Added: dev/hbase/3.0.0-beta-1RC0/
--- dev/hbase/3.0.0-beta-1RC0/ (added)
+++ dev/hbase/3.0.0-beta-1RC0/ Tue Dec 26 08:22:57 2023
@@ -0,0 +1,4380 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# HBASE Changelog
+## Release 3.0.0-beta-1 - Unreleased (as of 2023-12-26)
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-27904]( | A random 
data generator tool leveraging bulk load. |  Major | util |
+| [HBASE-27657]( | 
Connection and Request Attributes |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-26867]( | Introduce 
a FlushProcedure |  Minor | proc-v2 |
+| [HBASE-28168]( | Add 
option in to isolate one or more regions on the RegionSever |  
Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-28064]( | Implement 
truncate\_region command to truncate region directly from FS |  Major | Admin, 
shell |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-27855]( | Support 
dynamic adjustment of flusher count |  Minor | regionserver |
+| [HBASE-27899]( | Beautify 
the output information of the getStats method in ReplicationSource |  Minor | 
Replication |
+| [HBASE-27888]( | Record 
readBlock message in log when it takes too long time |  Minor | HFile |
+| [HBASE-27939]( | Bump 
snappy-java from to |  Major | dependabot, security |
+| [HBASE-27902]( | New async 
admin api to invoke coproc on multiple servers |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27892]( | Report 
memstore on-heap and off-heap size as jmx metrics |  Major | metrics |
+| [HBASE-27948]( | Report 
memstore on-heap and off-heap size as jmx metrics in sub=Memory bean |  Major | 
. |
+| [HBASE-27954]( | Eliminate 
duplicate code for  getNonRootIndexedKey in HFileBlockIndex |  Major | HFile |
+| [HBASE-27920]( | Skipping 
compact for this region if the table disable compaction |  Major | Compaction |
+| [HBASE-27845]( | 
Distinguish the mutate types of rpc error in MetricsConnection |  Minor | 
metrics |
+| [HBASE-27798]( | Client 
side should back off based on wait interval in RpcThrottlingException |  Major 
| . |
+| [HBASE-27231]( | FSHLog 
should retry writing WAL entries when syncs to HDFS failed. |  Major | wal |
+| [HBASE-27906]( | Fix the 
javadoc for SyncFutureCache |  Minor | documentation |
+| [HBASE-26874]( | 
VerifyReplication recompare async |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27896]( | Disable 
hdfs readahead for pread reads |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27956]( | Support 
wall clock profiling in ProfilerServlet |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28012]( | Avoid 
CellUtil.cloneRow in BufferedEncodedSeeker |  Major | Offheaping, Performance |
+| [HBASE-28025]( | Enhance 
ByteBufferUtils.findCommonPrefix to compare 8 bytes each time |  Major | 
Performance |
+| [HBASE-27717]( | Add 
rsgroup name for dead region servers on master UI |  Minor | UI |
+| [HBASE-28051]( | The 
javadoc about RegionProcedureStore.delete is incorrect |  Trivial | 
documentation |
+| [HBASE-28052]( | Removing 
the useless parameters from ProcedureExecutor.loadProcedures |  Minor | proc-v2 
+| [HBASE-28038]( | Add TLS 
settings to ZooKeeper client |  Major | Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-28008]( | Add 
support for tcnative |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27853]( | Add 
client side table metrics for rpc calls and request latency. |  Major | Client, 
metrics |
+| [HBASE-28090]( | Make 
entryReader field final in ReplicationSourceShipper class |  Major | 
Replication |
+| [HBASE-27981]( | Add 
connection and request attributes to slow log |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28068]( | Add 
hbase.normalizer.merge.merge\_request\_max\_number\_of\_regions property to 
limit max number of regions in a merge request for merge normalization |  Minor 
| Normalizer |
+| [HBASE-27970]( | Make sync 
replication also work with FSHLog |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-28128]( | Reject 
requests at RPC layer when RegionServer is aborting |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-22138]( | Undo our 
direct dependence on protos in google.protobuf.Any in Procedure.proto |  Major 
| proc-v2, Protobufs |
+| [HBASE-28135]( | Specify 
-Xms for tests |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-28138]( | Make the 
connection idle timeout configurable for the embedded HTTP servers |  Minor | . 
+| [HBASE-28113]( | Modify 
the way of acquiring the RegionStateNode lock in checkOnlineRegionsReport to 
tryLock |  Major | master |
+| [HBASE-28043]( | Reduce 
seeks from beginning of block in StoreFileScanner.seekToPreviousRow |  Major | 
. |
+| [HBASE-27276]( | Reduce 
reflection overhead in Filter deserialization |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28193]( | Update 
plugin for SBOM generation to 2.7.10 |  Major | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-28176]( | 
PrefetchExecutor should stop once cache reaches capacity |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-25549]( | Provide a 
switch that allows avoiding reopening all regions when modifying a table to 
prevent RIT storms. |  Major | master, shell |
+| [HBASE-28212]( | Do not 
need to maintain rollback step when root procedure does not support rollback |  
Major | master, proc-v2 |
+| [HBASE-28215]( | Region 
reopen procedure should support some sort of throttling |  Major | master, 
proc-v2 |
+| [HBASE-27532]( | Add block 
bytes scanned metrics |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28209]( | Create a 
jmx metrics to expose the oldWALs directory size |  Major | metrics |
+| [HBASE-28029]( | Netty SSL 
throughput improvement |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28246]( | Expose 
region cached size over JMX metrics and report in the RS UI |  Major | 
BucketCache |
+| [HBASE-21243]( | Correct 
java-doc for the method RpcServer.getRemoteAddress() |  Trivial | . |
+| [HBASE-20528]( | Revise 
collections copying from iteration to built-in function |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-28196]( | Yield SCP 
and TRSP when they are blocked |  Major | master, MTTR, proc-v2, Region 
Assignment |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-27510]( | Should 
use '' |  Major 
| . |
+| [HBASE-27923]( | 
NettyRpcServer may hange if it should skip initial sasl handshake |  Major | 
netty, rpc, security |
+| [HBASE-27924]( | Remove 
duplicate code for NettyHBaseSaslRpcServerHandler and make the sentByte metrics 
more accurate |  Major | netty, rpc, security |
+| [HBASE-27940]( | Midkey 
metadata in root index block would always be ignored by 
BlockIndexReader.readMultiLevelIndexRoot |  Major | HFile |
+| [HBASE-27936]( | NPE in 
StoreFileReader.passesGeneralRowPrefixBloomFilter() |  Major | regionserver |
+| [HBASE-27782]( | During 
SSL handshake error, netty complains that exceptionCaught() was not handled |  
Major | Client, rpc, security |
+| [HBASE-27950]( | 
ClientSideRegionScanner does not adhere to RegionScanner.nextRaw contract |  
Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27951]( | Use 
ADMIN\_QOS in MasterRpcServices for regionserver operational dependencies |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27942]( | The 
description about hbase.hstore.comactionThreshold is not accurate |  Minor | 
documentation |
+| [HBASE-27859]( | 
HMaster.getCompactionState can happen NPE when region state is closed |  Major 
| master |
+| [HBASE-27969]( | 
TableReplicationQueueStorage.hasData does not work as expected |  Major | 
Replication |
+| [HBASE-27984]( | NPE in 
MigrateReplicationQueueFromZkToTableProcedure recovery |  Trivial | Replication 
+| [HBASE-27553]( | SlowLog 
does not include params for Mutations |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27988]( | NPE in 
AddPeerProcedure recovery |  Trivial | Replication |
+| [HBASE-28011]( | The 
logStats about LruBlockCache is not accurate |  Minor | BlockCache |
+| [HBASE-27979]( | some 
syntax errors detected by IDEA in pom.xml |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27947]( | 
RegionServer OOM under load when TLS is enabled |  Critical | rpc |
+| [HBASE-28010]( | 
Connection attributes can become corrupted on the server side |  Blocker | . |
+| [HBASE-28042]( | Snapshot 
corruptions due to non-atomic rename within same filesystem |  Major | 
snapshots |
+| [HBASE-27966]( | HBase 
