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ronny pushed a commit to branch couchdb-deno
in repository

commit 53914174fa84718c593dd0158c44ad8b9b30fd38
Author: Ronny Berndt <>
AuthorDate: Tue Nov 29 15:37:04 2022 +0100

    Deno Test
    Simple test branch with work from Jan.
 dev/run                                     |   4 +
 share/server/main-deno.js                   | 475 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/couch_index/src/couch_index_updater.erl |  10 +-
 3 files changed, 485 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev/run b/dev/run
index 823206ae0..3d5b3d7ce 100755
--- a/dev/run
+++ b/dev/run
@@ -680,14 +680,18 @@ def set_boot_env(ctx):
     # fudge default query server paths
     couchjs = os.path.join(ctx["rootdir"], "src", "couch", "priv", "couchjs")
     mainjs = os.path.join(ctx["rootdir"], "share", "server", "main.js")
+    denojs = os.path.join(ctx["rootdir"], "share", "server", "main-deno.js")
     coffeejs = os.path.join(ctx["rootdir"], "share", "server", 
     qs_javascript = toposixpath("%s %s" % (couchjs, mainjs))
     qs_coffescript = toposixpath("%s %s" % (couchjs, coffeejs))
+    qs_deno = toposixpath("%s %s" % ("deno run --allow-write", denojs))
     os.environ["COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_JAVASCRIPT"] = qs_javascript
     os.environ["COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_COFFEESCRIPT"] = qs_coffescript
+    os.environ["COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_DENO"] = qs_deno
 @log("Start node {node}")
 def boot_node(ctx, node):
diff --git a/share/server/main-deno.js b/share/server/main-deno.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d06f24b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/server/main-deno.js
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+const MAX_LINE = 10240
+class IO {
+    constructor () {
+        // this.encoder = new TextEncoder()
+    }
+    async readline () {
+        let buffer = new Uint8Array(MAX_LINE)
+        let bytes
+        while (bytes = await, buffer)) {
+            let text = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer).substr(0, bytes - 1) 
// strip newline
+            return text
+        }
+    }
+    async print (msg) {
+        this.encoder = new TextEncoder()
+        await Deno.write(Deno.stdout.rid, this.encoder.encode(msg + '\n'))
+        // console.log(msg)
+    }
+    writeline (obj) {
+        try {
+            this.print(JSON.stringify(obj))
+        } catch (e) {
+            this.log("Error converting object to JSON: " + e.toString())
+            this.log("error on obj: " + (obj.toSource ? obj.toSource() : 
+        }
+    }
+    log (message) {
+        if (typeof message == "xml") {
+            message = message.toXMLString();
+        } else if (typeof message != "string") {
+            message = JSON.stringify(message);
+        }
+        this.writeline(["log", String(message)]);
+    }
+class State {
+    constructor (couch, io) {
+        this.couch = couch
+ = io
+        this.funs = []
+        this.lib = null
+        this.query_config = {}
+    }
+    reset (config) {
+        // clear the globals and run gc
+        this.funs = []
+        this.lib = null
+        this.query_config = config || {}
+"true"); // indicates success
+    }
+    addFun (newFun) {
+        // Compile to a function and add it to funs array
+        this.funs.push(this.couch.compileFunction(newFun, {views : {lib : 
+        Debug.debug(`this.funs`)
+        Debug.debug(this.funs)
+    }
+    addLib (lib) { // TODO: take out
+        this.lib = lib
+    }
+class Filter {
+    constructor (couch, io) {
+        this.couch = couch
+ = io
+        this.view_emit = false;
+    }
+    emit (key, value) {
+        view_emit = true;
+    }
+    createFilterSandbox () {
+        var sandbox = this.couch.createSandbox();
+        sandbox.emit = this.emit;
+        return sandbox;
+    }
+    filter (fun, ddoc, args) {
+        var results = [];
+        var docs = args[0];
+        var req = args[1];
+        for (var i=0; i < docs.length; i++) {
+            results.push((fun.apply(ddoc, [docs[i], req]) && true) || false);
+        };
+[true, results]);
+    }
+    filter_view (fun, ddoc, args) {
+        // recompile
+        var sandbox = this.createFlterSandbox();
+        var source = fun.toSource ? fun.toSource() : '(' + fun.toString() + 
+        const emit = sandbox.emit;
+        const log = sandbox.log;
+        const JSON = sandbox.JSON;
+        fun = eval(source);
+        var results = [];
+        var docs = args[0];
+        for (var i=0; i < docs.length; i++) {
+            view_emit = false;
+            fun(docs[i]);
+            results.push((view_emit && true) || false);
+        };
+[true, results]);
+    }
+class DesignDoc {
+    constructor (couch, io) {
+        this.couch = couch
+ = io
+        this.validate = new Validate(io)
+        this.filter = new Filter(couch, io)
+        this.ddoc_dispatch = {
+            "filters": [this.filter, this.filter.filter],
+            "views": [this.filter, this.filter.filter_view],
+            "validate_doc_update": [this.validate, this.validate.validate]
+        }
+        this.ddocs = {}
+    }
+    ddoc () {
+        Debug.debug('> ddoc()')
+        var args = []
+        for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+            args.push(arguments[i])
+        }
+        Debug.debug('ddoc args' + JSON.stringify(args))
+        var ddocId = args.shift()
+        if (ddocId == "new") {
+            // get the real ddocId.
