diff --git 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1735f5f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1452 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE mbeans-descriptors PUBLIC
+ "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Model MBeans Configuration File"
+ "";>
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+<!-- ===================================================================== -->
+<!-- MBeans are defined in this file for these components:                 -->
+<!--   Agent                                -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.AdminDistributedSystem          -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMember                    -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.GemFireManager                  -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.StatisticResource               -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.DistributionLocator             -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMemberCache               -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMemberRegion              -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMemberCacheServer         -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.CacheVm                         -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.GemFireHealth                   -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.DistributedSystemHealthConfig   -->
+<!--   org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.GemFireHealthConfig             -->
+<!--                                                                       -->
+<!-- Each component is a managed resource wrapped by a Model MBean built   -->
+<!-- by Jakarta Commons-Modeler.                                           -->
+<!--                                                                       -->
+<!-- author    Kirk Lund                                                   -->
+<!-- since     3.5                                                         -->
+<!-- ===================================================================== -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- Agent                                -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean          name="GemFireAgent"
+           description="GemFire JMX Agent"
+                  type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.jmx.Agent">
+    <attribute    name="logFileSizeLimit"
+           description="The maximum size of the JMX Agent log file; a value 
(in megabytes) in the range 0..1000000."
+                  type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="logDiskSpaceLimit"
+           description="The maximum disk space to allocate for logging; a 
value (in megabytes) in the range 0..1000000."
+                  type="int"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="logFile"
+           description="The name and path of this Agent's log file."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="logLevel"
+           description="A keyword or integer that defines the minimum level of 
alerts to be written to the log - for example, only those alerts that are at 
level WARNING or higher."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="autoConnect"
+           description="If true, the JMX Agent will automatically connect to 
the distributed system when the Agent is started. The distributed system is 
specified by the following arguments: mcast-port, mcast-address, locators, 
remote-command. You can specify these arguments on the agent command line or in 
the Agent properties file."
+                  type="boolean"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="connected"
+           description="True if this Agent is connected to a distributed 
+                  type="boolean"
+                    is="true"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="propertyFile"
+           description="Name and path of this Agent's properties file. 
Identical to the argument on the agent command line."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="version"
+           description="The Agent's version."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="systemId"
+           description="A string that describes the associated distributed 
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="mcastAddress"
+           description="Multicast address of the associated distributed 
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="mcastPort"
+           description="Multicast port of the associated distributed system."
+                  type="int"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="locators"
+           description="List of locators for connecting to the distributed 
system. Each locator is uniquely identified by the host on which it is running 
and the port on which it is listening."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="membershipPortRange"
+           description="The allowed range of UDP ports for use in forming an 
unique membership identifier."
+                  type="java.lang.String"                 
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="bindAddress"
+           description="An IP address that the JMX Agent uses to communicate 
with members of the distributed system. On a multi-homed host - a machine with 
multiple network cards - you must explicitly specify the bind address."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="sslEnabled"
+           description="Indicates whether to use the Secure Sockets Layer 
(SSL) protocol for communication between members of this distributed system. 
Valid values are &quot;true&quot; and &quot;false&quot;. A &quot;true&quot; 
setting requires the use of locators."
+                  type="boolean"
+             getMethod="isSSLEnabled"
+             setMethod="setSSLEnabled"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="sslProtocols"
+           description="A space-separated list of the valid SSL protocols for 
this connection. You can specify &quot;any&quot; to use any protocol that is 
enabled by default in the configured Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) 
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             getMethod="getSSLProtocols"
+             setMethod="setSSLProtocols"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="sslCiphers"
+           description="A space-separated list of the valid SSL ciphers for 
this connection. You can specify &quot;any&quot; to use any ciphers that are 
enabled by default in the configured JSSE provider."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             getMethod="getSSLCiphers"
+             setMethod="setSSLCiphers"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="sslAuthenticationRequired"
+           description="Indicates whether to require SSL authentication for 
communication between members of the distributed system. Valid values are 
&quot;true&quot; and &quot;false&quot;."
+                  type="boolean"
+             getMethod="isSSLAuthenticationRequired"
+             setMethod="setSSLAuthenticationRequired"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="sslProperties"
+           description="The SSL vendor properties to use for the distributed 
+                  type="java.util.Properties"
+             getMethod="getSSLProperties"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <operation    name="addSSLProperty"
+           description="Add an SSL vendor property with the specified key and 
+                impact="ACTION"
+            returnType="void">
+      <parameter name="key" 
+          description="Property key"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+      <parameter name="value" 
+          description="Property value"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation    name="removeSSLProperty"
+           description="Remove the specified SSL vendor property."
+                impact="ACTION"
+            returnType="void">
+      <parameter name="key" 
+          description="Property key"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation    name="getLog"
+           description="Display the tail of the Agent's log file."