Master/RS JVM metrics populated incorrectly |  Major | metrics |
+| [HBASE-28055]( | 
Performance improvement for scan over several stores. |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28080]( | correct 
span name in AbstractRpcBasedConnectionRegistry#getActiveMaster |  Trivial | 
Client |
+| [HBASE-28079]( | Unhandled 
TableExistsException and NamespaceExistException in BackupSystemTable |  Major 
| . |
+| [HBASE-28061]( | 
HBaseTestingUtility failed to start MiniHbaseCluster in case of Hadoop3.3.1 |  
Major | hadoop3, integration tests |
+| [HBASE-28058]( | HMaster 
snapshot file clean thread and the snapshot request handler thread encountered 
a deadlock |  Major | snapshots |
+| [HBASE-28065]( | Corrupt 
HFile data is mishandled in several cases |  Major | HFile |
+| [HBASE-28101]( | Should 
check the return value of protobuf Message.mergeDelimitedFrom |  Critical | 
Protobufs, rpc |
+| [HBASE-28105]( | NPE in 
QuotaCache if Table is dropped from cluster |  Major | Quotas |
+| [HBASE-27991]( | 
[hbase-examples] MultiThreadedClientExample throws java.lang.ClassCastException 
|  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-28047]( | Deadlock 
when opening mob files |  Major | mob |
+| [HBASE-28081]( | Snapshot 
working dir does not retain ACLs after snapshot commit phase |  Blocker | acl, 
test |
+| [HBASE-28126]( | 
TestSimpleRegionNormalizer fails 100% of times on flaky dashboard |  Major | 
Normalizer |
+| [HBASE-28082]( | oldWALs 
naming can be incompatible with HBase backup |  Major | backup&restore |
+| [HBASE-28129]( | Do not 
retry refreshSources when region server is already stopping |  Major | 
Replication, rpc |
+| [HBASE-28136]( | 
HRegionServer should implement isStopping method |  Critical | master, 
regionserver |
+| [HBASE-28109]( | NPE for 
the region state: Failed to become active master (HMaster) |  Major | master |
+| [HBASE-28144]( | Canary 
publish read failure fails with NPE if region location is null |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28133]( | 
TestSyncTimeRangeTracker fails with OOM with small -Xms values |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28140]( | 
AbstractWALProvider may miss the WAL which is under creation in getWALs method 
|  Major | Replication, wal |
+| [HBASE-28155]( | 
RecoveredReplicationSource quit when there are still unfinished groups |  
Critical | Recovery, Replication |
+| [HBASE-28114]( | Add more 
comments to explain why replication log queue could never be empty for normal 
replication queue |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-28017]( | Client 
metrics are missing response and request size data when using netty |  Major | 
. |
+| [HBASE-28145]( | When 
specifying the wrong BloomFilter type while creating a table in HBase shell, an 
error will occur. |  Minor | shell |
+| [HBASE-28157]( | hbck 
should report previously reported regions with null region location |  Major | 
. |
+| [HBASE-28185]( | Alter 
table to set TTL using hbase shell failed when ttl string is not match format | 
 Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-28184]( | Tailing 
the WAL is very slow if there are multiple peers. |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-28122]( | 
TLSv1.3-compatible cipher suites are not used by default |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28189]( | Fix the 
miss count in one of CombinedBlockCache getBlock implementations |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28175]( | 
RpcLogDetails' Message can become corrupt before log is consumed |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28191]( | Meta 
browser can happen NPE when the server or target server of region is null |  
Major | UI |
+| [HBASE-24687]( | 
MobFileCleanerChore uses a new Connection for each table each time it runs |  
Minor | mob |
+| [HBASE-28174]( | DELETE 
endpoint in REST API does not support deleting binary row keys/columns |  
Blocker | REST |
+| [HBASE-28210]( | There 
could be holes in stack ids when loading procedures |  Critical | master, 
proc-v2 |
+| [HBASE-28218]( | Add a 
check for getQueueStorage().hasData() in the getDeletableFiles method of 
ReplicationLogCleaner |  Major | wal |
+| [HBASE-28217]( | 
PrefetchExecutor should not run for files from CFs that have disabled 
BLOCKCACHE |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28211]( | 
BucketCache.blocksByHFile may leak on allocationFailure or if we reach io 
errors tolerated |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28222]( | Leak in 
ExportSnapshot during verifySnapshot on S3A |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28226]( | The flush 
table operation encountered an NPE and failed. |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28248]( | Race 
between RegionRemoteProcedureBase and rollback operation could lead to 
ROLLEDBACK state be persisent to procedure store |  Critical | proc-v2, Region 
Assignment |
+| [HBASE-28252]( | Add and to the JDK11+ module exports in the hbase script | 
 Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-28247]( | Add 
java.base/ and java.base/  export to jdk11 JVM test 
flags |  Minor | java |
+| [HBASE-28241]( | The 
snapshot operation encountered an NPE and failed. |  Major | proc-v2, snapshots 
+| [HBASE-28180]( | Review 
the usage of RegionStates.getOrCreateServer |  Major | amv2, master |
+| [HBASE-21500]( | 
"hbase.jetty.logs.serve.aliases" is broken with jetty 9.x version |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-28270]( | Remove 
the xml-maven-plugin in root pom on branch-3 |  Blocker | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-28269]( | Fix 
broken ruby scripts and clean up logging |  Major | jruby |
+| [HBASE-28224]( | 
ClientSideRegionScanner appears not to shutdown MobFileCache |  Minor | 
Scanners |
+| [HBASE-28286]( | Remove 
rename-pdf step in root pom on branch-3 |  Major | build, pom |
+### TESTS:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-28254]( | Flaky 
test: TestTableShell |  Major | flakies, integration tests |
+| [HBASE-28275]( | [Flaky 
test] Fix 'test\_list\_decommissioned\_regionservers' in | 
 Minor | flakies, test |
+| [HBASE-28274]( | Flaky 
test: TestFanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutput (Part 2) |  Major | flakies, integration 
tests, test |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-27913]( | Add 
3.0.0-alpha-4 to download page |  Major | website |
+| [HBASE-27918]( | Remove 
useless content for branch-3 |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28027]( | Make 
TestClusterScopeQuotaThrottle run faster |  Major | Quotas, test |
+| [HBASE-28004]( | 
Persistent cache map can get corrupt if crash happens midway through the write 
|  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28028]( | Read all 
compressed bytes to a byte array before submitting them to decompressor |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28063]( | Add 
documentation to HBase book |  Major | documentation, Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-28050]( | 
RSProcedureDispatcher to fail-fast for krb auth failures |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27999]( | Implement 
cache aware load balancer |  Major | Balancer |
+| [HBASE-28170]( | Put the 
cached time at the beginning of the block; run cache validation in the 
background when retrieving the persistent cache |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27794]( | Tooling 
for parsing/reading the prefetch files list file |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-28186]( | Rebase 
CacheAwareBalance related commits into master branch |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28199]( | Phase I: 
Suspend TRSP and SCP when updating meta |  Major | master, proc-v2, Region 
Assignment |
+| [HBASE-28206]( | [JDK17] 
JVM crashes intermittently on aarch64 |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28244]( | 
ProcedureTestingUtility.restart is broken sometimes after HBASE-28199 |  Major 
| proc-v2, test |
+| [HBASE-28031]( | 
TestClusterScopeQuotaThrottle is still failing with broken WAL writer |  Major 
| test |
+| [HBASE-28240]( | Phase II: 
Suspend TRSP and SCP when they can not get region node lock immediately |  
Major | master, proc-v2, Region Assignment |
+| [HBASE-28280]( | Attach 
the design doc to dev-support/design-docs |  Major | documentation |
