diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/spark/query14.q.out 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f52e960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/spark/query14.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3237 @@
+Warning: Map Join MAPJOIN[650][bigTable=?] in task 'Stage-1:MAPRED' is a cross 
+Warning: Map Join MAPJOIN[672][bigTable=?] in task 'Stage-1:MAPRED' is a cross 
+Warning: Map Join MAPJOIN[661][bigTable=?] in task 'Stage-1:MAPRED' is a cross 
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+with  cross_items as
+ (select i_item_sk ss_item_sk
+ from item,
+ (select iss.i_brand_id brand_id
+     ,iss.i_class_id class_id
+     ,iss.i_category_id category_id
+ from store_sales
+     ,item iss
+     ,date_dim d1
+ where ss_item_sk = iss.i_item_sk
+   and ss_sold_date_sk = d1.d_date_sk
+   and d1.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2
+ intersect 
+ select ics.i_brand_id
+     ,ics.i_class_id
+     ,ics.i_category_id
+ from catalog_sales
+     ,item ics
+     ,date_dim d2
+ where cs_item_sk = ics.i_item_sk
+   and cs_sold_date_sk = d2.d_date_sk
+   and d2.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2
+ intersect
+ select iws.i_brand_id
+     ,iws.i_class_id
+     ,iws.i_category_id
+ from web_sales
+     ,item iws
+     ,date_dim d3
+ where ws_item_sk = iws.i_item_sk
+   and ws_sold_date_sk = d3.d_date_sk
+   and d3.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2) x
+ where i_brand_id = brand_id
+      and i_class_id = class_id
+      and i_category_id = category_id
+ avg_sales as
+ (select avg(quantity*list_price) average_sales
+  from (select ss_quantity quantity
+             ,ss_list_price list_price
+       from store_sales
+           ,date_dim
+       where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year between 1999 and 2001 
+       union all 
+       select cs_quantity quantity 
+             ,cs_list_price list_price
+       from catalog_sales
+           ,date_dim
+       where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year between 1998 and 1998 + 2 
+       union all
+       select ws_quantity quantity
+             ,ws_list_price list_price
+       from web_sales
+           ,date_dim
+       where ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year between 1998 and 1998 + 2) x)
+  select  channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id,sum(sales), 
+ from(
+       select 'store' channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id
+             ,i_category_id,sum(ss_quantity*ss_list_price) sales
+             , count(*) number_sales
+       from store_sales
+           ,item
+           ,date_dim
+       where ss_item_sk in (select ss_item_sk from cross_items)
+         and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk
+         and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year = 1998+2 
+         and d_moy = 11
+       group by i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
+       having sum(ss_quantity*ss_list_price) > (select average_sales from 
+       union all
+       select 'catalog' channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id, 
sum(cs_quantity*cs_list_price) sales, count(*) number_sales
+       from catalog_sales
+           ,item
+           ,date_dim
+       where cs_item_sk in (select ss_item_sk from cross_items)
+         and cs_item_sk = i_item_sk
+         and cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year = 1998+2 
+         and d_moy = 11
+       group by i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
+       having sum(cs_quantity*cs_list_price) > (select average_sales from 
+       union all
+       select 'web' channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id, 
sum(ws_quantity*ws_list_price) sales , count(*) number_sales
+       from web_sales
+           ,item
+           ,date_dim
+       where ws_item_sk in (select ss_item_sk from cross_items)
+         and ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
+         and ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year = 1998+2
+         and d_moy = 11
+       group by i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
+       having sum(ws_quantity*ws_list_price) > (select average_sales from 
+ ) y
+ group by rollup (channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id)
+ order by channel,i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
+ limit 100
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+with  cross_items as
+ (select i_item_sk ss_item_sk
+ from item,
+ (select iss.i_brand_id brand_id
+     ,iss.i_class_id class_id
+     ,iss.i_category_id category_id
+ from store_sales
+     ,item iss
+     ,date_dim d1
+ where ss_item_sk = iss.i_item_sk
+   and ss_sold_date_sk = d1.d_date_sk
+   and d1.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2
+ intersect 
+ select ics.i_brand_id
+     ,ics.i_class_id
+     ,ics.i_category_id
+ from catalog_sales
+     ,item ics
+     ,date_dim d2
+ where cs_item_sk = ics.i_item_sk
+   and cs_sold_date_sk = d2.d_date_sk
+   and d2.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2
+ intersect
+ select iws.i_brand_id
+     ,iws.i_class_id
+     ,iws.i_category_id
+ from web_sales
+     ,item iws
+     ,date_dim d3
+ where ws_item_sk = iws.i_item_sk
+   and ws_sold_date_sk = d3.d_date_sk
+   and d3.d_year between 1999 AND 1999 + 2) x
+ where i_brand_id = brand_id
+      and i_class_id = class_id
+      and i_category_id = category_id
+ avg_sales as
+ (select avg(quantity*list_price) average_sales
+  from (select ss_quantity quantity
+             ,ss_list_price list_price
+       from store_sales
+           ,date_dim
+       where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year between 1999 and 2001 
+       union all 
+       select cs_quantity quantity 
+             ,cs_list_price list_price
+       from catalog_sales
+           ,date_dim
+       where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year between 1998 and 1998 + 2 
+       union all
+       select ws_quantity quantity
+             ,ws_list_price list_price
+       from web_sales
+           ,date_dim
+       where ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year between 1998 and 1998 + 2) x)
+  select  channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id,sum(sales), 
+ from(
+       select 'store' channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id
+             ,i_category_id,sum(ss_quantity*ss_list_price) sales
+             , count(*) number_sales
+       from store_sales
+           ,item
+           ,date_dim
+       where ss_item_sk in (select ss_item_sk from cross_items)
+         and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk
+         and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year = 1998+2 
+         and d_moy = 11
+       group by i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
+       having sum(ss_quantity*ss_list_price) > (select average_sales from 
