Author: lewismc
Date: Sat Nov  2 17:14:59 2013
New Revision: 1538230

add board reports for Gora


Added: gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/
--- gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/ (added)
+++ gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/ Sat Nov  2 17:14:59 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+## Apache Gora Project Report August 2013 ##
+The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
+persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
+value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
+extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.
+### Project Releases ###
+The last release of Gora (0.3) was on 8th May 2013. A number of 
+issues have been included within a 0.4 roadmap which we are 
+working towards. 
+### Overall Project Activity since last report ###
+Project activity has been steady. Mailing list activity has followed
+usual trends, however our dev list saw the second highest ever level of
+traffic during the month of July. 
+We moved to Apache CMS for our website and documentation so more ad-hoc
+commits have been made since the last reporting period. 
+Since the last release >11 issues have been resolved, some of these major
+in scope. We have also seen some new community members posting code
+to our Jira instance which is great. We hope to integrate this in to
+trunk for 0.4 release.
+### How has the community developed since the last report? ###
+Gora was presented at this years CassandraSummit in SFO during June.
+We were successful in being awarded two places for this years Google
+Summer of Code program. Mid Term reporting has just taken place and
+one project will be continuing.
+Mailing list numbers have increased to
+### Changes to PMC & Committers ###
+Nothing to report.
+### PMC and Committer diversity ###
+We currently have committers from a wide variety of Apache projects
+including, Nutch, Tika, OODT, Camel, Solr, Accumulo, Whirr & Hadoop
+(this is not an exhaustive list).

Added: gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/
--- gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/ (added)
+++ gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/ Sat Nov  2 17:14:59 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+## Apache Gora Project Report November 2013 ##
+The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
+persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
+value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
+extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.
+### Project Releases ###
+The last release of Gora (0.3) was on 8th May 2013.
+### Overall Project Activity since last report ###
+Project activity has been reasonably quiet with much less mailing list 
+activity than the summer quarter. 
+There has however been promising activity from a new member of the 
+community Yasin Tamer. We are currently working on GORA_94 a branch 
+of the trunk code which focuses on a long-overdue upgrade of our 
+legacy Avro dependencies from 1.3.3 to 1.7.5. As this is a major 
+undertaking once this is addressed we will be pushing a release 
+candidate for 0.4. 
+### When were the last committers or PMC members elected? ###
+Roland von Herget joined as PMC member and committer
+on Thu, 7th Mar 2013.
+### How has the community developed since the last report? ###
+Gora again participated in this years Google Summer of Code program. 
+Our student Apos Gianakiddis successfully completed his 
+project and Renato Marroquin (already a member of the Gora PMC) 
+was also successful in integrating Gora into Apache Giraph 
+as part of his GSoC project.
+Apos and Lewis will be presenting Apos' GSoC project at a forthcoming
+Dublin Java users Group meetup in mid December.
+Mailing list numbers are as follows
+user: from 46 --> 49 
+dev:  from 62 --> 60
+### Changes to PMC & Committers ###
+Nothing to report.
+### PMC and Committer diversity ###
+We currently have committers from a wide variety of Apache projects
+including, Nutch, Tika, OODT, Camel, Solr, Accumulo, Whirr & Hadoop,
+Any23 (this is not an exhaustive list).

Modified: gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/
--- gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/ (original)
+++ gora/site/trunk/content/board_reports/ Sat Nov  2 17:14:59 2013
@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ Title: Board Reports
 *See [reporting][]*
-* [May 2013](/board-reports/2013-05.html)
-* [Feburary 2013](/board-reports/2013-02.html)
-* [November 2012](/board-reports/2012-11.html)
-* [August 2012](/board-reports/2012-08.html)
-* [April 2012](/board-reports/2012-04.html)
-* [March 2012](/board-reports/2012-03.html)
-* [February 2012](/board-reports/2012-02.html)
-* [January 2012](/board-reports/2012-01.html)
+* [May 2013](2013-05.html)
+* [Feburary 2013](2013-02.html)
+* [November 2012](2012-11.html)
+* [August 2012](2012-08.html)
+* [April 2012](2012-04.html)
+* [March 2012](2012-03.html)
+* [February 2012](2012-02.html)
+* [January 2012](2012-01.html)
 <a name="IncubatorReports-BoardReportsforGora"></a>
 ### Incubator Reports for Gora
 *See [incubator-reporting][]*
-* [December 2011](/board-reports/2011-12.html)
-* [February 2011](/board-reports/2011-02.html)
-* [November 2010](/board-reports/2010-11.html)
+* [December 2011](2011-12.html)
+* [February 2011](2011-02.html)
+* [November 2010](2010-11.html)

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