+                impact="INFO"
+            returnType="java.lang.String"/>
+    <operation    name="stop"
+           description="Stop the Agent after closing all managed resources"
+                impact="ACTION"
+            returnType="void"/>
+    <operation    name="saveProperties"
+           description="Persist the Agent's current configuration to its 
properties file"
+                impact="ACTION"
+            returnType="void"/>
+    <operation    name="connectToSystem"
+           description="Connect to the distributed system described by this 
Agent. Returns the ObjectName of the corresponding DistributedSystem MBean."
+                impact="ACTION_INFO"
+            returnType=""/>
+    <operation    name="disconnectFromSystem"
+           description="Disconnect from the currently connected distributed 
+                impact="ACTION"
+            returnType="void"/>
+    <operation    name="manageDistributedSystem"
+           description="Return the ObjectName of the currently connected 
distributed system. If not connected, return null."
+                impact="INFO"
+            returnType=""/>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.AdminDistributedSystem          -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean          name="AdminDistributedSystem"
+           description="GemFire distributed system"
+    <attribute    name="id"
+           description="A string that uniquely identifies this distributed 
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="systemName"
+           description="Display name of the distributed system"
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="remoteCommand"
+           description="A default remote command prefix to use for command 
invocation on remote machines."
+                  type="java.lang.String"/>
+    <attribute    name="alertLevel"
+           description="Minimum level for alerts to be delivered to listeners. 
Should be one of: WARNING, ERROR, SEVERE, OFF. It is not case-sensitive."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+                  getMethod="getAlertLevelAsString"
+                  setMethod="setAlertLevelAsString"
+                  writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="mcastAddress"
+           description="Multicast address of this distributed system."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="mcastPort"
+           description="Multicast port of this distributed system."
+                  type="int"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="locators"
+           description="List of locators for connecting to this distributed 
system. Each locator is uniquely identified by the host on which it is running 
and the port on which it is listening."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="membershipPortRange"
+           description="The allowed range of UDP ports for use in forming an 
unique membership identifier."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="refreshIntervalForStatAlerts"
+          description="The interval (in seconds) between auto-polling for 
checking whether the Stat has exceeded a threshold for which the Stat Alert 
Definition is defined."
+                 type="int"/>
+    <attribute   name="refreshInterval"
+          description="The interval (in seconds) between auto-polling for 
updating AdminDistributedSystem constituents including SystemMember and 
StatisticResource. This applies only to the default interval set when the 
resource is created. This interval is read-only and retains the value set when 
the Agent config is created"
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="canPersistStatAlertDefs"
+           description="Indicates whether Statistics Alert definitions could 
be persisted across runs/sessions of the JMX Agent."
+                  type="boolean"
+             getMethod="canPersistStatAlertDefs"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="missingPersistentMembers"
+            getMethod="getMissingPersistentMembersJMX"
+          description="Retrieve the set of persistent files that the existing 
members are waiting for."
+                 type=""
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.member.joined"
+           description="A GemFire manager, cache, or other member has joined 
this distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.member.left"
+           description="A GemFire manager, cache, or other member has left the 
distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.member.crashed"
+           description="A member of this distributed system has crashed 
instead of leaving cleanly.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="4"/><!-- 4: minor, marginal, 
error -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.alert"
+           description="A member of this distributed system has generated an 
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="0"/><!-- unknown until runtime 
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+      <notification-type>gemfire.distributedsystem.alert</notification-type>
+    </notification>
+    <operation   name="waitToBeConnected"
+          description="Wait for the connection to the distributed system to be 
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="boolean">
+      <parameter name="timeout" 
+          description="Number of milliseconds to wait to be connected"
+                 type="long" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="start"
+          description="Start all locators defined for this distributed system."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void"/>
+    <operation   name="stop"
+          description="Stop all locators defined for this distributed system."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void"/>
+    <operation   name="manageDistributionLocator"
+          description="Creates a new distribution locator that is ready to 
configure and start"
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType=""/>
+    <operation   name="manageDistributionLocators"
+          description="Return an array of JMX ObjectNames for all locators 
known to this distributed system."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="[;"/>
+    <operation   name="manageCacheVm"
+          description="Create a new CacheVm MBean (that is, make this 
distributed system aware of a cache server that has not been started )."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType=""/>
+    <operation   name="manageCacheVms"
+          description="Return an array of JMX ObjectNames for all cache vms 
known to this distributed system."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="[;"/>
+    <operation   name="manageCacheServer"
+          description="Create a new CacheVm MBean (that is, make this 
distributed system aware of a cache vm that has not been started ). This action 
is deprecated as of 5.7 use manageCacheVm instead."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType=""/>
+    <operation   name="manageCacheServers"
+          description="Return an array of JMX ObjectNames for all cache vms 
known to this distributed system. This action is deprecated as of 5.7 use 
manageCacheVm instead."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="[;"/>
+    <operation   name="manageSystemMemberApplications"
+          description="Return an array of JMX ObjectNames for all applications 
that are members of this distributed system."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="[;"/>
+    <operation   name="monitorGemFireHealth"
