diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e16313d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.cli
+import java.util
+import java.util.concurrent._
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException
+import org.apache.hive.service.server.ThreadFactoryWithGarbageCleanup
+import org.apache.thrift.TProcessorFactory
+import org.apache.thrift.protocol.{TBinaryProtocol, TProtocol}
+import org.apache.thrift.server.{ServerContext, TServer, TServerEventHandler, 
+import org.apache.thrift.transport.{TServerSocket, TSSLTransportFactory, 
TTransport, TTransportFactory}
+import org.apache.livy.LivyConf
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.LivyCLIService
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.auth.AuthFactory
+ * This class is ported from Hive. We cannot reuse Hive's one because we need 
to use the
+ * `LivyCLIService`, `LivyConf` and `AuthFacotry` instead of Hive's one.
+ */
+class ThriftBinaryCLIService(override val cliService: LivyCLIService, val 
oomHook: Runnable)
+    extends ThriftCLIService(cliService, 
classOf[ThriftBinaryCLIService].getSimpleName) {
+  protected var server: TServer = _
+  override lazy val hiveAuthFactory = new AuthFactory(livyConf)
+  protected def initServer(): Unit = {
+    try {
+      // Server thread pool
+      val executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutorWithOomHook(
+        minWorkerThreads,
+        maxWorkerThreads,
+        workerKeepAliveTime,
+        TimeUnit.SECONDS,
+        new SynchronousQueue[Runnable],
+        new ThreadFactoryWithGarbageCleanup("LivyThriftserver-Handler-Pool"),
+        oomHook)
+      // Thrift configs
+      val transportFactory: TTransportFactory = 
+      val processorFactory: TProcessorFactory = 
+      var serverSocket: TServerSocket = null
+      val serverAddress = if (hiveHost == null || hiveHost.isEmpty) {
+          new InetSocketAddress(portNum) // Wildcard bind
+        } else {
+          new InetSocketAddress(hiveHost, portNum)
+        }
+      if (!livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_USE_SSL)) {
+        serverSocket = new TServerSocket(serverAddress)
+      } else {
+        val sslVersionBlacklist = new util.ArrayList[String]
livyConf.get(LivyConf.THRIFT_SSL_PROTOCOL_BLACKLIST).split(",").foreach { 
sslVersion =>
+          sslVersionBlacklist.add(sslVersion.trim.toLowerCase)
+        }
+        val keyStorePath = livyConf.get(LivyConf.SSL_KEYSTORE).trim
+        if (keyStorePath.isEmpty) {
+          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+            s"${LivyConf.SSL_KEYSTORE.key} Not configured for SSL connection")
+        }
+        val keyStorePassword = livyConf.get(LivyConf.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD)
+        val params = new TSSLTransportFactory.TSSLTransportParameters
+        params.setKeyStore(keyStorePath, keyStorePassword)
+        serverSocket =
+          TSSLTransportFactory.getServerSocket(portNum, 0, 
serverAddress.getAddress, params)
+        if (serverSocket.getServerSocket.isInstanceOf[SSLServerSocket]) {
+          val sslServerSocket = 
+          val enabledProtocols = sslServerSocket.getEnabledProtocols.filter { 
protocol =>
+              if (sslVersionBlacklist.contains(protocol.toLowerCase)) {
+                debug(s"Disabling SSL Protocol: $protocol")
+                false
+              } else {
+                true
+              }
+            }
+          sslServerSocket.setEnabledProtocols(enabledProtocols)
+          info(s"SSL Server Socket Enabled Protocols: 
+        }
+      }
+      // Server args
+      val maxMessageSize = livyConf.getInt(LivyConf.THRIFT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
+      val requestTimeout =
+        livyConf.getTimeAsMs(LivyConf.THRIFT_LOGIN_TIMEOUT).asInstanceOf[Int]
+      val beBackoffSlotLength =
+      val sargs = new TThreadPoolServer.Args(serverSocket)
+        .processorFactory(processorFactory)
+        .transportFactory(transportFactory)
+        .protocolFactory(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory)
+        .inputProtocolFactory(
+          new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(true, true, maxMessageSize, 
+        .requestTimeout(requestTimeout)
+        .requestTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+        .beBackoffSlotLength(beBackoffSlotLength)
+        .beBackoffSlotLengthUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+        .executorService(executorService)
+      // TCP Server
+      server = new TThreadPoolServer(sargs)
+      server.setServerEventHandler(new TServerEventHandler() {
+        override def createContext(input: TProtocol, output: TProtocol): 
ServerContext = {
+          new ThriftCLIServerContext
+        }
+        override def deleteContext(
+           serverContext: ServerContext,
+           input: TProtocol,
+           output: TProtocol): Unit = {
+          val context = serverContext.asInstanceOf[ThriftCLIServerContext]
+          val sessionHandle = context.getSessionHandle
+          if (sessionHandle != null) {
+            info("Session disconnected without closing properly. ")
+            try {
+              val close = 
+              info("Closing the session: " + sessionHandle)
+              if (close) {
+                cliService.closeSession(sessionHandle)
+              }
+            } catch {
+              case e: HiveSQLException => warn("Failed to close session: " + 
e, e)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        override def preServe(): Unit = {}
+        override def processContext(
+            serverContext: ServerContext,
+            input: TTransport,
+            output: TTransport): Unit = {
+          currentServerContext.set(serverContext)
+        }
+      })
+      info(s"Starting ${classOf[ThriftBinaryCLIService].getSimpleName} on port 
$portNum " +
+        s"with $minWorkerThreads...$maxWorkerThreads worker threads")
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception => throw new RuntimeException("Failed to init thrift 
server", e)
+    }
+  }
+  override def run(): Unit = {
+    try {
+      server.serve()
+    } catch {
+      case t: InterruptedException =>
+        // This is likely a shutdown
+        info(s"Caught ${t.getClass.getSimpleName}. Shutting down thrift 
+      case t: Throwable =>
+        error(s"Exception caught by ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}. Exiting.", 
+        System.exit(-1)
+    }
+  }
+  protected def stopServer(): Unit = {
+    server.stop()
+    server = null
+    info("Thrift server has stopped")
+  }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a3276f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.cli
+import{InetAddress, UnknownHostException}
+import java.util
+import java.util.Collections
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils
+import org.apache.hive.service.{ServiceException, ServiceUtils}
+import org.apache.hive.service.auth.{HiveAuthConstants, TSetIpAddressProcessor}
+import org.apache.hive.service.auth.HiveAuthConstants.AuthTypes
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli._
+import org.apache.hive.service.rpc.thrift._
+import org.apache.thrift.TException
+import org.apache.thrift.server.ServerContext
+import org.apache.livy.LivyConf
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.{LivyCLIService, LivyThriftServer, 
SessionInfo, ThriftService}
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.auth.AuthFactory
+ * This class is ported from Hive. We cannot reuse Hive's one because we need 
to use the
+ * `LivyCLIService`, `LivyConf` and `AuthFacotry` instead of Hive's one.
