Author: buildbot
Date: Thu Aug 16 09:59:40 2018
New Revision: 1034029

Production update by buildbot for cxf


Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/cache/main.pageCache
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Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/fediz-spring.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/fediz-spring.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/fediz-spring.html Thu Aug 16 09:59:40 2018
@@ -110,40 +110,8 @@ Apache CXF -- Fediz Spring
          <td height="100%">
            <!-- Content -->
            <div class="wiki-content">
-<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="FedizSpring-SpringSecurity3.1Plugin(1.1)">Spring Security 3.1 Plugin 
-<p>This page describes how to enable Federation for a <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">Spring Security</a> based Web Application. Spring Security 
provides more authorization capabilities than defined in the Java Servlet 
specification. Beyond authorizing web requests Spring Security supports 
authorizing whether methods can be invoked and authorizing access to individual 
domain object instances.</p>
-<p>Spring Security supports two deployment options. On the one hand, 
authentication and authorization is enforced by the underlying Servlet 
Container or on the other hand by Spring Security embedded with the 
application. The former ensures that the application is only called if 
authentication is successful. This can be controlled by an 
administrator/operator. This option is called <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">Pre-Authentication</a>. The latter gives all the control to the 
application developer and removes the dependency to security configuration in 
the Servlet Container. This simplifies deploying an application into different 
Serlvet Container environments.</p>
-<p>Both options are valid and it mainly depends on the policies/requirements 
within a company which is a better fit. Questions to be answered are: Who 
should manage the security enforcement (Application developer, Administrator)? 
Do you have to deploy the application into different Servlet Container 
-<p>Prior to doing this configuration, make sure you've first deployed the 
Fediz IDP and STS on the Tomcat IDP instance as discussed <a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-idp.html">here</a>, and can view the STS WSDL at the URL given on 
that page.</p>
-<h3 id="FedizSpring-Installation">Installation</h3>
-<p>You can either build the Fediz plugin on your own, download the package <a 
shape="rect" href="fediz-downloads.html">here</a> or add the dependency to your 
Maven project. If you have built the plugin on your own you'll find the 
required libraries in 
-<p>It's recommended to use Maven to resolve all the dependencies as 
illustrated in the two examples <em>springWebapp</em> and 
<em>springPreAuthWebapp</em>. Each example contains a README with instructions 
for building and deployment.</p>
-<h3 id="FedizSpring-WebApplicationwithPre-AuthenticationSpringSecurity">Web 
Application with Pre-Authentication Spring Security</h3>
-<p>The role of the Fediz Spring plugin in the case of Servlet Container 
managed security is to adapt the security context of the Servlet Container to 
the Spring Security Context. This allows to configure authorization for web 
requests and method calls based on Spring Security.</p>
-<p>This deployment option requires to configure Fediz into the Servlet 
Container which is described here:</p>
-<ul><li><a shape="rect" href="fediz-tomcat.html">Tomcat</a></li><li><a 
shape="rect" href="fediz-jetty.html">Jetty</a></li></ul>
-<h5 id="FedizSpring-FedizPluginconfigurationforYourWebApplication">Fediz 
Plugin configuration for Your Web Application</h5>
-<p>The Fediz related configuration is done in a Servlet Container independent 
configuration file which is described <a shape="rect" 
-<h5 id="FedizSpring-SpringSecurityConfiguration">Spring Security 
-<p>The following configuration snippets illustrate the Fediz related 
configuration. The complete configuration file can be found in the example 
-<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-style: solid;border-width: 
1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 
solid;"><b>applicationContext-security.xml</b></div><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="FedizSpring-SpringSecurityPlugin">Spring 
Security Plugin</h1><p>Apache CXF Fediz ships three different plugins for 
Spring Security - supporting Spring Security 2, 3 and 4.</p><p>This page 
describes how to enable Federation for a <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">Spring Security</a> based Web Application. Spring Security 
provides more authorization capabilities than defined in the Java Servlet 
specification. Beyond authorizing web requests Spring Security supports 
authorizing whether methods can be invoked and authorizing access to individual 
domain object instances.</p><p>Spring Security supports two deployment options. 
