HBASE-17056 Remove checked in PB generated files

Selective add of dependency on hbase-thirdparty jars.
Update to READMEs on how protobuf is done (and update to refguide).
Removed all checked in generated protobuf files. They are generated
on the fly now as part of mainline build.

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/commit/7a6de1bd
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/tree/7a6de1bd
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/diff/7a6de1bd

Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 7a6de1bd4227320efd40635134ccc6f6c48753c8
Parents: d4bd993
Author: Michael Stack <st...@apache.org>
Authored: Wed Jul 5 12:06:29 2017 -0700
Committer: Michael Stack <st...@apache.org>
Committed: Wed Aug 2 09:33:20 2017 -0700

 hbase-client/pom.xml                            |     4 +
 hbase-endpoint/README.txt                       |    25 +-
 hbase-endpoint/pom.xml                          |   258 +-
 .../example/generated/BulkDeleteProtos.java     |  1792 -
 .../generated/ColumnAggregationProtos.java      |  1277 -
 .../ColumnAggregationWithErrorsProtos.java      |  1290 -
 ...ColumnAggregationWithNullResponseProtos.java |  1283 -
 .../DummyRegionServerEndpointProtos.java        |  1225 -
 .../IncrementCounterProcessorTestProtos.java    |  4059 -
 .../protobuf/generated/AggregateProtos.java     |  2375 -
 .../generated/SecureBulkLoadProtos.java         |  2088 -
 hbase-examples/README.txt                       |    27 +-
 hbase-examples/pom.xml                          |   320 +-
 .../example/generated/ExampleProtos.java        |  1149 -
 hbase-procedure/pom.xml                         |     4 +
 hbase-protocol-shaded/README.txt                |    49 +-
 hbase-protocol-shaded/pom.xml                   |   325 +-
 .../com/google/protobuf/AbstractMessage.java    |   646 -
 .../google/protobuf/AbstractMessageLite.java    |   383 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/AbstractParser.java     |   258 -
 .../google/protobuf/AbstractProtobufList.java   |   180 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Any.java   |   899 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/AnyOrBuilder.java       |    70 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/AnyProto.java    |    59 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Api.java   |  2473 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ApiOrBuilder.java       |   258 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/ApiProto.java    |    98 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/BlockingRpcChannel.java |    51 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/BlockingService.java    |    64 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/BoolValue.java   |   452 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/BoolValueOrBuilder.java |    18 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/BooleanArrayList.java   |   272 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ByteBufferWriter.java   |   185 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/ByteInput.java   |    81 -
 .../google/protobuf/ByteInputByteString.java    |   251 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/ByteOutput.java  |   116 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/ByteString.java  |  1565 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/BytesValue.java  |   454 -
 .../google/protobuf/BytesValueOrBuilder.java    |    18 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/CodedInputStream.java   |  3549 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/CodedOutputStream.java  |  3001 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/DescriptorProtos.java   | 39141 --------
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Descriptors.java |  2547 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/DoubleArrayList.java    |   273 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/DoubleValue.java |   454 -
 .../google/protobuf/DoubleValueOrBuilder.java   |    18 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Duration.java    |   618 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/DurationOrBuilder.java  |    33 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/DurationProto.java      |    59 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/DynamicMessage.java     |   684 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Empty.java |   386 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/EmptyOrBuilder.java     |     9 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/EmptyProto.java  |    58 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Enum.java  |  1745 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/EnumOrBuilder.java      |   157 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/EnumValue.java   |  1044 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/EnumValueOrBuilder.java |    80 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ExperimentalApi.java    |    66 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Extension.java   |    86 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ExtensionLite.java      |    63 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ExtensionRegistry.java  |   396 -
