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+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+### Solr ###
+Knox provides gateway functionality to Solr with support for versions 5.5+ and 
6+. The Solr REST APIs allow the user to view the status 
+of the collections, perform administrative actions and query collections.
+See the Solr Quickstart ( 
section of the Solr documentation for examples of the Solr REST API.
+Since Knox provides an abstraction over Solr and ZooKeeper, the use of the 
SolrJ CloudSolrClient is no longer supported.  You should replace 
+instances of CloudSolrClient with HttpSolrClient.
+<p>Note: Updates to Solr via Knox require a POST operation require the use of 
preemptive authentication which is not directly supported by the 
+SolrJ API at this time.</p>  
+To enable this functionality, a topology file needs to have the following 
+    <service>
+        <role>SOLR</role>
+        <version>6.0.0</version>
+        <url>http://<solr-host>:<solr-port></url>
+    </service>
+The default Solr port is 8983. Adjust the version specified to either '5.5.0 
or '6.0.0'.
+#### Solr URL Mapping ####
+For Solr URLs, the mapping of Knox Gateway accessible URLs to direct Solr URLs 
is the following.
+| ------- | 
+| Gateway | 
`https://{gateway-host}:{gateway-port}/{gateway-path}/{cluster-name}/solr` |
+| Cluster | `http://{solr-host}:{solr-port}/solr`                              
+#### Solr Examples via cURL
+Some of the various calls that can be made and examples using curl are listed 
+    # 0. Query collection
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 1. Query cluster status
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X POST 
+### Solr HA ###
+Knox provides basic failover functionality for calls made to Solr Cloud when 
more than one Solr instance is
+installed in the cluster and registered with the same ZooKeeper ensemble. The 
HA functionality in this case fetches the
+Solr URL information from a ZooKeeper ensemble, so the user need only supply 
the necessary ZooKeeper
+configuration and not the Solr connection URLs.
+To enable HA functionality for Solr Cloud in Knox the following configuration 
has to be added to the topology file.
+    <provider>
+        <role>ha</role>
+        <name>HaProvider</name>
+        <enabled>true</enabled>
+        <param>
+            <name>SOLR</name>
+       </param>
+    </provider>
+The role and name of the provider above must be as shown. The name in the 
'param' section must match that of the service
+role name that is being configured for HA and the value in the 'param' section 
is the configuration for that particular
+service in HA mode. In this case the name is 'SOLR'.
+The various configuration parameters are described below:
+* maxFailoverAttempts -
+This is the maximum number of times a failover will be attempted. The failover 
strategy at this time is very simplistic
+in that the next URL in the list of URLs provided for the service is used and 
the one that failed is put at the bottom
+of the list. If the list is exhausted and the maximum number of attempts is 
not reached then the first URL will be tried
+again after the list is fetched again from ZooKeeper (a refresh of the list is 
done at this point)
+* failoverSleep -
+The amount of time in millis that the process will wait or sleep before 
attempting to failover.
+* enabled -
+Flag to turn the particular service on or off for HA.
+* zookeeperEnsemble -
+A comma separated list of host names (or IP addresses) of the zookeeper hosts 
that consist of the ensemble that the Solr
+servers register their information with. 
+And for the service configuration itself the URLs need NOT be added to the 
list. For example.
+    <service>
+        <role>SOLR</role>
+        <version>6.0.0</version>
+    </service>
+Please note that there is no `<url>` tag specified here as the URLs for the 
Solr servers are obtained from ZooKeeper.

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+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+### Storm ###
+Storm is a distributed realtime computation system. Storm exposes REST APIs 
for UI functionality that can be used for
+retrieving metrics data and configuration information as well as management 
operations such as starting or stopping topologies.
+The docs for this can be found here
+To enable this functionality, a topology file needs to have the following 
+    <service>
+        <role>STORM</role>
+        <url>http://<hostname>:<port></url>
+    </service>
+The default UI daemon port is 8744. If it is configured to some other port, 
that configuration can be
+found in `storm.yaml` as the value for the property `ui.port`.
+In addition to the storm service configuration above, a STORM-LOGVIEWER 
service must be configured if the
+log files are to be retrieved through Knox. The value of the port for the 
logviewer can be found by the property
+`logviewer.port` also in the file `storm.yaml`.
