diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b9428c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+ *
+ *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * This is a grammar for Metadata.
+ */
+grammar Metadata;
+    language = Java;
+ *
+ *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * This file is generated from MetadataParser.g.
+ */
+import java.util.HashMap;
+/*import antlr.NoViableAltException;
+import antlr.ParserSharedInputState;
+import antlr.RecognitionException;
+import antlr.Token;
+import antlr.TokenBuffer;
+import antlr.TokenStreamException;
+import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;*/
+import org.apache.flex.compiler.tree.metadata.IMetaTagNode;
+import org.apache.flex.compiler.constants.IMetaAttributeConstants;
+/*// MetadataParser parses a bunch of metadata attrs for a single node
+// (var, class, etc.) and makes up some tables of what it found.
+class MetadataParser extends 
+       importVocab = ImportMetadata;
+       exportVocab = Metadata;
+meta[MetaTagsNode parent]
+       MetaTagNode tag = null;
+       : ( asDocComment | /*openBrace : */TOKEN_OPEN_BRACE
+       ( tag = event[parent]
+       | tag = effect[parent]
+       | tag = style[parent]
+       | tag = eventTrigger[parent]
+       | tag = typedTag[parent]
+       | tag = inspectable[parent]
+       | tag = defaultproperty[parent]
+       | tag = accessibilityClass[parent]
+       | tag = multiValue[parent]
+       | tag = skinClass[parent]
+       | tag = alternative[parent]
+       | tag = resourcebundle[parent]  
+       | tag = other[parent]
+       )
+       (/*closeBrace :*/ TOKEN_CLOSE_BRACE
+       | /*closeParen :*/ TOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN )*
+       )*
+       /*{
+               afterTag(tag, openBrace, closeBrace, closeParen);
+       }*/
+       ;
+asDocComment : /*docToken:*/ TOKEN_ASDOC_COMMENT
+/*     {
+               handleComment(docToken);
+       }*/
+       ;
+event[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [EventTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               node = new EventTagNode();
+               }*/
+               (TOKEN_ATTR_NAME ( /*nameString:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setName(build(nameString)); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_TYPE (/*typeString:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setEvent(typeString); }*/ )
+               | unknownProperty[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {}
+               )*
+       {       
+               applyComment(node);
+               parent.addTag(node);
+               return node;
+       }
+       ;
+effect[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [EffectTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               node = new EffectTagNode();
+       }*/
+               (TOKEN_ATTR_NAME ( /*nameString:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setName(build(nameString)); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_EVENT (/*typeString:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setEvent(build(typeString)); }*/ )
+               | unknownProperty[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {}
+               )*
+       {       
+               applyComment(node);
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+style[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [StyleTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               node = new StyleTagNode();
+               }*/
+               (TOKEN_ATTR_NAME ( /*nameString:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setName(build(nameString)); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_TYPE ( /*typeString:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setType(typeString); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_ARRAY_TYPE ( /*arrayTypeToken:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setArrayType(build(arrayTypeToken)); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_INHERITS ( /*boolType:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setIsInheritable(getText(boolType)); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_FORMAT ( /*formatToken:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setFormat(getText(formatToken).trim()); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_ENUM ( /*valuesToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.parseValues(getText(valuesToken).trim()); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_STATES ( /*statesToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.parseStates(getText(statesToken).trim()); }*/ )
+               | unknownProperty[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {}
