diff --git a/node_modules/bunyan/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 628c7c2..0000000
--- a/node_modules/bunyan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# Contributing to node-bunyan
-Thanks for using node-bunyan and for considering contributing to it! Or perhaps
-you are just here to get a sniff for what is going on with node-bunyan
-## How you can help
-If you want to help me here, great! Thank you! Some ideas:
-- Do you have experience with and/or recommendations for a good automated
-  testing service? Ideally I'd like support for Mac, Linux, SmartOS, and maybe
-  Windows. Also, support for node.js versions 0.10 up to whatever the current
-  latest is. Are those too tall an order? What's more, Bunyan is meant to work
-  (at least partially) in the browser. Is there a good service for that?
-  Please discuss on [issue 
-- Fielding issues labelled with "[Type-Question][Type-Question]", if you are 
-  with Bunyan and know how to answer them, would be great.
-- If you want to dive into code, but aren't *that* familiar with node-bunyan,
-  then [issues labelled with Experience-Easy][Experience-Easy] are a good
-  place to start.
-- [Once I've made a once over
-  triaging]( and consolodating
-  issues and PRs, volunteering for issues in a particular
-  [component](#component) with which you have familiarity would be great.
-## Trent's Biased Rules for Code
-In the hope that it makes it easier to get PRs into Bunyan, here is my biased
-list of what I typically want. Submitting a PR without all of these is
-*totally fine*! The only side-effect is that it may take longer for me to
-provide feedback on it and merge it. I'll politely request missing pieces.
-- Please follow existing code style. Contributed code must pass `make check`.
-  (Note: I intended to [change to eslint
-  soon](, so currently `make
-  check` might be a moving target.)
-- Any user visible change in behaviour should almost certainly include an
-  update to the docs. Currently the "docs" is the
-- Adding a test case for code changes is **stronly recommended**, else I
-  can't easily promise to not break your fix/feature later. If you don't
-  grok the test suite, please ask. We can use it to form the basis for a
-  "test/".
-- Typically a code change should have an associated issue or PR. This allows
-  addition of follow-up issues, discussion, test data, etc. to be associated
-  with the commit. Just using GitHub pull requests makes this easy.
-- All but the most trivial code changes should have an addition to the
-  [changelog](./ The audience for the changelog is *Bunyan users*.
-  However, because rebasing longer-lived PRs against master is a pain
-  with a change to, please **do not include a change
-  in your PR. Instead suggest a addition in a comment on the
-  PR.**
-- Good commit messages, please:
-    - The first line should be a succinct summary of the issue or fix. A
-      good candidate is to just cut 'n paste the issue title, if there is one.
-    - If the commit is for a particular issue/PR (see previous rule), please
-      list the issue number in the commit message. E.g. "Fixes #123" or 
-      to #234".
-    - The audience for commit messages is *Bunyan developers*.
-## Pull Request Lifecycle
-(Language adapted from
-- You are welcome to submit your pull request for commentary or review before 
-  is fully completed. Please prefix the title of your pull request with "[WIP]"
-  to indicate this. It's also a good idea to include specific questions or 
-  you'd like feedback on.
-- Once you believe your pull request is ready to be merged, you can remove any
-  "[WIP]" prefix from the title and a core team member will review. See
-  Trent's Biased Rules above to help ensure that your contribution will be
-  merged quickly.
-- Trent or, if things go well, a node-bunyan maintainer will look over your
-  contribution and either provide comments letting you know if there is 
-  left to do. Please be patient. Unfortunately, I'm not able to carve out
-  a *lot* of time for Bunyan development and maintenance.
-- Once all outstanding comments and checklist items have been addressed, your
-  contribution will be merged. Merged PRs will be included in the next
-  node-bunyan release.
-- In some cases, we might decide that a PR should be closed. We'll make sure to
-  provide clear reasoning when this happens.
-## Issue labels
-The point of issue labeling for node-bunyan is to help answer "what should be
-worked on now? what can be left for later?" I don't want issue labelling to
-become a burden for anyone, so (a) don't feel obliged to add them yourself and
-(b) I'm happy to reevaluate their usage.
-Bunyan shall have categories of [issue
-labels]( named "$category-$value".
-An issue should have max *one* label from each set. Users of Google Code's
-dearly departed issue tracker may remember this kind of thing. This is a
-poorman's version of structured issue tracker metadata.
-I'm inclined to *not* do priorities right now. *Possibly* we'll use GitHub
-milestones to basically set targets for upcoming releases. But otherwise my
-sense is that for smaller OSS projects, assigning prios will get in the way.
-If people would think it helpful, I'd consider "Difficulty-" or "Experience-"
-categories (a la Rust's "E-" labels) to mark easier and intermediate tasks
-that someone interested but maybe not very familiar with Bunyan might want
-to tackle.
-For now, here are the various labels and their purpose:
-### Meta
-- needstriage: Temporary label to help me do a single triage pass through all
-  current open issues and PRs.
-  See [#335](
-  where I'm working through this.
-### Type
-Color: green
-- Type-Unknown: If it is still unclear or undecided if an issue is an intended
-  feature (perhaps arguing for better docs or examples to avoid confusion) or a
-  bug, I will use this category.
-- Type-Question: Asking a question on Bunyan usage, about the project, etc.
-- Type-Bug: A bug in Bunyan's behaviour.
-- Type-Improvement: A new feature or other improvement.
-- Type-Doc: Issues with Bunyan's documentation.
-- Type-Task: A project task to be done.
-TODO: consider Type-Unknown for the "unclear if bug or feature" tickets.
-### Component
-Color: blue
-- Component-Project: Project meta stuff like testing, linting, build, install,
-  etc.
-- Component-CLI: The `bunyan` command-line tool.
-- Component-Lib: catch-all for other library stuff
-    - Component-LibRotation: The bunyan library's log rotation support.
-    - Component-LibBrowser: Bunyan's handling/support for running in the 
-    - Component-LibFlush: A separate component for collecting the tickets 
-      to closing/flushing bunyan streams on process shutdown.
-The point of components is to find like issues to help with reference, search
-and resolving them. If no component fits an issue/PR, then don't add a label.
-### Resolution
-Color: red
-- Resolution-WontFix
-- Resolution-Duplicate
-- Resolution-Fixed: Also used to indicate "doc written", "question answered",
-  "feature implemented".
-- Resolution-CannotRepro: After some reasonable attempt by maintainers to
-  reproduce a bug report, I want it to be non-controversial to close it
-  and mark it with this. If given more info by someone able to repro, we
-  can happy re-open issues.
-### Experience
-Color: yellow
-- Experience-Easy: Relatively little experience with node-bunyan should be
-  required to complete this issue.