 .../protobuf/ExtensionRegistryFactory.java      |    95 -
 .../google/protobuf/ExtensionRegistryLite.java  |   227 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Field.java |  2450 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/FieldMask.java   |   903 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/FieldMaskOrBuilder.java |    44 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/FieldMaskProto.java     |    59 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/FieldOrBuilder.java     |   189 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/FieldSet.java    |   909 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/FloatArrayList.java     |   272 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/FloatValue.java  |   454 -
 .../google/protobuf/FloatValueOrBuilder.java    |    18 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/GeneratedMessage.java   |  3047 -
 .../google/protobuf/GeneratedMessageLite.java   |  2419 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/GeneratedMessageV3.java |  2838 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Int32Value.java  |   451 -
 .../google/protobuf/Int32ValueOrBuilder.java    |    18 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Int64Value.java  |   452 -
 .../google/protobuf/Int64ValueOrBuilder.java    |    18 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/IntArrayList.java       |   272 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Internal.java    |   751 -
 .../InvalidProtocolBufferException.java         |   146 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/LazyField.java   |   154 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/LazyFieldLite.java      |   437 -
 .../google/protobuf/LazyStringArrayList.java    |   423 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/LazyStringList.java     |   174 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/ListValue.java   |   814 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ListValueOrBuilder.java |    53 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/LongArrayList.java      |   272 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/MapEntry.java    |   449 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/MapEntryLite.java       |   226 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/MapField.java    |   624 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/MapFieldLite.java       |   224 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Message.java     |   292 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/MessageLite.java |   341 -
 .../google/protobuf/MessageLiteOrBuilder.java   |    60 -
 .../google/protobuf/MessageLiteToString.java    |   239 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/MessageOrBuilder.java   |   143 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/MessageReflection.java  |   990 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Method.java      |  1541 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/MethodOrBuilder.java    |   142 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Mixin.java |   812 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/MixinOrBuilder.java     |    47 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/MutabilityOracle.java   |    48 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/NioByteString.java      |   291 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/NullValue.java   |   108 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Option.java      |   818 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/OptionOrBuilder.java    |    67 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Parser.java      |   272 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ProtobufArrayList.java  |   105 -
 .../google/protobuf/ProtocolMessageEnum.java    |    59 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ProtocolStringList.java |    48 -
 .../google/protobuf/RepeatedFieldBuilder.java   |   708 -
 .../google/protobuf/RepeatedFieldBuilderV3.java |   708 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/RopeByteString.java     |   897 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/RpcCallback.java |    47 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/RpcChannel.java  |    71 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/RpcController.java      |   118 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/RpcUtil.java     |   136 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Service.java     |   117 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ServiceException.java   |    52 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/SingleFieldBuilder.java |   241 -
 .../google/protobuf/SingleFieldBuilderV3.java   |   241 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/SmallSortedMap.java     |   673 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/SourceContext.java      |   539 -
