diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index e55c3f1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1624 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 
contributor license
- * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional 
information regarding
- * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache 
License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the 
License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
distributed under the License
KIND, either express
- * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions 
and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.internal;
-import java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory;
-import java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory;
-import java.text.MessageFormat;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import javax.rmi.ssl.SslRMIClientSocketFactory;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.geode.GemFireException;
-import org.apache.geode.GemFireIOException;
-import org.apache.geode.LogWriter;
-import org.apache.geode.SystemFailure;
-import org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem;
-import org.apache.geode.admin.AdminException;
-import org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent;
-import org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig;
-import org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentFactory;
-import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionManager;
-import org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.Banner;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.GemFireVersion;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.admin.remote.TailLogResponse;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.i18n.LocalizedStrings;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.InternalLogWriter;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LogConfig;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LogService;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LogWriterFactory;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LoggingThreadGroup;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.log4j.AlertAppender;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.log4j.LocalizedMessage;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.log4j.LogMarker;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.log4j.LogWriterAppender;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.log4j.LogWriterAppenders;
- * The GemFire JMX Agent provides the ability to administrate one GemFire 
distributed system via
- * JMX.
- *
- * @since GemFire 3.5
- */
-public class AgentImpl implements org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent,
-    org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.internal.ManagedResource {
-  private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
-  /**
-   * MX4J HttpAdaptor only supports "basic" as an authentication method. 
Enabling HttpAdaptor
-   * authentication ({@link AgentConfig#HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED_NAME}) 
causes the browser to
-   * require a login with username ({@link 
AgentConfig#HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_USER_NAME}) and password
-   */
-  private static final String MX4J_HTTPADAPTOR_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION = "basic";
-  /** JMX Service URL template for JMX/RMI Connector Server */
-  private static final String JMX_SERVICE_URL = 
-  /**
-   * Set third-party logging configration: MX4J, Jakarta Commons-Logging.
-   */
-  static {
-    checkDebug();
-    String commonsLog = System.getProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.log");
-    if (commonsLog == null || commonsLog.length() == 0) {
-      System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.log",
-          "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog");
-    }
-  }
-  /** Enables mx4j tracing if Agent debugging is enabled. */
-  private static void checkDebug() {
-    try {
-      if (Boolean.getBoolean("gfAgentDebug")) {
-        mx4j.log.Log.setDefaultPriority(mx4j.log.Logger.TRACE); // .DEBUG
-      }
-    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
-      SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err);
-      // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
-      // now, so don't let this thread continue.
-      throw err;
-    } catch (Throwable t) {
-      // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
-      // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
-      // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
-      // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
-      // is still usable:
-      SystemFailure.checkFailure();
-      /* ignore */
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Member variables
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** This Agent's log writer */
-  private LogWriterAppender logWriterAppender;
-  private InternalLogWriter logWriter;
-  /** This Agent's JMX http adaptor from MX4J */
-  private HttpAdaptor httpAdaptor;
-  /** This Agent's RMI Connector Server from MX4J */
-  private JMXConnectorServer rmiConnector;
-  /** The name of the MBean manages this resource */
-  private final String mbeanName;
-  /** The ObjectName of the MBean that manages this resource */
-  private final ObjectName objectName;
-  /** The actual ModelMBean that manages this resource */
-  private ModelMBean modelMBean;
-  /** The configuration for this Agent */
-  private final AgentConfigImpl agentConfig;
-  /**
-   * The <code>AdminDistributedSystem</code> this Agent is currently connected 
to or
-   * <code>null</code>
-   */
-  private AdminDistributedSystem system;
-  /** The agent's configuration file */
-  private String propertyFile;
-  /**
-   * A lock object to guard the Connect and Disconnect calls being made on the 
agent for connections
-   * to the DS
-   **/
-  private Object CONN_SYNC = new Object();
-  protected MemberInfoWithStatsMBean memberInfoWithStatsMBean;
-  private MBeanServer mBeanServer;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Constructor(s)
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /**
-   * Constructs a new Agent using the specified configuration.
-   *
-   * @param agentConfig instance of configuration for Agent
-   * @throws org.apache.geode.admin.AdminException TODO-javadocs
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if agentConfig is null
-   */
-  public AgentImpl(AgentConfigImpl agentConfig) throws AdminException, 
IllegalArgumentException {
-    addShutdownHook();
-    if (agentConfig == null) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-    }
-    this.agentConfig = (AgentConfigImpl) agentConfig;
-    this.mbeanName = MBEAN_NAME_PREFIX + 
-    try {
-      this.objectName = new ObjectName(this.mbeanName);
-    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException ex) {
-      String s = LocalizedStrings.AgentImpl_WHILE_CREATING_OBJECTNAME_0
-          .toLocalizedString(new Object[] {this.mbeanName});
-      throw new AdminException(s, ex);
-    }
-    this.propertyFile = this.agentConfig.getPropertyFile().getAbsolutePath();
-    // bind address only affects how the Agent VM connects to the system...
-    // It should be set only once in the agent lifecycle
-    this.agentConfig.setBindAddress(getBindAddress());
-    // LOG: create LogWriterAppender and LogWriterLogger
-    initLogWriter();
-    mBeanServer = MBeanUtil.start();
-    MBeanUtil.createMBean(this);
-    initializeHelperMbean();
-  }
-  private void initializeHelperMbean() {
-    try {
-      memberInfoWithStatsMBean = new MemberInfoWithStatsMBean(this);
-      MBeanServer mbs = getMBeanServer();
-      mbs.registerMBean(memberInfoWithStatsMBean, 
-      /*
-       * We are not re-throwing these exceptions as failure create/register 
the GemFireTypesWrapper
-       * will not stop the Agent from working. But we are logging it as it 
could be an indication of
-       * some problem. Also not creating Localized String for the exception.