+          description="Return the ObjectName for the GemFireHealth MBean."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType=""/>
+    <operation   name="displayMergedLogs"
+          description="Combine the tails of all system members' logs into a 
merged log, with the entries ordered by timestamp."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="java.lang.String"/>
+    <operation   name="getLicense"
+          description="Display GemFire licensing information."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="java.util.Properties"/>
+    <operation   name="getLatestAlert"
+          description="Display the most recent system alert."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="java.lang.String"/>
+    <operation   name="createDistributionLocator"
+          description="Create a DistributionLocator MBean. The parameters 
specify the locator's host machine, the port on which it listens, the working 
directory hosting the locator, and product directory used by the locator."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="">
+      <parameter name="host" 
+          description="Host machine for the Locator"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+      <parameter name="port" 
+          description="Port for the Locator to listen on"
+                 type="int" />
+      <parameter name="workingDirectory" 
+          description="The working directory hosting the Locator"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+      <parameter name="productDirectory" 
+          description="The GemFire product directory used by the Locator"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageSystemMember"
+          description="Return the ObjectName for the SystemMemberMBean 
representing the specified distributed member or null if the member is not 
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="">
+      <parameter name="distributedMember" 
+          description="The distributed member to manage"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getAllStatAlertDefinitions"
+          description="Return an array of all available Stat Alert Definitions 
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="[Lorg.apache.geode.internal.admin.StatAlertDefinition;">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="updateAlertDefinition"
+          description="Update/Add an Admin Stat Alert Definition to the 
Aggregator. Sends the updated definition to all the Managers/Members."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="void">
+      <parameter name="alertDefinition" 
+          description="The Admin Stat Alert Definition to be updated/added to 
the Aggregator"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.StatAlertDefinition" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="removeAlertDefinition"
+          description="Remove an Admin Stat Alert Definition from the 
Aggregator and all the Managers/Members."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="void">
+      <parameter name="defId" 
+          description="The unique id of the Admin Stat Alert Definition to be 
removed from the Aggregator"
+                 type="java.lang.Integer" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="isAlertDefinitionCreated"
+          description="Check whether the alert definition is already created."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="boolean">
+      <parameter name="alertDefinition" 
+          description="The Admin Stat Alert Definition to be checked"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.StatAlertDefinition" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="revokePersistentMember"
+          description="Indicate to the distributed system that persistent 
files have been lost."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="void">
+      <parameter name="host" 
+          description="The host of the members to revoke. If null, it will 
match all hosts"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+      <parameter name="directory" 
+          description="The directory on the members to revoke. If null, it 
will match all directories"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="shutDownAllMembers"
+          description="Shutting down all members with cache in the distributed 
system gracefully."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="java.util.Set">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="shutDownAllMembers"
+          description="Shutting down all members with cache in the distributed 
system gracefully."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="java.util.Set">
+       <parameter name="timeout"
+               description="The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for 
the shutdown all to complete."
+               type="long" />
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMember                    -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="SystemMember"
+          description="GemFire system member"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMember">
+    <attribute   name="id"
+          description="A string that uniquely identifies the application 
within the distributed system."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="name"
+          description="The application-defined member name."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="host"
+          description="The host machine on which this application is running."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="refreshInterval"
+          description="The interval (in seconds) between auto-refreshes of 
this application;s configuration attributes, as defined in the file. To disable the JMX Timer service's auto-refresh 
feature, set this attribute to zero or less. Effective 6.0, any changes to this 
parameter wil not affect the current refreshInterval. To change the 
refreshInterval use AdminDistributedSystem.refreshInterval"
+                 type="int"/>
+    <attribute    name="version"
+           description="Display GemFire version information."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="hasCache"
+           description="Does the system member host a GemFire Cache?"
+                  type="boolean"
+                    is="false"
+             getMethod="hasCache"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="distributedMember"
+           description="Distributed membership identity."
+                  type="org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.created"
+           description="A cache got created on a member of this distributed 
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.closed"
+           description="A cache is closed on a member of this distributed 
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.region.created"
+           description="A region is created in a cache on a member of this 
distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.region.lost"
+           description="A region was removed from a cache on a member of this 
distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.client.joined"
+           description="A cache client established a connection with a member 
of this distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.client.left"
+           description="A cache client gracefully closed a connection with a 
member of this distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.client.crashed"
+           description="A cache client crashed and abruptly lost connection 
with a member of this distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <operation    name="getRoles"
+           description="Get the membership roles filled by this member."