 .../google/protobuf/SourceContextOrBuilder.java |    29 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/SourceContextProto.java |    60 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/StringValue.java |   532 -
 .../google/protobuf/StringValueOrBuilder.java   |    27 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Struct.java      |   705 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/StructOrBuilder.java    |    63 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/StructProto.java |   103 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Syntax.java      |   123 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/TextFormat.java  |  2108 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/TextFormatEscaper.java  |   137 -
 .../protobuf/TextFormatParseInfoTree.java       |   226 -
 .../protobuf/TextFormatParseLocation.java       |   104 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/Timestamp.java   |   616 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/TimestampOrBuilder.java |    32 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/TimestampProto.java     |    59 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Type.java  |  1967 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/TypeOrBuilder.java      |   192 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/TypeProto.java   |   141 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/UInt32Value.java |   451 -
 .../google/protobuf/UInt32ValueOrBuilder.java   |    18 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/UInt64Value.java |   452 -
 .../google/protobuf/UInt64ValueOrBuilder.java   |    18 -
 .../protobuf/UninitializedMessageException.java |    99 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/UnknownFieldSet.java    |  1042 -
 .../google/protobuf/UnknownFieldSetLite.java    |   432 -
 .../protobuf/UnmodifiableLazyStringList.java    |   210 -
 .../google/protobuf/UnsafeByteOperations.java   |   131 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/UnsafeUtil.java  |   295 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Utf8.java  |  1764 -
 .../hbase/shaded/com/google/protobuf/Value.java |  1410 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/ValueOrBuilder.java     |    98 -
 .../shaded/com/google/protobuf/WireFormat.java  |   260 -
 .../com/google/protobuf/WrappersProto.java      |   153 -
 .../google/protobuf/compiler/PluginProtos.java  |  5424 --
 .../protobuf/generated/TestProcedureProtos.java |   608 -
 .../ipc/protobuf/generated/TestProtos.java      |  2987 -
 .../generated/TestRpcServiceProtos.java         |   575 -
 .../protobuf/generated/AccessControlProtos.java | 11171 ---
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/AdminProtos.java  | 28175 ------
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/BackupProtos.java |  7013 --
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/CellProtos.java   |  2287 -
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/ClientProtos.java | 42367 ---------
 .../protobuf/generated/ClusterIdProtos.java     |   668 -
 .../protobuf/generated/ClusterStatusProtos.java | 15191 ----
 .../protobuf/generated/ComparatorProtos.java    |  5719 --
 .../protobuf/generated/EncryptionProtos.java    |   980 -
 .../protobuf/generated/ErrorHandlingProtos.java |  2997 -
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/FSProtos.java     |  1311 -
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/FilterProtos.java | 18739 ----
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/HBaseProtos.java  | 19346 ----
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/HFileProtos.java  |  2449 -
 .../protobuf/generated/LoadBalancerProtos.java  |   524 -
 .../protobuf/generated/LockServiceProtos.java   |  7595 --
 .../protobuf/generated/MapReduceProtos.java     |  1804 -
 .../generated/MasterProcedureProtos.java        | 32136 -------
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/MasterProtos.java | 80755 -----------------
 .../protobuf/generated/ProcedureProtos.java     |  7844 --
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/QuotaProtos.java  | 14525 ---
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/RPCProtos.java    |  8299 --
 .../generated/RegionNormalizerProtos.java       |   524 -
 .../generated/RegionServerStatusProtos.java     | 11621 ---
 .../protobuf/generated/ReplicationProtos.java   | 12909 ---
 .../protobuf/generated/SnapshotProtos.java      |  6491 --
 .../protobuf/generated/TracingProtos.java       |   628 -
 .../shaded/protobuf/generated/WALProtos.java    | 12308 ---
 .../protobuf/generated/ZooKeeperProtos.java     |  4717 -
 hbase-protocol/README.txt                       |    16 +-
 hbase-protocol/pom.xml                          |   266 +-
 .../protobuf/generated/PingProtos.java          |  4890 -
 .../protobuf/generated/TestProcedureProtos.java |   530 -
 .../ipc/protobuf/generated/TestProtos.java      |  2778 -
