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deleted file mode 100644
index f60c097..0000000
--- a/geode-docs/images_svg/JMX_Architecture.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="194.25293" y="10" textLength="130.078125">Management and 
Monitoring </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" 
font-weight="500" fill=
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font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
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stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(125.5 420.25)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12
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textLength="106.7168">JMX Manager Node</tspan></text></g><rect x="117" 
y="411.75" width="355.5" height="267.75" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.20000005"/><text 
transform="translate(121 659)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="14" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="226.12793" y="14" 
textLength="121.37207"> Distributed System</tspan></text><g 
id="id5_Graphic"><path d="M 393.66 359.61328 L 461.34 359.61328 C 465.01822 
359.61328 468 362.59506 468 366.27328 L 468 382.59 C 468 386.26822 465.01822 
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382.59 L 387 366.27328 C 387 362.59506 389.98178 359.61328 393.66 359.61328 Z" 
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389.98178 359.61328 393.66 359.61328 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
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transform="translate(391 359.43164)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="4.046875" y="8" textLength="67.128906">Other JMX Clients </tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="17.380859" y="18" textLength="40.460938">(JConsole, </tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="18.720703" y="28" textLength="35.558594">jvisualvm)</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id6_Graphic"><path d="M 128.16 531 L 281.34 531 C 285.01822 531 288 
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288 625.59 C 288 629.2682 285.01822 632.25 281.34 632.25 L 128.16 632.25 C 
124.48178 632.25 121.5 629.2682 121.5 625.59 L 121.5 537.66 C 121.5 533.98178 
124.48178 531 128.16 531 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(125.5 616.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="10" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="0" y="10" 
textLength="68.38379">Managed Node</tspan></text></g><g id="id7_Graphic"><path 
d="M 303.66 531 L 461.34 531 C 465.01822 531 468 533.98178 468 537.66 L 468 
625.59 C 468 629.2682 465.01822 632.25 461.34 632.25 L 303.66 632.25 C 
299.98178 632.25 297 629.2682 297 625.59 L 297 537.66 C 297 533.98178 299.98178 
531 303.66 531 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_4)"/><path d="M 303.66 531 L 461.34 
531 C 465.01822 531 468 533.98178 468 537.66 L 468 625.59 C 468 629.2682 
465.01822 632.25 461.34 63
 2.25 L 303.66 632.25 C 299.98178 632.25 297 629.2682 297 625.59 L 297 537.66 C 
297 533.98178 299.98178 531 303.66 531 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(301 616.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="10" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="94.61621" 
y="10" textLength="68.38379">Managed Node</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id8_Graphic"><path d="M 323.91 572.625 L 328.59 572.625 C 332.26822 572.625 
335.25 575.6068 335.25 579.285 L 335.25 583.965 C 335.25 587.6432 332.26822 
590.625 328.59 590.625 L 323.91 590.625 C 320.23178 590.625 317.25 587.6432 
317.25 583.965 L 317.25 579.285 C 317.25 575.6068 320.23178 572.625 323.91 
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335.25 587.6432 332.26822 590.625 328.59 590.625 L 323.91 590.625 C 320.23178 
590.625 317.25 587.643
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572.625 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(321.25 576.125)" 
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font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="81.083984" y="10" textLength="63.916016">MBean Server</tspan></text><g 