+                impact="INFO"
+            returnType="[Ljava.lang.String;">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getLog"
+          description="Display the main log for this system member."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="java.lang.String">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getLicense"
+          description="Display GemFire licensing information."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="java.util.Properties">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageCache"
+          description="Create a SystemMemberCache MBean for this application."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageStats"
+          description="Create a StatisticResource MBean for each statistic 
resource in this member."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="[;">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageStat"
+          description="Create a StatisticResource MBean for each statistic 
resource in this member, given the underlying Statistics Type name."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="[;">
+      <parameter name="statisticsTypeName" 
+          description="Name of the underlying Statistics Type eg. 
+                 type="java.lang.String" />           
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="refreshConfig"
+          description="Refresh configuration attributes for this application, 
using the file."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getConfiguration"
+          description="Returns the current configuration attributes for this 
application, using the file."
+               impact="ACTION"
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.StatisticResource               -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="StatisticResource"
+          description="GemFire statistic resource"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.StatisticResource">
+    <attribute   name="name"
+          description="The JMX ObjectName of this statistic resource."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="description"
+          description="Description of this statistic resource."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="type"
+          description="Classification type of this statistic resource."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="owner"
+          description="Name of the source process."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="refreshInterval"
+          description="The interval (in seconds) between auto-refreshes of 
statistical information. To turn off the JMX Timer service's auto-refresh 
feature, set this attribute to zero or less. If you're concerned about system 
performance, leave this set to zero. Effective 6.0, any changes to this 
parameter wil not affect the current refreshInterval. To change the 
refreshInterval use AdminDistributedSystem.refreshInterval"
+                 type="int"/>
+    <operation   name="refresh"
+          description="Refresh values of statistics."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getStatistics"
+          description="Returns a current snapshot of statistics."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="[Lorg.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.Statistic;">
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.DistributionLocator             -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="DistributionLocator"
+          description="GemFire distribution locator service"
+    <attribute   name="id"
+          description="Id of the distribution locator."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="host"
+          description="The host machine on which this locator is running."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="workingDirectory"
+          description="The current working directory of the locator."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="productDirectory"
+          description="The location of the GemFire installation used to run 
this locator."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="port"
+          description="The port on which this locator is listening: a value in 
the range 0..65535."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute    name="bindAddress"
+           description="The interface address to which the locator binds."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="running"
+          description="True if this locator is running."
+                 type="boolean"
+            writeable="false"
+                   is="true"/>
+    <operation   name="start"
+          description="Start this distribution locator."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void"/>
+    <operation   name="waitToStart"
+          description="Wait for the distribution locator to start"
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="boolean">
+      <parameter name="timeout" 
+          description="Number of milliseconds to wait to start"
+                 type="long" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="waitToStop"
+          description="Wait for the distribution locator to stop"
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="boolean">
+      <parameter name="timeout" 
+          description="Number of milliseconds to wait to stop"
+                 type="long" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="stop"
+          description="Stop this distribution locator."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void"/>
+    <operation    name="getLog"
+           description="Display the tail of the locator service's log."
+                impact="INFO"
+            returnType="java.lang.String"/>
+    <operation   name="remove"
+          description="Remove this distribution locator."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void"/>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMemberCache               -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="SystemMemberCache"
+          description="GemFire system member cache"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMemberCache">
+    <attribute   name="name"
+          description="The name of the Cache"
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="closed"
+          description="True if this cache has been closed."
+                 type="boolean"
+                 is="true"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="lockTimeout"
+          description="Seconds that a cache operation will wait to obtain a 
distributed lock lease."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="lockLease"
+          description="The length, in seconds, of distributed lock leases 
obtained by this cache."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="searchTimeout"
+          description="Seconds that a cache get operation can spend searching 
for a value before it times out."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="upTime"
+          description="Seconds that this cache has been open."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="rootRegionNames"
+          description="A set of the names of each root region currently in 
this cache."
+                 type="java.util.Set"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="server"
+          description="Is this a cache server?"
+                 type="boolean"
+                   is="true"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <operation   name="getSnapshot"
+          description="Get Member Cache Status"
+               impact="INFO"
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getRegionSnapshot"
+          description="Get Member Cache's Region Snapshot"
+               impact="INFO"
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageRegion"
+          description="Creates a SystemMemberRegion MBean for the region with 
the specified path."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="">
+      <parameter name="path" 
+          description="Full path of region to create an mbean for."
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getStatistics"
+          description="Returns a current snapshot of cache statistics."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="[Lorg.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.Statistic;">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="refresh"
+          description="Updates each attribute in this MBean."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageBridgeServer"
+          description="Creates a new, unstarted bridge server for the cache. 