On the one hand, authentication and authorization is enforced by the underlying 
Servlet Container or on the other hand by Spring Security embedded with the 
application. The former ensures that the application is only called if authentic
 ation is successful. This can be controlled by an administrator/operator. This 
option is called <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">Pre-Authentication</a>. The latter gives all the control to the 
application developer and removes the dependency to security configuration in 
the Servlet Container. This simplifies deploying an application into different 
Serlvet Container environments.</p><p>Both options are valid and it mainly 
depends on the policies/requirements within a company which is a better fit. 
Questions to be answered are: Who should manage the security enforcement 
(Application developer, Administrator)? Do you have to deploy the application 
into different Servlet Container environments?</p><p>Prior to doing this 
configuration, make sure you've first deployed the Fediz IDP and STS on the 
Tomcat IDP instance as discussed <a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-idp-10.html">here</a>, a
 nd can view the STS WSDL at the URL given on that page.</p><h3 
id="FedizSpring-Installation">Installation</h3><p>You can either build the 
Fediz plugin on your own, download the package <a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-downloads.html">here</a> or add the dependency to your Maven 
project. If you have built the plugin on your own you'll find the required 
libraries in 
recommended to use Maven to resolve all the dependencies as illustrated in the 
two examples <em>springWebapp</em> and <em>springPreAuthWebapp</em>. Each 
example contains a README with instructions for building and deployment.</p><h3 
Application with Pre-Authentication Spring Security</h3><p>The role of the 
Fediz Spring plugin in the case of Servlet Container managed security is to 
adapt the security context of the Servlet Container to the Spring Security 
Context. This allows to confi
 gure authorization for web requests and method calls based on Spring 
Security.</p><p>This deployment option requires to configure Fediz into the 
Servlet Container which is described here:</p><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-tomcat.html">Tomcat</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
id="FedizSpring-FedizPluginconfigurationforYourWebApplication">Fediz Plugin 
configuration for Your Web Application</h5><p>The Fediz related configuration 
is done in a Servlet Container independent configuration file which is 
described <a shape="rect" href="fediz-configuration.html">here</a>.</p><h5 
id="FedizSpring-SpringSecurityConfiguration">Spring Security 
Configuration</h5><p>The following configuration snippets illustrate the Fediz 
related configuration. The complete configuration file can be found in the 
example <em>springPreAuthWebapp</em>.</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader 
panelHeader pdl" styl
 e="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: 
solid;"><b>applicationContext-security.xml</b></div><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
+<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default">
     &lt;bean id="preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService"
@@ -177,34 +145,12 @@ Apache CXF -- Fediz Spring
-<p>The beans <em>preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService</em> and 
<em>j2eePreAuthFilter</em> are required to provide the Fediz related security 
information (claims, login token) to the Spring Security Context. The bean 
<em>fsi</em> defines the authorization for the web requests which looks similar 
to security constraints definition in <code>web.xml</code>.</p>
-<p>The following code snippet of the FederationServlet example illustrates how 
to get access to the Spring Security Context of the current user.</p>
-<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-style: solid;border-width: 
1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 
1px;border-bottom-style: solid;"><b></b></div><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
+</div></div><p>The beans <em>preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService</em> and 
<em>j2eePreAuthFilter</em> are required to provide the Fediz related security 
information (claims, login token) to the Spring Security Context. The bean 
<em>fsi</em> defines the authorization for the web requests which looks similar 
to security constraints definition in <code>web.xml</code>.</p><p>The following 
code snippet of the FederationServlet example illustrates how to get access to 
the Spring Security Context of the current user.</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader 
panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: 
solid;"><b></b></div><div class="codeContent panelContent 
+<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default">
     Authentication obj = 
-<p>The <code>Authentication</code> object can be casted to the 
<code>FederationAuthentiationToken</code> which provides access to Claims, 
login token, etc.</p>
-<h3 id="FedizSpring-WebApplicationwith&quot;native&quot;SpringSecurity">Web 
Application with "native" Spring Security</h3>
-<p>In this case, authentication and authorization are managed by Spring 
Security only. The Fediz Spring Plugin provides the implementation of 
WS-Federation by implementing certain Spring Security interfaces. Finally, this 
results into the creation of the Spring Security Context. You can use Spring's 
authorization capabilities for web requests and method calls. The example 