-       */
-    } catch (OperationsException e) {
-    } catch (MBeanRegistrationException e) {
-    } catch (AdminException e) {
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Public operations
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  public AgentConfig getConfig() {
-    return this.agentConfig;
-  }
-  public AdminDistributedSystem getDistributedSystem() {
-    return this.system;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Persists the current Agent configuration to its property file.
-   *
-   * @throws GemFireIOException if unable to persist the configuration to props
-   * @see #getPropertyFile
-   */
-  public void saveProperties() {
-    throw new GemFireIOException("saveProperties is no longer supported for 
security reasons");
-  }
-  /**
-   * Starts the jmx agent
-   */
-  public void start() {
-    checkDebug();
-    this.agentConfig.validate();
-    if (mBeanServer == null) {
-      mBeanServer = MBeanUtil.start();
-    }
-    try {
-      startHttpAdaptor();
-    } catch (StartupException e) {
-      AlertAppender.getInstance().shuttingDown();
-      LogWriterAppenders.stop(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-      LogWriterAppenders.destroy(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-      throw e;
-    }
-    try {
-      startRMIConnectorServer();
-    } catch (StartupException e) {
-      stopHttpAdaptor();
-      AlertAppender.getInstance().shuttingDown();
-      LogWriterAppenders.stop(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-      LogWriterAppenders.destroy(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-      throw e;
-    }
-    try {
-      startSnmpAdaptor();
-    } catch (StartupException e) {
-      stopRMIConnectorServer();
-      stopHttpAdaptor();
-      AlertAppender.getInstance().shuttingDown();
-      LogWriterAppenders.stop(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-      LogWriterAppenders.destroy(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-      throw e;
-    }
-    if (this.agentConfig.getAutoConnect()) {
-      try {
-        connectToSystem();
-        /*
-         * Call Agent.stop() if connectToSystem() fails. This should clean up 
agent-DS connection &
-         * stop all the HTTP/RMI/SNMP adapters started earlier.
-         */
-      } catch (AdminException ex) {
-            ex.getMessage()));
-        this.stop();
-        throw new StartupException(ex);
-      } catch (MalformedObjectNameException ex) {
-        StringId autoConnectFailed = 
-        logger.error(LocalizedMessage.create(autoConnectFailed, 
-        this.stop();
-        throw new StartupException(new AdminException(
-            autoConnectFailed.toLocalizedString(new Object[] 
{ex.getMessage()}), ex));
-      }
-    } // getAutoConnect
-    LogWriterAppenders.startupComplete(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-    if (memberInfoWithStatsMBean == null) {
-      initializeHelperMbean();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Deregisters everything this Agent registered and releases the MBeanServer.
-   */
-  public void stop() {
-    try {
-      AlertAppender.getInstance().shuttingDown();
-      LogWriterAppenders.stop(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-      // stop the GemFire Distributed System
-      stopDistributedSystem();
-      // stop all JMX Adaptors and Connectors...
-      stopHttpAdaptor();
-      stopRMIConnectorServer();
-      memberInfoWithStatsMBean = null;
-      stopSnmpAdaptor();
-      // release the MBeanServer for cleanup...
-      MBeanUtil.stop();
-      mBeanServer = null;
-      // remove the register shutdown hook which disconnects the Agent from 
the Distributed System
-      // upon JVM shutdown
-      removeShutdownHook();
-    } finally {
-      LogWriterAppenders.destroy(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-      LoggingThreadGroup.cleanUpThreadGroups(); // bug35388 - logwriters 
accumulate, causing mem
-                                                // leak
-    }
-  }
-  private void stopDistributedSystem() {
-    // disconnect from the distributed system...
-    try {
-      disconnectFromSystem();
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      // disconnectFromSystem already prints any Exceptions
-    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
-      SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err);
-      throw err;
-    } catch (Error e) {
-      // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also catch 
VirtualMachineError (see above).
-      // However, there is _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a 
cascading error
-      // condition,
-      // so you also need to check to see if the JVM is still usable:
-      SystemFailure.checkFailure();
-    }
-  }
-  public ObjectName manageDistributedSystem() throws 
MalformedObjectNameException {
-    synchronized (CONN_SYNC) {
-      if (isConnected()) {
-        return ((AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl) this.system).getObjectName();
-      }
-      return null;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Connects to the DistributedSystem currently described by this Agent's 
attributes for
-   * administration and monitoring.
-   *
-   * @return the object name of the system that the Agent is now connected to
-   */
-  @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(
-      justification = "This is only a style warning.")
-  public ObjectName connectToSystem() throws AdminException, 
MalformedObjectNameException {
-    synchronized (CONN_SYNC) {
-      try {
-        if (isConnected()) {
-          return ((AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl) this.system).getObjectName();
-        }
-        DistributionManager.isDedicatedAdminVM = true;
-        AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl systemJmx = 
(AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl) this.system;
-        if (systemJmx == null) {
-          systemJmx = (AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl) 
-          this.system = systemJmx;
-        }
-        systemJmx.connect(this.logWriter);
-        return new ObjectName(systemJmx.getMBeanName());
-      } catch (AdminException e) {
-        logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-        throw e;
-      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
-        logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-        throw e;
-      } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
-        SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err);
-        // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
-        // now, so don't let this thread continue.
