ISIS-1521: fixes xref links between guides


Branch: refs/heads/wip
Commit: 252c2f8eaf89038b604120018df7faa1fa8e7559
Parents: 0c22c0a
Author: Dan Haywood <>
Authored: Fri Apr 14 15:27:41 2017 +0100
Committer: Dan Haywood <>
Committed: Thu Apr 20 09:09:29 2017 +0100

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 .../guides/ugbtb/_ugbtb_decoupling_mixins.adoc  |  10 +-
 .../_ugbtb_decoupling_pushing-changes.adoc      |   4 +-
 .../_ugbtb_decoupling_vetoing-visibility.adoc   |   2 +-
 .../ugbtb/_ugbtb_deployment_cmd-line.adoc       |   4 +-
 .../guides/ugbtb/_ugbtb_deployment_docker.adoc  |   2 +-
 ...b_deployment_externalized-configuration.adoc |   2 +-
 .../guides/ugbtb/_ugbtb_deployment_neo4j.adoc   |   6 +-
 .../guides/ugbtb/_ugbtb_deployment_tomcat.adoc  |   2 +-
 .../guides/ugbtb/_ugbtb_headless-access.adoc    |   2 +-
 ...dless-access_BackgroundCommandExecution.adoc |   6 +-
 .../main/asciidoc/guides/ugbtb/_ugbtb_i18n.adoc |  16 +--
 ..._ugbtb_other-techniques_persisted-title.adoc |   2 +-
 ...placing-default-service-implementations.adoc |   6 +-
 ...ther-techniques_transactions-and-errors.adoc |   8 +-
 ...gbtb_programming-model_custom-validator.adoc |   4 +-
 .../guides/ugbtb/_ugbtb_view-models_jaxb.adoc   |  20 ++--
 .../_ugbtb_view-models_programming-model.adoc   |  10 +-
 .../ugbtb/_ugbtb_view-models_use-cases.adoc     |  14 +--
 .../asciidoc/guides/ugbtb/_ugbtb_web-xml.adoc   |   2 +-
 ...ugfun_core-concepts_apache-isis-vs_cqrs.adoc |   6 +-
 ...-concepts_apache-isis-vs_event-sourcing.adoc |   4 +-
 ...core-concepts_apache-isis-vs_metawidget.adoc |   2 +-
 .../_ugfun_core-concepts_building-blocks.adoc   |  20 ++-- | 120 +++++++++----------
 ..._core-concepts_other-deployment-options.adoc |   4 +-
 .../_ugfun_core-concepts_philosophy_aop.adoc    |   4 +-
 ..._core-concepts_philosophy_how-eases-ddd.adoc |   2 +-
 ...bjects-pattern_object-interface-mapping.adoc |   2 +-
 ...e-concepts_principles_for-the-long-term.adoc |   4 +-
 .../guides/ugfun/_ugfun_getting-started.adoc    |   8 +-
 ...un_getting-started_datanucleus-enhancer.adoc |   8 +-
 ...fun_getting-started_simpleapp-archetype.adoc |   6 +-
 .../ugfun/_ugfun_how-tos_bulk-actions.adoc      |   2 +-
 .../ugfun/_ugfun_how-tos_business-rules.adoc    |   8 +-
 .../_ugfun_how-tos_class-structure_actions.adoc |  36 +++---
 ...ow-tos_class-structure_class-definition.adoc |   4 +-
 ...fun_how-tos_class-structure_collections.adoc |   8 +- |   4 +-
 ...gfun_how-tos_class-structure_properties.adoc |  10 +-
 .../guides/ugfun/_ugfun_how-tos_crud.adoc       |   8 +-
 .../ugfun/_ugfun_how-tos_derived-members.adoc   |   4 +-
 .../ugfun/_ugfun_how-tos_domain-services.adoc   |  24 ++--
 .../_ugfun_how-tos_drop-downs-and-defaults.adoc |  18 +--
 ...ow-tos_simulating-collections-of-values.adoc |   2 +-
 ...n_how-tos_ui-hints_action-icons-and-css.adoc |  10 +- |  10 +-
 ...ow-tos_ui-hints_object-titles-and-icons.adoc |  10 +-
 .../ugfun/_ugfun_how-tos_ui_are-you-sure.adoc   |   4 +-
 .../src/main/asciidoc/guides/ugfun/ugfun.adoc   |   8 +-
 ...g_disabling-persistence-by-reachability.adoc |   4 +-
 ...onfiguring_eagerly-registering-entities.adoc |   2 +-
 .../ugodn/_ugodn_configuring_properties.adoc    |   2 +-
 .../_ugodn_overriding-jdo-annotations.adoc      |   2 +-
 .../ugsec/_ugsec_api-for-applications.adoc      |   2 +-
 .../_ugsec_configuring-isis-to-use-shiro.adoc   |   2 +-
 .../guides/ugsec/_ugsec_shiro-ini-realm.adoc    |   2 +-
 .../ugsec/_ugsec_usage-by-isis-viewers.adoc     |   4 +-
 .../src/main/asciidoc/guides/ugsec/ugsec.adoc   |  10 +-
 ...st_bdd-spec-support_maven-configuration.adoc |   2 +-
 ...tst_bdd-spec-support_writing-a-bdd-spec.adoc |   6 +-
 .../_ugtst_fixture-scripts_api-and-usage.adoc   |  18 +--
 ..._ugtst_integ-test-support_bootstrapping.adoc |  12 +-
 ..._integ-test-support_maven-configuration.adoc |   2 +-
 ..._ugtst_integ-test-support_typical-usage.adoc |   2 +-
 ...gtst_integ-test-support_wrapper-factory.adoc |   4 +-
 .../asciidoc/guides/ugtst/_ugtst_overview.adoc  |   4 +-
 ..._ugtst_unit-test-support_contract-tests.adoc |   6 +-
 ...t_unit-test-support_maven-configuration.adoc |   2 +-
 .../guides/ugvro/_ugvro_architecture.adoc       |   6 +-
 .../guides/ugvro/_ugvro_hints-and-tips.adoc     |   2 +-
 .../asciidoc/guides/ugvro/_ugvro_ro-spec.adoc   |   2 +-
 .../ugvw/_ugvw_configuration-properties.adoc    |   2 +-
 .../ugvw/_ugvw_customisation_about-page.adoc    |   2 +-
 .../ugvw/_ugvw_customisation_brand-logo.adoc    |   2 +-
 ...ugvw_customisation_tweaking-css-classes.adoc |   4 +-
 .../ugvw/_ugvw_extending_custom-pages.adoc      |   4 +-
 .../ugvw/_ugvw_features_blob-attachments.adoc   |   2 +-
 .../ugvw/_ugvw_features_bookmarked-pages.adoc   |   6 +-
 .../ugvw/_ugvw_features_user-registration.adoc  |  10 +-