Deprecated as of 5.7 use manageCacheServer instead."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageBridgeServers"
+          description="Returns the names of the MBeans for the cache's bridge 
servers. Deprecated as of 5.7 use manageCacheServer instead."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="[;">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageCacheServer"
+          description="Creates a new, unstarted cache server for the cache"
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageCacheServers"
+          description="Returns the names of the MBeans for the cache's cache 
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="[;">
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMemberRegion              -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="SystemMemberRegion"
+          description="View of a GemFire system member cache's region"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMemberRegion">
+    <attribute   name="name"
+          description="The name (not the full-path) of this region."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="fullPath"
+          description="The full path name of this region"
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="userAttribute"
+          description="Description of the region's user attribute object."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="cacheLoader"
+          description="Description of the region's cache loader."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="cacheWriter"
+          description="Description of the region's cache writer."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="evictionAttributes"
+          description="Description of the region's eviction attributes."
+                 type="org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="cacheListener"
+          description="Description of the region's cache listener. This 
attribute is deprecated as of 6.0. Use getCacheListeners method instead."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="keyConstraint"
+          description="Name of the class that keys in this region are 
constrained to be"
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="regionTimeToLiveTimeLimit"
+          description="This region's time to live time limit."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="regionTimeToLiveAction"
+          description="This region's time to live action."
+                 type="java.lang.Object"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="entryTimeToLiveTimeLimit"
+          description="This region's entry time to live time limit."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="entryTimeToLiveAction"
+          description="This region's entry time to live action."
+                 type="java.lang.Object"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="regionIdleTimeoutTimeLimit"
+          description="This region's idle timeout time limit."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="regionIdleTimeoutAction"
+          description="This region's idle timeout action."
+                 type="java.lang.Object"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="entryIdleTimeoutTimeLimit"
+          description="This region's entry idle timeout time limit."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="entryIdleTimeoutAction"
+          description="This region's entry idle timeout action."
+                 type="java.lang.Object"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="mirrorType"
+          description="This region's mirror type."
+                 type="java.lang.Object"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="dataPolicy"
+          description="This region's data policy."
+                 type="java.lang.Object"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="scope"
+          description="This region's scope."
+                 type="java.lang.Object"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="initialCapacity"
+          description="This region's initial capacity."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="loadFactor"
+          description="This region's load factor."
+                 type="float"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="concurrencyLevel"
+          description="This region's concurrency level."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="statisticsEnabled"
+          description="True if statistics are enabled on this region."
+                 type="boolean"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="persistBackup"
+          description="true if the contents of the region are persisted to 
+                 type="boolean"
+                   is="false"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="earlyAck"
+          description="false if ack is sent after processing update; true if 
sent early"
+                 type="boolean"
+                   is="false"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="diskWriteAttributes"
+          description="Description of how the region's contents is written to 
disk "
+                 type="org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributes"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="diskDirs"
+          description="Directories to which the region's contents are written"
+                 type="[;"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="entryCount"
+          description="Number of entries in this region."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="subregionCount"
+          description="Number of subregions in this region."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="lastModifiedTime"
+          description="Last time an entry's value in this region or one of its 
subregions was modified."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="lastAccessedTime"
+          description="Last time an entry in this region or one of its 
subregions was accessed."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="hitCount"
+          description="Number of times that a get on this region found a local 
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="missCount"
+          description="Number of times that a get on this region did not find 
a local value."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="hitRatio"
+          description="Ratio of hits to total get calls."
+                 type="float"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="subregionNames"
+          description="A set of the names of each subregion of this region."
+                 type="java.util.Set"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="subregionFullPaths"
+          description="A set of the full paths of each subregion of this 
+                 type="java.util.Set"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="membershipAttributes"
+          description="Description of the region's membership attributes."
+                 type="org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="subscriptionAttributes"
+          description="Description of the region's subscription attributes."
+                 type="org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="partitionAttributes"
+          description="Description of the region's partition attributes."
+                 type="org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes"
+            writeable="false"/>        
+    <attribute   name="concurrencyChecksEnabled"
+          description="True if concurrent modifications are handled on this 
+                 type="boolean"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <operation   name="refresh"
+          description="Updates each attribute in this MBean."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getCacheListeners"
+          description="Descriptions of all CacheListeners on this region as a 
String array. If there are no cacheListeners defined on the region an empty 
array is returned."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="[Ljava.lang.String;">
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.SystemMemberCacheServer         -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="SystemMemberCacheServer"
+          description="View of a GemFire system member's cache server"
+    <attribute   name="port"
+          description="The port on which this cache server listens for 
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="bindAddress"
+          description="The address on which this cache server listens for 
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="hostnameForClients"
+          description="The host name or ip address that will be given to 
clients who discover this cache server"
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="notifyBySubscription"
+          description="Whether or not this cache server should notify clients 
based on key subscription."
