diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/nopt b/node_modules/.bin/nopt
deleted file mode 100755
index 30e9fdb..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/nopt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var nopt = require("../lib/nopt")
-  , types = { num: Number
-            , bool: Boolean
-            , help: Boolean
-            , list: Array
-            , "num-list": [Number, Array]
-            , "str-list": [String, Array]
-            , "bool-list": [Boolean, Array]
-            , str: String
-            , clear: Boolean
-            , config: Boolean
-            , length: Number
-            }
-  , shorthands = { s: [ "--str", "astring" ]
-                 , b: [ "--bool" ]
-                 , nb: [ "--no-bool" ]
-                 , tft: [ "--bool-list", "--no-bool-list", "--bool-list", 
"true" ]
-                 , "?": ["--help"]
-                 , h: ["--help"]
-                 , H: ["--help"]
-                 , n: [ "--num", "125" ]
-                 , c: ["--config"]
-                 , l: ["--length"]
-                 }
-  , parsed = nopt( types
-                 , shorthands
-                 , process.argv
-                 , 2 )
-console.log("parsed", parsed)
-if ( {
-  console.log("")
-  console.log("nopt cli tester")
-  console.log("")
-  console.log("types")
-  console.log(Object.keys(types).map(function M (t) {
-    var type = types[t]
-    if (Array.isArray(type)) {
-      return [t, (type) { return })]
-    }
-    return [t, type &&]
-  }).reduce(function (s, i) {
-    s[i[0]] = i[1]
-    return s
-  }, {}))
-  console.log("")
-  console.log("shorthands")
-  console.log(shorthands)
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/nopt b/node_modules/.bin/nopt
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6b6566e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/nopt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/nunjucks-precompile 
deleted file mode 100755
index 37904b7..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/nunjucks-precompile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var path = require('path');
-var precompile = require('../src/precompile').precompile;
-var Environment = require('../src/environment').Environment;
-var lib = require('../src/lib');
-var yargs = require('yargs')
-    .usage('$0 [-f|--force] [-a|--filters <filters>] [-n|--name <name>] 
[-i|--include <regex>] [-x|--exclude <regex>] [-w|--wrapper <wrapper>] <path>')
-    .wrap(80)
-    .describe('help', 'Display this help message')
-        .boolean('help')
-        .alias('h', 'help')
-        .alias('?', 'help')
-    .describe('force', 'Force compilation to continue on error')
-        .boolean('force')
-        .alias('f', 'force')
-    .describe('filters', 'Give the compiler a comma-delimited list of 
asynchronous filters, required for correctly generating code')
-        .string('filters')
-        .alias('a', 'filters')
-    .describe('name', 'Specify the template name when compiling a single file')
-        .string('name')
-        .alias('n', 'n')
-    .describe('include', 'Include a file or folder which match the regex but 
would otherwise be excluded. You can use this flag multiple times')
-        .string('include' )
-        .default('include', ['\\.html$', '\\.jinja$'])
-        .alias('i', 'include')
-    .describe('exclude', 'Exclude a file or folder which match the regex but 
would otherwise be included. You can use this flag multiple times')
-        .string('exclude' )
-        .default('exclude', [])
-        .alias('x', 'exclude')
-    .describe('wrapper', 'Load a external plugin to change the output format 
of the precompiled templates (for example, "-w custom" will load a module named 
-        .string('wrapper')
-        .alias('w', 'wrapper')
-    .demand(1);
-var argv = yargs.argv;
-if ( {
-    yargs.showHelp();
-    process.exit(1);
-var env = new Environment([]);
-lib.each([].concat(argv.filters).join(',').split(','), function(name) {
-    env.addFilter(name.trim(), function() {}, true);
-if(argv.wrapper) {
-    argv.wrapper = require('nunjucks-' + argv.wrapper).wrapper;
-console.log(precompile(argv._[0], {
-    env : env,
-    force : argv.force,
-    name :,
-    wrapper: argv.wrapper,
-    include : [].concat(argv.include),
-    exclude : [].concat(argv.exclude)
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/nunjucks-precompile 
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..3465a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/nunjucks-precompile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/rimraf b/node_modules/.bin/rimraf
deleted file mode 100755
index 1bd5a0d..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/rimraf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var rimraf = require('./')
-var help = false
-var dashdash = false
-var args = process.argv.slice(2).filter(function(arg) {
-  if (dashdash)
-    return !!arg
-  else if (arg === '--')
-    dashdash = true
-  else if (arg.match(/^(-+|\/)(h(elp)?|\?)$/))
-    help = true
-  else
-    return !!arg
-if (help || args.length === 0) {
-  // If they didn't ask for help, then this is not a "success"
-  var log = help ? console.log : console.error
-  log('Usage: rimraf <path> [<path> ...]')
-  log('')
-  log('  Deletes all files and folders at "path" recursively.')
-  log('')
-  log('Options:')
-  log('')
-  log('  -h, --help    Display this usage info')
-  process.exit(help ? 0 : 1)
-} else
-  go(0)
-function go (n) {
-  if (n >= args.length)
-    return
-  rimraf(args[n], function (er) {
-    if (er)
-      throw er
-    go(n+1)
-  })
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/rimraf b/node_modules/.bin/rimraf
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..4cd49a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/rimraf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-conv b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-conv
deleted file mode 100755
index 444045a..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-conv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-// -*- mode: js -*-
-// vim: set filetype=javascript :
-// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-var dashdash = require('dashdash');
-var sshpk = require('../lib/index');
-var fs = require('fs');
-var path = require('path');
-var tty = require('tty');
-var readline = require('readline');
-var getPassword = require('getpass').getPass;
-var options = [
-       {
-               names: ['outformat', 't'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Output format'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['informat', 'T'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Input format'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['file', 'f'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Input file name (default stdin)'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['out', 'o'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Output file name (default stdout)'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['private', 'p'],
-               type: 'bool',
-               help: 'Produce a private key as output'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['derive', 'd'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Output a new key derived from this one, with given algo'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['identify', 'i'],
-               type: 'bool',
-               help: 'Print key metadata instead of converting'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['comment', 'c'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Set key comment, if output format supports'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['help', 'h'],
-               type: 'bool',
-               help: 'Shows this help text'
-       }
-if (require.main === module) {
-       var parser = dashdash.createParser({
-               options: options
-       });
-       try {
-               var opts = parser.parse(process.argv);
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-conv: error: %s', e.message);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       if ( || opts._args.length > 1) {
-               var help ={}).trimRight();
-               console.error('sshpk-conv: converts between SSH key formats\n');
-               console.error(help);
-               console.error('\navailable formats:');
-               console.error('  - pem, pkcs1     eg id_rsa');
-               console.error('  - ssh            eg');
-               console.error('  - pkcs8          format you want for openssl');
-               console.error('  - openssh        like output of ssh-keygen 
-               console.error('  - rfc4253        raw OpenSSH wire format');
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Key derivation can only be done on private keys, so use of the -d
-        * option necessarily implies -p.