-- Experience-NeedsTest: Typically added to an issue or PR that needs a test
-  case. Someone familiar enough with node-bunyan's test suite could tackle 
-- Experience-Hard: At a guess, this is a thorny issue that requires known
-  node-bunyan well, knowing node.js well, requires design review or all of
-  these.
-One of the "Experience-\*" labels can optionally be put on an issue or PR to
-indicate what kind of experience a contributor would need with node-bunyan
-(and/or node.js) to complete it. For example, if you're looking for somewhere 
-start, check out the [Experience-Easy][Experience-Easy] tag. This category idea
-is borrowed from [rust's E-\* labels][rust-issue-triage].
-## Acknowledgements
-Anything good about this document is thanks to inspiration from
-[rust]( and, more
-Anything bad about it, is my fault.
diff --git a/node_modules/bunyan/LICENSE.txt b/node_modules/bunyan/LICENSE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ced38b4..0000000
--- a/node_modules/bunyan/LICENSE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# This is the MIT license
-Copyright 2016 Trent Mick
-Copyright 2016 Joyent Inc.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/bunyan/Makefile b/node_modules/bunyan/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eb3fd1..0000000
--- a/node_modules/bunyan/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#---- Tools
-NODEUNIT := ./node_modules/.bin/nodeunit
-SUDO := sudo
-ifeq ($(shell uname -s),SunOS)
-       # On SunOS (e.g. SmartOS) we expect to run the test suite as the
-       # root user -- necessary to run dtrace. Therefore `pfexec` isn't
-       # necessary.
-       SUDO :=
-ifeq ($(shell uname -s),SunOS)
-ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin)
-NODEOPT ?= $(HOME)/opt
-#---- Files
-JSSTYLE_FILES := $(shell find lib test tools examples -name "*.js") bin/bunyan
-# All test files *except* dtrace.test.js.
-NON_DTRACE_TEST_FILES := $(shell ls -1 test/*.test.js | grep -v dtrace | xargs)
-#---- Targets
-all $(NODEUNIT):
-       npm install $(NPM_INSTALL_FLAGS)
-# Ensure all version-carrying files have the same version.
-.PHONY: versioncheck
-       @echo version is: $(shell cat package.json | json version)
-       [[ `cat package.json | json version` == `grep '^## ' | head 
-2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $$2}'` ]]
-       [[ `cat package.json | json version` == `grep '^var VERSION' bin/bunyan 
| awk -F"'" '{print $$2}'` ]]
-       [[ `cat package.json | json version` == `grep '^var VERSION' 
lib/bunyan.js | awk -F"'" '{print $$2}'` ]]
-       @echo Version check ok.
-.PHONY: cutarelease
-cutarelease: check
-       [[ -z `git status --short` ]]  # If this fails, the working dir is 
-       @which json 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null && \
-           ver=$(shell json -f package.json version) && \
-           name=$(shell json -f package.json name) && \
-           publishedVer=$(shell npm view -j $(shell json -f package.json 
name)@$(shell json -f package.json version) version 2>/dev/null) && \
-           if [[ -n "$$publishedVer" ]]; then \
-               echo "error: $$name@$$ver is already published to npm"; \
-               exit 1; \
-           fi && \
-           echo "** Are you sure you want to tag and publish $$name@$$ver to 
npm?" && \
-           echo "** Enter to continue, Ctrl+C to abort." && \
-           read
-       ver=$(shell cat package.json | json version) && \
-           date=$(shell date -u "+%Y-%m-%d") && \
-           git tag -a "$$ver" -m "version $$ver ($$date)" && \
-           git push --tags origin && \
-           npm publish
-.PHONY: docs
-docs: toc
-       @[[ `which ronn` ]] || (echo "No 'ronn' on your PATH. Install with 'gem 
install ronn'" && exit 2)
-       mkdir -p man/man1
-       ronn --style=toc --manual="bunyan manual" --date=$(shell git log -1 
--pretty=format:%cd --date=short) --roff --html docs/bunyan.1.ronn
-       python -c 'import sys; h = open("docs/bunyan.1.html").read(); h = 
h.replace(".mp dt.flush {float:left;width:8ex}", ""); 
open("docs/bunyan.1.html", "w").write(h)'
-       python -c 'import sys; h = open("docs/bunyan.1.html").read(); h = 
h.replace("</body>", """<a href="";><img 
style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" 
alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a></body>"""); open("docs/bunyan.1.html", 
-       @echo "# test with 'man ./docs/bunyan.1' and 'open 
-# Re-generate the table of contents.
-       ./node_modules/.bin/markdown-toc -i
-.PHONY: publish
-       mkdir -p tmp
-       [[ -d tmp/bunyan-gh-pages ]] || git clone tmp/bunyan-gh-pages
-       cd tmp/bunyan-gh-pages && git checkout gh-pages && git pull --rebase 
origin gh-pages
-       cp docs/index.html tmp/bunyan-gh-pages/index.html
-       cp docs/bunyan.1.html tmp/bunyan-gh-pages/bunyan.1.html
-       (cd tmp/bunyan-gh-pages \
-               && git commit -a -m "publish latest docs" \
-               && git push origin gh-pages || true)
-.PHONY: distclean
-       rm -rf node_modules
-#---- test
-.PHONY: test
-test: $(NODEUNIT)
-       test -z "$(DTRACE_UP_IN_HERE)" || test -n "$(SKIP_DTRACE)" || \
-               (node -e 
'require("dtrace-provider").createDTraceProvider("isthisthingon")' && \
-               echo "\nNote: Use 'SKIP_DTRACE=1 make test' to skip parts of 
the test suite that require root." && \
-               $(SUDO) $(NODEUNIT) test/dtrace.test.js)
-# Test will all node supported versions (presumes install locations I use on
-# my machine -- "~/opt/node-VER"):
-# Note: 'test4' is last so (if all is well) I end up with a binary
-# dtrace-provider build for my current default node version.
-.PHONY: testall
-testall: test7 test6 test012 test010 test4
-.PHONY: test7
-       @echo "# Test node 7.x (with node `$(NODEOPT)/node-7/bin/node 
-       @$(NODEOPT)/node-7/bin/node --version | grep '^v7\.'
-       PATH="$(NODEOPT)/node-7/bin:$(PATH)" make distclean all test
-.PHONY: test6
-       @echo "# Test node 6.x (with node `$(NODEOPT)/node-6/bin/node 
-       @$(NODEOPT)/node-6/bin/node --version | grep '^v6\.'
-       PATH="$(NODEOPT)/node-6/bin:$(PATH)" make distclean all test
-.PHONY: test4
-       @echo "# Test node 4.x (with node `$(NODEOPT)/node-4/bin/node 
-       @$(NODEOPT)/node-4/bin/node --version | grep '^v4\.'