+       union all
+       select 'catalog' channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id, 
sum(cs_quantity*cs_list_price) sales, count(*) number_sales
+       from catalog_sales
+           ,item
+           ,date_dim
+       where cs_item_sk in (select ss_item_sk from cross_items)
+         and cs_item_sk = i_item_sk
+         and cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year = 1998+2 
+         and d_moy = 11
+       group by i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
+       having sum(cs_quantity*cs_list_price) > (select average_sales from 
+       union all
+       select 'web' channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id, 
sum(ws_quantity*ws_list_price) sales , count(*) number_sales
+       from web_sales
+           ,item
+           ,date_dim
+       where ws_item_sk in (select ss_item_sk from cross_items)
+         and ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
+         and ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+         and d_year = 1998+2
+         and d_moy = 11
+       group by i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
+       having sum(ws_quantity*ws_list_price) > (select average_sales from 
+ ) y
+ group by rollup (channel, i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id)
+ order by channel,i_brand_id,i_class_id,i_category_id
+ limit 100
+  Stage-3 is a root stage
+  Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-3, Stage-4, Stage-5, Stage-6, Stage-7, 
+  Stage-10 depends on stages: Stage-2
+  Stage-9 depends on stages: Stage-10, Stage-11, Stage-12
+  Stage-14 depends on stages: Stage-9
+  Stage-13 depends on stages: Stage-14, Stage-15, Stage-16, Stage-17, 
Stage-18, Stage-19
+  Stage-21 depends on stages: Stage-13
+  Stage-20 depends on stages: Stage-21, Stage-22, Stage-23
+  Stage-25 depends on stages: Stage-20
+  Stage-24 depends on stages: Stage-25, Stage-26, Stage-27, Stage-28, 
Stage-29, Stage-30
+  Stage-32 depends on stages: Stage-24
+  Stage-31 depends on stages: Stage-32, Stage-33, Stage-34
+  Stage-1 depends on stages: Stage-31
+  Stage-4 is a root stage
+  Stage-5 is a root stage
+  Stage-6 is a root stage
+  Stage-7 is a root stage
+  Stage-8 is a root stage
+  Stage-11 is a root stage
+  Stage-12 is a root stage
+  Stage-15 is a root stage
+  Stage-16 is a root stage
+  Stage-17 is a root stage
+  Stage-18 is a root stage
+  Stage-19 is a root stage
+  Stage-22 is a root stage
+  Stage-23 is a root stage
+  Stage-26 is a root stage
+  Stage-27 is a root stage
+  Stage-28 is a root stage
+  Stage-29 is a root stage
+  Stage-30 is a root stage
+  Stage-33 is a root stage
+  Stage-34 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-3
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 3 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: date_dim
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (d_date_sk is not null and d_year BETWEEN 1999 
AND 2001) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-2
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (GROUP, 1), Map 4 (GROUP, 1), Map 6 (GROUP, 1)
+        Reducer 9 <- Map 11 (GROUP, 1), Map 13 (GROUP, 1), Map 8 (GROUP, 1)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ss_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_quantity 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 3
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: count(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 11 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: cs_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cs_sold_date_sk (type: int), cs_quantity 
(type: int), cs_list_price (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 12
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 42899570777 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 
42899570777 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: (CAST( _col0 AS decimal(10,0)) * 
_col1) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: avg(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 13 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ws_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_sold_date_sk (type: int), ws_quantity 
(type: int), ws_list_price (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 14
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 
21538218500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: (CAST( _col0 AS decimal(10,0)) * 
_col1) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: avg(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 4 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: cs_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cs_sold_date_sk (type: int), cs_quantity 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 5
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 42899570777 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 
42899570777 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: count(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 6 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ws_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_sold_date_sk (type: int), ws_quantity 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 7
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 
21538218500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: count(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 8 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ss_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_quantity 
(type: int), ss_list_price (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 10
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: (CAST( _col0 AS decimal(10,0)) * 
_col1) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: avg(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Reducer 2 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0
+                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                Select Operator
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                  Group By Operator
+                    aggregations: count()
+                    mode: complete
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                    Filter Operator
+                      predicate: (sq_count_check(_col0) <= 1) (type: boolean)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Select Operator
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                          keys:
+                            0 
+                            1 
+                            2 
+        Reducer 9 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: avg(VALUE._col0)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0
+                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                  keys:
+                    0 
+                    1 
+                    2 
+  Stage: Stage-10