-        */
-       if (opts.derive)
-               opts.private = true;
-       var inFile = process.stdin;
-       var inFileName = 'stdin';
-       var inFilePath;
-       if (opts.file) {
-               inFilePath = opts.file;
-       } else if (opts._args.length === 1) {
-               inFilePath = opts._args[0];
-       }
-       if (inFilePath)
-               inFileName = path.basename(inFilePath);
-       try {
-               if (inFilePath) {
-                       fs.accessSync(inFilePath, fs.R_OK);
-                       inFile = fs.createReadStream(inFilePath);
-               }
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-conv: error opening input file' +
-                    ': ' + + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       var outFile = process.stdout;
-       try {
-               if (opts.out && !opts.identify) {
-                       fs.accessSync(path.dirname(opts.out), fs.W_OK);
-                       outFile = fs.createWriteStream(opts.out);
-               }
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-conv: error opening output file' +
-                   ': ' + + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       var bufs = [];
-       inFile.on('readable', function () {
-               var data;
-               while ((data =
-                       bufs.push(data);
-       });
-       var parseOpts = {};
-       parseOpts.filename = inFileName;
-       inFile.on('end', function processKey() {
-               var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs);
-               var fmt = 'auto';
-               if (opts.informat)
-                       fmt = opts.informat;
-               var f = sshpk.parseKey;
-               if (opts.private)
-                       f = sshpk.parsePrivateKey;
-               try {
-                       var key = f(buf, fmt, parseOpts);
-               } catch (e) {
-                       if ( === 'KeyEncryptedError') {
-                               getPassword(function (err, pw) {
-                                       if (err) {
-                                               console.log('sshpk-conv: ' +
-                                          + ': ' +
-                                                   err.message);
-                                               process.exit(1);
-                                       }
-                                       parseOpts.passphrase = pw;
-                                       processKey();
-                               });
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       console.error('sshpk-conv: ' +
-                  + ': ' + e.message);
-                       process.exit(1);
-               }
-               if (opts.derive)
-                       key = key.derive(opts.derive);
-               if (opts.comment)
-                       key.comment = opts.comment;
-               if (!opts.identify) {
-                       fmt = undefined;
-                       if (opts.outformat)
-                               fmt = opts.outformat;
-                       outFile.write(key.toBuffer(fmt));
-                       if (fmt === 'ssh' ||
-                           (!opts.private && fmt === undefined))
-                               outFile.write('\n');
-                       outFile.once('drain', function () {
-                               process.exit(0);
-                       });
-               } else {
-                       var kind = 'public';
-                       if (sshpk.PrivateKey.isPrivateKey(key))
-                               kind = 'private';
-                       console.log('%s: a %d bit %s %s key', inFileName,
-                           key.size, key.type.toUpperCase(), kind);
-                       if (key.type === 'ecdsa')
-                               console.log('ECDSA curve: %s', key.curve);
-                       if (key.comment)
-                               console.log('Comment: %s', key.comment);
-                       console.log('Fingerprint:');
-                       console.log('  ' + key.fingerprint().toString());
-                       console.log('  ' + key.fingerprint('md5').toString());
-                       process.exit(0);
-               }
-       });
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-conv b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-conv
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..a2a295c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-conv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-sign b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-sign
deleted file mode 100755
index 673fc98..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-sign
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-// -*- mode: js -*-
-// vim: set filetype=javascript :
-// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-var dashdash = require('dashdash');
-var sshpk = require('../lib/index');
-var fs = require('fs');
-var path = require('path');
-var getPassword = require('getpass').getPass;
-var options = [
-       {
-               names: ['hash', 'H'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Hash algorithm (sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512)'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['verbose', 'v'],
-               type: 'bool',
-               help: 'Display verbose info about key and hash used'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['identity', 'i'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Path to key to use'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['file', 'f'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Input filename'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['out', 'o'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Output filename'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['format', 't'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Signature format (asn1, ssh, raw)'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['binary', 'b'],
-               type: 'bool',
-               help: 'Output raw binary instead of base64'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['help', 'h'],
-               type: 'bool',
-               help: 'Shows this help text'
-       }
-var parseOpts = {};
-if (require.main === module) {
-       var parser = dashdash.createParser({
-               options: options
-       });
-       try {
-               var opts = parser.parse(process.argv);
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-sign: error: %s', e.message);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       if ( || opts._args.length > 1) {
-               var help ={}).trimRight();
-               console.error('sshpk-sign: sign data using an SSH key\n');
-               console.error(help);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       if (!opts.identity) {
-               var help ={}).trimRight();
-               console.error('sshpk-sign: the -i or --identity option ' +
-                   'is required\n');
-               console.error(help);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       var keyData = fs.readFileSync(opts.identity);
-       parseOpts.filename = opts.identity;
-       run();
-function run() {
-       var key;
-       try {
-               key = sshpk.parsePrivateKey(keyData, 'auto', parseOpts);
-       } catch (e) {
-               if ( === 'KeyEncryptedError') {
-                       getPassword(function (err, pw) {
-                               parseOpts.passphrase = pw;
-                               run();
-                       });
-                       return;
-               }
-               console.error('sshpk-sign: error loading private key "' +
-                   opts.identity + '": ' + + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       var hash = opts.hash || key.defaultHashAlgorithm();
-       var signer;
-       try {
-               signer = key.createSign(hash);
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-sign: error creating signer: ' +
-          + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       if (opts.verbose) {
-               console.error('sshpk-sign: using %s-%s with a %d bit key',
-                   key.type, hash, key.size);
-       }
-       var inFile = process.stdin;
-       var inFileName = 'stdin';
-       var inFilePath;
-       if (opts.file) {
-               inFilePath = opts.file;
-       } else if (opts._args.length === 1) {
-               inFilePath = opts._args[0];
-       }
-       if (inFilePath)
-               inFileName = path.basename(inFilePath);
-       try {
-               if (inFilePath) {
-                       fs.accessSync(inFilePath, fs.R_OK);
-                       inFile = fs.createReadStream(inFilePath);
-               }
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-sign: error opening input file' +
-                    ': ' + + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       var outFile = process.stdout;
-       try {
-               if (opts.out && !opts.identify) {
-                       fs.accessSync(path.dirname(opts.out), fs.W_OK);
-                       outFile = fs.createWriteStream(opts.out);
-               }
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-sign: error opening output file' +
-                   ': ' + + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(1);
-       }
-       inFile.pipe(signer);
-       inFile.on('end', function () {
-               var sig;
-               try {
-                       sig = signer.sign();
-               } catch (e) {
-                       console.error('sshpk-sign: error signing data: ' +
-                  + ': ' + e.message);
-                       process.exit(1);
-               }
-               var fmt = opts.format || 'asn1';
-               var output;
-               try {
-                       output = sig.toBuffer(fmt);
-                       if (!opts.binary)
-                               output = output.toString('base64');
-               } catch (e) {
-                       console.error('sshpk-sign: error converting signature' +
-                           ' to ' + fmt + ' format: ' + + ': ' +
-                           e.message);
-                       process.exit(1);
-               }
-               outFile.write(output);
-               if (!opts.binary)
-                       outFile.write('\n');
-               outFile.once('drain', function () {
-                       process.exit(0);
-               });
-       });
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-sign b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-sign
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..766b9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-sign
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-verify b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-verify
deleted file mode 100755