-       PATH="$(NODEOPT)/node-4/bin:$(PATH)" make distclean all test
-.PHONY: test012
-       @echo "# Test node 0.12.x (with node `$(NODEOPT)/node-0.12/bin/node 
-       @$(NODEOPT)/node-0.12/bin/node --version | grep '^v0\.12\.'
-       PATH="$(NODEOPT)/node-0.12/bin:$(PATH)" make distclean all test
-.PHONY: test010
-       @echo "# Test node 0.10.x (with node `$(NODEOPT)/node-0.10/bin/node 
-       @$(NODEOPT)/node-0.10/bin/node --version | grep '^v0\.10\.'
-       PATH="$(NODEOPT)/node-0.10/bin:$(PATH)" make distclean all test
-#---- check
-.PHONY: check-jsstyle
-check-jsstyle: $(JSSTYLE_FILES)
-       ./tools/jsstyle -o 
-.PHONY: check
-check: check-jsstyle versioncheck
-       @echo "Check ok."
-.PHONY: prepush
-prepush: check testall
-       @echo "Okay to push."
diff --git a/node_modules/bunyan/ b/node_modules/bunyan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e225ec..0000000
--- a/node_modules/bunyan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1320 +0,0 @@
-Bunyan is **a simple and fast JSON logging library** for node.js services:
-var bunyan = require('bunyan');
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: "myapp"});"hi");
-and **a `bunyan` CLI tool** for nicely viewing those logs:
-![bunyan CLI 
-Manifesto: Server logs should be structured. JSON's a good format. Let's do
-that. A log record is one line of `JSON.stringify`'d output. Let's also
-specify some common names for the requisite and common fields for a log
-record (see below).
-## Table of Contents
-<!-- toc -->
-- [Current Status](#current-status)
-- [Installation](#installation)
-- [Features](#features)
-- [Introduction](#introduction)
-  * [Constructor API](#constructor-api)
-  * [Log Method API](#log-method-api)
-  * [CLI Usage](#cli-usage)
-  * [Streams Introduction](#streams-introduction)
-  * [log.child](#logchild)
-  * [Serializers](#serializers)
-    + [Standard Serializers](#standard-serializers)
-  * [src](#src)
-- [Levels](#levels)
-  * [Level suggestions](#level-suggestions)
-- [Log Record Fields](#log-record-fields)
-  * [Core fields](#core-fields)
-  * [Recommended/Best Practice Fields](#recommendedbest-practice-fields)
-  * [Other fields to consider](#other-fields-to-consider)
-- [Streams](#streams)
-  * [stream errors](#stream-errors)
-  * [stream type: `stream`](#stream-type-stream)
-  * [stream type: `file`](#stream-type-file)
-  * [stream type: `rotating-file`](#stream-type-rotating-file)
-  * [stream type: `raw`](#stream-type-raw)
-  * [`raw` + RingBuffer Stream](#raw--ringbuffer-stream)
-  * [third-party streams](#third-party-streams)
-- [Runtime log snooping via DTrace](#runtime-log-snooping-via-dtrace)
-  * [DTrace examples](#dtrace-examples)
-- [Runtime environments](#runtime-environments)
-  * [Browserify](#browserify)
-  * [Webpack](#webpack)
-- [Versioning](#versioning)
-- [License](#license)
-- [See Also](#see-also)
-<!-- tocstop -->
-# Current Status
-Solid core functionality is there. Joyent is using this for a number of
-production services. Bunyan supports node 0.10 and greater. Follow
-<a href=""; 
-for updates to Bunyan.
-There is an email discussion list
-also [as a forum in the
-# Installation
-npm install bunyan
-**Tip**: The `bunyan` CLI tool is written to be compatible (within reason) with
-all versions of Bunyan logs. Therefore you might want to `npm install -g 
-to get the bunyan CLI on your PATH, then use local bunyan installs for
-node.js library usage of bunyan in your apps.
-# Features
-- elegant [log method API](#log-method-api)
-- extensible [streams](#streams) system for controlling where log records
-  go (to a stream, to a file, [log file rotation](#stream-type-rotating-file),
-  etc.)
-- [`bunyan` CLI](#cli-usage) for pretty-printing and filtering of Bunyan logs
-- simple include of log call source location (file, line, function) with
-  [`src: true`](#src)
-- lightweight specialization of Logger instances with [`log.child`](#logchild)
-- custom rendering of logged objects with ["serializers"](#serializers)
-- [Runtime log snooping via DTrace support](#runtime-log-snooping-via-dtrace)
-- Support for a few [runtime environments](#runtime-environments): Node.js,
-  [Browserify](, [Webpack](, 
-# Introduction
-Like most logging libraries you create a Logger instance and call methods
-named after the logging levels:
-// hi.js
-var bunyan = require('bunyan');
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: 'myapp'});'hi');
-log.warn({lang: 'fr'}, 'au revoir');
-All loggers must provide a "name". This is somewhat akin to the log4j logger
-"name", but Bunyan doesn't do hierarchical logger names.
-**Bunyan log records are JSON.** A few fields are added automatically:
-"pid", "hostname", "time" and "v".
-$ node hi.js
-## Constructor API
-var bunyan = require('bunyan');
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: <string>,                     // Required
-    level: <level name or number>,      // Optional, see "Levels" section
-    stream: <node.js stream>,           // Optional, see "Streams" section
-    streams: [<bunyan streams>, ...],   // Optional, see "Streams" section
-    serializers: <serializers mapping>, // Optional, see "Serializers" section
-    src: <boolean>,                     // Optional, see "src" section
-    // Any other fields are added to all log records as is.
-    foo: 'bar',
-    ...
-## Log Method API
-The example above shows two different ways to call ``. The
-full API is:
-```js;     // Returns a boolean: is the "info" level enabled?
-                // This is equivalent to `log.isInfoEnabled()` or
-                // `log.isEnabledFor(INFO)` in log4j.
-'hi');                     // Log a simple string message (or number).'hi %s', bob, anotherVar); // Uses `util.format` for msg formatting.
-{foo: 'bar'}, 'hi');
-                // The first field can optionally be a "fields" object, which
-                // is merged into the log record.
-;  // Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record.
-                // This adds an "err" field with exception details
-                // (including the stack) and sets "msg" to the exception
-                // message., 'more on this: %s', more);
-                // ... or you can specify the "msg".
-{foo: 'bar', err: err}, 'some msg about this error');
-                // To pass in an Error *and* other fields, use the `err`
-                // field name for the Error instance.
