 Wed Sep 28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+Title: Lucy::Docs::Tutorial::BeyondSimpleTutorial
+<div class="c-api">
+<h2>A more flexible app structure.</h2>
+<p>In this tutorial chapter, we’ll refactor the apps we built in
+<a href="../../../Lucy/Docs/Tutorial/SimpleTutorial.html">SimpleTutorial</a> 
so that they look exactly the same from
+the end user’s point of view, but offer the developer greater possibilites 
+<p>To achieve this, we’ll ditch Lucy::Simple and replace it with the
+classes that it uses internally:</p>
+<li><a href="../../../Lucy/Plan/Schema.html">Schema</a> - Plan out your 
+<li><a href="../../../Lucy/Plan/FullTextType.html">FullTextType</a> - Field 
type for full text search.</li>
+<li><a href="../../../Lucy/Analysis/EasyAnalyzer.html">EasyAnalyzer</a> - A 
one-size-fits-all parser/tokenizer.</li>
+<li><a href="../../../Lucy/Index/Indexer.html">Indexer</a> - Manipulate index 
+<li><a href="../../../Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.html">IndexSearcher</a> - 
Search an index.</li>
+<li><a href="../../../Lucy/Search/Hits.html">Hits</a> - Iterate over hits 
returned by a Searcher.</li>
+<h3>Adaptations to</h3>
+<p>After we load our modules…</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">#include &lt;dirent.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include &quot;Clownfish/String.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Analysis/EasyAnalyzer.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Document/Doc.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Index/Indexer.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Plan/FullTextType.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Plan/StringType.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Plan/Schema.h&quot;
+const char path_to_index[] = &quot;/path/to/index&quot;;
+const char uscon_source[]  = 
+<p>… the first item we’re going need is a <a 
+<p>The primary job of a Schema is to specify what fields are available and how
+they’re defined.  We’ll start off with three fields: title, content and 
+<pre><code class="language-c">static Schema*
+S_create_schema() {
+    // Create a new schema.
+    Schema *schema = Schema_new();
+    // Create an analyzer.
+    String       *language = Str_newf(&quot;en&quot;);
+    EasyAnalyzer *analyzer = EasyAnalyzer_new(language);
+    // Specify fields.
+    FullTextType *type = FullTextType_new((Analyzer*)analyzer);
+    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;title&quot;);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;content&quot;);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;url&quot;);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+    DECREF(type);
+    DECREF(analyzer);
+    DECREF(language);
+    return schema;
+<p>All of the fields are spec’d out using the <a 
href="../../../Lucy/Plan/FullTextType.html">FullTextType</a> FieldType,
+indicating that they will be searchable as “full text” – which means that
+they can be searched for individual words.  The “analyzer”, which is 
unique to
+FullTextType fields, is what breaks up the text into searchable tokens.</p>
+<p>Next, we’ll swap our Lucy::Simple object out for an <a 
+The substitution will be straightforward because Simple has merely been
+serving as a thin wrapper around an inner Indexer, and we’ll just be peeling
+away the wrapper.</p>
+<p>First, replace the constructor:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">int
+main() {
+    // Initialize the library.
+    lucy_bootstrap_parcel();
+    Schema *schema = S_create_schema();
+    String *folder = Str_newf(&quot;%s&quot;, path_to_index);
+    Indexer *indexer = Indexer_new(schema, (Obj*)folder, NULL,
+                                   Indexer_CREATE | Indexer_TRUNCATE);
+<p>Next, have the <code>indexer</code> object <a 
href="../../../Lucy/Index/Indexer.html#func_Add_Doc">Add_Doc()</a> where we
+were having the <code>lucy</code> object adding the document before:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    DIR *dir = opendir(uscon_source);
+    if (dir == NULL) {
+        perror(uscon_source);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    for (struct dirent *entry = readdir(dir);
+         entry;
+         entry = readdir(dir)) {
+        if (S_ends_with(entry-&gt;d_name, &quot;.txt&quot;)) {
+            Doc *doc = S_parse_file(entry-&gt;d_name);
+            Indexer_Add_Doc(indexer, doc, 1.0);
+            DECREF(doc);
+        }
+    }
+    closedir(dir);
+<p>There’s only one extra step required: at the end of the app, you must call
+commit() explicitly to close the indexing session and commit your changes.
+(Lucy::Simple hides this detail, calling commit() implicitly when it needs 
+<pre><code class="language-c">    Indexer_Commit(indexer);
+    DECREF(indexer);
+    DECREF(folder);
+    DECREF(schema);
+    return 0;
+<h3>Adaptations to search.cgi</h3>
+<p>In our search app as in our indexing app, Lucy::Simple has served as a
+thin wrapper – this time around <a 
href="../../../Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.html">IndexSearcher</a> and
+<a href="../../../Lucy/Search/Hits.html">Hits</a>.  Swapping out Simple for 
these two classes is
+also straightforward:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include &quot;Clownfish/String.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Document/HitDoc.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Search/Hits.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.h&quot;
+const char path_to_index[] = &quot;/path/to/index&quot;;
+main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+    // Initialize the library.
+    lucy_bootstrap_parcel();
+    if (argc &lt; 2) {
+        printf(&quot;Usage: %s &lt;querystring&gt;\n&quot;, argv[0]);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    const char *query_c = argv[1];
+    printf(&quot;Searching for: %s\n\n&quot;, query_c);
+    String        *folder   = Str_newf(&quot;%s&quot;, path_to_index);
+    IndexSearcher *searcher = IxSearcher_new((Obj*)folder);
+    String *query_str = Str_newf(&quot;%s&quot;, query_c);
+    Hits *hits = IxSearcher_Hits(searcher, (Obj*)query_str, 0, 10, NULL);
+    String *title_str = Str_newf(&quot;title&quot;);
+    String *url_str   = Str_newf(&quot;url&quot;);
+    HitDoc *hit;
+    int i = 1;
+    // Loop over search results.