index a1669f4..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-verify
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-// -*- mode: js -*-
-// vim: set filetype=javascript :
-// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-var dashdash = require('dashdash');
-var sshpk = require('../lib/index');
-var fs = require('fs');
-var path = require('path');
-var options = [
-       {
-               names: ['hash', 'H'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Hash algorithm (sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512)'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['verbose', 'v'],
-               type: 'bool',
-               help: 'Display verbose info about key and hash used'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['identity', 'i'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Path to (public) key to use'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['file', 'f'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Input filename'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['format', 't'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'Signature format (asn1, ssh, raw)'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['signature', 's'],
-               type: 'string',
-               help: 'base64-encoded signature data'
-       },
-       {
-               names: ['help', 'h'],
-               type: 'bool',
-               help: 'Shows this help text'
-       }
-if (require.main === module) {
-       var parser = dashdash.createParser({
-               options: options
-       });
-       try {
-               var opts = parser.parse(process.argv);
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: error: %s', e.message);
-               process.exit(3);
-       }
-       if ( || opts._args.length > 1) {
-               var help ={}).trimRight();
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: sign data using an SSH key\n');
-               console.error(help);
-               process.exit(3);
-       }
-       if (!opts.identity) {
-               var help ={}).trimRight();
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: the -i or --identity option ' +
-                   'is required\n');
-               console.error(help);
-               process.exit(3);
-       }
-       if (!opts.signature) {
-               var help ={}).trimRight();
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: the -s or --signature option ' +
-                   'is required\n');
-               console.error(help);
-               process.exit(3);
-       }
-       var keyData = fs.readFileSync(opts.identity);
-       var key;
-       try {
-               key = sshpk.parseKey(keyData);
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: error loading key "' +
-                   opts.identity + '": ' + + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(2);
-       }
-       var fmt = opts.format || 'asn1';
-       var sigData = new Buffer(opts.signature, 'base64');
-       var sig;
-       try {
-               sig = sshpk.parseSignature(sigData, key.type, fmt);
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: error parsing signature: ' +
-          + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(2);
-       }
-       var hash = opts.hash || key.defaultHashAlgorithm();
-       var verifier;
-       try {
-               verifier = key.createVerify(hash);
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: error creating verifier: ' +
-          + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(2);
-       }
-       if (opts.verbose) {
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: using %s-%s with a %d bit key',
-                   key.type, hash, key.size);
-       }
-       var inFile = process.stdin;
-       var inFileName = 'stdin';
-       var inFilePath;
-       if (opts.file) {
-               inFilePath = opts.file;
-       } else if (opts._args.length === 1) {
-               inFilePath = opts._args[0];
-       }
-       if (inFilePath)
-               inFileName = path.basename(inFilePath);
-       try {
-               if (inFilePath) {
-                       fs.accessSync(inFilePath, fs.R_OK);
-                       inFile = fs.createReadStream(inFilePath);
-               }
-       } catch (e) {
-               console.error('sshpk-verify: error opening input file' +
-                    ': ' + + ': ' + e.message);
-               process.exit(2);
-       }
-       inFile.pipe(verifier);
-       inFile.on('end', function () {
-               var ret;
-               try {
-                       ret = verifier.verify(sig);
-               } catch (e) {
-                       console.error('sshpk-verify: error verifying data: ' +
-                  + ': ' + e.message);
-                       process.exit(1);
-               }
-               if (ret) {
-                       console.error('OK');
-                       process.exit(0);
-               }
-               console.error('NOT OK');
-               process.exit(1);
-       });
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-verify b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-verify
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..bfd7e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/sshpk-verify
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/strip-indent b/node_modules/.bin/strip-indent
deleted file mode 100755
index bcd5f8d..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/strip-indent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-'use strict';
-var fs = require('fs');
-var stdin = require('get-stdin');
-var pkg = require('./package.json');
-var stripIndent = require('./');
-var argv = process.argv.slice(2);
-var input = argv[0];
-function help() {
-       console.log([
-               '',
-               '  ' + pkg.description,
-               '',
-               '  Usage',
-               '    strip-indent <file>',
-               '    echo <string> | strip-indent',
-               '',
-               '  Example',
-               '    echo \'\\tunicorn\\n\\t\\tcake\' | strip-indent',
-               '    unicorn',
-               '    \tcake'
-       ].join('\n'));
-function init(data) {
-       console.log(stripIndent(data));
-if (argv.indexOf('--help') !== -1) {
-       help();
-       return;
-if (argv.indexOf('--version') !== -1) {
-       console.log(pkg.version);
-       return;
-if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
-       if (!input) {
-               help();
-               return;
-       }
-       init(fs.readFileSync(input, 'utf8'));
-} else {
-       stdin(init);
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/strip-indent b/node_modules/.bin/strip-indent
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..dddee7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/strip-indent
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/stylus b/node_modules/.bin/stylus
deleted file mode 100755
index 775ff76..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/stylus
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
- * Module dependencies.
- */
-var fs = require('fs')
-  , stylus = require('../lib/stylus')
-  , basename = require('path').basename
-  , dirname = require('path').dirname
-  , extname = require('path').extname
-  , resolve = require('path').resolve
-  , join = require('path').join
-  , isWindows = process.platform === 'win32';
- * Arguments.
- */
-var args = process.argv.slice(2);
- * Compare flag.
- */
-var compare = false;
- * Compress flag.
- */
-var compress = false;
- * CSS conversion flag.
- */
-var convertCSS = false;
- * Line numbers flag.
- */
-var linenos = false;
- * CSS class prefix.
- */
-var prefix = '';
- * Print to stdout flag.
- */
-var print = false;
- * Firebug flag
- */
-var firebug = false;
- * Sourcemap flag
- */
-var sourcemap = false;
- * Files to processes.
- */
-var files = [];
- * Import paths.
- */
-var paths = [];
- * Destination directory.
- */
-var dest;
- * Watcher hash.
- */
-var watchers;
- * Enable REPL.
- */
-var interactive;
- * Plugins.
- */
-var plugins = [];
- * Optional url() function.
- */
-var urlFunction = false;
- * Include CSS on import.
- */
-var includeCSS = false;
- * Set file imports.
- */
-var imports = [];
- * Resolve relative urls
- */
-var resolveURL = false;
- * Disable cache.
- */
-var disableCache = false;
- * Display dependencies flag.
- */
-var deps = false;
- * Hoist at-rules.
- */
-var hoist = false;
- * Usage docs.
- */
-var usage = [
-    ''
-  , '  Usage: stylus [options] [command] [< in [> out]]'
-  , '                [file|dir ...]'
-  , ''
-  , '  Commands:'
-  , ''
-  , '    help [<type>:]<prop> Opens help info at MDN for <prop> in'
-  , '                         your default browser. Optionally'
-  , '                         searches other resources of <type>:'
-  , '                         safari opera w3c ms caniuse quirksmode'
-  , ''
-  , '  Options:'
-  , ''
-  , '    -i, --interactive       Start interactive REPL'
-  , '    -u, --use <path>        Utilize the Stylus plugin at <path>'
-  , '    -U, --inline            Utilize image inlining via data URI support'
-  , '    -w, --watch             Watch file(s) for changes and re-compile'
-  , '    -o, --out <dir>         Output to <dir> when passing files'
-  , '    -C, --css <src> [dest]  Convert CSS input to Stylus'
-  , '    -I, --include <path>    Add <path> to lookup paths'
-  , '    -c, --compress          Compress CSS output'
-  , '    -d, --compare           Display input along with output'
-  , '    -f, --firebug           Emits debug infos in the generated CSS that'
-  , '                            can be used by the FireStylus Firebug plugin'
-  , '    -l, --line-numbers      Emits comments in the generated CSS'
-  , '                            indicating the corresponding Stylus line'
-  , '    -m, --sourcemap         Generates a sourcemap in sourcemaps v3 format'
-  , '    --sourcemap-inline      Inlines sourcemap with full source text in 
base64 format'
-  , '    --sourcemap-root <url>  "sourceRoot" property of the generated 
-  , '    --sourcemap-base <path> Base <path> from which sourcemap and all 
sources are relative'
-  , '    -P, --prefix [prefix]   prefix all css classes'
-  , '    -p, --print             Print out the compiled CSS'
-  , '    --import <file>         Import stylus <file>'
-  , '    --include-css           Include regular CSS on @import'
-  , '    -D, --deps              Display dependencies of the compiled file'
-  , '    --disable-cache         Disable caching'
-  , '    --hoist-atrules         Move @import and @charset to the top'
-  , '    -r, --resolve-url       Resolve relative urls inside imports'
-  , '    --resolve-url-nocheck   Like --resolve-url but without file existence 
-  , '    -V, --version           Display the version of Stylus'
-  , '    -h, --help              Display help information'
-  , ''
- * Handle arguments.