 .../ugvw/_ugvw_layout_annotation-based.adoc     |  18 +--
 .../guides/ugvw/_ugvw_layout_file-based.adoc    |  30 ++---
 .../guides/ugvw/_ugvw_layout_table-columns.adoc |   2 +-
 419 files changed, 2000 insertions(+), 2000 deletions(-)
diff --git 
index 53a0c33..f0c9b34 100644
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ Apache Isis' documentation (meaning the website and the 
users' guide, the refere
 The website and guides are created by running build tools (documented below) 
which create the HTML version of the site and guides.
 You can therefore easily check the documentation before raising a pull request 
(as a contributor) or publishing the site (if a committer).
-For details of authoring/updating the documents and website, see the 
xref:dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc[developers' guide].
-To help write the Asciidoc text itself, we provide some 
xref:dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc-templates[Asciidoc templates].
+For details of authoring/updating the documents and website, see the 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc[developers' guide].
+To help write the Asciidoc text itself, we provide some 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc-templates[Asciidoc templates].
 Publishing is performed by copying the generated HTML to a different git 
 This is synced by ASF infrastructure over to 
diff --git 
index 31fda99..2bae3a9 100644
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
 The release process consists of:
 * the release manager cutting the release (documented below)
-* Members of the Apache Isis PMC 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verifying] and voting on the release
-* the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-successful[successful] or an 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-unsuccessful[unsuccessful] vote.
+* Members of the Apache Isis PMC 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verifying] and voting on the 
+* the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-successful[successful] or an 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-unsuccessful[unsuccessful] vote.
 Apache Isis itself consists of two separately releasable modules; relative to 
code root] there are:
 * `core`
 * `component/example/archetypes/simpleapp`
-This section details the process for formally releasing Isis modules.  It 
describes the process for both `core` and then the archetype.  The subsequent 
sections describe how other committers can 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verify a release] and how the release 
manager can then perform xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release[post-release] 
activities and set up for the next development iteration.
+This section details the process for formally releasing Isis modules.  It 
describes the process for both `core` and then the archetype.  The subsequent 
sections describe how other committers can 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verify a release] and how 
the release manager can then perform 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release[post-release] activities and set 
up for the next development iteration.
-If you've not performed a release before, then note that there are some 
configuration xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_release-process-prereqs[prerequisites] 
that must be configured first.  In particular, you'll need signed 
public/private keys, and the ASF Nexus staging repo inlocal 
`~/.m2/settings.xml` file.
+If you've not performed a release before, then note that there are some 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_release-process-prereqs[prerequisites] that 
must be configured first.  In particular, you'll need signed public/private 
keys, and the ASF Nexus staging repo inlocal `~/.m2/settings.xml` file.
 These release notes using bash command line tools.  They should work on Linux 
and MacOS; for Windows, use mSysGit.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ These release notes using bash command line tools.  They 
should work on Linux an
 Before releasing `core`, ensure there is consensus on the 
link:../support.html[dev mailing list] that this is the right time for a 
release. The discussion should include confirming the version number to be 
used, and to confirm content.
-These discussions should also confirm the version number of the module being 
released. This should be in line with our 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_versioning-policy[semantic versioning policy].
+These discussions should also confirm the version number of the module being 
released. This should be in line with our 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_versioning-policy[semantic versioning policy].