-Note that this implies **you cannot blindly pass any object as the first
-argument to log it** because that object might include fields that collide with
-Bunyan's [core record fields](#core-fields). In other words,
-`` may not yield what you expect. Instead of a string
-representation of `mywidget` that other logging libraries may give you, Bunyan
-will try to JSON-ify your object. It is a Bunyan best practice to always give a
-field name to included objects, e.g.:
-```js{widget: mywidget}, ...)
-This will dove-tail with [Bunyan serializer support](#serializers), discussed
-The same goes for all of Bunyan's log levels: `log.trace`, `log.debug`,
-``, `log.warn`, `log.error`, and `log.fatal`. See the [levels
-section](#levels) below for details and suggestions.
-## CLI Usage
-Bunyan log output is a stream of JSON objects. This is great for processing,
-but not for reading directly. A **`bunyan` tool** is provided **for
-pretty-printing bunyan logs** and for **filtering** (e.g.
-`| bunyan -c ' == "bar"'`). Using our example above:
-$ node hi.js | ./node_modules/.bin/bunyan
-[2013-01-04T19:01:18.241Z]  INFO: myapp/40208 on banana.local: hi
-[2013-01-04T19:01:18.242Z]  WARN: myapp/40208 on banana.local: au revoir 
-See the screenshot above for an example of the default coloring of rendered
-log output. That example also shows the nice formatting automatically done for
-some well-known log record fields (e.g. `req` is formatted like an HTTP 
-`res` like an HTTP response, `err` like an error stack trace).
-One interesting feature is **filtering** of log content, which can be useful
-for digging through large log files or for analysis. We can filter only
-records above a certain level:
-$ node hi.js | bunyan -l warn
-[2013-01-04T19:08:37.182Z]  WARN: myapp/40353 on banana.local: au revoir 
-Or filter on the JSON fields in the records (e.g. only showing the French
-records in our contrived example):
-$ node hi.js | bunyan -c 'this.lang == "fr"'
-[2013-01-04T19:08:26.411Z]  WARN: myapp/40342 on banana.local: au revoir 
-See `bunyan --help` for other facilities.
-## Streams Introduction
-By default, log output is to stdout and at the "info" level. Explicitly that
-looks like:
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'myapp',
-    stream: process.stdout,
-    level: 'info'
-That is an abbreviated form for a single stream. **You can define multiple
-streams at different levels**.
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-  name: 'myapp',
-  streams: [
-    {
-      level: 'info',
-      stream: process.stdout            // log INFO and above to stdout
-    },
-    {
-      level: 'error',
-      path: '/var/tmp/myapp-error.log'  // log ERROR and above to a file
-    }
-  ]
-More on streams in the [Streams section](#streams) below.
-## log.child
-Bunyan has a concept of a child logger to **specialize a logger for a
-sub-component of your application**, i.e. to create a new logger with
-additional bound fields that will be included in its log records. A child
-logger is created with `log.child(...)`.
-In the following example, logging on a "Wuzzle" instance's `this.log` will
-be exactly as on the parent logger with the addition of the `widget_type`
-var bunyan = require('bunyan');
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: 'myapp'});
-function Wuzzle(options) {
-    this.log = options.log.child({widget_type: 'wuzzle'});
-'creating a wuzzle')
-Wuzzle.prototype.woos = function () {
-    this.log.warn('This wuzzle is woosey.')
-var wuzzle = new Wuzzle({log: log});
-Running that looks like (raw):
-$ node myapp.js
 a wuzzle","time":"2013-01-04T07:47:25.815Z","v":0}
 wuzzle is woosey.","time":"2013-01-04T07:47:25.815Z","v":0}
-And with the `bunyan` CLI (using the "short" output mode):
-$ node myapp.js  | bunyan -o short
-07:46:42.707Z  INFO myapp: start
-07:46:42.709Z  INFO myapp: creating a wuzzle (widget_type=wuzzle)
-07:46:42.709Z  WARN myapp: This wuzzle is woosey. (widget_type=wuzzle)
-07:46:42.709Z  INFO myapp: done
-A more practical example is in the
-[node-restify]( web framework.
-Restify uses Bunyan for its logging. One feature of its integration, is that
-if `server.use(restify.requestLogger())` is used, each restify request handler
-includes a `req.log` logger that is:
-log.child({req_id: <unique request id>}, true)
-Apps using restify can then use `req.log` and have all such log records
-include the unique request id (as "req\_id"). Handy.
-## Serializers
-Bunyan has a concept of **"serializer" functions to produce a JSON-able object
-from a JavaScript object**, so you can easily do the following:
-```js{req: <request object>}, 'something about handling this request');
-and have the `req` entry in the log record be just a reasonable subset of
-`<request object>` fields (or computed data about those fields).
-A logger instance can have a `serializers` mapping of log record field name
-("req" in this example) to a serializer function. When creating the log
-record, Bunyan will call the serializer function for fields of that name.
-An example:
-function reqSerializer(req) {
-    return {
-        method: req.method,
-        url: req.url,
-        headers: req.headers
-    };
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'myapp',
-    serializers: {
-        req: reqSerializer
-    }
-Typically serializers are added to a logger at creation time via
-`bunyan.createLogger({..., serializers: <serializers>})`. However, serializers
-can be added after creation via `<logger>.addSerializers(...)`, e.g.:
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: 'myapp'});
-log.addSerializers({req: reqSerializer});
-**Note**: Your own serializers should never throw, otherwise you'll get an
-ugly message on stderr from Bunyan (along with the traceback) and the field
-in your log record will be replaced with a short error message.
-### Standard Serializers
-Bunyan includes a small set of "standard serializers", exported as
-`bunyan.stdSerializers`. Their use is completely optional. Example using
-all of them:
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'myapp',
-    serializers: bunyan.stdSerializers
-or particular ones:
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'myapp',
-    serializers: {err: bunyan.stdSerializers.err}
-Standard serializers are:
-| Field | Description |
-| ----- | ----------- |
-| err   | Used for serializing JavaScript error objects, including traversing 
an error's cause chain for error objects with a `.cause()` -- e.g. as from 
[verror]( |
-| req   | Common fields from a node.js HTTP request object. |
-| res   | Common fields from a node.js HTTP response object. |
-Note that the `req` and `res` serializers intentionally do not include the
-request/response *body*, as that can be prohibitively large. If helpful, the
-[restify framework's audit logger 
-has its own req/res serializers that include more information (optionally
-including the body).
-## src
-The **source file, line and function of the log call site** can be added to
-log records by using the `src: true` config option:
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({src: true, ...});
-This adds the call source info with the 'src' field, like this:
-  "name": "src-example",
-  "hostname": "banana.local",
-  "pid": 123,
-  "component": "wuzzle",
-  "level": 4,
-  "msg": "This wuzzle is woosey.",
-  "time": "2012-02-06T04:19:35.605Z",
-  "src": {
-    "file": "/Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/src.js",
-    "line": 20,
-    "func": "Wuzzle.woos"
-  },
-  "v": 0
-**WARNING: Determining the call source info is slow. Never use this option
-in production.**
-# Levels
-The log levels in bunyan are as follows. The level descriptions are best
-practice *opinions* of the author.