<em>springWebapp</em> only illustrates authorizing web requests. Method based 
authorization is described <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
-<h5 id="FedizSpring-FedizPluginconfigurationforYourWebApplication.1">Fediz 
Plugin configuration for Your Web Application</h5>
-<p>The Fediz related configuration is done in a Servlet Container independent 
configuration file which is described <a shape="rect" 
-<h5 id="FedizSpring-SpringSecurityConfiguration.1">Spring Security 
-<p>The following configuration snippets illustrate the Fediz related 
configuration. The complete configuration file can be found in the example 
-<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-style: solid;border-width: 
1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 
solid;"><b>applicationContext-security.xml</b></div><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
+</div></div><p>The <code>Authentication</code> object can be casted to the 
<code>FederationAuthentiationToken</code> which provides access to Claims, 
login token, etc.</p><h3 
Application with "native" Spring Security</h3><p>In this case, authentication 
and authorization are managed by Spring Security only. The Fediz Spring Plugin 
provides the implementation of WS-Federation by implementing certain Spring 
Security interfaces. Finally, this results into the creation of the Spring 
Security Context. You can use Spring's authorization capabilities for web 
requests and method calls. The example <em>springWebapp</em> only illustrates 
authorizing web requests. Method based authorization is described <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">here</a>.</p><h5 id="FedizSpring-FedizPluginconfiguration
 forYourWebApplication.1">Fediz Plugin configuration for Your Web 
Application</h5><p>The Fediz related configuration is done in a Servlet 
Container independent configuration file which is described <a shape="rect" 
id="FedizSpring-SpringSecurityConfiguration.1">Spring Security 
Configuration</h5><p>The following configuration snippets illustrate the Fediz 
related configuration. The complete configuration file can be found in the 
example <em>springWebapp</em>.</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader 
panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: 
solid;"><b>applicationContext-security.xml</b></div><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
+<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default">
     &lt;sec:http entry-point-ref="federationEntryPoint" 
         &lt;sec:intercept-url pattern="/" access="permitAll"/&gt;
         &lt;sec:intercept-url pattern="/fediz" access="permitAll"/&gt;
@@ -243,14 +189,8 @@ Apache CXF -- Fediz Spring
-<p>The <em>http</em> element is the key element which depends on the other 
bean definitions like <em>federationFilter</em> and the 
<em>federationAuthProvider</em>. Web request authorizing is configured in the 
<em>http</em> element as well which looks similar to security constraints 
definition in <code>web.xml</code>.</p>
-<p>The following code snippet of the FederationServlet example illustrates how 
to get access to the Spring Security Context of the current user and to the 
Federation releated information like claims and login token.</p>
-<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-style: solid;border-width: 
1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 
1px;border-bottom-style: solid;"><b></b></div><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
+</div></div><p>The <em>http</em> element is the key element which depends on 
the other bean definitions like <em>federationFilter</em> and the 
<em>federationAuthProvider</em>. Web request authorizing is configured in the 
<em>http</em> element as well which looks similar to security constraints 
definition in <code>web.xml</code>.</p><p>The following code snippet of the 
FederationServlet example illustrates how to get access to the Spring Security 
Context of the current user and to the Federation releated information like 
claims and login token.</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-style: 
solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" 
style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: 
solid;"><b></b></div><div class="codeContent panelContent 
+<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default">
     Authentication obj = 
     FederationAuthenticationToken fedAuthToken = 
     for (GrantedAuthority item : fedAuthToken.getAuthorities()) {
@@ -262,14 +202,7 @@ Apache CXF -- Fediz Spring
-<h3 id="FedizSpring-FederationMetadatadocument">Federation Metadata 
-<p>The Spring Security Fediz plugin supports publishing the WS-Federation 
Metadata document which is described <a shape="rect" 
+</div></div><h3 id="FedizSpring-FederationMetadatadocument">Federation 
Metadata document</h3><p>The Spring Security Fediz plugin supports publishing 
the WS-Federation Metadata document which is described <a shape="rect" 
            <!-- Content -->

Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/fediz.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/fediz.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/fediz.html Thu Aug 16 09:59:40 2018
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Apache CXF -- Fediz
          <td height="100%">
            <!-- Content -->
            <div class="wiki-content">
-<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="Fediz-ApacheCXFFediz:AnOpen-SourceWebSecurityFramework">Apache CXF Fediz: 
An Open-Source Web Security Framework</h1><h2 
id="Fediz-Overview">Overview</h2><p>Apache CXF Fediz is a subproject of CXF. 