 Make sure you have a JIRA ticket open against which to perform all commits.  
In most cases a JIRA ticket will have been created at the beginning of the 
previous release cycle.
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ export CATALINA_HOME=/c/java/apache-tomcat-8.0.30   # <3>
 env | grep ISIS | sort
 <1> adjust by platform
-<2> set to an "umbrella" ticket for all release activities.  (One should exist 
 at] the beginning of the development cycle now completing).
+<2> set to an "umbrella" ticket for all release activities.  (One should exist 
 at] the beginning of the development cycle now completing).
 <3> adjust as required (Tomcat is used to smoke test the simpleapp archetype)
-Obviously, alter `$ISISDEV` and `$ISISREL` as required, and bump `$ISISRC` for 
re-releasing following an 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-unsuccessful[unsuccessful] releases.
+Obviously, alter `$ISISDEV` and `$ISISREL` as required, and bump `$ISISRC` for 
re-releasing following an 
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ Use `gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 
nnnnnnnn` to confirm that the
-Unfortunately, Nexus does not seem to allow subkeys to be used for signing. 
See xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_key-generation[Key Generation] for more details.
+Unfortunately, Nexus does not seem to allow subkeys to be used for signing. 
See xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_key-generation[Key Generation] for more 
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ Remember to update:
 * the release candidate number (`RC1` or whatever)
 * the repository id, as provided by Nexus earlier (`orgapacheisis-10xx` or 
-Note that the email also references the procedure for other committers to 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verify the release].
+Note that the email also references the procedure for other committers to 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verify the release].
diff --git 
index a116e83..f45591e 100644
@@ -95,4 +95,4 @@ ISIS-nnn: brief summary here
 where `ISIS-nnn` is a ticket raised in our[JIRA issue tracker].
-For non-committers we typically expect more detail again; see the 
xref:dg.adoc#_dg_contributing[contributing] page for the longer format 
recommended for contributors to use.
\ No newline at end of file
+For non-committers we typically expect more detail again; see the 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_contributing[contributing] page for the longer format 
recommended for contributors to use.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git 
index d113a6b..0bb3870 100644
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 The release process consists of:
-* the release manager xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[cutting the 
-* members of the Apache Isis PMC 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verifying] and voting on the release
-* the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a successful 
or an xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-unsuccessful[unsuccessful] vote 
(former documented below)
+* the release manager 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[cutting the release]
+* members of the Apache Isis PMC 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verifying] and voting on the 
+* the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a successful 
or an xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-unsuccessful[unsuccessful] 
vote (former documented below)
 For a vote to succeed, there must be +3 votes from PMC members, and the vote 
must have been open at least 72 hours.  If there are not +3 votes after this 
time then it is perfectly permissible to keep the vote open longer.
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ to review changes made.
 foreach -g isisaddons/isis-[mw] sh "1.14.0" "1.15.0-SNAPSHOT" 
"" \"this is not really my password\"
-* In the parent directory where the `` script has been saved 
 use to check that all modules were released successfully: +
+* In the parent directory where the `` script has been saved 
 use to check that all modules were released successfully: +
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ eg if using Windows, then: +
 for a list of the dependencies to update.
 for a list of the dependencies to update.
 * If necessary, adjust the `_repos.txt` file (used by `foreach` function) so 
that repositories are released in the correct sequence (with respect to their 
mutual dependencies).
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ For example, `incode-module-base` must be released prior to 
 foreach -g incodehq/incode-module-[a-w] sh "1.14.0" 
"1.15.0-SNAPSHOT" "" \"this is not really my 
-* In the parent directory where the `` script has been saved 
 use to check that all modules were released successfully: +
+* In the parent directory where the `` script has been saved 
 use to check that all modules were released successfully: +
diff --git 
index bf9e40e..94b80f5 100644
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 The release process consists of:
-* the release manager xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[cutting the 
-* members of the Apache Isis PMC 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verifying] and voting on the release
-* the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-successful[successful] or an unsuccessful 
vote (latter documented below).
+* the release manager 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[cutting the release]
+* members of the Apache Isis PMC 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_verifying-releases[verifying] and voting on the 
+* the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-successful[successful] or an 
unsuccessful vote (latter documented below).
 If the vote did not succeed (did not achieve +3 votes after 72 hours and/or is 
unlikely to do so), then the vote should be closed and the following steps 
diff --git 
index e021a10..4966537 100644
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 The intent of an "interim" release is to allow a developer team to release 
their application based on a `-SNAPSHOT` version of the framework.  Since 
`-SNAPSHOT` changes on a day-to-day basis, the idea is to tag a particular 
revision and to release this, thereby providing stability/traceability for the 
application being developed.
-Whereas xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release.adoc[formal release]s and 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_relesae-process-for-snapshots.adoc[snapshot release]s 
are public (released through the Maven repository maintained by Apache Software 
Foundation), interim releases are non-public and rely on infrastructure 
provided by a developer team.  The tagged release resides _not_ in the 
link:../downloads.adoc#_downloads_source_code[official Apache Isis git 
repository], but instead in a fork/clone maintained by the developer team.