-- "fatal" (60): The service/app is going to stop or become unusable now.
-  An operator should definitely look into this soon.
-- "error" (50): Fatal for a particular request, but the service/app continues
-  servicing other requests. An operator should look at this soon(ish).
-- "warn" (40): A note on something that should probably be looked at by an
-  operator eventually.
-- "info" (30): Detail on regular operation.
-- "debug" (20): Anything else, i.e. too verbose to be included in "info" level.
-- "trace" (10): Logging from external libraries used by your app or *very*
-  detailed application logging.
-Setting a logger instance (or one of its streams) to a particular level implies
-that all log records *at that level and above* are logged. E.g. a logger set to
-level "info" will log records at level info and above (warn, error, fatal).
-While using log level *names* is preferred, the actual level values are 
-internally (10 for "trace", ..., 60 for "fatal"). Constants are defined for
-the levels: `bunyan.TRACE` ... `bunyan.FATAL`. The lowercase level names are
-aliases supported in the API, e.g. `log.level("info")`. There is one exception:
-DTrace integration uses the level names. The fired DTrace probes are named
-Here is the API for querying and changing levels on an existing logger.
-Recall that a logger instance has an array of output "streams":
-log.level() -> INFO   // gets current level (lowest level of all streams)
-log.level(INFO)       // set all streams to level INFO
-log.level("info")     // set all streams to level INFO
-log.levels() -> [DEBUG, INFO]   // get array of levels of all streams
-log.levels(0) -> DEBUG          // get level of stream at index 0
-log.levels("foo")               // get level of stream with name "foo"
-log.levels(0, INFO)             // set level of stream 0 to INFO
-log.levels(0, "info")           // can use "info" et al aliases
-log.levels("foo", WARN)         // set stream named "foo" to WARN
-## Level suggestions
-Trent's biased suggestions for server apps: Use "debug" sparingly. Information
-that will be useful to debug errors *post mortem* should usually be included in
-"info" messages if it's generally relevant or else with the corresponding
-"error" event. Don't rely on spewing mostly irrelevant debug messages all the
-time and sifting through them when an error occurs.
-Trent's biased suggestions for node.js libraries: IMHO, libraries should only
-ever log at `trace`-level. Fine control over log output should be up to the
-app using a library. Having a library that spews log output at higher levels
-gets in the way of a clear story in the *app* logs.
-# Log Record Fields
-This section will describe *rules* for the Bunyan log format: field names,
-field meanings, required fields, etc. However, a Bunyan library doesn't
-strictly enforce all these rules while records are being emitted. For example,
-Bunyan will add a `time` field with the correct format to your log records,
-but you can specify your own. It is the caller's responsibility to specify
-the appropriate format.
-The reason for the above leniency is because IMO logging a message should
-never break your app. This leads to this rule of logging: **a thrown
-exception from `` or equivalent (other than for calling with the
-incorrect signature) is always a bug in Bunyan.**
-A typical Bunyan log record looks like this:
-  "name": "myserver",
-  "hostname": "banana.local",
-  "pid": 123,
-  "req": {
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "/path?q=1#anchor",
-    "headers": {
-      "x-hi": "Mom",
-      "connection": "close"
-    },
-    "remoteAddress": "",
-    "remotePort": 51244
-  },
-  "level": 3,
-  "msg": "start request",
-  "time": "2012-02-03T19:02:57.534Z",
-  "v": 0
-## Core fields
-- `v`: Required. Integer. Added by Bunyan. Cannot be overridden.
-  This is the Bunyan log format version (`require('bunyan').LOG_VERSION`).
-  The log version is a single integer. `0` is until I release a version
-  "1.0.0" of node-bunyan. Thereafter, starting with `1`, this will be
-  incremented if there is any backward incompatible change to the log record
-  format. Details will be in "" (the change log).
-- `level`: Required. Integer. Added by Bunyan. Cannot be overridden.
-  See the "Levels" section.
-- `name`: Required. String. Provided at Logger creation.
-  You must specify a name for your logger when creating it. Typically this
-  is the name of the service/app using Bunyan for logging.
-- `hostname`: Required. String. Provided or determined at Logger creation.
-  You can specify your hostname at Logger creation or it will be retrieved
-  vi `os.hostname()`.
-- `pid`: Required. Integer. Filled in automatically at Logger creation.
-- `time`: Required. String. Added by Bunyan. Can be overridden.
-  The date and time of the event in [ISO 8601
-  Extended Format]( format and in UTC,
-  as from
-- `msg`: Required. String.
-  Every `log.debug(...)` et al call must provide a log message.
-- `src`: Optional. Object giving log call source info. This is added
-  automatically by Bunyan if the "src: true" config option is given to the
-  Logger. Never use in production as this is really slow.
-Go ahead and add more fields, and nested ones are fine (and recommended) as
-well. This is why we're using JSON. Some suggestions and best practices
-follow (feedback from actual users welcome).
-## Recommended/Best Practice Fields
-- `err`: Object. A caught JS exception. Log that thing with ``
-    to get:
-    ```js
-    ...
-    "err": {
-      "message": "boom",
-      "name": "TypeError",
-      "stack": "TypeError: boom\n    at Object.<anonymous> ..."
-    },
-    "msg": "boom",
-    ...
-    ```
-    Or use the `bunyan.stdSerializers.err` serializer in your Logger and
-    do this `log.error({err: err}, "oops")`. See "examples/err.js".
-- `req_id`: String. A request identifier. Including this field in all logging
-  tied to handling a particular request to your server is strongly suggested.
-  This allows post analysis of logs to easily collate all related logging
-  for a request. This really shines when you have a SOA with multiple services
-  and you carry a single request ID from the top API down through all APIs
-  (as [node-restify]( facilitates
-  with its 'Request-Id' header).
-- `req`: An HTTP server request. Bunyan provides `bunyan.stdSerializers.req`
-  to serialize a request with a suggested set of keys. Example:
-    ```js
-    {
-      "method": "GET",
-      "url": "/path?q=1#anchor",
-      "headers": {
-        "x-hi": "Mom",
-        "connection": "close"
-      },
-      "remoteAddress": "",
-      "remotePort": 51244
-    }
-    ```
-- `res`: An HTTP server response. Bunyan provides `bunyan.stdSerializers.res`
-  to serialize a response with a suggested set of keys. Example:
-    ```js
-    {
-      "statusCode": 200,
-      "header": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nConnection: 
keep-alive\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n"
-    }
-    ```
-## Other fields to consider
-- `req.username`: Authenticated user (or for a 401, the user attempting to
-  auth).
