Author: olamy
Date: Sun Dec 11 17:33:27 2011
New Revision: 1213029

 'trunk' is now in maven-3 path not anymore in components


Modified: maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/development/guide-building-m2.apt
--- maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/development/guide-building-m2.apt 
+++ maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/development/guide-building-m2.apt Sun 
Dec 11 17:33:27 2011
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ svn propget svn:externals
   If you already have Maven installed, it can be faster to build a new version 
with Maven, rather than a clean bootstrap.
-  To do this, run from the <<<components>>> or <<<maven-2.2.x>>> directory:
+  To do this, run from the <<<maven-3>>> or <<<maven-2.2.x>>> directory:
 mvn install
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ mvn install -Prun-its
   If you do not have Maven installed, you can use
   {{{}Apache Ant}} to build Maven.
-  Once you have checked out the code, change into the <<<components>>> or 
<<<maven-2.2.x>>> directory that was created.
+  Once you have checked out the code, change into the <<<maven-3>>> or 
<<<maven-2.2.x>>> directory that was created.
   Set the M2_HOME environment variable to the location that should contain
   Maven. This directory <<must>> be named after the Maven version you want to

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