+Whereas xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release.adoc[formal 
release]s and 
release]s are public (released through the Maven repository maintained by 
Apache Software Foundation), interim releases are non-public and rely on 
infrastructure provided by a developer team.  The tagged release resides _not_ 
in the link:../downloads.adoc#_downloads_source_code[official Apache Isis git 
repository], but instead in a fork/clone maintained by the developer team.
diff --git 
index ac758da..d2c9491 100644
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-This section (appendix) describes the prerequisites for the 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_release-process[release process].
+This section (appendix) describes the prerequisites for the 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_release-process[release process].
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Ensure that Java 7 is installed and the toolchains plugin is 
configured, as desc
 The most important configuration you require is to set up public/private key 
 This is used by the `maven-release-plugin` to sign the code artifacts.
-See the page on xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_key-generation[key generation] for more 
+See the page on xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_key-generation[key generation] 
for more details.
 In order to prepare the release, you'll (need to) have a `~/.gnupg` directory 
with the relevant files (`gpg.conf`, `pubring.gpg`, `secring.gpg` etc), and 
have `gpg` on your operating system PATH.
diff --git 
index ea9588b..e56d74e 100644
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 The release process consists of:
-* the release manager xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[cutting the 
+* the release manager 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[cutting the release]
 * members of the Apache Isis PMC verifying and voting on the release 
(documented below)
-* the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-successful[successful] or an 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-unsuccessful[unsuccessful] vote.
+* the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-successful[successful] or an 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_post-release-unsuccessful[unsuccessful] vote.
 This section describes some guidance on what a voter (members of the Apache 
Isis PMC and anyone else who wishes) is expected to do before casting their 
vote in order to verify a release.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ This section describes some guidance on what a voter (members 
of the Apache Isis
 == Background
-Whenever a release manager announces a vote on a release (as per the 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_release-process[release process]) on the 
link:../support.html[dev mailing list], it is the responsibility of the 
project's PMC to cast their vote on the release.  Anyone else can also vote, 
but only members of the Apache Isis PMC's vote are binding.
+Whenever a release manager announces a vote on a release (as per the 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_release-process[release process]) on the 
link:../support.html[dev mailing list], it is the responsibility of the 
project's PMC to cast their vote on the release.  Anyone else can also vote, 
but only members of the Apache Isis PMC's vote are binding.
 Per this[ASF documentation], the legal 
requirements for an ASF release are:
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis
 == Verifying source artifacts
-You can either verify the source artifacts 
xref:cgcom.adoc#__cgcom_verifying-releases_manual-procedure[manuall], or use a 
script that 
xref:cgcom.adoc#__cgcom_verifying-releases_automated-procedure[automates] the 
+You can either verify the source artifacts 
or use a script that 
 the steps.
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Confirm that the versions of the Isis artifacts now cached in 
your local reposit
 ==== Verifying binary artifacts
-You can verify the binary releases by configuring your local Maven install to 
point to the Maven staging repository (or repositories) and then using them, eg 
to run the xref:ugfun.adoc#_ugfun_getting-started_simpleapp-archetype[SimpleApp 
archetype1] and running the resultant app.
+You can verify the binary releases by configuring your local Maven install to 
point to the Maven staging repository (or repositories) and then using them, eg 
to run the 
archetype1] and running the resultant app.
 Configuring your local Maven install amounts to updating the 
`~/.m2/settings.xml` file:
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Execute...
 The[Apache Creadur] project exists to provide a set 
of tools to ensure compliance with Apache's licensing standards.
-The main release auditing tool,[Apache RAT] is 
used in the xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[release process].
+The main release auditing tool,[Apache RAT] is 
used in the xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[release process].
 Creadur's remaining tools - 
link:[Tentacles] and 
link:[Whisker] - are to support the 
verification process.
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ cd webapp
 mvn jetty:run
-Adjust the version as necessary.  If it runs up ok, then it's time to 
+Adjust the version as necessary.  If it runs up ok, then it's time to 
diff --git 
index 82fd819..8c8fc58 100644
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-This appendix lists the (IntelliJ) live templates available for 
xref:dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc[writing documentation] using Asciidoc.  Instructions 
for installing the templates can be found 
+This appendix lists the (IntelliJ) live templates available for 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc[writing documentation] using Asciidoc.  
Instructions for installing the templates can be found 
 In the examples below the text `xxx`, `yyy`, `zzz` are correspond to template 
variables (ie placeholders).