+### OTHER:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-27820]( | HBase is 
not starting due to Jersey library conflicts with jar |  Major 
| dependencies |
+| [HBASE-27912]( | Bump 
cryptography from 39.0.1 to 41.0.0 in /dev-support/git-jira-release-audit |  
Major | dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-27992]( | Bump 
exec-maven-plugin to 3.1.0 |  Trivial | build |
+| [HBASE-28019]( | Bump 
gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.32 in /dev-support/git-jira-release-audit |  Major 
| dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-28018]( | Bump 
gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.32 in /dev-support/flaky-tests |  Major | 
dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-28020]( | Bump 
certifi from 2022.12.07 to 2023.7.22 in /dev-support/git-jira-release-audit |  
Major | dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-28021]( | Bump 
cryptography from 41.0.0 to 41.0.3 in /dev-support/git-jira-release-audit |  
Major | dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-28022]( | Remove 
netty 3 dependency in the pom file for hbase-endpoint |  Major | dependencies, 
pom, security |
+| [HBASE-28032]( | Fix 
ChaosMonkey documentation code block rendering |  Minor | documentation |
+| [HBASE-28072]( | Bump 
gitpython from 3.1.32 to 3.1.34 in /dev-support/flaky-tests |  Major | 
dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-28074]( | Bump 
gitpython from 3.1.34 to 3.1.35 in /dev-support/flaky-tests |  Major | 
dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-28066]( | Drop 
duplicate test class |  Minor | test |
+| [HBASE-28087]( | Add 
hadoop 3.3.6 in hadoopcheck |  Major | jenkins, scripts |
+| [HBASE-28089]( | Upgrade 
BouncyCastle to fix CVE-2023-33201 |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-28112]( | Bump 
org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java from to |  Major | dependabot, 
dependencies, security |
+| [HBASE-28127]( | Upgrade 
avro version to 1.11.3 |  Major | dependencies, security |
+| [HBASE-28147]( | Bump 
gitpython from 3.1.35 to 3.1.37 in /dev-support/flaky-tests |  Major | 
dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-28153]( | Upgrade 
zookeeper to a newer version |  Major | security, Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-28198]( | Fix 
broken link to replication documentation |  Minor | documentation |
+| [HBASE-28245]( | Sync 
internal protobuf version for hbase to be same as hbase-thirdparty |  Major | . 
+| [HBASE-28243]( |  Bump 
jackson version to 2.15.2 |  Major | . |
+## Release 3.0.0-alpha-4 - Unreleased (as of 2023-05-27)
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-26666]( | Add 
native TLS encryption support to RPC server/client |  Major | encryption, 
security |
+| [HBASE-27264]( | Add 
options to consider compressed size when delimiting blocks during hfile writes 
|  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27129]( | Add a 
config that allows us to configure region-level storage policies |  Major | 
regionserver |
+| [HBASE-27104]( | Add a 
tool command list\_unknownservers |  Major | master |
+| [HBASE-20904]( | 
Prometheus metrics http endpoint for monitoring integration |  Major | metrics, 
monitoring |
+| [HBASE-27304]( | Support 
using IP to expose master/rs servers for some special scenarios |  Minor | 
master, regionserver |
+| [HBASE-27314]( | Make 
index block be customized and configured |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-26809]( | Report 
client backoff time for server overloaded in ConnectionMetrics |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27444]( | Add tool 
commands list\_enabled\_tables and list\_disabled\_tables |  Minor | master |
+| [HBASE-27347]( | Port 
FileWatcher from ZK to autodetect keystore/truststore changes in TLS 
connections |  Major | IPC/RPC, security |
+| [HBASE-26913]( | 
Replication Observability Framework |  Major | regionserver, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27110]( | Move 
replication peer storage from zookeeper to other storage systems |  Major | 
Replication |
+| [HBASE-27693]( | Support 
for Hadoop's LDAP Authentication mechanism (Web UI only) |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27109]( | Move 
replication queue storage from zookeeper to a separated HBase table |  Major | 
Replication |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-27062]( | Remove 
ThreadPool in HBaseInterClusterReplicationEndpoint when use 
AsyncClusterConnection |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-26945]( | Quotas 
causes too much load on meta for large clusters |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27146]( | Avoid 
CellUtil.cloneRow in MetaCellComparator |  Major | meta, Offheaping, 
Performance |
+| [HBASE-27060]( | Allow 
sharing connections between AggregationClient instances |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27025]( | Change 
Hbase book's description for "74.7.3. Load Balancing META table load" |  Minor 
| documentation |
+| [HBASE-27158]( | Add 
namespace column family to UNDELETABLE\_META\_COLUMNFAMILIES |  Minor | proc-v2 
+| [HBASE-26218]( | Better 
logging in CanaryTool |  Minor | canary |
+| [HBASE-27101]( | support 
commons-crypto version 1.1.0 |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-18045]( | Add ' -o 
ConnectTimeout=10' to the ssh command we use in ITBLL chaos monkeys |  Trivial 
| integration tests |
+| [HBASE-27078]( | Allow 
configuring a separate timeout for meta scans |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27186]( | Report 
block cache size metrics separately for L1 and L2 |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27188]( | Report 
maxStoreFileCount in jmx |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27149]( | Server 
should close scanner if client times out before results are ready |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27088]( | 
IntegrationLoadTestCommonCrawl async load improvements |  Minor | integration 
tests, test |
+| [HBASE-27048]( | Server 
side scanner time limit should account for time in queue |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27207]( | 
ConnectionUtils.allOf should be moved to FutureUtils |  Minor | Client |
+| [HBASE-27208]( | Use 
spotless to purge the missing summary warnings from error prone |  Major | pom |
+| [HBASE-27232]( | Fix 
checking for encoded block size when deciding if block should be closed |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27225]( | Add 
BucketAllocator bucket size statistic logging |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27222]( | Purge 
FutureReturnValueIgnored warnings from error prone |  Major | netty |
+| [HBASE-27229]( | 
BucketCache statistics should not count evictions by hfile |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27185]( | Rewrite 
NettyRpcServer to decode rpc request with netty handler |  Major | netty, rpc |
+| [HBASE-27257]( | Remove 
unnecessary usage of CachedBlocksByFile from RS UI |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27153]( | 
Improvements to read-path tracing |  Major | Operability, regionserver |
+| [HBASE-27144]( | Add 
special rpc handlers for bulkload operations |  Minor | regionserver, rpc |
+| [HBASE-27273]( | Should 
stop autoRead and skip all the bytes when rpc request too big |  Major | 
+| [HBASE-27283]( | Use 
readTO instead of hard coded RpcClient.DEFAULT\_SOCKET\_TIMEOUT\_READ when 
creating  ReadTimeoutHandler in NettyRpcConnection |  Major | IPC/RPC, test |
+| [HBASE-27241]( | Add 
metrics for evaluating cost and effectiveness of bloom filters |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27278]( | Improve 
TestTlsIPC to reuse existing IPC test code |  Major | IPC/RPC, test |
+| [HBASE-27296]( | Some 
Cell's implementation of toString() such as IndividualBytesFieldCell prints out 
value and tags which is too verbose |  Minor | logging |
+| [HBASE-26982]( | Add index 
and bloom filter statistics of LruBlockCache on rs web UI |  Minor | 
BlockCache, UI |
+| [HBASE-27279]( | Make 
SslHandler work with SaslWrapHandler/SaslUnwrapHandler |  Major | IPC/RPC, 
security |
+| [HBASE-27295]( | Correct 
the comment of list\_deadservers method in admin.rb |  Minor | shell |
+| [HBASE-27268]( | In trace 
log mode, the client does not print callId/startTime and the server does not 