+    <service>
+        <role>STORM-LOGVIEWER</role>
+        <url>http://<hostname>:<port></url>
+    </service>
+#### Storm URL Mapping ####
+For Storm URLs, the mapping of Knox Gateway accessible URLs to direct Storm 
URLs is the following.
+| ------- | 
+| Gateway | 
`https://{gateway-host}:{gateway-port}/{gateway-path}/{cluster-name}/storm` |
+| Cluster | `http://{storm-host}:{storm-port}`                                 
+For the log viewer the mapping is as follows
+| ------- | 
+| Gateway | 
+| Cluster | `http://{storm-logviewer-host}:{storm-logviewer-port}`             
+#### Storm Examples
+Some of the various calls that can be made and examples using curl are listed 
+    # 0. Getting cluster configuration
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 1. Getting cluster summary information
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 2. Getting supervisor summary information
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 3. topologies summary information
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 4. Getting specific topology information. Substitute {id} with the 
topology id.
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 5. To get component level information. Substitute {id} with the topology 
id and {component} with the component id e.g. 'spout'
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+The following POST operations all require a 'x-csrf-token' header along with 
other information that can be stored in a cookie file.
+In particular the 'ring-session' header and 'JSESSIONID'.
+    # 6. To activate a topology. Substitute {id} with the topology id and 
{token-value} with the x-csrf-token value.
+    curl -ik -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt -u guest:guest-password -H 
'x-csrf-token:{token-value}' -X POST \
+     http://localhost:8744/api/v1/topology/{id}/activate
+    # 7. To de-activate a topology. Substitute {id} with the topology id and 
{token-value} with the x-csrf-token value.
+    curl -ik -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt -u guest:guest-password -H 
'x-csrf-token:{token-value}' -X POST \
+     http://localhost:8744/api/v1/topology/{id}/deactivate
+    # 8. To rebalance a topology. Substitute {id} with the topology id and 
{token-value} with the x-csrf-token value.
+    curl -ik -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt -u guest:guest-password -H 
'x-csrf-token:{token-value}' -X POST \
+     http://localhost:8744/api/v1/topology/{id}/rebalance/0
+    # 9. To kill a topology. Substitute {id} with the topology id and 
{token-value} with the x-csrf-token value.
+    curl -ik -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt -u guest:guest-password -H 
'x-csrf-token:{token-value}' -X POST \
+     http://localhost:8744/api/v1/topology/{id}/kill/0

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+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+### WebHCat ###
+WebHCat (also called _Templeton_) is a related but separate service from 
+As such it is installed and configured independently.
+The [WebHCat wiki 
pages]( describe this 
+In sandbox this configuration file for WebHCat is located at 
+Note the properties shown below as they are related to configuration required 
by the gateway.
+    <property>
+        <name>templeton.port</name>
+        <value>50111</value>
+    </property>
+Also important is the configuration of the JOBTRACKER RPC endpoint.
+For Hadoop 2 this can be found in the `yarn-site.xml` file.
+In Sandbox this file can be found at `/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml`.
+The property `yarn.resourcemanager.address` within that file is relevant for 
the gateway's configuration.
+    <property>
+        <name>yarn.resourcemanager.address</name>
+        <value></value>
+    </property>
+See #[WebHDFS] for details about locating the Hadoop configuration for the 
NAMENODE endpoint.
+The gateway by default includes a sample topology descriptor file 
+The values in this sample are configured to work with an installed Sandbox VM.
+    <service>
+        <role>NAMENODE</role>
+        <url>hdfs://localhost:8020</url>
+    </service>
+    <service>
+        <role>JOBTRACKER</role>
+        <url>rpc://localhost:8050</url>
+    </service>
+    <service>
+        <role>WEBHCAT</role>
+        <url>http://localhost:50111/templeton</url>
+    </service>
+The URLs provided for the role NAMENODE and JOBTRACKER do not result in an 
endpoint being exposed by the gateway.
+This information is only required so that other URLs can be rewritten that 
reference the appropriate RPC address for Hadoop services.
+This prevents clients from needing to be aware of the internal cluster details.
+Note that for Hadoop 2 the JOBTRACKER RPC endpoint is provided by the Resource 
Manager component.
+By default the gateway is configured to use the HTTP endpoint for WebHCat in 
the Sandbox.
+This could alternatively be configured to use the HTTPS endpoint by providing 
the correct address.