+               )*
+       {       
+               applyComment(node);
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+inspectable[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [InspectableTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               IdentifierNode type = null;
+               IdentifierNode var = null;
+               IdentifierNode arrayType = null;
+               node = new InspectableTagNode();
+               resetComments(node.getTagName());
+               }*/
+               (TOKEN_ATTR_NAME ( /*nameToken:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setName( getText(nameToken).trim() ); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_ARRAY_TYPE ( /*atypeToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setArrayType(build(atypeToken)); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_TYPE ( /*typeToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setType(typeToken); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_VARIABLE ( /*varToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setVariable(build(varToken)); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_FORMAT ( /*formatToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setFormat( getText(formatToken).trim() ); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_ENUM ( /*valuesToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.parseValues( getText(valuesToken).trim() ); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_CATEGORY ( /*catToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setCategory( getText(catToken).trim()); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE ( /*defaultToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING 
/*{ node.setDefaultValue( getText(defaultToken).trim()); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_VERBOSE ( /*verToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
node.setVerbose(getText(verToken).trim()); }*/ )
+               | TOKEN_ATTR_ENV ( /*envToken :*/ TOKEN_STRING 
/*{node.setEnvironment(getText(envToken).trim()); }*/ )
+               | unknownProperty[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {}
+               )*
+       {       
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+eventTrigger[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [EventTriggerTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               node = null;
+               IdentifierNode event = null;
+               String name = null;
+       }*/
+       : ( name = eventTriggerSet) {
+               resetComments(name);
+               node = new EventTriggerTagNode(name);
+       }
+               (TOKEN_ATTR_EVENT (/*eventToken:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ event = 
build(eventToken); if(event != null) { node.setEventName(event); }}*/ )
+               | unknownProperty[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {}
+               )*
+       {       
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+eventTriggerSet returns [String value]
+/*     {
+               value = null;
+       }*/
+       : /*bk :*/ TOKEN_BINDABLE_KEYWORD
+               /*{
+                       value = bk.getText();
+               }*/
+               /*{
+                       value = nck.getText();
+               }*/
+       ;
+typedTag[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [TypedTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               node = null;
+               IdentifierNode type = null;
+               String name = null;
+       }*/
+       : (name = typedTagSet)
+               {
+                       node = new TypedTagNode(name);
+                       resetComments(name);
+               }
+               ( /*typeToken:*/TOKEN_STRING
+                 /*{ node.setTypeName(null, typeToken); }*/
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {})*
+       {       
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+skinClass[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [SkinClassTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               node = null;
+               IdentifierNode type = null;
+               String name = null;
+               node = new SkinClassTagNode();
+               resetComments(node.getTagName());
+       }*/
+               ( TOKEN_ATTR_TYPE /*typeToken:*/TOKEN_STRING
+                 /*{ node.setTypeName(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_EVENT_TYPE, 
typeToken); }*/
+               | unknownProperty[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {}
+               )*
+       {       