+ */
+abstract class ThriftCLIService(val cliService: LivyCLIService, val 
serviceName: String)
+    extends ThriftService(serviceName) with TCLIService.Iface with Runnable {
+  def hiveAuthFactory: AuthFactory
+  protected val currentServerContext = new ThreadLocal[ServerContext]
+  protected var portNum: Int = 0
+  protected var serverIPAddress: InetAddress = _
+  protected var hiveHost: String = _
+  private var isStarted: Boolean = false
+  protected var isEmbedded: Boolean = false
+  protected var livyConf: LivyConf = _
+  protected var minWorkerThreads: Int = 0
+  protected var maxWorkerThreads: Int = 0
+  protected var workerKeepAliveTime: Long = 0L
+  private var serverThread: Thread = _
+  override def init(conf: LivyConf): Unit = {
+    livyConf = conf
+    hiveHost = livyConf.get(LivyConf.THRIFT_BIND_HOST)
+    try {
+      if (hiveHost == null || hiveHost.isEmpty) {
+        serverIPAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost
+      } else {
+        serverIPAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hiveHost)
+      }
+    } catch {
+      case e: UnknownHostException =>
+        throw new ServiceException(e)
+    }
+    portNum = livyConf.getInt(LivyConf.THRIFT_SERVER_PORT)
+    workerKeepAliveTime = 
livyConf.getTimeAsMs(LivyConf.THRIFT_WORKER_KEEPALIVE_TIME) / 1000
+    minWorkerThreads = livyConf.getInt(LivyConf.THRIFT_MIN_WORKER_THREADS)
+    maxWorkerThreads = livyConf.getInt(LivyConf.THRIFT_MAX_WORKER_THREADS)
+    super.init(livyConf)
+  }
+  protected def initServer(): Unit
+  override def start(): Unit = {
+    super.start()
+    if (!isStarted && !isEmbedded) {
+      initServer()
+      serverThread = new Thread(this)
+      serverThread.setName("Thrift Server")
+      serverThread.start()
+      isStarted = true
+    }
+  }
+  protected def stopServer(): Unit
+  override def stop(): Unit = {
+    if (isStarted && !isEmbedded) {
+      if (serverThread != null) {
+        serverThread.interrupt()
+        serverThread = null
+      }
+      stopServer()
+      isStarted = false
+    }
+    super.stop()
+  }
+  def getPortNumber: Int = portNum
+  def getServerIPAddress: InetAddress = serverIPAddress
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetDelegationToken(req: TGetDelegationTokenReq): 
TGetDelegationTokenResp = {
+    val resp: TGetDelegationTokenResp = new TGetDelegationTokenResp
+    if (!hiveAuthFactory.isSASLKerberosUser) {
+      resp.setStatus(unsecureTokenErrorStatus)
+    } else {
+      try {
+        val token = cliService.getDelegationToken(
+          new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle), hiveAuthFactory, 
req.getOwner, req.getRenewer)
+        resp.setDelegationToken(token)
+        resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+      } catch {
+        case e: HiveSQLException =>
+          error("Error obtaining delegation token", e)
+          val tokenErrorStatus = HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e)
+          tokenErrorStatus.setSqlState("42000")
+          resp.setStatus(tokenErrorStatus)
+      }
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def CancelDelegationToken(req: TCancelDelegationTokenReq): 
TCancelDelegationTokenResp = {
+    val resp: TCancelDelegationTokenResp = new TCancelDelegationTokenResp
+    if (!hiveAuthFactory.isSASLKerberosUser) {
+      resp.setStatus(unsecureTokenErrorStatus)
+    } else {
+      try {
+        cliService.cancelDelegationToken(
+          new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle), hiveAuthFactory, 
+        resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+      } catch {
+        case e: HiveSQLException =>
+          error("Error canceling delegation token", e)
+          resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+      }
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def RenewDelegationToken(req: TRenewDelegationTokenReq): 
TRenewDelegationTokenResp = {
+    val resp: TRenewDelegationTokenResp = new TRenewDelegationTokenResp
+    if (!hiveAuthFactory.isSASLKerberosUser) {
+      resp.setStatus(unsecureTokenErrorStatus)
+    } else {
+      try {
+        cliService.renewDelegationToken(
+          new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle), hiveAuthFactory, 
+        resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+      } catch {
+        case e: HiveSQLException =>
+          error("Error obtaining renewing token", e)
+          resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+      }
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  private def unsecureTokenErrorStatus: TStatus = {
+    val errorStatus: TStatus = new TStatus(TStatusCode.ERROR_STATUS)
+    errorStatus.setErrorMessage(
+      "Delegation token only supported over remote client with kerberos 
+    errorStatus
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def OpenSession(req: TOpenSessionReq): TOpenSessionResp = {
+    info("Client protocol version: " + req.getClient_protocol)
+    val resp: TOpenSessionResp = new TOpenSessionResp
+    try {
+      val sessionHandle = getSessionHandle(req, resp)
+      resp.setSessionHandle(sessionHandle.toTSessionHandle)
+      val configurationMap: util.Map[String, String] = new 
util.HashMap[String, String]
+      // Set the updated fetch size from the server into the configuration map 
for the client
+      val defaultFetchSize =
+      configurationMap.put(LivyConf.THRIFT_RESULTSET_DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE.key, 
+      resp.setConfiguration(configurationMap)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+      Option(currentServerContext.get).foreach { context =>
+      }
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error opening session: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def SetClientInfo(req: TSetClientInfoReq): TSetClientInfoResp = {
+    // TODO: We don't do anything for now, just log this for debugging.
+    //       We may be able to make use of this later, e.g. for workload 
+    if (req.isSetConfiguration) {
+      val sh = new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle)
+      val sb = new StringBuilder("Client information for 
").append(sh).append(": ")
+      def processEntry(e: util.Map.Entry[String, String]): Unit = {
+        sb.append(e.getKey).append(" = ").append(e.getValue)
+        if ("ApplicationName" == e.getKey) {
+          cliService.setApplicationName(sh, e.getValue)
+        }
+      }
+      val entries = req.getConfiguration.entrySet.asScala.toSeq
+      try {
+        entries.headOption.foreach(processEntry)
+        entries.tail.foreach { e =>
+          sb.append(", ")
+          processEntry(e)
+        }
+      } catch {
+        case ex: Exception =>
+          warn("Error setting application name", ex)
+          return new TSetClientInfoResp(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(ex))
+      }
+      info(sb.toString())
+    }
+    new TSetClientInfoResp(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+  }
+  private def getIpAddress: String = {
+    // Http transport mode.
+    // We set the thread local ip address, in ThriftHttpServlet.
+    val clientIpAddress = if (LivyThriftServer.isHTTPTransportMode(livyConf)) {
+      SessionInfo.getIpAddress
+    } else if (hiveAuthFactory.isSASLWithKerberizedHadoop) {
+      hiveAuthFactory.getIpAddress
+    } else {
+      // NOSASL
+      TSetIpAddressProcessor.getUserIpAddress
+    }
+    debug(s"Client's IP Address: $clientIpAddress")
+    clientIpAddress
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the effective username.
+   * 1. If livy.server.thrift.allow.user.substitution = false: the username of 
the connecting user
+   * 2. If livy.server.thrift.allow.user.substitution = true: the username of 
the end user,
+   * that the connecting user is trying to proxy for.
+   * This includes a check whether the connecting user is allowed to proxy for 
the end user.