 .../generated/TestRpcServiceProtos.java         |   568 -
 .../protobuf/generated/AccessControlProtos.java | 10656 ---
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/AdminProtos.java   | 24326 -----
 .../generated/AuthenticationProtos.java         |  4659 -
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/CellProtos.java    |  2243 -
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/ClientProtos.java  | 41409 ---------
 .../protobuf/generated/ClusterIdProtos.java     |   628 -
 .../protobuf/generated/ClusterStatusProtos.java | 14975 ---
 .../protobuf/generated/ComparatorProtos.java    |  5419 --
 .../protobuf/generated/EncryptionProtos.java    |   954 -
 .../protobuf/generated/ErrorHandlingProtos.java |  2895 -
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/FSProtos.java      |  1235 -
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/FilterProtos.java  | 17809 ----
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/HBaseProtos.java   | 19893 ----
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/HFileProtos.java   |  2403 -
 .../protobuf/generated/LoadBalancerProtos.java  |   485 -
 .../protobuf/generated/MapReduceProtos.java     |  1737 -
 .../generated/MultiRowMutationProtos.java       |  2458 -
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/QuotaProtos.java   |  7342 --
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/RPCProtos.java     |  6299 --
 .../protobuf/generated/RowProcessorProtos.java  |  1701 -
 .../protobuf/generated/SnapshotProtos.java      |  4789 -
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/TracingProtos.java |   591 -
 .../generated/VisibilityLabelsProtos.java       |  6649 --
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/WALProtos.java     | 12108 ---
 .../protobuf/generated/ZooKeeperProtos.java     |  8410 --
 hbase-rest/README.txt                           |    21 +-
 hbase-rest/pom.xml                              |    67 +-
 .../rest/protobuf/generated/CellMessage.java    |   731 -
 .../rest/protobuf/generated/CellSetMessage.java |  1521 -
 .../protobuf/generated/ColumnSchemaMessage.java |  1904 -
 .../generated/NamespacePropertiesMessage.java   |  1394 -
 .../protobuf/generated/NamespacesMessage.java   |   547 -
 .../rest/protobuf/generated/ScannerMessage.java |  1578 -
 .../generated/StorageClusterStatusMessage.java  |  3955 -
 .../protobuf/generated/TableInfoMessage.java    |  1802 -
 .../protobuf/generated/TableListMessage.java    |   547 -
 .../protobuf/generated/TableSchemaMessage.java  |  2125 -
 .../rest/protobuf/generated/VersionMessage.java |  1147 -
 hbase-rsgroup/README.txt                        |    29 +-
 hbase-rsgroup/pom.xml                           |    68 +-
 .../protobuf/generated/RSGroupAdminProtos.java  | 13570 ---
 .../hbase/protobuf/generated/RSGroupProtos.java |  1331 -
 hbase-server/pom.xml                            |    12 +
 hbase-spark/README.txt                          |    32 +-
 hbase-spark/pom.xml                             |  1278 +-
 .../protobuf/generated/SparkFilterProtos.java   |  2006 -
 pom.xml                                         |    17 +-
 src/main/asciidoc/_chapters/protobuf.adoc       |    10 +-
 245 files changed, 1222 insertions(+), 742056 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hbase-client/pom.xml b/hbase-client/pom.xml
index 2f36261..747391a 100644
--- a/hbase-client/pom.xml
+++ b/hbase-client/pom.xml
@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.hbase.thirdparty</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hbase-shaded-protobuf</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
     <!-- Intra-project dependencies -->

diff --git a/hbase-endpoint/README.txt b/hbase-endpoint/README.txt
index 861a776..2d2cb4b 100644
--- a/hbase-endpoint/README.txt
+++ b/hbase-endpoint/README.txt
@@ -1,24 +1,13 @@
-This maven module has  protobuf definition files ('.protos') used by hbase
-Coprocessor Endpoints that ship with hbase core including tests. Coprocessor
+This maven module has protobuf definition files ('.protos') used by hbase
+Coprocessor Endpoints that ship with hbase core (including tests). Coprocessor
 Endpoints are meant to be standalone, independent code not reliant on hbase
 internals. They define their Service using protobuf. The protobuf version
 they use can be distinct from that used by HBase internally since HBase started
 shading its protobuf references. Endpoints have no access to the shaded 
-hbase uses. They do have access to the content of hbase-protocol but avoid 
-as much of this as you can as it is liable to change.
+hbase uses. They do have access to the content of hbase-protocol -- the
+.protos found in this module -- but avoid using as much of this as you can as 
it is
+liable to change.
-Generation of java files from protobuf .proto files included here is done apart
-from the build. Run the generation whenever you make changes to the .orotos 
-and then check in the produced java (The reasoning is that change is infrequent
-so why pay the price of generating files anew on each build.