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 29 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: d1
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (d_date_sk is not null and d_year BETWEEN 1999 
AND 2001) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-9
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 26 <- Map 25 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 442), Map 30 
+        Reducer 27 <- Reducer 26 (GROUP, 481)
+        Reducer 28 <- Reducer 27 (GROUP, 518), Reducer 33 (GROUP, 518), 
Reducer 38 (GROUP, 518)
+        Reducer 32 <- Map 31 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 341), Map 35 
+        Reducer 33 <- Reducer 32 (GROUP, 369)
+        Reducer 37 <- Map 36 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 174), Map 40 
+        Reducer 38 <- Reducer 37 (GROUP, 186)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 25 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ss_item_sk is not null and ss_sold_date_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_item_sk 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 29
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Reduce Output Operator
+                          key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          sort order: +
+                          Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 30 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: iss
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (i_brand_id is not null and i_category_id is 
not null and i_class_id is not null and i_item_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: i_item_sk (type: int), i_brand_id (type: 
int), i_class_id (type: int), i_category_id (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
int), _col3 (type: int)
+        Map 31 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (cs_item_sk is not null and cs_sold_date_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cs_sold_date_sk (type: int), cs_item_sk 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 34
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 42899570777 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Reduce Output Operator
+                          key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          sort order: +
+                          Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 
42899570777 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 35 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: ics
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (i_brand_id is not null and i_category_id is 
not null and i_class_id is not null and i_item_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: i_item_sk (type: int), i_brand_id (type: 
int), i_class_id (type: int), i_category_id (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
int), _col3 (type: int)
+        Map 36 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ws_item_sk is not null and ws_sold_date_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_sold_date_sk (type: int), ws_item_sk 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 39
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Reduce Output Operator
+                          key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          sort order: +
+                          Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 
21538218500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 40 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: iws
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (i_brand_id is not null and i_category_id is 
not null and i_class_id is not null and i_item_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: i_item_sk (type: int), i_brand_id (type: 
int), i_class_id (type: int), i_category_id (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
int), _col3 (type: int)
+        Reducer 26 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col5, _col6, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 696954748 Data size: 61485550191 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count()
+                  keys: _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: int), _col7 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 696954748 Data size: 61485550191 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 696954748 Data size: 61485550191 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 27 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int), KEY._col2 
(type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 348477374 Data size: 30742775095 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count(_col3)
+                  keys: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 28 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int), KEY._col2 
(type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 304916424 Data size: 33091779893 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Filter Operator
+                  predicate: (_col3 = 3) (type: boolean)
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 108 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 
(type: int)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 108 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                      keys:
+                        0 _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int), _col3 (type: 
+                        1 _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
+        Reducer 32 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col5, _col6, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 348467716 Data size: 47189528877 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count()
+                  keys: _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: int), _col7 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 348467716 Data size: 47189528877 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 348467716 Data size: 47189528877 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 33 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int), KEY._col2 
(type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 174233858 Data size: 23594764438 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count(_col3)
+                  keys: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 37 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col5, _col6, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 174243235 Data size: 23692040863 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count()
+                  keys: _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: int), _col7 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 174243235 Data size: 23692040863 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 174243235 Data size: 23692040863 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 38 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int), KEY._col2 