-        throw err;
-      } catch (Error e) {
-        // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
-        // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
-        // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
-        // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
-        // is still usable:
-        SystemFailure.checkFailure();
-        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
-        throw e;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Disconnects from the current DistributedSystem (if connected to one).
-   */
-  @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(
-      justification = "This is only a style warning.")
-  public void disconnectFromSystem() {
-    synchronized (CONN_SYNC) {
-      try {
-        if (this.system == null || !this.system.isConnected()) {
-          return;
-        }
-        ((AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl) this.system).disconnect();
-        // this.system = null;
-      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
-        logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-        throw e;
-      } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
-        SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err);
-        // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
-        // now, so don't let this thread continue.
-        throw err;
-      } catch (Error e) {
-        // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
-        // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
-        // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
-        // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
-        // is still usable:
-        SystemFailure.checkFailure();
-        logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-        throw e;
-      } finally {
-        DistributionManager.isDedicatedAdminVM = false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves a displayable snapshot of this Agent's log.
-   *
-   * @return snapshot of the current log
-   */
-  public String getLog() {
-    String childTail = tailFile(this.logWriterAppender.getChildLogFile());
-    String mainTail = tailFile(new File(this.agentConfig.getLogFile()));
-    if (childTail == null && mainTail == null) {
-      return 
-          .toLocalizedString();
-    } else {
-      StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
-      if (mainTail != null) {
-        result.append(mainTail);
-      }
-      if (childTail != null) {
-        result
-            .append("\n" + 
LocalizedStrings.AgentImpl_TAIL_OF_CHILD_LOG.toLocalizedString() + "\n");
-        result.append(childTail);
-      }
-      return result.toString();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves display-friendly GemFire version information.
-   */
-  public String getVersion() {
-    return GemFireVersion.asString();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Public attribute accessors/mutators
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** Returns true if this Agent is currently connected to a system. */
-  public boolean isConnected() {
-    boolean result = false;
-    synchronized (CONN_SYNC) {
-      result = ((this.system != null) && this.system.isConnected());
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the agent's property file. This is the file it will use when saving 
its configuration. It
-   * was also used when the agent started to initialize its configuration.
-   * 
-   * @return the agent's property file
-   */
-  public String getPropertyFile() {
-    return this.propertyFile;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the agent's property file.
-   *
-   * @param value the name of the file to save the agent properties in.
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified file is a directory.
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified file's parent is not an 
existing directory.
-   */
-  public void setPropertyFile(String value) {
-    File f = (new File(value)).getAbsoluteFile();
-    if (f.isDirectory()) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-    }
-    File parent = f.getParentFile();
-    if (parent != null) {
-      if (!parent.isDirectory()) {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-      }
-    }
-    this.propertyFile = f.getPath();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the mcastAddress of the distributed system that this Agent is 
-   *
-   * @return The mcastAddress value
-   */
-  public String getMcastAddress() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getMcastAddress();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the mcastAddress of the distributed system that this Agent is 
-   *
-   * @param mcastAddress The new mcastAddress value
-   */
-  public void setMcastAddress(String mcastAddress) {
-    this.agentConfig.setMcastAddress(mcastAddress);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the mcastPort of the distributed system that this Agent is managing.
-   *
-   * @return The mcastPort value
-   */
-  public int getMcastPort() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getMcastPort();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the mcastPort of the distributed system that this Agent is managing.
-   *
-   * @param mcastPort The new mcastPort value
-   */
-  public void setMcastPort(int mcastPort) {
-    this.agentConfig.setMcastPort(mcastPort);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the locators of the distributed system that this Agent is managing.
-   * <p>
-   * Format is a comma-delimited list of "host[port]" entries.
-   *
-   * @return The locators value
-   */
-  public String getLocators() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getLocators();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the locators of the distributed system that this Agent is managing.
-   * <p>
-   * Format is a comma-delimited list of "host[port]" entries.
-   *
-   * @param locators The new locators value
-   */
-  public void setLocators(String locators) {
-    this.agentConfig.setLocators(locators);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the membership UDP port range in the distributed system that this 
Agent is monitoring.
-   * <p>
-   * This range is given as two numbers separated by a minus sign like 
-   *
-   * @return membership UDP port range
-   */
-  public String getMembershipPortRange() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getMembershipPortRange();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the membership UDP port range in the distributed system that this 
Agent is monitoring.
-   * <p>
-   * This range is given as two numbers separated by a minus sign like 
-   *
-   * @param membershipPortRange membership UDP port range
-   */
-  public void setMembershipPortRange(String membershipPortRange) {
-    this.agentConfig.setMembershipPortRange(membershipPortRange);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the bindAddress of the distributed system that this Agent is 
-   *
-   * @return The bindAddress value
-   */
-  public String getBindAddress() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getBindAddress();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the bindAddress of the distributed system that this Agent is 
-   *
-   * @param bindAddress The new bindAddress value
-   */
-  public void setBindAddress(String bindAddress) {
-    this.agentConfig.setBindAddress(bindAddress);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the command that the DistributedSystem will use to perform 
remote manipulation of
-   * config files and log files.
-   *
-   * @return the remote command for DistributedSystem
-   */
-  public String getRemoteCommand() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getRemoteCommand();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the command that the DistributedSystem will use to perform remote 
manipulation of config
-   * files and log files.
