Repository: lucy-clownfish
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master decdc56a0 -> ccb9cabe5

Doc tweaks for String classes


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: e0d83010bdb9ce4159893fb117c7c6bf15c6cae8
Parents: decdc56
Author: Marvin Humphrey <>
Authored: Thu Oct 22 15:24:44 2015 +0200
Committer: Nick Wellnhofer <>
Committed: Wed Oct 28 14:59:40 2015 +0100

 runtime/core/Clownfish/String.cfh | 90 ++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
diff --git a/runtime/core/Clownfish/String.cfh 
index e422cbf..b49a0df 100644
--- a/runtime/core/Clownfish/String.cfh
+++ b/runtime/core/Clownfish/String.cfh
@@ -34,52 +34,52 @@ public final class Clownfish::String nickname Str
     size_t      size;
     String     *origin;
-    /** Return a new String which holds a copy of the passed-in string.
-     * Check for UTF-8 validity.
+    /** Return a String which holds a copy of the supplied UTF-8 character
+     * data after checking for validity.
     inert incremented String*
     new_from_utf8(const char *utf8, size_t size);
-    /** Return a new String which holds a copy of the passed-in string.  No
-     * validity checking is performed.
+    /** Return a String which holds a copy of the supplied UTF-8 character
+     * data, skipping validity checks.
     inert incremented String*
     new_from_trusted_utf8(const char *utf8, size_t size);
-    /** Initialize the String using the passed-in string.  Do not check
-     * validity of supplied UTF-8.
+    /** Initialize a String which holds a copy of the supplied UTF-8 character
+     * data, skipping validity checks.
     inert String*
     init_from_trusted_utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
-    /** Return a pointer to a new String which assumes ownership of the
-     * passed-in string.  Check validity of supplied UTF-8.
+    /** Return a String which assumes ownership of the supplied buffer
+     * containing UTF-8 character data after checking for validity.
     inert incremented String*
     new_steal_utf8(char *utf8, size_t size);
-    /** Return a pointer to a new String which assumes ownership of the
-     * passed-in string.  Do not check validity of supplied UTF-8.
+    /** Return a String which assumes ownership of the supplied buffer
+     * containing UTF-8 character data, skipping validity checks.
     inert incremented String*
     new_steal_trusted_utf8(char *utf8, size_t size);
-    /** Initialize the String using the passed-in string.  Do not check
-     * validity of supplied UTF-8.
+    /** Initialize a String which assumes ownership of the supplied buffer
+     * containing UTF-8 character data, skipping validity checks.
     public inert String*
     init_steal_trusted_utf8(String *self, char *utf8, size_t size);
-    /** Return a pointer to a new String which wraps an external buffer
-     * containing UTF-8.  The buffer must stay unchanged for the lifetime
-     * of the String.  Check validity of supplied UTF-8.
+    /** Return a String which wraps an external buffer containing UTF-8
+     * character data after checking for validity.  The buffer must stay
+     * unchanged for the lifetime of the String.
     inert incremented String*
     new_wrap_utf8(const char *utf8, size_t size);
-    /** Return a pointer to a new String which wraps an external buffer
-     * containing UTF-8.  The buffer must stay unchanged for the lifetime
-     * of the String.  Do not check validity of supplied UTF-8.
+    /** Return a String which wraps an external buffer containing UTF-8
+     * character data, skipping validity checks.  The buffer must stay
+     * unchanged for the lifetime of the String.
     inert incremented String*
     new_wrap_trusted_utf8(const char *utf8, size_t size);
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ public final class Clownfish::String nickname Str
     inert incremented String*
     new_stack_string(void *allocation, const char *utf8, size_t size);
-    /** Initialize the String which wraps an external buffer containing
-     * UTF-8.  Do not check validity of supplied UTF-8.
+    /** Initialize a String which wraps an external buffer containing UTF-8
+     * character data after checking for validity.
     public inert String*
     init_wrap_trusted_utf8(String *self, const char *utf8, size_t size);
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ public final class Clownfish::String nickname Str
     inert incremented String*
     new_from_char(int32_t code_point);
-    /** Return a pointer to a new String which contains formatted data
-     * expanded according to CB_VCatF.
+    /** Return a String with content expanded from a pattern and arguments
+     * conforming to the spec defined by CharBuf.
      * Note: a user-supplied `pattern` string is a security hole
      * and must not be allowed.