+                 type="boolean"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="socketBufferSize"
+          description="The socket buffer size in bytes for connections made by 
clients to this server."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="maximumTimeBetweenPings"
+          description="The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between 
pinging a client to determine its health."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="maxConnections"
+          description="The maxium number of client connections allowed by this 
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="maxThreads"
+          description="The maxium number of threads allowed in this server to 
service client requests."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="maximumMessageCount"
+          description="The maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in 
a client-queue on this server."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="messageTimeToLive"
+          description="The time, in seconds, after which a message in a 
client-queue on this server will expire."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="groups"
+          description="The list of server groups that this cache server 
belongs to."
+                 type="[Ljava.lang.String;"
+            writeable="true"/>
+       <attribute   name="loadPollInterval"
+          description="The period, in milliseconds, to test the load for this 
cache server using the load probe"
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="true"/>
+       <attribute   name="loadProbe"
+          description="The period, in milliseconds, to test the load for this 
cache server using the load probe"
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="running"
+          description="True if cache server is running."
+                 type="boolean"
+                   is="true"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <operation   name="start"
+          description="Starts the cache server."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="stop"
+          description="Stops the cache server."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="refresh"
+          description="Updates each attribute in this MBean."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.CacheVm                         -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="CacheVm"
+          description="A dedicated Server VM that contains a GemFire Cache"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.CacheVm">
+    <attribute   name="id"
+          description="A string that uniquely identifies the cache vm."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="name"
+          description="The JMX ObjectName of this managed resource."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="host"
+          description="The host machine on which the cache vm is running."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="refreshInterval"
+          description="The interval (in seconds) between auto-refreshes of 
this application;s configuration attributes, as defined in the file. To disable the JMX Timer service's auto-refresh 
feature, set this attribute to zero or less."
+                 type="int"/>
+    <attribute    name="version"
+           description="Display GemFire version information."
+                  type="java.lang.String"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="hasCache"
+           description="Does the cache vm host a GemFire Cache?"
+                  type="boolean"
+                    is="false"
+             getMethod="hasCache"
+             writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute    name="distributedMember"
+           description="Distributed membership identity."
+                  type="org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember"
+             writeable="false"/>             
+    <attribute   name="productDirectory"
+          description="The location of the GemFire installation used to run 
this cache vm."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="workingDirectory"
+          description="The directory in which the cache vm was launched."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="running"
+          description="True if this cache vm is running."
+                 type="boolean"
+            writeable="false"
+                   is="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="cacheXMLFile"
+          description="The declarative caching file user to configure this 
cache vm."
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="classPath"
+          description="Location(s) of user classes required by cache vm"
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.created"
+           description="A cache got created on a member of this distributed 
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.closed"
+           description="A cache is closed on a member of this distributed 
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.region.created"
+           description="A region is created in a cache on a member of this 
distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.region.lost"
+           description="A region was removed from a cache on a member of this 
distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.client.joined"
+           description="A cache client established a connection with a member 
of this distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.client.left"
+           description="A cache client gracefully closed a connection with a 
member of this distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <notification name="gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.client.crashed"
+           description="A cache client crashed and abruptly lost connection 
with a member of this distributed system.">
+      <descriptor>
+        <field    name="name"           
+        <field    name="severity"       value="6"/><!-- 6: normal, cleared, 
informative -->
+        <field    name="descriptorType" value="notification"/>
+      </descriptor>
+    </notification>
+    <operation    name="getRoles"
+           description="Get the membership roles filled by this member."
+                impact="INFO"
+            returnType="[Ljava.lang.String;">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="start"
+          description="Start this cache vm."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="waitToStart"
+          description="Wait for the cache vm to start"
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="boolean">
+      <parameter name="timeout" 
+          description="Number of milliseconds to wait to start"
+                 type="long" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="waitToStop"
+          description="Wait for the cache vm to stop"
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="boolean">
+      <parameter name="timeout" 
+          description="Number of milliseconds to wait to stop"
+                 type="long" />
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="stop"
+          description="Stop this cache vm."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getLog"
+          description="Display the log for this cache vm."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="java.lang.String">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getLicense"
+          description="Display GemFire licensing information."
+               impact="INFO"
+           returnType="java.util.Properties">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageCache"
+          description="Create a SystemMemberCache MBean for the cache in this 
cache vm."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageStats"
+          description="Create a StatisticResource MBean for each statistic 
resource in this member."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="[;">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageStat"
+          description="Create a StatisticResource MBean for each statistic 
resource in this member, given the underlying Statistics Type name."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="[;">
+      <parameter name="statisticsTypeName" 
+          description="Name of the underlying Statistics Type eg. 