-   *
-   * @param remoteCommand the remote command for DistributedSystem
-   */
-  public void setRemoteCommand(String remoteCommand) {
-    this.agentConfig.setRemoteCommand(remoteCommand);
-  }
-  /** Returns the system identity for the DistributedSystem */
-  public String getSystemId() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getSystemId();
-  }
-  /** Sets the system identity for the DistributedSystem */
-  public void setSystemId(String systemId) {
-    this.agentConfig.setSystemId(systemId);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the logFileSizeLimit in megabytes of this Agent. Zero indicates no 
-   *
-   * @return The logFileSizeLimit value
-   */
-  public int getLogFileSizeLimit() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getLogFileSizeLimit();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the logFileSizeLimit in megabytes of this Agent. Zero indicates no 
-   *
-   * @param logFileSizeLimit The new logFileSizeLimit value
-   */
-  public void setLogFileSizeLimit(int logFileSizeLimit) {
-    this.agentConfig.setLogFileSizeLimit(logFileSizeLimit);
-    LogWriterAppenders.configChanged(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the logDiskSpaceLimit in megabytes of this Agent. Zero indicates no 
-   *
-   * @return The logDiskSpaceLimit value
-   */
-  public int getLogDiskSpaceLimit() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getLogDiskSpaceLimit();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the logDiskSpaceLimit in megabytes of this Agent. Zero indicates no 
-   *
-   * @param logDiskSpaceLimit The new logDiskSpaceLimit value
-   */
-  public void setLogDiskSpaceLimit(int logDiskSpaceLimit) {
-    this.agentConfig.setLogDiskSpaceLimit(logDiskSpaceLimit);
-    LogWriterAppenders.configChanged(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the logFile name for this Agent to log to.
-   *
-   * @return The logFile value
-   */
-  public String getLogFile() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getLogFile();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the logFile name for this Agent to log to.
-   *
-   * @param logFile The new logFile value
-   */
-  public void setLogFile(String logFile) {
-    this.agentConfig.setLogFile(logFile);
-    LogWriterAppenders.configChanged(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the logLevel of this Agent.
-   *
-   * @return The logLevel value
-   */
-  public String getLogLevel() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getLogLevel();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets the logLevel of this Agent.
-   *
-   * @param logLevel The new logLevel value
-   */
-  public void setLogLevel(String logLevel) {
-    this.agentConfig.setLogLevel(logLevel);
-    LogWriterAppenders.configChanged(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN);
-  }
-  /** Returns true if the Agent is set to auto connect to a system. */
-  public boolean getAutoConnect() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getAutoConnect();
-  }
-  /** Returns true if the Agent is set to auto connect to a system. */
-  public boolean isAutoConnect() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getAutoConnect();
-  }
-  /** Sets or unsets the option to auto connect to a system. */
-  public void setAutoConnect(boolean v) {
-    this.agentConfig.setAutoConnect(v);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the address (URL) on which the RMI connector server runs or 
<code>null</code> if the
-   * RMI connector server has not been started. This method is used primarily 
for testing purposes.
-   *
-   * @see JMXConnectorServer#getAddress()
-   */
-  public JMXServiceURL getRMIAddress() {
-    if (this.rmiConnector != null) {
-      return this.rmiConnector.getAddress();
-    } else {
-      return null;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the configuration for this Agent.
-   *
-   * @return the configuration for this Agent
-   */
-  protected AgentConfig getAgentConfig() {
-    return this.agentConfig;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Internal implementation methods
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** Returns the tail of the system log specified by <code>File</code>. */
-  private String tailFile(File f) {
-    try {
-      return TailLogResponse.tailSystemLog(f);
-    } catch (IOException ex) {
-      return LocalizedStrings.AgentImpl_COULD_NOT_TAIL_0_BECAUSE_1
-          .toLocalizedString(new Object[] {f, ex});
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the active MBeanServer which has any GemFire MBeans registered.
-   *
-   * @return the GemFire mbeanServer
-   */
-  public MBeanServer getMBeanServer() {
-    return mBeanServer;
-  }
-  // /**
-  // * Returns the active modeler Registry which has been initialized with all
-  // * the ModelMBean descriptors needed for GemFire MBeans.
-  // *
-  // * @return the modeler registry
-  // */
-  // private Registry getRegistry() {
-  // return MBeanUtil.getRegistry();
-  // }
-  /**
-   * Gets the current instance of LogWriter for logging
-   *
-   * @return the logWriter
-   */
-  public LogWriter getLogWriter() {
-    return this.logWriter;
-  }
-  private final Thread shutdownHook =
-      new Thread(LoggingThreadGroup.createThreadGroup("Shutdown"), "Shutdown") 
-        @Override
-        public void run() {
-          disconnectFromSystem();
-        }
-      };
-  /**
-   * Adds a ShutdownHook to the Agent for cleaning up any resources
-   */
-  private void addShutdownHook() {
-    if (!Boolean.getBoolean(
-      Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHook);
-    }
-  }
-  private void removeShutdownHook() {
-    if (!Boolean.getBoolean(
-      Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates a LogWriterI18n for this Agent to use in logging.
-   */
-  @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = 
-      justification = "Return value for file delete is not important here.")