- */
-var arg;
-while (args.length) {
-  arg = args.shift();
-  switch (arg) {
-    case '-h':
-    case '--help':
-      console.error(usage);
-      process.exit(0);
-    case '-d':
-    case '--compare':
-      compare = true;
-      break;
-    case '-c':
-    case '--compress':
-      compress = true;
-      break;
-    case '-C':
-    case '--css':
-      convertCSS = true;
-      break;
-    case '-f':
-    case '--firebug':
-      firebug = true;
-      break;
-    case '-l':
-    case '--line-numbers':
-      linenos = true;
-      break;
-    case '-m':
-    case '--sourcemap':
-      sourcemap = {};
-      break;
-    case '--sourcemap-inline':
-      sourcemap = sourcemap || {};
-      sourcemap.inline = true;
-      break;
-    case '--sourcemap-root':
-      var url = args.shift();
-      if (!url) throw new Error('--sourcemap-root <url> required');
-      sourcemap = sourcemap || {};
-      sourcemap.sourceRoot = url;
-      break;
-    case '--sourcemap-base':
-      var path = args.shift();
-      if (!path) throw new Error('--sourcemap-base <path> required');
-      sourcemap = sourcemap || {};
-      sourcemap.basePath = path;
-      break;
-    case '-P':
-    case '--prefix':
-      prefix = args.shift();
-      if (!prefix) throw new Error('--prefix <prefix> required');
-      break;
-    case '-p':
-    case '--print':
-      print = true;
-      break;
-    case '-V':
-    case '--version':
-      console.log(stylus.version);
-      process.exit(0);
-      break;
-    case '-o':
-    case '--out':
-      dest = args.shift();
-      if (!dest) throw new Error('--out <dir> required');
-      break;
-    case 'help':
-      var name = args.shift()
-        , browser = name.split(':');
-      if (browser.length > 1) {
-        name = [], 1).join(':');
-        browser = browser[0];
-      } else {
-        name = browser[0];
-        browser = '';
-      }
-      if (!name) throw new Error('help <property> required');
-      help(name);
-      break;
-    case '--include-css':
-      includeCSS = true;
-      break;
-    case '--disable-cache':
-      disableCache = true;
-      break;
-    case '--hoist-atrules':
-      hoist = true;
-      break;
-    case '-i':
-    case '--repl':
-    case '--interactive':
-      interactive = true;
-      break;
-    case '-I':
-    case '--include':
-      var path = args.shift();
-      if (!path) throw new Error('--include <path> required');
-      paths.push(path);
-      break;
-    case '-w':
-    case '--watch':
-      watchers = {};
-      break;
-    case '-U':
-    case '--inline':
-      args.unshift('--use', 'url');
-      break;
-    case '-u':
-    case '--use':
-      var options;
-      var path = args.shift();
-      if (!path) throw new Error('--use <path> required');
-      // options
-      if ('--with' == args[0]) {
-        args.shift();
-        options = args.shift();
-        if (!options) throw new Error('--with <options> required');
-        options = eval('(' + options + ')');
-      }
-      // url support
-      if ('url' == path) {
-        urlFunction = options || {};
-      } else {
-        paths.push(dirname(path));
-        plugins.push({ path: path, options: options });
-      }
-      break;
-    case '--import':
-      var file = args.shift();
-      if (!file) throw new Error('--import <file> required');
-      imports.push(file);
-      break;
-    case '-r':
-    case '--resolve-url':
-      resolveURL = {};
-      break;
-    case '--resolve-url-nocheck':
-      resolveURL = { nocheck: true };
-      break;
-    case '-D':
-    case '--deps':
-      deps = true;
-      break;
-    default:
-      files.push(arg);
-  }
-// if --watch is used, assume we are
-// not working with stdio
-if (watchers && !files.length) {
-  files = fs.readdirSync(process.cwd())
-    .filter(function(file){
-    return file.match(/\.styl$/);
-  });
-// --sourcemap flag is not working with stdio
-if (sourcemap && !files.length) sourcemap = false;
- * Open the default browser to the CSS property `name`.
- *
- * @param {String} name
- */
-function help(name) {
-  var url
-    , exec = require('child_process').exec
-    , command;
-  name = encodeURIComponent(name);
-  switch (browser) {
-    case 'safari':
-    case 'webkit':
-      url = '' + name;
-      break;
-    case 'opera':
-      url = '' + name;
-      break;
-    case 'w3c':
-      url = '' + name;
-      break;
-    case 'ms':
-      url = '' + name + 
-      break;
-    case 'caniuse':
-      url = '' + name;
-      break;
-    case 'quirksmode':
-      url = '' + name;
-      break;
-    default:
-      url = '' + name;
-  }
-  switch (process.platform) {
-    case 'linux': command = 'x-www-browser'; break;
-    default: command = 'open';
-  }
-  exec(command + ' "' + url + '"', function(){
-    process.exit(0);
-  });
-// Compilation options
-if (files.length > 1 && extname(dest) === '.css') {
-  dest = dirname(dest);
-var options = {
-    filename: 'stdin'
-  , compress: compress
-  , firebug: firebug
-  , linenos: linenos
-  , sourcemap: sourcemap
-  , paths: [process.cwd()].concat(paths)
-  , prefix: prefix
-  , dest: dest
-  , 'hoist atrules': hoist
-// Buffer stdin
-var str = '';
-// Convert CSS to Stylus
-if (convertCSS) {
-    switch (files.length) {
-    case 2:
-      compileCSSFile(files[0], files[1]);
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      var file = files[0];
-      compileCSSFile(file, join(dirname(file), basename(file, extname(file))) 
+ '.styl');
-      break;
-    default:
-      var stdin = process.openStdin();
-      stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
-      stdin.on('data', function(chunk){ str += chunk; });
-      stdin.on('end', function(){
-        var out = stylus.convertCSS(str);
-        console.log(out);
-      });
-  }
-} else if (interactive) {
-  repl();
-} else if (deps) {
-  // if --deps is used, just display list of the dependencies
-  // not working with stdio and dirs
-  displayDeps();
-} else {
-  if (files.length) {
-    compileFiles(files);
-  } else {
-    compileStdio();
-  }
- * Start Stylus REPL.
- */
-function repl() {
-  var options = { cache: false, filename: 'stdin', imports: [join(__dirname, 
'..', 'lib', 'functions')] }
-    , parser = new stylus.Parser('', options)
-    , evaluator = new stylus.Evaluator(parser.parse(), options)
-    , rl = require('readline')
-    , repl = rl.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout, autocomplete)
-    , global =;
-  // expose BIFs
-  evaluator.evaluate();
-  // readline
-  repl.setPrompt('> ');
-  repl.prompt();
-  // HACK: flat-list auto-complete
-  function autocomplete(line){
-    var out = process.stdout
-      , keys = Object.keys(global.locals)
-      , len = keys.length
-      , words = line.split(/\s+/)
-      , word = words.pop()
-      , names = []
-      , name
-      , node
-      , key;
-    // find words that match
-    for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-      key = keys[i];
-      if (0 == key.indexOf(word)) {
-        node = global.lookup(key);
-        switch (node.nodeName) {
-          case 'function':
-            names.push(node.toString());
-            break;
-          default:
-            names.push(key);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return [names, line];
-  };
-  repl.on('line', function(line){
-    if (!line.trim().length) return repl.prompt();
-    parser = new stylus.Parser(line, options);
-    parser.state.push('expression');
-    evaluator.return = true;
-    try {
-      var expr = parser.parse();
-      evaluator.root = expr;
-      var ret = evaluator.evaluate();
-      var node;
-      while (node = ret.nodes.pop()) {
-        if (!node.suppress) {
-          var str = node.toString();
-          if ('(' == str[0]) str = str.replace(/^\(|\)$/g, '');
-          console.log('\033[90m=> \033[0m' + highlight(str));
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      repl.prompt();
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.error('\033[31merror: %s\033[0m', err.message || err.stack);
-      repl.prompt();
-    }
-  });
-  repl.on('SIGINT', function(){
-    console.log();
-    process.exit(0);
-  });
- * Highlight the given string of Stylus.
- */
-function highlight(str) {
-  return str
-    .replace(/(#)?(\d+(\.\d+)?)/g, function($0, $1, $2){
-      return $1 ? $0 : '\033[36m' + $2 + '\033[0m';
-    })
-    .replace(/(#[\da-fA-F]+)/g, '\033[33m$1\033[0m')
-    .replace(/('.*?'|".*?")/g, '\033[32m$1\033[0m');
- * Convert a CSS file to a Styl file
- */
-function compileCSSFile(file, fileOut) {
-  fs.stat(file, function(err, stat){
-    if (err) throw err;
-    if (stat.isFile()) {
-      fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', function(err, str){
-        if (err) throw err;
-        var styl = stylus.convertCSS(str);
-        fs.writeFile(fileOut, styl, function(err){
-         if (err) throw err;
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  });
- * Compile with stdio.
- */
-function compileStdio() {
-  process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
-  process.stdin.on('data', function(chunk){ str += chunk; });
-  process.stdin.on('end', function(){
-    // Compile to css
-    var style = stylus(str, options);
-    if (includeCSS) style.set('include css', true);
-    if (disableCache) style.set('cache', false);
-    usePlugins(style);
-    importFiles(style);
-    style.render(function(err, css){
-      if (err) throw err;
-      if (compare) {
-        console.log('\n\x1b[1mInput:\x1b[0m');
-        console.log(str);
-        console.log('\n\x1b[1mOutput:\x1b[0m');
-      }
-      console.log(css);
-      if (compare) console.log();
-    });
-  }).resume();
- * Compile the given files.
- */
-function compileFiles(files) {
-  files.forEach(compileFile);
- * Display dependencies of the compiled files.
- */
-function displayDeps() {
-  files.forEach(function(file){
-    // ensure file exists
-    fs.stat(file, function(err, stat){
-      if (err) throw err;
-      fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', function(err, str){
-        if (err) throw err;
-        options.filename = file;
-        var style = stylus(str, options);
-        usePlugins(style);
-        importFiles(style);
-        console.log(style.deps().join('\n'));
-      });
-    });
-  });
- * Compile the given file.