print receiveTime |  Minor | logging |
+| [HBASE-27089]( | Add 
“” configuration |  Minor | io |
+| [HBASE-27305]( | add an 
option to skip file splitting when bulkload hfiles |  Minor | tooling |
+| [HBASE-27303]( | 
Unnecessary replication to secondary region replicas should avoid when WAL.sync 
throws Exception |  Major | read replicas |
+| [HBASE-27320]( | hide some 
sensitive configuration information in the UI |  Minor | security, UI |
+| [HBASE-27338]( | brotli 
compression lib tests fail on arm64 |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27342]( | Use 
Hadoop Credentials API to retrieve passwords of TLS key/trust stores |  Major | 
IPC/RPC, security |
+| [HBASE-27332]( | Remove 
RejectedExecutionHandler for long/short compaction thread pools |  Minor | 
Compaction |
+| [HBASE-27340]( | Artifacts 
with resolved profiles |  Minor | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-27224]( | HFile 
tool statistic sampling produces misleading results |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27346]( | 
Autodetect key/truststore file type from file extension |  Major | security |
+| [HBASE-27361]( | Add 
.flattened-pom.xml to .gitignore |  Major | build |
+| [HBASE-27370]( | Avoid 
decompressing blocks when reading from bucket cache prefetch threads |  Major | 
. |
+| [HBASE-27280]( | Add 
mutual authentication support to TLS |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27391]( | Downgrade 
ERROR log to DEBUG in ConnectionUtils.updateStats |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27365]( | Minimise 
block addition failures due to no space in bucket cache writers queue by 
introducing wait time |  Major | BucketCache |
+| [HBASE-27395]( | Adding 
description to Prometheus metrics |  Minor | metrics |
+| [HBASE-27339]( | Improve 
sasl connection failure log message to include server |  Minor | Client |
+| [HBASE-27159]( | Emit 
source metrics for BlockCacheExpressHitPercent |  Minor | BlockCache, metrics |
+| [HBASE-27406]( | Make 
"/prometheus" endpoint accessible from HBase UI |  Minor | UI |
+| [HBASE-27363]( | Fix the 
config key name for PREFETCH\_PERSISTENCE\_PATH\_KEY |  Trivial | BucketCache |
+| [HBASE-27434]( | Use 
$revision as placeholder for maven version to make it easier to control the 
version from command line |  Major | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-27438]( | Make 
release scripts can generate and for 3.x |  Major | 
community, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27091]( | Speed up 
the loading of table descriptor from filesystem |  Minor | master |
+| [HBASE-27167]( | s390x: 
Skip tests on unsupported compression libs |  Major | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-27450]( | Update 
all our python scripts to use python3 |  Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27449]( | Use 
xmllint to parse version and revision in release scripts |  Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27448]( | Add an 
admin method to get replication enabled state |  Major | Admin, Client |
+| [HBASE-27414]( | Search 
order for locations in  HFileLink |  Minor | Performance |
+| [HBASE-27495]( | Improve 
HFileLinkCleaner to validate back reference links ahead the next traverse |  
Major | master |
+| [HBASE-27408]( | Improve 
BucketAllocatorException log to always include HFile name |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27496]( | 
Optionally limit the amount of plans executed in the Normalizer |  Minor | 
Normalizer |
+| [HBASE-27506]( | 
Optionally disable sorting directories by size in CleanerChore |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27503]( | Support 
replace \<FILE-PATH\> in GC\_OPTS for ZGC |  Minor | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27512]( | Add file 
\`.git-blame-ignore-revs\` for \`git blame\` |  Trivial | . |
+| [HBASE-27359]( | Publish 
binaries and maven artifacts for both hadoop2 and hadoop3 |  Major | build, 
community, pom, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27466]( | hbase 
client metrics per user specified identity on hconnections. |  Major | Client |
+| [HBASE-22924]( | GitHUB PR 
job should use when clause to filter to just PRs. |  Minor | build, community |
+| [HBASE-27435]( | Make 
Prometheus metrics queryable |  Minor | metrics |
+| [HBASE-27459]( | Improve 
our hbase\_docker to be able to build and start standalone clusters other than 
master branch |  Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27530]( | Fix 
comment syntax errors |  Trivial | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27253]( | Make slow 
log configs updatable with configuration observer |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27474]( | Evict 
blocks on split/merge; Avoid caching reference/hlinks if compaction is enabled 
|  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27540]( | Client 
metrics for success/failure counts. |  Major | Client, metrics |
+| [HBASE-27233]( | Read 
blocks into off-heap if caching is disabled for read |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27514]( | Move some 
persistent states from zookeeper to master region |  Major | master, Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-27565]( | Make the 
initial corePoolSize configurable for ChoreService |  Major | conf |
+| [HBASE-27529]( | Provide 
RS coproc ability to attach WAL extended attributes to mutations at replication 
sink |  Major | Coprocessors, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27493]( | Allow 
namespace admins to clone snapshots created by them |  Major | snapshots |
+| [HBASE-27562]( | Publish 
SBOM artifacts |  Major | java |
+| [HBASE-27539]( | 
Encapsulate and centralise access to ref count through StoreFileInfo |  Major | 
. |
+| [HBASE-27541]( | Backups 
should be able to be restored to a separate filesystem |  Minor | 
backup&restore |
+| [HBASE-27542]( | Remove 
unneeded distcp log cleanup after incremental backups |  Minor | backup&restore 
+| [HBASE-27551]( | Add 
config options to delay assignment to retain last region location |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27583]( | Remove -X 
option when building protoc check in nightly and pre commit job |  Major | 
jenkins, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27558]( | Scan 
quotas and limits should account for total block IO |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27598]( | Upgrade 
mockito to 4.x |  Major | dependencies, test |
+| [HBASE-27570]( | Unify 
tracking of block IO across all read request types |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27534]( | Determine 
too large requests by response block size rather than cell size |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27590]( | Change 
Iterable to List in SnapshotFileCache |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-21521]( | Expose 
master startup status via web UI |  Major | master, UI |
+| [HBASE-15242]( | Client 
metrics for retries and timeouts |  Major | metrics |
+| [HBASE-27655]( | Remove 
the empty path annotation from ClusterMetricsResource |  Trivial | . |
+| [HBASE-27666]( | Allow 
preCompact hooks to return scanners whose cells can be shipped |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27458]( | Use 
ReadWriteLock for region scanner readpoint map |  Minor | Scanners |
+| [HBASE-27670]( | Improve 
FSUtils to directly obtain FSDataOutputStream |  Major | Filesystem Integration 
+| [HBASE-27672]( | Read RPC 
threads may BLOCKED at the Configuration.get when using java compression |  
Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27681]( | Refactor 
Table Latency Metrics |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27632]( | Refactor 
WAL.Reader implementation so we can better support WAL splitting and 
replication |  Major | Replication, wal |
+| [HBASE-27615]( | Add group 
of regionServer on Master webUI |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27710]( | ByteBuff 
ref counting is too expensive for on-heap buffers |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27646]( | Should 
not use pread when prefetching in HFilePreadReader |  Minor | Performance |
+| [HBASE-27313]( | Persist 
list of Hfiles names for which prefetch is done |  Major | BucketCache |
+| [HBASE-27676]( | Scan 
handlers in the RPC executor should match at least one scan queues |  Major | . 