(type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 87121617 Data size: 11846020363 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count(_col3)
+                  keys: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+  Stage: Stage-14
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 43 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: date_dim
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (d_date_sk is not null and d_year BETWEEN 1999 
AND 2001) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-13
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 42 <- Map 41 (GROUP, 1), Map 44 (GROUP, 1), Map 46 (GROUP, 1)
+        Reducer 49 <- Map 48 (GROUP, 1), Map 51 (GROUP, 1), Map 53 (GROUP, 1)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 41 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ss_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_quantity 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 43
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: count(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 44 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: cs_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cs_sold_date_sk (type: int), cs_quantity 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 45
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 42899570777 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 
42899570777 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: count(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 46 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ws_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_sold_date_sk (type: int), ws_quantity 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 47
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 
21538218500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: count(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 48 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ss_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_quantity 
(type: int), ss_list_price (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 50
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: (CAST( _col0 AS decimal(10,0)) * 
_col1) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: avg(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 51 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: cs_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cs_sold_date_sk (type: int), cs_quantity 
(type: int), cs_list_price (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 52
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 42899570777 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 
42899570777 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: (CAST( _col0 AS decimal(10,0)) * 
_col1) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: avg(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 53 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ws_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_sold_date_sk (type: int), ws_quantity 
(type: int), ws_list_price (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 54
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 
21538218500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: (CAST( _col0 AS decimal(10,0)) * 
_col1) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: avg(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Reducer 42 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0
+                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                Select Operator
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                  Group By Operator
+                    aggregations: count()
+                    mode: complete
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                    Filter Operator
+                      predicate: (sq_count_check(_col0) <= 1) (type: boolean)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Select Operator
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                          keys:
+                            0 
+                            1 
+                            2 
+        Reducer 49 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: avg(VALUE._col0)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0
+                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 288 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                  keys:
+                    0 
+                    1 
+                    2 
+  Stage: Stage-21
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 67 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: d1
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (d_date_sk is not null and d_year BETWEEN 1999 
AND 2001) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-20
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 64 <- Map 63 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 442), Map 68 
+        Reducer 65 <- Reducer 64 (GROUP, 481)
+        Reducer 66 <- Reducer 65 (GROUP, 518), Reducer 71 (GROUP, 518), 
Reducer 76 (GROUP, 518)
+        Reducer 70 <- Map 69 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 341), Map 73 
+        Reducer 71 <- Reducer 70 (GROUP, 369)
+        Reducer 75 <- Map 74 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 174), Map 78 
+        Reducer 76 <- Reducer 75 (GROUP, 186)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 63 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ss_item_sk is not null and ss_sold_date_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_item_sk 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 67
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Reduce Output Operator
+                          key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          sort order: +
+                          Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 68 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: iss
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (i_brand_id is not null and i_category_id is 
not null and i_class_id is not null and i_item_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: i_item_sk (type: int), i_brand_id (type: 
int), i_class_id (type: int), i_category_id (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
int), _col3 (type: int)
+        Map 69 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (cs_item_sk is not null and cs_sold_date_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cs_sold_date_sk (type: int), cs_item_sk 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 72
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 42899570777 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Reduce Output Operator
+                          key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          sort order: +
+                          Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 316788826 Data size: 