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Cross-references (links) to the various guides
 a hyperlink to a bookmark within the committers' guide, where:
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ a hyperlink to a bookmark within the committers' guide, 
 for example:
-`\xref:dg.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[Cutting a release\]`
+`\xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_cgcom_cutting-a-release[Cutting a release\]`
 a hyperlink to a bookmark within the developers' guide, where:
@@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ a hyperlink to a bookmark within the developers' guide, 
 for example:
-`\xref:dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc-templates[Asciidoc templates\]`
+`\xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc-templates[Asciidoc templates\]`
-|xref:dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc-templates[Asciidoc templates]
+|xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc-templates[Asciidoc templates]
 a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for annotations, where:
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for 
annotations, where:
 for example:
-`\xref:rgant.adoc#_rgant-aaa_main[Core annotations]`
+`\xref:../rgant/rgant.adoc#_rgant-aaa_main[Core annotations]`
-|xref:rgant.adoc#_rgant-aaa_main[Core annotations]
+|xref:../rgant/rgant.adoc#_rgant-aaa_main[Core annotations]
 a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for configuration 
properties guide, where:
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for 
configuration propertie
 for example:
-`\xref:rgcfg.adoc#_rgcfg_configuring-core[Configuring Core]`
+`\xref:../rgcfg/rgcfg.adoc#_rgcfg_configuring-core[Configuring Core]`
-|xref:rgcfg.adoc#_rgcfg_configuring-core[Configuring Core]
+|xref:../rgcfg/rgcfg.adoc#_rgcfg_configuring-core[Configuring Core]
 a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for classes, methods and 
schema, where:
@@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for 
classes, methods and sc
 for example:
 a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for domain services, 
@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for 
domain services, where:
 for example:
 a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for the maven plugin, 
@@ -223,14 +223,14 @@ a hyperlink to a bookmark within the reference guide for 
the maven plugin, where
 for example:
-`\xref:rgmvn.adoc#_rgmvn_validate[validate goal]`
+`\xref:../rgmvn/rgmvn.adoc#_rgmvn_validate[validate goal]`
-|xref:rgmvn.adoc#_rgmvn_validate[validate goal]
+|xref:../rgmvn/rgmvn.adoc#_rgmvn_validate[validate goal]
 a hyperlink to the "man page" for an annotation within the reference guide for 
annotations, where:
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ a hyperlink to the "man page" for an annotation within 
the reference guide for a
 for example:
 a hyperlink to the "man page" for the specific attribute (field) of an 
annotation within the reference guide for annotations, where:
@@ -254,14 +254,14 @@ a hyperlink to the "man page" for the specific attribute 
(field) of an annotatio
 for example:
 a hyperlink to the "man page" for an (API) domain service within the reference 
guide for domain services, where:
@@ -269,14 +269,14 @@ a hyperlink to the "man page" for an (API) domain service 
within the reference g
 for example:
 a hyperlink to the "man page" for an (SPI) domain service within the reference 
guide for domain services, where:
@@ -284,15 +284,15 @@ a hyperlink to the "man page" for an (SPI) domain service 
within the reference g
 for example:
 a hyperlink to a bookmark within the fundamentals users' guide, where:
@@ -301,9 +301,9 @@ a hyperlink to a bookmark within the fundamentals users' 
guide, where:
 for example:
-`\xref:ugfun.adoc#_ugfun_core-concepts[Core concepts]`
+`\xref:../ugfun/ugfun.adoc#_ugfun_core-concepts[Core concepts]`
-|xref:ugfun.adoc#_ugfun_core-concepts[Core concepts]
+|xref:../ugfun/ugfun.adoc#_ugfun_core-concepts[Core concepts]
diff --git a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_asciidoc.adoc 
index cc55355..02d3d79 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_asciidoc.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_asciidoc.adoc
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ Apache Isis' documentation (meaning the website and the 
users' guide, the refere
 The website and guides are created by running build tools (documented below) 
which create the HTML version of the site and guides.
 You can therefore easily check the documentation before raising a pull request 
(as a contributor) or publishing the site (if a committer).
-To help write the Asciidoc text itself, we provide some 
xref:dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc-templates[Asciidoc templates].
+To help write the Asciidoc text itself, we provide some 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_asciidoc-templates[Asciidoc templates].
 Publishing is performed by copying the generated HTML to a different git 
-Since this can only be done by Apache Isis committers, the process for doing 
this is described in the 
xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_asciidoc-publish-procedure[committers' guide].
+Since this can only be done by Apache Isis committers, the process for doing 
this is described in the 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_asciidoc-publish-procedure[committers' guide].
 This is synced by ASF infrastructure over to 
diff --git 
index f7dcc2e..b3ae7ab 100644
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
 Only Apache Isis committers can publish to 
-See the xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_publishing-the-docs[committers' guide] for 
further details.
+See the xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_publishing-the-docs[committers' guide] 
for further details.
diff --git 
index 51da1b0..311144c 100644
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
-We highly recommend that you install the (IntelliJ) live templates for 
Asciidoctor, as described in xref:dg.adoc#__dg_ide_intellij_live-templates[IDE 
templates].  These provide a large number of helper templates.
+We highly recommend that you install the (IntelliJ) live templates for 
Asciidoctor, as described in 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#__dg_ide_intellij_live-templates[IDE templates].  These 
provide a large number of helper templates.
-An xref:dg.adoc#_dg_appendix_asciidoc-templates[appendix] lists all the 
templates available, demonstrating their intended usage and output.
+An xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_appendix_asciidoc-templates[appendix] lists all the 
templates available, demonstrating their intended usage and output.
diff --git 
index e92b0f1..5f6335b 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_building-isis.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_building-isis.adoc
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ git clone
-If you are *not a committer*, please see the 
xref:dg.adoc#_dg_contributing[contributing] page for details on which repo to 
clone from.