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586.125 362.25 589.1068 362.25 592.785 L 362.25 597.465 C 362.25 601.1432 
359.26822 604.125 355.59 604.125 L 350.91 604.125 C 347.23178 604.125 344.25 
601.1432 344.25 597.465 L 344.25 592.785 C 344.25 
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344.25 601.1432 344.25 597.465 L 344.25 592.785 C 344.25 589.1068 347.23178 
586.125 350.91 586.125 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
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stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><g id="id12_Graphic"><path 
d="M 143.91 569.25 L 148.59 569.25 C 152.26822 569.25 155.25 572.2318 155.25 
575.91 L 155.25 580.59 C 155.25 584.2682 
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587.25 137.25 584.2682 137.25 580.59 L 137.25 575.91 C 137.25 572.2318 
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font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
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 nt-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="76.583984" y="10" 
textLength="63.916016">MBean Server</tspan></text><g id="id14_Graphic"><path 
d="M 170.91 585 L 175.59 585 C 179.26822 585 182.25 587.9818 182.25 591.66 L 
182.25 596.34 C 182.25 600.0182 179.26822 603 175.59 603 L 170.91 603 C 
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585 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
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font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="256.58398" y="10" 
textLength="63.916016">MBean Server</tspan></te
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292.41 499.5 L 297.09 499.5 C 300.76822 499.5 303.75 502.48178 303.75 506.16 L 
303.75 510.84 C 303.75 514.51822 300.76822 517.5 297.09 517.5 L 292.41 517.5 C 
288.73178 517.5 285.75 514.51822 285.75 510.84 L 285.75 506.16 C 285.75 
502.48178 288.73178 499.5 292.41 499.5 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g 
id="id19_Graphic"><path d="M 350.91 499.5 L 364.59 499.5 C 368.26822 499.5 
371.25 502.48178 371.25 506.16 L 371.25 510.84 C 371.25 514.51822 368.26822 
517.5 364.59 517.5 L 350.91 517.5 C 347.23178 517.5 344.25 514.51822 344.25 
510.84 L 344.25 506.16 C 344.25 502.48178 347.23178 499.5 350.91 499.5 Z" 
fill="none"/><path d="M 350.91 499.5 L 364.59 499.5 C 368.26822 499.5 371.25 
502.48178 371.25 506.16 L 371.25 510.84 C 371.25 514.51822 368.26822 517.5 
364.59 517.5 L 350.91 517.5 C 347.23178 517.5 344.25 514.51822 344.25 510.84 L 
344.25 506.16 C 34
 4.25 502.48178 347.23178 499.5 350.91 499.5 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(348.25 503)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x=".8691406" y="9" 
textLength="17.261719">Y+X</tspan></text></g><g id="id20_Graphic"><path d="M 
150.66 499.5 L 155.34 499.5 C 159.01822 499.5 162 502.48178 162 506.16 L 162 
510.84 C 162 514.51822 159.01822 517.5 155.34 517.5 L 150.66 517.5 C 146.98178 
517.5 144 514.51822 144 510.84 L 144 506.16 C 144 502.48178 146.98178 499.5 
150.66 499.5 Z" fill="none"/><path d="M 150.66 499.5 L 155.34 499.5 C 159.01822 
499.5 162 502.48178 162 506.16 L 162 510.84 C 162 514.51822 159.01822 517.5 
155.34 517.5 L 150.66 517.5 C 146.98178 517.5 144 514.51822 144 510.84 L 144 
506.16 C 144 502.48178 146.98178 499.5 150.66 499.5 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
 e(148 503)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" 
textLength="6.0029297">A</tspan></text></g><g id="id22_Graphic"><path d="M 
388.035 483.75 L 392.715 483.75 C 396.39322 483.75 399.375 486.73178 399.375 
490.41 L 399.375 495.09 C 399.375 498.76822 396.39322 501.75 392.715 501.75 L 
388.035 501.75 C 384.35678 501.75 381.375 498.76822 381.375 495.09 L 381.375 
490.41 C 381.375 486.73178 384.35678 483.75 388.035 483.75 Z" 
fill="none"/><path d="M 388.035 483.75 L 392.715 483.75 C 396.39322 483.75 
399.375 486.73178 399.375 490.41 L 399.375 495.09 C 399.375 498.76822 396.39322 
501.75 392.715 501.75 L 388.035 501.75 C 384.35678 501.75 381.375 498.76822 
381.375 495.09 L 381.375 490.41 C 381.375 486.73178 384.35678 483.75 388.035 
