Author: gpetracek
Date: Thu Dec 26 16:49:42 2013
New Revision: 1553508

updated content


Modified: deltaspike/site/trunk/content/jsf.mdtext
--- deltaspike/site/trunk/content/jsf.mdtext (original)
+++ deltaspike/site/trunk/content/jsf.mdtext Thu Dec 26 16:49:42 2013
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ Advantages which are planned for later (
  - It's possible to check if the configured folders and files really exist 
during/after the bootstrapping phase of the application (currently it isn't 
implemented, but it's possible to do it).
  - It's also easy(er) for tools (IDE plugins,...) to validate it
+ - It's possible to validate the config (if the corresponding path (view or 
folder) really exists (after v0.5 it's done out-of-the-box)
 If you are still not convinced, you just have to try it. You will see how your 
daily workflow benefits from it pretty soon.
@@ -681,6 +682,13 @@ It's also possible do register different
 This annotation can be used for view-meta-data which can be placed on other 
classes than view-config-classes. It's used e.g. for `@ViewRef`.
 Via a `TargetViewConfigProvider` it's possible to point to the view-config the 
meta-data should get applied to and via `InlineMetaDataTransformer` it's 
possible to convert it to a different meta-data-representation (which allows 
that at runtime you only have to support one side since the inline-meta-data 
was converted to the same meta-data representation which is used for the normal 
+### Path-Validation
+DeltaSpike (after v0.5) validates your configs out-of-the-box. The application 
will fail to start, if there is an invalid config (e.g. a view-config without a 
corresponding view).
+Right now the validation is restricted to folders and view-ids with .xhtml or 
.jsp as suffix. Other view-ids (e.g. *.faces) don't get checked. In such cases 
a custom validator can be used (e.g. based on `ViewConfigPathValidator`).
+To disable the view-config (path) validation, add a `ClassDeactivator` which 
restricts `org.apache.deltaspike.jsf.impl.config.view.ViewConfigPathValidator`.
 ## View-Config SPI

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