+If you are *not a committer*, please see the 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_contributing[contributing] page for details on which 
repo to clone from.
diff --git 
index 88a01eb..3db485b 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_contributing.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_contributing.adoc
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-This page explains how you can contribute to Apache Isis. You'll probably also 
want xref:dg.adoc#_dg_ide[set up your IDE] and learn 
xref:dg.adoc#_dg_building-isis[how to build Apache Isis].
+This page explains how you can contribute to Apache Isis. You'll probably also 
want xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_ide[set up your IDE] and learn 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_building-isis[how to build Apache Isis].
 Thanks for considering to help out, your contributions are appreciated!
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ The command line prompt should also indicate you are on a 
branch, isolated from
 === Make File Changes and Commit
-Next, make changes to your files using the usual commands (see also our 
xref:dg.adoc#_dg_git-cookbook[git cookbook] section):
+Next, make changes to your files using the usual commands (see also our 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_git-cookbook[git cookbook] section):
 * `git add`
 * `git mv`
diff --git 
index 53a126b..5cebad7 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_git-cookbook.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_git-cookbook.adoc
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 This appendix describes the commands often used while working with git.  In 
addition to these basic commands, please make sure you have read:
-* xref:dg.adoc#_dg_building-isis[building Apache Isis]
-* xref:dg.adoc#_dg_contributing[Contributing]
-* xref:dg.adoc#_cgcom_policies_git-policy[Git policy]
+* xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_building-isis[building Apache Isis]
+* xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_contributing[Contributing]
+* xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_cgcom_policies_git-policy[Git policy]
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ git commit -m "ISIS-nnn: yada yada"
 == Common Workflows
-The xref:dg.adoc#_dg_contributing[contributing] page describes the workflow 
for non-committers.  The xref:cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_policies_git-policy[Git policy] 
page describes a workflow for Apache Isis **committers**.
+The xref:../dg/dg.adoc#_dg_contributing[contributing] page describes the 
workflow for non-committers.  The 
xref:../cgcom/cgcom.adoc#_cgcom_policies_git-policy[Git policy] page describes 
a workflow for Apache Isis **committers**.
diff --git 
index af3ecc3..4268586 100644
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ As per the[DN lo
 * In the JDBC Driver +
 Configure `log4jdbc` JDBC rather than the vanilla driver (see 
`WEB-INF/`) and configure log4j logging (see 
-There are examples of both in the 
xref:ugfun.adoc#_ugfun_getting-started_simpleapp-archetype[SimpleApp archetype].
+There are examples of both in the 
 * In the database +
diff --git 
index 76b3a2e..373b1e6 100644
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ When clicking the back button in the browser the user sees 
"Object not found" (s
 And refresh the current page when receiving a null response or invoking a void 
 But how to implement this?_
-One way to implement this idea is to provide a custom implementation of the 
xref:rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_spi_RoutingService[`RoutingService`] SPI domain service.
-The default implementation will either return the current object (if not 
null), else the home page (as defined by 
xref:rgant.adoc#_rgant-HomePage[`@HomePage`]) if one exists.
+One way to implement this idea is to provide a custom implementation of the 
xref:../rgsvc/rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_spi_RoutingService[`RoutingService`] SPI domain 
+The default implementation will either return the current object (if not 
null), else the home page (as defined by 
xref:../rgant/rgant.adoc#_rgant-HomePage[`@HomePage`]) if one exists.
 The following custom implementation refines this to use the breadcrumbs 
(available in the Wicket viewer) to return the first non-deleted domain object 
found in the list of breadcrumbs:
diff --git 
index c141366..d165a65 100644
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ From this 
link:[thread] on the A
 * _What is the easiest way to add a spell checker to the text written in a 
field in
    a domain object, for instance to check English syntax?_
-One way to implement is to use the 
xref:rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_api_EventBusService[event bus]:
+One way to implement is to use the 
xref:../rgsvc/rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_api_EventBusService[event bus]:
 * Set up a xref:rgcsm.adoc#_rgcsm_classes_domainevent[domain event] 
xref:rgcsm.adoc#_rgcsm_classes_super_AbstractSubscriber[subscriber] that can 
veto the changes.
-* if the change is made through an action, you can use 
+* if the change is made through an action, you can use 
-if if the change is made through an edit, you can use 
+if if the change is made through an edit, you can use 
 You'll need some way to know which fields should be spell checked.  Two ways 
spring to mind:
diff --git 
index 22263cd..6a6b6ac 100644
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Referencing those via their message id inside a .po file 
didn't work either.