483.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><text transform="translate(401.125 485.75)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-si
 ze="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.159668" y="6" 
textLength="23.680664">Manager</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="4.494629" y="13" 
textLength="19.010742">MBean</tspan></text><g id="id24_Graphic"><path d="M 
170.91 483.75 L 175.59 483.75 C 179.26822 483.75 182.25 486.73178 182.25 490.41 
L 182.25 495.09 C 182.25 498.76822 179.26822 501.75 175.59 501.75 L 170.91 
501.75 C 167.23178 501.75 164.25 498.76822 164.25 495.09 L 164.25 490.41 C 
164.25 486.73178 167.23178 483.75 170.91 483.75 Z" fill="none"/><path d="M 
170.91 483.75 L 175.59 483.75 C 179.26822 483.75 182.25 486.73178 182.25 490.41 
L 182.25 495.09 C 182.25 498.76822 179.26822 501.75 175.59 501.75 L 170.91 
501.75 C 167.23178 501.75 164.25 498.76822 164.25 495.09 L 164.25 490.41 C 
164.25 486.73178 167.23178 483.75 170.91 483.75 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(168.25 487.25)" fill="black"
 ><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
 >x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">B</tspan></text></g><text 
 >transform="translate(139 442.875)" fill="black"><tspan 
 >font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
 >x=".75927734" y="6" textLength="45.023438">Proxied Mbeans </tspan><tspan 
 >font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
 >x="3.0942383" y="13" textLength="40.353516">from Managed </tspan><tspan 
 >font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
 >x="13.765625" y="20" textLength="17.34375">Nodes</tspan></text><path d="M 
 >173.25 389.25 L 173.25 395.80591 L 173.72477 400.95413 L 173.72477 402.75 L 
 >288 402.75 L 288 423.1941 L 288 424.43407" 
 >marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_2)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" 
 >stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".23998"/><g id="id27_Graphic"><path 
 >d="M 159.66 546.75 L 245.34 546.75 C 249.01822 546.75 252 549.73178 252 
 >553.41 L 252 558.09 C 252 5
 61.7682 249.01822 564.75 245.34 564.75 L 159.66 564.75 C 155.98178 564.75 153 
561.7682 153 558.09 L 153 553.41 C 153 549.73178 155.98178 546.75 159.66 546.75 
Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_c)"/><path d="M 159.66 546.75 L 245.34 546.75 C 
249.01822 546.75 252 549.73178 252 553.41 L 252 558.09 C 252 561.7682 249.01822 
564.75 245.34 564.75 L 159.66 564.75 C 155.98178 564.75 153 561.7682 153 558.09 
L 153 553.41 C 153 549.73178 155.98178 546.75 159.66 546.75 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(157 550.25)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.9785156" y="9" 
textLength="85.04297">Management Service</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id28_Graphic"><path d="M 335.7225 547.875 L 421.4025 547.875 C 425.08072 
547.875 428.0625 550.85678 428.0625 554.535 L 428.0625 559.215 C 428.0625 
562.8932 425.08072 565.875 421.4025 565.875 L 335.7225 565.875 C 332.04428 
565.875 329.06
 25 562.8932 329.0625 559.215 L 329.0625 554.535 C 329.0625 550.85678 332.04428 
547.875 335.7225 547.875 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_d)"/><path d="M 335.7225 
547.875 L 421.4025 547.875 C 425.08072 547.875 428.0625 550.85678 428.0625 
554.535 L 428.0625 559.215 C 428.0625 562.8932 425.08072 565.875 421.4025 
565.875 L 335.7225 565.875 C 332.04428 565.875 329.0625 562.8932 329.0625 
559.215 L 329.0625 554.535 C 329.0625 550.85678 332.04428 547.875 335.7225 
547.875 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(333.0625 551.375)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.9785156" y="9" textLength="85.04297">Management 
Service</tspan></text></g><path d="M 144 508.5 L 137.76002 508.5 L 135 508.5 L 
135 452.25 L 144 452.25" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".23998"/><rect x="225" y="429.75" 
width="126" height="13.5" stroke="#25252
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stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(229 430.5)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="25.376953" y="10" textLength="67.246094">RMI 
Connector</tspan></text><path d="M 173.25 483.75 L 173.25 477.51002 L 173.25 