Fediz helps you to secure your web applications and delegates security 
enforcement to the underlying application server. With Fediz, authentication is 
externalized from your web application to an identity provider installed as a 
dedicated server component. Apache CXF Fediz supports both <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile</a> and the <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">SAML Web Browser SSO Profile</a>. Fediz supports <a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href="
 identity" rel="nofollow">Claims Based Access Control</a> beyond Role Based 
Access Control (RBAC).</p><h2 
id="Fediz-News">News</h2><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>June 29, 2018 - 
<strong><strong>Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.4</strong></strong> 
released</strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p>Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.4 has 
been released. A new security advisory has been released for an issue that was 
fixed in this release:</p><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
 Apache CXF Fediz is vulnerable to DTD based XML 
attacks.</li></ul><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>November 30, 2017 - 
<strong><strong>Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.</strong></strong>3 and 1.3.3 
released</strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p>Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.3 and 
1.3.3 have been released. A new security advisory has been released for an 
issue that was fixed in these releases:</p><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
 ata/CVE-2017-12631.txt.asc">CVE-2017-12631</a>:&#160;CSRF vulnerabilities in 
the Apache CXF Fediz Spring plugins.</li></ul><h2 
id="Fediz-Download">Download</h2><p>See <a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-downloads.html">here</a>.</p><h2 id="Fediz-ProjectSource">Project 
Source</h2><p>The Apache CXF Fediz sources are hosted at&#160;<a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href="";>Apache gitbox</a>. This 
includes a full two way sync with github. As github provides the nicer user 
interface we now recommend to directly work on the github cxf 
repo.</p><ul><li>Web Browsing: <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow"></a></li><li>Checking out 
from GIT: git clone</li></ul><p>CXF 
committers can directly commit to github after doing the&#160;<a shape="rect" 
href="";>Apache&#160;gitbox setup</a>. Be aware t
 hat the sync might take half an hour before you are added to the CXF github 
group.</p><ul><li>Forking and Pull Requests: See&#160;<a shape="rect" 
href="getting-involved.html">Getting Involved</a></li><li>Building the Source: 
Follow the <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">BUILDING.txt</a> file in the Fediz download for full build 
instructions.</li><li>Eclipse: See <a shape="rect" 
href="";>this page</a> for 
information on using the Eclipse IDE with the Fediz source code. This page is 
created for CXF but the same commands are applicable for Fediz 
too.</li></ul><h2 id="Fediz-ApacheCXFFedizuserguide">Apache CXF Fediz user 
guide</h2><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-introduction.html">Introduction</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-architecture.html">Fediz Architecture</a></li><li>Relying Party 
Containers<br clear="none"><ul><li><a shape="rect" href="fedi
 z-configuration.html">Fediz Configuration</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-extensions.html">Fediz Extensions</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-tomcat.html">Apache Tomcat</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-jetty.html">Jetty<br clear="none"></a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-spring.html">Spring Security 3.1<br clear="none"></a></li><li><a 
shape="rect" href="fediz-websphere.html">Websphere 7/8<br 
clear="none"></a></li><li><a shape="rect" href="fediz-cxf.html">CXF<br 
clear="none"></a></li></ul></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-idp-11.html">Fediz IdP</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-idp-10.html">Fediz IdP 1.0</a> (deprecated)</li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-metadata.html">Fediz Metadata</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-samples.html">Fediz Samples</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-articles.html">Fediz Articles</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-history.html">Fediz History</a></li></ul><p><br 
+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="Fediz-ApacheCXFFediz:AnOpen-SourceWebSecurityFramework">Apache CXF Fediz: 
An Open-Source Web Security Framework</h1><h2 
id="Fediz-Overview">Overview</h2><p>Apache CXF Fediz is a subproject of CXF. 