+            ddocId = args.shift()
+            // store the ddoc, functions are lazily compiled.
+            this.ddocs[ddocId] = args.shift()
+            Debug.debug('ddocs: ' + JSON.stringify(this.ddocs))
+  "true")
+        } else {
+            // Couch makes sure we know this ddoc already.
+            Debug.debug('ddocs: known')
+            var ddoc = this.ddocs[ddocId]
+            if (!ddoc) throw(["fatal", "query_protocol_error", "uncached 
design doc: "+ddocId])
+            var funPath = args.shift()
+            var cmd = funPath[0]
+            // the first member of the fun path determines the type of 
+            var funArgs = args.shift()
+            if (this.ddoc_dispatch[cmd]) {
+                // get the function, call the command with it
+                var point = ddoc
+                for (var i=0; i < funPath.length; i++) {
+                    if (i+1 == funPath.length) {
+                        var fun = point[funPath[i]]
+                        if (!fun) {
+                            throw(["error","not_found",
+                                "missing " + funPath[0] + " function " + 
funPath[i] +
+                                " on design doc " + ddocId])
+                        }
+                        if (typeof fun != "function") {
+                            fun = this.couch.compileFunction(fun, ddoc, 
+                            // cache the compiled fun on the ddoc
+                            point[funPath[i]] = fun
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        point = point[funPath[i]]
+                    }
+                }
+                // run the correct responder with the cmd body
+                const [object, method] = this.ddoc_dispatch[cmd]
+                method.apply(object, [fun, ddoc, funArgs])
+            } else {
+                // unknown command, quit and hope the restarted version is 
+                throw(["fatal", "unknown_command", "unknown ddoc command '" + 
cmd + "'"])
+            }
+        }
+    }
+class Views {
+    constructor (couch, io, state) {
+        this.couch = couch
+ = io
+        this.map_results = [] // holds temporary emitted values during doc map
+        this.state = state
+    }
+    runReduce (reduceFuns, keys, values, rereduce) {
+        var code_size = 0
+        for (var i in reduceFuns) {
+            var fun_body =  reduceFuns[i]
+            code_size += fun_body.length
+            reduceFuns[i] = this.couch.compileFunction(fun_body)
+        }
+        var reductions = new Array(reduceFuns.length)
+        for(var i = 0; i < reduceFuns.length; i++) {
+            try {
+                reductions[i] = reduceFuns[i](keys, values, rereduce)
+            } catch (err) {
+                Debug.debug(`reduce err`)
+                Debug.debug(JSON.stringify(doc))
+                handleViewError(err)
+                // if the error is not fatal, ignore the results and continue
+                reductions[i] = null
+            }
+        }
+        var reduce_line = JSON.stringify(reductions)
+        var reduce_length = reduce_line.length
+        var input_length =  this.state.line_length - code_size
+        // TODO make reduce_limit config into a number
+        if (this.state.query_config && this.state.query_config.reduce_limit &&
+            reduce_length > 4096 && ((reduce_length * 2) > input_length)) {
+            var log_message = [
+                "Reduce output must shrink more rapidly:",
+                "input size:", input_length,
+                "output size:", reduce_length
+            ].join(" ")
+            if (this.state.query_config.reduce_limit === "log") {
+      "reduce_overflow_error: " + log_message)
+      "[true," + reduce_line + "]")
+            } else {
+                throw(["error", "reduce_overflow_error", log_message])
+            }
+        } else {
+  "[true," + reduce_line + "]")
+        }
+    }
+    handleViewError(err, doc) {
+        if (err == "fatal_error") {
+            // Only if it's a "fatal_error" do we exit. What's a fatal error?