- */
-function compileFile(file) {
-  // ensure file exists
-  fs.stat(file, function(err, stat){
-    if (err) throw err;
-    // file
-    if (stat.isFile()) {
-      fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', function(err, str){
-        if (err) throw err;
-        options.filename = file;
-        options._imports = [];
-        var style = stylus(str, options);
-        if (includeCSS) style.set('include css', true);
-        if (disableCache) style.set('cache', false);
-        if (sourcemap) style.set('sourcemap', sourcemap);
-        usePlugins(style);
-        importFiles(style);
-        style.render(function(err, css){
-          watchImports(file, options._imports);
-          if (err) {
-            if (watchers) {
-              console.error(err.stack || err.message);
-            } else {
-              throw err;
-            }
-          } else {
-            writeFile(file, css);
-            // write sourcemap
-            if (sourcemap && !sourcemap.inline) {
-              writeSourcemap(file, style.sourcemap);
-            }
-          }
-        });
-      });
-    // directory
-    } else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
-      fs.readdir(file, function(err, files){
-        if (err) throw err;
-        files.filter(function(path){
-          return path.match(/\.styl$/);
-        }).map(function(path){
-          return join(file, path);
-        }).forEach(compileFile);
-      });
-    }
-  });
- * Write the given CSS output.
- */
-function createPath(file, sourceMap) {
-  var out;
-  if (files.length === 1 && extname(dest) === '.css') {
-    return [dest, sourceMap ? '.map' : ''].join('');
-  }
-  // --out support
-  out = [basename(file, extname(file)), sourceMap ? '' : 
-  return dest
-    ? join(dest, out)
-    : join(dirname(file), out);
-function writeFile(file, css) {
-  // --print support
-  if (print) return process.stdout.write(css);
-  var path = createPath(file);
-  fs.writeFile(path, css, function(err){
-    if (err) throw err;
-    console.log('  \033[90mcompiled\033[0m %s', path);
-    // --watch support
-    watch(file, file);
-  });
-* Write the given sourcemap.
-function writeSourcemap(file, sourcemap) {
-  var path = createPath(file, true);
-  fs.writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(sourcemap), function(err){
-    if (err) throw err;
-    // don't output log message if --print is present
-    if (!print) console.log('  \033[90mgenerated\033[0m %s', path);
-  });
- * Watch the given `file` and recompiling `rootFile` when modified.
- */
-function watch(file, rootFile) {
-  // not watching
-  if (!watchers) return;
-  // already watched
-  if (watchers[file]) {
-    watchers[file][rootFile] = true;
-    return;
-  }
-  // watch the file itself
-  watchers[file] = {};
-  watchers[file][rootFile] = true;
-  if (print) {
-    console.error('Stylus CLI Error: Watch and print cannot be used together');
-    process.exit(1);
-  }
-  console.log('  \033[90mwatching\033[0m %s', file);
-  // if is windows use api instead
-  // TODO: remove watchFile when works on osx etc
-  if (isWindows) {
-, function(event) {
-      if (event === 'change') compile();
-    });
-  } else {
-    fs.watchFile(file, { interval: 300 }, function(curr, prev) {
-      if (curr.mtime > prev.mtime) compile();
-    });
-  }
-  function compile() {
-    for (var rootFile in watchers[file]) {
-      compileFile(rootFile);
-    }
-  }
- * Watch `imports`, re-compiling `file` when they change.
- */
-function watchImports(file, imports) {
-  imports.forEach(function(imported){
-    if (!imported.path) return;
-    watch(imported.path, file);
-  });
- * Utilize plugins.
- */
-function usePlugins(style) {
-  plugins.forEach(function(plugin){
-    var path = plugin.path;
-    var options = plugin.options;
-    fn = require(/^\.+\//.test(path) ? resolve(path) : path);
-    if ('function' != typeof fn) {
-      throw new Error('plugin ' + path + ' does not export a function');
-    }
-    style.use(fn(options));
-  });
-  if (urlFunction) {
-    style.define('url', stylus.url(urlFunction));
-  } else if (resolveURL) {
-    style.define('url', stylus.resolver(resolveURL));
-  }
- * Imports the indicated files.
- */
-function importFiles(style) {
-  imports.forEach(function(file) {
-    style.import(file);
-  });
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/stylus b/node_modules/.bin/stylus
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..4113f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/stylus
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/swig b/node_modules/.bin/swig
deleted file mode 100755
index 3240f66..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/swig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-/*jslint es5: true */
-var swig = require('../index'),
-  optimist = require('optimist'),
-  fs = require('fs'),
-  path = require('path'),
-  filters = require('../lib/filters'),
-  utils = require('../lib/utils'),
-  uglify = require('uglify-js');
-var command,
-  argv = optimist
-    .usage('\n Usage:\n' +
-      '    $0 compile [files] [options]\n' +
-      '    $0 run [files] [options]\n' +
-      '    $0 render [files] [options]\n'
-      )
-    .describe({
-      v: 'Show the Swig version number.',
-      o: 'Output location.',
-      h: 'Show this help screen.',
-      j: 'Variable context as a JSON file.',
-      c: 'Variable context as a CommonJS-style file. Used only if option `j` 
is not provided.',
-      m: 'Minify compiled functions with uglify-js',
-      'filters': 'Custom filters as a CommonJS-style file',
-      'tags': 'Custom tags as a CommonJS-style file',
-      'options': 'Customize Swig\'s Options from a CommonJS-style file',
-      'wrap-start': 'Template wrapper beginning for "compile".',
-      'wrap-end': 'Template wrapper end for "compile".',
-      'method-name': 'Method name to set template to and run from.'
-    })
-    .alias('v', 'version')
-    .alias('o', 'output')
-    .default('o', 'stdout')
-    .alias('h', 'help')
-    .alias('j', 'json')
-    .alias('c', 'context')
-    .alias('m', 'minify')
-    .default('wrap-start', 'var tpl = ')
-    .default('wrap-end', ';')
-    .default('method-name', 'tpl')
-    .check(function (argv) {
-      if (argv.v) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if (!argv._.length) {
-        throw new Error('');
-      }
-      command = argv._.shift();
-      if (command !== 'compile' && command !== 'render' && command !== 'run') {
-        throw new Error('Unrecognized command "' + command + '". Use -h for 
-      }
-      if (argv['method-name'] !== 'tpl' && argv['wrap-start'] !== 'var tpl =') 
-        throw new Error('Cannot use arguments "--method-name" and 
"--wrap-start" together.');
-      }
-      if (argv['method-name'] !== 'tpl') {
-        argv['wrap-start'] = 'var ' + argv['method-name'] + ' = ';
-      }
-    })
-    .argv,
-  ctx = {},
-  out = function (file, str) {
-    console.log(str);
-  },
-  efn = function () {},
-  anonymous,
-  files,
-  fn;
-// What version?
