- {{{
- % couchdb -i -a /tmp/couchdb/etc/couchdb/local.ini -c
- /usr/local/etc/couchdb/default.ini
- /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.ini
- /tmp/couchdb/etc/couchdb/local.ini
- }}}
- This means anything (for example server admins (in {{{[admins]}}} or SSL 
certificates in {{{[ssl]}}}) that are not over-ridden in your newer config file 
will apply. If you've got server admins created then don't forget to prune them 
in the duplicated local.ini if needed.

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