+    while (NULL != (hit = Hits_Next(hits))) {
+        String *title = (String*)HitDoc_Extract(hit, title_str);
+        char *title_c = Str_To_Utf8(title);
+        String *url = (String*)HitDoc_Extract(hit, url_str);
+        char *url_c = Str_To_Utf8(url);
+        printf(&quot;Result %d: %s (%s)\n&quot;, i, title_c, url_c);
+        free(url_c);
+        free(title_c);
+        DECREF(url);
+        DECREF(title);
+        DECREF(hit);
+        i++;
+    }
+    DECREF(url_str);
+    DECREF(title_str);
+    DECREF(hits);
+    DECREF(query_str);
+    DECREF(searcher);
+    DECREF(folder);
+    return 0;
+<p>Congratulations!  Your apps do the same thing as before… but now 
they’ll be
+easier to customize.</p>
+<p>In our next chapter, <a 
 we’ll explore
+how to assign different behaviors to different fields.</p>

 Wed Sep 28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Title: Lucy::Docs::Tutorial::FieldTypeTutorial
+<div class="c-api">
+<h2>Specify per-field properties and behaviors.</h2>
+<p>The Schema we used in the last chapter specifies three fields:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    FullTextType *type = 
+    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;title&quot;);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;content&quot;);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;url&quot;);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+<p>Since they are all defined as “full text” fields, they are all 
searchable –
+including the <code>url</code> field, a dubious choice.  Some URLs contain 
+information, but these don’t, really:</p>
+<p>We may as well not bother indexing the URL content.  To achieve that we need
+to assign the <code>url</code> field to a different FieldType.</p>
+<p>Instead of FullTextType, we’ll use a
+<a href="../../../Lucy/Plan/StringType.html">StringType</a>, which doesn’t 
use an
+Analyzer to break up text into individual fields.  Furthermore, we’ll mark
+this StringType as unindexed, so that its content won’t be searchable at 
+<pre><code class="language-c">    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;url&quot;);
+        StringType *type = StringType_new();
+        StringType_Set_Indexed(type, false);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+<p>To observe the change in behavior, try searching for 
<code>us_constitution</code> both
+before and after changing the Schema and re-indexing.</p>
+<h3>Toggling ‘stored’</h3>
+<p>For a taste of other FieldType possibilities, try turning off 
<code>stored</code> for
+one or more fields.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    FullTextType *content_type = 
+    FullTextType_Set_Stored(content_type, false);
+<p>Turning off <code>stored</code> for either <code>title</code> or 
<code>url</code> mangles our results page,
+but since we’re not displaying <code>content</code>, turning it off for 
<code>content</code> has
+no effect – except on index size.</p>
+<h3>Analyzers up next</h3>
+<p>Analyzers play a crucial role in the behavior of FullTextType fields.  In 
+next tutorial chapter, <a 
we’ll see how
+changing up the Analyzer changes search results.</p>

 Wed Sep 28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Title: Lucy::Docs::Tutorial::HighlighterTutorial
+<div class="c-api">
+<h2>Augment search results with highlighted excerpts.</h2>
+<p>Adding relevant excerpts with highlighted search terms to your search 
+display makes it much easier for end users to scan the page and assess which
+hits look promising, dramatically improving their search experience.</p>
+<h3>Adaptations to</h3>
+<p><a href="../../../Lucy/Highlight/Highlighter.html">Highlighter</a> uses 
information generated at index
+time.  To save resources, highlighting is disabled by default and must be
+turned on for individual fields.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;content&quot;);
+        FullTextType *type = FullTextType_new((Analyzer*)analyzer);
+        FullTextType_Set_Highlightable(type, true);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+<h3>Adaptations to search.cgi</h3>
+<p>To add highlighting and excerpting to the search.cgi sample app, create a
+<code>$highlighter</code> object outside the hits iterating loop…</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    String *content_str = 
+    Highlighter *highlighter
+        = Highlighter_new((Searcher*)searcher, (Obj*)query,
+                          content_str, 200);
+<p>… then modify the loop and the per-hit display to generate and include the
+<pre><code class="language-c">    String *title_str = 
+    String *url_str   = Str_newf(&quot;url&quot;);
+    HitDoc *hit;
+    i = 1;
+    // Loop over search results.
+    while (NULL != (hit = Hits_Next(hits))) {
+        String *title = (String*)HitDoc_Extract(hit, title_str);
+        char *title_c = Str_To_Utf8(title);
+        String *url = (String*)HitDoc_Extract(hit, url_str);
+        char *url_c = Str_To_Utf8(url);
+        String *excerpt = Highlighter_Create_Excerpt(highlighter, hit);
+        char *excerpt_c = Str_To_Utf8(excerpt);
+        printf(&quot;Result %d: %s (%s)\n%s\n\n&quot;, i, title_c, url_c, 
+        free(excerpt_c);
+        free(url_c);
+        free(title_c);
+        DECREF(excerpt);
+        DECREF(url);
+        DECREF(title);
+        DECREF(hit);
+        i++;
+    }
+    DECREF(url_str);
+    DECREF(title_str);
+    DECREF(hits);
+    DECREF(query_str);
+    DECREF(highlighter);
+    DECREF(content_str);
+    DECREF(searcher);
+    DECREF(folder);
+<h3>Next chapter: Query objects</h3>
+<p>Our next tutorial chapter, <a 
+illustrates how to build an “advanced search” interface using
+<a href="../../../Lucy/Search/Query.html">Query</a> objects instead of query 

 Wed Sep 28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Title: Lucy::Docs::Tutorial::QueryObjectsTutorial
+<div class="c-api">
+<h2>Use Query objects instead of query strings.</h2>
+<p>Until now, our search app has had only a single search box.  In this 
+chapter, we’ll move towards an “advanced search” interface, by adding a
+“category” drop-down menu.  Three new classes will be required:</p>
+<p><a href="../../../Lucy/Search/QueryParser.html">QueryParser</a> - Turn a 
query string into a
+<a href="../../../Lucy/Search/Query.html">Query</a> object.</p>
+<p><a href="../../../Lucy/Search/TermQuery.html">TermQuery</a> - Query for a 
specific term within
+a specific field.</p>
+<p><a href="../../../Lucy/Search/ANDQuery.html">ANDQuery</a> - “AND” 
together multiple Query
+objects to produce an intersected result set.</p>
+<h3>Adaptations to</h3>
+<p>Our new “category” field will be a StringType field rather than a 
+field, because we will only be looking for exact matches.  It needs to be
+indexed, but since we won’t display its value, it doesn’t need to be 
+<pre><code class="language-c">    {
+        String *field_str = Str_newf(&quot;category&quot;);
+        StringType *type = StringType_new();
+        StringType_Set_Stored(type, false);
+        Schema_Spec_Field(schema, field_str, (FieldType*)type);
+        DECREF(type);
+        DECREF(field_str);
+    }
+<p>There will be three possible values: “article”, “amendment”, and 
+which we’ll hack out of the source file’s name during our 
+<pre><code class="language-c">    const char *category = NULL;
+    if (S_starts_with(filename, &quot;art&quot;)) {
+        category = &quot;article&quot;;
+    }
+    else if (S_starts_with(filename, &quot;amend&quot;)) {
+        category = &quot;amendment&quot;;
+    }
+    else if (S_starts_with(filename, &quot;preamble&quot;)) {
+        category = &quot;preamble&quot;;
+    }
+    else {
+        fprintf(stderr, &quot;Can't derive category for %s&quot;, filename);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    ...