452.25 L 180 452.25" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".23998"/><g id="id32_Graphic"><path d="M 
245.16 461.25 L 330.84 461.25 C 334.51822 461.25 337.5 464.23178 337.5 467.91 L 
337.5 472.59 C 337.5 476.26822 334.51822 479.25 330.84 479.25 L 245.16 479.25 C 
241.48178 479.25 238.5 476.26822 238.5 472.59 L 238.5 467.91 C 238.5 464.23178 
241.48178 461.25 245.16 461.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_e)"/><path d="M 
245.16 461.25 L 330.84 461.25 C 334.51822 461.25 337.5 464.23178 337.5 467.91 L 
337.5 472.59 C 337.5 476.26822 334.51822 479.25 330.84 479.25 L 245.16 479.25 C 
241.48178 479.25 238.5 476.26822 238.5 472.59 L 238.5 46
 7.91 C 238.5 464.23178 241.48178 461.25 245.16 461.25 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(242.5 464.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.9785156" y="9" 
textLength="85.04297">Management Service</tspan></text></g><path d="M 337.5 
470.25 L 344.05591 470.25 L 390.375 470.25 L 390.375 477.1941 L 390.375 
478.43407" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_2)" stroke="black" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".23998"/><line 
x1="288" y1="454.302" x2="288" y2="450.198" 
marker-start="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_4)" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><g 
id="id35_Graphic"><path d="M 195.66 499.5 L 200.34 499.5 C 204.01822 499.5 207 
502.48178 207 506.16 L 207 510.84 C 207 514.51822 204.01822 517.5 200.34 517.5 
L 195.66 517.5 C 191.98178 517.5
  189 514.51822 189 510.84 L 189 506.16 C 189 502.48178 191.98178 499.5 195.66 
499.5 Z" fill="none"/><path d="M 195.66 499.5 L 200.34 499.5 C 204.01822 499.5 
207 502.48178 207 506.16 L 207 510.84 C 207 514.51822 204.01822 517.5 200.34 
517.5 L 195.66 517.5 C 191.98178 517.5 189 514.51822 189 510.84 L 189 506.16 C 
189 502.48178 191.98178 499.5 195.66 499.5 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(193 503)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.7502441" y="9" 
textLength="6.4995117">C</tspan></text></g><g id="id36_Graphic"><path d="M 
215.91 483.75 L 220.59 483.75 C 224.26822 483.75 227.25 486.73178 227.25 490.41 
L 227.25 495.09 C 227.25 498.76822 224.26822 501.75 220.59 501.75 L 215.91 
501.75 C 212.23178 501.75 209.25 498.76822 209.25 495.09 L 209.25 490.41 C 
209.25 486.73178 212.23178 483.75 215.91 483.75 Z" fill="none"/><path d="M 
215.91 483.75 L 220.59
  483.75 C 224.26822 483.75 227.25 486.73178 227.25 490.41 L 227.25 495.09 C 
227.25 498.76822 224.26822 501.75 220.59 501.75 L 215.91 501.75 C 212.23178 
501.75 209.25 498.76822 209.25 495.09 L 209.25 490.41 C 209.25 486.73178 
212.23178 483.75 215.91 483.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(213.25 487.25)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="1.7502441" y="9" textLength="6.4995117">D</tspan></text></g><path d="M 184.5 
452.25 L 198 452.25 L 198 493.26002 L 198 499.5" stroke="black" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".23998"/><path 
d="M 173.25 452.25 L 218.25 452.25 L 218.25 477.51002 L 218.25 483.75" 
stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".23998"/><g id="id39_Graphic"><path d="M 303.66 360 L 371.34 360 
C 375.01822 360 378 362.98178 378 366.66 L 378 382.97672 C 378 386.65494 
375.01822 3
 89.63672 371.34 389.63672 L 303.66 389.63672 C 299.98178 389.63672 297 
386.65494 297 382.97672 L 297 366.66 C 297 362.98178 299.98178 360 303.66 360 
Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_f)"/><path d="M 303.66 360 L 371.34 360 C 375.01822 
360 378 362.98178 378 366.66 L 378 382.97672 C 378 386.65494 375.01822 
389.63672 371.34 389.63672 L 303.66 389.63672 C 299.98178 389.63672 297 
386.65494 297 382.97672 L 297 366.66 C 297 362.98178 299.98178 360 303.66 360 
Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(301 369.31836)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="27.994385" y="9" 
textLength="17.01123">gfsh</tspan></text></g><g id="id40_Graphic"><path d="M 
200.16 584.4375 L 204.84 584.4375 C 208.51822 584.4375 211.5 587.4193 211.5 
591.0975 L 211.5 595.7775 C 211.5 599.4557 208.51822 602.4375 204.84 602.4375 L 