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+alternative[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [AlternativeTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               node = null;
+               IdentifierNode type = null;
+               String name = null;
+               node = new AlternativeTagNode();
+               resetComments(node.getTagName());
+       }*/
+               ( TOKEN_ATTR_TYPE /*typeToken:*/TOKEN_STRING
+                 /*{ 
typeToken); }*/
+               | unknownProperty[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {}
+               )*
+       {       
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+typedTagSet returns [String value]
+/*     {
+               value = null;
+       }*/
+               /*{
+                       value = ik.getText();
+               }*/
+               /*{
+                       value = hck.getText();
+               }*/
+               /*{
+                       value = aek.getText();
+               }*/
+       ;
+multiValue[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [MultiValueMetaTagNode node]
+       /*{
+               String state = null;
+               node = null;
+               String name = null;
+       }*/
+       : (name = mvSet) 
+               {
+                       node = new MultiValueMetaTagNode(name);
+                       resetComments(name);
+               }
+               (/*stateToken:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ state = getText(stateToken); 
if(state != null) { node.addValue(state); state = null;}}*/
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {})*
+       {       
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+mvSet returns [String value]
+/*     {
+               value = null;
+       }*/
+       : /*bk :*/ TOKEN_STATES_KEYWORD
+               /*{
+                       value = bk.getText();
+               }*/
+       | /*nck :*/ TOKEN_SKIN_STATES_KEYWORD
+               /*{
+                       value = nck.getText();
+               }*/
+       ;
+accessibilityClass[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [AccessibilityTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               IdentifierNode type = null;
+               IdentifierNode name = null;
+               node = new AccessibilityTagNode();
+               resetComments(node.getTagName());       
+       }*/
+               (TOKEN_ATTR_IMPLEMENTATION /*nameString:*/TOKEN_STRING
+                /*{ 
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {})*
+       {       parent.addTag(node); }
+       ;
+defaultproperty[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [DefaultPropertyTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               IdentifierNode type = null;
+               node = new DefaultPropertyTagNode();
+               resetComments(node.getTagName());
+       }*/
+               (/*typeToken:*/ TOKEN_STRING /*{ type = build(typeToken); 
if(type != null) { node.setPropertyNameNode(type); }}*/
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {})*
+       {       
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+resourcebundle[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [ResourceBundleTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               IdentifierNode bundleNameNode = null;
+               node = new ResourceBundleTagNode();
+               resetComments(node.getTagName());
+       }*/
+               ( {LA(1) == TOKEN_STRING}? /*bundleToken:*/TOKEN_STRING /*{ 
bundleNameNode = build(bundleToken); if(bundleNameNode != null) { 
node.setBundleNameNode(bundleNameNode); }}*/
+               | unknownProperty[node]
+               | unknownTypeAttribute[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {})*
+       {       
+               parent.addTag(node);
+       }
+       ;
+unknownTypeAttribute[MetaTagNode node]
+       : (TOKEN_ATTR_TYPE /*typeToken:*/TOKEN_STRING)
+       /*{
+               final String val = typeToken.getText();
+               if(val != null)
+               {
+                       node.addToMap(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_EVENT_TYPE, 
+               }
+       }*/
+       ;
+other[MetaTagsNode parent] returns [MetaTagNode node]
+/*     {
+               String name = "";
+               node = null; 
+       }*/
+               : /*keyWord :*/ TOKEN_UNKNOWN_KEYWORD
+                       /*{ name = getText(keyWord); node = new 
BasicMetaTagNode(name); resetComments(name); }*/
+               ( unknownProperty[node]
+               | TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN {}
+               )*
+               {
+                       parent.addTag(node);
+               }
