This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

zhongxjian pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new d9db74c1 [operator] Add manifest command
d9db74c1 is described below

commit d9db74c1e4c7a0a9e86018ff7e942335a34c756f
Author: mfordjody <>
AuthorDate: Mon Dec 23 14:18:27 2024 +0800

    [operator] Add manifest command
 dubboctl/cmd/root.go              |  4 +++
 operator/cmd/cluster/manifest.go  | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 operator/cmd/cluster/uninstall.go |  4 +--
 3 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dubboctl/cmd/root.go b/dubboctl/cmd/root.go
index 113bf07f..1a1ac5f8 100644
--- a/dubboctl/cmd/root.go
+++ b/dubboctl/cmd/root.go
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ func GetRootCmd(args []string) *cobra.Command {
        upgradeCmd := cluster.UpgradeCmd(ctx)
+       manifestCmd := cluster.ManifestCmd(ctx)
+       rootCmd.AddCommand(manifestCmd)
+       hideFlags(manifestCmd, cli.NamespaceFlag, cli.DubboNamespaceFlag, 
        return rootCmd
diff --git a/operator/cmd/cluster/manifest.go b/operator/cmd/cluster/manifest.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0576004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/operator/cmd/cluster/manifest.go
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package cluster
+import (
+       "fmt"
+       ""
+       ""
+       "strings"
+type ManifestGenerateArgs struct {
+       files        []string
+       sets         []string
+       manifestPath string
+func (a *ManifestGenerateArgs) String() string {
+       var b strings.Builder
+       b.WriteString("files:   " + fmt.Sprint(a.files) + "\n")
+       b.WriteString("sets:           " + fmt.Sprint(a.sets) + "\n")
+       b.WriteString("manifestPath: " + a.manifestPath + "\n")
+       return b.String()
+func addManifestGenerateFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, args *ManifestGenerateArgs) {
+       cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVarP(&args.files, "filename", "f", 
nil, "")
+       cmd.PersistentFlags().StringArrayVarP(&args.sets, "set", "s", nil, "")
+       cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&args.manifestPath, "manifests", "d", 
"", "")
+func ManifestCmd(ctx cli.Context) *cobra.Command {
+       rootArgs := &RootArgs{}
+       mgcArgs := &ManifestGenerateArgs{}
+       mgc := ManifestGenerateCmd(ctx, rootArgs, mgcArgs)
+       ic := InstallCmd(ctx)
+       mc := &cobra.Command{
+               Use:   "manifest",
+               Short: "dubbo manifest related commands",
+               Long:  "The manifest command will generates and diffs dubbo 
+       }
+       addFlags(mc, rootArgs)
+       addFlags(mgc, rootArgs)
+       addManifestGenerateFlags(mgc, mgcArgs)
+       mc.AddCommand(mgc)
+       mc.AddCommand(ic)
+       return mc
+func ManifestGenerateCmd(ctx cli.Context, _ *RootArgs, mgArgs 
*ManifestGenerateArgs) *cobra.Command {
+       return &cobra.Command{
+               Use:   "generate",
+               Short: "Generates an Dubbo install manifest",
+               Long:  "The generate subcommand generates an Dubbo install 
manifest and outputs to the console by default.",
+               Example: `  # Generate a default Istio installation
+  istioctl manifest generate
+  # Generate the demo profile
+  istioctl manifest generate --set profile=demo
+               Args: nil,
+               RunE: nil,
+       }
diff --git a/operator/cmd/cluster/uninstall.go 
index c8b60ede..c799d9ba 100644
--- a/operator/cmd/cluster/uninstall.go
+++ b/operator/cmd/cluster/uninstall.go
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ func UninstallCmd(ctx cli.Context) *cobra.Command {
        uiArgs := &uninstallArgs{}
        uicmd := &cobra.Command{
                Use:           "uninstall",
-               Short:         "Uninstall Dubbo-related resources",
-               Long:          "This uninstall command will uninstall the dubbo 
+               Short:         "Uninstall Dubbo related resources",
+               Long:          "The uninstall command will uninstall the dubbo 
                SilenceUsage:  true,
                SilenceErrors: false,
                Example: ` # Uninstall a single control plane by dop file

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