+    {
+        // Store 'category' field
+        String *field = Str_newf(&quot;category&quot;);
+        String *value = Str_new_from_utf8(category, strlen(category));
+        Doc_Store(doc, field, (Obj*)value);
+        DECREF(field);
+        DECREF(value);
+    }
+<h3>Adaptations to search.cgi</h3>
+<p>The “category” constraint will be added to our search interface using 
+“select” element (this routine will need to be integrated into the HTML
+generation section of search.cgi):</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">static void
+S_usage_and_exit(const char *arg0) {
+    printf(&quot;Usage: %s [-c &lt;category&gt;] &lt;querystring&gt;\n&quot;, 
+    exit(1);
+<p>We’ll start off by loading our new modules and extracting our new CGI
+<pre><code class="language-c">    const char *category = NULL;
+    int i = 1;
+    while (i &lt; argc - 1) {
+        if (strcmp(argv[i], &quot;-c&quot;) == 0) {
+            if (i + 1 &gt;= argc) {
+                S_usage_and_exit(argv[0]);
+            }
+            i += 1;
+            category = argv[i];
+        }
+        else {
+            S_usage_and_exit(argv[0]);
+        }
+        i += 1;
+    }
+    if (i + 1 != argc) {
+        S_usage_and_exit(argv[0]);
+    }
+    const char *query_c = argv[i];
+<p>QueryParser’s constructor requires a “schema” argument.  We can get 
that from
+our IndexSearcher:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    IndexSearcher *searcher = 
+    Schema        *schema   = IxSearcher_Get_Schema(searcher);
+    QueryParser   *qparser  = QParser_new(schema, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+<p>Previously, we have been handing raw query strings to IndexSearcher.  Behind
+the scenes, IndexSearcher has been using a QueryParser to turn those query
+strings into Query objects.  Now, we will bring QueryParser into the
+foreground and parse the strings explicitly.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    Query *query = QParser_Parse(qparser, 
+<p>If the user has specified a category, we’ll use an ANDQuery to join our 
+query together with a TermQuery representing the category.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    if (category) {
+        String *category_name = String_newf(&quot;category&quot;);
+        String *category_str  = String_newf(&quot;%s&quot;, category);
+        TermQuery *category_query
+            = TermQuery_new(category_name, category_str);
+        Vector *children = Vec_new(2);
+        Vec_Push(children, (Obj*)query);
+        Vec_Push(children, category_query);
+        query = (Query*)ANDQuery_new(children);
+        DECREF(children);
+        DECREF(category_str);
+        DECREF(category_name);
+    }
+<p>Now when we execute the query…</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    Hits *hits = IxSearcher_Hits(searcher, 
(Obj*)query, 0, 10, NULL);
+<p>… we’ll get a result set which is the intersection of the parsed query 
+the category query.</p>
+<h3>Using TermQuery with full text fields</h3>
+<p>When querying full text fields, the easiest way is to create query objects
+using QueryParser. But sometimes you want to create TermQuery for a single
+term in a FullTextType field directly. In this case, we have to run the
+search term through the field’s analyzer to make sure it gets normalized in
+the same way as the field’s content.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">Query*
+make_term_query(Schema *schema, String *field, String *term) {
+    FieldType *type  = Schema_Fetch_Type(schema, field);
+    String    *token = NULL;
+    if (FieldType_is_a(type, FULLTEXTTYPE)) {
+        // Run the term through the full text analysis chain.
+        Analyzer *analyzer = FullTextType_Get_Analyzer((FullTextType*)type);
+        Vector   *tokens   = Analyzer_Split(analyzer, term);
+        if (Vec_Get_Size(tokens) != 1) {
+            // If the term expands to more than one token, or no
+            // tokens at all, it will never match a single token in
+            // the full text field.
+            DECREF(tokens);
+            return (Query*)NoMatchQuery_new();
+        }
+        token = (String*)Vec_Delete(tokens, 0);
+        DECREF(tokens);
+    }
+    else {
+        // Exact match for other types.
+        token = (String*)INCREF(term);
+    }
+    TermQuery *term_query = TermQuery_new(field, (Obj*)token);
+    DECREF(token);
+    return (Query*)term_query;
+<p>You’ve made it to the end of the tutorial.</p>
+<h3>See Also</h3>
+<p>For additional thematic documentation, see the Apache Lucy
+<a href="../../../Lucy/Docs/Cookbook.html">Cookbook</a>.</p>
+<p>ANDQuery has a companion class, <a 
href="../../../Lucy/Search/ORQuery.html">ORQuery</a>, and a
+close relative, <a 

Wed Sep 28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+Title: Lucy::Docs::Tutorial::SimpleTutorial
+<div class="c-api">
+<h2>Bare-bones search app.</h2>
+<p>Copy the text presentation of the US Constitution from the 
<code>sample</code> directory
+of the Apache Lucy distribution to the base level of your web server’s
+<code>htdocs</code> directory.</p>
+<pre><code>$ cp -R sample/us_constitution /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
+<p>Our first task will be to create an application called 
<code></code> which
+builds a searchable “inverted index” from a collection of documents.</p>
+<p>After we specify some configuration variables and load all necessary
+<pre><code class="language-c">#include &lt;dirent.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include &quot;Clownfish/String.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Simple.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Document/Doc.h&quot;
+const char path_to_index[] = &quot;lucy_index&quot;;
+const char uscon_source[]  = &quot;../../common/sample/us_constitution&quot;;
+<p>… we’ll start by creating a <a 
href="../../../Lucy/Simple.html">Lucy::Simple</a> object, telling it
+where we’d like the index to be located and the language of the source
+<pre><code class="language-c">int
+main() {
+    // Initialize the library.