-if (argv.v) {
-  console.log(require('../package').version);
-  process.exit(0);
-// Pull in any context data provided
-if (argv.j) {
-  ctx = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv.j, 'utf8'));
-} else if (argv.c) {
-  ctx = require(argv.c);
-if (argv.o !== 'stdout') {
-  argv.o += '/';
-  argv.o = path.normalize(argv.o);
-  try {
-    fs.mkdirSync(argv.o);
-  } catch (e) {
-    if (e.errno !== 47) {
-      throw e;
-    }
-  }
-  out = function (file, str) {
-    file = path.basename(file);
-    fs.writeFileSync(argv.o + file, str, { flags: 'w' });
-    console.log('Wrote', argv.o + file);
-  };
-// Set any custom filters
-if (argv.filters) {
-  utils.each(require(path.resolve(argv.filters)), function (filter, name) {
-    swig.setFilter(name, filter);
-  });
-// Set any custom tags
-if (argv.tags) {
-  utils.each(require(path.resolve(argv.tags)), function (tag, name) {
-    swig.setTag(name, tag.parse, tag.compile, tag.ends, tag.block);
-  });
-// Specify swig default options
-if (argv.options) {
-  swig.setDefaults(require(argv.options));
-switch (command) {
-case 'compile':
-  fn = function (file, str) {
-    var r = swig.precompile(str, { filename: file, locals: ctx 
}).tpl.toString().replace('anonymous', '');
-    r = argv['wrap-start'] + r + argv['wrap-end'];
-    if (argv.m) {
-      r = uglify.minify(r, { fromString: true }).code;
-    }
-    out(file, r);
-  };
-  break;
-case 'run':
-  fn = function (file, str) {
-    (function () {
-      eval(str);
-      var __tpl = eval(argv['method-name']);
-      out(file, __tpl(swig, ctx, filters, utils, efn));
-    }());
-  };
-  break;
-case 'render':
-  fn = function (file, str) {
-    out(file, swig.render(str, { filename: file, locals: ctx }));
-  };
-  break;
-argv._.forEach(function (file) {
-  var str = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
-  fn(file, str);
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/swig b/node_modules/.bin/swig
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..b4b1e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/swig
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/to-title-case b/node_modules/.bin/to-title-case
deleted file mode 100755
index af25a98..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/to-title-case
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var toTitleCase = require('./to-title-case')
-process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function (a) {
-  console.log(toTitleCase(a))
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/to-title-case b/node_modules/.bin/to-title-case
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ba47060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/to-title-case
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs b/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
deleted file mode 100755
index 4768f76..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env node
-// -*- js -*-
-"use strict";
-var UglifyJS = require("../tools/node");
-var sys = require("util");
-var yargs = require("yargs");
-var fs = require("fs");
-var path = require("path");
-var async = require("async");
-var acorn;
-var ARGS = yargs
-    .usage("$0 input1.js [input2.js ...] [options]\n\
-Use a single dash to read input from the standard input.\
-NOTE: by default there is no mangling/compression.\n\
-Without [options] it will simply parse input files and dump the AST\n\
-with whitespace and comments discarded.  To achieve compression and\n\
-mangling you need to use `-c` and `-m`.\
-    .describe("source-map", "Specify an output file where to generate source 
-    .describe("source-map-root", "The path to the original source to be 
included in the source map.")
-    .describe("source-map-url", "The path to the source map to be added in //# 
sourceMappingURL.  Defaults to the value passed with --source-map.")
-    .describe("source-map-include-sources", "Pass this flag if you want to 
include the content of source files in the source map as sourcesContent 
-    .describe("in-source-map", "Input source map, useful if you're compressing 
JS that was generated from some other original code.")
-    .describe("screw-ie8", "Pass this flag if you don't care about full 
compliance with Internet Explorer 6-8 quirks (by default UglifyJS will try to 
be IE-proof).")
-    .describe("expr", "Parse a single expression, rather than a program (for 
parsing JSON)")
-    .describe("p", "Skip prefix for original filenames that appear in source 
maps. \
-For example -p 3 will drop 3 directories from file names and ensure they are 
relative paths. \
-You can also specify -p relative, which will make UglifyJS figure out itself 
the relative paths between original sources, \
-the source map and the output file.")
-    .describe("o", "Output file (default STDOUT).")
-    .describe("b", "Beautify output/specify output options.")
-    .describe("m", "Mangle names/pass mangler options.")
-    .describe("r", "Reserved names to exclude from mangling.")
-    .describe("c", "Enable compressor/pass compressor options. \
-Pass options like -c hoist_vars=false,if_return=false. \
-Use -c with no argument to use the default compression options.")
-    .describe("d", "Global definitions")
-    .describe("e", "Embed everything in a big function, with a configurable 
parameter/argument list.")
-    .describe("comments", "Preserve copyright comments in the output. \
-By default this works like Google Closure, keeping JSDoc-style comments that 
contain \"@license\" or \"@preserve\". \
-You can optionally pass one of the following arguments to this flag:\n\
-- \"all\" to keep all comments\n\
-- a valid JS regexp (needs to start with a slash) to keep only comments that 
-Note that currently not *all* comments can be kept when compression is on, \
-because of dead code removal or cascading statements into sequences.")
-    .describe("preamble", "Preamble to prepend to the output.  You can use 
this to insert a \
-comment, for example for licensing information.  This will not be \
-parsed, but the source map will adjust for its presence.")
-    .describe("stats", "Display operations run time on STDERR.")
-    .describe("acorn", "Use Acorn for parsing.")
-    .describe("spidermonkey", "Assume input files are SpiderMonkey AST format 
(as JSON).")
-    .describe("self", "Build itself (UglifyJS2) as a library (implies 
--wrap=UglifyJS --export-all)")
-    .describe("wrap", "Embed everything in a big function, making the 
“exports” and “global” variables available. \
-You need to pass an argument to this option to specify the name that your 
module will take when included in, say, a browser.")
-    .describe("export-all", "Only used when --wrap, this tells UglifyJS to add 
code to automatically export all globals.")
-    .describe("lint", "Display some scope warnings")
-    .describe("v", "Verbose")
-    .describe("V", "Print version number and exit.")
-    .describe("noerr", "Don't throw an error for unknown options in -c, -b or 
-    .describe("bare-returns", "Allow return outside of functions.  Useful when 
minifying CommonJS modules.")
-    .describe("keep-fnames", "Do not mangle/drop function names.  Useful for 
code relying on")
-    .describe("quotes", "Quote style (0 - auto, 1 - single, 2 - double, 3 - 
-    .describe("reserved-file", "File containing reserved names")
-    .describe("reserve-domprops", "Make (most?) DOM properties reserved for 
-    .describe("mangle-props", "Mangle property names")
-    .describe("mangle-regex", "Only mangle property names matching the regex")
-    .describe("name-cache", "File to hold mangled names mappings")
-    .alias("p", "prefix")
-    .alias("o", "output")
-    .alias("v", "verbose")
-    .alias("b", "beautify")
-    .alias("m", "mangle")
-    .alias("c", "compress")
-    .alias("d", "define")
-    .alias("r", "reserved")
-    .alias("V", "version")
-    .alias("e", "enclose")
-    .alias("q", "quotes")
-    .string("source-map")
-    .string("source-map-root")
-    .string("source-map-url")
-    .string("b")
-    .string("beautify")
-    .string("m")
-    .string("mangle")
-    .string("c")
-    .string("compress")
-    .string("d")
-    .string("define")
-    .string("e")
-    .string("enclose")
-    .string("comments")
-    .string("wrap")
-    .string("p")
-    .string("prefix")
-    .string("name-cache")
-    .array("reserved-file")
-    .boolean("expr")
-    .boolean("source-map-include-sources")
-    .boolean("screw-ie8")
-    .boolean("export-all")
-    .boolean("self")
-    .boolean("v")
-    .boolean("verbose")
-    .boolean("stats")
-    .boolean("acorn")
-    .boolean("spidermonkey")
-    .boolean("lint")
-    .boolean("V")
-    .boolean("version")
-    .boolean("noerr")
-    .boolean("bare-returns")
-    .boolean("keep-fnames")
-    .boolean("mangle-props")
-    .boolean("reserve-domprops")
-    .wrap(80)
-    .argv
-if (ARGS.noerr) {
-    UglifyJS.DefaultsError.croak = function(msg, defs) {
-        print_error("WARN: " + msg);
-    };
-if (ARGS.version || ARGS.V) {
-    var json = require("../package.json");
-    print( + ' ' + json.version);
-    process.exit(0);
-if (ARGS.ast_help) {
-    var desc = UglifyJS.describe_ast();
-    print(typeof desc == "string" ? desc : JSON.stringify(desc, null, 2));
-    process.exit(0);
-if (ARGS.h || {
-    print(;
-    process.exit(0);
-if (ARGS.acorn) {
-    acorn = require("acorn");
-var COMPRESS = getOptions("c", true);