+                 type="java.lang.String" />           
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="refreshConfig"
+          description="Refresh configuration attributes for this application, 
using the file."
+               impact="ACTION"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getConfiguration"
+          description="Returns the current configuration attributes for this 
application, using the file."
+               impact="ACTION"
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.GemFireHealth                   -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="GemFireHealth"
+          description="Monitors the Health of GemFire"
+                 type="org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.GemFireHealth">
+    <attribute   name="health"
+          description="The overall health of the distributed system: Good, 
Okay, or Poor."
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <attribute   name="healthStatus"
+          description="The current status of the overall health of GemFire"
+                 type="java.lang.String"
+            writeable="false"/>
+    <operation   name="resetHealth"
+          description="Resets the overall health of the distributed system to 
Good (optimal)."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="getDiagnosis"
+          description="Returns a description of any causes of ill health in 
the distributed system."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="java.lang.String">
+    </operation>
+    <operation   name="manageGemFireHealthConfig"
+          description="Registers a new GemFireHealthConfig MBean and returns 
its ObjectName"
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="">
+      <parameter name="host" 
+          description="The host to monitor the health of"
+                 type="java.lang.String" />
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.DistributedSystemHealthConfig   -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="DistributedSystemHealthConfig"
+          description="Configures how the health of a distributed system is 
+    <attribute   name="maxDepartedApplications"
+          description="The maximum number of system members that can 
unexpectedly leave a healthy distributed system."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <operation   name="applyChanges"
+          description="Applies these configuration attributes to the GemFire 
health monitor."
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <!-- org.apache.geode.internal.admin.api.GemFireHealthConfig             -->
+  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+  <mbean         name="GemFireHealthConfig"
+          description="Configures how the health of GemFire components is 
+    <attribute   name="healthEvaluationInterval"
+          description="The number of seconds to wait between two health 
assessments of this distributed system."
+                 type="int"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <!--  CacheHealthConfig  -->
+    <attribute   name="maxNetSearchTime"
+          description="The maximum time (in milliseconds) that a netSearch 
operation can take before the cache member is considered to be unhealthy."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="maxLoadTime"
+          description="The maximum time (in milliseconds) that a cache load 
operation can take before the cache member is considered to be unhealthy."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="minHitRatio"
+          description="The minimum hit ratio in order for a cache member to be 
considered healthy."
+                 type="double"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="maxEventQueueSize"
+          description="The maximum number of entries in the event delivery 
queue of a healthy cache member."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <!--  MemberHealthConfig  -->
+    <attribute   name="maxVMProcessSize"
+          description="The maximum process size (in megabytes) of a healthy 
member of the distributed system."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="maxMessageQueueSize"
+          description="The maximum number of enqueued incoming or outgoing 
messages that a healthy member of a distributed system can have."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <attribute   name="maxReplyTimeouts"
+          description="The maximum number of message replies that can time out 
in a healthy member."
+                 type="long"
+            writeable="true"/>
+    <!--  Operations  -->
+    <operation   name="applyChanges"
+          description="Applies this configuration to the GemFire health 
+               impact="ACTION_INFO"
+           returnType="void">
+    </operation>
+  </mbean>
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c41bc2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-     DTD for the Model MBeans Configuration File
-     To support validation of your configuration file, include the following
-     DOCTYPE element at the beginning (after the "xml" declaration):
-     <!DOCTYPE mbeans-descriptors PUBLIC
-      "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Model MBeans Configuration File"
-      "";>
-<!-- ========== Defined Types ============================================= -->
-<!-- A "Boolean" is the string representation of a boolean (true or false)
-     variable.
-<!ENTITY % Boolean "(true|false|yes|no)">
-<!-- A "ClassName" is the fully qualified name of a Java class that is
-     instantiated to provide the functionality of the enclosing element.
-<!ENTITY % ClassName "CDATA">
-<!-- A "MethodName" is the name of a constructor or method, which must
-     be legal according to the syntax requirements of the Java language.
-<!ENTITY % MethodName "CDATA">
-<!-- A "VariableName" is the name of a variable or parameter, which must
-     be legal according to the syntax requirements of the Java language.
-<!ENTITY % VariableName "CDATA">
-<!-- ========== Element Definitions ======================================= -->
-<!-- The "mbeans-descriptors" element is the root of the configuration file
-     hierarchy, and contains nested elements for all of the other
-     configuration settings.  Remaining element definitions are listed
-     in alphabetical order.
-<!ELEMENT mbeans-descriptors (mbean*)>
-<!ATTLIST mbeans-descriptors id          ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "attribute" element describes a JavaBeans property of an MBean.
-     The following attributes are supported:
-     description      Human-readable description of this attribute.