+#### WebHCat URL Mapping ####
+For WebHCat URLs, the mapping of Knox Gateway accessible URLs to direct 
WebHCat URLs is simple.
+| ------- | 
+| Gateway | 
+| Cluster | `http://{webhcat-host}:{webhcat-port}/templeton}`                  
+#### WebHCat via cURL
+Users can use cURL to directly invoke the REST APIs via the gateway. For the 
full list of available REST calls look at the WebHCat documentation. This is a 
simple curl command to test the connection:
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password 
+#### WebHCat Example ####
+This example will submit the familiar WordCount Java MapReduce job to the 
Hadoop cluster via the gateway using the KnoxShell DSL.
+There are several ways to do this depending upon your preference.
+You can use the "embedded" Groovy interpreter provided with the distribution.
+    java -jar bin/shell.jar samples/ExampleWebHCatJob.groovy
+You can manually type in the KnoxShell DSL script into the "embedded" Groovy 
interpreter provided with the distribution.
+    java -jar bin/shell.jar
+Each line from the file `samples/ExampleWebHCatJob.groovy` would then need to 
be typed or copied into the interactive shell.
+#### WebHCat Client DSL ####
+##### submitJava() - Submit a Java MapReduce job.
+* Request
+    * jar (String) - The remote file name of the JAR containing the app to 
+    * app (String) - The app name to execute. This is _wordcount_ for example 
not the class name.
+    * input (String) - The remote directory name to use as input for the job.
+    * output (String) - The remote directory name to store output from the job.
+* Response
+    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
+* Example
+    Job.submitJava(session)
+        .jar(remoteJarName)
+        .app(appName)
+        .input(remoteInputDir)
+        .output(remoteOutputDir)
+        .now()
+        .jobId
+##### submitPig() - Submit a Pig job.
+* Request
+    * file (String) - The remote file name of the pig script.
+    * arg (String) - An argument to pass to the script.
+    * statusDir (String) - The remote directory to store status output.
+* Response
+    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
+* Example
+    * 
+##### submitHive() - Submit a Hive job.
+* Request
+    * file (String) - The remote file name of the hive script.
+    * arg (String) - An argument to pass to the script.
+    * statusDir (String) - The remote directory to store status output.
+* Response
+    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
+* Example
+    * 
+#### submitSqoop Job API ####
+Using the Knox DSL, you can now easily submit and monitor [Apache 
Sqoop]( jobs. The WebHCat Job class now supports the 
`submitSqoop` command.
+    Job.submitSqoop(session)
+        .command("import --connect jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/dbname ... ")
+        .statusDir(remoteStatusDir)
+        .now().jobId
+The `submitSqoop` command supports the following arguments:
+* command (String) - The sqoop command string to execute.
+* files (String) - Comma separated files to be copied to the templeton 
controller job.
+* optionsfile (String) - The remote file which contain Sqoop command need to 
+* libdir (String) - The remote directory containing jdbc jar to include with 
sqoop lib
+* statusDir (String) - The remote directory to store status output.
+A complete example is available here:
+##### queryQueue() - Return a list of all job IDs registered to the user.
+* Request
+    * No request parameters.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * `Job.queryQueue(session).now().string`
+##### queryStatus() - Check the status of a job and get related job 
information given its job ID.
+* Request
+    * jobId (String) - The job ID to check. This is the ID received when the 
job was created.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * `Job.queryStatus(session).jobId(jobId).now().string`
+### WebHCat HA ###
+Please look at #[Default Service HA support]

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+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+### WebHDFS ###
+REST API access to HDFS in a Hadoop cluster is provided by WebHDFS or HttpFS.
+Both services provide the same API.
 documentation is available online.
+WebHDFS must be enabled in the `hdfs-site.xml` configuration file and exposes 
the API on each NameNode and DataNode.
+HttpFS however is a separate server to be configured and started separately.
+In the sandbox this configuration file is located at 
+Note the properties shown below as they are related to configuration required 
by the gateway.
+Some of these represent the default values and may not actually be present in 
+    <property>
+        <name>dfs.webhdfs.enabled</name>
+        <value>true</value>
+    </property>
+    <property>
+        <name>dfs.namenode.rpc-address</name>
+        <value></value>
+    </property>
+    <property>
+        <name>dfs.namenode.http-address</name>
+        <value></value>
+    </property>
+    <property>
+        <name>dfs.https.namenode.https-address</name>
+        <value></value>
+    </property>
+The values above need to be reflected in each topology descriptor file 
deployed to the gateway.