+| [HBASE-27744]( | Update 
compression dependencies |  Minor | io |
+| [HBASE-27758]( | 
Inconsistent synchronization in MetricsUserSourceImpl |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27756]( | Make 
request guardrail configs in RSRpcServices live updatable |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27765]( | Add 
biggest cell related info into web ui |  Major | HFile, UI |
+| [HBASE-27662]( | Correct 
the line logged with flag hbase.procedure.upgrade-to-2-2 in docs |  Minor | 
documentation |
+| [HBASE-27713]( | Remove 
numRegions in Region Metrics |  Major | metrics |
+| [HBASE-27780]( | 
FileChangeWatcher improvements |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27422]( | Support 
replication for hbase:acl |  Major | acl, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27787]( | Downgrade 
noisy info log in NettyRpcConnection when TLS enabled |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27785]( | 
Encapsulate and centralize totalBufferUsed in ReplicationSourceManager |  Major 
| Replication |
+| [HBASE-27536]( | Include 
more request information in slowlog for Scans |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27535]( | Separate 
slowlog thresholds for scans vs other requests |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27818]( | Split 
TestReplicationDroppedTables |  Major | Replication, test |
+| [HBASE-27808]( | Change 
flatten mode for oss in our pom file |  Major | community, pom |
+| [HBASE-27819]( | 10k 
RpcServer.MAX\_REQUEST\_SIZE is not enough in ReplicationDroppedTable related 
tests |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27792]( | Guard 
Master/RS Dump Servlet behind admin walls |  Minor | security, UI |
+| [HBASE-27821]( | Split 
TestFuzzyRowFilterEndToEnd |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27799]( | 
RpcThrottlingException wait interval message is misleading between 0-1s |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27838]( | Update 
zstd-jni from version 1.5.4-2 -\> 1.5.5-2 |  Minor | io |
+| [HBASE-27844]( | changed 
type names to avoid conflicts with built-in types |  Minor | build |
+| [HBASE-27788]( | Skip 
family comparing when compare cells inner the store |  Major | Performance |
+| [HBASE-27858]( | Update 
surefire version to 3.0.0 and use the SurefireForkNodeFactory |  Minor | test |
+| [HBASE-27870]( | Eliminate 
the 'WARNING: package jdk.internal.util.random not in java.base' when running 
UTs with jdk11 |  Major | build, pom, test |
+| [HBASE-27812]( | Provide 
option in HBase UI to disable stack trace for security |  Minor | UI |
+| [HBASE-27848]( | Should 
fast-fail if unmatched column family exists when using ImportTsv |  Major | 
mapreduce |
+| [HBASE-27876]( | Only 
generate SBOM when releasing |  Minor | build, pom |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-27128]( | when open 
archiveRetries totalLogSize calculation mistake |  Minor | wal |
+| [HBASE-27099]( | In the 
HFileBlock class, the log printing fspread/fsread cost time unit should be 
milliseconds |  Minor | HFile |
+| [HBASE-27098]( | Fix link 
for field comments |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27105]( | 
HBaseInterClusterReplicationEndpoint should honor replication adaptive timeout 
|  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-26790]( | 
getAllRegionLocations can cache locations with null hostname |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27160]( | 
ClientZKSyncer.deleteDataForClientZkUntilSuccess should break from the loop 
when deletion is succeeded |  Major | Client, Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-27170]( | 
ByteBuffAllocator leak when decompressing blocks near minSizeForReservoirUse |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27171]( | Fix 
Annotation Error in HRegionFileSystem |  Trivial | . |
+| [HBASE-26708]( | Netty 
"leak detected" and OutOfDirectMemoryError due to direct memory buffering with 
SASL implementation |  Blocker | netty, rpc, sasl |
+| [HBASE-27180]( | Multiple 
possible buffer leaks |  Major | netty, regionserver |
+| [HBASE-27169]( | 
TestSeparateClientZKCluster is flaky |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27189]( | 
NettyServerRpcConnection is not properly closed when the netty channel is 
closed |  Blocker | netty, rpc |
+| [HBASE-27097]( | 
SimpleRpcServer is broken |  Blocker | rpc |
+| [HBASE-27193]( | 
TestZooKeeper is flaky |  Major | test, Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-27192]( | The retry 
number for TestSeparateClientZKCluster is too small |  Major | test, Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-27053]( | 
IOException during caching of uncompressed block to the block cache. |  Major | 
BlockCache |
+| [HBASE-27211]( | Data race 
in MonitoredTaskImpl could cause split wal failure |  Critical | monitoring, 
wal |
+| [HBASE-27195]( | Clean up 
netty worker/thread pool configuration |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27219]( | Change 
JONI encoding in RegexStringComparator |  Minor | Filters |
+| [HBASE-27075]( | 
TestUpdateRSGroupConfiguration.testCustomOnlineConfigChangeInRSGroup is flaky | 
 Minor | rsgroup, test |
+| [HBASE-27230]( | 
RegionServer should be aborted when WAL.sync throws TimeoutIOException |  Major 
| wal |
+| [HBASE-27204]( | 
BlockingRpcClient will hang for 20 seconds when SASL is enabled after finishing 
negotiation |  Critical | rpc, sasl, security |
+| [HBASE-27179]( | Issues 
building with OpenJDK 17 |  Minor | build |
+| [HBASE-27087]( | 
TestQuotaThrottle times out |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27247]( | 
TestPerTableCFReplication.testParseTableCFsFromConfig is broken because of  
ReplicationPeerConfigUtil.parseTableCFsFromConfig |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27271]( | 
BufferCallBeforeInitHandler should ignore the flush request |  Major | IPC/RPC |
+| [HBASE-27269]( | The 
implementation of TestReplicationStatus.waitOnMetricsReport is incorrect |  
Major | Replication, test |
+| [HBASE-27282]( | CME in 
AuthManager causes region server crash |  Major | acl |
+| [HBASE-27275]( | 
graceful\ unable to restore the balance state |  Blocker | regionserver 
+| [HBASE-27292]( | Fix build 
failure against Hadoop 3.3.4 due to added dependency on okhttp |  Major | 
build, hadoop3, pom |
+| [HBASE-27311]( | The 
implementation of syncReplicationPeerLock is incomplete |  Major | proc-v2, 
Replication |
+| [HBASE-27246]( | 
RSGroupMappingScript#getRSGroup has thread safety problem |  Major | rsgroup |
+| [HBASE-27325]( | the 
bulkload max call queue size can be update to a wrong value |  Minor | IPC/RPC |
+| [HBASE-25922]( | Disabled 
sanity checks ignored on snapshot restore |  Minor | conf, snapshots |
+| [HBASE-27321]( | The 
ReplicationLogCleaner is not thread safe but can be called from different 
threads at the same time |  Critical | master, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27152]( | Under 
compaction mark may leak |  Major | Compaction |
+| [HBASE-27336]( | The 
region visualizer shows 'undefined' region server |  Major | master, UI |
+| [HBASE-22939]( | 
SpaceQuotas- Bulkload from different hdfs failed when space quotas are turned 
on. |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27353]( | 
opentelemetry-context jar missing at runtime causes MR jobs to fail |  Minor | 
. |
+| [HBASE-27362]( | Fix some 
tests hung by CompactSplit.requestCompactionInternal ignoring 
compactionsEnabled check |  Major | Compaction |
+| [HBASE-27352]( | Quoted 
string argument with spaces passed from command line are propagated wrongly to 
the underlying java class |  Minor | shell |
+| [HBASE-27368]( | Do not 
need to throw IllegalStateException when peer is not active in 
ReplicationSource.initialize |  Major | regionserver, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27386]( | Use 
encoded size for calculating compression ratio in block size predicator |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27381]( | Still 
seeing 'Stuck' in static initialization creating RegionInfo instance |  Major | 
. |
+| [HBASE-27409]( | Fix the 
javadoc for WARCRecord |  Major | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27407]( | Fixing 
check for "description" request param in |  Minor | metrics 