42899570777 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 73 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: ics
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (i_brand_id is not null and i_category_id is 
not null and i_class_id is not null and i_item_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: i_item_sk (type: int), i_brand_id (type: 
int), i_class_id (type: int), i_category_id (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
int), _col3 (type: int)
+        Map 74 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ws_item_sk is not null and ws_sold_date_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_sold_date_sk (type: int), ws_item_sk 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 77
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Reduce Output Operator
+                          key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          sort order: +
+                          Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 
21538218500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 78 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: iws
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (i_brand_id is not null and i_category_id is 
not null and i_class_id is not null and i_item_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: i_item_sk (type: int), i_brand_id (type: 
int), i_class_id (type: int), i_category_id (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 462000 Data size: 663560457 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
int), _col3 (type: int)
+        Reducer 64 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col5, _col6, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 696954748 Data size: 61485550191 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count()
+                  keys: _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: int), _col7 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 696954748 Data size: 61485550191 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 696954748 Data size: 61485550191 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 65 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int), KEY._col2 
(type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 348477374 Data size: 30742775095 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count(_col3)
+                  keys: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 66 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int), KEY._col2 
(type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 304916424 Data size: 33091779893 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Filter Operator
+                  predicate: (_col3 = 3) (type: boolean)
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 108 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 
(type: int)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 108 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                      keys:
+                        0 _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int), _col3 (type: 
+                        1 _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
+        Reducer 70 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col5, _col6, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 348467716 Data size: 47189528877 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count()
+                  keys: _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: int), _col7 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 348467716 Data size: 47189528877 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 348467716 Data size: 47189528877 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 71 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int), KEY._col2 
(type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 174233858 Data size: 23594764438 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count(_col3)
+                  keys: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 75 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col5, _col6, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 174243235 Data size: 23692040863 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count()
+                  keys: _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: int), _col7 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 174243235 Data size: 23692040863 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 174243235 Data size: 23692040863 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 76 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int), KEY._col2 
(type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 87121617 Data size: 11846020363 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: count(_col3)
+                  keys: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 609832849 Data size: 66183559896 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
+  Stage: Stage-25
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 88 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: date_dim
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (d_date_sk is not null and d_year BETWEEN 1999 
AND 2001) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-24
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 80 <- Map 79 (GROUP, 1), Map 82 (GROUP, 1), Map 84 (GROUP, 1)
+        Reducer 87 <- Map 86 (GROUP, 1), Map 89 (GROUP, 1), Map 91 (GROUP, 1)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 79 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ss_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_quantity 
(type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 81
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Select Operator
+                          expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Select Operator
+                            expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                            outputColumnNames: _col0
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 1108786976 Data size: 
120333742785 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            Group By Operator
+                              aggregations: count(_col0)
+                              mode: hash
+                              outputColumnNames: _col0
+                              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                              Reduce Output Operator
+                                sort order: 
+                                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 8 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                                value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 82 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: cs_sold_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)


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