Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Mar 10 14:47:55 2012
New Revision: 808109

Production update by buildbot for cxf


Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

 Sat Mar 10 14:47:55 2012
@@ -154,40 +154,64 @@ your rules.</p>
 <p>If you start looking at this, you will get a headache.</p>
-<p>Luckily for you, Dan Kulp did a ton of work to make this work. You can see 
it in CXF, and adapt it<br clear="none">
-to your own purposes.</p>
+<p>Basically there are two ways to achive it:</p>
+<ol><li>Manual setup: manually configure Eclipse checkstyle and pmd in your 
workspace</li><li>Automated maven setup: update Eclipse workspace automatically 
using maven profile</li></ol>
+<p>Let discuss it in details</p>
+<h5><a shape="rect" 
+<p>CXF contains all actual configuration files for checkstyle and PMD in <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 project </a>. You can install appropriate configurations manually using 
Eclipse Prefereneces/Checkstyle and Preferences/PMD dialogs.</p>
+<h5><a shape="rect" 
 Maven Setup</h5>
 <p>If you've done much Eclipse configuration, you know that pathnames are a 
pain. Relative pathnames<br clear="none">
 can't cross Eclipse projects. Anything you can wire up via classpath is easier 
than anything <br clear="none">
-wired by pathname. Thus the following scheme.</p>
+wired by pathname. <br clear="none">
+Luckily for you, Dan Kulp did a ton of work to make this work. You can see it 
in CXF, and adapt it<br clear="none">
+to your own purposes.</p>
-<p>Step 1: A project to contain the common files.</p>
+<p>Thus the following scheme.</p>
-<p>CXF has a 'cxf-buildtools' project. It contains files for the tools. For 
each tool, there<br clear="none">
+<p>1. A project to contain the common files.<br clear="none">
+CXF has a 'cxf-buildtools' project. It contains files for the tools. For each 
tool, there<br clear="none">
 are two files: the XML file that configures the tool (name ends with .xml), 
and the more-or-less<br clear="none">
 XML file that Eclipse knows how to read to configure the Eclipse plugin. These 
files all live<br clear="none">
 in src/main/resources. When the builttools project builds, it just copies them 
to target<br clear="none">
 and bundles them into a JAR file.</p>
-<p>Step 2: Maven plugins use the files.</p>
-<p>The Maven plugins, of course, feed the same core XML files to the tools. By 
making the buildtools artifact<br clear="none">
+<p>2. Maven plugins use the files.<br clear="none">
+The Maven plugins, of course, feed the same core XML files to the tools. By 
making the buildtools artifact<br clear="none">
 a dependency of the Maven checkstyle and PMD plugins, the files become 
available by classpath.<br clear="none">
 This happens in the parent POM (parent/pom.xml) so that it is set up for all 
of the projects.</p>
-<p>Step 3: Eclipse</p>
-<p>Eclipse is configured via a collection of files that live in the<br 
-.settings directories of the workspace and the individual<br clear="none">
-projects. Each plugin defines the format of its settings. None of them<br 
-are documented: it's all reverse engineering.</p>
-<p>In the top level POM, there is a profile called 'setup.eclipse'. It<br 
-uses a combination of ant, xslt, and the 'copy' task to create all of the 
desired settings files.<br clear="none">
-Some of them are created by copying or modifying templates in etc/eclipse.</p>
+<p>3. Eclipse.<br clear="none">
+Eclipse is configured via a collection of files that live in the .settings 
directories of the workspace and the individual projects. Each plugin defines 
the format of its settings. None of them are documented: it's all reverse 
-<p>Eventually, setup.eclipse runs the Maven eclipse:eclipse goal to do the 
vanilla work<br clear="none">
-of creating .classpath and .project files for each of the projects.</p></div>
+<p>How to setup it step by step:<br clear="none">
+Step 1: Check out CXF projects on the root level.<br clear="none">
+Step 2: Create your Eclipse workspace. By default maven plugin assumes that 
workspace is located in ../workspace relative to root CXF source directory. To 
customize it, just add following xml fragment into your maven settings.xml:</p>
+<div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
+<pre class="code-xml">
+  <span class="code-tag">&lt;profiles&gt;</span>
+    <span class="code-tag">&lt;profile&gt;</span>
+      <span class="code-tag">&lt;id&gt;</span>extra<span 
+        <span class="code-tag">&lt;properties&gt;</span>
+          <span class="code-tag">&lt;gpg.useagent&gt;</span>true<span 
+         <span 
+         <span class="code-tag">&lt;downloadSources&gt;</span>true<span 
+         <span 
+         <span 
+       <span class="code-tag">&lt;/properties&gt;</span>
+    <span class="code-tag">&lt;/profile&gt;</span>
+  <span class="code-tag">&lt;/profiles&gt;</span>
+<p>Step 3: Run 'setup.eclipse' maven profile from CXF root source folder.<br 
+The 'setup.eclipse' profile uses a combination of ant, xslt, and the 'copy' 
task to create all of the desired settings files. Some of them are created by 
copying or modifying templates in etc/eclipse.<br clear="none">
+Running this profile from root CXF level will update your Eclipse workspace 
with necessary settings. If workspace was updated, you will be able to see 
cxf-checkstyle.xml and cxf-checkstyle-corba.xml files in root workspace 
directory.<br clear="none">
+Once it happens, it will be enough to import CXF projects generated using 
eclipse:eclipse or m2e plugin into workspace. Checkstyle and PMD will be 
automatically activated.</p></div>
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