+| [HBASE-27419]( | Update to 
hbase-thirdparty 4.1.2 |  Major | dependencies |
+| [HBASE-27424]( | Upgrade 
Jettison for CVE-2022-40149/40150 |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27420]( | Failure 
while connecting to zk if HBase is running in standalone mode in a container |  
Minor | Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-27426]( | Region 
server abort with failing to list region servers. |  Major | Zookeeper |
+| [HBASE-27433]( | 
DefaultMobStoreCompactor should delete MobStoreFile cleanly when compaction is 
failed |  Major | mob |
+| [HBASE-27440]( | metrics 
method removeHistogramMetrics trigger serious memory leak |  Major | metrics, 
regionserver |
+| [HBASE-25983]( | javadoc 
generation fails on openjdk-11.0.11+9 |  Major | documentation, pom |
+| [HBASE-27446]( | Spotbugs 
4.7.2 report a lot of logging errors when generating report |  Major | build, 
jenkins, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27437]( | 
TestHeapSize is flaky |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27472]( | The 
personality script set wrong hadoop2 check version for branch-2 |  Major | 
jenkins, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27473]( | Fix 
spotbugs warnings in hbase-rest Client.getResponseBody |  Major | REST |
+| [HBASE-27480]( | Skip 
error prone for hadoop2/3 checkes in our nightly jobs |  Major | jenkins, 
scripts |
+| [HBASE-27469]( | 
IllegalArgumentException is thrown by SnapshotScannerHDFSAclController when 
dropping a table |  Major | snapshots |
+| [HBASE-27379]( | 
numOpenConnections metric is one less than the actual |  Minor | metrics |
+| [HBASE-27423]( | Upgrade 
hbase-thirdparty to 4.1.3 and upgrade Jackson for CVE-2022-42003/42004 |  Major 
| security |
+| [HBASE-27464]( | In memory 
compaction 'COMPACT' may cause data corruption when adding cells large than 
maxAlloc(default 256k) size |  Critical | in-memory-compaction |
+| [HBASE-27501]( | The 
.flattened-pom.xml for some modules are not installed |  Blocker | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-27445]( | result of 
DirectMemoryUtils#getDirectMemorySize may be wrong |  Minor | UI |
+| [HBASE-27504]( | Remove 
duplicated config 'hbase.normalizer.merge.min\_region\_age.days' in 
hbase-default.xml |  Minor | conf |
+| [HBASE-27463]( | Reset 
sizeOfLogQueue when refresh replication source |  Minor | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27484]( | FNFE on 
StoreFileScanner after a flush followed by a compaction |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27519]( | Another 
case for FNFE on StoreFileScanner after a flush followed by a compaction |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27524]( | Fix 
python requirements problem |  Major | scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-27390]( | 
getClusterMetrics NullPointerException when ServerTask status null |  Major | . 
+| [HBASE-27485]( | 
HBaseTestingUtility minicluster requires log4j2 |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27489]( | Fix 
several problems after HBASE-27304 |  Minor | master, regionserver |
+| [HBASE-27546]( | Bump 
gitpython from 3.1.29 to 3.1.30 in /dev-support/git-jira-release-audit |  Major 
| scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-27566]( | Bump 
gitpython from 3.1.29 to 3.1.30 in /dev-support |  Major | scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-27560]( | 
CatalogJanitor consistencyCheck cannot report the hole on last region if next 
table is disabled in meta |  Minor | hbck2 |
+| [HBASE-27563]( | 
ChaosMonkey sometimes generates invalid boundaries for random item selection |  
Minor | integration tests |
+| [HBASE-27561]( | 
hbase.master.port is ignored in processing of hbase.masters |  Minor | Client |
+| [HBASE-27528]( | log 
duplication issues in MasterRpcServices |  Major | logging, master, rpc, 
security |
+| [HBASE-27579]( | 
CatalogJanitor can cause data loss due to errors during cleanMergeRegion |  
Blocker | . |
+| [HBASE-26300]( | Skip 
archived master wals during incremental backups |  Major | backup&restore |
+| [HBASE-27586]( | Bump up 
commons-codec to 1.15 |  Major | dependencies, security |
+| [HBASE-27547]( | Close 
store file readers after region warmup |  Major | regionserver |
+| [HBASE-26967]( | 
FilterList with FuzzyRowFilter and SingleColumnValueFilter evaluated with 
operator MUST\_PASS\_ONE doesn't work as expected |  Critical | Filters |
+| [HBASE-27585]( | Bump up 
jruby to and related joni and jcodings to 2.1.43 and 1.0.57 
respectively |  Major | jruby, security, shell |
+| [HBASE-27608]( | Use 
lowercase image reference name in our docker file |  Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27599]( | Cleanup 
wrong dependency in dependencyManagement |  Major | build, dependencies, 
hadoop3, pom |
+| [HBASE-27600]( | Make the 
behavior of hadoop profile consistent |  Major | build, dependencies, hadoop3, 
pom |
+| [HBASE-27580]( | Reverse 
scan over rows with tags throw exceptions when using DataBlockEncoding |  Major 
| . |
+| [HBASE-27622]( | Bump 
cryptography from 3.3.2 to 39.0.1 in /dev-support/git-jira-release-audit |  
Major | dependabot, scripts, security |
+| [HBASE-27619]( | Bulkload 
fails when trying to bulkload files with invalid names after HBASE-26707 |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27621]( | Also 
clear the Dictionary when resetting when reading compressed WAL file |  
Critical | Replication, wal |
+| [HBASE-27602]( | Remove 
the impact of operating env on testHFileCleaning |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27637]( | Zero 
length value would cause value compressor read nothing and not advance the 
position of the InputStream |  Critical | dataloss, wal |
+| [HBASE-27648]( | 
CopyOnWriteArrayMap does not honor contract of ConcurrentMap.putIfAbsent |  
Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27636]( | The 
"CREATE\_TIME\_TS" value of the hfile generated by the HFileOutputFormat2 class 
is 0 |  Major | HFile, mapreduce |
+| [HBASE-27654]( | 
IndexBlockEncoding is missing in HFileContextBuilder copy constructor |  Major 
| . |
+| [HBASE-27661]( | Set size 
of systable queue in UT |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27649]( | WALPlayer 
does not properly dedupe overridden cell versions |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27644]( | Should 
not return false when WALKey has no following KVs while reading WAL file |  
Critical | dataloss, wal |
+| [HBASE-27668]( | PB's 
parseDelimitedFrom can successfully return when there are not enough bytes |  
Critical | Protobufs, wal |
+| [HBASE-27650]( | Merging 
empty regions corrupts meta cache |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-24781]( | Clean up 
peer metrics when disabling peer |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27673]( | Fix mTLS 
client hostname verification |  Major | rpc |
+| [HBASE-25709]( | Close 
region may stuck when region is compacting and skipped most cells read |  Major 
| Compaction |
+| [HBASE-27250]( | 
MasterRpcService#setRegionStateInMeta does not support replica region 
encodedNames or region names |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27690]( | Fix a 
misspell in TestRegionStateStore |  Minor | test |
+| [HBASE-27701]( | ZStdCodec 
codec implementation class documentation typo |  Minor | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27688]( | HFile 
splitting occurs during bulkload, the CREATE\_TIME\_TS of hfileinfo is 0 |  
Major | HFile |
+| [HBASE-27714]( | 
WALEntryStreamTestBase creates a new HBTU in startCluster method which causes 
all sub classes are testing default configurations |  Major | Replication, test 
+| [HBASE-27716]( | Fix 
TestWALOpenAfterDNRollingStart |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27708]( | CPU 
hot-spot resolving User subject |  Major | Client, tracing |
+| [HBASE-27729]( | Missed 
one parameter when logging exception in StoreFileListFile |  Major | logging |
+| [HBASE-27718]( | The 
regionStateNode only need remove once in regionOffline |  Minor | amv2 |
+| [HBASE-27651]( | foreground\_start should propagate SIGHUP and SIGTERM |  Minor 
| scripts |
+| [HBASE-27671]( | Client 
should not be able to restore/clone a snapshot after it's TTL has expired |  
Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27732]( | NPE in 
TestBasicWALEntryStreamFSHLog.testEOFExceptionInOldWALsDirectory |  Major | 
Replication |
+| [HBASE-27333]( | Abort RS 
when the hostname is different from master seen |  Major | regionserver |
+| [HBASE-27726]( | ruby 
shell not handled SyntaxError exceptions properly |  Minor | shell |
+| [HBASE-27704]( | Quotas 
can drastically overflow configured limit |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27778]( | Incorrect 
 ReplicationSourceWALReader. totalBufferUsed may cause replication hang up |  
Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27796]( | Improve 
MemcachedBlockCache |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27807]( | 
PressureAwareCompactionThroughputController#tune log the opposite of the actual 
scenario |  Trivial | Compaction |
+| [HBASE-27810]( | HBCK 
throws RejectedExecutionException when closing ZooKeeper resources |  Major | 
hbck |
+| [HBASE-27822]( | 
TestFromClientSide5.testAppendWithoutWAL is flaky |  Major | scan, test |
+| [HBASE-27823]( | NPE in 
ClaimReplicationQueuesProcedure when running 
TestAssignmentManager.testAssignSocketTimeout |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27824]( | NPE in 
MetricsMasterWrapperImpl.isRunning |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27851]( | 
TestListTablesByState is silently failing due to a surefire bug |  Minor | test 
+| [HBASE-27857]( | 
HBaseClassTestRule: system exit not restored if test times out may cause test 
to hang |  Minor | test |
+| [HBASE-27860]( | Fix build 
error against Hadoop 3.3.5 |  Major | build, hadoop3 |
+| [HBASE-27865]( | 
TestThriftServerCmdLine fails with 
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.SystemExitRule$SystemExitInTestException |  Major | 
test, Thrift |
+| [HBASE-27874]( | Problem 
in flakey generated report causes pre-commit run to fail |  Major | build |
+| [HBASE-27277]( | 
TestRaceBetweenSCPAndTRSP fails in pre commit |  Major | proc-v2, test |
+| [HBASE-27867]( | Close the 
L1 victim handler race |  Minor | BlockCache |
+| [HBASE-27872]( | xerial's 
snappy-java requires GLIBC \>= 2.32 |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27793]( | Make HBCK 
be able to report unknown servers |  Major | hbck |
+### TESTS:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-23963]( | Split 
TestFromClientSide; it takes too long to complete timing out |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27161]( | Improve 
TestMultiRespectsLimits |  Minor | test |
+| [HBASE-27360]( | The trace 
related assertions are flaky for async client tests |  Major | test, tracing |
+| [HBASE-27479]( | Flaky 
Test testClone in TestTaskMonitor |  Trivial | test |
+| [HBASE-27595]( | 
ThreadGroup is removed since Hadoop 3.2.4 |  Minor | . |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-27111]( | Make 
Netty channel bytebuf allocator configurable |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-26095]( | Modify 
our ref guide to mention the deprecation of HBTU and also how to make use of 
the new TestingHBaseCluster |  Major | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27166]( | WAL value 
compression minor improvements |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27194]( | Add test 
coverage for SimpleRpcServer |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27200]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-archetypes |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27202]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-balancer |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27220]( | Apply the 
spotless format change in HBASE-27208 to our code base |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27235]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-hadoop-compat |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27210]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-endpoint |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27236]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-hbtop |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27203]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-client |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27164]( | Add 
3.0.0-alpha-3 to download page |  Major | website |
+| [HBASE-27165]( | Set 
version as 3.0.0-alpha-4-SNAPSHOT in master |  Major | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-27265]( | Tool to 
read the contents of the storefile tracker file |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27284]( | Add 1.7.2 
to download page |  Major | website |
+| [HBASE-27288]( | Update 
compatibility matrix and release manager section in our ref guide about the EOL 
of 1.x |  Major | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27270]( | Add 
bulkloadExecutor.resizeQueues |  Minor | regionserver, rpc |
+| [HBASE-27240]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-http |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27201]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-backup |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27293]( | Remove 
jenkins and personality scripts support for 1.x |  Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27212]( | Implement 
a new table based replication queue storage and make the minimum replication 
system work |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27301]( | Add 
Delete addFamilyVersion  timestamp verify |  Minor | Client |
+| [HBASE-26969]( | Eliminate 
MOB renames when SFT is enabled |  Major | mob |
+| [HBASE-27213]( | Add 
support for claim queue operation |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27252]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-it |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27234]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-examples |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27206]( | Clean up 
error-prone findings in hbase-common |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27214]( | Implement 
the new replication hfile/log cleaner |  Major | master, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27317]( | 
Correcting the Store file tracker tool help doc option |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27215]( | Add 
support for sync replication |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27310]( | Add 
disabled table is displayed red on master web tables list |  Minor | UI |
+| [HBASE-27289]( | Remove 
1.7.x from our download page |  Major | website |
+| [HBASE-27392]( | Add a new 
procedure type for implementing some global operations such as migration |  
Major | proc-v2 |
+| [HBASE-27403]( | Remove 
'Remove unhelpful javadoc stubs' spotless rule for now |  Major | 
documentation, pom |
+| [HBASE-27401]( | Clean up 
current broken 'n's in our javadoc |  Major | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27405]( | Fix the 
replication hfile/log cleaner report that the replication table does not exist 
|  Major | master, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27421]( | Bump 
spotless plugin to 2.27.2 and reimplement the 'Remove unhelpful javadoc stubs' 
rule |  Major | documentation, pom |
+| [HBASE-27218]( | Support 
rolling upgrading |  Major | migration, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27475]( | Use 
different jdks when running hadoopcheck in personality scripts |  Critical | 
jenkins, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27309]( | Add major 
compact table or region operation on master web table page |  Minor | 
Compaction, UI |
+| [HBASE-27217]( | Revisit 
the DumpReplicationQueues  tool |  Major | Replication, tooling |
+| [HBASE-27429]( | Add 
exponential retry backoff support for 
MigrateReplicationQueueFromZkToTableProcedure |  Major | master, proc-v2, 
Replication |
+| [HBASE-27430]( | Should 
disable replication log cleaner when migrating replication queue data |  Major 
| master, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27518]( | Add 2.5.2 
to download page |  Major | website |
+| [HBASE-27557]( | [JDK17] 
Update shade plugin version |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27591]( | [JDK17] 
Fix failure TestImmutableScan#testScanCopyConstructor |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27581]( | [JDK17] 