+The gateway by default includes a sample topology descriptor file 
+The values in this sample are configured to work with an installed Sandbox VM.
+Please also note that the port changed from 50070 to 9870 in Hadoop 3.0.
+    <service>
+        <role>NAMENODE</role>
+        <url>hdfs://localhost:8020</url>
+    </service>
+    <service>
+        <role>WEBHDFS</role>
+        <url>http://localhost:50070/webhdfs</url>
+    </service>
+The URL provided for the role NAMENODE does not result in an endpoint being 
exposed by the gateway.
+This information is only required so that other URLs can be rewritten that 
reference the Name Node's RPC address.
+This prevents clients from needing to be aware of the internal cluster details.
+By default the gateway is configured to use the HTTP endpoint for WebHDFS in 
the Sandbox.
+This could alternatively be configured to use the HTTPS endpoint by providing 
the correct address.
+##### HDFS NameNode Federation
+NameNode federation introduces some additional complexity when determining to 
which URL(s) Knox should proxy HDFS-related requests.
+The HDFS core-site.xml configuration includes additional properties, which 
represent options in terms of the NameNode endpoints.
+| ------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | 
---------------------- |
+| Property Name             | Description                        | Example 
Value          |
+| dfs.internal.nameservices | The list of defined namespaces     | ns1,ns2     
+For each value enumerated by *dfs.internal.nameservices*, there is another 
property defined, for specifying the associated NameNode names.
+| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
| ---------- |
+| Property Name        | Description                                           
| Example Value |
+| dfs.ha.namenodes.ns1 | The NameNode identifiers associated with the ns1 
namespace  | nn1,nn2 |
+| dfs.ha.namenodes.ns2 | The NameNode identifiers associated with the ns2 
namespace  | nn3,nn4 |
+For each namenode name enumerated by each of these properties, there are other 
properties defined, for specifying the associated host addresses.
+| ------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | 
---------------------- |
+| Property Name             | Description                        | Example 
Value          |
+| dfs.namenode.http-address.ns1.nn1  | The HTTP host address of nn1 NameNode 
in the ns1 namespace  | host1:50070 |
+| dfs.namenode.https-address.ns1.nn1 | The HTTPS host address of nn1 NameNode 
in the ns1 namespace | host1:50470 |
+| dfs.namenode.http-address.ns1.nn2  | The HTTP host address of nn2 NameNode 
in the ns1 namespace  | host2:50070 |
+| dfs.namenode.https-address.ns1.nn2 | The HTTPS host address of nn2 NameNode 
in the ns1 namespace | host2:50470 |
+| dfs.namenode.http-address.ns2.nn3  | The HTTP host address of nn3 NameNode 
in the ns2 namespace  | host3:50070 |
+| dfs.namenode.https-address.ns2.nn3 | The HTTPS host address of nn3 NameNode 
in the ns2 namespace | host3:50470 |
+| dfs.namenode.http-address.ns2.nn4  | The HTTP host address of nn4 NameNode 
in the ns2 namespace  | host4:50070 |
+| dfs.namenode.https-address.ns2.nn4 | The HTTPS host address of nn4 NameNode 
in the ns2 namespace | host4:50470 |
+So, if Knox should proxy the NameNodes associated with *ns1*, and the 
configuration does not dictate HTTPS, then the WEBHDFS service must
+contain URLs based on the values of *dfs.namenode.http-address.ns1.nn1* and 
*dfs.namenode.http-address.ns1.nn2*. Likewise, if Knox should
+proxy the NameNodes associated with *ns2*, the WEBHDFS service must contain 
URLs based on the values of *dfs.namenode.http-address.ns2.nn3*
+and *dfs.namenode.http-address.ns2.nn3*.
+Fortunately, for Ambari-managed clusters, 
[descriptors](#Simplified+Descriptor+Files) and service discovery can handle 
this complexity for administrators.
+In the descriptor, the service can be declared without any endpoints, and the 
desired namespace can be specified to disambiguate which endpoint(s)
+should be proxied by way of a parameter named *discovery-namespace*.