-     displayName      Display name of this attribute.
-     getMethod        Name of the property getter method, if it does
-                      not follow standard JavaBeans naming patterns.
-     is               Boolean value indicating whether or not this
-                      attribute is a boolean with an "is" getter method.
-                      By default, this is set to "false".
-     name             Name of this JavaBeans property, conforming to
-                      standard naming design patterns.
-     readable         Boolean value indicating whether or not this
-                      attribute is readable by management applications.
-                      By default, this is set to "true".
-     setMethod        Name of the property setter method, if it does
-                      not follow standard JavaBeans naming patterns.
-     type             Fully qualified Java class name of this attribute.
-     writeable        Boolean value indicating whether or not this
-                      attribute is writeable by management applications.
-                      By default, this is set to "true".
-<!ELEMENT attribute (descriptor?)>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         displayName  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         getMethod    %MethodName;   #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         is           %Boolean;      #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         readable     %Boolean;      #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         setMethod    %MethodName;   #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         type         %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute         writeable    %Boolean;      #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "constructor" element describes a public constructor for the
-     underlying actual class.  It may contain nested "parameter" elements
-     for the various arguments to this constructor.  The following attributes
-     are supported:
-     displayName      Display name of this constructor.
-     name             Name of this constructor (by Java convention, this must
-                      be the same as the base class name).
-<!ELEMENT constructor (descriptor?, parameter*)>
-<!ATTLIST constructor       id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST constructor       displayName  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST constructor       name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "descriptor" element groups a set of descriptor fields whose
-     values will be included in the Descriptor for the corresponding
-     metatdata info classes.
-<!ELEMENT descriptor (field*)>
-<!ATTLIST descriptor        id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "field" element represents a single name/value pair that will
-     be included in the Descriptor corresponding to our enclosing
-     "descriptor" element.  The following attributes are supported:
-     name             Field name of the field to be included
-     value            Field value of the field to be included
-                      (will be stored as a String)
-<!ATTLIST field             id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST field             name         CDATA          #REQUIRED>
-<!ATTLIST field             value        CDATA          #REQUIRED>
-<!-- The "mbean" element describes a particular JMX ModelMBean implementation,
-     including the information necessary to construct the corresponding
-     ModelMBeanInfo structures.  The following attributes are supported:
-     className        Fully qualified Java class name of the ModelMBean
-                      implementation class.  If not specified, the standard
-                      implementation provided by JMX will be utilized.
-     description      Human-readable description of this managed bean.
-     domain           The JMX MBeanServer domain in which the ModelMBean
-                      created by this managed bean should be registered,
-                      when creating its ObjectName.
-     group            Optional name of a "grouping classification" that can
-                      be used to select groups of similar MBean implementation
-                      classes.
-     name             Unique name of this MBean (normally corresponds to the
-                      base class name of the corresponding server component).
-     type             Fully qualified Java class name of the underlying
-                      managed resource implementation class.
-<!ELEMENT mbean (descriptor?, attribute*, constructor*, notification*, 
-<!ATTLIST mbean             id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST mbean             className    %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST mbean             description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST mbean             domain       CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST mbean             group        CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST mbean             name         %MethodName;   #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST mbean             type         %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "notification" element describes the notification types that are
-     generated by a particular managed bean.  The following attributes
-     are supported:
-     description      Human-readable description of these notification events.
-     name             Name of this set of notification event types.
-<!ELEMENT notification (descriptor?, notification-type*)>
-<!ATTLIST notification      id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST notification      description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST notification      name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The nested content of the "notification-type" element is the event string
-     of an event that can be emitted by this MBean.
-<!ELEMENT notification-type (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST notification-type id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "operation" element describes a the signature of a public method
-     that is accessible to management applications.  The following attributes
-     are supported:
-     description      Human-readable description of this operation.
-     impact           Indication of the impact of this method:
-                      ACTION (write like), ACTION-INFO (write+read like)
-                      INFO (read like), or UNKNOWN.
-     name             Name of this public method.
-     returnType       Fully qualified Java class name of the return
-                      type of this method.
-<!ELEMENT operation   (descriptor?, parameter*)>
-<!ATTLIST operation         id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST operation         description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST operation         impact       CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST operation         name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST operation         returnType   %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "parameter" element describes a single argument that will be passed
-     to a constructor or operation.  The following attributes are supported:
-     description      Human-readable description of this parameter.
-     name             Java language name of this parameter.
-     type             Fully qualified Java class name of this parameter.
-<!ELEMENT parameter EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST parameter         id           ID             #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST parameter         description  CDATA          #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST parameter         name         %VariableName; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST parameter         type         %ClassName;    #IMPLIED>

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