-To generate java files from protos run:
- $ mvn compile -Dcompile-protobuf
- $ mvn compile -Pcompile-protobuf
-After you've done the above, check it and then check in changes (or post a 
-on a JIRA with your definition file changes and the generated files). Be 
-to notice new files and files removed and do appropriate git rm/adds.
+Generation of java files from protobuf .proto files included here is done as
+part of the build.

diff --git a/hbase-endpoint/pom.xml b/hbase-endpoint/pom.xml
index 538e8ba..a324af1 100644
--- a/hbase-endpoint/pom.xml
+++ b/hbase-endpoint/pom.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"; 
-    <!--
+  <!--
      * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
      * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
@@ -19,37 +19,34 @@
      * limitations under the License.
-    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-    <parent>
-        <artifactId>hbase</artifactId>
-        <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
-        <version>3.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
-        <relativePath>..</relativePath>
-    </parent>
-    <artifactId>hbase-endpoint</artifactId>
-    <name>Apache HBase - Coprocessor Endpoint</name>
-    <description>HBase Coprocessor Endpoint implementations</description>
-    <properties>
-      <maven.javadoc.skip>true</maven.javadoc.skip>
-    </properties>
-    <build>
-      <plugins>
-        <plugin>
-          <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-          <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
-          <configuration>
-            <skip>true</skip>
-          </configuration>
-        </plugin>
-        <!-- Make a jar and put the sources in the jar -->
-        <plugin>
-          <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-          <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId>
-        </plugin>
+  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+  <parent>
+    <artifactId>hbase</artifactId>
+    <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
+    <version>3.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <relativePath>..</relativePath>
+  </parent>
+  <artifactId>hbase-endpoint</artifactId>
+  <name>Apache HBase - Coprocessor Endpoint</name>
+  <description>HBase Coprocessor Endpoint implementations</description>
+  <!--REMOVE-->
+  <properties>
+    <maven.javadoc.skip>true</maven.javadoc.skip>
+  </properties>
+  <build>
+    <plugins>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
+        <configuration>
+          <skip>true</skip>
+        </configuration>
+      </plugin>
+      <!-- Make a jar and put the sources in the jar -->
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId>
+      </plugin>
         <!--Make it so assembly:single does nothing in here-->
@@ -57,38 +54,56 @@
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.xolstice.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>protobuf-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <id>compile-protoc</id>
+            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>compile</goal>
+            </goals>
+             <configuration>
+              <additionalProtoPathElements>
+              </additionalProtoPathElements>
+             </configuration>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+    </plugins>
+    <pluginManagement>
+      <plugins>
+        <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings 
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
+        <plugin>
+          <groupId>org.eclipse.m2e</groupId>
+          <artifactId>lifecycle-mapping</artifactId>
+          <version>1.0.0</version>
+          <configuration>
+            <lifecycleMappingMetadata>
+              <pluginExecutions>
+                <pluginExecution>
+                  <pluginExecutionFilter>
+                    <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId>
+                    <artifactId>hadoop-maven-plugins</artifactId>
+                    <versionRange>[2.0.5-alpha,)</versionRange>
+                    <goals>
+                      <goal>protoc</goal>
+                    </goals>
+                  </pluginExecutionFilter>
+                  <action>
+                    <ignore/>
+                  </action>
+                </pluginExecution>
+              </pluginExecutions>
+            </lifecycleMappingMetadata>
+          </configuration>
+        </plugin>
-      <pluginManagement>
-        <plugins>
-          <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e 
settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
-          <plugin>
-            <groupId>org.eclipse.m2e</groupId>
-            <artifactId>lifecycle-mapping</artifactId>
-            <configuration>
-              <lifecycleMappingMetadata>
-                <pluginExecutions>
-                  <pluginExecution>
-                    <pluginExecutionFilter>
-                      <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId>
-                      <artifactId>hadoop-maven-plugins</artifactId>
-                      <versionRange>[2.0.5-alpha,)</versionRange>
-                      <goals>
-                        <goal>protoc</goal>
-                      </goals>
-                    </pluginExecutionFilter>
-                    <action>
-                      <ignore></ignore>
-                    </action>
-                  </pluginExecution>
-                </pluginExecutions>
-              </lifecycleMappingMetadata>
-            </configuration>
-          </plugin>
-         </plugins>
-      </pluginManagement>
-    </build>
-    <dependencies>
+    </pluginManagement>
+  </build>
+  <dependencies>
@@ -131,88 +146,57 @@
-      <dependency>
-        <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
-        <artifactId>hbase-protocol</artifactId>
-      </dependency>
-      <dependency>
-        <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
-        <artifactId>hbase-client</artifactId>
-      </dependency>
-      <!--Some of the CPEPs use hbase server-side internals; they shouldn't!
