Author: buildbot
Date: Wed Mar  7 16:48:25 2012
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Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/docs/how-it-works.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/docs/how-it-works.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/docs/how-it-works.html Wed Mar  7 16:48:25 
@@ -186,10 +186,19 @@ The effective policy for a (input | outp
-<p>The main purpose of these policy interceptors is to add further 
interceptors that are required to support the effective policy of the 
underlying message - even if that policy is not yet known at the time the 
policy interceptor executes (because the operation is not yet known at that 
time).  <br clear="none">
+<p>The main purpose of these policy interceptors is to add further 
interceptors that are required to support the effective policy of the 
underlying message - even if that policy is not yet known at the time the 
policy interceptor executes (because the operation is not yet known at that 
time).<br clear="none">
 If the effective message policy is known, the assertions of its selected 
alternative are inserted into the message in the form of an AssertionInfoMap. 
This is a map, keyed by assertion type name, of collections of AssertionInfo 
objects, the latter being stateful (asserted/not asserted) representations of 
Assertion objects. <br clear="none">
 When the effective message policy is not known, not only the assertions for 
the selected alternative in the effective endpoint policy are included in the 
AssertionInfoMap, but also all assertions in all alternatives of all of the 
operation and message specific policies. Not all of these will be asserted at 
the end of the chain, but that is fine if it turns out the unasserted 
assertions apply to operation sayHi when in fact the chain has been processing 
the message for a greetMe request!</p>
+<p>You can see how it designed on the following figure:</p>
+<p><span class="image-wrap" style=""><img 
src="" style="border: 0px solid 
+<p>Briefly, policy interceptors make following steps:</p>
+<ol><li>Check message property 
<em>PolicyConstants.POLICY_OVERRIDE</em> contains policy, it will be taken for 
further processing.</li><li>If property is empty, policy will be asked from 
ServiceModel. Here CXF loads policies attached to WSDL or provided via Spring 
configuration.</li><li>If any policy on step 2 or step 3 is found, 
<em>EffectivePolicy</em> will be created. Appropriate WS-policies will be 
merged for the current message and built into Neethi <em>Policy</em> 
object.</li><li>All interceptors registered for result policy assertions will 
be added to message interceptor chain.</li></ol>
 <h2><a shape="rect" name="HowItWorks-PolicyAwareInterceptors"></a>Policy Aware 
 <p>Policy-aware interceptors extract the collection of AssertionInfo objects 
for the assertion types they understand from the AssertionInfoMap in the 
message. They can then use the wrapped Assertion objects to fine tune their 
behaviour, possibly exhibiting message specific behaviour. They can also 
express whether or not they could support these assertions. <br clear="none">
@@ -220,12 +229,7 @@ On the outbound chain the effective mess
 <p>On the inbound paths a little bit more work is necessary: If the message is 
a fault, we know by now what type of fault it is and what operation it applies 
to. If the message is not a fault message, knowing the underlying operation we 
can, from the location of the interceptor (client or server side), infer the 
message subject (input or output message). Either way, all information is now 
available to obtain the effective message policy. To check if any of is 
alternatives is supported, the policy verification interceptors then simply 
check if for each of its assertions  the associated AssertionInfo object in the 
map is in the asserted state. If no alternative is supported, the interceptor 
throws a Fault (wrapping a PolicyException).</p>
-<p>One thing worth noting is that - both on outbound and inbound chains - 
there may be assertions that only the conduit or destination can support. 
Although conduit or destination could access Assertion objects and tailor their 
behaviour when sending or receiving the current message, it is not knoan at 
this point whether this "tailoring" actually succeeded for the underlying 
message,  i.e. whether the assertions in questions could actually be supported. 
For this reason, the policy verification interceptors check if the conduit or 
destination implements the Assertor interface. It it does, they pass it the 
Message object so they confirn their support (or the lack thereof) for these 
assertions. The above described traveral of the AssertionInfo map only takes 
place after the conduit or destination had a chance to m ake their 
contribution. </p>
+<p>One thing worth noting is that - both on outbound and inbound chains - 
there may be assertions that only the conduit or destination can support. 
Although conduit or destination could access Assertion objects and tailor their 
behaviour when sending or receiving the current message, it is not knoan at 
this point whether this "tailoring" actually succeeded for the underlying 
message,  i.e. whether the assertions in questions could actually be supported. 
For this reason, the policy verification interceptors check if the conduit or 
destination implements the Assertor interface. It it does, they pass it the 
Message object so they confirn their support (or the lack thereof) for these 
assertions. The above described traveral of the AssertionInfo map only takes 
place after the conduit or destination had a chance to m ake their 
contribution. </p></div>
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16:48:25 2012
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+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><p>There are basically 3 main possibilities to 
define WS-Policy in CXF projects:</p>
+<ol><li>WSDL Policy attachment</li><li>Spring 
configuration</li><li>Dynamically via message context property</li></ol>
+<p>Let look into them in details. </p>
+<h4><a shape="rect" name="HowtoDefinePolicies-WSDLPolicyattachment"></a>WSDL 
Policy attachment</h4>
+<p>WS-Policies can be attached and referenced in WSDL elements. <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href=""; rel="nofollow">Web Services 
Policy 1.5 - Attachment </a> standard describes all possible alternatives. 