+    lucy_bootstrap_parcel();
+    String *folder   = Str_newf(&quot;%s&quot;, path_to_index);
+    String *language = Str_newf(&quot;en&quot;);
+    Simple *lucy     = Simple_new((Obj*)folder, language);
+<p>Next, we’ll add a subroutine which parses our sample documents.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">Doc*
+S_parse_file(const char *filename) {
+    size_t bytes = strlen(uscon_source) + 1 + strlen(filename) + 1;
+    char *path = (char*)malloc(bytes);
+    path[0] = '\0';
+    strcat(path, uscon_source);
+    strcat(path, &quot;/&quot;);
+    strcat(path, filename);
+    FILE *stream = fopen(path, &quot;r&quot;);
+    if (stream == NULL) {
+        perror(path);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    char *title    = NULL;
+    char *bodytext = NULL;
+    if (fscanf(stream, &quot;%m[^\r\n] %m[\x01-\x7F]&quot;, &amp;title, 
&amp;bodytext) != 2) {
+        fprintf(stderr, &quot;Can't extract title/bodytext from '%s'&quot;, 
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    Doc *doc = Doc_new(NULL, 0);
+    {
+        // Store 'title' field
+        String *field = Str_newf(&quot;title&quot;);
+        String *value = Str_new_from_utf8(title, strlen(title));
+        Doc_Store(doc, field, (Obj*)value);
+        DECREF(field);
+        DECREF(value);
+    }
+    {
+        // Store 'content' field
+        String *field = Str_newf(&quot;content&quot;);
+        String *value = Str_new_from_utf8(bodytext, strlen(bodytext));
+        Doc_Store(doc, field, (Obj*)value);
+        DECREF(field);
+        DECREF(value);
+    }
+    {
+        // Store 'url' field
+        String *field = Str_newf(&quot;url&quot;);
+        String *value = Str_new_from_utf8(filename, strlen(filename));
+        Doc_Store(doc, field, (Obj*)value);
+        DECREF(field);
+        DECREF(value);
+    }
+    fclose(stream);
+    free(bodytext);
+    free(title);
+    free(path);
+    return doc;
+<p>Add some elementary directory reading code…</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    DIR *dir = opendir(uscon_source);
+    if (dir == NULL) {
+        perror(uscon_source);
+        return 1;
+    }
+<p>… and now we’re ready for the meat of – which occupies 
+one line of code.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    for (struct dirent *entry = readdir(dir);
+         entry;
+         entry = readdir(dir)) {
+        if (S_ends_with(entry-&gt;d_name, &quot;.txt&quot;)) {
+            Doc *doc = S_parse_file(entry-&gt;d_name);
+            Simple_Add_Doc(lucy, doc); // ta-da!
+            DECREF(doc);
+        }
+    }
+    closedir(dir);
+    DECREF(lucy);
+    DECREF(language);
+    DECREF(folder);
+    return 0;
+<h3>Search: search.cgi</h3>
+<p>As with our indexing app, the bulk of the code in our search script won’t 
+<p>The beginning is dedicated to CGI processing and configuration.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include &quot;Clownfish/String.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Document/HitDoc.h&quot;
+#include &quot;Lucy/Simple.h&quot;
+const char path_to_index[] = &quot;lucy_index&quot;;
+static void
+S_usage_and_exit(const char *arg0) {
+    printf(&quot;Usage: %s &lt;querystring&gt;\n&quot;, arg0);
+    exit(1);
+main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+    // Initialize the library.
+    lucy_bootstrap_parcel();
+    if (argc != 2) {
+        S_usage_and_exit(argv[0]);
+    }
+    const char *query_c = argv[1];
+    printf(&quot;Searching for: %s\n\n&quot;, query_c);
+<p>Once that’s out of the way, we create our Lucy::Simple object and feed
+it a query string.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    String *folder   = Str_newf(&quot;%s&quot;, 
+    String *language = Str_newf(&quot;en&quot;);
+    Simple *lucy     = Simple_new((Obj*)folder, language);
+    String *query_str = Str_newf(&quot;%s&quot;, query_c);
+    Simple_Search(lucy, query_str, 0, 10);
+<p>The value returned by <a 
href="../../../Lucy/Simple.html#func_Search">Search()</a> is the total number 
of documents
+in the collection which matched the query.  We’ll show this hit count to the
+user, and also use it in conjunction with the parameters <code>offset</code> 
+<code>num_wanted</code> to break up results into “pages” of manageable 
+<p>Calling <a href="../../../Lucy/Simple.html#func_Search">Search()</a> on our 
Simple object turns it into an iterator.
+Invoking <a href="../../../Lucy/Simple.html#func_Next">Next()</a> now returns 
hits one at a time as <a href="../../../Lucy/Document/HitDoc.html">HitDoc</a>
+objects, starting with the most relevant.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-c">    String *title_str = 
+    String *url_str   = Str_newf(&quot;url&quot;);
+    HitDoc *hit;
+    int i = 1;
+    // Loop over search results.
