olabusayoT commented on code in PR #1338:
URL: https://github.com/apache/daffodil/pull/1338#discussion_r1828319687

@@ -1341,7 +1356,13 @@ trait ElementBaseGrammarMixin
       case LengthKind.Delimited => body
       case LengthKind.Pattern => new SpecifiedLengthPattern(this, body)
       case LengthKind.Explicit if bitsMultiplier != 0 =>
-        new SpecifiedLengthExplicit(this, body, bitsMultiplier)
+        if (isSimpleType && primType == PrimType.HexBinary) {
+          // hexBinary has some checks that need to be done that 
+          // gets in the way of

Review Comment:
   @mbeckerle , any thoughts on refactoring the code to have various specified 
length parser as described above, and any idea on how that would work with 

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