+       ;
+unknownProperty[MetaTagNode node]
+/*    {
+       String attr = null; 
+    }*/
+    :( /*attrName:*/TOKEN_ATTR_UNKNOWN
+       /*{ attr = getText(attrName); }*/
+    )? 
+    /*stringVal:*/TOKEN_STRING
+               /*{ node.addToMap(attr, getText(stringVal)); }*/
+    ;
diff --git a/compiler/src/main/java/org/apache/flex/abc/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83bd233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/main/java/org/apache/flex/abc/
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+ *
+ *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ *  ABCConstants contains manifest constants for the various codes and flags 
in an ABC file.
+ */
+public abstract class ABCConstants
+    // method flags
+    public static final int NEED_ARGUMENTS = 0x01;
+    public static final int NEED_ACTIVATION = 0x02;
+    public static final int NEED_REST = 0x04;
+    public static final int HAS_OPTIONAL = 0x08;
+    public static final int IGNORE_REST = 0x10;
+    public static final int NATIVE = 0x20;
+    public static final int SETS_DXNS = 0x40;
+    public static final int HAS_PARAM_NAMES = 0x80;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_Undefined = 0x00;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_Utf8 = 0x01;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_Int = 0x03;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_UInt = 0x04;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_PrivateNs = 0x05; // non-shared namespace
+    public static final int CONSTANT_Double = 0x06;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_Qname = 0x07; // o.ns::name, ct ns, ct 
+    public static final int CONSTANT_Namespace = 0x08;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_Multiname = 0x09; //, ct nsset, ct 
+    public static final int CONSTANT_False = 0x0A;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_True = 0x0B;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_Null = 0x0C;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_QnameA = 0x0D; // o.@ns::name, ct ns, ct 
+    public static final int CONSTANT_MultinameA = 0x0E; // o.@name, ct 
+    public static final int CONSTANT_RTQname = 0x0F; // o.ns::name, rt ns, ct 
+    public static final int CONSTANT_RTQnameA = 0x10; // o.@ns::name, rt ns, 
ct attr-name
+    public static final int CONSTANT_RTQnameL = 0x11; // o.ns::[name], rt ns, 
rt name
+    public static final int CONSTANT_RTQnameLA = 0x12; // o.@ns::[name], rt 
ns, rt attr-name
+    public static final int CONSTANT_NameL = 0x13; // o.[], ns=public implied, 
rt name
+    public static final int CONSTANT_NameLA = 0x14; // o.@[], ns=public 
implied, rt attr-name
+    public static final int CONSTANT_NamespaceSet = 0x15;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_PackageNs = 0x16;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_PackageInternalNs = 0x17;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_ProtectedNs = 0x18;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_ExplicitNamespace = 0x19;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_StaticProtectedNs = 0x1a;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_MultinameL = 0x1B;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_MultinameLA = 0x1C;
+    public static final int CONSTANT_TypeName = 0x1D;
+    public static final String[] constantKinds = {
+            "0",
+            "utf8",
+            "",
+            "int",
+            "uint",
+            "private",
+            "double",
+            "qname",
+            "namespace",
+            "multiname",
+            "false",
+            "true",
+            "null",
+            "@qname",
+            "@multiname",
+            "rtqname",
+            "@rtqname",
+            "[qname]",
+            "@[qname]",
+            "[name]",
+            "@[name]",
+            "nsset",
+            "package",
+            "internal",
+            "protected",
+            "explicit",
+            "staticprotected",
+            "[multiname]",
+            "@[multiname]",
+            "tyepname",
+            ""
+    };
+    public static final int TRAIT_Var = 0x00;
+    public static final int TRAIT_Method = 0x01;
+    public static final int TRAIT_Getter = 0x02;
+    public static final int TRAIT_Setter = 0x03;
+    public static final int TRAIT_Class = 0x04;
+    public static final int TRAIT_Function = 0x05;
+    public static final int TRAIT_Const = 0x06;
+    public static final int TRAIT_FLAG_final = 0x01;
+    public static final int TRAIT_FLAG_override = 0x02;
+    public static final int TRAIT_FLAG_metadata = 0x04;
+    public static final String[] traitKinds =
+    {