-var MANGLE = getOptions("m", true);
-var BEAUTIFY = getOptions("b", true);
-var RESERVED = null;
-if (ARGS.reserved_file) ARGS.reserved_file.forEach(function(filename){
-    RESERVED = UglifyJS.readReservedFile(filename, RESERVED);
-if (ARGS.reserve_domprops) {
-    RESERVED = UglifyJS.readDefaultReservedFile(RESERVED);
-if (ARGS.d) {
-    if (COMPRESS) COMPRESS.global_defs = getOptions("d");
-if (ARGS.r) {
-    if (MANGLE) MANGLE.except = ARGS.r.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g).split(/\s*,+\s*/);
-    if (!MANGLE.except) MANGLE.except = RESERVED.vars;
-    else MANGLE.except = MANGLE.except.concat(RESERVED.vars);
-function readNameCache(key) {
-    return UglifyJS.readNameCache(ARGS.name_cache, key);
-function writeNameCache(key, cache) {
-    return UglifyJS.writeNameCache(ARGS.name_cache, key, cache);
-function extractRegex(str) {
-  if (/^\/.*\/[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(str)) {
-    var regex_pos = str.lastIndexOf("/");
-    return new RegExp(str.substr(1, regex_pos - 1), str.substr(regex_pos + 1));
-  } else {
-    throw new Error("Invalid regular expression: " + str);
-  }
-if (ARGS.quotes === true) {
-    ARGS.quotes = 3;
-    beautify    : BEAUTIFY ? true : false,
-    preamble    : ARGS.preamble || null,
-    quote_style : ARGS.quotes != null ? ARGS.quotes : 0
-if (ARGS.screw_ie8) {
-    if (COMPRESS) COMPRESS.screw_ie8 = true;
-    if (MANGLE) MANGLE.screw_ie8 = true;
-    OUTPUT_OPTIONS.screw_ie8 = true;
-if (ARGS.keep_fnames) {
-    if (COMPRESS) COMPRESS.keep_fnames = true;
-    if (MANGLE) MANGLE.keep_fnames = true;
-if (ARGS.comments != null) {
-    if (/^\/.*\/[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(ARGS.comments)) {
-        try {
-            OUTPUT_OPTIONS.comments = extractRegex(ARGS.comments);
-        } catch (e) {
-            print_error("ERROR: Invalid --comments: " + e.message);
-        }
-    } else if (ARGS.comments == "all") {
-        OUTPUT_OPTIONS.comments = true;
-    } else {
-        OUTPUT_OPTIONS.comments = function(node, comment) {
-            var text = comment.value;
-            var type = comment.type;
-            if (type == "comment2") {
-                // multiline comment
-                return /@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i.test(text);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-var files = ARGS._.slice();
-if (ARGS.self) {
-    if (files.length > 0) {
-        print_error("WARN: Ignoring input files since --self was passed");
-    }
-    files = UglifyJS.FILES;
-    if (!ARGS.wrap) ARGS.wrap = "UglifyJS";
-    ARGS.export_all = true;
-var ORIG_MAP = ARGS.in_source_map;
-if (ORIG_MAP) {
-    ORIG_MAP = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(ORIG_MAP));
-    if (files.length == 0) {
-        print_error("INFO: Using file from the input source map: " + 
-        files = [ ORIG_MAP.file ];
-    }
-    if (ARGS.source_map_root == null) {
-        ARGS.source_map_root = ORIG_MAP.sourceRoot;
-    }
-if (files.length == 0) {
-    files = [ "-" ];
-if (files.indexOf("-") >= 0 && ARGS.source_map) {
-    print_error("ERROR: Source map doesn't work with input from STDIN");
-    process.exit(1);
-if (files.filter(function(el){ return el == "-" }).length > 1) {
-    print_error("ERROR: Can read a single file from STDIN (two or more dashes 
-    process.exit(1);
-var STATS = {};
-var TOPLEVEL = null;
-var P_RELATIVE = ARGS.p && ARGS.p == "relative";
-var SOURCE_MAP = ARGS.source_map ? UglifyJS.SourceMap({
-    file: P_RELATIVE ? path.relative(path.dirname(ARGS.source_map), 
-    root: ARGS.source_map_root,
-    orig: ORIG_MAP,
-}) : null;
-try {
-    var output = UglifyJS.OutputStream(OUTPUT_OPTIONS);
-    var compressor = COMPRESS && UglifyJS.Compressor(COMPRESS);
-} catch(ex) {
-    if (ex instanceof UglifyJS.DefaultsError) {
-        print_error(ex.msg);
-        print_error("Supported options:");
-        print_error(sys.inspect(ex.defs));
-        process.exit(1);
-    }
-async.eachLimit(files, 1, function (file, cb) {
-    read_whole_file(file, function (err, code) {
-        if (err) {
-            print_error("ERROR: can't read file: " + file);
-            process.exit(1);
-        }
-        if (ARGS.p != null) {
-            if (P_RELATIVE) {
-                file = path.relative(path.dirname(ARGS.source_map), 
file).replace(/\\/g, '/');
-            } else {
-                var p = parseInt(ARGS.p, 10);
-                if (!isNaN(p)) {
-                    file = file.replace(/^\/+/, 
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        SOURCES_CONTENT[file] = code;
-        time_it("parse", function(){
-            if (ARGS.spidermonkey) {
-                var program = JSON.parse(code);
-                if (!TOPLEVEL) TOPLEVEL = program;
-                else TOPLEVEL.body = TOPLEVEL.body.concat(program.body);
-            }
-            else if (ARGS.acorn) {
-                TOPLEVEL = acorn.parse(code, {
-                    locations     : true,
-                    sourceFile    : file,
-                    program       : TOPLEVEL
-                });
-            }
-            else {
-                try {
-                    TOPLEVEL = UglifyJS.parse(code, {
-                        filename     : file,
-                        toplevel     : TOPLEVEL,
-                        expression   : ARGS.expr,
-                        bare_returns : ARGS.bare_returns,
-                    });
-                } catch(ex) {
-                    if (ex instanceof UglifyJS.JS_Parse_Error) {
-                        print_error("Parse error at " + file + ":" + ex.line + 
"," + ex.col);
-                        print_error(ex.message);
-                        print_error(ex.stack);
-                        process.exit(1);
-                    }
-                    throw ex;
-                }
-            };
-        });
-        cb();
-    });
-}, function () {
-    if (ARGS.acorn || ARGS.spidermonkey) time_it("convert_ast", function(){
-        TOPLEVEL = UglifyJS.AST_Node.from_mozilla_ast(TOPLEVEL);
-    });
-    if (ARGS.wrap != null) {
-        TOPLEVEL = TOPLEVEL.wrap_commonjs(ARGS.wrap, ARGS.export_all);
-    }
-    if (ARGS.enclose != null) {
-        var arg_parameter_list = ARGS.enclose;
-        if (arg_parameter_list === true) {
-            arg_parameter_list = [];
-        }
-        else if (!(arg_parameter_list instanceof Array)) {
-            arg_parameter_list = [arg_parameter_list];
-        }
-        TOPLEVEL = TOPLEVEL.wrap_enclose(arg_parameter_list);
-    }
-    if (ARGS.mangle_props || ARGS.name_cache) (function(){
-        var reserved = RESERVED ? RESERVED.props : null;
-        var cache = readNameCache("props");
-        var regex;
-        try {
-          regex = ARGS.mangle_regex ? extractRegex(ARGS.mangle_regex) : null;
-        } catch (e) {
-            print_error("ERROR: Invalid --mangle-regex: " + e.message);
-            process.exit(1);
-        }
-        TOPLEVEL = UglifyJS.mangle_properties(TOPLEVEL, {
-            reserved   : reserved,
-            cache      : cache,
-            only_cache : !ARGS.mangle_props,
-            regex      : regex
-        });
-        writeNameCache("props", cache);
-    })();
-    var TL_CACHE = readNameCache("vars");
-    if (SCOPE_IS_NEEDED) {
-        time_it("scope", function(){
-            TOPLEVEL.figure_out_scope({ screw_ie8: ARGS.screw_ie8, cache: 
-            if (ARGS.lint) {
-                TOPLEVEL.scope_warnings();
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    if (COMPRESS) {
-        time_it("squeeze", function(){
-            TOPLEVEL = TOPLEVEL.transform(compressor);
-        });
-    }
-    if (SCOPE_IS_NEEDED) {
-        time_it("scope", function(){
-            TOPLEVEL.figure_out_scope({ screw_ie8: ARGS.screw_ie8, cache: 
-            if (MANGLE && !TL_CACHE) {
-                TOPLEVEL.compute_char_frequency(MANGLE);
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    if (MANGLE) time_it("mangle", function(){
-        MANGLE.cache = TL_CACHE;
-        TOPLEVEL.mangle_names(MANGLE);
-    });
-    writeNameCache("vars", TL_CACHE);
-    if (ARGS.source_map_include_sources) {
-        for (var file in SOURCES_CONTENT) {
-            if (SOURCES_CONTENT.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
-                SOURCE_MAP.get().setSourceContent(file, SOURCES_CONTENT[file]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    time_it("generate", function(){
-        TOPLEVEL.print(output);
-    });
-    output = output.get();
-    if (SOURCE_MAP) {
-        fs.writeFileSync(ARGS.source_map, SOURCE_MAP, "utf8");
-        var source_map_url = ARGS.source_map_url || (
-            P_RELATIVE
-                ? path.relative(path.dirname(OUTPUT_FILE), ARGS.source_map)
-                : ARGS.source_map
-        );
-        output += "\n//# sourceMappingURL=" + source_map_url;
-    }
-    if (OUTPUT_FILE) {
-        fs.writeFileSync(OUTPUT_FILE, output, "utf8");
-    } else {
-        print(output);
-    }
-    if (ARGS.stats) {
-        print_error(UglifyJS.string_template("Timing information (compressed 
{count} files):", {
-            count: files.length
-        }));
-        for (var i in STATS) if (STATS.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
-            print_error(UglifyJS.string_template("- {name}: {time}s", {
-                name: i,
-                time: (STATS[i] / 1000).toFixed(3)