Fix failure TestHBaseTestingUtil#testResolvePortConflict |  Minor | test |
+| [HBASE-27610]( | Add 
2.4.16 to download page |  Major | website |
+| [HBASE-27611]( | update 
download.xml for release 2.5.3 |  Minor | website |
+| [HBASE-27643]( | [JDK17] 
Add-opens java.util.concurrent |  Major | java, test |
+| [HBASE-27669]( | should make use hbase script start/stop chaosagent and chaos 
monkey runner. |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27216]( | Revisit 
the ReplicationSyncUp tool |  Major | Replication, tooling |
+| [HBASE-27745]( | Document 
protoc workarounds with Apple Silicon |  Major | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27750]( | Update 
the list of prefetched hfiles upon simple block eviction |  Major | BucketCache 
+| [HBASE-27623]( | Start a 
new ReplicationSyncUp after the previous failed |  Major | Replication, tooling 
+| [HBASE-27772]( | Add 
2.4.17 to download page |  Major | website |
+| [HBASE-27775]( | Use a 
separate WAL provider for hbase:replication table |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27727]( | Implement 
filesystem based Replication peer storage |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27728]( | Implement 
a tool to migrate replication peer data between different storage 
implementation |  Major | Replication |
+| [HBASE-27274]( | Re-enable 
the disabled tests when implementing HBASE-27212 |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27783]( | Implement 
a shell command to disable all peer modification |  Major | Replication, shell |
+| [HBASE-20804]( | Document 
and add tests for HBaseConfTool |  Major | documentation, tooling |
+| [HBASE-27809]( | Attach 
move replication queue storage from zookeeper to a separated HBase table design 
doc to git repo |  Major | documentation, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27803]( | Update 
ref guide about the changes of the replication storage related concepts |  
Major | documentation, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27806]( | Support 
dynamic reinitializing replication peer storage |  Major | conf, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27516]( | Document 
the table based replication queue storage in ref guide |  Major | 
documentation, Replication |
+| [HBASE-27752]( | Update 
the list of prefetched files upon region movement |  Major | BucketCache |
+| [HBASE-27852]( | Interrupt 
BucketCachePersister thread when BucketCache is shutdown |  Major | BucketCache 
+| [HBASE-27843]( | If 
moveAndClose fails HFileArchiver should delete any incomplete archive side 
changes |  Major | . |
+### OTHER:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [HBASE-13126]( | Provide 
alternate mini cluster classes other than HBTU for downstream users to write 
unit tests |  Critical | API, test |
+| [HBASE-27036]( | Displays 
the number of decommissioned region server for status command |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27736]( | 
HFileSystem.getLocalFs is not used |  Major | HFile |
+| [HBASE-27141]( | Upgrade 
hbase-thirdparty dependency to 4.1.1 |  Critical | dependencies, security, 
thirdparty |
+| [HBASE-27172]( | Upgrade 
OpenTelemetry dependency to 1.15.0 |  Major | build |
+| [HBASE-27175]( | Failure 
to cleanup WAL split dir log should be at INFO level |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27148]( | Move 
minimum hadoop 3  support version to 3.2.3 |  Major | dependencies, hadoop3, 
security |
+| [HBASE-27182]( | Rework 
tracing configuration |  Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27190]( | Add some 
docs about exporting and importing snapshots using Aliyun object storage 
service(OSS) |  Major | documentation, snapshots |
+| [HBASE-27248]( | 
WALPrettyPrinter add print timestamp |  Minor | tooling, wal |
+| [HBASE-27281]( | Add 
default implementation for Connection$getClusterId |  Critical | Client |
+| [HBASE-27221]( | Bump 
spotless version to 2.24.1 |  Major | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-27294]( | Add new 
hadoop releases in our hadoop checks |  Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27345]( | Add 
2.4.14 to the downloads page |  Minor | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27350]( | Add 2.5.0 
to the downloads page |  Major | community |
+| [HBASE-27351]( | Add 2.5 
Documentation to the website |  Major | community |
+| [HBASE-25563]( | Add "2.4 
Documentation" to the website |  Major | community, documentation |
+| [HBASE-27226]( | Document 
native TLS support in Netty RPC |  Major | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27371]( | Bump 
spotbugs version |  Major | build, pom |
+| [HBASE-27373]( | Fix new 
spotbugs warnings after upgrading spotbugs to 4.7.2 |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27372]( | Update 
java versions in our Dockerfiles |  Major | build, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27411]( |  Update 
and clean up bcprov-jdk15on dependency |  Minor | build |
+| [HBASE-27344]( | Update 
ref guide about the 2.5.x release line |  Major | documentation |
+| [HBASE-27425]( | Run flaky 
test job more often |  Minor | test |
+| [HBASE-27442]( | Change 
the way of bumping version in release scripts |  Major | community, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27460]( | Fix the 
hadolint errors after HBASE-27456 |  Major | scripts |
+| [HBASE-27312]( | Update 
create-release to work with maven-gpg-plugin-3.0.1 and gnupg \>= 2.1.x |  Major 
| build |
+| [HBASE-27477]( | Tweak to support hbase-thirdparty |  Major | community |
+| [HBASE-27443]( | Use 
java11 in the general check of our jenkins job |  Major | build, jenkins |
+| [HBASE-27513]( | Modify 
README.txt to mention how to contribue |  Major | community |
+| [HBASE-27548]( | Bump 
jettison from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 |  Major | dependabot, dependencies, security |
+| [HBASE-27567]( | Introduce 
ChaosMonkey Action to print HDFS Cluster status |  Minor | integration tests |
+| [HBASE-27568]( | 
ChaosMonkey add support for JournalNodes |  Major | integration tests |
+| [HBASE-27575]( | Bump 
future from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3 in /dev-support |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27578]( | Upgrade 
hbase-thirdparty to 4.1.4 |  Blocker | dependencies, security |
+| [HBASE-27588]( | 
"Instantiating StoreFileTracker impl" INFO level logging is too chatty |  Minor 
| . |
+| [HBASE-27456]( | Upgrade 
the dockerfile used in nightly and pre commit to ubuntu 22.04 |  Major | 
jenkins, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27689]( | Update about how to request a jira account |  Major | community |
+| [HBASE-27685]( | Enable 
code coverage reporting to SonarQube in HBase |  Minor | . |
+| [HBASE-27715]( | 
Refactoring the long tryAdvanceEntry method in WALEntryStream |  Major | 
Replication |
+| [HBASE-27702]( | Remove 
'hbase.regionserver.hlog.writer.impl' config |  Major | wal |
+| [HBASE-27722]( | Update 
documentation about how to enable encryption on WAL |  Major | documentation, 
wal |
+| [HBASE-27737]( | Add 
supplemental model for com.aayushatharva.brotli4j:native-osx-aarch64 |  Minor | 
build, community |
+| [HBASE-27748]( | Bump 
jettison from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4 |  Major | dependabot, dependencies, security |
+| [HBASE-27774]( | Move 
Dockerfile and python-requirements.txt used only by flaky-tests job |  Minor | 
build, community, documentation |
+| [HBASE-27720]( | 
TestClusterRestartFailover is flakey due to metrics assertion |  Minor | test |
+| [HBASE-27791]( | Upgrade 
vega and its related js libraries |  Major | UI |
+| [HBASE-27762]( | Include 
EventType and ProcedureV2 pid in logging via MDC |  Major | . |
+| [HBASE-27863]( | Add 
hadoop 3.3.5 check in our personality script |  Major | jenkins, scripts |
+| [HBASE-27864]( | Reduce 
the Cardinality for TestFuzzyRowFilterEndToEndLarge |  Major | test |
+| [HBASE-27634]( | Builds 
emit errors related to SBOM parsing |  Minor | build |
+| [HBASE-27879]( | Bump 
requests from 2.22.0 to 2.31.0 in /dev-support/git-jira-release-audit |  Major 
| dependabot, scripts, security |

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