+        "var", "function", "function get", "function set", "class", 
"function", "    final"
+    };
+    public static final int OP_bkpt = 0x01;
+    public static final int OP_nop = 0x02;
+    public static final int OP_throw = 0x03;
+    public static final int OP_getsuper = 0x04;
+    public static final int OP_setsuper = 0x05;
+    public static final int OP_dxns = 0x06;
+    public static final int OP_dxnslate = 0x07;
+    public static final int OP_kill = 0x08;
+    public static final int OP_label = 0x09;
+    public static final int OP_ifnlt = 0x0C;
+    public static final int OP_ifnle = 0x0D;
+    public static final int OP_ifngt = 0x0E;
+    public static final int OP_ifnge = 0x0F;
+    public static final int OP_jump = 0x10;
+    public static final int OP_iftrue = 0x11;
+    public static final int OP_iffalse = 0x12;
+    public static final int OP_ifeq = 0x13;
+    public static final int OP_ifne = 0x14;
+    public static final int OP_iflt = 0x15;
+    public static final int OP_ifle = 0x16;
+    public static final int OP_ifgt = 0x17;
+    public static final int OP_ifge = 0x18;
+    public static final int OP_ifstricteq = 0x19;
+    public static final int OP_ifstrictne = 0x1A;
+    public static final int OP_lookupswitch = 0x1B;
+    public static final int OP_pushwith = 0x1C;
+    public static final int OP_popscope = 0x1D;
+    public static final int OP_nextname = 0x1E;
+    public static final int OP_hasnext = 0x1F;
+    public static final int OP_pushnull = 0x20;
+    public static final int OP_pushundefined = 0x21;
+    public static final int OP_nextvalue = 0x23;
+    public static final int OP_pushbyte = 0x24;
+    public static final int OP_pushshort = 0x25;
+    public static final int OP_pushtrue = 0x26;
+    public static final int OP_pushfalse = 0x27;
+    public static final int OP_pushnan = 0x28;
+    public static final int OP_pop = 0x29;
+    public static final int OP_dup = 0x2A;
+    public static final int OP_swap = 0x2B;
+    public static final int OP_pushstring = 0x2C;
+    public static final int OP_pushint = 0x2D;
+    public static final int OP_pushuint = 0x2E;
+    public static final int OP_pushdouble = 0x2F;
+    public static final int OP_pushscope = 0x30;
+    public static final int OP_pushnamespace = 0x31;
+    public static final int OP_hasnext2 = 0x32;
+    public static final int OP_li8 = 0x35;
+    public static final int OP_li16 = 0x36;
+    public static final int OP_li32 = 0x37;
+    public static final int OP_lf32 = 0x38;
+    public static final int OP_lf64 = 0x39;
+    public static final int OP_si8 = 0x3A;
+    public static final int OP_si16 = 0x3B;
+    public static final int OP_si32 = 0x3C;
+    public static final int OP_sf32 = 0x3D;
+    public static final int OP_sf64 = 0x3E;
+    public static final int OP_newfunction = 0x40;
+    public static final int OP_call = 0x41;
+    public static final int OP_construct = 0x42;
+    public static final int OP_callmethod = 0x43;
+    public static final int OP_callstatic = 0x44;
+    public static final int OP_callsuper = 0x45;
+    public static final int OP_callproperty = 0x46;
+    public static final int OP_returnvoid = 0x47;
+    public static final int OP_returnvalue = 0x48;
+    public static final int OP_constructsuper = 0x49;
+    public static final int OP_constructprop = 0x4A;
+    public static final int OP_callsuperid = 0x4B;
+    public static final int OP_callproplex = 0x4C;
+    public static final int OP_callinterface = 0x4D;
+    public static final int OP_callsupervoid = 0x4E;
+    public static final int OP_callpropvoid = 0x4F;
+    public static final int OP_sxi1 = 0x50;
+    public static final int OP_sxi8 = 0x51;
+    public static final int OP_sxi16 = 0x52;
+    public static final int OP_applytype = 0x53;
+    public static final int OP_newobject = 0x55;
+    public static final int OP_newarray = 0x56;
+    public static final int OP_newactivation = 0x57;
+    public static final int OP_newclass = 0x58;
+    public static final int OP_getdescendants = 0x59;
+    public static final int OP_newcatch = 0x5A;
+    public static final int OP_findpropstrict = 0x5D;
+    public static final int OP_findproperty = 0x5E;
+    public static final int OP_finddef = 0x5F;
+    public static final int OP_getlex = 0x60;
+    public static final int OP_setproperty = 0x61;
+    public static final int OP_getlocal = 0x62;
+    public static final int OP_setlocal = 0x63;
+    public static final int OP_getglobalscope = 0x64;
+    public static final int OP_getscopeobject = 0x65;
+    public static final int OP_getproperty = 0x66;
+    public static final int OP_getouterscope = 0x67;
+    public static final int OP_initproperty = 0x68;