-  private void initLogWriter() throws org.apache.geode.admin.AdminException {
-    final LogConfig logConfig = this.agentConfig.createLogConfig();
-    // LOG: create logWriterAppender here
-    this.logWriterAppender = LogWriterAppenders
-        .getOrCreateAppender(LogWriterAppenders.Identifier.MAIN, false, 
logConfig, false);
-    // LOG: look in AgentConfigImpl for existing LogWriter to use
-    InternalLogWriter existingLogWriter = 
-    if (existingLogWriter != null) {
-      this.logWriter = existingLogWriter;
-    } else {
-      // LOG: create LogWriterLogger
-      this.logWriter = LogWriterFactory.createLogWriterLogger(false, false, 
logConfig, false);
-      // LOG: changed statement from config to info
-      // Set this log writer in AgentConfigImpl
-      this.agentConfig.setInternalLogWriter(this.logWriter);
-    }
-    // LOG: create logWriter here
-    this.logWriter = LogWriterFactory.createLogWriterLogger(false, false, 
logConfig, false);
-    // Set this log writer in AgentConfig
-    this.agentConfig.setInternalLogWriter(this.logWriter);
-    // Print Banner information
-    // LOG:CONFIG: changed next three statements from config to info
-        .toLocalizedString(AgentConfigImpl.retrievePropertyFile()));
-, this.agentConfig.toPropertiesAsString());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Stops the HttpAdaptor and its XsltProcessor. Unregisters the associated 
-   */
-  private void stopHttpAdaptor() {
-    if (!this.agentConfig.isHttpEnabled())
-      return;
-    // stop the adaptor...
-    try {
-      this.httpAdaptor.stop();
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    }
-    try {
-      MBeanUtil.unregisterMBean(getHttpAdaptorName());
-      MBeanUtil.unregisterMBean(getXsltProcessorName());
-    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    }
-  }
-  /** Stops the RMIConnectorServer and unregisters its MBean. */
-  private void stopRMIConnectorServer() {
-    if (!this.agentConfig.isRmiEnabled())
-      return;
-    // stop the RMI Connector server...
-    try {
-      this.rmiConnector.stop();
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    }
-    try {
-      ObjectName rmiRegistryNamingName = getRMIRegistryNamingName();
-      if (this.agentConfig.isRmiRegistryEnabled()
-          && mBeanServer.isRegistered(rmiRegistryNamingName)) {
-        String[] empty = new String[0];
-        mBeanServer.invoke(rmiRegistryNamingName, "stop", empty, empty);
-        MBeanUtil.unregisterMBean(rmiRegistryNamingName);
-      }
-    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    } catch (ReflectionException e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    } catch (MBeanException e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    }
-    try {
-      ObjectName rmiConnectorServerName = getRMIConnectorServerName();
-      if (mBeanServer.isRegistered(rmiConnectorServerName)) {
-        MBeanUtil.unregisterMBean(rmiConnectorServerName);
-      }
-    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    }
-  }
-  /** Stops the SnmpAdaptor and unregisters its MBean. */
-  private void stopSnmpAdaptor() {
-    if (!this.agentConfig.isSnmpEnabled())
-      return;
-    // stop the SnmpAdaptor...
-    try {
-      getMBeanServer().invoke(getSnmpAdaptorName(), "unbind", new Object[0], 
new String[0]);
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    }
-    try {
-      MBeanUtil.unregisterMBean(getSnmpAdaptorName());
-    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
-      logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
-    }
-  }
-  /** Returns the JMX ObjectName for the RMI registry Naming MBean. */
-  private ObjectName getRMIRegistryNamingName()
-      throws {
-    return ObjectName.getInstance("naming:type=rmiregistry");
-  }
-  /** Returns the JMX ObjectName for the HttpAdaptor. */
-  private ObjectName getHttpAdaptorName() throws {
-    return new ObjectName("Server:name=HttpAdaptor");
-  }
-  /** Returns the JMX ObjectName for the RMIConnectorServer. */
-  private ObjectName getRMIConnectorServerName()
-      throws {
-    return new ObjectName("connectors:protocol=rmi");
-  }
-  /** Returns the JMX ObjectName for the SnmpAdaptor. */
-  private ObjectName getSnmpAdaptorName() throws {
-    return new ObjectName("Adaptors:protocol=SNMP");
-  }
-  /** Returns the JMX ObjectName for the HttpAdaptor's XsltProcessor. */
-  private ObjectName getXsltProcessorName() throws {
-    return new ObjectName("Server:name=XSLTProcessor");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Factory method for creating DistributedSystem
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /**
-   * Creates and connects to a <code>DistributedSystem</code>.
-   *
-   * @param config
-   */
-  private AdminDistributedSystem createDistributedSystem(AgentConfigImpl 
-      throws org.apache.geode.admin.AdminException {
-    return new AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl(config);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Agent main
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /**
-   * Command-line main for running the GemFire Management Agent.
-   * <p>
-   * Accepts command-line arguments matching the options in {@link 
AgentConfig} and
-   * {@link org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig}.
-   * <p>
-   * <code>AgentConfig</code> will convert -Jarguments to System properties.
-   */
-  public static void main(String[] args) {
-    SystemFailure.loadEmergencyClasses();
-    AgentConfigImpl ac;
-    try {
-      ac = new AgentConfigImpl(args);
-    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
-      System.err
-      System.exit(1);
-      return;
-    }
-    try {
-      Agent agent = AgentFactory.getAgent(ac);
-      agent.start();
-    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
-      SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err);
-      // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
-      // now, so don't let this thread continue.