+    "services": [
+      {
+        "name": "WEBHDFS",
+        "params": {
+          "discovery-nameservice": "ns2"
+        }
+      },
+If no namespace is specified, then the default namespace will be applied. This 
default namespace is derived from the value of the
+property named *fs.defaultFS* defined in the HDFS *core-site.xml* 
+#### WebHDFS URL Mapping ####
+For Name Node URLs, the mapping of Knox Gateway accessible WebHDFS URLs to 
direct WebHDFS URLs is simple.
+| ------- | 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Gateway | 
`https://{gateway-host}:{gateway-port}/{gateway-path}/{cluster-name}/webhdfs` |
+| Cluster | `http://{webhdfs-host}:50070/webhdfs`                              
+However, there is a subtle difference to URLs that are returned by WebHDFS in 
the Location header of many requests.
+Direct WebHDFS requests may return Location headers that contain the address 
of a particular DataNode.
+The gateway will rewrite these URLs to ensure subsequent requests come back 
through the gateway and internal cluster details are protected.
+A WebHDFS request to the NameNode to retrieve a file will return a URL of the 
form below in the Location header.
+    http://{datanode-host}:{data-node-port}/webhdfs/v1/{path}?...
+Note that this URL contains the network location of a DataNode.
+The gateway will rewrite this URL to look like the URL below.
+The `{encrypted-query-parameters}` will contain the `{datanode-host}` and 
`{datanode-port}` information.
+This information along with the original query parameters are encrypted so 
that the internal Hadoop details are protected.
+#### WebHDFS Examples ####
+The examples below upload a file, download the file and list the contents of 
the directory.
+##### WebHDFS via client DSL
+You can use the Groovy example scripts and interpreter provided with the 
+    java -jar bin/shell.jar samples/ExampleWebHdfsPutGet.groovy
+    java -jar bin/shell.jar samples/ExampleWebHdfsLs.groovy
+You can manually type the client DSL script into the KnoxShell interactive 
Groovy interpreter provided with the distribution.
+The command below starts the KnoxShell in interactive mode.
+    java -jar bin/shell.jar
+Each line below could be typed or copied into the interactive shell and 
+This is provided as an example to illustrate the use of the client DSL.
+    // Import the client DSL and a useful utilities for working with JSON.
+    import
+    import
+    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
+    // Setup some basic config.
+    gateway = "https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox";
+    username = "guest"
+    password = "guest-password"
+    // Start the session.
+    session = Hadoop.login( gateway, username, password )
+    // Cleanup anything leftover from a previous run.
+    Hdfs.rm( session ).file( "/user/guest/example" ).recursive().now()
+    // Upload the README to HDFS.
+    Hdfs.put( session ).file( "README" ).to( "/user/guest/example/README" 
+    // Download the README from HDFS.
+    text = Hdfs.get( session ).from( "/user/guest/example/README" 
+    println text
+    // List the contents of the directory.
+    text = session ).dir( "/user/guest/example" ).now().string
+    json = (new JsonSlurper()).parseText( text )
+    println json.FileStatuses.FileStatus.pathSuffix
+    // Cleanup the directory.
+    Hdfs.rm( session ).file( "/user/guest/example" ).recursive().now()
+    // Clean the session.
+    session.shutdown()
+##### WebHDFS via cURL
+Users can use cURL to directly invoke the REST APIs via the gateway.
+###### Optionally cleanup the sample directory in case a previous example was 
run without cleaning up.
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X DELETE \
+###### Register the name for a sample file README in /user/guest/example.
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X PUT \
+###### Upload README to /user/guest/example.  Use the README in {GATEWAY_HOME}.
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -T README -X PUT \
+        '{Value of Location header from command above}'
+###### List the contents of the directory /user/guest/example.
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X GET \
+###### Request the content of the README file in /user/guest/example.
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X GET \
+###### Read the content of the file.
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X GET \
+        '{Value of Location header from command above}'
+###### Optionally cleanup the example directory.
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X DELETE \
+##### WebHDFS client DSL
+###### get() - Get a file from HDFS (OPEN).
+* Request
+    * from( String name ) - The full name of the file in HDFS.
+    * file( String name ) - The name of a local file to create with the 
+    If this isn't specified the file content must be read from the response.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+    * If file parameter specified content will be streamed to file.
