diff --git a/content/img/blog/crail-metadata/ramcloud_iops.svg 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854dfc4
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+       <g id="gnuplot_plot_2" ><title>Dispatcher utilization</title>
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+       <use xlink:href='#gpPt2' transform='translate(195.2,22.7) scale(3.00)' 
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Binary files /dev/null and b/content/img/blog/crail-metadata/rpc.png differ
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fill="black" font-family="Times-Roman" font-size="16.00"  text-anchor="middle">
+               <text><tspan font-family="Times-Roman" >IOPS at namenode 
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font-family="Times-Roman" font-size="16.00"  text-anchor="middle">
+               <text><tspan font-family="Times-Roman" >Elapsed time of 
TeraSort run [s]</tspan></text>
+       </g>
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