-- Some mechanism to calculate response latency. "restify" users will have
-  a "X-Response-Time" header. A `latency` custom field would be fine.
-- `req.body`: If you know that request bodies are small (common in APIs,
-  for example), then logging the request body is good.
-# Streams
-A "stream" is Bunyan's name for where it outputs log messages (the equivalent
-to a log4j Appender). Ultimately Bunyan uses a
-[Writable Stream](
-interface, but there are some additional attributes used to create and
-manage the stream. A Bunyan Logger instance has one or more streams.
-In general streams are specified with the "streams" option:
-var bunyan = require('bunyan');
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: "foo",
-    streams: [
-        {
-            stream: process.stderr,
-            level: "debug"
-        },
-        ...
-    ]
-For convenience, if there is only one stream, it can specified with the
-"stream" and "level" options (internally converted to a `Logger.streams`).
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: "foo",
-    stream: process.stderr,
-    level: "debug"
-Note that "file" streams do not support this shortcut (partly for historical
-reasons and partly to not make it difficult to add a literal "path" field
-on log records).
-If neither "streams" nor "stream" are specified, the default is a stream of
-type "stream" emitting to `process.stdout` at the "info" level.
-## stream errors
-A Bunyan logger instance can be made to re-emit "error" events from its
-streams. Bunyan does so by default for [`type === "file"`
-streams](#stream-type-file), so you can do this:
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: 'mylog', streams: [{path: LOG_PATH}]});
-log.on('error', function (err, stream) {
-    // Handle stream write or create error here.
-As of bunyan@1.7.0, the `reemitErrorEvents` field can be used when adding a
-stream to control whether "error" events are re-emitted on the Logger. For
-    var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
-    var util = require('util');
-    function MyFlakyStream() {}
-    util.inherits(MyFlakyStream, EventEmitter);
-    MyFlakyStream.prototype.write = function (rec) {
-        this.emit('error', new Error('boom'));
-    }
-    var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-        name: 'this-is-flaky',
-        streams: [
-            {
-                type: 'raw',
-                stream: new MyFlakyStream(),
-                reemitErrorEvents: true
-            }
-        ]
-    });
-'hi there');
-The behaviour is as follows:
-- `reemitErrorEvents` not specified: `file` streams will re-emit error events
-  on the Logger instance.
-- `reemitErrorEvents: true`: error events will be re-emitted on the Logger
-  for any stream with a `.on()` function -- which includes file streams,
-  process.stdout/stderr, and any object that inherits from EventEmitter.
-- `reemitErrorEvents: false`: error events will not be re-emitted for any
-  streams.
-Note: "error" events are **not** related to log records at the "error" level
-as produced by `log.error(...)`. See [the node.js docs on error
-events]( for details.
-## stream type: `stream`
-A `type === 'stream'` is a plain ol' node.js [Writable
-Stream]( A
-"stream" (the writable stream) field is required. E.g.: `process.stdout`,
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'foo',
-    streams: [{
-        stream: process.stderr
-        // `type: 'stream'` is implied
-    }]
-<td>A "Writable Stream", e.g. a std handle or an open file write stream.</td>
-<td>`type == 'stream'` is implied if the `stream` field is given.</td>
-<td>The level to which logging to this stream is enabled. If not
-specified it defaults to "info". If specified this can be one of the
-level strings ("trace", "debug", ...) or constants (`bunyan.TRACE`,
-`bunyan.DEBUG`, ...). This serves as a severity threshold for that stream
-so logs of greater severity will also pass through (i.e. If level="warn",
-error and fatal will also pass through this stream).</td>
-<td>A name for this stream. This may be useful for usage of `log.level(NAME,
-LEVEL)`. See the [Levels section](#levels) for details. A stream "name" isn't
-used for anything else.</td>
-## stream type: `file`
-A `type === 'file'` stream requires a "path" field. Bunyan will open this
-file for appending. E.g.:
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'foo',
-    streams: [{
-        path: '/var/log/foo.log',
-        // `type: 'file'` is implied
-    }]
-<td>A file path to which to log.</td>
-<td>`type == 'file'` is implied if the `path` field is given.</td>
-<td>The level to which logging to this stream is enabled. If not
-specified it defaults to "info". If specified this can be one of the
-level strings ("trace", "debug", ...) or constants (`bunyan.TRACE`,
-`bunyan.DEBUG`, ...). This serves as a severity threshold for that
-stream so logs of greater severity will also pass through (i.e. If
-level="warn", error and fatal will also pass through this stream).</td>
-<td>A name for this stream. This may be useful for usage of `log.level(NAME,
-LEVEL)`. See the [Levels section](#levels) for details. A stream "name" isn't
-used for anything else.</td>
-## stream type: `rotating-file`
-**WARNING on node 0.8 usage:** Users of Bunyan's `rotating-file` should (a) be
-using at least bunyan 0.23.1 (with the fix for [this
-issue](, and (b) should use at
-least node 0.10 (node 0.8 does not support the `unref()` method on
-`setTimeout(...)` needed for the mentioned fix). The symptom is that process
-termination will hang for up to a full rotation period.
-**WARNING on [cluster](
-usage:** Using Bunyan's `rotating-file` stream with node.js's "cluster" module
-can result in unexpected file rotation. You must not have multiple processes
-in the cluster logging to the same file path. In other words, you must have
-a separate log file path for the master and each worker in the cluster.
-Alternatively, consider using a system file rotation facility such as
-`logrotate` on Linux or `logadm` on SmartOS/Illumos. See
-[this comment on issue 
-for details.
-A `type === 'rotating-file'` is a file stream that handles file automatic
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'foo',
-    streams: [{
-        type: 'rotating-file',
-        path: '/var/log/foo.log',
-        period: '1d',   // daily rotation
-        count: 3        // keep 3 back copies
-    }]
-This will rotate '/var/log/foo.log' every day (at midnight) to:
-/var/log/foo.log.0     # yesterday
-/var/log/foo.log.1     # 1 day ago
-/var/log/foo.log.2     # 2 days ago
-*Currently*, there is no support for providing a template for the rotated
-files, or for rotating when the log reaches a threshold size.