+    public static final int OP_setpropertylate = 0x69;
+    public static final int OP_deleteproperty = 0x6A;
+    public static final int OP_deletepropertylate = 0x6B;
+    public static final int OP_getslot = 0x6C;
+    public static final int OP_setslot = 0x6D;
+    public static final int OP_getglobalslot = 0x6E;
+    public static final int OP_setglobalslot = 0x6F;
+    public static final int OP_convert_s = 0x70;
+    public static final int OP_esc_xelem = 0x71;
+    public static final int OP_esc_xattr = 0x72;
+    public static final int OP_convert_i = 0x73;
+    public static final int OP_convert_u = 0x74;
+    public static final int OP_convert_d = 0x75;
+    public static final int OP_convert_b = 0x76;
+    public static final int OP_convert_o = 0x77;
+    public static final int OP_checkfilter = 0x78;
+    public static final int OP_unplus = 0x7A;
+    public static final int OP_coerce = 0x80;
+    public static final int OP_coerce_b = 0x81;
+    public static final int OP_coerce_a = 0x82;
+    public static final int OP_coerce_i = 0x83;
+    public static final int OP_coerce_d = 0x84;
+    public static final int OP_coerce_s = 0x85;
+    public static final int OP_astype = 0x86;
+    public static final int OP_astypelate = 0x87;
+    public static final int OP_coerce_u = 0x88;
+    public static final int OP_coerce_o = 0x89;
+    public static final int OP_negate = 0x90;
+    public static final int OP_increment = 0x91;
+    public static final int OP_inclocal = 0x92;
+    public static final int OP_decrement = 0x93;
+    public static final int OP_declocal = 0x94;
+    public static final int OP_typeof = 0x95;
+    public static final int OP_not = 0x96;
+    public static final int OP_bitnot = 0x97;
+    public static final int OP_add_d = 0x9B;
+    public static final int OP_add = 0xA0;
+    public static final int OP_subtract = 0xA1;
+    public static final int OP_multiply = 0xA2;
+    public static final int OP_divide = 0xA3;
+    public static final int OP_modulo = 0xA4;
+    public static final int OP_lshift = 0xA5;
+    public static final int OP_rshift = 0xA6;
+    public static final int OP_urshift = 0xA7;
+    public static final int OP_bitand = 0xA8;
+    public static final int OP_bitor = 0xA9;
+    public static final int OP_bitxor = 0xAA;
+    public static final int OP_equals = 0xAB;
+    public static final int OP_strictequals = 0xAC;
+    public static final int OP_lessthan = 0xAD;
+    public static final int OP_lessequals = 0xAE;
+    public static final int OP_greaterthan = 0xAF;
+    public static final int OP_greaterequals = 0xB0;
+    public static final int OP_instanceof = 0xB1;
+    public static final int OP_istype = 0xB2;
+    public static final int OP_istypelate = 0xB3;
+    public static final int OP_in = 0xB4;
+    public static final int OP_increment_i = 0xC0;
+    public static final int OP_decrement_i = 0xC1;
+    public static final int OP_inclocal_i = 0xC2;
+    public static final int OP_declocal_i = 0xC3;
+    public static final int OP_negate_i = 0xC4;
+    public static final int OP_add_i = 0xC5;
+    public static final int OP_subtract_i = 0xC6;
+    public static final int OP_multiply_i = 0xC7;
+    public static final int OP_getlocal0 = 0xD0;
+    public static final int OP_getlocal1 = 0xD1;
+    public static final int OP_getlocal2 = 0xD2;
+    public static final int OP_getlocal3 = 0xD3;
+    public static final int OP_setlocal0 = 0xD4;
+    public static final int OP_setlocal1 = 0xD5;
+    public static final int OP_setlocal2 = 0xD6;
+    public static final int OP_setlocal3 = 0xD7;
+    public static final int OP_debug = 0xEF;
+    public static final int OP_debugline = 0xF0;
+    public static final int OP_debugfile = 0xF1;
+    public static final int OP_bkptline = 0xF2;
+    public static final int OP_timestamp = 0xF3;
+    public static final String[] opNames =
+    {
+        "OP_0x00       ",
+        "bkpt          ",
+        "nop           ",
+        "throw         ",
+        "getsuper      ",
+        "setsuper      ",
+        "dxns          ",
+        "dxnslate      ",
+        "kill          ",
+        "label         ",
+        "OP_0x0A       ",
+        "OP_0x0B       ",
+        "ifnlt         ",
+        "ifnle         ",
+        "ifngt         ",
+        "ifnge         ",
+        "jump          ",
+        "iftrue        ",
+        "iffalse       ",
+        "ifeq          ",
+        "ifne          ",
+        "iflt          ",
+        "ifle          ",
+        "ifgt          ",
+        "ifge          ",
+        "ifstricteq    ",
+        "ifstrictne    ",
+        "lookupswitch  ",
+        "pushwith      ",
+        "popscope      ",