+   */
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  @throws[IOException]
+  private def getUserName(req: TOpenSessionReq): String = {
+    val username = if (LivyThriftServer.isHTTPTransportMode(livyConf)) {
+      Option(SessionInfo.getUserName).getOrElse(req.getUsername)
+    } else if (hiveAuthFactory.isSASLWithKerberizedHadoop) {
+        .getOrElse(req.getUsername)
+    } else {
+      Option(TSetIpAddressProcessor.getUserName).getOrElse(req.getUsername)
+    }
+    val effectiveClientUser =
+      getProxyUser(getShortName(username), req.getConfiguration, getIpAddress)
+    debug(s"Client's username: $effectiveClientUser")
+    effectiveClientUser
+  }
+  @throws[IOException]
+  private def getShortName(userName: String): String = {
+    Option(userName).map { un =>
+      if (hiveAuthFactory.isSASLKerberosUser) {
+        // KerberosName.getShorName can only be used for kerberos user
+        new KerberosName(un).getShortName
+      } else {
+        val indexOfDomainMatch = ServiceUtils.indexOfDomainMatch(un)
+        if (indexOfDomainMatch <= 0) {
+          un
+        } else {
+          un.substring(0, indexOfDomainMatch)
+        }
+      }
+    }.orNull
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a session handle
+   */
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  @throws[LoginException]
+  @throws[IOException]
+  private[thriftserver] def getSessionHandle(
+      req: TOpenSessionReq, res: TOpenSessionResp): SessionHandle = {
+    val userName = getUserName(req)
+    val ipAddress = getIpAddress
+    val protocol = getMinVersion(LivyCLIService.SERVER_VERSION, 
+    val sessionHandle =
+      if (livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_ENABLE_DOAS) && (userName != 
null)) {
+        cliService.openSessionWithImpersonation(
+          protocol, userName, req.getPassword, ipAddress, 
req.getConfiguration, null)
+      } else {
+        cliService.openSession(protocol, userName, req.getPassword, ipAddress, 
+      }
+    res.setServerProtocolVersion(protocol)
+    sessionHandle
+  }
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  private def getProgressedPercentage(opHandle: OperationHandle): Double = {
+    checkArgument(OperationType.EXECUTE_STATEMENT == opHandle.getOperationType)
+    0.0
+  }
+  private def getMinVersion(versions: TProtocolVersion*): TProtocolVersion = {
+    val values = TProtocolVersion.values
+    var current = values(values.length - 1).getValue
+    versions.foreach { version =>
+      if (current > version.getValue) {
+        current = version.getValue
+      }
+    }
+    val res = values.find(_.getValue == current)
+    assert(res.isDefined)
+    res.get
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def CloseSession(req: TCloseSessionReq): TCloseSessionResp = {
+    val resp = new TCloseSessionResp
+    try {
+      val sessionHandle = new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle)
+      cliService.closeSession(sessionHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+      Option(currentServerContext.get).foreach { ctx =>
+        ctx.asInstanceOf[ThriftCLIServerContext].setSessionHandle(null)
+      }
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error closing session: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetInfo(req: TGetInfoReq): TGetInfoResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetInfoResp
+    try {
+      val getInfoValue = cliService.getInfo(
+        new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle), 
+      resp.setInfoValue(getInfoValue.toTGetInfoValue)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting info: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def ExecuteStatement(req: TExecuteStatementReq): 
TExecuteStatementResp = {
+    val resp = new TExecuteStatementResp
+    try {
+      val sessionHandle = new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle)
+      val statement = req.getStatement
+      val confOverlay = req.getConfOverlay
+      val runAsync = req.isRunAsync
+      val queryTimeout = req.getQueryTimeout
+      val operationHandle = if (runAsync) {
+          cliService.executeStatementAsync(sessionHandle, statement, 
confOverlay, queryTimeout)
+        } else {
+          cliService.executeStatement(sessionHandle, statement, confOverlay, 
+        }
+      resp.setOperationHandle(operationHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error executing statement: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetTypeInfo(req: TGetTypeInfoReq): TGetTypeInfoResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetTypeInfoResp
+    try {
+      val operationHandle = cliService.getTypeInfo(new 
+      resp.setOperationHandle(operationHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting type info: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetCatalogs(req: TGetCatalogsReq): TGetCatalogsResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetCatalogsResp
+    try {
+      val opHandle = cliService.getCatalogs(new 
+      resp.setOperationHandle(opHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting catalogs: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetSchemas(req: TGetSchemasReq): TGetSchemasResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetSchemasResp
+    try {
+      val opHandle = cliService.getSchemas(
+        new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle), req.getCatalogName, 
+      resp.setOperationHandle(opHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting schemas: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetTables(req: TGetTablesReq): TGetTablesResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetTablesResp
+    try {
+      val opHandle = cliService.getTables(
+        new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle),
+        req.getCatalogName,
+        req.getSchemaName,
+        req.getTableName,
+        req.getTableTypes)
+      resp.setOperationHandle(opHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting tables: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetTableTypes(req: TGetTableTypesReq): TGetTableTypesResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetTableTypesResp
+    try {
+      val opHandle = cliService.getTableTypes(new 
+      resp.setOperationHandle(opHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting table types: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetColumns(req: TGetColumnsReq): TGetColumnsResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetColumnsResp
+    try {
+      val opHandle = cliService.getColumns(
+        new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle),
+        req.getCatalogName,
+        req.getSchemaName,
+        req.getTableName,
+        req.getColumnName)
+      resp.setOperationHandle(opHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting columns: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetFunctions(req: TGetFunctionsReq): TGetFunctionsResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetFunctionsResp
+    try {
+      val opHandle = cliService.getFunctions(
+        new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle),
+        req.getCatalogName,
+        req.getSchemaName,
+        req.getFunctionName)
+      resp.setOperationHandle(opHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting functions: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetOperationStatus(req: TGetOperationStatusReq): 
TGetOperationStatusResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetOperationStatusResp
+    val operationHandle = new OperationHandle(req.getOperationHandle)
+    try {
+      val operationStatus = cliService.getOperationStatus(operationHandle, 
+      resp.setOperationState(operationStatus.state.toTOperationState)
+      resp.setErrorMessage(operationStatus.state.getErrorMessage)
+      val opException = operationStatus.operationException
+      resp.setOperationStarted(operationStatus.operationStarted)
+      resp.setOperationCompleted(operationStatus.operationCompleted)
+      resp.setHasResultSet(operationStatus.hasResultSet)
+      val executionStatus = TJobExecutionStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE
+      resp.setProgressUpdateResponse(new TProgressUpdateResp(
+        Collections.emptyList[String],
+        Collections.emptyList[util.List[String]],
+        0.0D,
+        executionStatus,
+        "",
+        0L))
+      if (opException != null) {
+        resp.setSqlState(opException.getSQLState)
+        resp.setErrorCode(opException.getErrorCode)
+        if (opException.getErrorCode == 29999) {
+          resp.setErrorMessage(StringUtils.stringifyException(opException))
+        } else {
+          resp.setErrorMessage(opException.getMessage)
+        }
+      } else if (OperationType.EXECUTE_STATEMENT == 
operationHandle.getOperationType) {
+        resp.getProgressUpdateResponse.setProgressedPercentage(
+          getProgressedPercentage(operationHandle))
+      }
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting operation status: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def CancelOperation(req: TCancelOperationReq): TCancelOperationResp 
= {
+    val resp = new TCancelOperationResp
+    try {
+      cliService.cancelOperation(new OperationHandle(req.getOperationHandle))
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error cancelling operation: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def CloseOperation(req: TCloseOperationReq): TCloseOperationResp = {
+    val resp = new TCloseOperationResp
+    try {
+      cliService.closeOperation(new OperationHandle(req.getOperationHandle))
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error closing operation: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetResultSetMetadata(req: TGetResultSetMetadataReq): 
TGetResultSetMetadataResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetResultSetMetadataResp
+    try {
+      val schema = cliService.getResultSetMetadata(new 
+      resp.setSchema(schema.toTTableSchema)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting result set metadata: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def FetchResults(req: TFetchResultsReq): TFetchResultsResp = {
+    val resp = new TFetchResultsResp
+    try {
+      // Set fetch size
+      val maxFetchSize = 
+      if (req.getMaxRows > maxFetchSize) {
+        req.setMaxRows(maxFetchSize)
+      }
+      val rowSet = cliService.fetchResults(
+        new OperationHandle(req.getOperationHandle),
+        FetchOrientation.getFetchOrientation(req.getOrientation),
+        req.getMaxRows,
+        FetchType.getFetchType(req.getFetchType))
+      resp.setResults(rowSet.toTRowSet)
+      resp.setHasMoreRows(false)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error fetching results: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetPrimaryKeys(req: TGetPrimaryKeysReq): TGetPrimaryKeysResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetPrimaryKeysResp
+    try {
+      val opHandle = cliService.getPrimaryKeys(
+        new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle),
+        req.getCatalogName,
+        req.getSchemaName,
+        req.getTableName)
+      resp.setOperationHandle(opHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting functions: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetCrossReference(req: TGetCrossReferenceReq): 
TGetCrossReferenceResp = {
+    val resp = new TGetCrossReferenceResp
+    try {
+      val opHandle = cliService.getCrossReference(
+        new SessionHandle(req.getSessionHandle),
+        req.getParentCatalogName,
+        req.getParentSchemaName,
+        req.getParentTableName,
+        req.getForeignCatalogName,
+        req.getForeignSchemaName,
+        req.getForeignTableName)
+      resp.setOperationHandle(opHandle.toTOperationHandle)
+      resp.setStatus(ThriftCLIService.OK_STATUS)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        warn("Error getting functions: ", e)
+        resp.setStatus(HiveSQLException.toTStatus(e))
+    }
+    resp
+  }
+  @throws[TException]
+  override def GetQueryId(req: TGetQueryIdReq): TGetQueryIdResp = {
+    try {
+      new TGetQueryIdResp(cliService.getQueryId(req.getOperationHandle))
+    } catch {
+      case e: HiveSQLException => throw new TException(e)
+    }
+  }
+  override def run(): Unit
+  /**
+   * If the proxy user name is provided then check privileges to substitute 
the user.
+   */
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  private def getProxyUser(
+      realUser: String,
+      sessionConf: util.Map[String, String],
+      ipAddress: String): String = {
+    var proxyUser: String = null
+    // We set the thread local proxy username, in ThriftHttpServlet.