-<td>A file path to which to log. Rotated files will be "$path.0",
-"$path.1", ...</td>
-<td>The period at which to rotate. This is a string of the format
-"$number$scope" where "$scope" is one of "ms" (milliseconds -- only useful for
-testing), "h" (hours), "d" (days), "w" (weeks), "m" (months), "y" (years). Or
-one of the following names can be used "hourly" (means 1h), "daily" (1d),
-"weekly" (1w), "monthly" (1m), "yearly" (1y). Rotation is done at the start of
-the scope: top of the hour (h), midnight (d), start of Sunday (w), start of the
-1st of the month (m), start of Jan 1st (y).</td>
-<td>The number of rotated files to keep.</td>
-<td>The level at which logging to this stream is enabled. If not
-specified it defaults to "info". If specified this can be one of the
-level strings ("trace", "debug", ...) or constants (`bunyan.TRACE`,
-`bunyan.DEBUG`, ...).</td>
-<td>A name for this stream. This may be useful for usage of `log.level(NAME,
-LEVEL)`. See the [Levels section](#levels) for details. A stream "name" isn't
-used for anything else.</td>
-**Note on log rotation**: Often you may be using external log rotation 
-like `logrotate` on Linux or `logadm` on SmartOS/Illumos. In those cases, 
-your are ensuring "copy and truncate" semantics (via `copytruncate` with
-logrotate or `-c` with logadm) then the fd for your 'file' stream will change.
-You can tell bunyan to reopen the file stream with code like this in your
-var log = bunyan.createLogger(...);
-process.on('SIGUSR2', function () {
-    log.reopenFileStreams();
-where you'd configure your log rotation to send SIGUSR2 (or some other signal)
-to your process. Any other mechanism to signal your app to run
-`log.reopenFileStreams()` would work as well.
-## stream type: `raw`
-- `raw`: Similar to a "stream" writable stream, except that the write method
-  is given raw log record *Object*s instead of a JSON-stringified string.
-  This can be useful for hooking on further processing to all Bunyan logging:
-  pushing to an external service, a RingBuffer (see below), etc.
-## `raw` + RingBuffer Stream
-Bunyan comes with a special stream called a RingBuffer which keeps the last N
-records in memory and does *not* write the data anywhere else.  One common
-strategy is to log 'info' and higher to a normal log file but log all records
-(including 'trace') to a ringbuffer that you can access via a debugger, or your
-own HTTP interface, or a post-mortem facility like MDB or node-panic.
-To use a RingBuffer:
-/* Create a ring buffer that stores the last 100 records. */
-var bunyan = require('bunyan');
-var ringbuffer = new bunyan.RingBuffer({ limit: 100 });
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'foo',
-    streams: [
-        {
-            level: 'info',
-            stream: process.stdout
-        },
-        {
-            level: 'trace',
-            type: 'raw',    // use 'raw' to get raw log record objects
-            stream: ringbuffer
-        }
-    ]
-'hello world');
-This example emits:
-[ { name: 'foo',
-    hostname: '912d2b29',
-    pid: 50346,
-    level: 30,
-    msg: 'hello world',
-    time: '2012-06-19T21:34:19.906Z',
-    v: 0 } ]
-## third-party streams
-See the [user-maintained list in the Bunyan
-# Runtime log snooping via DTrace
-On systems that support DTrace (e.g., illumos derivatives like SmartOS and
-OmniOS, FreeBSD, Mac), Bunyan will create a DTrace provider (`bunyan`) that
-makes available the following probes:
-Each of these probes has a single argument: the string that would be
-written to the log.  Note that when a probe is enabled, it will
-fire whenever the corresponding function is called, even if the level of
-the log message is less than that of any stream.
-## DTrace examples
-Trace all log messages coming from any Bunyan module on the system.
-(The `-x strsize=4k` is to raise dtrace's default 256 byte buffer size
-because log messages are longer than typical dtrace probes.)
-dtrace -x strsize=4k -qn 'bunyan*:::log-*{printf("%d: %s: %s", pid, probefunc, 
-Trace all log messages coming from the "wuzzle" component:
-dtrace -x strsize=4k -qn 'bunyan*:::log-*/strstr(this->str = copyinstr(arg0), 
"\"component\":\"wuzzle\"") != NULL/{printf("%s", this->str)}'
-Aggregate debug messages from process 1234, by message:
-dtrace -x strsize=4k -n 'bunyan1234:::log-debug{@[copyinstr(arg0)] = count()}'
-Have the bunyan CLI pretty-print the traced logs:
-dtrace -x strsize=4k -qn 'bunyan1234:::log-*{printf("%s", copyinstr(arg0))}' | 
-A convenience handle has been made for this:
-bunyan -p 1234
-On systems that support the
-[`jstack`]( action
-via a node.js helper, get a stack backtrace for any debug message that
-includes the string "danger!":
-dtrace -x strsize=4k -qn 'log-debug/strstr(copyinstr(arg0), "danger!") != 
NULL/{printf("\n%s", copyinstr(arg0)); jstack()}'
-Output of the above might be:
-          node`0x87e2010
-          DTraceProviderBindings.node`usdt_fire_probe+0x32
-          << internal code >>
-          (anon) as (anon) at /root/node-bunyan/lib/bunyan.js position 40484
-          << adaptor >>
-          (anon) as doit at /root/my-prog.js position 360
-          (anon) as list.ontimeout at timers.js position 4960
-          << adaptor >>
-          << internal >>
-          << entry >>
-          node`_ZN4node9TimerWrap9OnTimeoutEP10uv_timer_si+0x63
-          node`uv__run_timers+0x66
-          node`uv__run+0x1b
-          node`uv_run+0x17
-          node`_ZN4node5StartEiPPc+0x1d0
-          node`main+0x1b
-          node`_start+0x83
-          node`0x87e2010
-          DTraceProviderBindings.node`usdt_fire_probe+0x32
-          << internal code >>
-          (anon) as (anon) at /root/node-bunyan/lib/bunyan.js position 40484
-          << adaptor >>
-          (anon) as doit at /root/my-prog.js position 360
-          (anon) as list.ontimeout at timers.js position 4960
-          << adaptor >>
-          << internal >>
-          << entry >>
-          node`_ZN4node9TimerWrap9OnTimeoutEP10uv_timer_si+0x63
-          node`uv__run_timers+0x66
-          node`uv__run+0x1b
-          node`uv_run+0x17
-          node`_ZN4node5StartEiPPc+0x1d0
-          node`main+0x1b
-          node`_start+0x83
-# Runtime environments
-Node-bunyan supports running in a few runtime environments:
-- [Node.js](
-- [Browserify]( See the
-  [Browserify section](#browserify) below.
-- [Webpack]( See the [Webpack section](#webpack) 
-- [NW.js](
-Support for other runtime environments is welcome. If you have suggestions,
-fixes, or mentions that node-bunyan already works in some other JavaScript
-runtime, please open an 
-or a pull request.