+        "nextname      ",
+        "hasnext       ",
+        "pushnull      ",
+        "pushundefined ",
+        "OP_0x22       ",
+        "nextvalue     ",
+        "pushbyte      ",
+        "pushshort     ",
+        "pushtrue      ",
+        "pushfalse     ",
+        "pushnan       ",
+        "pop           ",
+        "dup           ",
+        "swap          ",
+        "pushstring    ",
+        "pushint       ",
+        "pushuint      ",
+        "pushdouble    ",
+        "pushscope     ",
+        "pushnamespace ",
+        "hasnext2      ",
+        "OP_0x33       ", // lix8 (internal)
+        "OP_0x34       ", // lix16 (internal)
+        "li8           ",
+        "li16          ",
+        "li32          ",
+        "lf32          ",
+        "lf64          ",
+        "si8           ",
+        "si16          ",
+        "si32          ",
+        "sf32          ",
+        "sf64          ",
+        "OP_0x3F       ",
+        "newfunction   ",
+        "call          ",
+        "construct     ",
+        "callmethod    ",
+        "callstatic    ",
+        "callsuper     ",
+        "callproperty  ",
+        "returnvoid    ",
+        "returnvalue   ",
+        "constructsuper",
+        "constructprop ",
+        "callsuperid   ",
+        "callproplex   ",
+        "callinterface ",
+        "callsupervoid ",
+        "callpropvoid  ",
+        "sxi1          ",
+        "sxi8          ",
+        "sxi16         ",
+        "applytype     ",
+        "OP_0x54    ",
+        "newobject     ",
+        "newarray      ",
+        "newactivation ",
+        "newclass      ",
+        "getdescendants",
+        "newcatch      ",
+        "OP_0x5B       ", // findpropglobalstrict (internal)
+        "OP_0x5C       ", // findpropglobal (internal)
+        "findpropstrict",
+        "findproperty  ",
+        "finddef       ",
+        "getlex        ",
+        "setproperty   ",
+        "getlocal      ",
+        "setlocal      ",
+        "getglobalscope",
+        "getscopeobject",
+        "getproperty   ",
+        "getouterscope ",
+        "initproperty  ",
+        "OP_0x69       ",
+        "deleteproperty",
+        "OP_0x6B       ",
+        "getslot       ",
+        "setslot       ",
+        "getglobalslot ",
+        "setglobalslot ",
+        "convert_s     ",
+        "esc_xelem     ",
+        "esc_xattr     ",
+        "convert_i     ",
+        "convert_u     ",
+        "convert_d     ",
+        "convert_b     ",
+        "convert_o     ",
+        "checkfilter   ",
+        "OP_0x79       ",
+        "unplus        ",
+        "OP_0x7B       ",
+        "OP_0x7C       ",
+        "OP_0x7D       ",
+        "OP_0x7E       ",
+        "OP_0x7F       ",
+        "coerce        ",
+        "coerce_b      ",
+        "coerce_a      ",
+        "coerce_i      ",
+        "coerce_d      ",
+        "coerce_s      ",
+        "astype        ",
+        "astypelate    ",
+        "coerce_u      ",
+        "coerce_o      ",
+        "OP_0x8A       ",
+        "OP_0x8B       ",
+        "OP_0x8C       ",
+        "OP_0x8D       ",
+        "OP_0x8E       ",
+        "OP_0x8F       ",
+        "negate        ",
+        "increment     ",
+        "inclocal      ",
+        "decrement     ",
+        "declocal      ",
+        "typeof        ",
+        "not           ",
+        "bitnot        ",
+        "OP_0x98       ",
+        "OP_0x99       ",
+        "OP_0x9A       ",
+        "add_d         ",
+        "OP_0x9C       ",
+        "OP_0x9D       ",
+        "OP_0x9E       ",
+        "OP_0x9F       ",
+        "add           ",
+        "subtract      ",
+        "multiply      ",
+        "divide        ",
+        "modulo        ",
+        "lshift        ",
+        "rshift        ",
+        "urshift       ",
+        "bitand        ",
+        "bitor         ",
+        "bitxor        ",
+        "equals        ",
+        "strictequals  ",
+        "lessthan      ",
+        "lessequals    ",
+        "greaterthan   ",
+        "greaterequals ",
+        "instanceof    ",
+        "istype        ",
+        "istypelate    ",
+        "in            ",
+        "OP_0xB5       ",
+        "OP_0xB6       ",
+        "OP_0xB7       ",
+        "OP_0xB8       ",
+        "OP_0xB9       ",
+        "OP_0xBA       ",
+        "OP_0xBB       ",
+        "OP_0xBC       ",
+        "OP_0xBD       ",
+        "OP_0xBE       ",
+        "OP_0xBF       ",
+        "increment_i   ",
+        "decrement_i   ",
+        "inclocal_i    ",
+        "declocal_i    ",
+        "negate_i      ",
+        "add_i         ",
+        "subtract_i    ",
+        "multiply_i    ",
+        "OP_0xC8       ",