+* Example
+    * `Hdfs.get( session ).from( "/user/guest/example/README" ).now().string`
+###### ls() - Query the contents of a directory (LISTSTATUS)
+* Request
+    * dir( String name ) - The full name of the directory in HDFS.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * ` session ).dir( "/user/guest/example" ).now().string`
+###### mkdir() - Create a directory in HDFS (MKDIRS)
+* Request
+    * dir( String name ) - The full name of the directory to create in HDFS.
+    * perm( String perm ) - The permissions for the directory (e.g. 644).  
Optional: default="777"
+* Response
+    * EmptyResponse - Implicit close().
+* Example
+    * `Hdfs.mkdir( session ).dir( "/user/guest/example" ).now()`
+###### put() - Write a file into HDFS (CREATE)
+* Request
+    * text( String text ) - Text to upload to HDFS.  Takes precedence over 
file if both present.
+    * file( String name ) - The name of a local file to upload to HDFS.
+    * to( String name ) - The fully qualified name to create in HDFS.
+* Response
+    * EmptyResponse - Implicit close().
+* Example
+    * `Hdfs.put( session ).file( README ).to( "/user/guest/example/README" 
+###### rm() - Delete a file or directory (DELETE)
+* Request
+    * file( String name ) - The fully qualified file or directory name in HDFS.
+    * recursive( Boolean recursive ) - Delete directory and all of its 
contents if True.  Optional: default=False
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse - Implicit close().
+* Example
+    * `Hdfs.rm( session ).file( "/user/guest/example" ).recursive().now()`
+### WebHDFS HA ###
+Knox provides basic failover and retry functionality for REST API calls made 
to WebHDFS when HDFS HA has been 
+configured and enabled.
+To enable HA functionality for WebHDFS in Knox the following configuration has 
to be added to the topology file.
+    <provider>
+       <role>ha</role>
+       <name>HaProvider</name>
+       <enabled>true</enabled>
+       <param>
+           <name>WEBHDFS</name>
+       </param>
+    </provider>
+The role and name of the provider above must be as shown. The name in the 
'param' section must match that of the service 
+role name that is being configured for HA and the value in the 'param' section 
is the configuration for that particular
+service in HA mode. In this case the name is 'WEBHDFS'.
+The various configuration parameters are described below:
+* maxFailoverAttempts - 
+This is the maximum number of times a failover will be attempted. The failover 
strategy at this time is very simplistic
+in that the next URL in the list of URLs provided for the service is used and 
the one that failed is put at the bottom 
+of the list. If the list is exhausted and the maximum number of attempts is 
not reached then the first URL that failed 
+will be tried again (the list will start again from the original top entry).
+* failoverSleep - 
+The amount of time in milliseconds that the process will wait or sleep before 
attempting to failover.
+* maxRetryAttempts - 
+The is the maximum number of times that a retry request will be attempted. 
Unlike failover, the retry is done on the 
+same URL that failed. This is a special case in HDFS when the node is in safe 
mode. The expectation is that the node will
+come out of safe mode so a retry is desirable here as opposed to a failover.
+* retrySleep - 
+The amount of time in milliseconds that the process will wait or sleep before 
a retry is issued.
+* enabled - 
+Flag to turn the particular service on or off for HA.
+And for the service configuration itself the additional URLs should be added 
to the list. The active 
+URL (at the time of configuration) should ideally be added to the top of the 
+    <service>
+        <role>WEBHDFS</role>
+        <url>http://{host1}:50070/webhdfs</url>
+        <url>http://{host2}:50070/webhdfs</url>
+    </service>

Added: knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/ (added)
+++ knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/ Tue Nov  6 16:47:30 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+### Yarn ###
+Knox provides gateway functionality for the REST APIs of the ResourceManager. 
The ResourceManager REST APIs allow the
+user to get information about the cluster - status on the cluster, metrics on 
the cluster, scheduler information,
+information about nodes in the cluster, and information about applications on 
the cluster. Also as of Hadoop version
+2.5.0, the user can submit a new application as well as kill it (or get state) 
using the 'Writable' APIs.
+The docs for this can be found here
+To enable this functionality, a topology file needs to have the following 
+    <service>
+        <role>RESOURCEMANAGER</role>
+        <url>http://<hostname>:<port>/ws</url>
+    </service>
+The default resource manager http port is 8088. If it is configured to some 
other port, that configuration can be
+found in `yarn-site.xml` under the property 
+#### Yarn URL Mapping ####
+For Yarn URLs, the mapping of Knox Gateway accessible URLs to direct Yarn URLs 
is the following.