+    if (livyConf.get(LivyConf.THRIFT_TRANSPORT_MODE).equalsIgnoreCase("http")) 
+      proxyUser = SessionInfo.getProxyUserName
+      debug("Proxy user from query string: " + proxyUser)
+    }
+    if (proxyUser == null && sessionConf != null &&
+        sessionConf.containsKey(HiveAuthConstants.HS2_PROXY_USER)) {
+      val proxyUserFromThriftBody = 
+      debug("Proxy user from thrift body: " + proxyUserFromThriftBody)
+      proxyUser = proxyUserFromThriftBody
+    }
+    if (proxyUser == null) return realUser
+    // check whether substitution is allowed
+    if (!livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_ALLOW_USER_SUBSTITUTION)) {
+      throw new HiveSQLException("Proxy user substitution is not allowed")
+    }
+    // If there's no authentication, then directly substitute the user
+    if 
+      return proxyUser
+    }
+    // Verify proxy user privilege of the realUser for the proxyUser
+    verifyProxyAccess(realUser, proxyUser, ipAddress)
+    debug("Verified proxy user: " + proxyUser)
+    proxyUser
+  }
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  private def verifyProxyAccess(realUser: String, proxyUser: String, 
ipAddress: String): Unit = {
+    try {
+      val sessionUgi = if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled) {
+          UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(
+            new KerberosName(realUser).getServiceName, 
+        } else {
+          UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(realUser)
+        }
+      if (!proxyUser.equalsIgnoreCase(realUser)) {
+        ProxyUsers.refreshSuperUserGroupsConfiguration()
+        ProxyUsers.authorize(UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(proxyUser, 
sessionUgi), ipAddress)
+      }
+    } catch {
+      case e: IOException =>
+        throw new HiveSQLException(
+          s"Failed to validate proxy privilege of $realUser for $proxyUser", 
"08S01", e)
+    }
+  }
+object ThriftCLIService {
+  private val OK_STATUS: TStatus = new TStatus(TStatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS)
+private[thriftserver] class ThriftCLIServerContext extends ServerContext {
+  private var sessionHandle: SessionHandle = _
+  def setSessionHandle(sessionHandle: SessionHandle): Unit = {
+    this.sessionHandle = sessionHandle
+  }
+  def getSessionHandle: SessionHandle = sessionHandle
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a3d439
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.cli
+import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import org.apache.hive.service.rpc.thrift.TCLIService
+import org.apache.hive.service.server.ThreadFactoryWithGarbageCleanup
+import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConfiguration
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnectionFactory
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.gzip.GzipHandler
+import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler
+import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder
+import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory
+import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ExecutorThreadPool
+import org.apache.livy.LivyConf
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.LivyCLIService
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.auth.AuthFactory
+ * This class is ported from Hive. We cannot reuse Hive's one because we need 
to use the
+ * `LivyCLIService`, `LivyConf` and `AuthFacotry` instead of Hive's one.
+ */
+class ThriftHttpCLIService(
+    override val cliService: LivyCLIService,
+    val oomHook: Runnable)
+  extends ThriftCLIService(cliService, 
classOf[ThriftHttpCLIService].getSimpleName) {
+  protected var server: Server = _
+  override lazy val hiveAuthFactory = new AuthFactory(livyConf)
+  /**
+   * Configure Jetty to serve http requests. Example of a client connection 
+   * http://localhost:10000/servlets/thrifths2/ A gateway may cause actual 
target URL to differ,
+   * e.g. http://gateway:port/livy/servlets/thrifths2/
+   */
+  protected def initServer(): Unit = {
+    try {
+      // Server thread pool
+      // Start with minWorkerThreads, expand till maxWorkerThreads and reject 
subsequent requests
+      val executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutorWithOomHook(
+        minWorkerThreads,
+        maxWorkerThreads,
+        workerKeepAliveTime,
+        TimeUnit.SECONDS,
+        new SynchronousQueue[Runnable],
+        new 
+        oomHook)
+      val threadPool = new ExecutorThreadPool(executorService)
+      // HTTP Server
+      server = new Server(threadPool)
+      val conf = new HttpConfiguration
+      // Configure header size
+      val requestHeaderSize = 
+      val responseHeaderSize = 
+      conf.setRequestHeaderSize(requestHeaderSize)
+      conf.setResponseHeaderSize(responseHeaderSize)
+      val http = new HttpConnectionFactory(conf)
+      val useSsl = livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_USE_SSL)
+      val schemeName = if (useSsl) "https" else "http"
+      // Change connector if SSL is used
+      val connector = if (useSsl) {
+          val keyStorePath = livyConf.get(LivyConf.SSL_KEYSTORE).trim
+          val keyStorePassword = livyConf.get(LivyConf.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD)
+          if (keyStorePath.isEmpty) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+              s"${LivyConf.SSL_KEYSTORE.key} Not configured for SSL 
+          }
+          val sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory
+          val excludedProtocols = 
+          info(s"HTTP Server SSL: adding excluded protocols: 
+          sslContextFactory.addExcludeProtocols(excludedProtocols: _*)
+          info("HTTP Server SSL: SslContextFactory.getExcludeProtocols = " +
+            sslContextFactory.getExcludeProtocols)
+          sslContextFactory.setKeyStorePath(keyStorePath)
+          sslContextFactory.setKeyStorePassword(keyStorePassword)
+          new ServerConnector(server, sslContextFactory, http)
+        } else {
+          new ServerConnector(server, http)
+        }
+      connector.setPort(portNum)
+      // Linux: yes, Windows:no
+      connector.setReuseAddress(true)
+      val maxIdleTime = 
+      connector.setIdleTimeout(maxIdleTime)
+      server.addConnector(connector)
+      // Thrift configs
+      val processor = new TCLIService.Processor[TCLIService.Iface](this)
+      val protocolFactory = new TBinaryProtocol.Factory
+      // Set during the init phase of LivyThriftserver if auth mode is kerberos
+      // UGI for the livy/_HOST (kerberos) principal
+      val serviceUGI = cliService.getServiceUGI
+      // UGI for the http/_HOST (SPNego) principal
+      val httpUGI = cliService.getHttpUGI
+      val authType = livyConf.get(LivyConf.THRIFT_AUTHENTICATION)
+      val thriftHttpServlet = new ThriftHttpServlet(
+        processor,
+        protocolFactory,
+        authType,
+        serviceUGI,
+        httpUGI,
+        hiveAuthFactory,
+        livyConf)
+      // Context handler
+      val context = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS)
+      context.setContextPath("/")
+      if (livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_XSRF_FILTER_ENABLED)) {
+        // Filtering does not work here currently, doing filter in 
+        debug("XSRF filter enabled")
+      } else {
+        warn("XSRF filter disabled")
+      }
+      val httpPath = getHttpPath(livyConf.get(LivyConf.THRIFT_HTTP_PATH))
+      if (livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_XSRF_FILTER_ENABLED)) {
+        val gzipHandler = new GzipHandler
+        gzipHandler.setHandler(context)
+        gzipHandler.addIncludedMethods(HttpMethod.POST)
+        server.setHandler(gzipHandler)
+      } else {
+        server.setHandler(context)
+      }
+      context.addServlet(new ServletHolder(thriftHttpServlet), httpPath)
+      // TODO: check defaults: maxTimeout, keepalive, maxBodySize,
+      // bodyRecieveDuration, etc.
