See <>


[...truncated 7.96 KB...]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Scheduler-Module Impl                            [jar]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Test-Control-Module                              [pom]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Test-Control-Module API                          [jar]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Test-Control-Module Impl                         [jar]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Examples                                         [pom]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Java-SE Examples                                 [jar]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JSF Examples                                     [war]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JSF Playground                                   [war]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Security Example CDI                             [war]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Security Example PicketLink                      [war]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Java-SE Scheduler Examples                       [jar]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JPA Examples                                     [war]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Data Examples                                    [war]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Distribution                                     [pom]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Distribution Bill of Materials                   [pom]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Full Distribution                                [pom]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Documentation                                    [pom]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Site                                             [pom]
[INFO] ------------------< org.apache.deltaspike:deltaspike >------------------
[INFO] Building Apache DeltaSpike 1.9.4-SNAPSHOT                         [1/63]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ deltaspike ---
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-maven-version) @ 
deltaspike ---
[INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.7.0:process 
(process-resource-bundles) @ deltaspike ---
[INFO] Preparing remote bundle org.apache:apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.4
[INFO] Copying 3 resources from 1 bundle.
[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.7.1:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ 
deltaspike ---
[INFO] No site descriptor found: nothing to attach.
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ deltaspike ---
[INFO] Installing 
<> to 
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ deltaspike ---
[INFO] Downloading from apache.snapshots.https:
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata 
org.apache.deltaspike:deltaspike:1.9.4-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to 
( Transfer failed 
 503 Service Unavailable
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for Apache DeltaSpike 1.9.4-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike .................................. FAILURE [  7.918 s]
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Sources .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike CheckStyle-rules ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Parent ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Test-Utils ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Code Parent ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Core ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Core-API ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Core-Implementation .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike ContainerControl parent .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike CDI ContainerControl API ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike CDI ContainerControl TCK ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike CDI OWB-ContainerControl ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike CDI Weld-ContainerControl ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike CDI OpenEJB-ContainerControl ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike CDI Servlet-ContainerControl ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Modules .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Proxy-Module ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Proxy-Module API ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Proxy-Module Impl ASM ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Security-Module .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Security-Module API .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Security-Module Impl ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JPA-Module ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JPA-Module API ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JPA-Module Impl .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Servlet-Module ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Servlet-Module API ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Servlet-Module Impl .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JSF-Module ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JSF-Module API ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JSF-Module Impl .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JSF-Module Impl (EE6 only) ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Partial-Bean-Module .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Partial-Bean-Module API .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Partial-Bean-Module Impl ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike BeanValidation-Module ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike BeanValidation-Module API ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike BeanValidation-Module Impl ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Data-Module ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Data-Module API .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Data-Module Impl ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Data-Module Tests on Java EE 7 ... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Scheduler-Module ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Scheduler-Module API ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Scheduler-Module Impl ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Test-Control-Module .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Test-Control-Module API .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Test-Control-Module Impl ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Examples ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Java-SE Examples ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JSF Examples ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JSF Playground ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Security Example CDI ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Security Example PicketLink ...... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Java-SE Scheduler Examples ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike JPA Examples ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Data Examples .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Distribution ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Distribution Bill of Materials ... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Full Distribution ................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Documentation .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache DeltaSpike Site ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  58.720 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-05-09T13:43:22Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) on 
project deltaspike: Failed to retrieve remote metadata 
org.apache.deltaspike:deltaspike:1.9.4-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml: Could not 
transfer metadata 
org.apache.deltaspike:deltaspike:1.9.4-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to 
( Transfer failed 
 503 Service Unavailable -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[JENKINS] Archiving 
[JENKINS] Archiving 
[JENKINS] Archiving 
[JENKINS] Archiving 
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[JENKINS] Archiving 
 to org.apache.deltaspike/parent/1.9.4-SNAPSHOT/parent-1.9.4-SNAPSHOT.pom
[Fast Archiver] Compressed 42.58 KB of artifacts by 75.2% relative to #3180
[JENKINS] Archiving 
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[JENKINS] Archiving 
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[Fast Archiver] Compressed 102.04 KB of artifacts by 62.7% relative to #3180
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[JENKINS] Archiving 
<> to 
[JENKINS] Archiving 
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike CDI 
ContainerControl TCK #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Distribution #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JSF-Module 
Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper 
result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Data-Module Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JSF-Module 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
BeanValidation-Module Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure 
you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Data-Module Tests on Java EE 7 #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make 
sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JPA 
Examples #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper 
result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
ContainerControl parent #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Partial-Bean-Module API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike CDI 
ContainerControl API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Security-Module API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set 
a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Data-Module API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Documentation #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Java-SE 
Examples #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper 
result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Examples 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JPA-Module 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Servlet-Module #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Sources 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
Sending e-mails to:
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Core-Implementation #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set 
a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Partial-Bean-Module #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set 
a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike CDI 
Weld-ContainerControl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike CDI 
OWB-ContainerControl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Proxy-Module #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Parent 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Security-Module Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JPA-Module 
API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result 
in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Distribution Bill of Materials #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make 
sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
BeanValidation-Module #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Code 
Parent #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper 
result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JPA-Module 
Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper 
result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Partial-Bean-Module Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure 
you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike CDI 
Servlet-ContainerControl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure 
you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Scheduler-Module API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Test-Control-Module #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set 
a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Scheduler-Module Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JSF 
Playground #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper 
result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Test-Control-Module Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure 
you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
CheckStyle-rules #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Proxy-Module API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Servlet-Module API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set 
a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Data 
Examples #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper 
result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Core-API 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Security 
Example PicketLink #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set 
a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
BeanValidation-Module API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure 
you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Java-SE 
Scheduler Examples #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set 
a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Modules 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Scheduler-Module #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Test-Utils 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Security-Module #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JSF-Module 
API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result 
in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Data-Module #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Servlet-Module Impl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set 
a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Test-Control-Module API #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike CDI 
OpenEJB-ContainerControl #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure 
you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JSF 
Examples #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper 
result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike JSF-Module 
Impl (EE6 only) #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Security 
Example CDI #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Core 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Full 
Distribution #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a 
proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike Site 
#3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in 
case of pipeline/build scripts.
No mail will be sent out, as 'DeltaSpike Deploy » Apache DeltaSpike 
Proxy-Module Impl ASM #3181' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you 
set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
channel stopped

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