200.16 602.4375 C 196.48178 602.4375 193.5 599.4557 193.5 595.7775 L 1
 93.5 591.0975 C 193.5 587.4193 196.48178 584.4375 200.16 584.4375 Z" 
fill="none"/><path d="M 200.16 584.4375 L 204.84 584.4375 C 208.51822 584.4375 
211.5 587.4193 211.5 591.0975 L 211.5 595.7775 C 211.5 599.4557 208.51822 
602.4375 204.84 602.4375 L 200.16 602.4375 C 196.48178 602.4375 193.5 599.4557 
193.5 595.7775 L 193.5 591.0975 C 193.5 587.4193 196.48178 584.4375 200.16 
584.4375 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><text transform="translate(216.0625 585.875)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.9975586" y="6" textLength="22.004883">Member</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="4.494629" y="13" textLength="19.010742">MBean</tspan></text><g 
id="id42_Graphic"><path d="M 376.785 586.125 L 381.465 586.125 C 385.14322 
586.125 388.125 589.1068 388.125 592.785 L 388.125 597.465 C 388.125 601.1432 
385.14322 604.125 381.465 60
 4.125 L 376.785 604.125 C 373.10678 604.125 370.125 601.1432 370.125 597.465 L 
370.125 592.785 C 370.125 589.1068 373.10678 586.125 376.785 586.125 Z" 
fill="none"/><path d="M 376.785 586.125 L 381.465 586.125 C 385.14322 586.125 
388.125 589.1068 388.125 592.785 L 388.125 597.465 C 388.125 601.1432 385.14322 
604.125 381.465 604.125 L 376.785 604.125 C 373.10678 604.125 370.125 601.1432 
370.125 597.465 L 370.125 592.785 C 370.125 589.1068 373.10678 586.125 376.785 
586.125 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><text transform="translate(392.125 588.125)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.9975586" y="6" textLength="22.004883">Member</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="4.494629" y="13" textLength="19.010742">MBean</tspan></text><path d="M 202.5 
564.75 L 202.5 571.3059 L 202.5 574.59375 L 202.5 577.8816 L 202.5 579.12157" 
 marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_2)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".23998"/><text transform="translate(256 
503.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.828125" y="6" textLength="16.010742">Local 
</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.9946289" y="13" 
textLength="22.010742">MBeans</tspan></text><text transform="translate(316.75 
592.625)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.828125" y="6" textLength="16.010742">Local 
</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.9946289" y="13" 
textLength="22.010742">MBeans</tspan></text><path d="M 378 565.875 L 379.125 
565.875 L 379.125 579.5691 L 379.125 580.80907" 
marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_2)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".23998"/><text tran
 sform="translate(134.5 589.25)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.828125" y="6" 
textLength="16.010742">Local </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.9946289" y="13" 
textLength="22.010742">MBeans</tspan></text><g id="id49_Graphic"><path d="M 
436.41 586.125 L 441.09 586.125 C 444.76822 586.125 447.75 589.1068 447.75 
592.785 L 447.75 597.465 C 447.75 601.1432 444.76822 604.125 441.09 604.125 L 
436.41 604.125 C 432.73178 604.125 429.75 601.1432 429.75 597.465 L 429.75 
592.785 C 429.75 589.1068 432.73178 586.125 436.41 586.125 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_10)"/><path d="M 436.41 586.125 L 441.09 586.125 C 
444.76822 586.125 447.75 589.1068 447.75 592.785 L 447.75 597.465 C 447.75 
601.1432 444.76822 604.125 441.09 604.125 L 436.41 604.125 C 432.73178 604.125 
429.75 601.1432 429.75 597.465 L 429.75 592.785 C 429.75 589.1068 432.73178 
586.125 436.41 586.125 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-li
 necap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(433.75 589.625)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="2.2512207" y="9" textLength="5.4975586">Z</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id50_Graphic"><path d="M 256.41 582.75 L 261.09 582.75 C 264.76822 582.75 
267.75 585.7318 267.75 589.41 L 267.75 594.09 C 267.75 597.7682 264.76822 
600.75 261.09 600.75 L 256.41 600.75 C 252.73178 600.75 249.75 597.7682 249.75 