+            // That's for the query to decide.
+            //
+            // This will make it possible for queries to completely error out,
+            // by catching their own local exception and rethrowing a
+            // fatal_error. But by default if they don't do error handling we
+            // just eat the exception and carry on.
+            //
+            // In this case we abort map processing but don't destroy the
+            // JavaScript process. If you need to destroy the JavaScript
+            // process, throw the error form matched by the block below.
+            throw(["error", "map_runtime_error", "function raised 
+        } else if (err[0] == "fatal") {
+            // Throwing errors of the form ["fatal","error_key","reason"]
+            // will kill the OS process. This is not normally what you want.
+            throw(err)
+        }
+        var message = "function raised exception " +
+            (err.toSource ? err.toSource() : err.stack)
+        if (doc) message += " with doc._id " + doc._id
+    }
+    // view helper function
+    emit (key, value) {
+        Debug.debug(`emit called`)
+        Debug.debug(key)
+        Debug.debug(value)
+        this.map_results.push([key, value])
+    }
+    sum (values) {
+        var rv = 0
+        for (var i in values) {
+            rv += values[i]
+        }
+        return rv
+    }
+    reduce (reduceFuns, kvs) {
+        var keys = new Array(kvs.length)
+        var values = new Array(kvs.length)
+        for(var i = 0; i < kvs.length; i++) {
+            keys[i] = kvs[i][0]
+            values[i] = kvs[i][1]
+        }
+        this.runReduce(reduceFuns, keys, values, false)
+    }
+    rereduce (reduceFuns, values) {
+        this.runReduce(reduceFuns, null, values, true)
+    }
+    mapDoc (doc) {
+        // Compute all the map functions against the document.
+        //
+        // Each function can output multiple key/value pairs for each document.
+        //
+        // Example output of map_doc after three functions set by add_fun cmds:
+        // [
+        //  [["Key","Value"]],                    <- fun 1 returned 1 key value
+        //  [],                                   <- fun 2 returned 0 key 
+        //  [["Key1","Value1"],["Key2","Value2"]] <- fun 3 returned 2 key 
+        // ]
+        //
+        // Couch.recursivelySeal(doc)
+        var buf = []
+        for (var fun in this.state.funs) {
+            this.map_results = []
+            try {
+                this.state.funs[fun](doc)
+                buf.push(this.map_results)
+            } catch (err) {
+                Debug.debug(`map_doc err ${err}`)
+                this.handleViewError(err, doc)
+                // If the error is not fatal, we treat the doc as if it
+                // did not emit anything, by buffering an empty array.
+                buf.push([])
+            }
+        }
+    }
+class Validate {
+    constructor (io) {
+ = io
+    }
+    validate (fun, ddoc, args) {
+        try {
+            fun.apply(ddoc, args);
+  ;
+        } catch (error) {
+            if ( && error.stack) {
+                throw error;
+            }
+  ;
+        }
+    }
+class Debug {
+    static async debug(message) {
+        // await Deno.writeTextFileSync('/tmp/deno-qs.log', message.toString() 
+ '\n')
+    }
+class Couch {
+    constructor (qs) {
+        this.qs = qs
+    }
+    compileFunction (source, ddoc, name) {
+        if (!source) throw (["error", "not_found", "missing function"]);
+        var functionObject = null;
+        var sandbox = this.qs.createSandbox();
+        try {
+            var rewrittenFun = `(${source})` //rewriteFunInt(source);
+            const emit = sandbox.emit;
+            const sum = sandbox.sum;
+            const log = sandbox.log;
+            const JSON = sandbox.JSON;
+            /* const index = sandbox.index */;
+            var newRew = rewrittenFun
+            // console.log(newRew)
+            Debug.debug('nnnL: ' + newRew)
+            functionObject = eval(newRew);
+        } catch (err) {
+            throw ([
+                "error",
+                "compilation_error",
+                (err.toSource ? err.toSource() : err.stack) + " (" + source + 
+            ]);
+        };
+        if (typeof(functionObject) == "function") {
+            Debug.debug(`compiled fun ${functionObject}`)
+            return functionObject;
+        } else {
+            throw (["error", "compilation_error",
+                "Expression does not eval to a function. (" + 
source.toString() + ")"