+    while (NULL != (hit = Simple_Next(lucy))) {
+        String *title = (String*)HitDoc_Extract(hit, title_str);
+        char *title_c = Str_To_Utf8(title);
+        String *url = (String*)HitDoc_Extract(hit, url_str);
+        char *url_c = Str_To_Utf8(url);
+        printf(&quot;Result %d: %s (%s)\n&quot;, i, title_c, url_c);
+        free(url_c);
+        free(title_c);
+        DECREF(url);
+        DECREF(title);
+        DECREF(hit);
+        i++;
+    }
+    DECREF(url_str);
+    DECREF(title_str);
+    DECREF(query_str);
+    DECREF(lucy);
+    DECREF(language);
+    DECREF(folder);
+    return 0;
+<p>The rest of the script is just text wrangling.</p>
+<pre><code>Code example for C is missing</code></pre>
+<h3>OK… now what?</h3>
+<p>Lucy::Simple is perfectly adequate for some tasks, but it’s not very 
+Many people find that it doesn’t do at least one or two things they can’t 
+<p>In our next tutorial chapter,
 we’ll rewrite our
+indexing and search scripts using the classes that Lucy::Simple hides
+from view, opening up the possibilities for expansion; then, we’ll spend the
+rest of the tutorial chapters exploring these possibilities.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Document/Doc.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Document/Doc.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Document/Doc.mdtext Wed Sep 28 
12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+Title: Lucy::Document::Doc – C API Documentation
+<div class="c-api">
+<td class="label">parcel</td>
+<td><a href="../../lucy.html">Lucy</a></td>
+<td class="label">class variable</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">LUCY_</span>DOC</code></td>
+<td class="label">struct symbol</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc</code></td>
+<td class="label">class nickname</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc</code></td>
+<td class="label">header file</td>
+<p>Lucy::Document::Doc – A document.</p>
+<p>A Doc object is akin to a row in a database, in that it is made up of one
+or more fields, each of which has a value.</p>
+<dt id="func_new">new</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_new</strong>(
+    void *<strong>fields</strong>,
+    int32_t <strong>doc_id</strong>
+<p>Create a new Document.</p>
+<dd><p>Field-value pairs.</p>
+<dd><p>Internal Lucy document id.  Default of 0 (an
+invalid doc id).</p>
+<dt id="func_init">init</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc*
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_init</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    void *<strong>fields</strong>,
+    int32_t <strong>doc_id</strong>
+<p>Initialize a Document.</p>
+<dd><p>Field-value pairs.</p>
+<dd><p>Internal Lucy document id.  Default of 0 (an
+invalid doc id).</p>
+<dt id="func_Set_Doc_ID">Set_Doc_ID</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_Set_Doc_ID</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    int32_t <strong>doc_id</strong>
+<p>Set internal Lucy document id.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Doc_ID">Get_Doc_ID</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_Get_Doc_ID</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Retrieve internal Lucy document id.</p>
+<dt id="func_Store">Store</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_Store</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>field</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>value</strong>
+<p>Store a field value in the Doc.</p>
+<dd><p>The field name</p>
+<dd><p>The value</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Fields">Get_Fields</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_Get_Fields</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Return the Doc’s backing fields hash.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Size">Get_Size</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_Get_Size</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Return the number of fields in the Doc.</p>
+<dt id="func_Extract">Extract</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_Extract</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>field</strong>
+<p>Retrieve the field’s value, or NULL if the field is not present.</p>
+<dt id="func_Field_Names">Field_Names</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Vector.html">Vector</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_Field_Names</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Return a list of names of all fields present.</p>
+<dt id="func_Equals">Equals</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Doc_Equals</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Doc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>other</strong>
+<p>Indicate whether two objects are the same.  By default, compares the
+memory address.</p>
+<dd><p>Another Obj.</p>
+<p>Lucy::Document::Doc is a <a 

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Document/HitDoc.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Document/HitDoc.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Document/HitDoc.mdtext Wed Sep 28 
12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+Title: Lucy::Document::HitDoc – C API Documentation
+<div class="c-api">
+<td class="label">parcel</td>
+<td><a href="../../lucy.html">Lucy</a></td>
+<td class="label">class variable</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">LUCY_</span>HITDOC</code></td>
+<td class="label">struct symbol</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc</code></td>
+<td class="label">class nickname</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc</code></td>
+<td class="label">header file</td>
+<p>Lucy::Document::HitDoc – A document read from an index.</p>
+<p>HitDoc is the search-time relative of the index-time class Doc; it is
+augmented by a numeric score attribute that Doc doesn’t have.</p>
+<dt id="func_Set_Score">Set_Score</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Set_Score</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    float <strong>score</strong>
+<p>Set score attribute.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Score">Get_Score</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Get_Score</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Get score attribute.</p>
+<dt id="func_Equals">Equals</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Equals</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>other</strong>
+<p>Indicate whether two objects are the same.  By default, compares the
+memory address.</p>
+<dd><p>Another Obj.</p>
+<h4>Methods inherited from Lucy::Document::Doc</h4>
+<dt id="func_Set_Doc_ID">Set_Doc_ID</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Set_Doc_ID</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    int32_t <strong>doc_id</strong>
+<p>Set internal Lucy document id.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Doc_ID">Get_Doc_ID</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Get_Doc_ID</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Retrieve internal Lucy document id.</p>
+<dt id="func_Store">Store</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Store</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>field</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>value</strong>
+<p>Store a field value in the Doc.</p>
+<dd><p>The field name</p>
+<dd><p>The value</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Fields">Get_Fields</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Get_Fields</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Return the Doc’s backing fields hash.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Size">Get_Size</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Get_Size</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Return the number of fields in the Doc.</p>
+<dt id="func_Extract">Extract</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Extract</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>field</strong>
+<p>Retrieve the field’s value, or NULL if the field is not present.</p>
+<dt id="func_Field_Names">Field_Names</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Vector.html">Vector</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>HitDoc_Field_Names</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>HitDoc *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Return a list of names of all fields present.</p>
+<p>Lucy::Document::HitDoc is a <a 
href="../../Lucy/Document/Doc.html">Lucy::Document::Doc</a> is a <a 

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Highlight/Highlighter.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Highlight/Highlighter.mdtext 
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Highlight/Highlighter.mdtext Wed 
Sep 28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+Title: Lucy::Highlight::Highlighter – C API Documentation
+<div class="c-api">
+<td class="label">parcel</td>
+<td><a href="../../lucy.html">Lucy</a></td>
+<td class="label">class variable</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">LUCY_</span>HIGHLIGHTER</code></td>
+<td class="label">struct symbol</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter</code></td>
+<td class="label">class nickname</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter</code></td>
+<td class="label">header file</td>
+<p>Lucy::Highlight::Highlighter – Create and highlight excerpts.</p>
+<p>The Highlighter can be used to select relevant snippets from a document,
+and to surround search terms with highlighting tags.  It handles both stems
+and phrases correctly and efficiently, using special-purpose data generated
+at index-time.</p>
+<dt id="func_new">new</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter* <span 
class="comment">// incremented</span>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_new</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/Searcher.html">Searcher</a> *<strong>searcher</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>query</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>field</strong>,
+    uint32_t <strong>excerpt_length</strong>
+<p>Create a new Highlighter.</p>
+<dd><p>An object which inherits from
+<a href="../../Lucy/Search/Searcher.html">Searcher</a>, such as an
+<a href="../../Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.html">IndexSearcher</a>.</p>
+<dd><p>Query object or a query string.</p>
+<dd><p>The name of the field from which to draw the excerpt.  The
+field must marked as be <code>highlightable</code> (see
+<a href="../../Lucy/Plan/FieldType.html">FieldType</a>).</p>
+<dd><p>Maximum length of the excerpt, in characters.</p>
+<dt id="func_init">init</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter*