-      throw err;
-    } catch (Throwable t) {
-      // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
-      // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
-      // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
-      // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
-      // is still usable:
-      SystemFailure.checkFailure();
-      t.printStackTrace();
-      System.exit(1);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // MX4J Connectors/Adaptors
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  private void createRMIRegistry() throws Exception {
-    if (!this.agentConfig.isRmiRegistryEnabled()) {
-      return;
-    }
-    MBeanServer mbs = getMBeanServer();
-    String host = this.agentConfig.getRmiBindAddress();
-    int port = this.agentConfig.getRmiPort();
-    /*
-     * Register and start the rmi-registry naming MBean, which is needed by 
JSR 160
-     * RMIConnectorServer
-     */
-    ObjectName registryName = getRMIRegistryNamingName();
-    try {
-      RMIRegistryService registryNamingService = null;
-      if (host != null && !("".equals(host.trim()))) {
-        registryNamingService = new RMIRegistryService(host, port);
-      } else {
-        registryNamingService = new RMIRegistryService(port);
-      }
-      mbs.registerMBean(registryNamingService, registryName);
-    } catch ( e) {
-          registryName));
-    }
-    mbs.invoke(registryName, "start", null, null);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Defines and starts the JMX RMIConnector and service.
-   * <p>
-   * If {@link AgentConfig#isRmiEnabled} returns false, then this adaptor will 
not be started.
-   */
-  private void startRMIConnectorServer() {
-    if (!this.agentConfig.isRmiEnabled())
-      return;
-    String rmiBindAddress = this.agentConfig.getRmiBindAddress();
-    // Set RMI Stubs to use the given RMI Bind Address
-    // Default bindAddress is "", if none is set - ignore if not set
-    // If java.rmi.server.hostname property is specified then
-    // that override is not changed
-    String rmiStubServerNameKey = "java.rmi.server.hostname";
-    String overrideHostName = System.getProperty(rmiStubServerNameKey);
-    if ((overrideHostName == null || overrideHostName.trim().length() == 0)
-        && (rmiBindAddress != null && rmiBindAddress.trim().length() != 0)) {
-      System.setProperty(rmiStubServerNameKey, rmiBindAddress);
-          new StringBuilder(rmiStubServerNameKey).append(" = 
-    }
-    try {
-      createRMIRegistry();
-      ObjectName objName = getRMIConnectorServerName();
-      // make sure this adaptor is not already registered...
-      if (getMBeanServer().isRegistered(objName)) {
-        // dunno how we got here...
-        return;
-      }
-      /*
-       * url defined as: service:jmx:protocol:sap where 1. protocol: rmi 2. 
sap is:
-       * [host[:port]][url-path] where host: rmi-binding-address port: 
rmi-server-port url-path:
-       * /jndi/rmi://<rmi-binding-address>:<rmi-port><JNDI_NAME>
-       */
-      String urlString = null;
-      String connectorServerHost = "";
-      int connectorServerPort = this.agentConfig.getRmiServerPort();
-      String rmiRegistryHost = "";
-      int rmiRegistryPort = this.agentConfig.getRmiPort();
-      // Set registryHost to localhost if not specified
-      // RMI stubs would use a default IP if namingHost is left empty
-      if (rmiBindAddress == null || rmiBindAddress.trim().length() == 0) {
-        connectorServerHost = "localhost";
-        rmiRegistryHost = "";
-      } else {
-        connectorServerHost = applyRFC2732(rmiBindAddress);
-        rmiRegistryHost = connectorServerHost;
-      }
-      urlString = MessageFormat.format(AgentImpl.JMX_SERVICE_URL, 
-          String.valueOf(connectorServerPort), rmiRegistryHost, 
-          JNDI_NAME);
-      logger.debug("JMX Service URL string is : \"{}\"", urlString);
-      // The address of the connector
-      JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL(urlString);
-      Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-      // env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
-      // "com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory");
-      // env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "rmi://localhost:1099");
-      RMIServerSocketFactory ssf = new 
MX4JServerSocketFactory(this.agentConfig.isAgentSSLEnabled(), // true,
-          this.agentConfig.isAgentSSLRequireAuth(), // true,
-          this.agentConfig.getAgentSSLProtocols(), // "any",
-          this.agentConfig.getAgentSSLCiphers(), // "any",
-          this.agentConfig.getRmiBindAddress(), 10, // backlog
-          this.agentConfig.getGfSecurityProperties());
-      env.put(RMIConnectorServer.RMI_SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE, ssf);
-      if (this.agentConfig.isAgentSSLEnabled()) {
-        RMIClientSocketFactory csf = new SslRMIClientSocketFactory();
-        env.put(RMIConnectorServer.RMI_CLIENT_SOCKET_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE, csf);
-      }
-      MBeanServer mbs = null; // will be set by registering w/ mbeanServer
-      this.rmiConnector = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, 
env, mbs);
-      // for cleanup
-      this.rmiConnector.addNotificationListener(new 
-          new ConnectionNotificationFilterImpl(), this);
-      // Register the JMXConnectorServer in the MBeanServer
-      getMBeanServer().registerMBean(this.rmiConnector, objName);
-      // Start the JMXConnectorServer
-      this.rmiConnector.start();
-    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
-      SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err);
-      // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
-      // now, so don't let this thread continue.
-      throw err;
-    } catch (Throwable t) {
-      // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
-      // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
-      // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
-      // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
-      // is still usable:
-      SystemFailure.checkFailure();
logger.error(LocalizedStrings.AgentImpl_FAILED_TO_START_RMICONNECTORSERVER, t);
-      throw new StartupException(
LocalizedStrings.AgentImpl_FAILED_TO_START_RMI_SERVICE.toLocalizedString(), t);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Starts the optional third-party AdventNet SNMP Adaptor.
-   * <p>
-   * If {@link AgentConfig#isSnmpEnabled} returns false, then this adaptor 
will not be started.