+| ------- | 
+| Gateway | 
+| Cluster | `http://{yarn-host}:{yarn-port}/ws}`                               
+#### Yarn Examples via cURL
+Some of the various calls that can be made and examples using curl are listed 
+    # 0. Getting cluster info
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 1. Getting cluster metrics
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    To get the same information in an xml format
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -H Accept:application/xml -X GET 
+    # 2. Getting scheduler information
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 3. Getting all the applications listed and their information
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 4. Getting applications statistics
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    Also query params can be used as below to filter the results
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 5. To get a specific application (please note, replace the application 
id with a real value)
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 6. To get the attempts made for a particular application
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 7. To get information about the various nodes
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    Also to get a specific node, use an id obtained in the response from above 
(the node id is scrambled) and issue the following
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    # 8. To create a new Application
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X POST 
+    An application id is returned from the request above and this can be used 
to submit an application.
+    # 9. To submit an application, put together a request containing the 
application id received in the above response (please refer to Yarn REST
+    API documentation).
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -T request.json -H 
Content-Type:application/json -X POST 
+    Here the request is saved in a file called request.json
+    #10. To get application state
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -X GET 
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -H Content-Type:application/json -X PUT 
-T state-killed.json 
+    # 11. To kill an application that is running issue the below command with 
the application id of the application that is to be killed.
+    The contents of the state-killed.json file are :
+    {
+      "state":"KILLED"
+    }
+    curl -ikv -u guest:guest-password -H Content-Type:application/json -X PUT 
-T state-killed.json 

Added: knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/ (added)
+++ knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/ Tue Nov  6 16:47:30 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+## WebSocket Support ##
+### Introduction
+WebSocket is a communication protocol that allows full duplex communication 
over a single TCP connection.
+Knox provides out-of-the-box support for the WebSocket protocol, currently 
only text messages are supported.
+### Configuration ###
+By default WebSocket functionality is disabled, it can be easily enabled by 
changing the `gateway.websocket.feature.enabled` property to `true` in 
`<KNOX-HOME>/conf/gateway-site.xml` file.  
+      <property>
+          <name>gateway.websocket.feature.enabled</name>
+          <value>true</value>
+          <description>Enable/Disable websocket feature.</description>
+      </property>
+Service and rewrite rules need to changed accordingly to match the appropriate 
websocket context.
+### Example ###
+In the following sample configuration we assume that the backend WebSocket URL 
is ws://myhost:9999/ws. And 'gateway.websocket.feature.enabled' property is set 
to 'true' as shown above.
+#### rewrite ####
+Example code snippet from 
`<KNOX-HOME>/data/services/{myservice}/{version}/rewrite.xml` where myservice = 
websocket and version = 0.6.0
+      <rules>
+        <rule dir="IN" name="WEBSOCKET/ws/inbound" pattern="*://*:*/**/ws">
+          <rewrite template="{$serviceUrl[WEBSOCKET]}/ws"/>
+        </rule>
+      </rules>
+#### service ####
+Example code snippet from 
`<KNOX-HOME>/data/services/{myservice}/{version}/service.xml` where myservice = 
websocket and version = 0.6.0
+      <service role="WEBSOCKET" name="websocket" version="0.6.0">
+        <policies>
+              <policy role="webappsec"/>
+              <policy role="authentication" name="Anonymous"/>
+              <policy role="rewrite"/>
+              <policy role="authorization"/>
+        </policies>
+        <routes>
+          <route path="/ws">
+              <rewrite apply="WEBSOCKET/ws/inbound" to="request.url"/>
+          </route>
+        </routes>
+      </service>
+#### topology ####
+Finally, update the topology file at `<KNOX-HOME>/conf/{topology}.xml`  with 
the backend service URL
+      <service>
+          <role>WEBSOCKET</role>
+          <url>ws://myhost:9999/ws</url>
+      </service>

Added: knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/ (added)
+++ knox/trunk/books/1.2.0/ Tue Nov  6 16:47:30 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+### X-Forwarded-* Headers Support ###
+Out-of-the-box Knox provides support for some `X-Forwarded-*` headers through 
the use of a Servlet Filter. Specifically the
+headers handled/populated by Knox are:
+* X-Forwarded-For
+* X-Forwarded-Proto
+* X-Forwarded-Port
+* X-Forwarded-Host
+* X-Forwarded-Server
+* X-Forwarded-Context
+This functionality can be turned off by a configuration setting in the file 
gateway-site.xml and redeploying the
+necessary topology/topologies.