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_init</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/Searcher.html">Searcher</a> *<strong>searcher</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>query</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>field</strong>,
+    uint32_t <strong>excerpt_length</strong>
+<p>Initialize a Highlighter.</p>
+<dd><p>An object which inherits from
+<a href="../../Lucy/Search/Searcher.html">Searcher</a>, such as an
+<a href="../../Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.html">IndexSearcher</a>.</p>
+<dd><p>Query object or a query string.</p>
+<dd><p>The name of the field from which to draw the excerpt.  The
+field must marked as be <code>highlightable</code> (see
+<a href="../../Lucy/Plan/FieldType.html">FieldType</a>).</p>
+<dd><p>Maximum length of the excerpt, in characters.</p>
+<dt id="func_Create_Excerpt">Create_Excerpt</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Create_Excerpt</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Document/HitDoc.html">HitDoc</a> *<strong>hit_doc</strong>
+<p>Take a HitDoc object and return a highlighted excerpt as a string if
+the HitDoc has a value for the specified <code>field</code>.</p>
+<dt id="func_Encode">Encode</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Encode</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>text</strong>
+<p>Encode text with HTML entities. This method is called internally by
 for each text fragment when assembling an excerpt.  A
+subclass can override this if the text should be encoded differently or
+not at all.</p>
+<dt id="func_Highlight">Highlight</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Highlight</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>text</strong>
+<p>Highlight a small section of text.  By default, prepends pre-tag and
+appends post-tag.  This method is called internally by <a 
+when assembling an excerpt.</p>
+<dt id="func_Set_Pre_Tag">Set_Pre_Tag</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Set_Pre_Tag</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>pre_tag</strong>
+<p>Setter.  The default value is “&lt;strong&gt;”.</p>
+<dt id="func_Set_Post_Tag">Set_Post_Tag</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Set_Post_Tag</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>post_tag</strong>
+<p>Setter.  The default value is “&lt;/strong&gt;”.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Pre_Tag">Get_Pre_Tag</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Get_Pre_Tag</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>
+<dt id="func_Get_Post_Tag">Get_Post_Tag</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Get_Post_Tag</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>
+<dt id="func_Get_Field">Get_Field</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Get_Field</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>
+<dt id="func_Get_Excerpt_Length">Get_Excerpt_Length</dt>
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>
+<dt id="func_Get_Searcher">Get_Searcher</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Get_Searcher</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>
+<dt id="func_Get_Query">Get_Query</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Get_Query</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>
+<dt id="func_Get_Compiler">Get_Compiler</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>Highlighter_Get_Compiler</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>Highlighter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for the Lucy::Search::Compiler object derived from
+<code>query</code> and <code>searcher</code>.</p>
+<p>Lucy::Highlight::Highlighter is a <a 

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/BackgroundMerger.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/BackgroundMerger.mdtext 
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/BackgroundMerger.mdtext Wed 
Sep 28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::BackgroundMerger – C API Documentation
+<div class="c-api">
+<td class="label">parcel</td>
+<td><a href="../../lucy.html">Lucy</a></td>
+<td class="label">class variable</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">LUCY_</span>BACKGROUNDMERGER</code></td>
+<td class="label">struct symbol</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>BackgroundMerger</code></td>
+<td class="label">class nickname</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>BGMerger</code></td>
+<td class="label">header file</td>
+<p>Lucy::Index::BackgroundMerger – Consolidate index segments in the 
+<p>Adding documents to an index is usually fast, but every once in a while the
+index must be compacted and an update takes substantially longer to
+complete.  See <a 
href="../../Lucy/Docs/Cookbook/FastUpdates.html">FastUpdates</a> for how to use 
this class to control
+worst-case index update performance.</p>
+<p>As with <a href="../../Lucy/Index/Indexer.html">Indexer</a>, see <a 
href="../../Lucy/Docs/FileLocking.html">FileLocking</a> if your index is on a
+shared volume.</p>
+<dt id="func_new">new</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>BackgroundMerger* <span 
class="comment">// incremented</span>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>BGMerger_new</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>index</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<p>Open a new BackgroundMerger.</p>
+<dd><p>Either a string filepath or a Folder.</p>
+<dd><p>An IndexManager.  If not supplied, an IndexManager with
+a 10-second write lock timeout will be created.</p>
+<dt id="func_init">init</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>BackgroundMerger*
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>BGMerger_init</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>BackgroundMerger *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>index</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<p>Initialize a BackgroundMerger.</p>
+<dd><p>Either a string filepath or a Folder.</p>
+<dd><p>An IndexManager.  If not supplied, an IndexManager with
+a 10-second write lock timeout will be created.</p>
+<dt id="func_Optimize">Optimize</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>BGMerger_Optimize</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>BackgroundMerger *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Optimize the index for search-time performance.  This may take a
+while, as it can involve rewriting large amounts of data.</p>
+<dt id="func_Commit">Commit</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>BGMerger_Commit</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>BackgroundMerger *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Commit any changes made to the index.  Until this is called, none of
+the changes made during an indexing session are permanent.</p>
+<p>Calls <a 
 implicitly if it has not already been called.</p>
+<dt id="func_Prepare_Commit">Prepare_Commit</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>BGMerger_Prepare_Commit</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>BackgroundMerger *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Perform the expensive setup for <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/BackgroundMerger.html#func_Commit">Commit()</a> in 
advance, so that <a 
+completes quickly.</p>
+<p>Towards the end of <a 
 the BackgroundMerger attempts to
+re-acquire the write lock, which is then held until <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/BackgroundMerger.html#func_Commit">Commit()</a> finishes
+and releases it.</p>
+<p>Lucy::Index::BackgroundMerger is a <a 

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DataReader.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DataReader.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DataReader.mdtext Wed Sep 
28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::DataReader – C API Documentation
+<div class="c-api">
+<td class="label">parcel</td>
+<td><a href="../../lucy.html">Lucy</a></td>
+<td class="label">class variable</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">LUCY_</span>DATAREADER</code></td>
+<td class="label">struct symbol</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader</code></td>
+<td class="label">class nickname</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader</code></td>
+<td class="label">header file</td>
+<p>Lucy::Index::DataReader – Abstract base class for reading index data.</p>
+<p>DataReader is the companion class to
+<a href="../../Lucy/Index/DataWriter.html">DataWriter</a>.  Every index 
component will
+implement one of each.</p>
+<dt id="func_init">init</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader*
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataReader_init</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Plan/Schema.html">Schema</a> *<strong>schema</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Store/Folder.html">Folder</a> *<strong>folder</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/Snapshot.html">Snapshot</a> *<strong>snapshot</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Vector.html">Vector</a> *<strong>segments</strong>,
+    int32_t <strong>seg_tick</strong>
+<p>Abstract initializer.</p>
+<dd><p>A Schema.</p>
+<dd><p>A Folder.</p>
+<dd><p>A Snapshot.</p>
+<dd><p>An array of Segments.</p>
+<dd><p>The array index of the Segment object within the
+<code>segments</code> array that this particular DataReader is assigned
+to, if any.  A value of -1 indicates that no Segment should be
+<dt id="func_Aggregator">Aggregator <span 
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader* <span 
class="comment">// incremented</span>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataReader_Aggregator</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Vector.html">Vector</a> *<strong>readers</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Object/I32Array.html">I32Array</a> *<strong>offsets</strong>
+<p>Create a reader which aggregates the output of several lower level
+readers.  Return NULL if such a reader is not valid.</p>
+<dd><p>An array of DataReaders.</p>