Fediz helps you to secure your web applications and delegates security 
enforcement to the underlying application server. With Fediz, authentication is 
externalized from your web application to an identity provider installed as a 
dedicated server component. Apache CXF Fediz supports both <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile</a> and the <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">SAML Web Browser SSO Profile</a>. Fediz supports <a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href="
 identity" rel="nofollow">Claims Based Access Control</a> beyond Role Based 
Access Control (RBAC).</p><h2 
id="Fediz-News">News</h2><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>June 29, 2018 - 
<strong><strong>Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.4</strong></strong> 
released</strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p>Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.4 has 
been released. A new security advisory has been released for an issue that was 
fixed in this release:</p><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
 Apache CXF Fediz is vulnerable to DTD based XML 
attacks.</li></ul><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>November 30, 2017 - 
<strong><strong>Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.</strong></strong>3 and 1.3.3 
released</strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p>Apache CXF Fediz 1.4.3 and 
1.3.3 have been released. A new security advisory has been released for an 
issue that was fixed in these releases:</p><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
 ata/CVE-2017-12631.txt.asc">CVE-2017-12631</a>:&#160;CSRF vulnerabilities in 
the Apache CXF Fediz Spring plugins.</li></ul><h2 
id="Fediz-Download">Download</h2><p>See <a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-downloads.html">here</a>.</p><h2 id="Fediz-ProjectSource">Project 
Source</h2><p>The Apache CXF Fediz sources are hosted at&#160;<a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href="";>Apache gitbox</a>. This 
includes a full two way sync with github. As github provides the nicer user 
interface we now recommend to directly work on the github cxf 
repo.</p><ul><li>Web Browsing: <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow"></a></li><li>Checking out 
from GIT: git clone</li></ul><p>CXF 
committers can directly commit to github after doing the&#160;<a shape="rect" 
href="";>Apache&#160;gitbox setup</a>. Be aware t
 hat the sync might take half an hour before you are added to the CXF github 
group.</p><ul><li>Forking and Pull Requests: See&#160;<a shape="rect" 
href="getting-involved.html">Getting Involved</a></li><li>Building the Source: 
Follow the <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">BUILDING.txt</a> file in the Fediz download for full build 
instructions.</li><li>Eclipse: See <a shape="rect" 
href="";>this page</a> for 
information on using the Eclipse IDE with the Fediz source code. This page is 
created for CXF but the same commands are applicable for Fediz 
too.</li></ul><h2 id="Fediz-ApacheCXFFedizuserguide">Apache CXF Fediz user 
guide</h2><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-introduction.html">Introduction</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-architecture.html">Fediz Architecture</a></li><li>Relying Party 
Containers<br clear="none"><ul><li><a shape="rect" href="fedi
 z-configuration.html">Fediz Configuration</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-extensions.html">Fediz Extensions</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-tomcat.html">Apache Tomcat</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-jetty.html">Jetty<br clear="none"></a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-spring.html">Spring Security<br clear="none"></a></li><li><a 
shape="rect" href="fediz-websphere.html">Websphere 7/8<br 
clear="none"></a></li><li><a shape="rect" href="fediz-cxf.html">CXF<br 
clear="none"></a></li></ul></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-idp-11.html">Fediz IdP</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-idp-10.html">Fediz IdP 1.0</a> (deprecated)</li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-metadata.html">Fediz Metadata</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-samples.html">Fediz Samples</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-articles.html">Fediz Articles</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="fediz-history.html">Fediz History</a></li></ul><p><br 
            <!-- Content -->

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