-   */
-  private void startSnmpAdaptor() {
-    if (!this.agentConfig.isSnmpEnabled())
-      return;
-    try {
-      ObjectName objName = getSnmpAdaptorName();
-      // make sure this adaptor is not already registered...
-      if (getMBeanServer().isRegistered(objName)) {
-        // dunno how we got here...
-        return;
-      }
-      String className = 
-      String snmpDir = this.agentConfig.getSnmpDirectory();
-      // ex:/merry2/users/klund/agent
-      // validate the directory...
-      if (snmpDir == null || snmpDir.length() == 0) {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-                .toLocalizedString());
-      }
-      File root = new File(snmpDir);
-      if (!root.exists()) {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-      }
-      // create the adaptor...
-      String[] sigs = new String[] {"java.lang.String"};
-      Object[] args = new Object[] {snmpDir};
-      String bindAddress = this.agentConfig.getSnmpBindAddress();
-      if (bindAddress != null && bindAddress.length() > 0) {
-        sigs = new String[] {"java.lang.String", sigs[0]};
-        args = new Object[] {bindAddress, args[0]};
-      }
-      // go...
-      getMBeanServer().createMBean(className, objName, args, sigs);
-    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
-      SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err);
-      // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
-      // now, so don't let this thread continue.
-      throw err;
-    } catch (Throwable t) {
-      // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
-      // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
-      // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
-      // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
-      // is still usable:
-      SystemFailure.checkFailure();
-      logger.error(LocalizedMessage
-          .create(LocalizedStrings.AgentImpl_FAILED_TO_START_SNMPADAPTOR__0, 
-      throw new 
-          .toLocalizedString(t.getMessage()), t);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Defines and starts the JMX Http Adaptor service from MX4J.
-   * <p>
-   * If {@link AgentConfig#isHttpEnabled} returns false, then this adaptor 
will not be started.
-   */
-  private void startHttpAdaptor() {
-    if (!this.agentConfig.isHttpEnabled())
-      return;
-    try {
-      ObjectName objName = getHttpAdaptorName();
-      // make sure this adaptor is not already registered...
-      if (getMBeanServer().isRegistered(objName)) {
-        // dunno how we got here...
-        return;
-      }
-      this.httpAdaptor = new HttpAdaptor();
-      // validate and set host and port values...
-      if (this.agentConfig.getHttpPort() > 0) {
-        this.httpAdaptor.setPort(this.agentConfig.getHttpPort());
-                this.agentConfig.getHttpPort()));
-      } else {
-            this.agentConfig.getHttpPort()));
-      }
-      if (this.agentConfig.getHttpBindAddress() != null) {
-        String host = this.agentConfig.getHttpBindAddress();
-, LocalizedMessage
.create(LocalizedStrings.AgentImpl_HTTP_ADAPTOR_LISTENING_ON_ADDRESS__0, host));
-        this.httpAdaptor.setHost(host);
-      } else {
-      }
-      // SSL support...
-      MX4JServerSocketFactory socketFactory =
-          new MX4JServerSocketFactory(this.agentConfig.isAgentSSLEnabled(),
-              this.agentConfig.isHttpSSLRequireAuth(), 
-              this.agentConfig.getAgentSSLCiphers(), 
-      this.httpAdaptor.setSocketFactory(socketFactory);
-      // authentication (user login) support...
-      if (this.agentConfig.isHttpAuthEnabled()) {
-        // this pops up a login dialog from the browser...
 // only
          // basic
          // works
-        this.httpAdaptor.addAuthorization(this.agentConfig.getHttpAuthUser(),
-            this.agentConfig.getHttpAuthPassword());
-      }
-      // add the XsltProcessor...
-      this.httpAdaptor.setProcessorName(createXsltProcessor());
-      // register the HttpAdaptor and snap on the XsltProcessor...
-      getMBeanServer().registerMBean(this.httpAdaptor, objName);
-      this.httpAdaptor.start();
-    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
-      SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err);
-      // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
-      // now, so don't let this thread continue.
-      throw err;
-    } catch (Throwable t) {
-      // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
-      // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
-      // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
-      // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
-      // is still usable:
-      SystemFailure.checkFailure();
-      logger.error(LocalizedMessage
-          .create(LocalizedStrings.AgentImpl_FAILED_TO_START_HTTPADAPTOR__0, 
-      throw new 
-          .toLocalizedString(t.getMessage()), t);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Defines and starts the Xslt Processor helper service for the Http Adaptor.
-   */
-  private ObjectName createXsltProcessor() throws 
-    ObjectName objName = getXsltProcessorName();
-    // make sure this mbean is not already registered...
-    if (getMBeanServer().isRegistered(objName)) {
-      // dunno how we got here...
-      return objName;
-    }
-    getMBeanServer().registerMBean(new, objName);
-    return objName;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Private support methods...