594.09 L 249.75 589.41 C 249.75 585.7318 252.73178 582.75 256.41 582.75 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_11)"/><path d="M 256.41 582.75 L 261.09 582.75 C 
264.76822 582.75 267.75 585.7318 267.75 589.41 L 267.75 594.09 C 267.75 
597.7682 264.76822 600.75 261.09 600.75 L 256.41 600.75 C 252.73178 600.75 
249.75 597.7682 249.75 594.09 L 249.75 589.41 C 249.75 585.7318 252.73178 
582.75 256.41 582.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="tra
 nslate(253.75 586.25)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" 
textLength="6.0029297">Y</tspan></text></g><text transform="translate(341.5 
483.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x=".15576172" y="6" 
textLength="29.355469">Aggregate </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="4.494629" y="13" 
textLength="19.010742">MBean</tspan></text><g id="id52_Graphic"><path d="M 
319.41 484.3125 L 324.09 484.3125 C 327.76822 484.3125 330.75 487.29428 330.75 
490.9725 L 330.75 495.6525 C 330.75 499.33072 327.76822 502.3125 324.09 
502.3125 L 319.41 502.3125 C 315.73178 502.3125 312.75 499.33072 312.75 
495.6525 L 312.75 490.9725 C 312.75 487.29428 315.73178 484.3125 319.41 
484.3125 Z" fill="none"/><path d="M 319.41 484.3125 L 324.09 484.3125 C 
327.76822 484.3125 330.75 487.29428 330.75 490.9725 L 330.75 495.6525 C 330.75 
499.33072 327.
 76822 502.3125 324.09 502.3125 L 319.41 502.3125 C 315.73178 502.3125 312.75 
499.33072 312.75 495.6525 L 312.75 490.9725 C 312.75 487.29428 315.73178 
484.3125 319.41 484.3125 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><text 
transform="translate(307.1875 503.75)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="2.9975586" y="6" textLength="22.004883">Member</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="4.494629" y="13" textLength="19.010742">MBean</tspan></text><path d="M 288 
479.25 L 288 485.8059 L 288 493.3125 L 306.19409 493.3125 L 307.43407 493.3125" 
marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_2)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".23998"/><g id="id55_Graphic"><path d="M 
139.41 359.61328 L 207.09 359.61328 C 210.76822 359.61328 213.75 362.59506 
213.75 366.27328 L 213.75 382.59 C 213.75 386.26822 210.76822 389.25
  207.09 389.25 L 139.41 389.25 C 135.73178 389.25 132.75 386.26822 132.75 
382.59 L 132.75 366.27328 C 132.75 362.59506 135.73178 359.61328 139.41 
359.61328 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_12)"/><path d="M 139.41 359.61328 L 207.09 
359.61328 C 210.76822 359.61328 213.75 362.59506 213.75 366.27328 L 213.75 
382.59 C 213.75 386.26822 210.76822 389.25 207.09 389.25 L 139.41 389.25 C 
135.73178 389.25 132.75 386.26822 132.75 382.59 L 132.75 366.27328 C 132.75 
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x="17.380859" y="18" textLength="40.460938">(JConsole, </tspan><tspan 
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x="18.720703" y="28" textLength="35.558594">jvisualvm)</tspan></text></g><line 
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fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="10.157715" y="6" textLength="36.351562">Local view of 
</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x=
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only</tspan></text><rect x="299.25" y="616.5" width="65.8125" height="13.5" 
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fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.0078125" y="8" textLength="53.796875">RMI 
Connector</tspan></text><path d="M 278.99415 647.43726 L 332.15624 647.43726 L 
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textLength="4.0019531">V</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="6" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x="9.190918" y="6" textLength="37.68164">iew of 
remote </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
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textLength="40.03418">managed node</tspan></text><path d="M 308.25 616.5 L 
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195.63803 352.85678 192.65625 356.535 192.65625 Z" stroke="#252525" 
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393.84 C 209.25 397.51822 206.26822 400.5 202.59 400.5 L 121.41 400.5 C 