-            }));
-        }
-    }
-/* -----[ functions ]----- */
-function normalize(o) {
-    for (var i in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(i) && /-/.test(i)) {
-        o[i.replace(/-/g, "_")] = o[i];
-        delete o[i];
-    }
-function getOptions(x, constants) {
-    x = ARGS[x];
-    if (x == null) return null;
-    var ret = {};
-    if (x !== "") {
-        var ast;
-        try {
-            ast = UglifyJS.parse(x, { expression: true });
-        } catch(ex) {
-            if (ex instanceof UglifyJS.JS_Parse_Error) {
-                print_error("Error parsing arguments in: " + x);
-                process.exit(1);
-            }
-        }
-        ast.walk(new UglifyJS.TreeWalker(function(node){
-            if (node instanceof UglifyJS.AST_Seq) return; // descend
-            if (node instanceof UglifyJS.AST_Assign) {
-                var name = node.left.print_to_string({ beautify: false 
}).replace(/-/g, "_");
-                var value = node.right;
-                if (constants)
-                    value = new Function("return (" + value.print_to_string() 
+ ")")();
-                ret[name] = value;
-                return true;    // no descend
-            }
-            if (node instanceof UglifyJS.AST_Symbol || node instanceof 
UglifyJS.AST_Binary) {
-                var name = node.print_to_string({ beautify: false 
}).replace(/-/g, "_");
-                ret[name] = true;
-                return true;    // no descend
-            }
-            print_error(node.TYPE)
-            print_error("Error parsing arguments in: " + x);
-            process.exit(1);
-        }));
-    }
-    return ret;
-function read_whole_file(filename, cb) {
-    if (filename == "-") {
-        var chunks = [];
-        process.stdin.setEncoding('utf-8');
-        process.stdin.on('data', function (chunk) {
-            chunks.push(chunk);
-        }).on('end', function () {
-            cb(null, chunks.join(""));
-        });
-        process.openStdin();
-    } else {
-        fs.readFile(filename, "utf-8", cb);
-    }
-function time_it(name, cont) {
-    var t1 = new Date().getTime();
-    var ret = cont();
-    if (ARGS.stats) {
-        var spent = new Date().getTime() - t1;
-        if (STATS[name]) STATS[name] += spent;
-        else STATS[name] = spent;
-    }
-    return ret;
-function print_error(msg) {
-    console.error("%s", msg);
-function print(txt) {
-    console.log("%s", txt);
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs b/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..fef3468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/uuid b/node_modules/.bin/uuid
deleted file mode 100755
index f732e99..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/uuid
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var path = require('path');
-var uuid = require(path.join(__dirname, '..'));
-var arg = process.argv[2];
-if ('--help' === arg) {
-  console.log('\n  USAGE: uuid [version] [options]\n\n');
-  console.log('  options:\n');
-  console.log('  --help                     Display this message and exit\n');
-  process.exit(0);
-if (null == arg) {
-  console.log(uuid());
-  process.exit(0);
-if ('v1' !== arg && 'v4' !== arg) {
-  console.error('Version must be RFC4122 version 1 or version 4, denoted as 
"v1" or "v4"');
-  process.exit(1);
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/uuid b/node_modules/.bin/uuid
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..b3e45bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/uuid
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/which b/node_modules/.bin/which
deleted file mode 100755
index 7cee372..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/which
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var which = require("../")
-if (process.argv.length < 3)
-  usage()
-function usage () {
-  console.error('usage: which [-as] program ...')
-  process.exit(1)
-var all = false
-var silent = false
-var dashdash = false
-var args = process.argv.slice(2).filter(function (arg) {
-  if (dashdash || !/^-/.test(arg))
-    return true
-  if (arg === '--') {
-    dashdash = true
-    return false
-  }
-  var flags = arg.substr(1).split('')
-  for (var f = 0; f < flags.length; f++) {
-    var flag = flags[f]
-    switch (flag) {
-      case 's':
-        silent = true
-        break
-      case 'a':
-        all = true
-        break
-      default:
-        console.error('which: illegal option -- ' + flag)
-        usage()
-    }
-  }
-  return false
-process.exit(args.reduce(function (pv, current) {
-  try {
-    var f = which.sync(current, { all: all })
-    if (all)
-      f = f.join('\n')
-    if (!silent)
-      console.log(f)
-    return pv;
-  } catch (e) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-}, 0))
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/which b/node_modules/.bin/which
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f62471c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/which
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/window-size b/node_modules/.bin/window-size
deleted file mode 100755
index dd8d0e5..0000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/window-size
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-'use strict';
-var helpText = ['Usage',
-'  $ window-size',
-'  $ window-size',
-'  height: 40 ',
-'  width : 145',
-function showSize () {
-  var size = require('./');
-  console.log('height: ' + size.height);
-  console.log('width : ' + size.width);
-if (process.argv.length > 2) {
-  switch (process.argv[2]) {
-    case 'help':
-    case '--help':
-    case '-h':
-      console.log(helpText);
-      break;
-    default:
-      showSize();
-  }
-} else {
-  showSize();
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/window-size b/node_modules/.bin/window-size
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..e84c8ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/.bin/window-size
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 9f9f856..3071ea3 100644
--- a/node_modules/JSONStream/package.json
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@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
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+      "/Users/yueguo/"
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@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
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--- a/node_modules/abab/package.json
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@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
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@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
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@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
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@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
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index 4e8aa2a..68a95f7 100644
--- a/node_modules/arr-flatten/package.json
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@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
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     "url": "";
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index e7d5541..1e48801 100644
--- a/node_modules/array-unique/package.json
+++ b/node_modules/array-unique/package.json
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
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+      "/Users/yueguo/"
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@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
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-  "_where": "/Users/yueguo/tmp/griffin-site/node_modules/micromatch",
+  "_where": 
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     "name": "Jon Schlinkert",
     "url": "";
diff --git a/node_modules/arrify/package.json b/node_modules/arrify/package.json
index 08f8679..bb80a9c 100644
--- a/node_modules/arrify/package.json
+++ b/node_modules/arrify/package.json
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
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-      "/Users/yueguo/tmp/griffin-site/node_modules/anymatch"
+      "/Users/yueguo/"
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@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   "_shasum": "898508da2226f380df904728456849c1501a4b0d",
   "_shrinkwrap": null,
   "_spec": "arrify@^1.0.0",
-  "_where": "/Users/yueguo/tmp/griffin-site/node_modules/anymatch",
+  "_where": 
   "author": {
     "name": "Sindre Sorhus",
     "email": "",
diff --git a/node_modules/asap/package.json b/node_modules/asap/package.json
index f70778b..6d5ce47 100644
--- a/node_modules/asap/package.json
+++ b/node_modules/asap/package.json
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
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-      "/Users/yueguo/tmp/griffin-site/node_modules/nunjucks"
+      "/Users/yueguo/"
   "_from": "asap@>=2.0.3 <3.0.0",
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   "_shasum": "522765b50c3510490e52d7dcfe085ef9ba96958f",
   "_shrinkwrap": null,
   "_spec": "asap@^2.0.3",
-  "_where": "/Users/yueguo/tmp/griffin-site/node_modules/nunjucks",
+  "_where": 
   "browser": {
     "./asap": "./browser-asap.js",
     "./asap.js": "./browser-asap.js",

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