+            ]);
+        };
+    }
+class QueryServer {
+    constructor () {
+ = new IO()
+        this.couch = new Couch(this)
+        this.state = new State(this.couch,
+        this.ddoc = new DesignDoc(this.couch,
+        this.views = new Views(this.couch,, this.state)
+        this.dispatch = {
+            "ddoc": [this.ddoc, this.ddoc.ddoc],
+            "reset": [this.state, this.state.reset],
+            "add_fun": [this.state, this.state.addFun],
+            "map_doc": [this.views, this.views.mapDoc],
+            // "index_doc": Dreyfus.indexDoc,
+            "reduce": [this.views, this.views.reduce],
+            "rereduce": [this.views, this.views.rereduce]
+        }
+    }
+    createSandbox () {
+        // if possible, use evalcx (not always available)
+        var sandbox = {}; //eval('');
+        sandbox.emit = (k, v) => this.views.emit(k, v);
+        sandbox.sum = (k, v, r) => this.views.sum(k, v);
+        // sandbox.log = log;
+        sandbox.JSON = JSON;
+        // sandbox.index = Dreyfus.index;
+        return sandbox;
+    }
+    handleError (e) {
+        Debug.debug(e)
+        Debug.debug(e.stack)
+        var type = e[0]
+        if (type == "fatal") {
+            e[0] = "error"; // we tell the client it was a fatal error by dying
+            Deno.exit(-1)
+        } else if (type == "error") {
+        } else if (e.error && e.reason) {
+            // compatibility with old error format
+  ["error", e.error, e.reason])
+        } else if ( {
+  ["error",, e])
+        } else {
+  ["error", "unnamed_error", e.toSource ? 
e.toSource() : e.stack])
+        }
+    }
+    async loop () {
+        let cmd
+        let cmdkey
+        let line
+        while (line = await {
+            cmd = JSON.parse(line)
+            Debug.debug(`line: ` + JSON.stringify(cmd) + "\n")
+            this.state.line_length = line.length
+            try {
+                cmdkey = cmd.shift()
+                Debug.debug(`cmdkey: ` + JSON.stringify(cmdkey) + "\n")
+                Debug.debug(`cmd: ` + JSON.stringify(cmd) + "\n")
+                if (this.dispatch[cmdkey]) {
+                    // run the correct responder with the cmd body
+                    const [object, method] = this.dispatch[cmdkey]
+                    method.apply(object, cmd)
+                } else {
+                    // unknown command, quit and hope the restarted version is 
+                    throw (["fatal", "unknown_command", "unknown command '" + 
cmdkey + "'"])
+                }
+            } catch (e) {
+                this.handleError(e)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+const query_server = new QueryServer()
diff --git a/src/couch_index/src/couch_index_updater.erl 
index fe2150505..e77d7bfed 100644
--- a/src/couch_index/src/couch_index_updater.erl
+++ b/src/couch_index/src/couch_index_updater.erl
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
 -record(st, {
-    pid = nil
+    pid = nil,
+    start_ts = 0
 start_link(Index, Module) ->
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ handle_call({update, IdxState}, _From, #st{idx = Idx, mod = 
Mod} = State) ->
     Args = [Mod:get(db_name, IdxState), Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState)],
     couch_log:info("Starting index update for db: ~s idx: ~s", Args),
     Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, update, [Idx, Mod, IdxState]),
-    {reply, ok, State#st{pid = Pid}};
+    {reply, ok, State#st{pid = Pid, start_ts = erlang:system_time(seconds)}};
 handle_call({restart, IdxState}, _From, #st{idx = Idx, mod = Mod} = State) ->
     Args = [Mod:get(db_name, IdxState), Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState)],
     couch_log:info("Restarting index update for db: ~s idx: ~s", Args),
@@ -88,8 +89,9 @@ handle_cast(_Mesg, State) ->
 handle_info({'EXIT', _, {updated, Pid, IdxState}}, #st{pid = Pid} = State) ->
     Mod = State#st.mod,
-    Args = [Mod:get(db_name, IdxState), Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState)],
-    couch_log:info("Index update finished for db: ~s idx: ~s", Args),
+    Index_time = erlang:system_time(seconds) - State#st.start_ts,
+    Args = [Mod:get(db_name, IdxState), Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState), 
+    couch_log:info("Index update finished for db: ~s idx: ~s time: ~p s", 
     ok = gen_server:cast(State#st.idx, {updated, IdxState}),
     {noreply, State#st{pid = undefined}};
 handle_info({'EXIT', _, {reset, Pid}}, #st{idx = Idx, pid = Pid} = State) ->

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