+      // Finally, start the server
+      server.start()
+      info(s"Started ${classOf[ThriftHttpCLIService].getSimpleName} in 
$schemeName mode on port " +
+        s"$portNum path=$httpPath with $minWorkerThreads...$maxWorkerThreads 
worker threads")
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception => throw new RuntimeException("Failed to init 
HttpServer", e)
+    }
+  }
+  override def run(): Unit = {
+    try {
+      server.join()
+    } catch {
+      case t: InterruptedException =>
+        // This is likely a shutdown
+        info(s"Caught ${t.getClass.getSimpleName}. Shutting down thrift 
+      case t: Throwable =>
+        error(s"Exception caught by ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}. Exiting.", 
+        System.exit(-1)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * The config parameter can be like "path", "/path", "/path/", "path&#47;*",
+   * "/path1/path2&#47;*" and so on. httpPath should end up as "&#47;*", 
"/path&#47;*" or
+   * "/path1/../pathN&#47;*"
+   */
+  private def getHttpPath(httpPath: String): String = {
+    Option(httpPath) match {
+      case None | Some("") => "/*"
+      case Some(path) =>
+        val withStartingSlash = if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
+            s"/$path"
+          } else {
+            path
+          }
+        if (httpPath.endsWith("/")) {
+          s"$withStartingSlash*"
+        } else if (!httpPath.endsWith("/*")) {
+          s"$withStartingSlash/*"
+        } else {
+          withStartingSlash
+        }
+    }
+  }
+  protected def stopServer(): Unit = {
+    if ((server != null) && server.isStarted) {
+      try {
+        server.stop()
+        server = null
+        info("Thrift HTTP server has been stopped")
+      } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+      error("Error stopping HTTP server: ", e)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+object ThriftHttpCLIService {
+  private val APPLICATION_THRIFT = "application/x-thrift"
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae83917
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.cli
+import{PrivilegedExceptionAction, SecureRandom}
+import javax.servlet.ServletException
+import javax.servlet.http.{Cookie, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse}
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.{Base64, StringUtils}
+import org.apache.hive.service.CookieSigner
+import org.apache.hive.service.auth.{HiveAuthConstants, 
HttpAuthenticationException, HttpAuthUtils}
+import org.apache.hive.service.auth.HiveAuthConstants.AuthTypes
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException
+import org.apache.thrift.TProcessor
+import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory
+import org.apache.thrift.server.TServlet
+import org.ietf.jgss.{GSSContext, GSSCredential, GSSException, GSSManager, Oid}
+import org.apache.livy.{LivyConf, Logging}
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.SessionInfo
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.auth.{AuthenticationProvider, AuthFactory}
+ * This class is a porting of the parts we use from `ThriftHttpServlet` by 
+ */
+class ThriftHttpServlet(
+    processor: TProcessor,
+    protocolFactory: TProtocolFactory,
+    val authType: String,
+    val serviceUGI: UserGroupInformation,
+    val httpUGI: UserGroupInformation,
+    val authFactory: AuthFactory,
+    val livyConf: LivyConf) extends TServlet(processor, protocolFactory) with 
Logging {
+  private val isCookieAuthEnabled = 
+  // Class members for cookie based authentication.
+  private val signer: CookieSigner = if (isCookieAuthEnabled) {
+      // Generate the signer with secret.
+      val secret = ThriftHttpServlet.RAN.nextLong.toString
+      debug("Using the random number as the secret for cookie generation " + 
+      new CookieSigner(secret.getBytes())
+    } else {
+      null
+    }
+  private val cookieDomain = livyConf.get(LivyConf.THRIFT_HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN)
+  private val cookiePath = livyConf.get(LivyConf.THRIFT_HTTP_COOKIE_PATH)
+  private val cookieMaxAge =
+    (livyConf.getTimeAsMs(LivyConf.THRIFT_HTTP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE) / 1000).toInt
+  private val isCookieSecure = livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_USE_SSL)
+  private val isHttpOnlyCookie = 
+  private val xsrfFilterEnabled = 
+  @throws[IOException]
+  @throws[ServletException]
+  override protected def doPost(
+      request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse): Unit = {
+    var clientUserName: String = null
+    var requireNewCookie: Boolean = false
+    try {
+      if (xsrfFilterEnabled) {
+        val continueProcessing = ThriftHttpServlet.doXsrfFilter(request, 
+        if (!continueProcessing) {
+          warn("Request did not have valid XSRF header, rejecting.")
+          return
+        }
+      }
+      // If the cookie based authentication is already enabled, parse the
+      // request and validate the request cookies.
+      if (isCookieAuthEnabled) {
+        clientUserName = validateCookie(request)
+        requireNewCookie = clientUserName == null
+        if (requireNewCookie) {
+          info("Could not validate cookie sent, will try to generate a new 
+        }
+      }
+      // If the cookie based authentication is not enabled or the request does
+      // not have a valid cookie, use the kerberos or password based 
+      // depending on the server setup.
+      if (clientUserName == null) {
+        // For a kerberos setup
+        if (ThriftHttpServlet.isKerberosAuthMode(authType)) {
+          val delegationToken = 
+          // Each http request must have an Authorization header
+          if ((delegationToken != null) && (!delegationToken.isEmpty)) {
+            clientUserName = doTokenAuth(request, response)
+          } else {
+            clientUserName = doKerberosAuth(request)
+          }
+        } else {
+          // For password based authentication
+          clientUserName = doPasswdAuth(request, authType)
+        }
+      }
+      debug(s"Client username: $clientUserName")
+      // Set the thread local username to be used for doAs if true
+      SessionInfo.setUserName(clientUserName)
+      // find proxy user if any from query param
+      val doAsQueryParam = 
+      if (doAsQueryParam != null) {
+        SessionInfo.setProxyUserName(doAsQueryParam)
+      }
+      val clientIpAddress = request.getRemoteAddr
+      debug("Client IP Address: " + clientIpAddress)
+      // Set the thread local ip address
+      SessionInfo.setIpAddress(clientIpAddress)
+      // get forwarded hosts address
+      val forwardedFor = request.getHeader(ThriftHttpServlet.X_FORWARDED_FOR)
+      if (forwardedFor != null) {
+        debug(s"${ThriftHttpServlet.X_FORWARDED_FOR}:$forwardedFor")
+      } else {
+        SessionInfo.setForwardedAddresses(List.empty.asJava)
+      }
+      // Generate new cookie and add it to the response
+      if (requireNewCookie && 
!authType.equalsIgnoreCase(AuthTypes.NOSASL.toString)) {
+        val cookieToken = HttpAuthUtils.createCookieToken(clientUserName)
+        val hs2Cookie = createCookie(signer.signCookie(cookieToken))
+        if (isHttpOnlyCookie) {
+          response.setHeader("SET-COOKIE", 
+        } else {
+          response.addCookie(hs2Cookie)
+        }
+        info("Cookie added for clientUserName " + clientUserName)
+      }
+      super.doPost(request, response);
+    } catch {
+      case e: HttpAuthenticationException =>
+        error("Error: ", e)
+        // Send a 401 to the client
+        response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED)
+        if(ThriftHttpServlet.isKerberosAuthMode(authType)) {
+          response.addHeader(HttpAuthUtils.WWW_AUTHENTICATE, 
+        }
+        // scalastyle:off println
+        response.getWriter.println("Authentication Error: " + e.getMessage)
+        // scalastyle:on println
+    } finally {
+      // Clear the thread locals
+      SessionInfo.clearUserName()
+      SessionInfo.clearIpAddress()
+      SessionInfo.clearProxyUserName()
+      SessionInfo.clearForwardedAddresses()
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Retrieves the client name from cookieString. If the cookie does not 
correspond to a valid
+   * client, the function returns null.
+   * @param cookies HTTP Request cookies.
+   * @return Client Username if cookieString has a HS2 Generated cookie that 
is currently valid.
+   *         Else, returns null.
+   */
+  private def getClientNameFromCookie(cookies: Array[Cookie]): String = {
+    // Following is the main loop which iterates through all the cookies send 
by the client.
+    // The HS2 generated cookies are of the format hive.server2.auth=<value>
+    // A cookie which is identified as a hiveserver2 generated cookie is 
validated by calling
+    // signer.verifyAndExtract(). If the validation passes, send the username 
for which the cookie
+    // is validated to the caller. If no client side cookie passes the 
validation, return null to
+    // the caller.
+    cookies.filter(_.equals(ThriftHttpServlet.AUTH_COOKIE)).foreach { cookie =>
+      val value = signer.verifyAndExtract(cookie.getValue)
+      if (value != null) {
+        val userName = HttpAuthUtils.getUserNameFromCookieToken(value)
+        if (userName == null) {
+          warn("Invalid cookie token " + value)
+        } else {
+          // We have found a valid cookie in the client request.