@@ -128,13 +128,14 @@ public final class Clownfish::String nickname Str
     incremented String*
     Cat(String *self, String *other);
-    /** Return the concatenation of the String and the passed-in raw UTF-8.
+    /** Return the concatenation of the String and the supplied UTF-8
+     * character data after checking for validity.
     incremented String*
     Cat_Utf8(String *self, const char *ptr, size_t size);
-    /** Return the concatenation of the String and the passed-in raw UTF-8.
-     * Don't check for UTF-8 validity.
+    /** Return the concatenation of the String and the supplied UTF-8
+     * character data, skipping validity checks.
     incremented String*
     Cat_Trusted_Utf8(String *self, const char *ptr, size_t size);
@@ -157,22 +158,22 @@ public final class Clownfish::String nickname Str
     public double
     To_F64(String *self);
-    /** Test whether the String starts with the content of another.
+    /** Test whether the String starts with `prefix`.
     Starts_With(String *self, String *prefix);
-    /** Test whether the String starts with the passed-in string.
+    /** Test whether the String starts with `prefix`.
     Starts_With_Utf8(String *self, const char *prefix, size_t size);
-    /** Test whether the String ends with the content of another.
+    /** Test whether the String ends with `postfix`.
     Ends_With(String *self, String *postfix);
-    /** Test whether the String ends with the passed-in string.
+    /** Test whether the String ends with `postfix`.
     Ends_With_Utf8(String *self, const char *postfix, size_t size);
@@ -186,17 +187,17 @@ public final class Clownfish::String nickname Str
     Find_Utf8(String *self, const char *ptr, size_t size);
-    /** Test whether the String matches the passed-in string.
+    /** Test whether the String matches the supplied UTF-8 character data.
     Equals_Utf8(String *self, const char *ptr, size_t size);
-    /** Return the number of Unicode code points in the object's string.
+    /** Return the number of Unicode code points the String contains.
     Length(String *self);
-    /** Get the String's `size` attribute.
+    /** Return the number of bytes occupied by the String's internal content.
     Get_Size(String *self);
@@ -251,35 +252,33 @@ public final class Clownfish::String nickname Str
     Trim_Tail(String *self);
-    /** Return the Unicode code point at the specified number of code points
-     * in.  Return 0 if the string length is exceeded.  (XXX It would be
+    /** Return the Unicode code point located `tick` code points in from the
+     * top.  Return 0 if out of bounds.  (XXX It would be
      * better to throw an exception, but that's not practical with UTF-8 and
      * no cached length.)
     Code_Point_At(String *self, size_t tick);
-    /** Return the Unicode code point at the specified number of code points
-     * counted backwards from the end of the string.  Return 0 if outside the
-     * string.
+    /** Return the Unicode code point located `tick` code points counting
+     * backwards from the end.  Return 0 if out of bounds.
     Code_Point_From(String *self, size_t tick);
-    /** Return a newly allocated String containing a copy of the indicated
-     * substring.
+    /** Return a new String containing a copy of the specified substring.
      * @param offset Offset from the top, in code points.
      * @param len The desired length of the substring, in code points.
     incremented String*
     SubString(String *self, size_t offset, size_t len);
-    /** Return an iterator to the start of the string.
+    /** Return an iterator initialized to the start of the string.
     incremented StringIterator*
     Top(String *self);
-    /** Return an iterator to the end of the string.
+    /** Return an iterator initialized to the end of the string.
     incremented StringIterator*
     Tail(String *self);
@@ -363,14 +362,12 @@ public final class Clownfish::StringIterator nickname 
     public size_t
     Skip_Prev_Whitespace(StringIterator *self);
-    /** Test whether the content after the iterator starts with
-     * `prefix`.
+    /** Test whether the content after the iterator starts with `prefix`.
     Starts_With(StringIterator *self, String *prefix);
-    /** Test whether the content after the iterator starts with the passed-in
-     * string.
+    /** Test whether the content after the iterator starts with `prefix`.
     Starts_With_Utf8(StringIterator *self, const char *prefix, size_t size);
@@ -381,8 +378,7 @@ public final class Clownfish::StringIterator nickname 
     Ends_With(StringIterator *self, String *postfix);
-    /** Test whether the content before the iterator ends with the passed-in
-     * string.
+    /** Test whether the content before the iterator ends with `postfix`.
     Ends_With_Utf8(StringIterator *self, const char *postfix, size_t size);

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