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // /** Not used anymore but seems moderately useful... */
-  // private String[] parseSSLCiphers(String ciphers) {
-  // List list = new ArrayList();
-  // StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ciphers);
-  // while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
-  // list.add(st.nextToken());
-  // }
-  // return (String[]) list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
-  // }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // SSL configuration for GemFire
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  public boolean isSSLEnabled() {
-    return this.agentConfig.isSSLEnabled();
-  }
-  public void setSSLEnabled(boolean enabled) {
-    this.agentConfig.setSSLEnabled(enabled);
-  }
-  public String getSSLProtocols() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getSSLProtocols();
-  }
-  public void setSSLProtocols(String protocols) {
-    this.agentConfig.setSSLProtocols(protocols);
-  }
-  public String getSSLCiphers() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getSSLCiphers();
-  }
-  public void setSSLCiphers(String ciphers) {
-    this.agentConfig.setSSLCiphers(ciphers);
-  }
-  public boolean isSSLAuthenticationRequired() {
-    return this.agentConfig.isSSLAuthenticationRequired();
-  }
-  public void setSSLAuthenticationRequired(boolean authRequired) {
-    this.agentConfig.setSSLAuthenticationRequired(authRequired);
-  }
-  public Properties getSSLProperties() {
-    return this.agentConfig.getSSLProperties();
-  }
-  public void setSSLProperties(Properties sslProperties) {
-    this.agentConfig.setSSLProperties(sslProperties);
-  }
-  public void addSSLProperty(String key, String value) {
-    this.agentConfig.addSSLProperty(key, value);
-  }
-  public void removeSSLProperty(String key) {
-    this.agentConfig.removeSSLProperty(key);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // ManagedResource implementation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  public String getMBeanName() {
-    return this.mbeanName;
-  }
-  public ModelMBean getModelMBean() {
-    return this.modelMBean;
-  }
-  public void setModelMBean(ModelMBean modelMBean) {
-    this.modelMBean = modelMBean;
-  }
-  public ObjectName getObjectName() {
-    return this.objectName;
-  }
-  public ManagedResourceType getManagedResourceType() {
-    return ManagedResourceType.AGENT;
-  }
-  public void cleanupResource() {}
-  static class StartupException extends GemFireException {
-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6614145962199330348L;
-    StartupException(Throwable cause) {
-      super(cause);
-    }
-    StartupException(String reason, Throwable cause) {
-      super(reason, cause);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Other Support methods
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /**
-   * Checks the no. of active RMI clients and updates a flag in the Admin 
Distributed System.
-   *
-   * @see AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl#setRmiClientCountZero(boolean)
-   * @since GemFire 6.0
-   */
-  void updateRmiClientsCount() {
-    int noOfClientsConnected = 0;
-    String[] connectionIds = this.rmiConnector.getConnectionIds();
-    if (connectionIds != null) {
-      noOfClientsConnected = connectionIds.length;
-    }
-"No. of RMI clients connected :: {}", noOfClientsConnected);
-    AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl adminDSJmx = (AdminDistributedSystemJmxImpl) 
-    adminDSJmx.setRmiClientCountZero(noOfClientsConnected == 0);
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-    sb.append("AgentImpl[");
-    sb.append("config=" + agentConfig.toProperties().toString());
-    // sb.append("; adaptor=" + httpAdaptor.toString());
-    sb.append("; mbeanName=" + mbeanName);
-    sb.append("; modelMBean=" + modelMBean);
-    sb.append("; objectName=" + objectName);
-    sb.append("; propertyFile=" + propertyFile);
-    sb.append(": rmiConnector=" + rmiConnector);
-    // sb.append("; system=" + system);)
-    sb.append("]");
-    return sb.toString();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Process the String form of a hostname to make it comply with Jmx URL 
restrictions. Namely wrap
-   * IPv6 literal address with "[", "]"
-   * 
-   * @param hostname the name to safeguard.
-   * @return a string representation suitable for use in a Jmx connection URL
-   */
-  private static String applyRFC2732(String hostname) {
-    if (hostname.indexOf(":") != -1) {
-      // Assuming an IPv6 literal because of the ':'
-      return "[" + hostname + "]";
-    }
-    return hostname;
-  }
- * Adapter class for NotificationListener that listens to notifications of type
- *
- *
- * @since GemFire 6.0
- */
-class ConnectionNotificationAdapter implements NotificationListener {
-  private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
-  /**
-   * If the handback object passed is an AgentImpl, updates the JMX client 
-   *
-   * @param notification JMXConnectionNotification for change in client 
connection status
-   * @param handback An opaque object which helps the listener to associate 
information regarding
-   *        the MBean emitter. This object is passed to the MBean during the 
addListener call and
-   *        resent, without modification, to the listener. The MBean object 
should not use or modify
-   *        the object. (NOTE: copied from
-   */
-  @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = 
-      justification = "Only JMXConnectionNotification instances are used.")
-  public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback) {
-    if (handback instanceof AgentImpl) {
-      AgentImpl agent = (AgentImpl) handback;
-      JMXConnectionNotification jmxNotifn = (JMXConnectionNotification) 
-      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        logger.debug("Connection notification for connection id : '{}'",
-            jmxNotifn.getConnectionId());
-      }
-      agent.updateRmiClientsCount();
-    }
-  }
- * Filters out the notifications of the type JMXConnectionNotification.OPENED,
- * JMXConnectionNotification.CLOSED and JMXConnectionNotification.FAILED.
- *
- * @since GemFire 6.0
- */
-class ConnectionNotificationFilterImpl implements NotificationFilter {
-  /**
-   * Default serialVersionUID
-   */
-  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-  /**
-   * Invoked before sending the specified notification to the listener. 
Returns whether the given
-   * notification is to be sent to the listener.
-   *
-   * @param notification The notification to be sent.
-   * @return true if the notification has to be sent to the listener, false 
-   */
-  public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
-    boolean isThisNotificationEnabled = false;
-    if (notification.getType().equals(JMXConnectionNotification.OPENED)
-        || notification.getType().equals(JMXConnectionNotification.CLOSED)
-        || notification.getType().equals(JMXConnectionNotification.FAILED)) {
-      isThisNotificationEnabled = true;
-    }
-    return isThisNotificationEnabled;
-  }

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