+          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+            debug("Validated the cookie for user " + userName)
+          }
+          return userName
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // No valid generated cookies found, return null
+    null
+  }
+  /**
+   * Convert cookie array to human readable cookie string
+   * @param cookies Cookie Array
+   * @return String containing all the cookies separated by a newline 
+   * Each cookie is of the format [key]=[value]
+   */
+  private def toCookieStr(cookies: Array[Cookie]): String = {
+ => s"${c.getName} = ${c.getValue} ;\n").mkString
+  }
+  /**
+   * Validate the request cookie. This function iterates over the request 
cookie headers
+   * and finds a cookie that represents a valid client/server session. If it 
finds one, it
+   * returns the client name associated with the session. Else, it returns 
+   * @param request The HTTP Servlet Request send by the client
+   * @return Client Username if the request has valid HS2 cookie, else returns 
+   */
+  private def validateCookie(request: HttpServletRequest): String = {
+    // Find all the valid cookies associated with the request.
+    val cookies = request.getCookies
+    if (cookies == null) {
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+        debug("No valid cookies associated with the request " + request)
+      }
+      null
+    } else {
+      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+        debug("Received cookies: " + toCookieStr(cookies))
+      }
+      getClientNameFromCookie(cookies)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Generate a server side cookie given the cookie value as the input.
+   * @param str Input string token.
+   * @return The generated cookie.
+   */
+  private def createCookie(str: String): Cookie = {
+    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+      debug(s"Cookie name = ${ThriftHttpServlet.AUTH_COOKIE} value = $str")
+    }
+    val cookie = new Cookie(ThriftHttpServlet.AUTH_COOKIE, str)
+    cookie.setMaxAge(cookieMaxAge)
+    if (cookieDomain != null) {
+      cookie.setDomain(cookieDomain)
+    }
+    if (cookiePath != null) {
+      cookie.setPath(cookiePath)
+    }
+    cookie.setSecure(isCookieSecure)
+    cookie
+  }
+  /**
+   * Do the authentication (LDAP/PAM not yet supported)
+   */
+  private def doPasswdAuth(request: HttpServletRequest, authType: String): 
String = {
+    val userName = getUsername(request, authType)
+    // No-op when authType is NOSASL
+    if 
(!authType.equalsIgnoreCase(HiveAuthConstants.AuthTypes.NOSASL.toString)) {
+      try {
+        val provider = 
AuthenticationProvider.getAuthenticationProvider(authType, livyConf)
+        provider.Authenticate(userName, getPassword(request, authType))
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception => throw new HttpAuthenticationException(e)
+      }
+    }
+    userName
+  }
+  private def doTokenAuth(request: HttpServletRequest, response: 
HttpServletResponse): String = {
+    val tokenStr = 
+    try {
+      authFactory.verifyDelegationToken(tokenStr)
+    } catch {
+      case e: HiveSQLException => throw new HttpAuthenticationException(e);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Do the GSS-API kerberos authentication. We already have a logged in 
subject in the form of
+   * serviceUGI, which GSS-API will extract information from.
+   * In case of a SPNego request we use the httpUGI, for the authenticating 
service tickets.
+   */
+  private def doKerberosAuth(request: HttpServletRequest): String = {
+    // Try authenticating with the http/_HOST principal
+    if (httpUGI != null) {
+      try {
+        return httpUGI.doAs(new HttpKerberosServerAction(request, httpUGI, 
+      } catch {
+        case _: Exception =>
+          info("Failed to authenticate with http/_HOST kerberos principal, 
trying with " +
+            "livy/_HOST kerberos principal")
+      }
+    }
+    // Now try with livy/_HOST principal
+    try {
+      serviceUGI.doAs(new HttpKerberosServerAction(request, serviceUGI, 
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        error("Failed to authenticate with livy/_HOST kerberos principal")
+        throw new HttpAuthenticationException(e)
+    }
+  }
+  private def getUsername(request: HttpServletRequest, authType: String): 
String = {
+    val creds = getAuthHeaderTokens(request, authType)
+    // Username must be present
+    if (creds(0) == null || creds(0).isEmpty) {
+      throw new HttpAuthenticationException("Authorization header received " +
+        "from the client does not contain username.")
+    }
+    creds(0)
+  }
+  private def getPassword(request: HttpServletRequest, authType: String): 
String = {
+    val creds = getAuthHeaderTokens(request, authType)
+    // Password must be present
+    if (creds(1) == null || creds(1).isEmpty) {
+      throw new HttpAuthenticationException("Authorization header received " +
+        "from the client does not contain password.")
+    }
+    creds(1)
+  }
+  private def getAuthHeaderTokens(request: HttpServletRequest, authType: 
String): Array[String] = {
+    val authHeaderBase64 = ThriftHttpServlet.getAuthHeader(request, authType)
+    val authHeaderString = StringUtils.newStringUtf8(
+      Base64.decodeBase64(authHeaderBase64.getBytes()))
+    authHeaderString.split(":")
+  }
+object ThriftHttpServlet extends Logging {
+  val AUTH_COOKIE = "hive.server2.auth"
+  val RAN: SecureRandom = new SecureRandom()
+  val HIVE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_HEADER: String = "X-Hive-Delegation-Token"
+  val X_FORWARDED_FOR: String = "X-Forwarded-For"
+  /**
+   * Generate httponly cookie from HS2 cookie
+   * @param cookie HS2 generated cookie
+   * @return The httponly cookie
+   */
+  private def getHttpOnlyCookieHeader(cookie: Cookie): String = {
+    val newCookie = new NewCookie(
+      cookie.getName,
+      cookie.getValue,
+      cookie.getPath,
+      cookie.getDomain,
+      cookie.getVersion,
+      cookie.getComment,
+      cookie.getMaxAge,
+      cookie.getSecure)
+    newCookie + "; HttpOnly"
+  }
+  private def getDoAsQueryParam(queryString: String): String = {
+    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+      debug("URL query string:" + queryString)
+    }
+    Option(queryString).flatMap { qs =>
+      val params = javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils.parseQueryString(qs)
+    }.orNull
+  }
+  private def doXsrfFilter(request: HttpServletRequest, response: 
HttpServletResponse): Boolean = {
+    if (XSRF_METHODS_TO_IGNORE_DEFAULT.contains(request.getMethod) ||
+        request.getHeader(XSRF_HEADER_DEFAULT) != null) {
+      true
+    } else {
+      response.sendError(
+        HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST,
+        "Missing Required Header for Vulnerability Protection")
+      // scalastyle:off println
+      response.getWriter.println(
+        "XSRF filter denial, requests must contain header : " + 
+      // scalastyle:on println
+      false
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the base64 encoded auth header payload
+   */
+  @throws[HttpAuthenticationException]
+  private[cli] def getAuthHeader(request: HttpServletRequest, authType: 
String): String = {
+    val authHeader = request.getHeader(HttpAuthUtils.AUTHORIZATION)
+    // Each http request must have an Authorization header
+    if (authHeader == null || authHeader.isEmpty) {
+      throw new HttpAuthenticationException("Authorization header received " +
+        "from the client is empty.")
+    }
+    val beginIndex = if (isKerberosAuthMode(authType)) {
+      (HttpAuthUtils.NEGOTIATE + " ").length()
+    } else {
+      (HttpAuthUtils.BASIC + " ").length()
+    }
+    val authHeaderBase64String = authHeader.substring(beginIndex)
+    // Authorization header must have a payload
+    if (authHeaderBase64String == null || authHeaderBase64String.isEmpty) {
+      throw new HttpAuthenticationException("Authorization header received " +
+        "from the client does not contain any data.")
+    }
+    authHeaderBase64String
+  }
+  private def isKerberosAuthMode(authType: String): Boolean = {
+    authType.equalsIgnoreCase(AuthTypes.KERBEROS.toString)
+  }
+class HttpKerberosServerAction(
+  val request: HttpServletRequest,
+  val serviceUGI: UserGroupInformation,
+  authType: String) extends PrivilegedExceptionAction[String] {
+  @throws[HttpAuthenticationException]
+  override def run(): String = {
+    // Get own Kerberos credentials for accepting connection
+    val manager = GSSManager.getInstance()
+    var gssContext: Option[GSSContext] = None
+    val serverPrincipal = getPrincipalWithoutRealm(serviceUGI.getUserName)
+    try {
+      // This Oid for Kerberos GSS-API mechanism.
+      val kerberosMechOid = new Oid("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2")
+      // Oid for SPNego GSS-API mechanism.
+      val spnegoMechOid = new Oid("")
+      // Oid for kerberos principal name
+      val krb5PrincipalOid = new Oid("1.2.840.113554.")