+The setting is (under the 'configuration' tag) :
+    <property>
+        <name>gateway.xforwarded.enabled</name>
+        <value>false</value>
+    </property>
+If this setting is absent, the default behavior is that the `X-Forwarded-*` 
header support is on or in other words,
+`gateway.xforwarded.enabled` is set to `true` by default.
+#### Header population ####
+The following are the various rules for population of these headers:
+##### X-Forwarded-For #####
+This header represents a list of client IP addresses. If the header is already 
present Knox adds a comma separated value
+to the list. The value added is the client's IP address as Knox sees it. This 
value is added to the end of the list.
+##### X-Forwarded-Proto #####
+The protocol used in the client request. If this header is passed into Knox 
its value is maintained, otherwise Knox will
+populate the header with the value 'https' if the request is a secure one or 
'http' otherwise.
+##### X-Forwarded-Port #####
+The port used in the client request. If this header is passed into Knox its 
value is maintained, otherwise Knox will
+populate the header with the value of the port that the request was made 
coming into Knox.
+##### X-Forwarded-Host #####
+Represents the original host requested by the client in the Host HTTP request 
header. The value passed into Knox is maintained
+by Knox. If no value is present, Knox populates the header with the value of 
the HTTP Host header.
+##### X-Forwarded-Server #####
+The hostname of the server Knox is running on.
+##### X-Forwarded-Context #####
+This header value contains the context path of the request to Knox.

Modified: knox/trunk/build.xml
--- knox/trunk/build.xml (original)
+++ knox/trunk/build.xml Tue Nov  6 16:47:30 2018
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
     <property name="book-0-14-0-dir" 
     <property name="book-1-0-0-dir" 
     <property name="book-1-1-0-dir" 
+    <property name="book-1-2-0-dir" 
     <property name="svn.release.path" 
     <property name="svn.staging.path" 
value="${gateway-project}"; />
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@
     <target name="books" depends="markbook,_books"/>
-    <target name="_books" 
+    <target name="_books" 
     <target name="_book-0-3-0" depends="init">
         <delete dir="${book-target}/${gateway-artifact}-0-3-0" 
         <java jar="markbook/target/markbook.jar" fork="true" 
@@ -346,6 +347,27 @@
             <fileset dir="books/1.1.0/img/adminui"/>
+    <target name="_book-1-2-0" depends="init">
+        <delete dir="${book-target}/${gateway-artifact}-1-2-0" 
+        <java jar="markbook/target/markbook.jar" fork="true" 
+            <arg value="-i"/><arg value="books/1.2.0/"/>
+            <arg value="-o"/><arg value="${book-1-2-0-dir}/user-guide.html"/>
+        </java>
+        <java jar="markbook/target/markbook.jar" fork="true" 
+            <arg value="-i"/><arg value="books/1.2.0/dev-guide/"/>
+            <arg value="-o"/><arg value="${book-1-2-0-dir}/dev-guide.html"/>
+        </java>
+        <java jar="markbook/target/markbook.jar" fork="true" 
+            <arg value="-i"/><arg 
+            <arg value="-o"/><arg 
+        </java>
+        <copy todir="${book-target}/${gateway-artifact}-1-2-0">
+            <fileset dir="books/static"/>
+        </copy>
+        <copy todir="${book-target}/${gateway-artifact}-1-2-0/adminui">
+            <fileset dir="books/1.2.0/img/adminui"/>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
     <target name="markbook" depends="init" description="Build and package 
markbook tool.">
         <exec executable="${mvn.cmd}">
@@ -358,10 +380,10 @@
     <target name="review-book" depends="init" description="Open the default 
book in the default browser.">
         <exec executable="${browser.cmd}">
-            <arg line="${book-1-1-0-dir}/user-guide.html" />
+            <arg line="${book-1-2-0-dir}/user-guide.html" />
         <exec executable="${browser.cmd}">
-            <arg line="${book-1-1-0-dir}/dev-guide.html" />
+            <arg line="${book-1-2-0-dir}/dev-guide.html" />

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