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transform="translate(118.75 373)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
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d="M 115.785 254.25 L 208.215 254.25 C 211.89322 254.25 214.875 257.23178 
214.875 260.91 L 214.875 281.34 C 214.875 285.01822 211.89322 288 208.215 288 L 
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112.106783 288 109.125 285.01822 109.125 281.34 L 109.125 260.91 C 109.125 
257.23178 112.106783 254.25 115.785 254.25 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(113.125 258.25)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="3.8574219" y="11" textLength="90.035156">MemberMXBean</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id8_Graphic"><path d="M 422.91 119.41071 L 515.34 119.41071 C 519.01822 
119.41071 522 122.39249 522 126.07071 L 522 146.34 C 522 150.01822 519.01822 
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C 419.23178 153 416.25 150.01822 416.25 146.34 L 416.25 126.07071 C 416.25 
122.39249 419.23178 119.41071 422.91 119.41071 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
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font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="2.1816406" y="11" textLength="93.38672">ManagerMXBean</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id9_Graphic"><path d="M 275.535 157.5 L 419.715 157.5 C 423.39322 157.5 
426.375 160.48178 426.375 164.16 L 426.375 182.34 C 426.375 186.01822 423.39322 
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transform="translate(272.875 161.5)" fill="black"><tspan 
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x="4.0449219" y="11" 
id="id10_Graphic"><path d="M 85.9725 130.5 L 236.34 130.5 C 240.01822 130.5 243 
133.48178 243 137.16 L 243 155.34 C 243 159.01822 240.01822 162 236.34 162 L 
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79.3125 133.48178 82.294283 130.5 85.9725 130.5 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_6)"/><path d="M 85.9725 130.5 L 236.34 130.5 C 
240.01822 130.5 243 133.48178 243 137.16 L 243 155.34 C 243 159.01822 240.01822 
162 236.34 162 L 85.9725 162 C 82.294283 162 79.3125 159.01822 79.3125 155.34 L 
79.3125 137.16 C 79.3125 133.48178
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stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(83.3125 134.5)" fill="black"><tspan 
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transform="translate(94 101)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="21.391602" y="11" 
textLength="106.7168">JMX Manager Node</tspan></text><g id="id12_Graphic"><path 
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453.65625 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
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textLength="82.060547">Managed Node</tspan></text><g id="id15_Graphic"><path 
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transform="translate(364 280.1875)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="9.980469" y="11" 
textLength="98.03906">DiskStoreMXBean</tspan></text></g><path d="M 432.69093 
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388.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.703125" y="8" 
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179.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" 
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font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="15.209961" y="53" textLength="40.699219">alue V2</tspan></text></g><rect 
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queue...</tspan></text><line x1="414" y1="513" x2="442.052" y2="513" 
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fill="black" x=".31835938" y="11" textLength="63.36328">entry 
create</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="15.9921875" y="25" textLength="32.015625">Key 
B</tspan></text></g><text transform="translate(454 608)" fill="black"><tspan 
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font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="1.046875" y="22" textLength="43.90625">consumer</tspan></text></g></

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