+      // GSS name for server
+      val serverName = manager.createName(serverPrincipal, krb5PrincipalOid)
+      // GSS credentials for server
+      val serverCreds = manager.createCredential(serverName,
+        GSSCredential.DEFAULT_LIFETIME,
+        Array[Oid](kerberosMechOid, spnegoMechOid),
+        GSSCredential.ACCEPT_ONLY)
+      // Create a GSS context
+      gssContext = Some(manager.createContext(serverCreds))
+      // Get service ticket from the authorization header
+      val serviceTicketBase64 = ThriftHttpServlet.getAuthHeader(request, 
+      val inToken = Base64.decodeBase64(serviceTicketBase64.getBytes())
+      gssContext.get.acceptSecContext(inToken, 0, inToken.length)
+      // Authenticate or deny based on its context completion
+      if (!gssContext.get.isEstablished) {
+        throw new HttpAuthenticationException("Kerberos authentication failed: 
" +
+          "unable to establish context with the service ticket provided by the 
+      } else {
+        getPrincipalWithoutRealmAndHost(gssContext.get.getSrcName.toString)
+      }
+    } catch {
+      case e: GSSException =>
+        throw new HttpAuthenticationException("Kerberos authentication failed: 
", e)
+    } finally {
+      gssContext.foreach { ctx =>
+        try {
+          ctx.dispose()
+        } catch {
+          case _: GSSException => // No-op
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private def getPrincipalWithoutRealm(fullPrincipal: String): String = {
+    val fullKerberosName = new KerberosName(fullPrincipal)
+    val serviceName = fullKerberosName.getServiceName
+    val hostName = fullKerberosName.getHostName
+    if (hostName != null) {
+      serviceName + "/" + hostName
+    } else {
+      serviceName
+    }
+  }
+  private def getPrincipalWithoutRealmAndHost(fullPrincipal: String): String = 
+    try {
+      new KerberosName(fullPrincipal).getShortName
+    } catch {
+      case e: IOException => throw new HttpAuthenticationException(e)
+    }
+  }
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+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.operation
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli._
+import org.apache.livy.Logging
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.serde.ThriftResultSet
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.types.{BasicDataType, Field, Schema}
+class GetCatalogsOperation(sessionHandle: SessionHandle)
+  extends MetadataOperation(sessionHandle, OperationType.GET_TABLE_TYPES) with 
Logging {
+  protected val rowSet = ThriftResultSet.apply(GetCatalogsOperation.SCHEMA, 
+  info("Starting GetCatalogsOperation")
+  @throws(classOf[HiveSQLException])
+  override def runInternal(): Unit = {
+    setState(OperationState.RUNNING)
+    info("Fetching table type metadata")
+    try {
+      // catalogs are actually not supported in spark, so this is a no-op
+      setState(OperationState.FINISHED)
+      info("Fetching table type metadata has been successfully finished")
+    } catch {
+      case e: Throwable =>
+        setState(OperationState.ERROR)
+        throw new HiveSQLException(e)
+    }
+  }
+  @throws(classOf[HiveSQLException])
+  override def getResultSetSchema: Schema = {
+    assertState(Seq(OperationState.FINISHED))
+    GetCatalogsOperation.SCHEMA
+  }
+object GetCatalogsOperation {
+  val SCHEMA = Schema(Field("TABLE_CAT", BasicDataType("string"),
+    "Catalog name. NULL if not applicable."))
diff --git 
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index 0000000..aff7ace
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.operation
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli._
+import org.apache.livy.Logging
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.serde.ThriftResultSet
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.types.{BasicDataType, Field, Schema}
+class GetTableTypesOperation(sessionHandle: SessionHandle)
+  extends MetadataOperation(sessionHandle, OperationType.GET_TABLE_TYPES) with 
Logging {
+  protected val rowSet = ThriftResultSet.apply(GetTableTypesOperation.SCHEMA, 
+  info("Starting GetTableTypesOperation")
+  @throws(classOf[HiveSQLException])
+  override def runInternal(): Unit = {
+    setState(OperationState.RUNNING)
+    info("Fetching table type metadata")
+    try {
+      Seq("TABLE", "VIEW").foreach { t =>
+        rowSet.addRow(Array(t))
+      }
+      setState(OperationState.FINISHED)
+      info("Fetching table type metadata has been successfully finished")
+    } catch {
+      case e: Throwable =>
+        setState(OperationState.ERROR)
+        throw new HiveSQLException(e)
+    }
+  }
+  @throws(classOf[HiveSQLException])
+  override def getResultSetSchema: Schema = {
+    assertState(Seq(OperationState.FINISHED))
+    GetTableTypesOperation.SCHEMA
+  }
+object GetTableTypesOperation {
+  val SCHEMA = Schema(Field("TABLE_TYPE", BasicDataType("string"), "Table type 
diff --git 
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index 0000000..a587445
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@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.operation
+import java.sql.{DatabaseMetaData, Types}
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.{HiveSQLException, OperationState, 
OperationType, SessionHandle}
+import org.apache.livy.Logging
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.serde.ThriftResultSet
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.types.{BasicDataType, Field, Schema}
+sealed case class TypeInfo(name: String, sqlType: Int, precision: Option[Int],
+  caseSensitive: Boolean, searchable: Short, unsignedAttribute: Boolean, 
numPrecRadix: Option[Int])
+class GetTypeInfoOperation(sessionHandle: SessionHandle)
+  extends MetadataOperation(sessionHandle, OperationType.GET_TYPE_INFO) with 
Logging {
+  info("Starting GetTypeInfoOperation")
+  protected val rowSet = ThriftResultSet.apply(GetTypeInfoOperation.SCHEMA, 
+  @throws(classOf[HiveSQLException])
+  override def runInternal(): Unit = {
+    setState(OperationState.RUNNING)
+    info("Fetching type info metadata")
+    try {
+      GetTypeInfoOperation.TYPES.foreach { t =>
+        val data = Array[Any](
+          t.sqlType,
+          t.precision,
+          null, // LITERAL_PREFIX
+          null, // LITERAL_SUFFIX
+          null, // CREATE_PARAMS
+          DatabaseMetaData.typeNullable, // All types are nullable
+          t.caseSensitive,
+          t.unsignedAttribute,
+          false, // FIXED_PREC_SCALE
+          false, // AUTO_INCREMENT
+          null, // LOCAL_TYPE_NAME
+          0, // MINIMUM_SCALE
+          0, // MAXIMUM_SCALE
+          null, // SQL_DATA_TYPE
+          null, // SQL_DATETIME_SUB
+          t.numPrecRadix)
+        rowSet.addRow(data)
+      }
+      setState(OperationState.FINISHED)
+      info("Fetching type info metadata has been successfully finished")
+    } catch {
+      case e: Throwable =>
+        setState(OperationState.ERROR)
+        throw new HiveSQLException(e)
+    }
+  }
+  @throws(classOf[HiveSQLException])
+  override def getResultSetSchema: Schema = {
+    assertState(Seq(OperationState.FINISHED))
+    GetTypeInfoOperation.SCHEMA
+  }
+object GetTypeInfoOperation {
+  val SCHEMA = Schema(
+    Field("TYPE_NAME", BasicDataType("string"), "Type name"),
+    Field("DATA_TYPE", BasicDataType("integer"), "SQL data type from 
+    Field("PRECISION", BasicDataType("integer"), "Maximum precision"),
+    Field("LITERAL_PREFIX", BasicDataType("string"),
+      "Prefix used to quote a literal (may be null)"),
+    Field("LITERAL_SUFFIX", BasicDataType("string"),
+      "Suffix used to quote a literal (may be null)"),
+    Field("CREATE_PARAMS", BasicDataType("string"),
+      "Parameters used in creating the type (may be null)"),
+    Field("NULLABLE", BasicDataType("short"), "Can you use NULL for this 
+    Field("CASE_SENSITIVE", BasicDataType("boolean"), "Is it case sensitive"),
+    Field("SEARCHABLE", BasicDataType("short"), "Can you use \"WHERE\" based 
on this type"),
+    Field("UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE", BasicDataType("boolean"), "Is it unsigned"),
+    Field("FIXED_PREC_SCALE", BasicDataType("boolean"), "Can it be a money 
+    Field("AUTO_INCREMENT", BasicDataType("boolean"),
+      "Can it be used for an auto-increment value"),
+    Field("LOCAL_TYPE_NAME", BasicDataType("string"),
+      "Localized version of type name (may be null)"),
+    Field("MINIMUM_SCALE", BasicDataType("short"), "Minimum scale supported"),
+    Field("MAXIMUM_SCALE", BasicDataType("short"), "Maximum scale supported"),
+    Field("SQL_DATA_TYPE", BasicDataType("integer"), "Unused"),
+    Field("SQL_DATETIME_SUB", BasicDataType("integer"), "Unused"),