+        "OP_0xC9       ",
+        "OP_0xCA       ",
+        "OP_0xCB       ",
+        "OP_0xCC       ",
+        "OP_0xCD       ",
+        "OP_0xCE       ",
+        "OP_0xCF       ",
+        "getlocal0     ",
+        "getlocal1     ",
+        "getlocal2     ",
+        "getlocal3     ",
+        "setlocal0     ",
+        "setlocal1     ",
+        "setlocal2     ",
+        "setlocal3     ",
+        "OP_0xD8       ",
+        "OP_0xD9       ",
+        "OP_0xDA       ",
+        "OP_0xDB       ",
+        "OP_0xDC       ",
+        "OP_0xDD       ",
+        "OP_0xDE       ",
+        "OP_0xDF       ",
+        "OP_0xE0       ",
+        "OP_0xE1       ",
+        "OP_0xE2       ",
+        "OP_0xE3       ",
+        "OP_0xE4       ",
+        "OP_0xE5       ",
+        "OP_0xE6       ",
+        "OP_0xE7       ",
+        "OP_0xE8       ",
+        "OP_0xE9       ",
+        "OP_0xEA       ",
+        "OP_0xEB       ",
+        "OP_0xEC       ",
+        "OP_0xED       ",
+        "OP_0xEE       ",
+        "debug         ",
+        "debugline     ",
+        "debugfile     ",
+        "bkptline      ",
+        "timestamp     ",
+        "OP_0xF4       ",
+        "OP_0xF5       ",
+        "OP_0xF6       ",
+        "OP_0xF7       ",
+        "OP_0xF8       ",
+        "OP_0xF9       ",
+        "OP_0xFA       ",
+        "OP_0xFB       ",
+        "OP_0xFC       ",
+        "OP_0xFD       ",
+        "OP_0xFE       ",
+        "OP_0xFF       "
+    };
+    public static final int ATTR_final = 0x01; // 1=final, 0=virtual
+    public static final int ATTR_override = 0x02; // 1=override, 0=new
+    public static final int ATTR_metadata = 0x04; // 1=has metadata, 0=no 
+    public static final int ATTR_public = 0x08; // 1=add public namespace
+    public static final int CLASS_FLAG_sealed = 0x01;
+    public static final int CLASS_FLAG_final = 0x02;
+    public static final int CLASS_FLAG_interface = 0x04;
+    public static final int CLASS_FLAG_protected = 0x08;
+    public static final int METHOD_Arguments = 0x1;
+    public static final int METHOD_Activation = 0x2;
+    public static final int METHOD_Needrest = 0x4;
+    public static final int METHOD_HasOptional = 0x8;
+    public static final int METHOD_IgnoreRest = 0x10;
+    public static final int METHOD_Native = 0x20;
+    public static final int METHOD_Setsdxns = 0x40;
+    public static final int METHOD_HasParamNames = 0x80;
+    /**
+     * The class is sealed: properties can not be dynamically added to 
+     * of the class.
+     */
+    public static final int CONSTANT_ClassSealed = 0x01;
+    /**
+     * The class is final: it cannot be a base class for any other class.
+     */
+    public static final int CONSTANT_ClassFinal = 0x02;
+    /**
+     * The class is an interface.
+     */
+    public static final int CONSTANT_ClassInterface = 0x04;
+    /**
+     * The class uses its protected namespace and the protectedNs field is
+     * present in the interface_info.
+     */
+    public static final int CONSTANT_ClassProtectedNs = 0x08;
+    public static final int VERSION_ABC_MAJOR_FP10 = 46;
+    public static final int VERSION_ABC_MINOR_FP10 = 16;
+    public static final int TRAIT_KIND_MASK = 0x0F;
+    public static final int ZERO_INDEX = 0;
+    // The higher 4 bits in trait kind is the flag.
+    public static final int TRAIT_KIND_SHIFT = 4;
+    // Traits Kind
+    public static final int KIND_SLOT = 0;
+    public static final int KIND_METHOD = 1;
+    public static final int KIND_GETTER = 2;
+    public static final int KIND_SETTER = 3;
+    public static final int KIND_CLASS = 4;
+    public static final int KIND_FUNCTION = 5;
+    public static final int KIND_CONST = 6;
+    /**
+     * This Object represents the undefined constant value.
+     */
+    public static final Object UNDEFINED_VALUE = new Object();
+    /**
+     * This Object represents the null constant value.
+     */
+    public static final Object NULL_VALUE = new Object();
+    /**
+     * Constant used as the first arg to the debug op when adding debug
+     * information for formals and locals
+     */
+    public static final int DI_LOCAL = 1;
+    /**
+     * Minimum API version number; API version numbers are optionally encoded
+     * into the last character of a Namespace's name, modulo this number.
+     */
+    public static final int MIN_API_MARK = 0xE000;
+    /**
+     * Maximum allowed API version number, modulo MIN_API_MARK.
+     */
+    public static final int MAX_API_MARK = 0xF8FF;
+    /**
+     * (Invalid) API version number that means "no API version."
+     */
+    public static final int NO_API_VERSION = -1;

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