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hbase-protocol</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hbase-client</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <!--Some of the CPEPs use hbase server-side internals; they shouldn't!
-      <dependency>
-        <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
-        <artifactId>hbase-server</artifactId>
-      </dependency>
-      <dependency>
-        <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
-        <artifactId>hbase-server</artifactId>
-        <type>test-jar</type>
-        <scope>test</scope>
-      </dependency>
-      <!-- General dependencies -->
-      <dependency>
-        <groupId>commons-logging</groupId>
-        <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId>
-      </dependency>
-    </dependencies>
-    <profiles>
-        <!-- Skip the tests in this module -->
-        <profile>
-            <id>skipRpcTests</id>
-            <activation>
-                <property>
-                    <name>skipRpcTests</name>
-                </property>
-            </activation>
-            <properties>
-                <surefire.skipFirstPart>true</surefire.skipFirstPart>
-                <surefire.skipSecondPart>true</surefire.skipSecondPart>
-            </properties>
-        </profile>
-        <profile>
-          <id>compile-protobuf</id>
-          <activation>
-            <property>
-              <name>compile-protobuf</name>
-            </property>
-          </activation>
-          <build>
-            <plugins>
-              <plugin>
-                <groupId>org.xolstice.maven.plugins</groupId>
-                <artifactId>protobuf-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-                <executions>
-                  <execution>
-                    <id>compile-protoc</id>
-                    <phase>generate-sources</phase>
-                    <goals>
-                      <goal>compile</goal>
-                    </goals>
-                    <configuration>
-                      <additionalProtoPathElements>
-                      </additionalProtoPathElements>
-                    </configuration>
-                  </execution>
-                </executions>
-              </plugin>
-            </plugins>
-          </build>
-        </profile>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hbase-server</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hbase-server</artifactId>
+      <type>test-jar</type>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <!-- General dependencies -->
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>commons-logging</groupId>
+      <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+  </dependencies>
+  <profiles>
+    <!-- Skip the tests in this module -->
+    <profile>
+      <id>skipRpcTests</id>
+      <activation>
+        <property>
+          <name>skipRpcTests</name>
+        </property>
+      </activation>
+      <properties>
+        <surefire.skipFirstPart>true</surefire.skipFirstPart>
+        <surefire.skipSecondPart>true</surefire.skipSecondPart>
+      </properties>
+    </profile>
     <!-- Profiles for building against different hadoop versions -->
     <!-- There are a lot of common dependencies used here, should investigate
     if we can combine these profiles somehow -->
     <!-- profile for building against Hadoop 2.x.  This is the default.  -->
-            <!--Below formatting for dev-support/generate-hadoopX-poms.sh-->
-            <!--h2--><name>!hadoop.profile</name>
+          <!--Below formatting for dev-support/generate-hadoopX-poms.sh-->
+          <!--h2-->
+          <name>!hadoop.profile</name>
@@ -315,5 +299,5 @@
-    </profiles>
+  </profiles>

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