-The primary target is Node.js. It is the only environment in which I
-regularly test. If you have suggestions for how to automate testing for other
-environments, I'd appreciate feedback on [this automated testing
-## Browserify
-As the [Browserify]( site says it "lets you
-`require('modules')` in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies."
-It is a build tool to run on your node.js script to bundle up your script and
-all its node.js dependencies into a single file that is runnable in the
-browser via:
-<script src="play.browser.js"></script>
-As of version 1.1.0, node-bunyan supports being run via Browserify. The
-default [stream](#streams) when running in the browser is one that emits
-raw log records to `console.log/info/warn/error`.
-Here is a quick example showing you how you can get this working for your
-1. Get browserify and bunyan installed in your module:
-    ```sh
-    $ npm install browserify bunyan
-    ```
-2. An example script using Bunyan, "play.js":
-    ```js
-    var bunyan = require('bunyan');
-    var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: 'play', level: 'debug'});
-    log.trace('this one does not emit');
-    log.debug('hi on debug');   // console.log
-'hi on info');     //
-    log.warn('hi on warn');     // console.warn
-    log.error('hi on error');   // console.error
-    ```
-3. Build this into a bundle to run in the browser, "play.browser.js":
-    ```sh
-    $ ./node_modules/.bin/browserify play.js -o play.browser.js
-    ```
-4. Put that into an HTML file, "play.html":
-    ```html
-    <!DOCTYPE html>
-    <html>
-    <head>
-      <meta charset="utf-8">
-      <script src="play.browser.js"></script>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-      <div>hi</div>
-    </body>
-    </html>
-    ```
-5. Open that in your browser and open your browser console:
-    ```sh
-    $ open play.html
-    ```
-Here is what it looks like in Firefox's console: ![Bunyan + Browserify in the
-Firefox console](./docs/img/bunyan.browserify.png)
-For some, the raw log records might not be desired. To have a rendered log line
-you'll want to add your own stream, starting with something like this:
-var bunyan = require('./lib/bunyan');
-function MyRawStream() {}
-MyRawStream.prototype.write = function (rec) {
-    console.log('[%s] %s: %s',
-        rec.time.toISOString(),
-        bunyan.nameFromLevel[rec.level],
-        rec.msg);
-var log = bunyan.createLogger({
-    name: 'play',
-    streams: [
-        {
-            level: 'info',
-            stream: new MyRawStream(),
-            type: 'raw'
-        }
-    ]
-'hi on info');
-## Webpack
-Webpack can work with the same example Browserify above. To do this, we need 
to make webpack ignore optional files:
-Create "empty-shim.js":
-// This is an empty shim for things that should be not be included in webpack
-Now tell webpack to use this file for
-in your "webpack.config.js":
-resolve: {
-    // These shims are needed for bunyan
-    alias: {
-        'dtrace-provider': '/path/to/shim/empty_shim.js',
-        fs: '/path/to/shim/empty_shim.js',
-        'safe-json-stringify': '/path/to/shim/empty_shim.js',
-        mv: '/path/to/shim/empty_shim.js',
-        'source-map-support': '/path/to/shim/empty_shim.js'
-    }
-Now webpack builds, ignoring these optional dependencies via shimming in an 
empty JS file!
-# Versioning
-All versions are `<major>.<minor>.<patch>` which will be incremented for
-breaking backward compat and major reworks, new features without breaking
-change, and bug fixes, respectively. tl;dr: [Semantic
-# License
-# See Also
-See the [user-maintained list of Bunyan-related software in the Bunyan
diff --git a/node_modules/bunyan/ b/node_modules/bunyan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2f2c5..0000000
--- a/node_modules/bunyan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-- `bunyan` (without redir) ^C should stop, doesn't since recent change
-- man page for the bunyan CLI (refer to it in the readme)
-- `tail -f`-like support
-- 2.0 (?) with `v: 1` in log records. Fwd/bwd compat in `bunyan` CLI
-# docs
-- document log.addStream() and log.addSerializers()
-# someday/maybe
-- full-on docs
-- better examples/
-- better coloring
-- look at pino (bunyan style, perf benefits)
-- would be exciting to have bunyan support in if that
-  made sense
-- "template" support for 'rotating-file' stream to get dated rolled files
-- "all" or "off" levels? log4j?
- has NOTSET === 0. I think that is only needed/used for
-  multi-level hierarchical effective level.
-- buffered writes to increase speed:
-    - I'd start with a tools/timeoutput.js for some numbers to compare
-      before/after. Sustained high output to a file.
-    - perhaps this would be a "buffered: true" option on the stream object
-    - then wrap the "stream" with a local class that handles the buffering
-    - to finish this, need the 'log.close' and `process.on('exit', ...)`
-      work that Trent has started.
-- "canWrite" handling for full streams. Need to buffer a la log4js
-- test file log with logadm rotation: does it handle that?
-- test suite:
-    - test for a cloned logger double-`stream.end()` causing problems.
-      Perhaps the "closeOnExit" for existing streams should be false for
-      clones.
-    - test that a `log.clone(...)` adding a new field matching a serializer
-      works *and* that an existing field in the parent is not *re-serialized*.
-- split out `bunyan` cli to a "bunyan" or "bunyan-reader" or 
-  as the basis for tools to consume bunyan logs. It can grow indep of 
-  for generating the logs.
-  It would take a Bunyan log record object and be expected to emit it.
-        node-bunyan-reader
-            .createReadStream(path, [options]) ?
-- coloring bug: in less the indented extra info lines only have the first
-  line colored. Do we need the ANSI char on *each* line? That'll be
-  slower.
-- document "well-known" keys from bunyan CLI p.o.v.. Add "client_req".
-- More `bunyan` output formats and filtering features.
-- Think about a bunyan dashboard that supports organizing and viewing logs
-  from multiple hosts and services.
-- doc the restify RequestCaptureStream usage of RingBuffer. Great example.
-- A vim plugin (a la ?) to
-  allow browsing (read-only) a bunyan log in rendered form.
-- Some speed comparisons with others to get a feel for Bunyan's speed.
-- what about promoting 'latency' field and making that easier?
-- `log.close` to close streams and shutdown and `this.closed`
-  process.on('exit', log.close)
-  -> 'end' for the name
-- bunyan cli: more layouts 
-  Custom log formats (in config file? in '-f' arg) using printf or hogan.js
-  or whatever. Dap wants field width control for lining up. Hogan.js is
-  probably overkill for this.
-- loggly example using raw streams,, whatever.
-- serializer support:
-    - restify-server.js example -> restifyReq ? or have `req` detect that.
-      That is nicer for the "use all standard ones". *Does* restify req
-      have anything special?
-    - differential HTTP *client* req/res with *server* req/res.
-- statsd stream?
-  Think about it.
-- web ui. Ideas:

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