+<dd><p>Doc id start offsets for each reader.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Schema">Get_Schema</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataReader_Get_Schema</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “schema” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Folder">Get_Folder</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataReader_Get_Folder</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “folder” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Snapshot">Get_Snapshot</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataReader_Get_Snapshot</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “snapshot” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Segments">Get_Segments</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataReader_Get_Segments</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “segments” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Segment">Get_Segment</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataReader_Get_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “segment” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Seg_Tick">Get_Seg_Tick</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataReader_Get_Seg_Tick</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “seg_tick” member var.</p>
+<p>Lucy::Index::DataReader is a <a 

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DataWriter.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DataWriter.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DataWriter.mdtext Wed Sep 
28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::DataWriter – C API Documentation
+<div class="c-api">
+<td class="label">parcel</td>
+<td><a href="../../lucy.html">Lucy</a></td>
+<td class="label">class variable</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">LUCY_</span>DATAWRITER</code></td>
+<td class="label">struct symbol</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter</code></td>
+<td class="label">class nickname</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter</code></td>
+<td class="label">header file</td>
+<p>Lucy::Index::DataWriter – Write data to an index.</p>
+<p>DataWriter is an abstract base class for writing index data, generally in
+segment-sized chunks. Each component of an index – e.g. stored fields,
+lexicon, postings, deletions – is represented by a
+DataWriter/<a href="../../Lucy/Index/DataReader.html">DataReader</a> pair.</p>
+<p>Components may be specified per index by subclassing
+<a href="../../Lucy/Plan/Architecture.html">Architecture</a>.</p>
+<dt id="func_init">init</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter*
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_init</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Plan/Schema.html">Schema</a> *<strong>schema</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/Snapshot.html">Snapshot</a> *<strong>snapshot</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/Segment.html">Segment</a> *<strong>segment</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<p>Abstract initializer.</p>
+<dd><p>The Snapshot that will be committed at the end of the
+indexing session.</p>
+<dd><p>The Segment in progress.</p>
+<dd><p>A PolyReader representing all existing data in the
+index.  (If the index is brand new, the PolyReader will have no
+<dt id="func_Add_Segment">Add_Segment <span 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Add_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html">SegReader</a> *<strong>reader</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Object/I32Array.html">I32Array</a> *<strong>doc_map</strong>
+<p>Add content from an existing segment into the one currently being
+<dd><p>The SegReader containing content to add.</p>
+<dd><p>An array of integers mapping old document ids to
+new.  Deleted documents are mapped to 0, indicating that they should be
+<dt id="func_Delete_Segment">Delete_Segment</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Delete_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html">SegReader</a> *<strong>reader</strong>
+<p>Remove a segment’s data.  The default implementation is a no-op, as
+all files within the segment directory will be automatically deleted.
+Subclasses which manage their own files outside of the segment system
+should override this method and use it as a trigger for cleaning up
+obsolete data.</p>
+<dd><p>The SegReader containing content to merge, which must
+represent a segment which is part of the the current snapshot.</p>
+<dt id="func_Merge_Segment">Merge_Segment</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Merge_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html">SegReader</a> *<strong>reader</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Object/I32Array.html">I32Array</a> *<strong>doc_map</strong>
+<p>Move content from an existing segment into the one currently being
+<p>The default implementation calls <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/DataWriter.html#func_Add_Segment">Add_Segment()</a> then 
+<dd><p>The SegReader containing content to merge, which must
+represent a segment which is part of the the current snapshot.</p>
+<dd><p>An array of integers mapping old document ids to
+new.  Deleted documents are mapped to 0, indicating that they should be
+<dt id="func_Finish">Finish <span class="comment">(abstract)</span></dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Finish</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Complete the segment: close all streams, store metadata, etc.</p>
+<dt id="func_Metadata">Metadata</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Hash.html">Hash</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Metadata</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Arbitrary metadata to be serialized and stored by the Segment.  The
+default implementation supplies a hash with a single key-value pair for
+<dt id="func_Format">Format <span class="comment">(abstract)</span></dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Format</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Every writer must specify a file format revision number, which should
+increment each time the format changes. Responsibility for revision
+checking is left to the companion DataReader.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Snapshot">Get_Snapshot</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Get_Snapshot</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “snapshot” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Segment">Get_Segment</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Get_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “segment” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_PolyReader">Get_PolyReader</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Get_PolyReader</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “polyreader” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Schema">Get_Schema</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Get_Schema</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “schema” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Folder">Get_Folder</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DataWriter_Get_Folder</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DataWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “folder” member var.</p>
+<p>Lucy::Index::DataWriter is a <a 

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DeletionsWriter.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DeletionsWriter.mdtext 
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DeletionsWriter.mdtext Wed 
Sep 28 12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::DeletionsWriter – C API Documentation
+<div class="c-api">
+<td class="label">parcel</td>
+<td><a href="../../lucy.html">Lucy</a></td>
+<td class="label">class variable</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">LUCY_</span>DELETIONSWRITER</code></td>
+<td class="label">struct symbol</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter</code></td>
+<td class="label">class nickname</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DelWriter</code></td>
+<td class="label">header file</td>
+<p>Lucy::Index::DeletionsWriter – Abstract base class for marking documents 
as deleted.</p>
+<p>Subclasses of DeletionsWriter provide a low-level mechanism for declaring a
+document deleted from an index.</p>
+<p>Because files in an index are never modified, and because it is not
+practical to delete entire segments, a DeletionsWriter does not actually
+remove documents from the index.  Instead, it communicates to a search-time
+companion DeletionsReader which documents are deleted in such a way that it
+can create a Matcher iterator.</p>
+<p>Documents are truly deleted only when the segments which contain them are
+merged into new ones.</p>
+<dt id="func_Delete_By_Term">Delete_By_Term <span 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Delete_By_Term</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>field</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html">Obj</a> *<strong>term</strong>
+<p>Delete all documents in the index that index the supplied term.</p>
+<dd><p>The name of an indexed field. (If it is not spec’d as
+<code>indexed</code>, an error will occur.)</p>
+<dd><p>The term which identifies docs to be marked as deleted.  If
+<code>field</code> is associated with an Analyzer, <code>term</code>
+will be processed automatically (so don’t pre-process it yourself).</p>
+<dt id="func_Delete_By_Query">Delete_By_Query <span 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Delete_By_Query</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/Query.html">Query</a> *<strong>query</strong>
+<p>Delete all documents in the index that match <code>query</code>.</p>
+<dd><p>A <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Query.html">Query</a>.</p>
+<dt id="func_Updated">Updated <span class="comment">(abstract)</span></dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Updated</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Returns true if there are updates that need to be written.</p>
+<dt id="func_Seg_Del_Count">Seg_Del_Count <span 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Seg_Del_Count</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/String.html">String</a> *<strong>seg_name</strong>
+<p>Return the number of deletions for a given segment.</p>
+<dd><p>The name of the segment.</p>
+<h4>Methods inherited from Lucy::Index::DataWriter</h4>
+<dt id="func_Add_Segment">Add_Segment <span 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Add_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html">SegReader</a> *<strong>reader</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Object/I32Array.html">I32Array</a> *<strong>doc_map</strong>
+<p>Add content from an existing segment into the one currently being
+<dd><p>The SegReader containing content to add.</p>
+<dd><p>An array of integers mapping old document ids to
+new.  Deleted documents are mapped to 0, indicating that they should be
+<dt id="func_Delete_Segment">Delete_Segment</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Delete_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html">SegReader</a> *<strong>reader</strong>
+<p>Remove a segment’s data.  The default implementation is a no-op, as
+all files within the segment directory will be automatically deleted.