 Can this be done?_
-The above FAQ was raised against `1.10.0`.  As of `1.11.0` (due to 
link:[ISIS-1093]) it _is_ now 
possible to internationalize both the Wicket viewer's labels as well as the 
regular translations of the domain object metadata using the `.po` translation 
files as supported by the 
+The above FAQ was raised against `1.10.0`.  As of `1.11.0` (due to 
link:[ISIS-1093]) it _is_ now 
possible to internationalize both the Wicket viewer's labels as well as the 
regular translations of the domain object metadata using the `.po` translation 
files as supported by the 
 Full details of the ``msgId``s that must be added to the `translations.po` 
file can be found in xref:guides/ugbtb.adoc#__ugbtb_i18n_wicket-viewer[i18n] 
section of the xref:ugbtb.adoc#[beyond the basics] guide.
diff --git 
index 3084508..a01564d 100644
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ This is in the form:
     (filename):(mime type):(binary data in base64)
-This is basically the xref:rgcms.adoc#_rgcms_classes_value-types_Blob[`Blob`] 
value type, in string form.
+This is basically the 
xref:../rgcms/rgcms.adoc#_rgcms_classes_value-types_Blob[`Blob`] value type, in 
string form.
 To use, split the parts then format the mime type and base64 data correctly 
before using as source in an `<img>` tag.
diff --git 
index 2d310e7..a3f0dab 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_ide_eclipse.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_ide_eclipse.adoc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ application into Eclipse and configure to use with the JDO 
 == Editor Templates
-We provide a set of editor templates.  These are used to add new methods to 
existing classes.  (These are equivalent to the 
xref:dg.adoc#__dg_ide_intellij_live-templates[IntelliJ live templates]):
+We provide a set of editor templates.  These are used to add new methods to 
existing classes.  (These are equivalent to the 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#__dg_ide_intellij_live-templates[IntelliJ live templates]):
 * `is` (Apache Isis domain objects).  
 * `ju` (for JUnit tests) 
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ 
 DataNucleus' enhancer uses the domain object model's own classpath to 
reference DataNucleus JARs. So, even though your domain objects are unlikely to 
depend on DataNucleus, these references must still be present.
-See the earlier section on 
enhancer] for details of the contents of the `pom.xml`.  Chances are it is 
already set up from running the 
xref:ugfun.adoc#_ugfun_getting-started_simpleapp-archetype[SimpleApp archetype].
+See the earlier section on 
 enhancer] for details of the contents of the `pom.xml`.  Chances are it is 
already set up from running the 
 Then, tell DataNucleus to use the project classpath:
@@ -171,5 +171,5 @@ Changing persisting domain entities is more problematic, 
for two reasons: the JD
 domain entities, and also at runtime JDO/DataNucleus would need to rebuild its 
own metamodel.  You may find that adding
 actions will work, but adding new properties or collections is much less 
likely to.
-For details of setting up DCEVM, see the 
xref:dg.adoc#__dg_ide_intellij_advanced_dcevm[corresponding section] in the 
IntelliJ documentation.
+For details of setting up DCEVM, see the 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#__dg_ide_intellij_advanced_dcevm[corresponding section] in 
the IntelliJ documentation.
diff --git 
index 46a6677..c458e0f 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_ide_intellij.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_ide_intellij.adoc
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The live templates have a prefix of prefixed either:
 * `is` : for Apache Isis domain objects
 * `ju` : for JUnit tests
 * `jm` : for JMock mocks or libraries
-* `ad` : for Asciidoc documentation; a full list can be found in the 
+* `ad` : for Asciidoc documentation; a full list can be found in the 
 The live templates are also provided as a settings JAR file, namely 
 Download and import (as for the previous settings JAR files).
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ In this section are several options that will reduce the 
time it takes between m
 === Using Grade to compile/enhance
-Running an Apache Isis application requires that the DataNucleus enhancer runs 
on the compiled bytecode.  As described 
xref:dg.adoc#__dg_ide_intellij_running_the-app[above], the recommended way to 
do this with IntelliJ is to use a Run configuration that runs the enhancer goal 
prior to launch.
+Running an Apache Isis application requires that the DataNucleus enhancer runs 
on the compiled bytecode.  As described 
xref:../dg/dg.adoc#__dg_ide_intellij_running_the-app[above], the recommended 
way to do this with IntelliJ is to use a Run configuration that runs the 
enhancer goal prior to launch.
 Alternative, you can use the following `build.gradle` script in your `dom` 
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ 
 === Using Gradle for liveReload
 Similarly, gradle can be run to reduce the turn-around time when tweaking the 
UI (defined by the
- xref:ugvw.adoc#_ugvw_layout_file-based[`*.layout.xml`] file for each domain 
class), when the app is running.
+ xref:../ugvw/ugvw.adoc#_ugvw_layout_file-based[`*.layout.xml`] file for each 
domain class), when the app is running.
 The framework will automatically notice any changes to `.layout.xml` files, 
but these are read from the
 the classpath (the `target/classes` directory), not the source path.  With 
IntelliJ these can be copied over manually
diff --git 
index 6a4a667..e3d7c4f 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_project-lombok.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/_dg_project-lombok.adoc
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ private String name;
 Under the covers it is implemented as an annotation processor; it basically 
hooks into the Java compiler
 so that it can emit additional bytecode (eg for the getter and setter).  See 
xref:_cg_ide_intellij_other-settings-compiler[here] for details of setting up 
in IntelliJ (Eclipse has very similar support).