WS-Policies can be placed inside WSDL itself or referenced as external 
documents. CXF will automatically recognize, read and use policies defined or 
referenced in WSDL. Sample of attached policy is shown below:</p>
+<div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
+<pre class="code-xml">
+&lt;wsdl:definitions name=<span class="code-quote">"HelloWorld"</span> 
+<span class="code-tag">&lt;wsdl:service name=<span 
+    <span class="code-tag">&lt;wsdl:port binding=<span 
class="code-quote">"tns:Greeter_SOAPBinding"</span> name=<span 
+        <span class="code-tag">&lt;soap:address location=<span 
+        <span class="code-tag">&lt;wsp:Policy <span 
+             <span class="code-tag">&lt;wsam:Addressing <span 
+                 <span class="code-tag">&lt;wsp:Policy/&gt;</span>
+              <span class="code-tag">&lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;</span>
+         <span class="code-tag">&lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;</span>
+    <span class="code-tag">&lt;/wsdl:port&gt;</span>
+<span class="code-tag">&lt;/wsdl:service&gt;</span>
+<span class="code-tag">&lt;/wsdl:definitions&gt;</span>
+<h4><a shape="rect" name="HowtoDefinePolicies-Springconfiguration"></a>Spring 
+<p>It is possible to define policies directly in Spring configuration of 
client and service as jaxws feature. CFX will recognize and use configured 
WS-Policies:<br clear="none">
+<div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
+<pre class="code-xml">
+&lt;jaxws:client id=<span class="code-quote">"CRMServiceClient"</span> 
+        <span class="code-keyword">xmlns:serviceNamespace</span>=<span 
+        serviceClass=<span 
+        serviceName=<span 
+        endpointName=<span 
+        address=<span 
+        <span class="code-tag">&lt;jaxws:features&gt;</span>
+            <span class="code-tag">&lt;p:policies&gt;</span>
+                <span class="code-tag">&lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI=<span 
+            <span class="code-tag">&lt;/p:policies&gt;</span>
+        <span class="code-tag">&lt;/jaxws:features&gt;</span>
+<span class="code-tag">&lt;/jaxws:client&gt;</span>
+<div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
+<pre class="code-xml">
+&lt;jaxws:endpoint id=<span class="code-quote">"CRMService"</span>
+        <span class="code-keyword">xmlns:serviceNamespace</span>=<span 
+        serviceName=<span 
+        endpointName=<span 
+        implementor=<span class="code-quote">"#CRMServiceBean"</span>
+        address=<span class="code-quote">"/CRMServiceProvider"</span>&gt;
+        <span class="code-tag">&lt;jaxws:features&gt;</span>
+            <span class="code-tag">&lt;p:policies&gt;</span>
+                <span class="code-tag">&lt;wsp:PolicyReference URI=<span 
+            <span class="code-tag">&lt;/p:policies&gt;</span>
+        <span class="code-tag">&lt;/jaxws:features&gt;</span>
+<span class="code-tag">&lt;/jaxws:endpoint&gt;</span>
+<h4><a shape="rect" 
name="HowtoDefinePolicies-Dynamicallyviamessageproperty"></a>Dynamically via 
message property</h4>
+<p>Sometimes policies cannot be configured statically, because they are 
obtained or calculated dynamically for concrete message (for example using 
Policy Server or Service Registry). For such cases CXF provide a possibility to 
load policy dynamically and set it into the message context property. It can be 
done for example in custom interceptor that fulfils the following:</p>
+<ol><li>Get policy from external location and build it for current 
message.</li><li>Parse WS-Policy XML using Neethi library.</li><li>Store result 
Policy object into <em>PolicyConstants.POLICY_OVERRIDE</em> message content 
property.<br clear="none">
+Important is that this custom policy interceptor is called before CXF 
<em>PolicyInInterceptor</em> or <em>PolicyOutInterceptor</em>. Than CXF will 
automatically recognize Policy stored into this property and use it with 
highest priority.</li></ol>
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Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/docs/ws-policy.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/docs/ws-policy.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/docs/ws-policy.html Wed Mar  7 16:48:25 2012
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Apache CXF -- WS-Policy
            <div class="wiki-content">
 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1><a shape="rect" 
-<ul><li><a shape="rect" href="ws-policy-framework-overview.html" 
title="WS-Policy Framework Overview">WS-Policy Framework 
Overview</a></li><li><a shape="rect" href="how-it-works.html" title="How It 
Works">How It Works</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="developing-assertions.html" title="Developing Assertions">Developing 
+<ul><li><a shape="rect" href="how-to-define-policies.html" title="How to 
Define Policies">How to Define Policies</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="ws-policy-framework-overview.html" title="WS-Policy Framework 
Overview">WS-Policy Framework Overview</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="how-it-works.html" title="How It Works">How It Works</a></li><li><a 
shape="rect" href="developing-assertions.html" title="Developing 
Assertions">Developing Assertions</a></li></ul>
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