Author: harbs
Date: Mon Apr 15 08:38:31 2013
New Revision: 1467898

Changed svn references on the get-involved page to git


Modified: flex/site/trunk/content/community-getinvolved.cmsPage
--- flex/site/trunk/content/community-getinvolved.cmsPage (original)
+++ flex/site/trunk/content/community-getinvolved.cmsPage Mon Apr 15 08:38:31 
@@ -34,12 +34,11 @@ Bugs happen, and you might know how to f
 squash bugs, do the following :
 1. Find a bug you want to work on, or submit one into [JIRA][3].  We have some 
marked as "easy" if you play with the JIRA filters if you want to start with an 
easy one.  Make a comment on the ticket that you plan on working on it so 
others don't duplicate your work.
-2. Check out the source code from SVN.  You may want to use an IDE like 
Eclipse or IntelliJ with the proper plugins to do this
-for you.  More information is available on the [Source][4] page.
+2. Check out the source code from GIT.  More information is available on the 
[Source][4] page.
 3. Setup your build environment.  Check out the README included in the source 
code on how to do this.  You will want to make sure that you can perform a 
compile before you go much further.
 4. Fix the bug.  If you need help, ask the mailing list.  
I'm sure we have pointers to help you out.
 5. (optional) Run the functional test suite called [Mustella][5] on your code. 
 The [Mustella tests][5] are available from the ANT script, but make sure you 
set it up first.
-6. Create a .patch file.  If you are using an IDE, check your SVN, VCS or 
Source Control menus for this option.  If you are using svn from the command 
line, use `svn diff > myPatch.patch`.
+6. Create a .patch file.  If you are using an IDE, check your application 
menus for this option SourceTree has it under the Actions menu.  If you are 
using git from the command line, use `git show > myPatch.patch`.
 7. Attach the .patch file to the JIRA ticket you noted earlier.  A committer 
will review the patch and make sure it dosen't break anything else.
 8. Sit back and bask in the glory that you helped make Flex better!
@@ -51,10 +50,11 @@ they don't own and a 3rd party having a 
 That being said, if you are interested in contributing code, you can submit 
patches to the project via [JIRA][3].
 To do this, create a new issue that describes what the code you are 
contributing, and submit a .patch file with your
 code changes, just like from the bug squashing directions above.  If you 
submit a few patches that meet the Apache
-standards, you will probably be contacted by the PMC to get you direct access 
to the SVN and for you to be recognized
+standards, you will probably be contacted by the PMC to get you direct access 
to the GIT and for you to be recognized
 for your work as a committer.
  [1]: community-mailinglists.html
  [4]: dev-sourcecode.html
+ [5]:
\ No newline at end of file

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