-Apache Isis supports link:[Project Lombok], in that 
the annotations that would normally be placed on the getter (namely 
xref:rgant.adoc#_rgant-CollectionLayout[`@CollectionLayout`] and 
xref:rgant.adoc#_rgant-MemberOrder[`@MemberOrder`]) can be placed on the field 
+Apache Isis supports link:[Project Lombok], in that 
the annotations that would normally be placed on the getter (namely 
xref:../rgant/rgant.adoc#_rgant-CollectionLayout[`@CollectionLayout`] and 
xref:../rgant/rgant.adoc#_rgant-MemberOrder[`@MemberOrder`]) can be placed on 
the field instead.
 There are plugins for Lombok for maven; it's just a matter of adding the 
required dependency.  To compile the code
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Lombok plugin appropriate to that IDE.  See the 
 == Future thoughts
-In the future we might extend/fork Lombok so that it understands Isis' own 
annotations (ie xref:rgant.adoc#_rgant-Property[`@Property`] and 
+In the future we might extend/fork Lombok so that it understands Isis' own 
annotations (ie xref:../rgant/rgant.adoc#_rgant-Property[`@Property`] and 
 rather than Lombok's own `@Getter` and `@Setter.
 It might also be possible to use Lombok to generate the domain event classes 
for each member.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/dg.adoc 
index 76cd0a5..dbad10f 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/dg.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/dg/dg.adoc
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ The user guides available are:
 The reference guides are:
-* xref:rgant.adoc#[Annotations]
-* xref:rgsvc.adoc#[Domain Services]
-* xref:rgcfg.adoc#[Configuration Properties]
-* xref:rgcms.adoc#[Classes, Methods and Schema]
-* xref:rgmvn.adoc#[Apache Isis Maven plugin]
-* xref:rgfis.adoc#[Framework Internal Services]
+* xref:../rgant/rgant.adoc#[Annotations]
+* xref:../rgsvc/rgsvc.adoc#[Domain Services]
+* xref:../rgcfg/rgcfg.adoc#[Configuration Properties]
+* xref:../rgcms/rgcms.adoc#[Classes, Methods and Schema]
+* xref:../rgmvn/rgmvn.adoc#[Apache Isis Maven plugin]
+* xref:../rgfis/rgfis.adoc#[Framework Internal Services]
 The remaining guides are:
diff --git 
index c0c2bac..4ee7904 100644
--- a/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/rgant/_rgant-Action.adoc
+++ b/adocs/documentation/src/main/asciidoc/guides/rgant/_rgant-Action.adoc
@@ -18,40 +18,40 @@ The table below summarizes the annotation's attributes.
 | Description
 |whether the action invocation should be reified into a `o.a.i.applib.` +
-`services.command.Command` object through the 
xref:rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_api_CommandContext[`CommandContext`] service.
+`services.command.Command` object through the 
xref:../rgsvc/rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_api_CommandContext[`CommandContext`] service.
-|whether to execute the command immediately, or to persist it (assuming that 
an appropriate implementation of 
xref:rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_spi_CommandService[`CommandService`] has been 
configured) such that a background scheduler can execute the command 
+|whether to execute the command immediately, or to persist it (assuming that 
an appropriate implementation of 
xref:../rgsvc/rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_spi_CommandService[`CommandService`] has been 
configured) such that a background scheduler can execute the command 
-|whether the reified `Command` (as provided by the `CommandContext` domain 
service) should actually be persisted (assuming an appropriate implementation 
of xref:rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_spi_CommandService[`CommandService`] has been 
+|whether the reified `Command` (as provided by the `CommandContext` domain 
service) should actually be persisted (assuming an appropriate implementation 
of xref:../rgsvc/rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_spi_CommandService[`CommandService`] has 
been configured).
 |subtype of `ActionDomainEvent` +
-|the event type to be posted to the 
xref:rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_api_EventBusService[`EventBusService`] to
+|the event type to be posted to the 
xref:../rgsvc/rgsvc.adoc#_rgsvc_api_EventBusService[`EventBusService`] to
 broadcast the action's business rule checking (hide, disable, validate) and 
its invocation (pre-execute and
 |indicates where (in the UI) the action should be hidden from the user.
 |whether an action can be invoked on a single object and/or on many objects in 
a collection.
@@ -59,22 +59,22 @@ post-execute).
 Currently this is only supported for no-arg actions.
-|whether the action invocation should be published to the registered 
+|whether the action invocation should be published to the registered 
 |`publishing-` +
 |subtype of `PublishingPayloadFactory-` `ForAction` (none)
 |specifies that a custom implementation of `PublishingPayloadFactoryForAction` 
be used to create the (payload of the) published event representing the action 
 |whether the action is only available in prototyping mode, or whether it is 
available also in production mode.
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Currently this is only supported for no-arg actions.
 The `...ARE_YOU_SURE` variants cause a confirmation dialog to be displayed in 
the xref:ugvw.adoc#[Wicket viewer].
 |if the action returns a collection, hints as to the run-time type of the 
objects within that collection (as a fallback)

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