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swebb2066 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 7bf9fc1a Support for Windows release validation (#447)
7bf9fc1a is described below

commit 7bf9fc1a3ba324a43343780dc94a40efe8f0280c
Author: Stephen Webb <>
AuthorDate: Tue Jan 14 13:06:53 2025 +1100

    Support for Windows release validation (#447)
 admin/ | 38 +++++++++++----
 admin/validate-release.ps1           | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/admin/ 
index 85e3a1de..b1e7c978 100644
--- a/admin/
+++ b/admin/
@@ -8,19 +8,30 @@ The steps below use version 1.4.0 as an example.
-* [GNU Privacy Guard]( is installed on your system
 * A C++ compiler is available on your system
 * cmake, APR and APR-Util are installed on your system
+* [GNU Privacy Guard]( is installed on your system
 * You have imported the [Apache Logging KEYS 
+Additional Prerequisites (Windows only)
+* The `PATH` environment variable includes directories containing `cmake.exe` 
and `gpg.exe`
+* One of these environment variables is set (using / directory separators):
+  - `CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE` - The full path to the `vcpkg.cmake` file (where 
APR-Util is installed)
+  - `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` - The full path to the directory where EXPAT, APR 
and APR-Util libraries are installed
+* If the programs `zip.exe`, `gzip.exe` and `sed.exe` are not in 
`C:/msys64/usr/bin`, the environment has a variable `LOG4CXX_TEST_PROGRAM_PATH` 
set to the full path containing those programs
 1. Download, verify check-sums, verify signatures, build and test
-    - Save to your system the verification script
+    - Save to your system a verification script from
+      - Linux, MacOS: ``
+      - Windows: `validate-release.ps1`
     - Run the script
     - For success, the final output line needs to include:
-        - `100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 62`
+        - `100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 63`
 1. Download the packaged release files from Github
     - Open in 
your web browser
     - Click the green tick mark on the top commit
@@ -32,8 +43,19 @@ Steps
     - Click the link next to `Artifact download URL:`
         - The browser will download the file `` onto your 
 1. Confirm the artifacts were sourced from Github using these commands
-    - `mkdir /tmp/log4cxx-github`
-    - `cd /tmp/log4cxx-github`
-    - `unzip "$HOME/Downloads/"`
-    - `diff /tmp/log4cxx-{1.4.0,github}/apache-log4cxx-1.4.0.tar.gz.sha512`
-    - `diff /tmp/log4cxx-{1.4.0,github}/`
+    - Linux, MacOS (bash):
+      - `cd /tmp/log4cxx-1.4.0`
+      - `unzip $HOME/Downloads/ -d github`
+      - `ARCHIVE=apache-log4cxx-1.4.0`
+      - `for TYPE in tar.gz zip; do`
+      - `diff {,github/}$ARCHIVE.$TYPE.sha512 && echo "$ARCHIVE.$TYPE.sha512: 
+      - `done`
+    - Windows (powershell):
+      - `Set-Location -Path "${ENV:TEMP}\log4cxx-1.4.0"`
+      - `Expand-Archive -Path "${ENV:HOMEPATH}\Downloads\" 
-DestinationPath "github"`
+      - `$ARCHIVE="apache-log4cxx-1.4.0"`
+      - `foreach ($TYPE in @("tar.gz", "zip")) {`
+      - `` if (@(Get-Content -Path "$ARCHIVE.$TYPE.sha512")[0]` ``
+      - `-eq @(Get-Content -Path "github\$ARCHIVE.$TYPE.sha512")[0]) {`
+      - `Write-Output "$ARCHIVE.$TYPE.sha512: OK" } }`
diff --git a/admin/validate-release.ps1 b/admin/validate-release.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b3822aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/validate-release.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Allow the version to be provided as a parameter
+param ( [string]$VERSION )
+if (-not $VERSION) { $VERSION = "1.4.0" }
+if ( ${ENV:STAGE} ) { $STAGE = ${ENV:STAGE} }
+if ( ${ENV:BASE_DL} ) { $BASE_DL = ${ENV:BASE_DL} }
+  gpg --version | Out-Null
+  Write-Error "The gpg program directory must be included the PATH environment 
variable" -ErrorAction Stop
+if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$TEST_DIRECTORY" -PathType Container))
+  New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$TEST_DIRECTORY" -ErrorAction Stop
+Set-Location -Path "$TEST_DIRECTORY"
+$ARCHIVE_TYPES = @("tar.gz", "zip")
+  if (Test-Path "$ARCHIVE.$ARCHIVE_TYPE") { Remove-Item 
+  Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$FULL_DL.$ARCHIVE_TYPE" -OutFile 
"$ARCHIVE.$ARCHIVE_TYPE" -ErrorAction Stop
+  $EXTS = @("asc", "sha512", "sha256")
+  foreach ($EXT in $EXTS)
+  {
+    if (Test-Path "$ARCHIVE.$ARCHIVE_TYPE.$EXT") { Remove-Item 
+    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$FULL_DL.$ARCHIVE_TYPE.$EXT" -OutFile 
+  }
+  $SUMS = @("sha512", "sha256")
+  foreach ($SUM in $SUMS)
+  {
+    Write-Output "Validating $ARCHIVE.$ARCHIVE_TYPE $SUM checksum..."
+    $Line = @(Get-Content -Path "$ARCHIVE.$ARCHIVE_TYPE.$SUM")[0]
+    $Fields = $Line -split '\s+'
+    $Hash = $Fields[0].Trim().ToUpper()
+    $ComputedHash = (Get-FileHash -Algorithm $SUM -Path 
+    if ($Hash -ne $ComputedHash)
+    {
+      Write-Error "Read from $ARCHIVE.$ARCHIVE_TYPE.${SUM}: $Hash" 
-ErrorAction Continue
+      Write-Error "Computed: $ComputedHash"  -ErrorAction Continue
+      Write-Error "${File}: Not Passed" -ErrorAction Stop
+    }
+  }
+  Write-Output "Validating $ARCHIVE.$ARCHIVE_TYPE signature..."
+  gpg --verify "$ARCHIVE.$ARCHIVE_TYPE.asc"
+  if (!$? ) { exit 1 }
+if (Test-Path "$ARCHIVE") { Remove-Item -Recurse "$ARCHIVE" }
+if (Test-Path test-build) { Remove-Item -Recurse test-build }
+Write-Output "Extracting files..."
+Expand-Archive -Path "$" -DestinationPath . -ErrorAction Stop
+# Check tools are on the PATH
+  cmake --version | Out-Null
+  Write-Error "The cmake program directory must be included the PATH 
environment variable" -ErrorAction Stop
+cmake -S $ARCHIVE -B test-build 
+if ( ! $? ) { exit 1 }
+cmake --build test-build --config Release
+if ( ! $? ) { exit 1 }
+Set-Location -Path test-build
+ctest -C Release --output-on-failure

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