+    Field("NUM_PREC_RADIX", BasicDataType("integer"), "Usually 2 or 10"))
+  import DatabaseMetaData._
+  val TYPES = Seq(
+    TypeInfo("void", Types.NULL, None, false, typePredNone.toShort, true, 
+    TypeInfo("boolean", Types.BOOLEAN, None, false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
true, None),
+    TypeInfo("byte", Types.TINYINT, Some(3), false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
false, Some(10)),
+    TypeInfo("short", Types.SMALLINT, Some(5), false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
false, Some(10)),
+    TypeInfo("integer", Types.INTEGER, Some(10), false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
false, Some(10)),
+    TypeInfo("long", Types.BIGINT, Some(19), false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
false, Some(10)),
+    TypeInfo("float", Types.FLOAT, Some(7), false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
false, Some(10)),
+    TypeInfo("double", Types.DOUBLE, Some(15), false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
false, Some(10)),
+    TypeInfo("date", Types.DATE, None, false, typePredBasic.toShort, true, 
+    TypeInfo("timestamp", Types.TIMESTAMP, None, false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
true, None),
+    TypeInfo("string", Types.VARCHAR, None, true, typeSearchable.toShort, 
true, None),
+    TypeInfo("binary", Types.BINARY, None, false, typePredBasic.toShort, true, 
+    TypeInfo("decimal", Types.DECIMAL, Some(38), false, typePredBasic.toShort, 
false, Some(10)),
+    TypeInfo("array", Types.ARRAY, None, false, typePredBasic.toShort, true, 
+    TypeInfo("map", Types.OTHER, None, false, typePredNone.toShort, true, 
+    TypeInfo("struct", Types.STRUCT, None, false, typePredBasic.toShort, true, 
+    TypeInfo("udt", Types.OTHER, None, false, typePredNone.toShort, true, 
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db3929
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@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.operation
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.{FetchOrientation, HiveSQLException, 
OperationState, OperationType, SessionHandle}
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.serde.ThriftResultSet
+abstract class MetadataOperation(sessionHandle: SessionHandle, opType: 
+  extends Operation(sessionHandle, opType) {
+  setHasResultSet(true)
+  protected def rowSet: ThriftResultSet
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  override def close(): Unit = {
+    setState(OperationState.CLOSED)
+  }
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  override def cancel(stateAfterCancel: OperationState): Unit = {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("MetadataOperation.cancel()")
+  }
+  @throws(classOf[HiveSQLException])
+  override def getNextRowSet(orientation: FetchOrientation, maxRows: Long): 
ThriftResultSet = {
+    assertState(Seq(OperationState.FINISHED))
+    validateFetchOrientation(orientation)
+    if (orientation.equals(FetchOrientation.FETCH_FIRST)) {
+      rowSet.setRowOffset(0)
+    }
+    rowSet
+  }
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+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.thriftserver.operation
+import java.util
+import java.util.concurrent.Future
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.FetchOrientation
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.OperationHandle
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.OperationState
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.OperationType
+import org.apache.hive.service.cli.SessionHandle
+import org.apache.hive.service.rpc.thrift.TProtocolVersion
+import org.apache.livy.Logging
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.serde.ThriftResultSet
+import org.apache.livy.thriftserver.types.Schema
+abstract class Operation(
+    val sessionHandle: SessionHandle,
+    val opType: OperationType) extends Logging {
+  @volatile private var state = OperationState.INITIALIZED
+  val opHandle = new OperationHandle(opType, sessionHandle.getProtocolVersion)
+  protected var resultSetPresent: Boolean = false
+  @volatile private var operationException: HiveSQLException = _
+  @volatile protected var backgroundHandle: Future[_] = _
+  private val beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
+  @volatile private var lastAccessTime = beginTime
+  protected var operationStart: Long = _
+  protected var operationComplete: Long = _
+  def getBackgroundHandle: Future[_] = backgroundHandle
+  protected def setBackgroundHandle(backgroundHandle: Future[_]): Unit = {
+    this.backgroundHandle = backgroundHandle
+  }
+  def shouldRunAsync: Boolean = false
+  def protocolVersion: TProtocolVersion = opHandle.getProtocolVersion
+  def getStatus: OperationStatus = {
+    // TODO: get and return also the task status
+    OperationStatus(state, operationStart, operationComplete, 
resultSetPresent, operationException)
+  }
+  def hasResultSet: Boolean = resultSetPresent
+  protected def setHasResultSet(hasResultSet: Boolean): Unit = {
+    this.resultSetPresent = hasResultSet
+    opHandle.setHasResultSet(hasResultSet)
+  }
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  protected def setState(newState: OperationState): OperationState = {
+    state.validateTransition(newState)
+    val prevState = state
+    state = newState
+    onNewState(state, prevState)
+    this.lastAccessTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
+    state
+  }
+  def isTimedOut(current: Long, operationTimeout: Long): Boolean = {
+    if (operationTimeout == 0) {
+      false
+    } else if (operationTimeout > 0) {
+      // check only when it's in terminal state
+      state.isTerminal && lastAccessTime + operationTimeout <= current
+    } else {
+      lastAccessTime + (- operationTimeout) <= current
+    }
+  }
+  protected def setOperationException(operationException: HiveSQLException): 
Unit = {
+    this.operationException = operationException
+  }
+  protected def assertState(states: Seq[OperationState]): Unit = {
+    if (!states.contains(state)) {
+      throw new HiveSQLException(s"Expected states: $states, but found $state")
+    }
+    this.lastAccessTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
+  }
+  def isDone: Boolean = state.isTerminal
+  /**
+   * Implemented by subclass of Operation class to execute specific behaviors.
+   */
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  protected def runInternal(): Unit
+  // As of now, run does nothing else than calling runInternal. This may 
change in the future as
+  // additional operation before and after running may be added (as it happens 
in Hive).
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  def run(): Unit = runInternal()
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  def cancel(stateAfterCancel: OperationState): Unit
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  def close(): Unit
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  def getResultSetSchema: Schema
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  def getNextRowSet(orientation: FetchOrientation, maxRows: Long): 
+  /**
+   * Verify if the given fetch orientation is part of the supported 
orientation types.
+   */
+  @throws[HiveSQLException]
+  protected def validateFetchOrientation(orientation: FetchOrientation): Unit 
= {
+    if (!Operation.DEFAULT_FETCH_ORIENTATION_SET.contains(orientation)) {
+      throw new HiveSQLException(
+        s"The fetch type $orientation is not supported for this resultset", 
+    }
+  }
+  def getBeginTime: Long = beginTime
+  protected def getState: OperationState = state
+  protected def onNewState(newState: OperationState, prevState: 
OperationState): Unit = {
+    newState match {
+      case OperationState.RUNNING =>
+        markOperationStartTime()
+      case OperationState.ERROR | OperationState.FINISHED | 
OperationState.CANCELED =>
+        markOperationCompletedTime()
+      case _ => // Do nothing.
+    }
+  }
+  def getOperationComplete: Long = operationComplete
+  def getOperationStart: Long = operationStart
+  protected def markOperationStartTime(): Unit = {
+    operationStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
+  }
+  protected def markOperationCompletedTime(): Unit = {
+    operationComplete = System.currentTimeMillis()
+  }
+object Operation {
+  val DEFAULT_FETCH_ORIENTATION_SET: util.EnumSet[FetchOrientation] =
+    util.EnumSet.of(FetchOrientation.FETCH_NEXT, FetchOrientation.FETCH_FIRST)
+case class OperationStatus(
+  state: OperationState,
+  operationStarted: Long,
+  operationCompleted: Long,
+  hasResultSet: Boolean,
+  operationException: HiveSQLException)

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