+Subclasses which manage their own files outside of the segment system
+should override this method and use it as a trigger for cleaning up
+obsolete data.</p>
+<dd><p>The SegReader containing content to merge, which must
+represent a segment which is part of the the current snapshot.</p>
+<dt id="func_Merge_Segment">Merge_Segment</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Merge_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html">SegReader</a> *<strong>reader</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Object/I32Array.html">I32Array</a> *<strong>doc_map</strong>
+<p>Move content from an existing segment into the one currently being
+<p>The default implementation calls <a 
then <a 
+<dd><p>The SegReader containing content to merge, which must
+represent a segment which is part of the the current snapshot.</p>
+<dd><p>An array of integers mapping old document ids to
+new.  Deleted documents are mapped to 0, indicating that they should be
+<dt id="func_Finish">Finish <span class="comment">(abstract)</span></dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Finish</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Complete the segment: close all streams, store metadata, etc.</p>
+<dt id="func_Metadata">Metadata</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Hash.html">Hash</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Metadata</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Arbitrary metadata to be serialized and stored by the Segment.  The
+default implementation supplies a hash with a single key-value pair for
+<dt id="func_Format">Format <span class="comment">(abstract)</span></dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Format</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Every writer must specify a file format revision number, which should
+increment each time the format changes. Responsibility for revision
+checking is left to the companion DataReader.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Snapshot">Get_Snapshot</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Get_Snapshot</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “snapshot” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Segment">Get_Segment</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Get_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “segment” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_PolyReader">Get_PolyReader</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Get_PolyReader</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “polyreader” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Schema">Get_Schema</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Get_Schema</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “schema” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Folder">Get_Folder</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DelWriter_Get_Folder</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DeletionsWriter *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “folder” member var.</p>
+<p>Lucy::Index::DeletionsWriter is a <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/DataWriter.html">Lucy::Index::DataWriter</a> is a <a 

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DocReader.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DocReader.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/0.5.0/c/Lucy/Index/DocReader.mdtext Wed Sep 28 
12:06:24 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::DocReader – C API Documentation
+<div class="c-api">
+<td class="label">parcel</td>
+<td><a href="../../lucy.html">Lucy</a></td>
+<td class="label">class variable</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">LUCY_</span>DOCREADER</code></td>
+<td class="label">struct symbol</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader</code></td>
+<td class="label">class nickname</td>
+<td><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader</code></td>
+<td class="label">header file</td>
+<p>Lucy::Index::DocReader – Retrieve stored documents.</p>
+<p>DocReader defines the interface by which documents (with all stored fields)
+are retrieved from the index.  The default implementation returns
+<a href="../../Lucy/Document/HitDoc.html">HitDoc</a> objects.</p>
+<dt id="func_Fetch_Doc">Fetch_Doc <span class="comment">(abstract)</span></dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Document/HitDoc.html">HitDoc</a>* <span class="comment">// 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DocReader_Fetch_Doc</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader *<strong>self</strong>,
+    int32_t <strong>doc_id</strong>
+<p>Retrieve the document identified by <code>doc_id</code>.</p>
+<p><strong>Returns:</strong> a HitDoc.</p>
+<dt id="func_Aggregator">Aggregator</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader* <span 
class="comment">// incremented</span>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DocReader_Aggregator</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader *<strong>self</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
href="../../Clownfish/Vector.html">Vector</a> *<strong>readers</strong>,
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
href="../../Lucy/Object/I32Array.html">I32Array</a> *<strong>offsets</strong>
+<p>Returns a DocReader which divvies up requests to its sub-readers
+according to the offset range.</p>
+<dd><p>An array of DocReaders.</p>
+<dd><p>Doc id start offsets for each reader.</p>
+<h4>Methods inherited from Lucy::Index::DataReader</h4>
+<dt id="func_Get_Schema">Get_Schema</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DocReader_Get_Schema</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “schema” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Folder">Get_Folder</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DocReader_Get_Folder</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “folder” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Snapshot">Get_Snapshot</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DocReader_Get_Snapshot</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “snapshot” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Segments">Get_Segments</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">cfish_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DocReader_Get_Segments</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “segments” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Segment">Get_Segment</dt>
+<pre><code><span class="prefix">lucy_</span><a 
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DocReader_Get_Segment</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “segment” member var.</p>
+<dt id="func_Get_Seg_Tick">Get_Seg_Tick</dt>
+<span class="prefix">lucy_</span><strong>DocReader_Get_Seg_Tick</strong>(
+    <span class="prefix">lucy_</span>DocReader *<strong>self</strong>
+<p>Accessor for “seg_tick” member var.</p>
+<p>Lucy::Index::DocReader is a <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/DataReader.html">Lucy::Index::DataReader</a> is a <a 

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